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40.09% POKEMON: SHADOW VEILS / Chapter 86: EPISODE 86: Showdown Spectacular!

Kapitel 86: EPISODE 86: Showdown Spectacular!

"The Showdowns shall begin after dinner, trainers and competitors alike, you may now receive your food at the registration booth!" The speaker announced in the waiting room.

I and Camellia finally made it to the Quarter duels, only the top four trainers can proceed. The Showdowns, as discussed earlier, have three stages just like the Knockouts. Quarter duels, Semi duels, and the final duel! Who will win the Cerulean Plate?

"Don't expect to win Kalem! Remember, I knocked all of my opponent's Pokemon with two blows!" Krill boasted.

"Yeah? I don't care about your spooky Haunter! If I don't win, at least my Pokemons had a great time!" I uttered with frustration.

"Haha! Smell ya later, loser!" Krill mocked and left the room.

"Don't mind that Krill! He's always like that." Glade comforted and sat down beside me.

"Just you wait Krill! I'm coming for you!" I badgered.


"Alright folks! We're back to the Pokemon Battle Cup! Welcome to the main events!" Scott announced as the crowd shouted with amusement.

"Today, we have our top eight trainers! Who among them will proceed to the Semi Duels! People, please look at the big screen, here are our top eight!











There can only be one winner, who will that be!?" Scott questioned the audience.

"Trainer Kalem and Trainer Faerill, please proceed to the battlefield!" The speaker announced.

"I'm battling the top 3!?" I uttered with worry.

"It's ok Kalem, just focus on their Pokemons!" Zhery suggested.

It's time for the Quarter Duels, we will make it to the Semi Duels? Today we'll know the answer to that! I walked through the hall with slight worry. It's going to be a battle against the top 3!

"On my right, a trainer from Aulburg town, he currently has three badges, I welcome all of you to see Kalem!" Scott announced as I slowly walked to the battlefield.

"From my left, a trainer from Twinleaf town, she is known to be the 'Flygon Master' give it up to Faerill!" The commentator announced as she slowly walked with confidence.

"Flygon Master!? Riolu, we're up for a tight battle!" I uttered with worry and anxiety.

"Welcome to the Showdowns, three Pokemons each, and substitution is allowed! Trainers, send out your first Pokemon!

"Treecko, it's battling time!" I tossed the Pokeball to the glorious moon as my Treecko leaps into action.

"Mareep, dazzle time!" Faerill sent out her Mareep! A fluffy yellow Pokemon just like Zhery's Mareep.



"Battle Begin!"

"Mareep, use electric terrain!"

*The entire stadium turned yellow! Electric terrain sharply boosts electric type attacks!*

"Treecko use bullet seed!"

"Mareep dodge it then use Electric Impulse!"

*Mareep dodged the attack! An electric ripple surrounds Treecko's feet, it was followed by a thunder strike from the sky!*

"What's an electric impulse?" Camellia queried.

"Electric impulse is an exclusive electric attack only available in this region, the move surrounds the foe's feet and is followed by a thunder strike from the sky," Glade explained.



"Treecko stay with me buddy, use Razor Leaf!"

*Mareep needs to recharge! Mareep is unable to move!*



"Alright Treecko, follow it up with quick attack!"

"Mareep use Thunder Wave!"

*Treecko got paralyzed, the attack was canceled !*



"Mareep, use Magnetic Collision!"

*Large Magnetic rocks busted out of the ground hitting Treecko very harshly*



"Magnetic Collision is also an attack introduced in this region, they're powerful alright," Glade uttered with worry.

"Oh no, Treecko get up then use razor leaf!"

<Treecko!>The Pokemon beamed with determination.

"Mareep, return for now! Come on out Charmeleon!" Faerill substituted Pokemons!

"Now we have to deal against a fire type!? Alright then, Treecko use quick attack!"

"Crush Claw on the ground Charmeleon!"

*Treecko blasted off to the sky as the battlefield exploaded.*



"Treecko, use bullet seed!"

"Charmeleon, use Flame Thrower!"

<Chaaaarrr!!>The Pokemon sent out a vast array of flames heading towards Treecko!



"Treecko is unable to battle! Trainer Kalem, please send out your next Pokemon!" The referee instructed.

