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72.22% A Quincy's Fairy Tail / Chapter 13: 3/5

Kapitel 13: 3/5

For the townsfolk of Oshibana it was a day truly out of the ordinary. Theirs was a rather unassuming spot on the map of Fiore and rare was it that anything particularly extraordinary occurred there. That was precisely why so many had gathered at the train station to check out the commotion that was going on. It had been a peculiar day, yes, but now was it going to continue its parade of oddities.

"Hey look," one of the residents began to say, her eyes drawing up away from the entrance of Oshibana Station, "there's somebody on the balcony!"

All eyes were cast upwards then, the populace taking note of a scarlet haired woman adorned in armor.

"People of Oshibana," Erza began to shout into a microphone, "I suggest you vacate this area immediately!"

Despite her power having temporarily lost its luster for the time being, the Fairy Tail wizard knew there was little she could offer to the battle against Eisenwald. Yet still was she determined to play a part in saving the lives of Erigor's intended victims.

"A dark guild has taken this place for their own," she continued, "and they intend to broadcast a deadly spell over the loudspeakers! I beg each and every one of you to inform those you see and to run as far as you can! Save your friends! Save your families! Save yourselves!"

Erza sighed then, taking note of the mass panic that ensued, the civilians running in absolute fear. It was a terrible sight perhaps, but a necessary one if they were to survive this day.

Yet the one railway official atop the balcony did not particularly agree. "Lady, what the heck do you think you're doing? Why would you scare the hell out of everyone like that?"

"I'd rather watch them flee in fear than simply die on the spot," Erza answered simply. "In fact I suggest you run as well. If you have family, you need to get them out of Oshibana immediately."

The railway official simply stood in shock. "Are you cra-"

"Hey!" an amplified voice suddenly screamed directly into the man's left ear. "What are you, deaf? When Titania tells you to run, you run! Got it? Good! Now get moving!"

The railway official fell to the ground then, rubbing his ear as Bambietta continued to shout at him with a megaphone all her own.

"Bambietta," Erza began to say, "I suggest you cease your talking into that megaphone or he may truly become deaf."

"Oh, my bad!" the Quincy replied, moving the megaphone away from her face while wearing a sheepish grin. "So I see your plan worked."

"Yes," Erza said as she watched a mass influx of people pouring through the streets of Oshibana and moving far away from the station.

"Shame it went so well," Bambietta said softly. "I was so hoping I'd have to chip in too. I was all ready to start screaming my pretty little head off. 'People of Oshibana, run away this instant or you're all going to die!' That would have been a hoot and a half!" The Quincy looked towards the railway official who was now taking his leave as fast as he could. "Oh well. I still kind of got that out of my system."

"I suppose that's good to hear," Erza began to muse as she looked down at the emptying town, "though now I can't help but what Erigor's next move will be."

"Hey, Erza."

"No doubt that man will lose heart once he learns that we've denied him the majority of his potential victims."


"What?" The armored mage turned then, taking note of Bambietta glancing back towards the Oshibana Station building they had just been inside. Yet it was what the Quincy was staring directly at that left even the S-Class mage in shock.

It was wind. Wind in its most violent form, whipping about with such force that it was completely visible, as if a tornado had consume the train station itself.

"What sorcery is this?" Erza began to ask, the wizard's hands tightening into fists. "Erigor, you-"

"You know, I always wanted a chance to fight Titania," a voice suddenly said from behind. Bambietta and Erza both turned in response, catching sight of Erigor hovering in the air, his scythe resting atop his shoulders. "How unfortunate then that I do not have the time do so."


Bambietta began to summon her bow yet it was too late. The dark mage's hand suddenly came alive with magic, a gust of wind slamming into her and the weakened Erza with such force that they were pushed into the barrier around Oshibana Station.

"Damn it!" Bambietta shouted, finding herself and her ally back within the building and left to look at the veritable tornado before them both.

"It's not over yet!" Erza was quick to her feet, running forward. Yet as her armored hand made contact with the barrier she was thrown back, a small gasp of pain escaping from her.

"You fool!" Erigor shouted, making sure he was heard over the sound of his wind. "One cannot simply walk through my magical barrier unless I allow it! The winds will shred your body to pieces if you try!"

"You scoundrel," Erza said as she began to stand once more. "What is the meaning of this?"

Bambietta sighed. "Okay, so I was right. It was a trap. This totally blows."

"Curse you, Erigor," Erza murmured, the armored mage watching as he vanished from sight. "So you weren't targeting the station after all?"

"Oh I was indeed," Erigor replied. "Capturing you meddlesome flies was simply a happy result, but a necessary one. I cannot have you or anyone else interfering!"

