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33.17% POKEMON: SHADOW VEILS / Chapter 71: EPISODE 71: Under the Sand Dunes!

Kapitel 71: EPISODE 71: Under the Sand Dunes!

"Alright Treecko! Are you ready to see your present?" I queried with determination.

<Treecko! Treecko! Treeck!> The Pokemon uttered with excitement as it smiled towards me.

"Ok, if you say so! I present to you... the, Poketrans Gem! Through this gem, we could understand each other more frequently!" I smiled while kneeling and putting the Poketrans gem on Treecko.

"See! It even looks good at you. This is also proof that you're my Pokemon!"

"K... Kalem?" Treecko tried to use the Poketrans gem and it worked! Treecko smiled at me and hugged me very tight.

"Alright Treecko, return to your Pokeball for now, you deserve a long rest!" I complimented as I took Treecko's Pokeball and returned him to his Pokeball.

After winning against Alby, the owner of the Silvent Desert toll, he gave the four of us free Go Go Goggles! These goggles protect your eyes against sand especially when there is an ongoing sand storm.

"Take care! It's a rough desert out there!" Alby warned as he waved goodbye at us.

"We will! Thank you so much for the free Go Go Goggles!" The four of us waved and greeted Alby goodbye as we entered the Silvent Desert.

Riolu was also given a Go-Go Goggles since Riolu hates to stay in Pokeballs. Riolu's goggles were color green... these are goggles only suited for Pokemons. The lenses are thicker on Riolu's goggles since Riolu's retina was sensitive.

We entered the Silvent Desert together only to find gushing sands, strong winds and tall sand dunes. The desert was rough to pass through as the winds tried to stumble our bodies. We could barely hear each other due to the winds and sands gushing through.

"Camellia! Glade! Zhery!" I shouted and hoped that they could hear me. It was zero visibility in the Silvent Desert, making it harder to see my friends.

Minutes later, my Xtransciever began to ring. Glade, Zhery, and Camellia were trying to call me. I guess they were trying to look for me?

<Xtransciever match call>

....connecting....connecting.... Connection successful!

Camellia: Kalem... Where are you?

Kalem: I don't know where I am... All I see are sand grains and stones.

Zhery: We must meet at the northern reaches of the desert. According to the map of the desert, the winds are calm over there.

Glade: Northern reaches? Where in the world is that?

Zhery: Just head north and you'll reach the destination.

Camellia: How can I know if I'm heading north?

Glade: Use your compass app in your Poketch.

Kalem: Alright, I'll meet all of you in the northern reaches!

Camellia: Be careful everyone! We don't know what lies deep in the desert!

<Xtransciever match call ended>

We had to shout at our Xtransciever since the winds were too loud. The is to meet everyone in the northern reaches, but how far is the northern reaches?

"Come on Riolu! Let's meet them at the northern reaches of this desert!" I uttered loudly while hugging Riolu tight on my hands.

"Hang in there buddy!" I encouraged and hugged Riolu while traveling through the violent rage of the Silvent Desert.

"Kalem! my ears if full of sand!" Riolu uttered loudly as his ears got irritated.

"Don't worry Riolu! I think we're almost there!" I hunched. The winds kept gushing towards us and as we moved forward it got stronger. It seems to me that the wind is somehow mad at us.

I didn't notice that my bag was open, and as the wind continued to gush through us... the Pokemon egg fell out!

"Oh no! Riolu, you have to wait longer! We have to chase the egg!" I uttered loudly as Riolu shivered due to irritation.

The egg rolled through the sand dunes, and since it was zero visibility... It would be harder for me to see the Pokemon egg.

I can't just randomly send out my Pokemons to help me find the egg, they don't have goggles to protect their eyes.

Meanwhile, Zhery... Glade... and Camellia, already made it to the northern reaches.

"Finally! I've made it." Zhery uttered with relief as she sat down in the dunes. Alby told us, that if there were no sandstorms we could remove our Goggles.

Minutes later, after Zhery's arrival in the northern reaches, Glade and Camellia finally saw Zhery.

"Zhery! There you are, me and Camellia were looking for you!"

"Glade! Camellia! Finally, all we have to do is to wait for Kalem."

