The next day, the opening of the shop. But the ceremony wasn't held at the shop, instead it was held in an open ground which is like a stadium. This is a place where the people in the city holds their ceremonies, tournaments etc.
A wide ground along with a stage in a middle, there are seats for large number of spectators.
The venue and other arrangements are all done by Chaya. She even sent the invitations to all the big shot noble families and even the marquis is here. They all sat in the VIP area.
The ceremony was held in this stadium because, they need a place to demonstrate the special product. There are some podiums which covered with cloth on the stage.
Sam and Chaya are standing on the stage as they looked at the audience.
After everyone was settled down, Chaya addressed the audience.
"Greetings everyone. I am the Artisan tower head Chaya. I am very happy that all of you came here to show your support on the opening day of our Shop.
By tomorrow the chapters about business will be over. So, bear with me