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58.31% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 2391: MY AUNT DREW

Kapitel 2391: MY AUNT DREW

I never knew my dad. He married mother a week before he shipped to the European theater. They were together ten days before he shipped out. Long enough to make a baby, me. He was a part of the invasion forces on D-Day, a rigor he survived, only to be blown to bits by a land mine four months later while crossing a meadow. I was born in 1945 and lived as an only child, mother never wanted to marry again. My maternal grandparents owned the local general store in our tiny community, next door to the local butcher shop. It was a lucrative setting for both businesses as customers tended to drift from one to the other.

As a child I was sick more than not, often referred to as "sickly" by grandparents and the towns people. I never participated in sports of any kind and had very few friends. There were no computers or the like in those days, if I wasn't helping in the store my time was spent reading books. My growth had been stunted to the point that by the time I reached my 14th birthday and no longer sickly, I was still only five foot three and weighed 104 pounds. Those statistics didn't change much, by the time I'd reached my 18th birthday I weighed 122 pounds and was only five foot five when I graduated.

As long as I could remember mother worked for her parents at the store. Her folks had retired when I was 13, mother took over the store even though her parents still owned it. As a young teen my evenings and weekends were spent in the store stocking shelves, cleaning up, carrying groceries out to someone's vehicle or horse drawn wagon. In my 17th year things began to go downhill for my mother. It was determined that she had breast cancer so advanced she didn't live to see my 18th birthday.

When mother became too ill to work grandpa stepped back in to run the store but was in failing health as well. After mom died I lived with my grandparents. I remember the night he died sitting at the dinner table. His head flew back, he grasped his chest and flopped forward onto his plate. Dead. Grandma was in better health than he was but not much. Grandma decided she would sell the store and move to the county home for the aged. Or as it would be referred to in this day, a nursing home. The question was, what to do with me?

I had been staying with a close friend of mothers since the store had been sold. With two months of school left until graduation it still wasn't clear what would become of me. It was after the store sold that I learned something I'd never known. My mother had a younger sister, younger by three years. None of my family had ever mentioned her name, which happened to be Drew.

My high school graduating class had a total of 57 kids, 28 boys and 29 girls. For a town of 208 people and about another 100 in the countryside that was normal. There were no large, consolidated school districts at that time. It was at graduation that I first met Aunt Drew. She lived four states away, not married, owned a greenhouse and flower supply business that she'd built on her own. Though grandma came to my graduation, she didn't sit with Aunt Drew, which made me wonder what might have happened all those years ago. I had my license and was driving mom's old 1943 Plymouth four door sedan. Taking grandma back to the county home I asked why I had never met my aunt before.

"It's a long story Leroy. One I don't want to talk about and one you don't want to hear. The reason she's here is to take you home with her. I won't live much longer, with your dad's family already gone you have no other relatives who can take you in. Half of the inheritance will go to Drew and half to you when I kick the bucket. Then you can do whatever you want, but until then you're going to live with your aunt."

You didn't argue with your grandparents in 1963, not unless you were what was referred to as a rebel. It was simple, I was going to do as I was told until I was old enough to go out on my own. I sold the Plymouth, packed the few belongings and pictures I cared about and loaded it in the back of Drew's 1959 Chevy pickup. Drew didn't come in with me to say goodbye to grandma the morning we left, little did I know that I would never see her alive again.

It would take us two days to reach aunt Drews home. There were no motel stops, we slept on the ground in sleeping bags next to the truck just inside the opening of a corn field off the main road. It was on that ride I had my first encounter with a McDonalds. They were a new chain and growing rapidly. The burgers and fries were 15 cents, citing the fact that I was what she called skinny she ordered two of each for me. With a 30-cent milkshake I was on top of the world.

As we traveled I took notice of my aunt. I was surprised that she and my mother looked so much alike, her hair was the same deep brown as mom's. She possessed the same delicate facial features as mom's, she was basically the same height but had a sturdier body. Whereas my mom was thin and on the frail side aunt Drew was stocky, I'd heard gramps describe women built like her as 'big boned'. Like him, rugged and thick in the chest. Her shoulders were more like a man's than a woman's, her hands showed signs of hard work, it was obvious she didn't live a life of luxury. I'd never seen callouses like hers on a woman.

Her figure was similar to mother's although mom's hips were a bit wider, what did look the same though was her bust. I'd peeked at mom's bras a time or two and knew she wore a 34B with pointy cups. I would learn later in life they were referred to as bullet bras. From the few days I'd known her she seemed to dress in the same fashion mom had. Simple cotton dresses or a skirt and blouse, I wondered if she wore stockings like mom had. Which made me think she probably wore a garter belt like mom. Or maybe she wore some of those pantries with straps like I'd seen in the Sears catalog. I lost track of how many times I had masturbated looking at women's underwear in that catalog.

I don't think we said more than 50 words between us that first day. It was the following morning that things opened up a little. Walking toward the pines on the edge of the field she told me to turn and look at the road, she was going to pee and didn't want me to watch. It was on that leg of our journey I found out more of what had happened years before. It was she who broke the barrier of silence.

"So. What do you prefer? Roy, or Leroy?" She asked.

I wasn't sure how to respond, I had never been called anything but Leroy.

"Umm, nobody has ever called me Roy, just Leroy."

There was no such thing as nerds back then, her next statement described me to a T.

"You're a square aren't you boy. I don't imagine you've ever kissed a girl or had a girlfriend either. You don't look the type to romance a girl."

I'm not sure why I opened up, but I did. "No ma'am. I've never kissed a girl, and you're right, I'm a square, girls don't go out with dorks like me."

I decided to push the envelope. "Why didn't my mom or grandparents ever tell me I had an aunt? I asked but grandma wouldn't tell me."

She didn't say anything for several miles. "That's a long story Roy. Sure you wanna hear it?" I nodded.

"I was 15 when your mom married your dad. What nobody talks about is that he was only 17 when they got hitched and I had been his girlfriend. He wanted to get in my pants before he left for the Army and I wouldn't let him, so he went after my sister. She'd never had a boyfriend and was more than willing to marry him before he shipped out. I was a few months of 17 and immature enough that when I found out he was dead my life went into a tailspin. That's where the downward spiral of my life began."

I was confused, "I don't understand Aunt Drew. What does that mean your life went into a tailspin?"

"Alright Roy. Let's get this straightened out right now. I'm not your aunt anything. You need to call me Drew otherwise this isn't gonna work. I plan to call you Roy so you may as well get used to the changes. By tailspin I mean I went off the rails. By my 17th birthday I was known as the town bike, you know, the one everybody rides. Mom and dad, along with your mom, were furious with my behavior. I brought great shame to my family, so much so that the minute I graduated high school I was handed a bus ticket to Omaha and given one hundred dollars along with instructions to never return. No one tried to understand, console me, comfort me, or get me help in any way, it was easier to get rid of me."

I muttered, "Holy shit." Drew looked at me with sternness, frowned and wagged her finger in my face.