"Wait! Kalem hasn't returned yet!?" Camellia uttered with worry as she removed her goggles.

"No, not yet. Have you seen Kalem Glade?"

"Nope... I thought Kalem was with you."

"So if Kalem isn't here... then that means, something must be wrong!" Camellia hunched.

"I tried to call him but he was in an area with no signal!" Zhery uttered.

"This is bad! Where did Kalem run off to, this time!?"Glade wondered.

I and Riolu tried to chase the egg but it got lost. I tried to use my flashlight but the storm was still too strong. I and Riolu were walking too far, that we didn't notice we were already in the Eastern reaches of the Silvent Desert.

"Riolu! Tell me if you see the egg!" I uttered loudly. Riolu tilted his head to check if there were Pokemon eggs lying in the dunes.

The Eastern reaches were filled with devastating sand storms. I couldn't handle the wind as it tried to push me. My foot tried to stay still on the sand but it was losing grip from time to time.

"Riolu, I think I may have to send you back to your Pokeball."

"No Kalem, I don't want to stay there. I want to stay with you."

"I... I can't handle the wind anymore, the storm is getting stronger."

"No Kalem... Please don't send me back to my Pokeball!" Riolu begged.

I had no choice but to answer Riolu's pleading, I was having a hard time walking through the sand, but I had to stay firm.

I looked for the egg everywhere, but there was still nothing in sight. My body was about to give up but I forced it to hold unto the sand firmly.

I was starting to cough, the sand was entering my nostrils and my mouth, my body started to feel weak.

"Riolu... I can't do this anymore." I uttered loudly as my body slowly swayed.

"Kalem! Please don't give up now! Achoo!" Riolu sneezed as the sand entered his nostrils.

"Riolu... The storm is too strong for me to handle!" I uttered loudly.

"Kalem! We can't give up, if you give up then Corviknight is gonna kill us when he finds out that the egg it gave us got lost in the desert." Riolu uttered loudly.

I listened to Riolu's encouragement and continued to walk. My body may be tired, but my soul is strong and sturdy.

Camellia, Glade, and Zhery began to worry about me.

"Something must've happened to Kalem!" Glade hunched.

"I'm trying to call him but the signal is too weak!" Camellia uttered with frustration.

"Should we go back and find Kalem?" Zhery suggested and queried.

"Let's wait for him, if he still doesn't arrive after thirty minutes, we have no choice but to go and look for him," Glade uttered.

Meanwhile at the eastern reaches... I and Riolu continued to search for the egg but we couldn't find anything at all until we saw something glowing.

"Kalem! That must be the Pokemon egg!" Riolu pointed at the glowing object.

"You're right, come on let's go!" I uttered loudly with encouragement and went towards the glowing object.

"You're right Riolu! It is the egg!" I beamed with joy as I tried to pick up the egg. My hand almost touched the egg, but the egg rolled again.

"Not again!?" I badgered with frustration as I tried to chase the egg one more time.

"Come back here, you mischievous egg!" I uttered loudly by running as fast as I can while the storm rages on. I was running to fast and accidentally tripped because of a medium-sized boulder on the way.

I lost my grip on Riolu as I tripped. I tried to stand up but the wind was pushing my body to roll down the dune.

"Kalem! Are you alright!?" Riolu queried as he ran close to me.

"I can, but I can't stand up..." I uttered loudly while getting irritated.

"Kalem, your knee has a wound!" RIolu alerted and pointed.

"No time for complaining! We must move on, come on Riolu." I uttered with encouragement and stood up. Riolu jumped at my arm and hugged me tightly.

I had to hop because of my wound, this made me slower. I exceeded my limit and tried to leap while walking. I didn't focus on my wound, I focused on the egg.

"Arghh!" I uttered with pain as my wound swelled because of the sand.

"Kalem, you got this! I see the egg, but it's too far!" Riolu pointed.

"I know Riolu, I'm trying my best to stand... Just hang in there ok?"

"Of course I will! This place is a sandy nightmare." Riolu teased sarcastically.

"Come on Kalem! Answer the Xtransciever!" Camellia uttered to herself while trying to dial my Xtransciever.

"Did Kalem answer your call Camellia?" Zhery queried.

