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15.38% Danmachi : Myth Return / Chapter 1: One

Kapitel 1: One


Tower Of Babel

"What!? But it never appears in 16 years. why now?"

Shout Loki, the red-headed no-boobs goddess. The other gods also show various kinds of expression from surprise to fear.

The Black Dragon. It is the ancient monster of 'Dungeon Oratoria', the Sword Hero Albert Waldstein's party only successfully takes one of its eyes before their defeat so the beast now called One Eye Black Dragon. It last seen is sixteen years ago and annihilated the Familia Myth, the alliance of 2 strongest familia at that time Zeus Familia and Hera Familia which lead by Estelar Valdi 'Atlas', captain of Zeus Familia, the first level 7 and Strongest vanguard and Lyrei 'Archmage' the strongest Mage in history and also captain of Hera Familia. Their strength is still considered stronger than the current Freya Familia, but they still got annihilated only left weak members that did not participate before vanishing into history.

"We don't know either. maybe because of Antares's incident but we got this information from a trusted person. So we have to believe in it"

Answer Hermes, a blonde-haired and orange eyes god wearing a feather hat while shrugging

"and who it is?"

"It is classified"

"and you want us to believe in you?"

Hermes only answers with a smirk that makes some god mad including Loki.

"Silence! this problem involves the future of Genkai let discuss how we will react. As for the person who reports this he has my trust."

Ouranos, the oldest god descent in Genkai. He sits in a special seat in the room appear like an old man wearing a black robe. the other gods reluctantly accept it, because after all he always prioritizes Genkai safety. so he will not joking about how grave is this situation.

they start to discuss how to stop the disaster

"isn't that the responsibility of the strongest family to fight it?"

"yeah! Freya familia and Loki familia should go and fight it!"

One after another god agrees with that idea. They did not want to lose anything so they selfishly gave responsibility to Freya and Loki.

"You want my kids to die?" Loki slams the table "Hell no!!"

"I also reject the idea, I will never let my lovely children take a risk"

Freya, a beautiful silver-haired goddess who represents beauty itself. She rejects while looking dangerously at the god who suggests the idea.

"But how can we fight it?"

"it is impossible for us! so you must do it! don't selfish!"

"don't run from your responsibility!"

Several gods argue to make them accept the idea.

"shut up!! I dare you to say that again and I will challenge you to war game!"

No one dares to continue to argue. They only can silently curse Loki for her threat. They know that war game with Loki familia will be the end of them.

The silence continues several moments while only some of the god whisper and cursing under their breath. Loki huffing while crossing her arm in front of her flat chest and glare anyone who wants to say anything. Even Ganesha the elephant masked god who knows as the loudest god with his 'I AM GANESHA' silent in this gathering.

"well, its the most reasonable idea"

Loki glared at Hermes who gave up by raising his hand. He is still carefree even in this kind of situation.

"but now it's rejected, so we have to find another idea. Does anyone have a better idea?"

Hermes tried to continue the denatus yet no one says anything afraid to offending Loki or Freya anymore. Loki is still angry and glares at anyone who tried to say something. Freya while calm and silent but her eye says something else, there a dangerous glint in her eye when she looks at anyone who supports the previous idea.

"haaah, okay. Look like there will no progress here even if we continue. Now we can only get our children to train and prepare for the worst. So let's disband, cool our heads and think for a better idea."

Without saying anything Loki get up and walking out after kicking the door open followed by the silent Freya. The other gods one after another walking out while cursing them only to left Hermes and Ouranos.

"do you have anything to say that must talk in private, Hermes?"

"yeah, I think its the time to gather them and ' Wake him up'."

Knowing what he means by 'Wake him up' Ouranos think few moments before ask

"you know its mean quickening the disaster's arrival, right?"

"yeah..." with a sad expression, he answers

"but, old man already committed to giving us more time"

"did he?"

surprised Ouranos ask Hermes who confirm it with a firm nod

"so that why you dare to spread the news... What a great man till the end"

Ouranos smiled, he immediately agrees to Hermes's idea.

"I will allow it. go gather them and start the plan immediately. I will let Fels notify Ganesha to help you."

"yes! I will not allow his effort to go waste"

Hermes's firm answer before walking out of the hall to start the plan.


Twilight Manor

Captain Office


the door of captain office kicked before Loki walked in and dive to the sofa.

There already 3 people before she comes, they are Top executives in Loki Familia.

A bearded old dwarf with brown hair and eye, Gareth Landrock 'Elgarm'.

A beautiful green-haired and eyes high elf, Riveria Ljos Alf 'Nine Hell'. Elf princess and the vice-captain of Loki Familia.