"That's something else. I don't care for swearing, sure it pops out now and then, but I don't like it. Let that be a warning."

It was a hot day in early summer, we had the windows open, the wings were pointed toward us. From the corner of my eye I watched as she hitched her dress up mid-thigh and tucked the edges under her opened legs. With a loud sigh she quipped.

"Damn it's hot, and boy does that fresh air feel good. Mind you keep your eyes where they belong Roy. I might only be 34 and a woman but I'll box your ears in."

I found her amusing. On the one hand she chastised me for cussing, ten minutes later she hiked her dress up far enough for me to see the soft flesh of her thighs in an effort to keep her crotch cool. She opened one more button on the top of the dress, fanning it back and forth a few times. I caught the slight glimpse of a white bra but nothing more. Yes, living with my aunt was definitely going to be interesting.

We arrived late afternoon, had the truck unpacked and my stuff in a room at the top of the stairs. Her room and the bathroom were on the main level. She was most proud of the fact that she had indoor plumbing which had been put in three summers' prior. The wooden outhouse still stood at the back of the property unused and slowly being overtaken by vines. I slept late that first day, then wandered around a bit and stayed out of the way, it was how I had always lived. Just a shadow. I wasn't sure what was expected of me at that point. Over supper Drew let me know.

"You should be settled in so here's how it's going to work Roy. I'm up at 5:30, you will be as well. I'm in the greenhouse by 6:15, you will be as well. We take a break and eat breakfast around 8. I have a lady that comes in Tuesday through Friday to cook and help me keep the house in order. She has Mondays off, that's why she wasn't here today. We're back in the greenhouse by 8:30 when the rest of the workers show up. They work until 5, we work until six. I'll pay you a buck an hour along with free room and board. Consuelo washes clothes on Tuesday, make sure yours are in the laundry room by Monday evening."

Following supper she watched the tv while I sat across the room with my nose in a book. She had changed from work clothes into what appeared to be cotton pajamas and a robe. The jammies were white with lots of little flowers throughout. At precisely nine o'clock she stood, walked over to the tv, turned it off and looked at me.

"It's bedtime Roy. Five thirty is gonna come mighty early the first few days until you get used to it. Wear clothes that you don't mind getting dirty tomorrow, you'll be potting plants all day."

She hadn't seen my wardrobe or she would have known the only nice clothes I possessed were the ones I had graduated in. Sleep came as fast as five thirty did, I faintly heard my bedroom door open and turned my head toward the sliver of light. Aunt Drew stuck her head in.

"Five thirty Roy. Time to get up. I'm through in the bathroom, it's all yours. Just so you know, my bath comes before yours. There are some donuts left from Saturday, grab one of those and a glass of milk, that'll get you through until breakfast."

The coffee had finished percolating by the time I reached the kitchen. I found it interesting that she was wearing a skirt and blouse instead of dungarees. No nylons, socks and ankle high work boots. Her hair was pulled to the sides in pigtails, she looked cute as all get out.

"Aunt Drew. Do you mind if I have coffee with a donut instead of milk?"

Looking up from the notepad she was scribbling on a scowl came across her face, "What I tell you about that aunt crap? Don't worry, I know it's the way you were taught, and no, I don't care if you prefer coffee. You'll get ahold of not calling me aunt as the days go by. One thing though, I'm not your aunt in the greenhouses, I'm Miss Drew. That's what all the others call me, you should to."

Her business included not only seasonal flora and fauna but cut flowers as well. Therefore new plantings took place year-round, which is what I started doing that first morning. She worked with me until it was time for breakfast which didn't come soon enough as hungry as I was. Consuelo was a beautiful lady from Mexico. She had come with her family for seasonal work many years prior. While working in the greenhouses she met a local guy whom she married. She and her husband had been with Drew nine years and had a 7-year-old daughter.

As Consuelo was setting a plate in front of me I was thinking about how the first 4 days of my new life had been more interesting than the previous 18 years. At home or my grandparents it had always been cereal, or oatmeal, once in a while eggs and bacon with toast, never much more. In front of me was what I had always imagined a farm breakfast would look like. There were two pancakes, two eggs, three sausage patties, fried potatoes, and toast so slathered with butter the bread looked soggy.

Drews plate had far less than mine. With a grin on her face she watched me eat as though it was going to be my last meal. When I finished I sat back and patted my stomach. Consuelo smiled.

"You eat like a man, but you look like a boy. Maybe you don't eat enough before you come here. Consuelo fix that."

Walking back to the greenhouses Drew mentioned what Consuelo had said.

"She's right you know. You eat hardy like a man would, but you look like a boy. What gives?"

"I was sickly when I was small. That stunted my growth, on top of that mother was afraid I would get hurt and wouldn't let me do all the stuff other kids did. I became an outcast and spent most of my existence doing odd jobs at the store or with my nose in a book."

"So. You come by the title of being a square honestly. You look puny, but we'll get some meat on those bones, you aren't done growing yet. Working out here and Consuelo's cooking will help you grow into a man."

The workers had not only arrived but were hard at it. They were an interesting mix, seven Spanish people, a few black ladies and half a dozen assorted different nationality white people. By today's standards it would be called a diversified workplace, back then it was just a bunch of people from different backgrounds working at the same place. I was put with the two black ladies, Connie and Alice, along with one of the Spanish ladies, Carmen. Comparted to my lumbering efforts they had planting down to a science moving with speed and precision.

In ways Drew was way ahead of the game concerning employees and how to keep them. On the back of her large farmhouse was an enclosed porch that was able to seat 20 or more comfortably. in it were tables and chairs which made me wonder what that was all about. It became abundantly clear when at exactly 12:30 everyone stopped what they were doing and made their way to the porch. Arrayed on the tables were sandwich meats, fresh rolls, soups, desserts and assorted beverages. Milk, water or iced tea.

No wonder she had such loyal hard-working people in her employ. Other than on farms that just wasn't heard of in those days. There were no official breaks during the morning and afternoon other than the 45-minute lunch break. If you needed to use the bathroom or rest a minute, that's what you did and then went back to work. It wasn't strenuous work per se, just busy from start until finish. The workers were officially done at five but always finished what they might be doing, which meant some were done before five and some a few minutes after.

That was something else I found intriguing, no time clock. There was a card with each person's name on it and columns for when they started and finished. She trusted her people to be honest about their hours. Something else interesting is that she was paying everyone at least a dollar more than they could get at the local factory or store. That is, everyone but me. I didn't mind though, working at the store I was never paid a wage. If I needed money I would ask and usually get a few bucks. If I was given a tenner that was considered above and beyond in my grandpa's mind.

Though I was only working an eleven-and-a-half-hour day she was paying me for twelve, that was 12 bucks a day five days a week and another six on Saturday morning. Sixty-six bucks a week, which would come to around fifty-nine take home pay. Every week. With free room and board I could have enough saved to buy a jalopy in a few months. When the others left for the day my job was to help Drew clean up and get things ready for the following day. In her words, she wasn't going to pay someone to get ready for work, she would pay them to work. Thus, the two of us making sure things were ready for the next morning.