Erza's eyes narrowed. "Interfering with what?"

Erigor simply smiled down at Erza then, the assassin's gaze one of utter confidence. "You'll see soon enough."

Bambietta could see it then, the wind wizard beginning to move away, as if ready to leave those he had trapped. The Quincy was uninterested in that then. She knew it well enough, yes. She had confided in ones who pledged themselves to the dark and perhaps this man was no different.

Bambietta knew it well enough, that many an individual who indulged in such dark desires was arrogant to a fault, ready and willing to do anything to meet a challenge presented before them if it had dared to wound their ego. After all, was she so different?

"Please," the Quincy began to say, shrugging her shoulders and shaking her head, "I wouldn't worry, Erza. This putz barely seems the type to even have a master plan."

"Is that what you think?" Erigor stopped moving then, his gaze settling upon Bambietta. "The potential fool is perceiving me as a fool? Well now..."

"Don't blame me," Bambietta replied with a smirk. "You just hardly seem the deep thinker type, you know?"

"How transparent." Erigor simply chuckled then. "I suppose this is where you expect me to prove you wrong and explain exactly what I'm plotting, yes?"

Bambietta's arms dropped to her sides then, the Quincy slumping forward in annoyance. "That was the general idea, yeah."

"And still I am left to wonder if you are simply trying to irritate me or are just that dumb," Erigor mused. "I suppose it doesn't matter. Nothing matters anymore. Especially not you Fairy Tail flies."

Bambietta chided herself for her foolishness. She had hoped to goad Erigor into revealing just what he was after but clearly he was not quite the type she had grown used to within the Vandenreich. He was playing his cards close to his chest, something more akin to His Majesty than any simple Stern Ritter.

Still was Bambietta persistent. Whether she was simply trying to show off for the illustrious Erza Scarlet or to simply puff up her own ego she was not sure. "Oh come on. Share with the rest of the class, you silly shini-"

Then did the Quincy pause, taking note of the simple fact that Erigor was removing from his robes the Lullaby flute. The man was bringing it closer to his lips then, no doubt intent on ridding himself of two who dared to oppose him.

Bambietta began to move then, summoning the power of her bow and intent on shooting Erigor down. The Quincy knew that she no doubt had no chance of shooting through the barrier of wind, yet she was going to try. It was simply better to live on her feet than die on her knees. Yet then did Bambietta remembered well the words Makarov had spoken to her not long ago. Of how there would no doubt come a time that she would be in a situation where it was her life or another's that would end. Yet that was not all she remembered.

The Quincy promised herself she would do her best to not enjoy taking this man's life if she got the chance.

Yet then did Erigor stop, a moment's hesitation forcing him to move Lullaby away. "No. Not like this. Far be it for me to deny the Queen of her Fairies and her little sidekick a proper and deserving death."

Bambietta flinched then and there. "Sidekick? Why you bare-chested bastard!"

Erza suddenly stepped forward. "What are you plotting now?"

"The same as before," Erigor continued. "However I do hope to fight you at your very best, Titania. Not this spent shell that stands before me now."

Bambietta could tell then that this Erigor was rather observant, having realized that Erza was spent for the moment. She tensed up then, wondering if he would still go back on his word and attack despite his claim.

"Yes," Erigor continued. "When we fight, I want to see your face contorted in anguish and sorrow, with a merciless rage! And soon I shall have provoked such feelings in you!"

Erza stood steadfast, never letting her voice raise or lower in response to Erigor the Reaper's madness. She simply began to repeat herself. "What are you plo-"

"I'm sick of you being so vague, you big blowhard!" Bambietta suddenly screamed. "Either tell us what you've got planned or just stop being so cryptic and fly the hell away, all right?"

A low hiss slipped from between Erigor's lips, the man glaring at Bambietta once more. "You were correct before, you know. Perhaps you are smarter than I give you credit for."

Bambietta blinked. "Huh?"

"I see no innocents," Erigor began to reply, "simply victims that may need to die on a mission. Yet the target of Lullaby's spell will not be them, not today. No, it was exactly as you said before, Fairy Tail fly."

Bambietta tried to remember back. "What did I say again? Oh, you mean-"

"The ones who will suffer under the magic of Lullaby of those who have basked in the light while condemning my guild to the shadows!"

"You fiend," Erza began to say, realization dawning on her. "You don't mean-"

"You have no need to fear for the Magic Council," Erigor retorted. "They are beyond my reach for now. However, do you know what town is next in line from this train station?"