"He's not picking up! We have to go look for him!" Camellia suggested.

"But what if Kalem returns all of a sudden?" Glade queried.

"If he reaches this area then he would probably call us!" Zhery hunched.

"Alright then, let's go look for Kalem!" Camellia jumped with eagerness.

The three of them wore their goggles and went back to the southern reaches. What they don't know is that I'm in the Eastern reaches.

"Riolu! I think I'm losing my breath." I hunched.

"Kalem! There's the egg, we almost made it!"

"I need a power nap!" I uttered with drowse.

"Wake up Kalem! This isn't the time to rest." Riolu slapped my face gently to wake my sleepy body.

"J... just five minutes, I'll take a five-minute nap!" I uttered slowly as I dropped on the sand.

"Kalem! Wake up!" Riolu tried to wake me up but I was too tired due to the stress I experienced while traveling across the desert.

"That's it, I'm going to get the egg by myself!" Riolu uttered and walked towards the egg.

Riolu would constantly rub his ears due to the irritation caused by the sand, but at least he has goggles to protect his eyes. Riolu was able to grab the egg and walked back towards me only find me sleeping. What's strange is, the storm didn't wake me up.

"Kalem! I got the egg, wake up now!" Riolu uttered heavily while holding the egg tightly. Riolu tried to push my head but I still didn't wake up. I was enjoying my dream and my brain was too tired.

Riolu began to rest beside me as he gasped for air. Then, Riolu remembered that I had an Xtransciever! Riolu went to my arms and tried to contact my friends.

"Kalem is calling!" Camellia uttered with relief and answered my call or in this case, Riolu's call!

Riolu <Xtransciever> Camellia.

Riolu: Rio! Riolu! (Riolu uttered with worry)

Camellia: Riolu! Where's Kalem?

Riolu: Riolu! Rio! Rio! (Riolu showed Camellia what I was doing.)

Camellia: What happened to Kalem!?

Riolu: Rio! Rio! Riolu! Riolu! (Riolu tried to use sign language to explain.)

Camellia: I don't understand you Riolu, tell me where the two of you are!

Riolu: Rio! Riolu! Riolu! Rio! (Riolu tried to use sign language again!)

Camellia: Rio.... lu... ca... Riolu? (Signal lost!)

Riolu: (Signal Lost!) Reconnecting... Reconnecting.... Reconnection unsuccessful! Zz...Zz

<Xtransciever ended>

"Seriously!? The signal again!" Camellia badgered.

"What happened to Kalem Camellia?" Zhery uttered with worry.

"I don't know, but Kalem was lying on the floor!" Camellia explained with worry.

"Quick! Let's search for them in the other reaches!" Glade suggested.

The three of them traveled to the western reaches.

"Kalem... Please wake up! I'm getting sleepy too." Riolu uttered with drowse.

Riolu sat down beside me and slowly closed his eyes. Riolu's eyes slowly closed when all of a sudden, a silhouette of a Pokemon appeared in front of Riolu. Riolu didn't have the energy to lift his tired eyes.

<Krooko? Krookodile!> The Pokemon uttered as Riolu's eyes closed.

Minutes later, I woke up to a place I'm unfamiliar with. I looked around and saw Riolu beside me while the egg was on a chair. I was on a wooden hut, while a man with a white beard was trying to cook something.

"Ouch..." I uttered slowly while scratching my head.

"Oh? You're awake already?" the man with a white beard wondered as he brought me a bowl of soup.

"E... Excuse me, but where am I?" I uttered with a low and tired tone.

"Don't worry boy, I didn't kidnap you... Welcome to the desert hotel!" the man with a white beard introduced.

"Desert hotel? So that means I'm still in the Silvent Desert right?"

"You sure are! Here, have some soup... you'll need it!" The man with a white beard gave me the soup and a tiny spoon.

"Thank you so much sir... I'm sorry if Riolu caused trouble or anything."

"Riolu? Nah! He didn't do a thing, you can call me Florence by the way."

"Thanks so much Mr. Florence, is that Krookodile yours?" I uttered while staring at the sleeping Krookodile.

"Nope, that Krookodile belongs to my son. He's on his journey to become a Pokemon Master."

"Oh... I see me and your son have the same dream!" I uttered while taking a sip from my soup.