Tired and bedraggled, I plodded along behind her as we walked to the house just before six that evening. As we were walking two trucks pulled in, enclosed trucks with beds about fifteen feet long and high enough to stand up. On the front was a refrigeration unit, then it hit me. Delivery trucks that had been out all day. Both backed up to the docking area where the walk-in coolers were located. Out of the trucks stepped two of the biggest men I had ever seen.

They waved, Drew yelled. "Orders are on the clipboard."

Leaning close as we walked she said quietly, "Samoan's. Big s-o-b's, but they work hard and nobody gives them crap. They'll fill the orders then take the trucks home and leave about four in the morning. I lucked out finding those two brothers, they're worth their weight in gold. The older one has a thing for me, so far, I haven't responded, maybe in the future. Who knows."

I'd forgotten about waiting for her to use the bathroom first, after peeing I was washing my hands. When I turned she was in the doorway with arms folded across her chest. With an exasperated look she barked.

"Well. Out. I need to pee."

Mental note to self, never do that again. Supper was another feast, I ate like a pig. I couldn't believe how much food I had put away, that was a first for me. I tried reading after supper, however I was fighting eyelids that wanted to close the entire time. Drew was in evening attire, robe and jammies, on the couch going through the local newspaper. I wasn't aware that I had dozed off until I felt Drew shaking my arm.

"Come on tiger. Time for bed, you had a long day."

The clock said 8pm, I didn't care, I was too tired to try staying up any longer. I was awake but not out of bed when the door opened, before she spoke I did."I'm awake. I'll be down in a few minutes."

Thus was the first week of my new existence. Up early, a hardy breakfast, a light but filling lunch, another hardy meal for supper and in bed by 8 or 8:30. After working a half day Saturday I figured I would do some exploring around the property. Scrounging in the kitchen for something to eat she put her hand on my shoulder.

"Get washed up and change. Going to town. We can eat at the Corner café and then you can help me grocery shop. Consuelo always offers but I figure she should be home with her family instead of doing my grocery shopping. Besides, with your help it will be easier getting all that stuff out to the truck."

I had the roast beef blue plate special with a glass of milk. Drew told me to have dessert if I wanted. I ordered a piece of cherry pie, Drew stopped the waitress before she could walk away.

"Bring him two, he's a hard worker and he'll eat both. Probably better bring another glass of milk."

Damned if she wasn't right, I ate both pieces of pie and downed the glass of milk as well. Grocery shopping was another adventure. I was used to gramps old wooden building with plank floors and a few refrigerated cases in the back. This was one of the newer grocery stores, not a general store. There were rows and rows of different kinds of food, an in-house bakery as well as butcher, a full dairy section and the thing that amazed me the most. Checkout counters with belts to move food forward and cash registers that weren't giant brass things.

I almost choked when they rang up the two carts of groceries, it was twice what my weekly pay would be. Drew pulled the truck to the loading area, I put eleven large paper bags of groceries in the back of the truck. When I asked about meat she told me she bought directly from local farmers, had it butchered and kept frozen in a locker facility. Domestic freezers weren't all that common then. Most towns had a butcher shop that rented frozen locker compartments. You could stop in anytime they were open and withdraw meat from your locker.

Which is what we did. Although, the young man at Schillinger's meat shop was anything but friendly. He didn't want to be there on a Saturday afternoon and it was obvious. His words were curt, impolite and snappy. I could see Drew beginning to bristle and took a step backward. When he brought out the meat she told him she wanted she snapped back.

"Let Reinhard know I'll be in on Monday to get the rest of my meat. I don't need your smart-ass attitude."

That was the only cuss word I'd heard her utter in the week I'd been there. On the edge of town was a Sears catalog store who just happened to have a huge domestic chest freezer on display. With a little arm twisting and bargaining she bought it and told them she'd be back in an hour to pick it up but would need help loading. On the way home I asked how we would get it unloaded.

"Oh, it isn't that heavy, you and me can handle it. But I'm not about to spend that kind of money and have them watch me load it. Nope, they can do it for me, I can play the helpless female pretty good when it suits me."

With groceries unloaded and put away we headed back into town. Walking into the Sears store the owner looked surprised. "You're early." He said.

Drew snapped back, "Is that a problem Earl? You and those two lunkheads at the table got nothing else to do. Load my dang freezer."

It quickly became apparent to me why she was so successful, she was no one's door mat. We cleared a space in the garage when we got home and she was right, we had it off the truck in no time. Mind you I didn't have the upper strength to handle it on my own. Between the two of us we lowered first one end and then the other, shoved it in place and plugged it in. When the compressor came on she smiled.

"I won't have to deal with Schillinger's any longer. Reinhard is a great guy but he's getting old and those slouches he has working for him are worthless. This baby will be cold by tomorrow, so we'll go pick up the meat Monday afternoon. Consuelo will love having this available, she's always running out of freezer space."

In the house she asked if I liked American Bandstand, I nodded yes.

"Good, because that's what I watch every Saturday at 6:30. I also make cheeseburgers with chips and a Pepsi. You okay with that?"

Wow, I'd hit the jackpot. "That sounds great Drew."

She laughed softly, "Now you're gettin it boy. Tomorrow night we'll have leftovers and watch Ed Sullivan. Listen Roy, I'm gonna take a short nap before I start supper. Do what you like but make sure you're back in the house by six for supper."

I was tired enough that I chose to do the same. What woke me was the smell of onions being fried and hamburger in the frying pan. I sliced fresh buns we'd picked up at the bakery as she was putting cheese on the burgers. She pointed to a bag of Jay's potato chips lying on the table. I emptied the bag into a bowl about the same time she was putting the cheeseburgers together.

While watching Martha and the Vandellas lip sync Heat Wave we devoured the burgers and chips. I hadn't had a pop for weeks, so an entire bottle of Pepsi was a treat. In the past it was always a glass for me and a glass for mother. Sunday I spent exploring the property, including an old dilapidated shed. Inside was it dark and musty smelling, pushing the doors open enough to let in some sunlight my heart stopped for a moment.

In the corner was a 1949 Ford coupe. I happened to know it was the first full size new design Ford produced since world war two. How did I know? My grandpa had one just like it in black. This one was brown with chrome bumpers. Chrome wasn't available on vehicles during the war years, everything went into the war machine as they called it. It was coated in dust and pigeon droppings, the tires were flat and dry rotted. Opening the driver's door the fragrance of old upholstery billowed out. Everything appeared to be original, just neglected. My mind went into overdrive wondering who it belonged to and if there was any possibility I might be able to buy it when I saved enough money. I was just about to sit in it when I heard Drews' voice.

"What are you doing in here Roy? I don't recall telling you it was okay to go snooping in the shed. Close the door and leave."

I wasn't sure what the fuss was about but I also knew I needed to do as she'd told me. As I walked away I looked back, her hand was on the hood, she was bent over and looked as though she was crying. I wasn't sure how deep in shit I was, but I was in it for sure. I wasted no time in the house and went directly to my room. Even though it was late afternoon and I was getting hungry, no way in hell was I coming out to face another berating, I'd go to bed hungry and eat more in the morning.

