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94.28% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 3910: SIBLING LOVE

Kapitel 3910: SIBLING LOVE

turned to look at the back of me in the mirror and smiled. I didn't look bad at all.

My long ebony coloured hair flowed down my back, skimming the top of my backside. My skin was pale, almost ethereal. No one else I knew had skin this shade...well, apart from my brother James. I twisted slightly and caught a glance of my ass. It was pert that's for sure. Tight and round, the perfect little mound.

I sighed. I knew I was pretty. That was a given. I was seriously lucky in the looks department. My body was lithe, I was slim but not skinny, with all the right curves. Hips you cut glass on. Breast's high on my chest, perfectly round.

But I was so sick of the guys in college. They treated me like a trophy. Any one of them trying to get to the prize. The prize of my virginity. Something I was not willing to give to any of them just yet.

I wasn't a prude, far from it. I just hadn't met the right kind of guy yet, not to mention I was seriously nervous of the actual act of losing my virginity, and what it entailed.

To put it in a nutshell, I was scared.

It was silly, I knew that. But how could I get rid of a fear of something if I didn't actually know what to expect or experience?

Every time anyone got close, well, not even close but within reaching distance, I froze and it all went downhill. Especially as soon as it was obvious I wasn't going to put out.

I was sick of college guys, fucking thinking they knew everything there was to know about the world of sex...then tormenting me mercilessly when I wouldn't drop to my knees.

I looked in the mirror again, glancing at my body, trying to find something to criticise. I was wearing a cute little black lace set I had brought and smuggled into the house, past my parents. They would go nuts if they saw it.

I thought it was cute. And for god's sake, I was adult. I could wear anything I wanted to really. But whilst I was living under my parents roof...well, I had to follow their rules.

I sighed again, and spun round in shock and horror when I heard someone clear their throat. Thinking it was my father I panicked and grabbed my dressing gown off the bed. I was about to get into so much trouble. I quickly tried to cover myself up, and flushed bright red when I saw who was standing in my doorway.

"James! What the hell are you playing at? Haven't you ever heard of knocking for fucks sake."

My Older brother chuckled, obviously amused at my discomfort.

"You left your door open Jasmine, I was walking past when I saw you checking yourself out in the mirror. You should be more careful." He smirked, still finding my predicament a bundle of laughs.

James took a step into my room, and I shrank away slightly, very aware I was almost naked.

"What are you even doing here anyway?" I asked him. He shrugged and didn't answer my question. I turned away from him and slipped the dressing gown on, tightening the belt. "You aren't supposed to be back from Uni for another week. I would've made sure my door was shut if I knew you were back."

James chuckled again, a deep sound that made me think of happy family times. Before he left me to deal with my parents alone. Before he went off to university and left me all on my own.

"Shut up and come and give me a hug Jas'." He held open his arms, and I smiled at him finally, calmer now I had some semblance of actual clothes on, and getting over the shock of seeing him. I practically flung myself into his wide spread arms, and he squeezed me tight.

"Missed you little Sis. Nothing is the same without you around bugging me. It is far too quiet without you."

I smiled into his chest and breathed in his familiar scent. God, it had been months since I had seen him for one reason or another, and I had missed him so much.

"Give me a minute to get some proper clothes on and I'll come have a cup of tea with you, and you can tell me all about Uni." I said, ushering him out of the room.

"Don't mind me Sis, I'm only here for the view." He laughed and winked at me, ducking as I threw a pillow across the room.

"Get out!" I cried. I could hear his laughter down the hallway as he retreated. I rolled my eyes and slammed my door shut. As quickly as I could, I threw my dressing gown on to my bed, and started getting dressed.


Unfortunately, I still had to attend college for the next week, before we broke up for Christmas, so barely got to spend any quality time with James. Much to my annoyance. When I left for college he was usually still asleep, and by the time I got back he was out with his friends and his girlfriend.

Not that he didn't make his presence known, it just wasn't in a way I was expecting.

For the last week, whilst I was trying to sleep, all I could hear was James and his it. I was mortified. I don't think he realised his girlfriend was quite so loud, nor the fact his bed banged against my bedroom wall.

I was just glad our parents room was across the other side of the house, and very much doubted they could hear the carrying on.

When I had finally finished College for the holidays, I breathed a massive sigh of relief. I could finally spend some quality time with James, before he went back to University.

I walked in to an empty house, nothing new there really. But I was a bit disappointed.

There was, however, a note pinned to the notice board, with my name at the top.

I read and reread it, a huge number of happy emotions running through me. Mum and Dad would be out till late, James was due back soon, sans girlfriend, and the note came with the promise of a night watching movies and eating junk food.

I ran up to my room and threw my heavy bag down. Jumping in the shower, I heard my name yelled up the stairs. I hollered back, but wasn't sure if I'd been heard or not, and continued to wash my hair.

I climbed out of the shower and dried myself off quickly, throwing on my sort of new sexy underwear, and walked back to my room.

Before I reached my door, I could feel the heat of eyes on me. I spun round, embarrassment pouring from me in waves. I stood stock still, not knowing what to do or where to put myself. James was standing at the top of the stairs, a smouldering look in his eyes.

My brain couldn't interpret the look in his eyes at first, and it took me a few moments to figure out the state of play.

I flushed red.

"How long have you been standing there?" I stuttered out.

His eyes burned into my flesh. I could barely breathe. "Long enough. I'm surprised Dad let's you wear underwear like those. They are positively dangerous."

I blushed again. "What do you mean?" I looked down at myself and realised how exposed I actually was. He was right. This underwear was scandalous. "Dad doesn't know I brought them, Mum told me not to tell him. He treats me like a little girl." I pouted, momentarily forgetting I was practically naked in front of my older Brother.

"Hmm, I can see why Sis. They do frame your butt well though." James flashed me a smile, and I relaxed slightly. I wasn't in any danger, this wasn't like a boyfriend seeing me. And then his words penetrated my mind, and I tensed up again. "Can I be honest with you little Sis?"

I narrowed my eyes at his tone, but nodded. "Of course. We've never lied to one another before."

"Yeah, true. But this is different." James shifted from one foot to the other. Obviously nervous. "Your ass kinda looks hot in them." He admitted. My jaw dropped open.

"James! What the hell, you shouldn't be looking at me like that! That's...that is so wrong!"

James shook his head, almost as if he was shaking away fog. "Damn Jas', I'm so sorry. Oh my god, I can't believe I just said that to you. I'm sorry." He smiled sheepishly at me, and I allowed myself to smile slightly back. "Your boyfriend is very lucky,"

"Its okay, I forgive you. You meant no harm. Besides, I doubt Adam thinks he's lucky. I've not...well, he's not really, erm, seen anything like that. Not yet anyway. I've not put out."

I had the pleasure of seeing James floored, which rarely happened. "Oh my god, are you serious? Really? Wow! Why not? You totally should, I shouldn't say this but you are so sexy, you'd have no problems."

I shivered slightly, partially from the chill in the air, partially from the way this conversation was going. Hearing James call me sexy had sent tingles shooting all over my skin. I was horrified and turned on in equal measures.