"Yeah, no," Bambietta whispered. "I'm just the newbie to this world. Erza?"

"No." The armored mage's eyes went wide. "Clover..."

"Yes," Erigor replied with a sadistic grin. "The only expedient way to reach there is through this train station. And now that it's cut off and you flies are trapped, I can move on without being impeded or stopped by you or anyone else!"

"And what's so important about this Clover place exactly?" Bambietta asked.

"Master Makarov," Erza began to whisper. "It's where the guild masters of Fiore always meet year after year." Erza snapped then, her face contorting with rage. "You heartless dastard!"

"Yes, that's the look!" Erigor cackled, his own face contorting with a twisted sense of joy. "Once the guild masters who bask in the light are dead I will return, Titania! Then you can show me the monster you will have become! Wallow in despair and let your rage consume you!"

"Erigor!" Erza screamed outwards then, her armored hands curling into fists. Yet it was to no avail, the Ace of Eisenwald simply vanishing into thin air then, his cruel laughter fading not long after.

Only then did Erza calm herself. "We have to stop him. For Master Makarov's sake. For all the others."

"Well let's get to it then," Bambietta said as she moved forward. "You're the Queen of the Fairies, right? I'm sure you've got a nifty little armor that could waltz right through this silly little barrier."

Erza reached out, allowing her armored fingers to brush against the wind. Sparks flew for a moment, the pressure forcing the mage's hand to move to the slide. "Yes, I do. However, to use it to its full extent would require me to be at full strength."

"Then rest up," Bambietta said. "We're not going anywhere until then unfortunately."

"I may not," Erza began to say, "but you can."

Bambietta could only blink. "Say what?"

"You did say you could teleport earlier, yes?" Erza asked.

Bambietta blinked again. "What now?"

"When you offered to get Natsu off the train on our way here."

Then did it come to the forefront of Bambietta's thoughts. "Oh yeah. That." She laughed nervously then, her right hand playing with a lock of her hair. "Well, you know... we were pressed for time then and I didn't quite have the opportunity to explain it in great detail. I... I can't actually teleport."

"So you simply possess high speed movement?"

"Yeah, pretty much," Bambietta replied. "I kind of gather energy by my feet and it allows me to move in the blink of an eye. Again, it would have taken way too long to explain during that mess."

Erza nodded. "High speed movement."

"Okay, when you say it like that I guess I could explained it accurately and quickly." Bambietta very nearly dropped her face into the palm of one of her hands then. "Well at least it's a unique power, right?"

"I suppose I should have realized it sooner," Erza mused, speaking absent-mindedly. "It did seem similar to what my Flight Armor is capable of."

Bambietta sighed. "Okay, so not that unique. Darn it." Then did the Quincy snap to attention. "Oh yeah! Erigor!"

"There's got to be a way through this cursed wind." Erza bit her lower lip then, trying to weight any and all options present to her. Then did one come to mind. "There's a chance that those of Eisenwald have seen Erigor employ this technique in the past. They may know how we can break through it."

"Oh." Bambietta grinned then. "So we just have to play a little rough with them? Sounds like fun."

"No, Erza. Stop." Bambietta spoke with little enthusiasm as she watched Erza continue to yell at Byard, the armored wizard holding him by the lapels of his shirt. The Quincy could only fold her arms across her chest in annoyance, mumbling under her breath while she did so. "This is no fun. Why do I have to play the part of the good cop?"

Bambietta glanced around then, taking note of the restrained members of Eisenwald, all of them tied up. The Quincy began to wonder if she should go against Erza's wishes and play hard ball with one of them. Yet she remembered well that the armored mage was the one with a terrifying reputation around here, not her. Someday soon Bambietta would have to earn such a status, she knew that much.

"You think I'd help you?" Byard rasped as he looked up at Erza. ""You and your friends aren't going anywhere. No one in Eisenwald knows how to break through Erigor's barrier."

"You're lying," Erza said simply.

Byard began to sweat a little then. "Okay, fine, so the guild master does. But even if I knew, I'd never tell. You official guilds are going to understand our pain, make no mistake!"

"Hey, Erza!"

Bambietta and her compatriot glanced to the side then, taking note of Gray Fullbuster fast approaching. In response did Erza grow cross.

"Gray, what are you doing here? You're supposed to be with Natsu!"

Gray flinched, his approach slowing. "We had to split up but never mind that now! We've got bigger problems! The guy from Eisenwald I was fighting pretty much told me everything! They're real target is-"

"Clover, we know," Bambietta interrupted. "I so totally made Erigor spill the beans, yeah. That's just how I roll."

"And we still can't get through his barrier," Erza hissed as she dropped Byard.