That lasted until around seven when my bladder was ready to burst. I snuck down the stairs as quietly as possible, took care of business and tried sneaking back upstairs. As I walked in the room who should I find sitting on my bed but Drew. I stopped in my tracks staring at her. She didn't speak, she simply pointed to the chair across the room which I wisely sat in.

"I owe you an apology Roy. You were just curious, there was no reason for me to yell at you. The car, you seemed to like it."

Before she could go on I blurted, "Yes, it's a '49 coupe, my grandpa had one. Oh wait, he was your dad, sorry. Anyway I know all about it."

With a sad smile she spoke, "That car belonged to my late husband. I brought it with me when I bought this place."

"But wait. I thought you had never been married."

"That's what my folks and your mom believed, so I let them. After two or three waitress jobs along the way, saving a bit of money at each place, I ended up in California where I married a realty developer. A very successful developer by the way. His weakness was surfing, he was passionate about it, it's also what killed him. The beaches were closed but he and his brother just had to ride the huge swells coming as a storm approached. Talk about a tragedy, they both died that day."

My mouth was hanging open, "But how did you get here if you lived in California?"

"I was the sole beneficiary of his wealth and no idea what to do. His dad offered to buy the business and I accepted. I came here with enough money to buy this property, start the business and build it to what it is today. I could probably live off what I have invested, but that's not me. I need to work, and I wouldn't think of abandoning the people who work for me."

I no longer felt like I was neck deep in alligators, but I wasn't going to push it either.

"Thanks for telling me Aunt Drew. I mean Drew. I won't go near it again."

"Aren't you hungry Roy? You didn't come down for supper."

"I'm starved, but I thought you were mad at me."

She stood and beckoned me to follow. I finished off the leftover fried chicken from Friday's lunch and was looking for more when she laughed.

"Holy cow, do you have a hollow leg? There's some chocolate cake in the pantry, have some of that."

I was wolfing the last bite when she stood, walked to me, bent over and kissed the top of my head.

"Sorry about earlier Roy, sleep well. We got work again tomorrow."

At work we settled into the regular routine, me working with the ladies and Drew running the entire show. While eating breakfast one morning she brought up the '49.

"If you want to tinker with the coupe I don't mind. Alvin would want that. Letting it sit and rot isn't something that would please him. I'll make a deal with you. I'll have new tires put on it and you pay me back with half your paycheck each week until they're paid for. I have the money and could make it a gift, but there's a lesson involved. What we get for nothing doesn't have the same value as what we pay for."

With new tires on the car I could at least move it back and forth in the shed. I drained the gas tank and carb, put in new fuel and tried to start it. Foolish me, I hadn't given the battery a thought. It took me another two weeks to be able to afford a battery without any help from Drew. When I walked from the farm supply store carrying the battery I felt like I was on top of the world. Pushing me aside to sit in the passenger seat she handed me the keys.

"You're driving Roy. Keep it between the white lines."

I bought the battery on Saturday, Sunday afternoon just after three the engine came to life. I was beaming inside, I couldn't stop smiling. Putting it in gear I slowly engaged the clutch hoping it would move, as it inched forward I let out a hoop and holler. Put it in reverse and back in place. As I closed the door getting out I heard soft clapping to my right. Drew was standing with a grin and chuckling softly.

"You did good Roy. It reminds me a lot of Alvin. He wasn't much taller than you and was slight in build like you. He had a little more bulk to his body, but you'll get there. If it's running I suppose we should register it."

As the days turned into weeks I became acquainted with all the different aspects of the business. By late summer I was working with Drew more than anywhere else. It was as if she was training me for something I wasn't aware of. By fall I was taking orders and scheduling deliveries. The more I did the happier Drew seemed to be. Some of the older workers began asking about me, who I was, why was I living at the house, was I related? Drew settled it one day at lunch. Standing to get everyone's attention she started.

"I'm aware there have been numerous questions about Roy. I'm going to explain and from here forward I don't want to hear anymore. Number one. Roy is a guest in my house whether others like it or not. Number two. He's being trained to help run the business in the future. Number three. Who and what he is to me is none of your business. That's the long and short of it. Back to work."

I didn't hear another word about it that day and I don't think she did either. Her answer caught me off guard to say the least, and yet it didn't. From that day forward the relationship between us changed as well. She was a softer person when others weren't around, more engaging in conversation. I also noticed that she was more inquisitive of my past as well as what my aspirations for the future were. With the push on for holiday flowers it was a mad house, long hours, strenuous work and not as much sleep.

The week before Christmas was the last delivery until the first of the year, it surprised me when we didn't go out the Monday of Christmas week. I stood at the door expecting Drew to walk into the kitchen. When she did she was still in her pj's and slippers. I shrugged my shoulders and put my arms out to the side in a 'what gives' gesture.

She smiled. "You didn't read the notice on the bulletin board did you? You never read the notices. We're closed until the first other than deliveries next week and checking the greenhouses each day to make sure they're warm enough. We'll do that after breakfast. I'm afraid you're stuck with my cooking this week and next, Consuelo is off the same as the others."

"Who's going to cut and put the orders together if everyone is off except the drivers?"

She pointed at me, "We are Roy. You know what to do, between the two of us I think we can handle it. One more thing, you're taking me to Christmas Eve service at the little church on the edge of town. Do you have Sunday clothes?"

"The only nice clothes I have are the ones I graduated in."

She scoffed, "Those will never fit, you've gained at least twenty pounds since you got here. You've gotten taller as well? You look an inch or two higher than before."

"I don't think so. I don't feel any taller."

"Well the length your pants says otherwise. Stand right there, I'm gonna get my tape measure."

Patting me on the shoulder after measuring my height she turned me around.

"Sixty-six and a half inches. You told me you were five foot five when you left home, you've grown an inch and a half. Good job Roy. Hard work and good food were all you needed for that growth spurt. You're growing into a man. Isn't your birthday in February?"

How did she remember all that stuff, furthermore why was it important?

"Yes, it's in February. Why?"

"Just making sure I have my facts right. By the way, we're going to town today and buy you some dress clothes, it wouldn't hurt to get some different work clothes either. Your pants are too short and your shoes have worn out."

I was glad we were going to town, I wanted to get her something for Christmas but didn't want to try and find something when we went grocery shopping. J.C. Penney was having a big last minute Christmas sale where we picked out new slacks and shirts for me along with some flannel shirts and new jeans. We were standing at the edge of the women's delicate's, as she called them, turning to me she said.

"Wander around a little on your own, I need to shop in here. I'll meet you by the front door in twenty minutes."

During our shopping she had stopped near a table that had silk scarves and commented how nice they were before we moved on. I used my twenty minutes to buy her not one, but two scarves. I had them wrapped right away and was reaching to take the box from the lady when Drew walked up.

"I told you twenty minutes Roy. Where you been?"