"Do you really think I'm sexy? That...erm, oh god that makes my skin tingle! I've never put out with anyone James, I've just not met the right guy. Plus I'm so nervous as I don't know what I'm doing." I laughed anxiety shining through. "I need someone to teach me."

"Yes I really think so. Oh god, you've nothing to be nervous about Jas, nothing at all. You are smoking hot, you could have your pick of the guys. To be honest, that's why I stopped to check you out!" He. laughed, "You make my skin prickle too Jas..."

I balked at that. Surely not, this was wrong on so many levels. But why does it feel so right to have him stood there checking me out?

"I wish I wasn't nervous, but I can't help it. I wouldn't even know where to start, let alone continue."

He smiled kindly. "I think you just need to let go, and do it. I don't mean get it over and done with, because that would be a waste. But...Fuck Sis, you've got me all hot and bothered now!"

I blushed. And then a fleeting thought darted through my mind, and I flushed even further. James tilted his head, knowing me so well, knowing I had just had an idea. And usually when that happened I was about to suggest something that would get us into heaps of trouble with our parents. He cocked his head, inviting me to spill. I closed my eyes, dying of embarrassment. I couldn't suggest what I had just thought. It was so...wrong. So bad. If our parents ever found out I'd even suggested it I would never see the light of day again.

James raised an eyebrow as he watched my internal struggle, knowing I wouldn't be able to keep this from him. All he had to do was wait, and I would spill. And he was right. I couldn't keep my mouth shut.

"I've had a thought..." I stuttered.

"Go on..." He smirked.

"But it's so wrong James, like really really wrong. I don't know if I should tell you! What would I do if you disagree and go and grass on me to Mum and Dad? They'd never talk to me again. And I'd be mortified."

"Look, I promise I won't tell. Besides, I could probably get into my own world of trouble for watching you half naked."

"True." I sighed. There'd be no going back once the words left my mouth. "Before I tell you, can I ask you a question? Even though I already sort of know the answer?"

He nodded. "Of course you can Sis."

"You've...oh,'ve fucked your girlfriend haven't you? I mean, I'm going to blush telling you this, but I've heard you...well, I think I have anyway."

A slow smile spread across his face "Shit. You heard?" His smile betrayed how worried his words sounded.

"Oh my god, this is so embarrassing, but yes! She's so loud! and your goddamn bed bangs against my wall, it's kinda hard not to hear." I rolled my eyes.

A slight pink tinge had flushed across his cheeks, and that was the only sign I could see that James was ever so slightly uncomfortable with the current conversation.

"I'm so sorry Jas', I have been putting my hand over her mouth to shut her up, but she's noisy."

"It's okay." I sighed.

"I have something to confess Sis."

I glanced at him from the corner of my eye, and could see he was definitely becoming more and more uncomfortable.

"When I saw you last week, in your room. Damn. I had a huge hard on, and I had to go and deal with it myself, to ease it."

My eyes widened with shock. "Oh my goodness James! That's...that' wrong!" I took a deep breath. "But I will admit to you, it makes me all tingly imagining you getting hard over me. You promise you won't tell?"

James nodded. "Of course I won't. As long as you don't."

"I wouldn't ever tell Mum and Dad on you. Ever, you know that. I know it's wrong, but I just can't help it. It makes me so hot and bothered!

Do you you think maybe you could, me how to...?"

James narrowed his eyes as he stared at me. "You mean like kissing and shit Right?"

I shook my head. "Well, yes, sort of...but, erm, other stuff to"

"You mean like touching?"

I sighed in frustration. "I mean Everything Bro. I need to know these things, before I...well, in-case I need to 'use' them in the future."

A slow, languid smile spread across James' face. I knew I'd got him in that exact moment.

"Have you ever seen a cock?" He bluntly asked me.

"No!! Oh my god James!"

He nodded. "Right. So you want me to show you how to touch another man and stuff? How to turn him on?"

"Well, yes, Please. Would you? I need to know how to touch him, and stuff. And I need to know how he would touch me. I don't want to be shocked or nervous when it does actually happen. And I would feel a lot more comfortable with you teaching me."

"You want me to show you everything then?"

"Please?" I flushed red again.

"Deal. On one condition. You've got to say it." He leaned back against the banister and smiled at me. He'd trapped me and he knew he had. If I said no, I ran the risk of him telling our parents. If I said yes I was going to have to embarrass myself.

I gathered all the guts I had and squared up to him. "Say it? Oh! You want me to ask you for it. Oh wow. Erm, okay I can do that. I think I can anyway..." I blushed furiously, could feel my whole body pink up. "James, Will you show me how to have sex? I won't tell anyone if you show me how to, but you have to show me everything."

"You really want me to fuck you Sis?"

I blanched at the words, but felt heat flood to my groin. "Oh my god James, you are making me blush! But yes, I want you fuck me. I really really do. Just having this conversation is making me...oh god! Well, it's making me...erm. I can't say it!" I was stuttering furiously, and he stood there laughing at me. I wanted to hit him and tell him to fuck off.

"Making you wet Sis?"

I closed my eyes, "Yes!"

"It's okay Jas. This whole idea is making me rock hard."

"But why is it happening? That's never happened to me before!" I wanted to die on the spot. Even more so when he chuckled softly. I flinched when I felt his hand landing on my bare hip, drawing me closer to his body. I could feel the heat coming off him in waves.

"You want the biology lesson Jas? You are becoming wet because, well, simply put, so that...I'll have an easier time fucking you. It's as simple as that. It's a sure sign you are turned on."

"This is so wrong though shouldn't be turning me on so much should it?"

"I don't know Jas, you tell me. It's pretty hot though. Forbidden fruit and all that."

I took a steely breath, and opened my eyes. James was staring intently on my face, eyes never wavering.

"Do you, erm, do you want to come to my room? Shall we..."

He grabbed my hand as I started to walk towards my room, halting my movement. I turned and looked at him, his face open and smiling,

"Only if you really want to Jas." His eyes were searching my face, almost looking for any sign I was not okay with this.

"Oh I do! I won't lie to you James, I'm really really nervous. But I want to. You make me so...well, yes, you know..."

He nodded, but didn't move. "I mean, have you ever even touched yourself before?" He asked innocently.

I looked back at him, and could feel the colour rising from my chest towards my face.

"No, I haven't. I wouldn't even know what to do. I mean, I've touched myself in the shower before and it's been nice, but only to wash myself." I took a deep breath. "Can I tell you a secret James?"

"Of course,"

"I've been listening to you and your girlfriend over the last week, and I've had a couple of really amazing dreams, where I am standing in the corner of your room whilst you fuck her. And when I woke up, I was soaking wet. It was so embarrassing."

James laughed. "You've had a sex dream Sis. They happen. It's kind of a compliment."

"Oh!" I smiled shyly. "So, should I be, erm, touching myself to get prepared for when Adam wants to make out with me? I don't even know where I'd start!"

James grinned at my despair. He kissed the tip of my nose, and lifted my chin up with his hand, so I was looking at him directly in the eye. "I'll show you don't worry. I promise, by the time I'm finished with you, you'll be a pro."

I laughed. "I doubt that. But thank you. You really are the best guy I know. Despite the fact that you are my brother."