And last but not least. A child with blond hair and blue eye, Finn Deimne 'Braver', the pallum hero and captain of Loki Familia.

They here to discuss their next expedition after Freya Familia finishes their's expedition. Because of Antares, monsters inside the dungeon become raging, and each floor after 30 is still overflowing with monsters. even after one month from the disaster, only floors before 30 already turns normal because of their previous expedition and maybe 37 if Freya familia success. Monsters will rush to them after they enter the floor so they only need to stay defensive. but, even if they are weak for them but it is still tiring to face more than a thousand monsters that come from anywhere which lasts more than a day. What more troublesome is that the dungeon floor only becomes normal after killing every monster in it, so they must clean 1 floor in one go or they will return to overflow. in the worst case, monsters will following them and go to the upper floor creating chaos in it.

As one of the strongest familia, they have the responsibility for dungeon cleaning. So they get stressed and irritated when Loki suddenly come disturbing them.

"can you not disturb now Loki-sama? We still discussing the next expedition"

"but this is important! The Black Dragon has seen somewhere!"

There a silent moment with only sound Finn drop his pencil before he asks again

"Can you repeat what you saying again? and more detail please."

"As I said before, The Black Dragon has seen somewhere. It got reported by someone to Hermes and that shady person did not want to tell us who and where. also, we don't know why that only appears now. only guessing that maybe it is because Antares Incident." explain Loki

"yeah there no way it not get threatened by that huge bow if even dungeon went mad because of it. We still have not solved the dungeon yet and now another problem which has also been caused by Antares has arisen. What a troublesome monster even after its death" contempt Gareth.

"so what the god decides in Denatus?"

Finn's question makes Loki remember the reason why she angry.

"they actually dared to suggest my and Freya Familia go and fight it. Fuck! There no way I will agree with that!!"

"Loki-sama, language. But you're right there no chance we can win even if with all Familia's help."

Riveria who silent till now says with a deep convinced tone. She felt something is missing but don't know what it is.

"huh. How can? I think Orario has more power than Familia Myth 16 years ago. If they can make the Black Dragon not dare to appear in 16 years then they must succeed seriously injuring it and force it went to hiding. So if we can now make all the adventurers in Orario join us then there a chance we can kill it if it's still not fully recovered."

'(and for her, I must kill it!)'

Finn argued with Riveria. He thinks Riveria underestimated the power of Orario. even if their large casualties he thinks they will win.

"No. You're wrong, Familia Myth never update their power to the guild in 5 years before their fall. Also, the reason for its disappearance is not because of serious injury, they can't fight with it so they decide to seal it. If it appears now, that's mean the seal broken an-- that cant be! No! It is impossible! He promises to come back before it happens! Sister also said so! but why there no news about him!? No! so, the news must be wrong. But what if it is real... ugh! "

Riveria's explanation stopped. Her stoic expression broken and she went to panic because she realizes what is missing while tear pouring out her eye before clutching her head and breath painfully while muttering to deny the truth of the news.

Even if they want to know the continuation of her explanation, they speechless because its rare, no its impossible to think the most composed person they know will look so pitiful.

"Are you okay, Riveria?"

Loki's voice and touch snapped the panic high elf that makes all of the idea and denial come at once and knock her out. But before Riveria hit the ground Gareth with swift motion catch her

"What's wrong with her? suddenly went panic. Her body is burning and drench by sweat"

"I don't know, I think she fainted because of overthinking. The only thing we know is that The Black Dragon is very dangerous. And whoever 'he' means must be so important to her. He may be the one that keeps the seal and supposes to come here before it. while the only sister of Riveria that we know is only Lyrei so it must be her who told her. But, leaving those aside. Gareth, bring her to her room and get someone to call for a doctor to come and check on her condition. For now, we will notify all members of familia to increase their training as Hermes-sama say and we will wait for Riveria to calm down before discussing how we handle it. We will also send someone to track Hermes-sama to ask more information."

Gareth nodded and carry the fainted high elf to her room. Loki feels that it is her fault to make her faint so she following Gareth to Riveria's room. The room only leaves behind Finn who still thinking while tapping the desk with his finger.

"Hmm, maybe this is more serious than what we know. but what?"

From when Loki comes he already feels his thumb is tingling and he knows there something that's not right.

"it finally appears. no matter what I will avenging her death. but as captain, I cant risking my familia."

the room silent because Finn fell into deep thought while grasping his necklace.


Twilight Manor

Dining Hall

In the hall there 4 girls that discussing something.

"Ais, do you want to go dungeon again?"

ask Tione Hiryute 'Jormungand', she is black-haired with brown eye amazon to Ais Wallenstein 'Sword Princess' a beautiful girl with golden hair and eyes.