I surprised myself by having an answer instead of cowering. "I needed to have a gift wrapped."

She gave me a smirk, "A gift? Who do know that you bought a gift for?"

I could feel a tear welling in my eyes, I looked down and walked past her to the front door. I was just outside the building when I felt a tug on my arm.

I looked at her and said, "What."

Pointing to the gift-wrapped box she said, "That's for me isn't it. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you upset. Let me make it up to you, I know you like fried chicken, Dizzy Deans Tavern has an all you can eat chicken tonight. Why don't we go there after we stop at the farm store?"

At the farm store we got a pair of boots and a winter coat for me and an insulated vest for Drew. I commented on the vest on the way to the tavern.

She laughed, "Yeah, it helps keep my (she was patting her chest) my uh, my ta-ta's warm.

I laughed a little, she slugged me in the shoulder and scolded. "Don't laugh, you aren't a girl, you wouldn't know."

It was the first she'd shown me affection of any kind, it was as if I was being accepted into her otherwise dark and lonely world. A world I knew all too well. I ate like a hog at the tavern, after my third plate of chicken the owner stopped at the table and looked at Drew with a smile.

"Don't bring him in here for chicken anymore, he'll bankrupt me. Just pullin yer chain kid, you're welcome with Drew anytime. But next time eat before coming here."

All three of us were laughing as he walked away. Drew yelled out "Another Pabst please."

He nodded and kept on walking. Two minutes later a cold bottle of Pabst Blue Ribbon was sitting in front of her. Following a substantial swig she pointed the bottle to me.

"You want a swig?"

I was embarrassed when I answered, "I've never had a beer. I don't know if I like it."

Sliding the bottle to me, "Now's as good a time as any to find out. It's an acquired taste so it may take more than one drink to know if you like it. Go ahead, take a sip."

Ugh, that was nasty. I set the bottle and slid to her.

"No, I don't like it."

There was a devious look in her eyes when she said, "Mmmm, you might, time will tell."

On the way out of town she stopped at the Boy Scout Christmas tree lot. Walking through it she talked to me.

"I haven't had a tree since I moved here, maybe we should get one this year. I know where the ornaments are, I don't think I have any lights that work anymore, but hey, we don't need lights."

With a tree in the bed of the truck we drove home. I had the tree inside and secured in an old stand when she said she wanted to wait to decorate until it warmed and the branches filled out. I watered it and sat next to her on the couch.

"Drew, can we make a popcorn string tomorrow after we're done in the greenhouse?"

That question prompted another surprise, reaching over she took my hand in hers.

"Your mom did that didn't she." I nodded. "Yeah, as girls we did that every Christmas. Sure, we'll do a popcorn string or two." Then she laughed. "What about a paper chain? I have lots of construction paper and we can make some paste. I haven't done that since I was a small kid."

I fell asleep that night with a feeling of belonging somewhere, something I hadn't felt in years. We made two popcorn strings and a paper chain the next afternoon. Supper was Oscar Mayer wieners and baked beans Consuelo had made the day she left. 'None of that stuff from a can' Drew had mumbled as she warmed them. The next three days were days of relaxation, we would sleep until around seven, have a leisurely breakfast, take care of things in the morning and have the afternoons to ourselves. The guys made deliveries on Monday and Tuesday, with Christmas on Friday nothing was scheduled until the 28th. Drew had commented that New Year's Eve generated a lot of business with corsages and such.

On Christmas eve I was bathed, dressed and ready to go by seven. The service began at 8 and I didn't want to be a reason we might be late. You might say an early present for me was when Drew walked into the living room. I wondered where the hard working take no prisoners person had gone. In front of me was a woman, a good-looking woman. Her dress was red with little green hollies throughout. (It was 1963)

I'd never seen her hair styled before, or makeup of any kind. It was common for her to wear earrings, but never anything as fancy as what she had on. What caught my eye the most was the shimmer of her stockings and high heels. They had to be at least three inches, I remembered mom had a similar pair. The service was short and sweet, everyone was invited to stay for punch and cookies. As we headed for the basement she took my arm.

As we pulled in the long driveway she patted my thigh, scooted back to her side of the car and told me she'd finish the story inside.

I was pleasantly surprised when she walked into the living room in just jammies, she usually wore a robe tied tightly over them. She sat on the couch about a foot away.

"Where was I? Oh yeah, he checked out. He quit his job at the sawmill and normally doesn't come to town for any reason other than a few staples from the grocery store. He sold his truck and pulls a kids wagon to haul his purchases home, summer or winter, doesn't matter. Molly goes to see him from time to time, he never has much to say but always thanks her for coming. It's a sad situation."

"Yeah but, how does he live?"

"He trapped and sold furs for the first years until he reached social security age, then stopped. What he gets each month is enough to eke out an existence and that's all he wants. This will probably be the last Christmas we'll see him. He's dying from cancer. Him dying will be the first kind thing in his life since Clarissa passed. It's sad, there's no other way to describe it."

Something happened that changed the dynamics of my time with Drew. As she turned away from me reaching for the cup of hot chocolate on the end table the second button of her pajamas opened. When she turned back I had my first glimpse of bare naked tits. All I saw were the tops and cleavage, but it was enough to give me an instant hardon. I quickly grabbed a pillow and set it on my lap with my hands crossed on top trying to keep my erection in check. It wasn't working very well.

Drew looked at me funnily, then down at her front and grabbed her PJ top. "Oh, sorry. I should have been more careful Roy, after all, you are a man. You are a man, aren't you?"

I nodded as my mind debated. A man, she called me a man. My cock was telling me I was at the same time my mind was telling me I wasn't. When the hot chocolate was finished she took the cups and went into the kitchen, by the time she returned I'd softened enough to stand and not be embarrassed. As I lay in bed I couldn't stop seeing the tops of her breasts and cleavage. I didn't masturbate often, at least up until that point. Whereas I took my laundry down Monday evening, she would put hers in the laundry room hamper every morning.

My devious mind was working overtime that night. Did I dare do what I was contemplating, or just grab some Kleenex and shoot my wad in there? The devil on my left shoulder won. I snuck down the stairs, explored the laundry basket until I found the treasure and quickly scampered to my room. Dropping my underwear I sat against the headboard with my legs spread and a pair of her soft nylon panties wrapped around my dick. Slowly I slid the slick material up and down my throbbing hardon, the precum was leaking onto the panties as I stroked. It seemed to take no time and I was filling the crotch of those panties to overflowing.

I came so hard it left me momentarily dazed and completely out of breath. The panties were soaked with thick creamy semen, it was no longer just in the crotch. Squeezing the last few drops from my dick I wiped the residue with Kleenex, snuck down the stairs and buried the panties in the middle hoping Consuelo would grab a handful of laundry without inspecting. I certainly didn't want Drew to know I was beating my meat using her panties as the depository.