"You wait to see if you are still saying that later tonight Sis."

I crinkled my brow. "What do you mean?"

James chuckled again. "I might make you a little sore is all. It's nothing to worry about, it's pretty normal and natural."

"Oh! Okay. Really? How sore? You wouldn't hurt me would you though James? Or is it supposed to hurt?" I was confused. I thought sex was supposed to be enjoyable.

"Really sweetie. I wouldn't hurt you intentionally, you know that. But...well, I am rather large and thinking about your sweet ass makes me bigger! Hopefully you'll enjoy it so much you'll hardly notice the initial pain."

"I'm a little nervous again now." I admitted.

"Don't be nervous." James said, squeezing my shoulder. "If I do it right, it'll hurt for a tiny moment, but after that, well, it'll be more pleasure than you realise."

"Okay." I sighed and snuggled into his grip. "I trust you James, you know that. I don't think I would trust anyone else. I'm not going to lie, I'm frightened, but I know you wouldn't hurt me on purpose or properly."

"Well..." He grinned at me. "Not yet anyway...Maybe later I'll have to teach you about spanking and stuff."

I stopped walking again, and looked up at him, confused. "Why on earth would you spank me James? I thought that was just a punishment?"

"Oh no! Spanking for a lot of people can be a huge turn on!"

"What? Okay, I never expected that! But if you say so, I believe you."

We reached my bedroom door, and James stopped, with his hand on the handle. "You sure about this Sis? I don't want you to do anything you aren't comfortable with?"

I took a deep breath, and looked at him. His face was so open and honest. I loved this man, yes he was my brother. But so what? I'd known him all my life. I couldn't think of anyone better to teach me and show me what to do and how to do it.

I nodded and guided him into my bedroom by the hand.

James closed the door behind us both, and smiled warmly at me. I relaxed ever so slightly. Not much, but enough.

His touch was feather light, gently tracing patterns up and down my bare arms. I swallowed hard.

"Mom and Dad are going to be out all night, you know." I nodded. I knew.

"You know, standing in front of you in just my underwear isn't making me as nervous as I anticipated." I suddenly felt brave. "Do you want to touch me? You can you know, I...I don't mind."

"Oh god Jas, I've been wanting to touch you for a long time now. To touch you...To stroke you."

James' hands migrated from my arms, across my shoulders and stroked up my neck. I moaned and closed my eyes, when he lightly wrapped his fingers round my throat, nowhere near enough to harm me, but just enough to let me know who was in charge. How was his touch making my whole body tingle with anticipation? I could feel the heat flood between my legs.

"I want to experience it all with you James. Everything. I want you to teach me what I should and shouldn't be doing." His fingers skimmed my breast, over the lace and I gasped. "God I want you. I'm nervous, but so turned on by the thought of your...oh my god, I can't believe I am going to say this out the thought of your cock inside me..." I blushed furiously, my whole body turning bright red. I felt him smirk against my forehead, and he dropped a kiss on my brow. "There, I said it. Fuck. Damn it James, Please. Kiss me. Touch me. I'm yours."

His fingers found my chin, and he tilted my head till I was looking up at him from underneath my lashes. "Oh I'll kiss you. And touch you. Every inch of you Jasmine. And don't you forget, I own you now."

I shuddered under his heated gaze, and looked down. James pulled my chin up again.

"Look at me Jasmine." He insisted. It took me a few moments to bring my eyes back up to his, but I did. And I was floored by the smouldering look he gave me.

James bent down and pressed his lips against mine. It was a few seconds before I yielded, but when I did, his kiss blew me away. It was as hot as he was, and twice as passionate. I pulled away, trying to catch my breath.

It took me a couple of minutes to process what he had just said to me, and when the thought popped into my mind, typically, I couldn't stop myself from voicing my opinion. I shook my head slightly to try and gather myself.

"Hold on...What do you mean you'll kiss every inch of me? Surely not...surely not...there!" I practically whispered the last word, almost wrenching it from my body.

"Yes. Kissing, amongst other things, down 'there'. Surely you've heard of oral sex Jas?" He sighed.

"What?! Oh my god James No! I've heard of, erm, blow jobs, but not that...never that! You surely can't mean...Jesus christ! Have you...have you done it before?"

He nodded, a small smirk on his lips. Kissing a pathway from my ear to my mouth, he replied. "I have, yes. It amazing, and very intimate."

I was confounded. I honestly didn't know where to put myself. And then he spoke again, furthering my embarrassment, "I can do it to you too if you want Sis...Besides, you did ask me to show you 'everything'."

I couldn't speak. He was right of course, I had asked him to teach me. And if I turned a lesson down, I ran the risk of someone I didn't love, or trust, showing these things to me for the first time. Also no doubt, years of teasing from my lovely older brother...

I suddenly felt brave.

"Really? Oh. Okay. Will you...will you show me?"

James kissed my collar bone and I felt him smile against my skin. "It would be my absolute pleasure Jasmine."

I grinned at him, feeling a lot calmer. I knew another hurdle was approaching though.

"James?" I murmured as he nuzzled my neck.

"Hmm?" He didn't break contact once and my skin pebbled with goose pimples.

"I need to tell you something...I've...well, I've never seen a man' know."

James stopped kissing my neck but didn't move his head, and we stood like that for a fraction of a second, He finally pulled away from me and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, in a gesture that was ridiculously familiar. Stepping away, he backed off slightly, and I felt cold without him so close to me. It felt like he had abandoned me. James took one look at my frown, and smiled encouragingly at me, and I relaxed slightly.

His hands went to the collar of his t-shirt, and within seconds it was pulled over his head. I had seen his chest before, of course I had. But somehow this was different, and I took it in with fresh eyes.

His chest was broad, muscular and covered in dark curls. I had to stop myself from moaning out loud. "What are you do..." I was silenced by his mouth pressing hard against my own, and this time I did moan into the kiss. James ran his hands lightly down my arms, and I shivered at the touch. When he reached my hands, he brought them both forwards, and before I realised what he was doing, my fingers were brushing the top of his jeans.

James pulled back from the kiss briefly, and leaned down to whisper in my ear. "Do it Jas, you know you want to."

I quickly felt coy once again. I was eager, that much I was sure. But at the same time this was so new, not to mention wrong! I felt a sharp pain in my earlobe, and realised James had nipped me. Impatient git.

My fingers shook as I worked the buttons on his jeans, and he had to place his hands over mine to stabilise them. When they were all undone, he took over and shimmied them down his legs. Along with his boxers. I wasn't expecting that, and when he sprang free I almost jumped back a step. I would have if his hand wasn't on the bottom of my back.

I couldn't take my eyes off him. He was huge! Yes I had nothing to compare it to, but instinctively I knew.

When I finally managed to tear my gaze away from his crotch, again I was too shy to look him in the eyes, and I would have gotten away with it, if I hadn't felt his hand once again gripping my chin and drawing my eyes up to his.

James raised his eyebrow, almost taunting me with the question. I didn't last long before I had to speak.

"It's so big!" I squeaked. He smirked, smug git knew it as well. "Will it...will it get bigger?" I was almost afraid of the answer.