"Oh? Do you want to become a Pokemon master? That's a great dream. So tell me umm what should I call you?"

"Kalem, my name is Kalem Mr. Florence!"

"Oh Kalem! What a nice name you have. So Kalem, tell me... How many gym badges do you have?"

"So far, I have three badges. Now I'm off to Silvent City to get my fourth gym badge."

"Silvent City eigh?" Florence reassured.

"Is there anything wrong at Silvent City Mr. Florence?"

"No... Nothing at all."

Then, a young girl with an age of six came rushing by to Mr. Florence.

"Hey dad! Look what I found under the dunes." The girl showed the object to his dad.

"Oh you're back early Elly! This is Kalem by the way, he's a trainer just like your brother!" Florence introduced.

"Oh... Hey there Mr. Kalem! My name is Elly." The girl introduced.

"You can call me Kalem, simply... Kalem!"

"Oh ok then Kalem! Welcome to the Desert resort. Me and dad are on a vacation here! We're planning to visit the ruins and the dojo tower!" Elly explained.

"Really? That seems fun!"

"You can join us at Kalem! You're headed to Silvent City right?"

"How did you know?"

"It's obvious! Why else would you be here? Anyways... The gym leader of Silvent city isn't there at the moment." Elly explained.

"What? But why isn't the gym leader there?" I queried in confusion.

"Sorry! But it's a secret! Hee Hee! So, Kalem do you want to come with us?" Elly queried.

"Yeah! Sure... Ahh! I forgot to call my friends!" I quickly grabbed thee Xtransciever on the table and called my friends.

"Don't worry Kalem, I told your friends that you're here in the desert hotel. They might not answer since they're on the other side of the desert. There's even a hotel there too." Florence explained while washing his hands.

"How did you know that I had friends? Hmm?" I wondered with suspiciousness towards Mr. Florence.

"Haha! Don't worry Kalem, I'm not a Chaos grunt. Krookodile gave me your Xtransciever when he arrived back with you on his arms. Since you had an Xtransciever, I knew that you had friends so I called them right away. Camellia, Glade, and Zhery are their names right?"

"Yes Mr.Florence! Thanks for letting them know." I smiled.

"So Kalem, why don't you come with us to the ruins and the dojo tower! Elly's right you know. The gym leader isn't at Silvent City."

"Yeah... but I have to reunite with my friends first, but since their's no signal... how could I call them?" I queried.

"Don't worry! They said they'll be waiting for you at the other hotel. We could travel there but first, me and Elly wants to stop by at the Dojo Tower and the Ruins."' Mr. Florence explained while wiping his hands.

"Yeah Kalem! Your friends are at the western reaches, and in order to go there... we have to pass by the Dojo tower and the ruins! So what do you say? Wanna come?" Elly pleaded with her cute panda eyes.

"Well, I can't say no! So let's go tomorrow!" I beamed with excitement.

"Yay! In the meantime, you can stay in my brother's bedroom! You'll be his substitute!" Elly smiled.

"Alright... If you say so. Thanks for the hospitality by the way." I greeted. Elly saw my sleeping Riolu and rushed towards it.

"Hey Kalem, is this your Pokemon?" Elly queried.

"Yeah, but don't disturb him while he's sleeping! You don't want to be smacked by Riolu do you?" I teased.

"Alright! But when he wakes up, can he play with me pretty please!" Elly begged with her baby doll eyes.

"Sure! No problem! Riolu is friendly towards toddlers like you!" I smiled at Elly.

Meanwhile at the Desert Resort West Reaches Department...

"I hope Kalem's fine..." Camellia uttered with worry.

"He'll be fine Camellia, remember what Mr. Florence said? He'll bring Kalem there but first, they'll be going to the Dojo tower and the ruins." Zhery comforted.

"Yeah... I guess we could wait for Kalem here." Camellia uttered solemnly.

Thanks to Florence and his son's Krookodile, I was saved from that harsh storm! Now, it's time to continue my adventure through the Silvent Desert. I may not be traveling with my friends right now but one thing's for sure... We'll meet again on the other side of the desert!

One question remains... Why is the gym leader of Silvent City not there? Well, we'll now soon as the journey continues!

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