Over the course of the next four or five weeks I noticed Drew's indoor attire was more relaxed than previously. In fact, I could have sworn that on more than one occasion the top two buttons of her jammies were left open on purpose. I also realized she had figured out why a pillow was on my lap most nights. I had begun sneaking down to the laundry basket every four or five nights at that point. The end result was always flooding the fabric of her worn panties with young potent seed. It was a night ten days before my birthday that my heart did a flip flop while rummaging through the basket looking for panties.

I had seen the newest phenomenon in women's underwear in catalogs but never in person. Bikini panties, and there they were, a pair of sky-blue silky feeling nylon panties. I actually jacked off twice before putting them back imagining my aunt standing in front of me wearing them. I had now graduated from seeing my aunt as a woman to seeing her in a sexual manner. Other than the few tit shots she supposedly hadn't realized she was showing me there had been no other indication of her being sexual.

Work was keeping my mind in check during the day, it was those evenings on the couch watching TV or reading that were killing me. With my birthday two days away she reached over, put her hand on mine and announced.

"We're going out for your birthday, since it's a Saturday we can sleep late the next day."

I chuckled to myself, sleep late? Her sleep late was maybe seven, mine was much later. Late in the afternoon on Saturday she told me she wanted me to dress up. I mentioned I didn't have anything fancy she responded.

"I have something for you. Meet me downstairs by the bathroom in ten minutes."

When I reached the bottom step and turned right there stood Drew with a suit. When I reached her she held it against my body.

"Damn, I was right. It will fit."

I stared at her, "Language" I said. We smiled and laughed. "I want you to wear this, it will fit you nicely. I'm not trying to reinvent Alvin in you, it simply makes no sense having it hang in my closet, he'd have wanted you to wear it."

With the suit and dress shirt on I approached her with the tie. I didn't have a clue about tying it other than the wide part was supposed to be in the front. With deft fingers she had it tied and was sliding it to my neck in a minute's time. Lightly patting my chest she backed away.

"You look good Roy. You'll do."

It was my turn to observe her in a dark blue pencil dress, at least that's what I thought they called it. I especially loved the sheer sparkly stockings, listening to the faint swoosh of silk rubbing together when she stepped back. The neckline was kind of a scoop thing that didn't reveal anything, but you certainly knew it was under there. The dark blue short heels put everything in proportion. At the closet she turned for me to help with her coat, it was the first time I stared at her cute butt. It wasn't pronounced nor was it flat, it seemed to have the perfect curvature for her body frame.

She insisted we take the '49 and that she sit close to me on the way home. No hanky panky, just a closeness I hadn't experienced before as we talked. Inside I was loving every second, at the same time I was thinking about anything other than her presence to keep my dick from getting hard. I think she sensed my dilemma, asking me to drop her off at the porch she suggested I put the car away. Before the door closed, she leaned in.

"Will you meet me in the living room for hot chocolate?" She asked. I nodded. "Okay, 15 minutes, dress comfy."

Sweatpants weren't a thing then, I normally slept in my underwear, so I wore a pair of pajama bottoms and a t-shirt. She was in her customary pajamas that somehow seemed sexier than normal. When she left to get hot chocolate from the kitchen the second button was closed, when she returned it was open, although she was leaning back so I couldn't see her chest. Our conversation went in a direction I never expected.

"You're 19 now aren't you?" I nodded. "I thought so. And never been with a girl huh?" I nodded again. "Well it's 1964, that ends here and now."

I protested, "I've never so much as held a girl's hand other than you and I sure haven't kissed a girl. Girls don't want to go out with a runt like me."

Moving closer she looked at me, putting her finger under my chin as she admonished me.

"That's rubbish Roy. You may have been a runt, but not anymore. Listen, who you were is not who you are now. You're becoming a solid man, one of integrity and respect. You certainly aren't ugly, any girl in her right mind would be happy with a guy like you."

What she did next threw me for a loop. Her hand went under my shirt and lightly pinched a nipple. It felt different and good at the same time.

Withdrawing her hand she asked. "Did you like that Roy."

I could barely speak, "Yes, it felt kind of good."

"Then that's exactly what I want you to do to mine."

As the last button of her top opened she moved the fabric to the sides. Oh shit, my cock was hard and aching, I was sure I'd begun to literally salivate. They were so perfect, so round, they stuck out at least two inches or more from her chest, I wasn't sure if I was breathing any longer. Taking my hands in hers she lifted them to her breasts.

Feel them Roy. Mmm-hmm, you can squeeze them gently, lift them and see how nice they fit in your hands. Move your fingers to the nipples and squeeze them like I did yours. Okay, roll them gently. Can you feel how hard they're getting? That's because they like it Roy, they like being played with."

In a moment of shock I blurted, "Why are you telling me to feel you?"

Moving close enough to be nose to nose she lightly kissed my lips and moved back with her hands on the sides of my face. My hands never left her breasts. I was enthralled by their size, the warmth, the perfectly shaped roundness.

"Because it's time that you realized what a handsome young man you are. I have feelings just like you have feelings. They didn't go away just because Alvin died. I trust you, you know how to keep your mouth shut and to be frank. I'm lonely, terribly lonely."

I was thrilled and confused at the same time, my cock was excessively hard. "I live in the same house with you Drew. Why are you lonely?"

She sighed heavily, "Yes, we live in the same house, eat together, watch TV together and all the rest. But with you here and looking so much like a man it isn't enough. I find myself wanting comfort and desire from a man, to be fulfilled physically. In other words, I need to feel like a woman again, not just a business owner. I know this is sudden and probably shocking to you. What I'm trying to say is that I want you to make love to me."

My emotions must have been at full peak because her hands left my face and grabbed my hands.

"Not so hard, they need to be loved softly."

"But Aunt Drew, I don't know how to make love. I don't know what to do."

She patted my face in a playful slap, "I'm Drew. Remember? As for knowing nothing that's okay. What you need to understand is that I do know lots of stuff, stuff that I will teach you. Your first lesson was tonight, and you passed. The rest of tonight's lesson will be in my bedroom. Follow me."

As she walked she let the top fall to the floor. Turning she said, "Get that shirt off." I watched her shimmy the bottoms to her ankles, stepping out of them as she entered the bedroom. Looking at me she said, "The bottoms to."

Standing in front of me as I turned into her room was a goddess of sexuality. At least to me she was. Clad in a pair of bright red nylon bikini panties, the very ones I had dumped a load in the week before. I was wearing plain white briefs that barely contained my aching cock, the head was threatening to push past the elastic waistband. There were a few hairs poking out the leg openings of her panties, the dark brown strands against her pale skin made my cock jump.

Taking my hand she pulled me closer. "First things first. You need to know how to kiss. It needs to start soft and tender. Like this."

We kissed for what seemed like the longest time when she pulled back. "That was good, it was like our lips melted together. You're a natural Roy, just make sure you keep your lips soft and inviting. As for now, it's time to let passion take over and learn how to French."

I'm not sure why but I seemed to know what to do when I felt her soft warm tongue gently swipe across my lips. I wasn't grossed out by the fact that her spit was being mingled with mine, in fact, it felt natural to be kissing that way. With her near naked body plastered tight to mine she gently pushed her hips forward. I could feel her pussy mound through the cloth, I was almost ready to cum in my underwear.