He nodded and I felt my heart quicken at the mere thought of that getting any bloody bigger. James grabbed my hand, and pulled me forwards. "What are you...Oh!" I sighed as he wrapped my tiny hand around his cock, and I felt how soft his skin actually was. He moaned into my ear, and I swear the sound reverberated between my legs.

"What do I do James?" I whispered, knowing he would hear me despite his heavy breathing. Time seemed to have frozen.

"Mmm." He cleared his throat. "Just, ah, move your hand up and down. That's it. Grip it a little tighter, but not too tight. Oh god Jas!" James moved his head forwards and breathed in my hair.

"Am I doing it right?" I asked. I knew I was sort of on to a winner with the little noises peppering the air, but I didn't want to hurt him.

"Yes Jas, you are fucking perfect." He moaned in to my hair. I couldn't help the smile on my lips. James took in a few huge deep breaths, pulling back a little with what seemed to be great reluctance, and un-wrapped my hand from his ever growing member. I had been enjoying myself, so was a little disappointed. He smiled that cocky smirk of his, and I shivered, knowing something was coming.

"I want to touch you." He stated. I stared at him a bit confused at first, he had been touching me. It was only when he hooked his thumbs into the waistband of my thong that I understood what he actually wanted. My breathing hitched in my throat and I felt my heart speed up slightly in anticipation. "I want to stroke you, to see how wet you actually are for me Sis."

I held the moan back in my mouth, and when he knelt down to remove my knickers, I nearly died there and then.

James brushed his hands up from my ankles, and when he reached my thighs, I couldn't stop myself and I moaned loudly. "Ready?" I couldn't speak, I was panting hard and he hadn't even touched me yet. But James knew what I wanted. Whether that came from the closeness of siblings, or just because he knew what he was doing, I wasn't sure. But I didn't care.

When i felt his fingers spread me open for his inspection, my legs nearly buckled. And he laughed loudly. Standing up in front of me, I couldn't hide my noise of abject disappointment.

"You look so mad Jasmine. Don't worry little Sis, I'm nowhere near finished with you, but if I don't lie you down, you are going to fall down."

"Oh." My voice was barely above a whisper. He was right, of course he was right. I was shaking, so no doubt he could feel that too. I let James tug me towards my bed, almost reluctantly. I wasn't reluctant per say, but seriously shy about what he was about to do to me. Nerves were turning me into a wreck. I took a couple of really deep breaths and tried to focus on his comforting touch.

James pushed me, albeit gently, on to the soft covers of my bed, and I lay down, expecting him to lie with me.

He kissed my forehead, the gentle kiss of a brother. "Are you sure?" He asked again. I nodded, silent. I couldn't trust myself to speak. James kissed my lips this time, pushing his tongue into my mouth.

He made his way down my body, oh so slowly. I was so jittery it was a surprise he could stay on track. But he did, and it was a delight when his tongue found one of my nipples. My hands knotted into the bed sheets, and I couldn't help the little gasps escaping from my mouth.

Before I really had a chance to give in to the sensation he was on the move again, this time working lower and lower down. I froze. I had a good idea where this was headed, and wasn't sure what to expect. As always, it was the fear of the unknown.

James pushed my legs open and settled in-between them. I felt open, and exposed. But perfectly comfortable. I felt him spread me wide again, could feel the hot air from his breath on my most intimate of places.

And before I knew it, his tongue was launching an assault on my clitoris. I felt my back arch as I tried to somehow get closer to him, if that was even possible. My fingers fisted in his hair, pulling him in. My thighs locked around his head, as a pressure I'd never experienced in my life built up inside me. I didn't know where it was building, I couldn't get a pin on it. It was everywhere. He was everywhere. I felt James flatten his tongue and lap away at my clit, never once slowing down or showing any signs of tiring. And god I loved him for that. For that one moment in my life when he made me feel like the most amazing woman in the world.

I could feel myself climbing higher and higher, unable to stop but sure I would pay for it in the descent.

It was as if James could read my body and it's cues like an open book, and his nails dug into the soft delicate flesh on my hips, and his tongue sped up infinitely.

And that was it. My undoing.

My back arched once again, and I screamed, as my whole body exploded into tiny little fireworks.

When I finally came down, stopped panting, and could actually breathe normally again, I was completely dazed.

"What...what did you...just do to me? How...?" I sighed, and made a murmur of protest when he removed his head from between my legs to speak to me. He crawled up my body, and planted a soft kiss on my lips.

"Oh! taste..."

"Of you?" James stated. "The Funny thing is Sis...That kinda tends to happen when you eat something."

My mouth dropped open in shock, and I playfully swatted his arm, which he dodged. "What was that? What did you just do to me?" I asked as I slowly calmed down.

"You had your first orgasm Jas. Pretty cool huh?" He smiled into my neck as he kissed me, and I couldn't help but moan against him.

"Does that always happen James?"

"Well, no. Some women are more susceptible than others. Just depends. On lots of things, but mostly who is trying to make you cum. If they know what they are doing, then you shouldn't have a problem in having an orgasm. You came faster than anyone I've ever been with though. I'm eager to try and squeeze more out of you now..."

I yelped when he nipped my breast. The sharp bite of pain almost brought some clarity to my mind. Focussed me a little.

"Want to return the favour Sis?" He asked me, raising his eyebrows. I was confused at first, and didn't quite follow what he was suggesting. When he moved my hand down to his penis though, I realised what he was asking me to do. My mouth popped open in a little 'O' and it took me a few moments to decide that I did actually want that. I wanted James to feel the same sort of glow I was now enjoying.

I looked into his eyes and smiled back, and before I really registered what I was doing, I was on my knees between his legs, my mouth inches from his cock.

He groaned, and his huge dick strained forwards, almost as if it had a mind of its own. Seconds before I'd jumped at the chance to have him in my mouth, but now I froze, with the worry that I really, really didn't know what I was actually doing.

When nothing happened, I think James realised quite quickly I was struggling.

"I don't know what to do James. I have no idea what you like or don't like!" I was panicking now.

He stroked the back of my hair and made soothing noises that slowly relaxed me once again.

"I'm actually not going to talk you through this one Jas..." I immediately went to protest but he shushed me. "You are a bright girl, use your imagination. If left to your own devices, what would you do? What do you think I'd like the most. Then take it from there. I promise you, I will find most of what you do to me amazing."

I must have looked like a deer caught in the headlights of a car, because James started stroking the back of my neck, and twisting my hair around his hand.

I must have had a thousand arguments with myself by the time he gripped me a little tighter, and I drew in a shocked gasp. My eyes widened and I listened to him this time, however subtle his encouragement had been, I understood what he wanted from me.

I brought my head forwards, and licked his huge shaft, from base to tip. James shuddered underneath me, and I felt power like I never had before.

I did this a few times, and when I pulled back ever so slightly, I could see small droplets of fluid seeping out of the head of his cock. I wanted to lick it, to taste him. So I did, testing the 'waters' so to speak.

I dropped my head and slowly let him enter my mouth. By god he was big. There was no way on this earth I would ever be able to take him all in my mouth. As for him fucking me? Well, I reserved my own council on that one.