"Riolu, I need you in the battlefield right now!" I called with determination.

"I can defeat any bulky Pokemon, leave it to me!" Riolu hops with optimism.

"Battle Continue!"

"Riolu use Force Palm!"

"Charmeleon, use Flame Thrower!"

"Dodge them swiftly!"

*Riolu dodges the flame thrower as it moves closer to Charmeleon!*



"Throw Charmeleon to the sky with Seismic Toss!"

*Charmeleon ascends to the sky and falls back gravely!*



"Charmeleon, use Metal Claw!"

"Intercept with Metal Claw!"

"Switch to flame thrower!"



"Riolu, now use Force Palm once more!"

"Charmeleon dodge it then use flame thrower!"

*Charmeleon dodges the attack!*



"Charmeleon, now use flame thrower!"

"Riolu, use quick attack to dodge then follow up with force palm!"

*Charmeleon's attack missed!*



"Charmeleon now use flame thrower again!"

*Riolu was unable to get up immediately.



*Charmeleon started to glow! It began to grow wings, and it's flame burned brighter!*

<CHARRRRRMMEEEE.... Charizard!>The Pokemon evolved into Charizard.

"This is bad! Kalem must think of a way to defeat that Charizard!" Camellia uttered with worry.

"Riolu watch out for Charizard!" I encouraged with worry.

Charizard[140] EVO!


"Riolu use Seismic Toss!"

"Charizard fly up to the sky, then use Volcanic Descend!"

"Volcanic descend!? What kind of new move is that?" Camellia queried.

"Charizard's signature move in this region is Volcanid Descend. Once the user uses this move, the user turns bright red and is surrounded by fiery embodiment and hits the foe as it descends from the sky! It increases the speed of the Pokemon!" Glade warned.

"Riolu dodge it!"

*Riolu wasn't able to dodge!*



"Riolu is unable to battle, Trainer Kalem... please send out your next Pokemon!" The referee instructed.

"Alright Riolu, have a long nap." I smiled at my disappointed Riolu as it walks back to his seat.

"Gardevoir, let's go!" I tossed the Pokeball to the sky and turned my hat.

"Battle Continue!"

"Charizard use Flame Thrower!"

"Gardevoir, dodge it then use Psychic! Bang Charizard's head around the stadium wall!"

*Charizard's attack missed! Charizard's head was hit through every corner of the stadium!*



"Gardevoir, use Magical Leaf!"

*Charizard wasn't able to stand upright away!*



"Trainer Faerill, please send out your next Pokemon!" The referee instructed.

"Come on out Mareep!"

"Battle Continue!"

Mareep[430] +REST


"Gardevoir use Shadow ball and follow it up with magical leaf!"

*Mareep was unable to dodge right away!*



"Use Electric Impulse!"

<Maaaa>The Pokemon stomps its two hind legs as an electric ripple surrounds Gardevoir followed by a thunder strike!



"Gardevoir use Psychic, then throw Mareep to the sky!"

*Mareep ascended to the sky and descended gravely back to the ground.*

Mareep[0] KNOCK OUT


"Trainer Faerill, please send out your last Pokemon!"

"Sand dragon Flygon!" Faerill tosses the Pokeball into the night sky.

"Battle Continue!"



"Flygon use Dragon Claw!"

"Gardevoir use Shadow Ball!"

*Flygon's attack was canceled !*



"Alright Gardevoir, follow up with magical leaf!"

*Flygon wasn't able to fly right away!*



"Flygon use Continental Erosion!"

*Gardevoir was surrounded with a barrier made out of rocks, then a large rock descended from the sky and dealt maximum damage to Gardevoir from the top!*

"Continental erosion? What kind of move is that?" Zhery queried.

"Continental Erosion is Flygon's signature move in this region. The foe is surrounded with a rocky wall, then a large rock falls from the sky, crushing and eroding the rocks and the foe!" Glade explained.



"Flygon now use Dragon Pulse!"

"Use Shadow Ball!"



"Gardevoir now uses Psychic and crush Flygon's head by banging it to the ground!"

<Flygoooonnnnn!!!>The Pokemon cried in pain.



"Flygon is unable to battle, the winner is Kalem and his Gardevoir!" The referee announced as the crowd stood up and cheered my name.