"Yeah, I saw it through the windows on my way back," Gray said as he began to move closer. Then did he pause, noticing that Erza was holding her right arm tightly. "Erza, you didn't try to force your way through?"

"Yes." It was a simple answer, the mage offering up nothing else. "Wait..."

Bambietta began to move closer than. "Erza?"

"When I overheard the guild members back at the pub they spoke of a man named Kageyama," Erza began to say. "He was their choice to break the seal on Lullaby in the first place. Maybe he can do the same to Erigor's wind magic."

"Isn't that the guy Erigor shouted at earlier?" Bambietta began to ask. "The one who went after Gray and Natsu?"

"Well I didn't fight him," Gray replied. "Then Natsu must be-"

Erza began to move then. "We need to find him and Natsu now!"

Bambietta and Gray gave chase as well, leaving the battered and broken Byard alone. The man began to look towards the wall then, his gaze growing quite serious.

"Karacka, you can come out now."

From the wall a magic circle appeared and thus did Karacka move out from it. The rotund wizard sighed. "Just look at you. I told you not to fight Erza Scarlet. Look where it got you."

"Shut up and listen," Byard growled. "You need to find Kageyama before they do."

"Please don't make me," the green haired wizard begged. "You know I'm not a good fighter."

"Calm down already," Byard continued. "This is a simple task. You just need to kill Kageyama before they force him to break Erigor's barrier. Then our ambitions will be unstoppable."

"Well I guess Natsu must have run into Kageyama."

Bambietta continued to run beside Erza and Gray, the Quincy taking note of the mild shaking that was occurring around the train station. It was clear that a battle was taking place, leaving Erza to quicken her stride.

"Bambietta," the armored mage began to say, "perhaps now would be a good time for you to use that high speed movement we spoke of earlier."

"Why doesn't she just teleport?" Gray asked.

"I don't actually-" Bambietta stopped and scowled. "High speed movement, here we go!"

Then did the Quincy propel herself forward, energy building upon the soles of her feet. Each step left her vanishing and reappearing in a flash, covering massive distance across the station. The rumbling of battle grew more intense with each movement, leaving Bambietta to know she was getting closer.

Then did she come upon her intended destination, catching sight of Natsu standing triumphant before a downed Kageyama. The Eisenwald wizard was slumped against a wall, clearly defeated.

"Not bad," Natsu muttered to himself. "I managed not to mess up the whole building this ti-"

"Move!" Bambietta shoved Natsu out of the way, catching the Fire Dragon Slayer completely off guard. He fell to the side then, allowing Bambietta to charge towards Kageyama. The Quincy smiled, knowing that now she had the chance to play the bad cop. "You and me, punk! We need to talk!"

"I ain't got nothing to say to you," Kageyama hiss quietly, the man trying to regain any semblance of strength. "Trash like you-"

Bambietta's fingers suddenly dug into Kageyama's throat, the Quincy lifting the mage off the floor and pinning him to wall. "Now you listen good," she began to say, her voice low, her eyes narrowing. "You're going to break the barrier that your false death god of a boss set up or so help me-"

"What?" Kageyama retorted. "Is the Fairy Tail wizard going to play rough? Please, someone from a guild that enjoys the light doesn't have the stones to-"

Kageyama gasped then, Bambietta's fingers tightening. She leaned in close than, staring directly into his eyes as she whispered. "You think you understand true darkness? Well let me show you what I was like before I joined Fairy Tail..."

"Just do what she says, man!" Natsu interjected. "Lady be crazy!"

Erza and Gray soon entered the room as well, taking note of the situation. The armored mage was all but ready to draw a sword and threaten the Eisenwald wizard into breaking the wind barrier but she could see that Bambietta had already beaten her to the punch.

Kageyama, meanwhile, could see the inherent darkness that lay within his tormenter's eyes. The young wizard began to fear for himself then, knowing he had only one choice at this point. He could only hope that Erigor had bought himself enough time. "All right, I'll do it."

"Good," Bambietta loosened her hold then and began to move away. "Was that so hard, shadow boy?"

Kageyama began to rub his throat then, trying to regain his composure. "But you Fairy Tail flies will still be too la-"

Then did Kageyama's boast transform into a scream of pain. Bambietta and the others simply looked on in horror, a magic circle having appearing across the man's torso. Worse still, however, was the hand extending out from it, having clearly pierced the Kageyama's body. Then did it pull back, leaving the Eisenwald wizard to fall to the floor. That allowed Bambietta to clearly see then the man from earlier, the one who had retreated from the battle with Erza, Lucy and herself. His was a shaken face, the man clearly overwhelmed by the action he had just taken.