I managed to take about a third of his erection into my mouth before it became uncomfortable. James elicited a small moan from the back of his throat and it spurred me on, I was so eager to please him. I pushed forward, and felt my throat constrict and I gagged. I heard him make a strangled noise, which I took as a good sign, and only fuelled my thirst for him. God this was incredible. I pulled back a little, and plunged again, once more gagging and spluttering for air. The noises he was making were sending heat flooding between my legs, I was throbbing for him and finally understood what I had been missing.

The noises James was making were becoming much more frequent, and I was a little startled when his hand fisted in with my hair, guiding me forwards a touch more. With his help I managed to get into a rhythm, push, pull, gag, breathe, repeat. I was finding my groove, when I felt his thighs tighten beneath my legs, and James pulled me off his cock abruptly. I was a bit taken aback, and for a couple of seconds thought I had done something wrong. His hand left my hair and stroked my cheek, gently, the caress of a lover. I frowned at him still unsure what I had done.

"Did I do something wron..." I started to say, pushing back tears that were threatening to overflow.

"No! God no, you were, if anything, too good!" I didn't understand and voiced as much, and he chuckled at my naivety. "I was about to blow my load down your throat Sis." I still didn't get it. And when James saw my face, it dawned on him, how innocent I actually was.

He rubbed his nose, a little embarrassed motion I knew him well for, I knew I was about to receive a lesson in sex 101. ", you know you had an orgasm whilst I was between your legs, licking your clit?" I blushed furiously at the reminder, and he ruffled my hair playfully. I nodded.

"So, guys have pretty epic orgasm's too. With a bit of a difference...You've really never...?" He noticed my face, and continued. "No. Okay, so when a man cums...well, they, for want of a better word, they spurt. You did biology, did you not..."

Realisation dawned on me. "Oh! Oh, shit I didn't realise. So does that happen like, every time?"

James nodded. "Most of the time anyway. You were doing an incredible job, but I didn't want to startle you by spurting my cum down your throat. If you aren't expecting it, well..." For the first time this evening, it was James' turn to look embarrassed, and I didn't think it was possible, but I loved him that little bit more.

", Q&A..." I said sitting up a little, still between his legs. James smirked, so I took the initiative and grasped his cock between my fingers, starting to lightly toy with it. He moaned a little, and shut his eyes briefly, before readying himself for my inevitable questions, looking at me. "I imagine it doesn't matter where you cum? Only that it makes a mess! But, where is your favourite place? To cum I mean..." I stuttered to a stop, blushing at the nature of the question, but did not falter the fingers playing with him. I could see it in his eyes, how difficult he was finding it, trying to talk to me whilst I had his cock in my hand. But it was sort of heady seeing him sweat just a little. He so very rarely lost his composure, it was almost amusing to watch him come undone.

James closed his eyes again, a little longer this time, but before I knew it, his gaze was upon me.

"You really want to know?" he asked. I thought for a fraction of a second, and nodded.

I interrupted him before he started to speak, "Show me?" I blurted out bravely.

James' looked at me, as if he was seeing me for the very first time. His eyes widened, almost becoming comical. "Really? You sure?"

I laughed at the look on his face, my turn for amusement. "Yes, I'm sure. James, show me. Please? You promised you'd show me everything." I pouted a little, and before I knew it, I was being flipped over onto my stomach. I yelped, a little in fright, a little shock.

"What are you doing?!" The bed shifted underneath me as James moved into position behind me. I tried looking over my shoulder, to see what he was doing and I felt a sharp whack against the sensitive flesh of my ass. Shock, more than pain, had me cry out.

"Keep your eyes forward Jasmine." James ordered. I once again went to look behind me, and was met with another smack to my backside, this time with a little bit more force behind it. I flinched, but didn't cry out. "Eyes forward young lady." Hi stern tone reminded me so much of our Father, that there was no way I was disobeying him a second time. I buried my face into the bed sheets, and waited, my breathing heavy and shallow. The anticipation was driving me insane, but I didn't dare move.

"You wanted to know where I would like to cum most? Well, the one place I never have." He sighed and stroked my behind, gently at first, then a little rougher. I frowned trying to figure out what he had planned, but for the life of me, I hadn't got a clue. I could hear him behind me, noises I couldn't place. I almost risked another swat across my rear to glance back, but managed to restrain myself.

James brought his hand up and stroked my cheek, twisting my hair so my face was turned towards him. I kept my eyes shut, until he leaned down and nipped my ear "Open your eyes and look at me Jasmine." He whispered. Well, I say he whispered. He might as well have barked it at me, for all the difference it would have made. Almost without question, my eyes sprang open, and I found myself gazing at his face. He was making me nervous, and I licked my lips.

"You look frightened Jas. You trust me right?" He asked, a definite gleam in his eyes. One that hadn't been there before. I was almost cursing myself for pouting now, but I was also eager to see where he was going with this. I took a deep breath, hesitated for a fraction of a second, and gave him a firm nod.

"Good girl. I was hoping you'd say that. Now, listen to me carefully. I'm going to do something I was going to save for a later date, when you had a little more experience and felt more relaxed around me. But as your pretty little mouth decided to pout, I've changed my mind. Ask and you shall receive, so they say." His eyes were glinting, he was enjoying this! I shuddered, and realised, though I hated to admit it, I was too.

James moved his hand away from my face, and started tracing patterns across my bare back, over my backside, until I felt his hand between my legs and he pushed them open a little. The whole time his hands we stroking me, his eyes never left my own.

gasped when his fingers suddenly reached virgin ground. Probing, flicking across my clit. Still he didn't penetrate me, even with his fingers, and I wondered what he was waiting for. Groaning, I closed my eyes firmly shut and balled my fists into the sheets. "Jasmine..." the warning note carried in his voice, and I wondered what I had done to displease him. Shit, I thought. My eyes. "Good girl." James mused. "Right, I wasn't even going to consider this, until I took your virginity...but you need to learn that you being sassy just isn't going to wash with me. I'm going to cum in your ass. Now its going to hurt, but, if you listen to me, I will make this as pleasurable for you as it is going to be for me."

I frowned. My head wasn't processing what James had actually said. "Why would you cumming on my ass hurt James? I don't understand, does your sperm sting or something?"

He laughed, a real deep chuckle that sent pulses racing to my pussy. James leaned down and kissed my furrowed brow. "No Jasmine. My cum does not sting. And you misheard me. I'm not cumming on your ass... I'm cumming IN your ass. Inside it. Deep deep inside it."

He let me digest what he was saying, and when my brain finally registered what he was actually saying and suggesting, I flinched and started to protest. James placed his finger against my mouth, and I hushed instantly, afraid of the outcome if I misbehaved. I must have paled, as once again he kissed and nipped at my earlobe, "Trust me Sis. I promise you it'll only hurt more if you actively fight it. The more relaxed you are, the better it will be for both of us."

I swallowed hard and licked my lips nervously. "Okay." I said, barely even a whisper. But he heard me.

James smiled, kissed me hard on the lips and moved out of view. I felt myself tense up and tried to stop. Luckily his hands were on me instantly, and it went a long way to relax me.

"I'm going to use my tongue Jasmine, see if that will get you to calm down a little."

I sighed, happily, safe in the knowledge that he was about to do something I had already experienced with him during the course of the evening.