Breaking our kiss she pulled back. "You're ready to explode aren't you my young stud." I nodded furiously. "Then stand in front of me when I sit on the bed."

With her hands on the waistband of my underwear she slowly pulled outward and down, my cock was twitching, throbbing, wanting to explode. With the undies at my ankles her hands went behind grabbing my ass cheeks. The pre-ejaculate fluid also referred to as precum was abundant and running down my cock. I was always intrigued by this fluid when I masturbated, seeming to appear on its own with me having no control over it. I would later learn in life it was something that happened with male arousal, it was typically clear and contained no sperm. I was beyond excited, breathing hard, not sure what to do, I certainly didn't expect what happened next. She pulled my body forward and licked the full length of my cock, getting rid of any precum in the process. Kissing the blood engorged head she looked up with a smile.

"Nice cock Roy, I love a thick cut cock. It's not so long it will hurt, but certainly long enough to fill me. And look, I can barely get my fingers around it, I'm going to love having this in me when the time comes. For tonight we'll take care of things a different way. I want you to stand strong and not go weak in the knees. Okay?"

"I will. What are you gonna do?"

She smiled, winked and said, "This." As she slowly wrapped her warm lips around the head of my dick before pulling back.

"You'll cum quick Roy. That's okay, just let it fly, I'll take care of everything."

As my dick slowly disappeared into the depths of her mouth I could feel what she had warned me about. My knees were beginning to weaken, my body was shaking slightly, my fingers were laced in her hair, I could feel the fires burning from head to toe. Slowly bobbing her head she softly cupped my balls running her fingertips across them. What a feeling, what a wonderful feeling. In mere minutes was ready to cum and she knew it.

Softly she began to hum, "mmm-hmm, mmm-hmm." Moving my hands to the sides of her head I held on for dear life. My legs were stiff as posts, I wanted to ram every inch down her throat, thankfully her hand was wrapped around the base stopping me from doing such. With her lips tightly sealed around the head I felt stream after stream of jizz leave my cock. Each time my balls would contract she would gulp what was in her mouth and ready herself for the next. Listening to her gulping was as erotic as the initial blow job in and of itself. She continued to suck gently as I softened, when I had nothing left she pulled off with a loud POP and smiled at me.

"Oh my God Roy. You damned near drown me. How long have you been holding all that cum? Did it take the edge off?"

I was so light headed and woozy I nearly couldn't speak, "Oh my gosh. That was wonderful. I never knew a blow job could be so wonderful."

Patting the fronts of my thighs she informed me, "We aren't done though, there's another part of tonight's lesson. When I lay back I want you to take my panties off. You can kiss my pussy if you want as you lower them."

I hooked my thumbs on the elastic and began to pull them down, with her hips lifted I cleared her thick curly bush and did as she instructed. My nose tickled as I kissed in the middle of all that silky hair. With her panties off she told me to kneel between her legs. I stared at the treat before me, I didn't know it was a treat at that point, but within the next fifteen minutes I would. Her bush wasn't big per se, but it sure was thick with a narrow line of hair alongside the labia. With her hands in my hair she pulled me forward.

"Smell me Roy. See what a pussy on fire smells like. See how I'm slick and wet along the pussy lips? Those are called labia. I'm going to put your mouth on my pussy, that's called the vulva. I want you to lick from the bottom to top, drink in my juices."

As she lay back she pulled my face between her legs, the scent made my cock harden again. It was a mixture of her natural muskiness and a slight scent of perfume. With hands in my hair she pulled me forward instructing me along the way.

"Kiss along the insides of my thighs, up higher by my pussy. Mm-hmm, good boy. Now kiss my pussy and lick like I told you. Yes, yes, very good. Now back to the bottom but make your tongue stiff. Okay, push it inside, part the lips and lick to the top. Stop there, do you feel that marble size bump? That's my clit. Lick around it in a small circle, now suck it hard."

When I did that her body tensed and she let out a shriek. I had no idea what had occurred and stopped. With a handful of my hair she barked.

"No, don't stop. Keep licking and sucking just like that. Ohh, oh, right there Roy, lick right there and don't stop."

I was licking like a kitten at a bowl of warm milk, my jaws were beginning to ache, my stiff tongue was doing the same and I damned near couldn't breathe. She suddenly stiffened, her legs clamped to my head, one hand held me tight to her crotch while the other hand grabbed her left tit. Lifting her pelvis upward against my mouth a long loud moan flowed from deep within. Her hips were bucking, her tummy convulsing, and her body seemed to quiver. I was about to try escaping when she gently pushed my face back to her pussy.

"Lick gently, just a little longer."

I did as instructed, her hips would buck and spasm every ten or fifteen seconds until she pushed me away.

"No more, no more. Oh God that was good. You're a quick learner stud. Mmm, I see that cock is still hard. I was going to make this lesson number two but why wait? Let me get in the middle of the bed, now kneel between my legs. Move the head up and down my slit a few times to make you wet like I am."

She then reached between us and grabbed my cock, putting it against her pussy she whispered, "push."

I pushed hard at first until I felt whatever was holding me back relax. Victory, the head of my cock was in a pussy. Her hands were on my hips holding me in place. After a few seconds she gently coaxed me to go deeper, pulling and pushing with her hands, within seven or eight strokes her hands went to my ass, pulling me in as she grunted.

"All of it, I want all of it."

My head swooned feeling the head slowly push open the vaginal walls only to have them hug the shaft of my cock tightly. It was so warm, so smooth, so inviting, I was convinced her vagina was literally sucking me deeper inside. As my pelvis made contact with hers, she said softly.

"Oh fuck. So big, so deep. My pussy loves this. It's been so long since I had a man inside me, go slow at first, I'll let you know when I need it harder."

I wondered where the no cussing rule had gone, for about a nano second, then put my hips in gear and began to rock back and forth. With our rhythm slow and controlled she began to lift her hips into my thrusts, at the same time she lifted her knees using her feet on the mattress to push against me harder. It was as if I was in a saddle she didn't want me to fall out of. Not wanting my weight on her chest I had my arms extended, she raised her head and looked between us as we continued to make love.

"Look down, see that meat sliding in and out of my pussy. You're learning quickly and doing good. Okay, give me all you've got left, fuck her hard."

As her head flopped back onto the pillow I picked up the pace and thrust, I was fucking her as hard and fast as I could. Sweat was rolling down my chest, dripping from my forehead, I was breathing like a marathon runner, my balls were beginning to burn, I needed to cum. Just then she grabbed my shoulders, arched her back and yelled.

"Cum, cum in me. Yes. Oh yes, oh my god I can feel it."

Her body went limp as I unloaded deep inside her. Each time my cock pulsed I could feel her pussy squeeze, it was almost like she was milking the sperm from me. I was on raised arms looking down at her lovely breasts rising and falling with each breath. Her eyes lazily opened and a smile crossed her lips, placing her hands on either side of my face she spoke softly.