"um, Bell wants to try party with me."

answered by her while a bit blush appears in her face that makes the other girl surprise.

"Woah, party with argonaut. Can I come too?"

ask excited Tiona Hiryute 'Amazon' like her sister she has black hair and brown eye but her bust still undeveloped, unlike her sister.

"No, you cant"

Tiona who disappointed after instant rejection starts to tease Ais with a smirk

"heeeh, so you don't want anyone to disturb your time and only want to 2 person party with argonaut. Is this Adventurer's Date I heard of?"

"NO! It is not! Right, Ais!?"

ask panicked elf with golden-yellow hair and deep-blue eyes Lefiya Viridis 'Thousand Elf' who despaired when see Ais face become red and she looks away from them.

This motion makes duo amazon smirked and tease her more while Lefiya cursing Bell but suddenly Ais stands up with serious expression while looking at the hallway.

"what wrong, Ais?"

Tiona who asks knowing a sudden shift of her expression also becomes serious when she looks at the hallway. The others also realize something wrong and look hallway.

They see fainted Riveria carried by Gareth and Loki that following him, they have a heavy aura surrounding them. They approaching them to ask.

"Gareth, Loki-sama, what happens with Riveria?"

Tione voice get their attention

"Ah, you all. Riveria fainted because of overthinking. Go to the hospital to get a doctor to come here as fast as possible."

Explain Loki while giving an order.

After seeing Lefiya and Ais who were too worried about Riveria's condition. Tione looks at Tiona who nodded at her.

""we will go""

Duo Amazon starts to run surprising the other member familia that also in the hall leaving 4 of them that continue walking to Riveria's room in silence while the other member who aware of them only can look concerned and confused. They all have the same thought

"What happens to her?".


Twilight Manor

Riveria's Room

Riveria's room full of books and documents even in the bed so Gareth can only put Riveria in her bed after moving them to her desk. Looking at how pale and sweated Riveria, Lefiya already preparing a towel and hot water. she starts to wipe Riveria sweat and compress her forehead with a warm towel.

"What is making her overthinking?" Ask Ais while looking at Lefiya treat Riveria in concern.

"We got news th-""Loki-sama! please don't make the situation become more chaotic."

Loki's explanation stopped by Gareth that makes her remember Ais's story with Black Dragon.

"There a Disaster that will come to orario, so there will command from Finn to increase training for all members to prepare for it"

Ais and Lefiya felt something is missing but decide to not ask.

not long after that, duo Amazon comes back with Airmid Teasanare 'Dea Saint' a silver-haired beauty with purple eyes girl from Dian Cecht Familia. She starts to treat Riveria and asks them to leave so that they will not disturb her. They only can obey and wait in front of the door.

"Riveria, will be okay, right?"

Loki can only answer Lefiya's question with an uncertain tone

"We can only wait and hope for the best. Let the doctor do their job"

A half-hour after that Airmid open the door and let them enter.

"How is her condition?"

asks Loki while looking at Riveria who still sleeping peacefully.

"Like what you guess. She fainted because overthinking, her anxiety build-up, and when she snapped the anxiety attack her mind and cause hyperventilate that knocked her out. I don't know what she thinking but the anxiety that builds up is enough to knock up a mage like Riveria. so it must be important for her."

Airmid explained while packing her tool

"But she will be fine now I already give her medicine to make her relaxed. from how I estimate she will be awake in a few days and don't awaken her before it or she will get caught in great confusion, and in worst case memory loss will happen. I left some relaxation herb and some medicine in case she gets a nightmare. I will leave the bill in receptionist so please pay immediately."

"yeah, thanks Airmid."

one after another the Loki Familia thanked Airmid, who smiled back and walk-off

"It is okay. I will go back now. Goodbye."

The room went silent as they looking at the sleeping high elf with concern. Loki decides they will not gain anything by staying here and tell them to leave.

"You guys can go and do your own thing. I will take care of her."

Gareth, Tione, Tiona, and Ais decide to leave only leave Loki and Lefiya who start to tidy up books and documents that scattered around in the room.

"Loki-sama it is okay for you to go too. Let me take care of Riveria-sensei. I don't have any plan this week and I don't want to left her now"

"Fine, I must have a discussion with Finn now. Let me know if you need anything."


Hearth Mansion

"Welcome back, Hestia-sama"

the green-eyed blond Renard, Sanjouno Haruhime greet her goddess Hestia, the black-haired Loli big-boobs that come back from Denatus. but, as if she still thinking something, she doesn't hear her greeting.


