Harry's POV
Harry was waiting in the headmaster's office while the professors were taking the 'golden group' to the hospital wing, and he was bored.
Harry hasn't been bored outside of class (where he knows the subject, yet pretend he doesn't), he hasn't let himself being bored, since the time before Hogwarts, the time before the murder, and he wasn't going to start now.
Which is why, less then 5 minutes since his unjustly imprisonments, he was going to the thing he was interested the most about in the room- the Phoenix.
Fawkes was a beautiful bird, but Harry's interest in it was far more deep then it looks.
You see, most magical creatures made sense, unicorn's magic was so pure it had healing properties, just like how pure magic keep strengthening Harry. Thestrals look creepy, and were hunted because of that, so their magic made them invisible, yet as they can also fly, it was unable to make them completely invisible, so those who has seen death are able to see them, even basilisks made sort of sense, as they were created with the strongest venom, which destroys everything it touch in seconds, so to be able to eat, as it was unable to use it's venom to catch pry as it would destroy it, the creature's magic made it's gaze deadly.
The other creatures make sense in their own way, except for the Phoenix, who has way too much diversity in it's abilities.
First of all and biggest issue he had with the bird is it's nature.
This animal is connected to the fire element more then anything else in this world, yet it doesn't follow any rule of energy in it's use of fire.
Magic, as Harry noticed, follows the rules of Science, for the most part. And for the rules it doesn't follow? It is just that we haven't reached the right rules yet.
And one of the most basic physic laws that magic follows is the first law of thermodynamics, also known as Law of Conservation of Energy, states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed; energy can only be transferred or changed from one form to another.
If you want to create fire, you have to use at least the same amount of magical energy to create it.
This is the reason why transfigurations take finer control, as using more energy would make bigger affects.
It is also why charms take more energy, as you have to keep pouring magic in to the charm to keep it affective.
It is also why most wizards are in greater shape then muggles, as while they eat much more then most of them and by the standard of Hogwarts food, not healthy at all, wizards also spend the energy doing magic, the only fats in this world are those who don't use enough magic in their daily life.
Yet, the Phoenix can burn itself and raise from the ashes, not only that but it is also immortal, while fire can be put down.
Secondly, it's being repeatedly told that Phoenixes are immortal, yet somehow they are almost extinct, though this can be thought about as if they are hiding.
Lastly, it's healing abilities.
It's healing ability make sense some what as fire is known to close wounds, but the only cure for basilisk venom? Not to mention it couldn't save Dumbledore's life.
Those are just the abilities that didn't make sense to Harry about the Phoenix, he didn't mention the super strength the bird possessed, as fire is energy, nor it's Phoenix Lament, as fire is one of the things that can touch a person's soul.
All of those things made Harry extremely interested in the majestic bird.
"You are such a pretty bird."
Harry said as if he was talking to a baby, not wanting the bird to feel threatened as he walked closer to the fire incarnation.
"I wonder what is your name?" He said, never giving out the fact he already knew it, as he didn't know how much the Phoenix could tell the headmaster.
"His name is Fawkes."
The voice made him jump, as he didn't know where it comes from, till he saw the paintings of past headmasters hanged on the wall.
" hello, past headmasters."
It is never bad to be polite
"Hello, young student, what did you do to make you come here only a couple of minutes after you left?"
The one who talked to him was a painting of a woman who had a pointy look on her face and a tag name on the bottom of her painting said her name was 'Heliotrope Wilkins'
"Well headmistress Wilkins, you probably heard what the other four students who were here did."
"Yes, we did." said another painting, this time of a man with sharp look and a name tag that says 'Brian Gagwilde'.
"Idiotic children, you did good by telling a professor about that, in my time I would have kicked them out!"
"Yes, well, the four didn't agree with you, and just as I went out of the office, I was greeted with a fist to the face."
Gaping was heard from several headmasters.
"I avoided the fist and punched in retaliation, as my combat instructor told me to never start a fight but always finish it."
"I don't think there are a lot of combat instructors those days."
The last headmaster's painting, with the name tag of 'Armando Dippet' said.
"No, there aren't as much as there used to be, especially with unarmed fighting, but I took those lessons sense I was very young, so I would never be defenseless."
"Good job, I always thought a wizard need more then just a winter m want to defend himself!" 'Basil Fronsac' as his name tag indicated said
"After which, the group insulted my house by stating that I'm an evil person just because I'm in Slytherin, and insulted my dead parents, to which I returned in the same way by telling the girl who said it that she either was born with no intellect, or that being a Gryffindor took most of it."
At that point most of the headmasters laughed, a few looked indigent, and a couple grumbled about the shame the kids today bring to their house.
"After making her cry, I turned around to walk away, only for another fist to greet me, so I dodged and kicked the boy.
And now I wait for the current headmaster and my head of house to come back from the hospital wing to give me punishment from defending myself."
"Defending yourself usually doesn't make a person have his ribs shattered, Harry."
Turning around, he saw professor Dumbledore looking at him gravely.
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