James, however, threw me another curve ball that not only shocked me, it blew my mind.

His hands slid down my hips, kneading and stroking. Until he finally settled on a spot he was happy with, and he pulled my ass cheeks apart. I gasped at the sudden cold on my backside, but still not actually realising what James had got planned.

I felt him, breathing against my asshole, and I tried to keep relaxed. His arm was across the bottom of my back, and it was comforting. It was also there for a specific reason. James being James, knew that the second his tongue touched me, I would almost bolt off the bed. Because it wasn't my clit he was intending on tonguing. It was my ass. My fucking ass.

I shrieked and snapped my legs shut. James was patient. He continued to rub my backside, gently at first, then a little more forcefully, easing my cheeks open once again. "Shall we try that again little Sis?" He asked.

I tried to get my breathing under control, and when he had soothed me, I gave a tiny, squeaked "Yes."

I felt him settle back down into position, and the whole process began again. Each time his tongue pressed against my tight little rosebud, and each time I let him go a little bit further, until eventually he was stroking and probing my hole with his tongue.

He spent what seemed like forever lavishing attention on me, completely relaxing me till I was moaning and writhing beneath his arms in a very different manner. His arm slipped under me, and gently touched against my clit and he groaned when he found how wet I actually was. There was a movement behind me, and I was shocked when his tongue was replaced with, what I soon realised, was a finger.

James didn't insert it inside me, just lay there gently putting pressure on my tightest of holes.

He rubbed the bottom of my back in small circles, and I felt something cold, dribbling down between my butt cheeks.

"What's that...?"I whispered, not sure if I was frightened of the answer.

"Lube sweetie. Lubrication. Its going to stop this from hurting so much. I'm going to use my fingers first, to stretch you out a little bit. And we'll see how you do with that first okay?"

"Okay James," I held my breath, and a small swat on my ass jolted me out of my own mind.

"Breathe Jasmine. You need to relax, so just breathe deeply for me." I nodded, but was certain he could feel I had started taking deep breaths. I felt his finger slide gently inside me, and was shocked at the sensation. It didn't hurt much at all, just made me feel full. That and very very naughty.

James slowly worked one, then two fingers into me and I couldn't help moaning into the sheets. He chuckled behind me and it made me relax even further, helped a lot by the fact I could tell he was enjoying himself immensely.

I lay, writhing under his arm, enjoying the sensations he was making me feel. And for the first time since he mentioned it, I was actually looking forward to his attempt at fucking my ass.

I groaned loudly when I felt his fingers leave my butt, and braced myself for the pain that I knew was about to come.

His weight took my air away momentarily. I just hadn't been expecting it. James landed a kiss on the back of my neck and I shivered. "You ready baby Sis?" I tensed ever so slightly when I felt the head of his cock nudging my tight rosebud. "I'll go really slow, but like I said earlier, the more you relax and open up for me, the easier it's going to be. I'm going to try a couple of things to help, but this is down to you now."

He slipped his hand between our bodies, and lined up the huge head of his cock. His teeth grazed my shoulder, and his other hand slid down the front of my body. James found my clit, and started dancing circles around it, completely successful in his aim, I was now fully focussed on his fingers, and not what his penis was doing.

He must have read the subtle change in my breathing and tension, as James decided at that moment to drive himself home, without much prior warning. I gasped, and cried out loudly feeling myself stretch around him. It was painful, yes. But actually not unbearably so. I found that with his fingers on my clit I could enjoy the low burn of the stretch.

" it in James?" I grunted, and flinched at a tender spot. He nuzzled into my cheek, and moved towards my neck, sighing contently.

"Oh god baby yes. Yes it's in." He kissed me again and I felt his cock twitch inside me. "You did so well..." James brushed the hair out of my face and landed another kiss on my brow. I could hear the strain in his voice, desperately trying to stay as still for me as he could, to allow me time to get used to my first ever anal intrusion.

I could feel my whole body ripple in waves under James. His arm holding me steady, whilst his other hand stoked and caressed. His teeth nipped at my shoulder, the back of my neck and my ear. The whole while he kept his bottom half statue still. Helping me adjust.

I was almost positive he could feel my body loosen under his weight, around his cock. I moaned into the bed, eager for him to move. I wriggled my bum, just a fraction. Letting him know I was ready. James read my cue easily. He kissed my ear and whispered things I really needed to hear.

James braced himself, and pulled out of me, almost to the tip. In one fell swoop he drove his throbbing cock deep into my ass. I cried out, loud and wanton. Pain hit me, as he started his infinitely slow torturous fuck, stealing my anal cherry from me with such ease.

My head was filled with pain messages. But holy hell, they were a good sort of pain. They mingled with the most amazing sensations I had ever felt. The tight burn, the friction. I could feel every inch of him, I couldn't stop the vocal cacophony that spilled from my mouth. Every time he thrust back inside me I cried out loudly, unable to keep even a modicum of my inhibitions. My dissonance seemed to spur him on. The louder I became, the harder he fucked me. The pain was exquisite. It blended in with pleasure, and I could feel my orgasm building. It surreptitiously rode up inside me, and my whole body flushed pink.

James was now fucking me with wild abandon. No longer having the ability to be concerned for my pain level. He was in such a trance of feelings and sensations, his fingers briefly stopped circling my clit.

"James!!" I cried out, unable to hold back any longer. He slowed briefly, concern evident, but unable to completely stop. I was glad he didn't. "James, I need to orgasm. I really, really need to."

He moaned against my neck and sped up once again. The feeling of tension rose again within me, and I knew my orgasm was only seconds away, especially when his fingers started up again.

"Cum for me Jas. I want to feel your ass constrict around my cock when you do. I want to take your anal cherry and have you cum all around me because of that. Fucking hell Sis, I want you so badly."

His motions became fast and jerky, and I felt him swell ever so slightly inside me. I rode wave after wave as my orgasm hit. Rolling over me, shooting down my limbs, making me shudder. My breathing hitched in my throat, and as it hit, I screamed. All the pain was out of the window. It didn't matter any more. There was no pain. Just the two of us.

James yelled out as his orgasm started to hit. Furiously fucking me. He flexed, kissed my neck and cried out into my ear.

"I'm going to cum inside your ass baby."

"Oh god yes, please." I begged.

"You are so hot. You ass is so incredibly tight and I am going to spurt my load deep inside you sis..."

James thrust hard, all pretence of gentleness disappeared, and he cried out his release into my ear. Both catching our breath, we lay in silence for a few moments, and I moaned as he pulled out of me. Extremely gentle once again, he kissed my neck with such tenderness. His weight shifted off me, and he lay on his side next to me, tracing patterns across my back.

James looked at me, pupils huge and dilated, a huge stupid grin on his face.

"You are fucking amazing baby Sis. I've never...that...just, yeah..." He sighed and kissed my forehead. "I can't believe we just did that! I've always wanted to, but...and the fact I took your anal cherry before your pussy is unbelievable."

I flushed under his gaze, and wriggled a little. I grimaced when I felt some of his cum leaking out of my ass and dribble down between my pussy lips. It was totally gross, but so hot.