"Gardevoir we did it!" Gardevoir hugged me up close while I smiled back at her.

That was a lucky win. I thought I was about to lose back then, but thanks to Gardevoir? We made it to the Semi Duels!

"Hyper beam Snorlax!"

"Dodge it quick!"

"Let's go Bellosom!"

"Blaziken stand up!"

"Haunter Dream Eater!"

"Up to the sky Staraptor!"

So far, three trainers moved to the semi-finals, and I'm one of them! Now it's Camellia's turn. Will she make it through the Quarter duels?

"Welcome to the last match of the Quarter Duels! On my left, I have Camellia, a trainer aspiring to become a Pokemon Professor!" Scott announced as Camellia stepped out from the shadows.

"On my right, let's welcome Crista from Pallet Town in the Kanto region!" Scott announced as Camellia's opponent walks with confidence.

"Three Pokemons each, substitution is allowed! Please send out your first Pokemon!" The referee instructed.

"Braixen, I need you now!" Camellia tossed Braixen's Pokeball with elegance.

"Pidgeotto, fly up with me!" Crista tosses Pidgetto's Pokeball with style.

"Battle Begin!"



"Braixen use Flame Wheel!"

"Pidgeotto! Dodge the attack!"

*Pidgeotto was unable to dodge! Critical hit!*



"Pidgeotto, use drill peck!"

"Braixen dodge it then use Flame thrower!"

<Braixen!>The Pokemon moved with elegance.



"Crista, please send out your second Pokemon!"

"Raticate, let's go!"

"Battle continue!"

"Raticate use hyper fang!"

"Braixen, dodge it then use flame thrower again!"

*Braixen was able to dodge!*



"Raticate, use Hyper Fang!"

"Braixen dodge the attack and use the same method!"



"Why are Camellia's opponents very easy!" I uttered with jealousy.

"Nah, those opponents are hard to beat for you, but Camellia? Pretty easy!" Zhery teased.

"Whose side are you on?" I uttered with slight frustration.

"Trainer Crista, please send out your next Pokemon!"

"Come on out Bellsprout!"

"Are you kidding? Camellia has an extra win." I complained.

"I guess this Crista is just like Ronnelle!" Glade hunched sarcastically.

"Battle Continue!"

"Braixen, use Flame Thrower!"

"Dodge it Bellsprout!"

"Use Flame Wheel!"

*Super effective, Flame wheel was super effective!*



"WHAT!!?? Why do I always battle the tough opponents." I uttered with disappointment.

"The winner is Camellia and Braixen!" The referee announced.

"We did Braixen! Thank you so much!" Camellia and Braixen hugged each other tightly and happily.

"...And that's that for the Quarter duels, now let us proceed to the Semi Duels! Folks, here are the top four trainers which made it to the Semi Duels:





It's time to shuffle their names, in this way... we can find out who their opponents are.




These are the matches for the Semi Duels!" Scott announced as the crowd got excited! They cheered for their favorite trainer.

"I...I'm up against Krill!?" I uttered with shock.

"Prepare to lose, loser!" Krill mocked and left the room.

"If you want to battle me Kalem, you must defeat your rival!" Camellia comforted and cheered.

"Oh I will defeat him for sure!" I uttered with frustration and left the room.


"Come on buddy, we have a mission, Mission: Defeat your Rival!" I beamed with determination as Riolu hopped unto my shoulder.

This is it, the match I've been waiting for, a match against Glade and his Pokemons! If we lost? It's ok, the most important thing in battling is the fun that is awarded to each trainer.

"Welcome to the first match of the Semi-Duels! On my left, we have our number one trainer... KRILL!!!" The commentator announced as Krill walked into the battlefield with arrogance.

"On my right, we have our fourth trainer in the tier list... I present to you, Kalem!" The commentator announced as I walked with determination and optimism.

"Three Pokemons each! Substitution is allowed, please send out out your first Pokemon!" the referee instructed.

"Haunter it's haunting time!"

"I knew it, Zorua let's go!" I tossed Zorua's Pokeball high into the air with confidence. I've seen all of Krill's matches, I won't be losing this time!

"Battle Begin!"



"Zorua use dark pulse!"

*Haunter was surrounded with a dark veil! It was super effective!*



"Haunter use yawn!"