"Ah!... Haruhime. please call everyone to the common room as fast as possible, I have some important news that must be discussed."


even if puzzled, she feels this is very important so she immediately obeys and left looking at the other members.

Hestia continues to walk to the common room and sat on the sofa waiting for the other member to come.

The first to come is a little girl with chestnut hair and eye, Liliruca Arde 'Ant Girl' she is a pallum but she has a skill to allow her to carry a giant bag with ease that causes her to get her alias which she dislikes. She usually complains but feels this is not the right time, she sat down in a vacant chair.

The second to come is two people, a black-haired girl wearing far east cloth, Yamato Mikoto 'Zetsu Ei' and a boy with white hair and red-eye like an almiraj, Bell Cranel 'Antares Killer' he is the captain of Hestia Familia, an abnormality that gets level 5 in a year only to chase a girl. He gets his nickname because of his feat solo kill Antares that let him level up to 5. Mikoto and Bell come while sweating because they got called in the middle of morning exercise.

The last to come is Haruhime followed by a red-haired man, Welf Crozzo 'Ignis'. He is Blacksmith that capable to forge a magic sword with his Crozzo Blood skill. He comes from his forge in the back of Mansion.

Only after they all seated, Hestia takes a deep breath and starts explaining.

"...In Denatus, Hermes gives information that The Black Dragon has been seen."

The bomb that Hestia dropped makes them shocked and panicked. While they never see it, but at least they heard about its feat so they know they can't fight it and only can be helpless if it comes to Orario.

After waiting a moment for them to past their shock, Hestia say what happens in Denatus

"Loki and Freya reject the idea to send their children and we don't have any idea how to cope with this Calamity. Well, I can understand why they reject it. Because if I also in the same situation with them I will do the same thing. "

Hestia continue her story while looking at her child with care

"So what must we do now, Hestia-sama?"

Ask Bell after digest the whole information which only answered by a sad smile

" just continue to train and prepare for the worst. Enough for this, I want to sleep. This whole thing already makes me tired."

Hestia stands up and goes back to her room. Leaving the other in their own thought.

"Really, what a surprise,"


"What I mean is that the information is hard to believe."

"But I think Hestia-sama will not lie with this kind of information. And seeing her state that too tired in morning then the Denatus must be in chaos"

Mikoto trying to believe the information before asking bell

"What will we do now captain?"

All of their eye looking their captain who clenching his eye.

"Actually I don't know what to do. But we must train. Even increase our training and prepare so at least we can run when the time comes"

said Bell resolutely.

'(I must get stronger so at least I can protect them )'

"for now let end here."

Hearing that they also decide to increase their training and leave.

Bell who looking sky from window went panic from another reason.

"What!! I am already late!"

Bell goes to his room before running to the Garden of Myth.



Garden of Myth

Garden of Myth is a wide-open field filled by grass and some remnant of Castle near Colosseum. This place has rich natural energy which makes people feel relaxed and peaceful place becomes a favorite place for relaxation especially from elf because this place is also their pride.

This place builds on the ground of the Familia Myth. Before they leave, they destroy their Castle to make an open field and place a statue of their captain in the middle of it.

Bell arrived at the front of the statue but can't find her.

"huft-huft, did Ais already left? Or she late too?"

He decides to sit and wait at the bench in front of the statue while admiring it.

The Captain of Familia Myth, Estelar Valdi 'Atlas' he is a High Elf. In the book, it's written that he has golden hair and green eyes. He is one of the founders of Familia Myth and the only captain from start till the end. Even for an elf, he depends on his body than magic even make his former Title sound so ridiculous like 'Abnormal Elf' or 'Muclebrained Elf' but it's said that his body is so strong that he can come to Deep floor and come back unarmed also his high skill in handling shield make him called the strongest vanguard.

He died when leading his familia to kill the Black Dragon.

It's written that Zeus says that 'there no Familia Myth without him' thus he and remaining members decide to destroy their castle and build this place to place his statue here before leaving Orario. The statue placed in the middle of a garden in top of stone written 'In memory of Estelar Valdi The Eternal Captain of Familia Myth' in front of it.

'(If even he loses against the Black Dragon then wha-)'"Ah Bell. Sorry for keeping you waiting" a beautiful voice interrupts his train of thought.

Looking at his side, he sees Ais Wallenstein standing here.

"It's okay. I just arrived too. How many floors we will go today?"

"um. Rivira?"

"yes. Let's go".

Choir Choir

oh yeah. this after the arrow of orario but I place it after volume 15?

hell yeah. I just mess up with the history.

let me know if I miss something. I don't read the novel and only using Fandom and spoiler for references also anime XD

btw, I make several things different than the original so it's normal if I did not change everything.

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