James' hand was stroking my cheek, running his fingers through my hair. I sighed contently and closed my eyes, happy with his tender touch.

"Do you think I'm ready?" I asked. He knew right away what I was inquiring about.

"Only you can make that call." James smiled at me gently.

"I'm ready...I know I am. I want you inside me. Please?"

He nodded. "If you are sure?" It was my turn to nod and he smiled with such tenderness it made my heart flutter a little bit. His hand snaked down and pushed my legs open ever so slightly. "I need to open you up a little with my fingers first. It will make it a little easier for me to...well, you know, like I did for your ass."

This was it, I thought. "Okay, I want you to...but just go slowly. Please?"

"I will go slowly, trust me Sis."

"I trust you, I really do. You are my big brother for goodees sake. I trust no one else more. Doesn't stop me being scared though. What are you going to do to me?" He grinned secretively at me.

"Tell me if you want me to stop, okay?"

I bit my lip, thinking for a second and nodded. James slid his hand further down my front, over my breast, down my stomach till he reached the lips of my pussy. Parting them slightly, his fingers brushed my clit and I cried out loudly, his mouth was on mine in an instant silencing my moans. I thought he was going to bring me to orgasm again, but I was confused when his fingers dipped lower, away from my clit, and I groaned in frustration.

He chuckled and nibbled on my lip. "Easy there little Sis..." James admonished.

I could feel his fingers at the entrance to my pussy, and I jerked away a little out of instinct. He was patient though, and continued gently yet firmly, slowly sliding his fingers over my labia. I squeaked when James brushed past my clitoris again, and my back arched upwards when his fingers entered me.

The kisses he was peppering on my neck combined with his fingers penetrating me made my moans louder than before. He paused briefly.

"I'll stop if you need me to okay?"

I moaned again. "No! No, don't...stop...Jesus Christ, do not fucking stop!"

I felt James slide another finger inside me, and the feeling of being stretched was phenomenal.

"How many fingers do you have inside me James?! It feels truly nothing I had ever felt before...Oh god, and when you kiss my neck." I groaned his name out loud again and started to writhe underneath him.

He chuckled and dropped a kiss on my neck. "Just the two for now Jas...I'm glad you like that. I can actually feel you grinding against my hand, you are such a naughty girl! And fucking hell, you are absolutely soaking wet!"

I flushed bright red and let out a little squeal when I felt James' thumb brush against my ever sensitive clit.

"Just two? But I feel so full. I can feel the wetness on the inside of my thighs! How...why does it...oh my god James, I can't handle this...It's happening again. Fuck. I can feel it building up and up...Is that normal??? This many times? Should I..."

I felt him smile against my shoulder as he kissed my collar bone. "Mmm yes, Yes Jasmine. Cum for me hard."

James' hand movements seemed to speed up with every twitch and moan that he wrenched out of me. I couldn't stop it, I didn't want to.

"Mmmm Oh my god James!" I was screaming out his name, his fingers deep inside me. I was certain he could feel my pussy clenching and contracting around his digits. My legs stiffened, I was moaning loudly now, grateful our parents weren't in the house. I could feel the explosion, shuddering under him. My juices and cum splashing out all over his hand.

God, I can't breathe...I literally could not catch my breath.

"You make me so damn wet James... how do you do that to me? All you had to do was touch me down there and, well, bam..."

He laughed at the bemused look on my face. "It's one of the most sensitive parts of your body, and you did good Jasmine. You, a lot! It was amazing!" James pulled his hand from between my legs, and licked one of his fingers. I was shocked, and baffled frowning slightly.

"Wanna see what you taste like?" he asked.

"Really? Oh god...erm, well. I've tasted you, so sure why not?" He smiled and held a finger to my mouth. Before he had chance to stuff it in I spoke. "Did I really do good?" I asked blushing yet again.

"You did really good!" He said kissing me on the end of my nose. "Anyway, watch out for this...the taste is slightly addictive."

James touched one of his fingers to my mouth, and lightly brushed my lips. I opened up, letting him enter. Reaching up, I grasped the hand he was offering, I could feel straight away how slick it was. I wondered if that was all me. Slowly I took one of his fingers, then two, into my mouth and sucked them in deep. Flicking my tongue around tasting myself, smirking as his eyes rolled back a little and he moaned.

"I taste different to you James." I noted. "You tasted salty and biter. I taste...Musky. Its good!" I was surprised. Pleasantly so. I looked up at him coyly. "Do you...Do you think I'm ready now?"

"It's your choice Jasmine honey. I'm not going to push you though."

I nodded. "I'm ready, I know I am...I want you inside me. If it feels anything like your fingers...then...well, just wow! But you'll have to go slow."

James laughed. "If you thought my fingers were good then...well, prepare to have your mind blown!"

He pushed my bra strap off my shoulder and dropped a kiss where it had previously been. "Let's get this off you shall we?" He asked.

When he had removed my bra, he tugged me towards him closer and my breasts squished up against his naked chest. I sighed content.

"God Sis, you are so fucking sexy."

"I'm glad you think so." I giggled.

James kissed me lightly on my mouth, my body pressed tightly up against him. I could feel his hard cock pressing against my soft belly. His tongue slipped past my lips and massaged my own, making me up for him. James pushed me onto my back, leaning over me. I could feel my whole body trembling.

"You sure you're ready for this? I can feel you shaking honey. You nervous?"

"Very." I nodded. "I'm actually terrified big brother! But I don't want you to stop." I smiled up at him. "Please James. Don't stop. Whatever you do, don't stop."

He nodded. "At any time if it's too much for you, you have to promise to tell me, okay?"

"Okay." I whispered. "I will...I promise. Please James, show me what I've been missing all this time."

He kissed me gently and slowly slid his hard thick cock between my legs, and guided it towards my soaking wet labia. I gasped, trying desperately to stay as still as I could under his weight. I could feel James' cock nudging at the entrance to my pussy.

"I'm ready...I'm yours!" I gasped out.

Ever so slowly he started to edge into my aching pussy, a short sharp gasp escaping his mouth as he did so. My breath caught in my throat, as I felt him inch into me. James held still...really still. He was letting me become accustomed to the feeling once again I realised. The stretch. I winced a little at the pain, the burn. He reminded me to breathe and I took a deep, shaky breath in.

He was looking down on me, tenderness written all over his face. "Brace yourself..." He whispered.

Even I knew what was coming next. Well, I think I did anyway. James kissed me gently, asked if I was okay to continue...if I was sure. It was literally only the tip of his penis situated inside me, he was waiting patiently for me to give the go ahead. I gasped as he pulled back a little, the sudden emptiness was so stark. I can do this I tell myself...I know I can. I just have to be brave.

I give James a slight nod and feel him grip my chin, pulling my face round to look into his eyes. I search them for any sign of insecurity, and find none, which makes me feel much better. I nod again, this time a bit more forcefully.

"You are going to break my hymen aren't you? Is it going to hut really badly?" I ask in a small voice.

"Yes I am." He nods. "I honestly don't know how much it is going to hurt, But it shouldn't hurt anymore than me fucking your ass." I flushed and James smiled fondly down on me, his eyes locking with mine. "I'll try not to hurt you too much though, I promise." James slowly started to push his cock inside me, feeling, more than hearing me take a huge deep breath. "God Jas, you are so fucking wet!" He grunted.