"Zorua close your eyes and stop breathing for a while!"

"Hee hee!" Zorua giggled and laugh.

*Zorua closed her eyes and held her breath, the yawn didn't take effect!*

"What the!?" Krill uttered in shock.

"Zorua, follow up with payback!"

*Payback dealt twice the damage as usual! Super effective!*



"Haunter is unable to battle, please send out your next Pokemon!" The referee instructed.

"So Kalem's plan is to use type advantages, a good strategy for trainers who use good attack combos." Glade complimented as he watched from the small screen.

"Gabite your up next!" Krill sent out a bulky looking Pokemon with two blades as hands. Scales traveled across its tail as his yellow eyes show no mercy to any Pokemon who dares to battle it.

"Battle Continue!"

"Zorua use Pursuit!"

"Gabite, dodge the attack then use Dragon Claw, four times in a row!"

*Gabite dodges Zorua's attack and used Dragon Claw on Zorua!*



"One hit KO? But Dragon Claw isn't a one-hit KO!?" I beamed with worry and confusion.

"Gabite is a strong dragon type, the only way to counter it is by using a fairy type attack..." I uttered in my mind while thinking of strategies to use.

"Trainer Kalem, please send out your second Pokemon!" The referee instructed.

"Come on out Gardevoir!" I tossed Gardevoir's Pokeball into the sky as she descends with a smile on her face.

"Battle continue!"

"Gardevoir, mediator of the light and dark... show them your true colors! On my command, MEGA EVOLVE!" I beamed with excitement and joy as my Mega ring and the Gardevoirite stone attached to Gardevoir's neck began to glow. Gardevoir started to change size and shape as her determination runs through her veins.

"Who cares about mega evolution? Gabite use dragon rage!"

<GABBBITTTEEE!!!>The Pokemon unleashed a grave dragon attack.

"Gardevoir dodge it then use Fairy Tempest!"

*Gardevoir dodged the attack and used her mega signature move, Fairy Tempest! Super Effective!*


Gardevoir[750]+MEGA EVO

"Trainer Krill, please send out your third Pokemon!" The referee instructed.

"That's it, Combusken win this match for me!"Krill uttered with frustration.

"Battle continue!"

"Combusken, use flame thrower!"

"Gardevoir dodge the attack then use shadow ball!"

<Gardevoir!>The Pokemon dodged the attack and unleashed a shadow ball havoc!



"Combusken, if you lose? You don't deserve to eat! Use Combustion course!" Glade commanded!

"Combustion course!? Is that another fire type move exclusive to this region?" Camellia queried.

"Yes it is! It's like flame charge but five times stronger!" Glade explained.



"Gardevoir, now use Fairy Tempest!"

"Combusken no!" Krill beamed with frustration and anger.



"The winner of this match goes to Kalem and Gardevoir! Whoever wins in the second match will battle Kalem and his Pokemon on a three on three Pokemon battle!" The referee explained.

My body wanted to burst with joy, that was an easy win against Krill, if it weren't for Gardevoir's mega stone, we would have lost.

"Great job Gardevoir!" Me and Gardevoir hugged each other tightly. I made it to the final duel, it's either Zed or Camellia, who will be my opponent?

"That's it Kalem! I'm coming back for you, do you hear me? I'm going to defeat you in our rematch!" Krill burst with anger and left the stage immediately.

"Kalem, you've finally defeated your rival!" Zhery beamed with joy as I entered the room.

"Not yet, the only day I defeat Krill is during the Pokemon League!" I burst with determination.

"Krill will surely get a mega stone to mega evolve his Pokemon soon! You better watch out." Glade warned.

"That's ok Glade, I'll be stronger too when Krill gets stronger! Every time I see his face, I'll keep on rematching him!" I beamed and jumped with joy.

"Trainer Zed and Trainer Camellia, please proceed to the battle stadium!" The speaker announced.

"I guess I'm up next!" Camellia uttered with worry.

"Win the match Camellia, so we'll battle next!" I beamed and cheered for Camellia.

"Thanks so much, I'll be doing what I can to win the whole match!" Camellia beamed with determination and excitement as she left the room with her passionate spirit.

"On my right... we have a girl all the way from Cavalry town, I give you Camellia!" The commentator announced as Camellia entered the battlefield looking serious and determined.