"Kageyama," the wizard, Karacka, whimpered. "I'm sorry, but I-"

Bambietta stared wide-eyed for a moment, shock overwhelming her. Had this man betrayed one of his own simply to protect Erigor and Eisenwald's plan?

"Don't you die on us!" Erza suddenly moved forward, grabbing hold of Kageyama and speaking directly to him. "You're the only one here who can dispel Erigor's wind barrier!"

Gray moved closer then, taking note of the situation. "I think we're losing him, Erza."

Erza would have none of that. "Hang on, do you hear me?"

Bambietta simply continued to stare at the quivering man projecting himself from the wall with his magic. Little did she know that Natsu was doing the same. Yet soon did she take notice, the Fire Dragon Slayer's voice beginning to come to life.

"He was your friend. How you could do that to him? He was a member of your guild and you tried to kill him! Is that how you dark guilds treat each other?"

Bambietta heard it well, the indignation apparent in Natsu's voice. She could not speak, not now and not for herself, but the Dragon Slayer was clearly giving voice to her own objections to the abominable action she had just witnessed.

Then, at long last, did she speak. "You bastard!"

Bambietta leapt forward then, Hirenkyaku bringing her towards the Eisenwald wizard. She grabbed Karacka's tunic with both hands and began to pull the man from the wall. With one quick motion she brought him to the floor, slamming his back against the rough surface. Then did Bambietta throw out her fist, aiming for his face. Karacka cried out as her knuckles dragged across his soft flesh, the blow very well loosening teeth. Over and over again did Bambietta strike, losing herself in the moment. Emotion had overwhelmed her then, the Quincy lost in her own rage and despair. She no longer could see the Eisenwald wizard. No, all she saw was one who had betrayed her in the harshest manner possible. Yet with each blow from her fist did that image change. First she saw Giselle, then Candice, then Liltotto, then Meninas, before at last revering back to Giselle once more.

"All of you!" Bambietta screamed, raining down another strike. "I hate you all! How could you do that to me? How could you betray me?"

Bambietta was completely awash in her own bitter memories, her heart and soul consumed with rage while still her eyes wavered with sorrow. She could feel it, slight hints of tears at their corners, but her hatred fought them off. Her fist descended towards Karacka once more, his face still appearing as Giselle's own, a cruel smile etched upon it. Then did Bambietta stop, a low gasp escaping from her.

In an instant, in one quick flash had Giselle's face vanished. Yet it was neither Karacka's own that peered back, nor a delusionary image of any of those Bambietta had once considered her own friends.

No, what looked back at her was simply her own face. Upon it was a dull expression of boredom and disinterest, blood dotting the flesh around it.

"I..." Bambietta began to say, unsure of just what was going on her, her thoughts a jumble. "You... I hate..."

"Bambietta Basterbine!"

The sound of her name being spoken by Erza pulled the Quincy from the brink, her mind and soul snapping back to reality. Now she simply stared down at Karacka's own bloody and bruised face, the results of her enraged handiwork.

"I'm... sorry... So... sorry..." the Eisenwald wizard whimpered, finding it hard to speak.

Bambietta began to feel herself going numb then as she stood and turned away. Those of Fairy Tail were looking at her in shock, all save Erza. That one was simply staring sharply.

"Bambi, are you okay?" Natsu asked.

"I..." Bambietta did not know what to say. Her shoulders began to slump and she gently reached across her side with her right hand, clamping down on the opposing arm as she looked down at the floor. "No."

Erza stared at Bambietta a moment longer, though the armored mage knew she had more pressing issues at the moment. "Kageyama, stay with us!"

"It's no use," Gray said, trying to compose himself and rationalize the situation for Erza. "He's already unconscious."

Then did the stress begin to overwhelm Erza for a brief moment. The stress brought about by Erigor's plans, by Bambietta's moment of rage, of everything going so very wrong. She began to shake Kageyama then. "He's our only expedient way out of this situation! We can't let him die!"

"Erza, there's no chance he can use his magic when he's in such rough shape," Gray continued.

"He will if I force him to!"

From the doorway to the room did Lucy and Happy simply watch on in shock, having arrived on the scene at last. The Celestial wizard watched as Bambietta simply stood alone, shivering slightly, a barely conscious man lying at her feet while Natsu was simply staring at her in shock. Erza was simply shaking another Eisenwald wizard violently, Gray shaking his head in response.

"Happy," Lucy began to say, "I think this might be a case of really bad timing on our part."

"Aye, sir," that blue cat replied with a low hush.

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