I could feel him push deeper and deeper into me. Then he suddenly stopped, hitting resistance. I knew it was coming and I took a deep breath, holding it in, nervous for what seemed the hundredth time that evening. James grasped my face again, making me look him in the eyes. Those grey eyes that are so like my own we could be twins. There is no denying whatsoever we are siblings. I brace myself, and cannot tear my gaze away from his.

He kissed me lightly on the lips and an adoring smile lit up his face, relaxing me further.

When he could feel I had finally let go a little, and I'm no longer tense underneath him, he pulled out a little. Without warning he gave a short, sharp thrust forwards, burying himself right up to the hilt.

I could feel the skin tearing, the sharp clarity of searing pain shooting through me. I cry out loudly. It hurts. Holy shit it hurts. Then there is still the feeling of James deep inside me though, and that overrides any pain I am feeling.

"Are you okay baby?" James asked concern written on his features. Searching my face to take his cue from, finally settling on my eyes again and taking in the depth, pain but so much pleasure.

"Oh god...yes...I'm okay...It shocked me, that's all. It hurts...but the pain is in the background. It's just throbbing now, but in a good way." I winced but smiled, not wanting to worry or upset him. "You're inside me...fuck you are actually inside me. You've taken my virginity."

I can't tear my gaze from him. "Yes Jasmine, I'm inside you. How does it feel?"

I moan loudly as he shifts a little. Up to now he has been perfectly still, giving me time to adjust.

"Jesus Christ, I...I can't describe it. I feel...full. And sore! Stretched and tight. I can feel throbbing with every heartbeat. Yours and mine."

"Want me to carry on?" His look was so tender it made me melt.

"Oh hell yes! Don't stop, please please please don't stop. I want to feel you slide in and out of me."

"Mmmmm good, because I am not sure I could stop, and I certainly don't want to!"

"Then don't!" I moaned. "Fuck me...please...I am begging you James, I need you too. I need you to take my mind off that ache...make me scream."

He grinned down at me and slid slowly out, before pushing back inside, eliciting a loud gasp from my lips as he did so. Oh god...I am breathing to fast again. Moaning loudly when he slides in and out. It hurts, yes. But it's not a bad pain. It's actually clearing my mind of everything and making me focus on what he is doing, what's happening l. Him and just him. Nothing and no one else mattered.

He slid back inside me, and we could both feel me loosening up, making it easier to push in and out of my warm, wet pussy.

I'm managing to relax a little, giving him far less resistance, meaning he can thrust into me better. I can feel James picking up the pace a little, looking deep into my eyes as he fucks me. Not wanting to break that eye contact at all.

"Oh god yes!" I cry out. "Fuck me! Please James, fuck me. I want it! I want you!"

"Bloody hell Jasmine. Yes! Fuck yes!"

I can feel yet another orgasm building up, I'm definitely going to scream through this one.

"Fuck you are so tight Jas...It feels so good. You are so hot!" He moaned loudly.

"Mmmm yes I know! I can feel how tight it is. How does it feel to be fucking a virgin pussy? Does it feel different?" My breathing hitched again, not able to stop the noises. "God you are so big and thick...I can feel it stretching me open, pushing inside of me!"

"It feels so good fucking your virgin pussy! I want to make you scream...and make you cum around my cock Sis!"

I sighed. "You are going to, there is no doubt about that...I promise. I've never felt anything so heavenly, So sublime. You fill me up so well, and the friction, the sensation...Jesus Christ James!"

"Oh god yes, Fucking cum for me Jas! Fuck me!" He cried out loud enough to deafen me. I wrapped my legs around him, trying to pull him in deeper, into my very soul.

"It feels so good James. I can feel the tension building up...feels like I'm going to explode. Kiss me...Whisper in my ear, and I'll cum for you...just for you."

James grabbed my face, once again making me look into his eyes. "I love you little Sis. I'm so glad you picked me to be your first." He leaned down and closed the gap between his mouth and my ear. " cum all over my cock so I can cum inside you." He growled.

I arched my back and screamed when he whispered those last words. "Oh fuck...God...I love you too ...It's always been you...Never anyone else...I can feel it coming...I can't hold it in any more James. I am going to cum all over your hard throbbing cock and scream your name whilst I'm doing it."

"Do it Sis...Fucking hell, do it!"

I tensed up under him, staring into his eyes still. I literally couldn't help screaming out James' name over and over again. With my body shuddering, I am sure he can feel me gushing all over him. Feel my hole tighten around his cock, gripping onto him and I cry out as fireworks spark in my mind.

"Oh fuck. I'm gonna cum. Yes! YES! Fuck Yes!" James was now thrusting into me almost violently, as if he couldn't help himself in anyway. My hands fisted in the sheets, legs rigid around his waist. As I came down from my latest orgasm, I felt myself relax, feeling energy leave my body. Finally able to breathe properly again, I felt myself flushing pink all over, and glanced shyly up at him.

James leaned down and kissed me so gently, and stared intently into my eyes. He was panting slightly, short sharp breaths. I tried searching his eyes for any sign of regret. He looked back with only love, and I felt my heart swell. My fingers stroke the side of his face tenderly.

"You know..." I sigh happily. "You are the best big brother a girl could ever want and need. Thank you. Thank you for taking my virginity, for making it so special. I'll never be able to thank you enough for that."

"You've already thanked me enough Jasmine. You were absolutely incredible." He smiled down at me and kissed my brow. I squirmed underneath him.

"Really?" I wrinkled my nose up unsure of what he was saying.

"Really." He nodded.

I grinned at him. "That makes me feel really special James. Did I do everything right?"

"You are special. Very special...And yes, you were absolutely superb."

"Good." I sighed relieved. "I'm glad I managed to keep up with you! I was worried how experienced you are. It didn't hurt as much as I thought it would...maybe that's because it was you doing it and not some fumbling 18 year old. I'm glad it was you. Makes it way more special."

James laughed. "I'm glad it was special. I know your next time will be even better now."

"Will my next time be with you?" I asked shyly. "I don't think I could bare anyone else touching me other than you right now. I don't think I want to." A thought occurred to me, and my face dropped. " aren't going to ditch me now, like every other bloke normally does after sex, are you? Tell me this was a one time thing?"

He chuckled and kissed me. "How could I sweetie? You are my sister. We have a lifetime bond. I'm never gonna have that with anyone else, I thought that was pretty obvious."

"You promise?" I asked, my eyebrows raised, worried about the answer.

"I promise." And he crossed his heart with a finger.

I nodded. "Good. Because I don't think I could bare it if you pushed me away now. You mean so much more to me now than you did before...I didn't think that was even possible, but it's true." I sighed and snuggled into his strong arms. "Will you hold me while I sleep? I'm exhausted."

"Sure honey, I think we both need sleep."

"Thank you. I think you are very right. I love you James. Sweet dreams."

"I love you too little Sis. Sleep tight." He kissed me on the forehead and held me a little tighter.

I giggled. "And maybe tomorrow..."

He laughed loudly, and kissed me firmly on the lips. "Maybe baby..."

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