"On my left, we have Zed all the way from the Unova region!" The commentator announced but no one was going out.

"Trainer Zed!? Trainer Zed?" The commentator called the opponent's name but still, no one was coming out.

The referee rushed to the commentator and whispered something to Scott's ear.

"............." The referee whispered.

"Oh, now I see why, thanks so much!" The commentator nodded his head and spoke towards the crowd.

"Trainer Zed is currently unavailable due to some technical issues, which means Camellia wins by default! Trainer Kalem, please proceed to the stage for the final match!" The commentator announced and called.

"First, she battled a Magikarp, then earned a free win, now she won by default!? Why can't that happen to me!" I complained.

"Just be happy, now go out there and battle Camellia!" Glade pushed me outside the room with his mischievous ways.

"Alright buddy, we're up against Camellia for the final duel! Even if she's our best friend, we're still not going easy on her!" I beamed with determination as I walked through the hall with determination and excitement.

"Alright, on my right... we have our top one, Kalem from Aulburg town!" The commentator announced and welcomed me to the battlefield.

"It doesn't mean we're best friends, I'm going easy on you, me and my Pokemons will do whatever we can to achieve the Cerulean Plate!" I uttered with determination.

"Me too Kalem, expect a hard battle!" Camellia beamed with excitement as she walked closer to the battlefield.

"Three Pokemons shall be used, substitution is not allowed! I repeat Substitution is not allowed! Please send out your first Pokemon!" The referee instructed.

"Absol, you're up first!"

"Scyther, let's win this!"

"Battle Begin!"



"Scyther use sword dance!"

"Absol use Crush Claw Right Now!"

*Scyther's attack rose sharply but was hit with Crush Claw!*



"Alright Scyther, now use X-Scissors!"

"Dodge it Absol then use Shadow Claw!"

"Scyther, behind you!"

*Scyther's attack was able to hit Absol! Shadow Claw missed!*



"Scyther now use Sword Dance again!"

"Absol, use crush claw once more!"

*Scyther was hit with Crush Claw but Scyther's attack rose sharply!*



"Scyther now use brick break!"

"Absol use Crush Claw on the ground!"

*Scyther exploaded due to the Crush Claw attack!*



"Trainer Kalem, please send out your next Pokemon!" The referee instructed.

"Treecko, I choose you!"

"Battle Begin!"

"Treecko use Bullet Seed!"

*Absol was unable to dodge right away*



"Absol use dark pulse on Treecko!"

*Treecko was surrounded by a dark veil*



*Treecko flinched!*

"Absol finish Treecko with shadow claw!"

*Treecko was hit by a powerful shadow claw attack unleashed by Absol!*



"Riolu, it's all up to you!"

"You got it Kalem!" Riolu beamed with determination.

"Battle Continue!"

"Absol use crush claw!"

*Riolu wasn't able to move right away!*



"Riolu, use Seismic Toss!"

"Absol counter with Shadow Claw!"

*The attack was countered! Shadow Claw did a critical hit!*



"Absol, use Crush Claw again!"

<ABBBSSOOOLL!>The Pokemon beamed with determination and lunched the move.



"The Pokemon Battle Cup is officially over, the winner is Camellia and Absol!" the referee stated as the crowd cheered for Camellia.

"Come here RIolu, don't get disappointed! After all, Camellia and Absol are truly powerful!" I cheered and grabbed Riolu's body while playing with his head.

"We never win against her, only once!" Riolu complained.

"Cheer up buddy, there's still room for improvement!" I smiled at my buddy and hugged him tightly.

"Camellia, we present to you the Cerulean Plate, a symbol of victory!" The commentator gave Camellia a blue shiny plate! She won the Pokemon Battle Cup with ease.

"Congratulations Camellia! You and Absol we're awesome!" I beamed with joy as I expressed my sportsmanship.

"Thanks so much Kalem!" Camellia smiled at me and shook my hand!

The Pokemon Battle Cup officially ended, with Camellia as the victor of the competition! I may have lost, but that competition opened a whole lot of battle strategies waiting to explode! For now? I'm tired! It's been a long day, and I'm sleepy. I still have to wake up early for the Super Crescent Moon Festival tomorrow!

At the journey continues!

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