"That was good Roy, very good. You have a lot to learn, but you're a good student."

When I lay next to her she snuggled in tight with her back to me and reached for my hand, putting it on her breast. Then promptly fell asleep, I must have followed suit because when I woke it was 3AM and she wasn't in bed. I found her in the bathtub soaking. Beckoning me to join I slid in with my back to her front. She kissed my neck a few times and then laid her head back.

With a sigh she spoke, "I would love to do more this morning but my kitty is pretty sore. Nothing like your big tool has been inside me for years. I'm going to want more, but not today, maybe tomorrow."

I turned around and sat so my back was against the other end with us facing one another.

"How does this work Drew? I'm your nephew. Isn't what we just did incest?"

Without any expression she spoke. "Technically, yes, it's incest. Do you want us to stop?" I shook my head. "Neither do I Roy. If you're smart enough to keep this between us and not act like a horny teenager when we're working this can last as long as we want it to. Come down here and wash my body, but not between my legs."

I had a question, "By the way, what happened to the no cussing rule?"

She laughed, "When we're in the throes of passion with your tongue on my pussy, your cock in my mouth, or your dick buried inside me, the rules don't apply."

As the water started to cool we quickly washed and went to our separate bedrooms, as I walked away she told me, "As soon as you have clean underwear on come to bed with me."

When I walked into her room the covers were turned back in a gesture indicating I should crawl in next to her. She was wearing the pajama top and a pair of black waist high panties. When I told her I liked her panties she took hold of my shoulder making me look at her.

"That's another thing stud. Don't be jacking off in my panties anymore. Got it? If you need to cum tell me and I'll take care of it. No more dried cum in my panties from jacking off, I want it all inside me. Got it?"

I nodded, "I think I'm in love with you Drew." I blurted out.

She chuckled, "I'm sure you do, and in a way, we do love each other, just not in the way it needs to be for a lifetime together. Someday you'll meet the girl you want to hold forever, and that will be fine. Until then, let's hold onto each other as long as possible. You're nowhere finished with your lessons young man."

The next few weeks were exciting to say the least. We worked hard during the day and most nights she called for cock, who was I to turn down her requests? The first night I'd brought pleasure to her from behind I instantly fell in love with that position. I could hold onto her hips and pound as hard as possible against her soft ass cheeks. If she raised up I could see her tits swinging in the dresser mirror, what really sent me over the moon though was the way she would push back into my forward thrust. Our bodies would make a slapping sound when they met, she would let out little cries of passion with every stroke. When I reached the peek I would grab her hips and slam into her spewing every ounce of semen my body had available.

I was amazed at how limber she was the night we did it with her ankles on my shoulders. I was lying on top, her legs were alongside her body as we kissed. Her pussy was wide open and I fucked with every bit of stamina I possessed. Two nights later she called my name just before sleep had taken over. In the light from the hallway I could see her on the bed with pillows under her tummy and her ass raised. I found out later that was one of her favorite positions.

She let me sleep two nights before taking my hand right after supper leading me down the hall. It was the first time she rode me like a bucking bronc. I was enamored watching her tits sway moving back and forth. At times she would sit up straight and grind her pelvis as though working me in deeper. She would lean forward to put a nipple in my mouth, let me suck it hard and swap nipples. Not only did she move up and down my cock, she loved to rock with her clit on my pubic bone, the feelings for me always hurried along the explosion from within.

On weekends when we could sleep a bit later it wasn't unusual that she would call for cock two, or three times the same night. More than once she commented on how lucky she was to have a young man with stamina and so quick to reload. Had I been older I think she would have damn near killed me, youth was on my side.

I was convinced Consuelo knew what was going on but said nothing. From time to time she would look at me oddly, grin and go about her business. Our evening attire was changing along with our intimacy, I was sleeping in my bed but many a night it wasn't until after midnight that I left hers. I was down to wearing a sweatshirt or cotton shirt and pajama bottoms as we watched TV. She would be wearing a jammie top with no bra or panties, after I would sit she'd toss a blanket over us for warmth. I was not allowed to wear underwear once we were in for the night, nor did she wear panties.

I recall the night she sat on my face for the first time. On the couch, her holding onto the arm while leaning over me as I lapped up her sweet cunny juices. When she came her pelvis was pushing against my mouth, she was slumped over with elbows on the arm rest and my hands on her tits. My face was covered in cum, she had gushed like never before, however, it would not be the last time. When she lifted off I was so smeared with girl juice I went into the kitchen to wash my face. When I returned she kissed me with a frown.

"Next time don't wash so quickly. I like the taste of my pussy on your lips."

Such was our life for the next few months. It was already late spring, the annuals and hanging baskets had been planted in February and were doing well. With early spring weddings the orders for cut flowers were nonstop. The main greenhouse would open to the public in a few weeks, after that it would be chaos until fall. On an evening after supper I was sitting on the couch. Drew was in the middle of her cycle giving me a slow deep blow job to ease my aching balls. I was on the verge of a climax when the phone rang, I told her to ignore it, which she did for a moment. As it continued to ring she pulled off.

"I need to get that Roy. Something is telling me to take the call."

I sensed things weren't right considering the silence of a one-sided conversation. When she hung up she took a deep breath and exhaled. A tear rolled down one cheek as she sat next to me. I had my dick put away by that time.

"It's mom, your grandma, she's dead. Died early this morning in her sleep. The county home had my name and address as her contact upon death."

She grabbed a Kleenex and handed one to me as a few tears rolled down my cheeks.

"There's more to it Roy, I'm listed as the executor to her will. Actually both of us are with me as the primary. They want us to be there within a week. I'll need to talk with the crew, Consuelo, and the delivery guys in the morning. We can take my truck, that's a long haul and we don't know how reliable the '49 would be on a trip that far."

We sat on the couch for a long time without saying a word. I was holding her in my arms, we sniffled a little but that was it. She wanted me with her all night, as I slid into bed she reached for and took ahold of my dick, slowly stroking it. In a sultry voice she whispered.

"I need to take care of this. You were robbed."

I protested, "You don't need to, I'm okay."

Pulling my underwear down she sat up, completely naked. My dick was in her mouth in a flash, with me hard as steel she moved her leg over my midriff, lined up my cock with her vagina and sank all the way to my balls. With teeth clenched she hissed.

"You may be okay but I damned sure aint. I need to be fucked and fucked hard. She was a hardnosed unforgiving bitch and she isn't going to steal my happiness a second time. Give me everything you have."

She had already cum on top and on her side when I slapped her ass and told her.

"Hands and knees, ass in the air."

I drilled her with every ounce of energy that existed within. Sweat was pouring off me, our bodies were slapping, she was pushing back against me as hard as I was driving forward. I grabbed her hips, made one final push and arched my back as our bodies met in a final thrust. Her body was shivering and shaking as she let out a yell I hadn't heard before. Her next sentence definitely caught my attention.

"Cum in me, put a baby inside me."

After cleaning we lay in bed. It was time to ask. "What did you mean by put a baby in you?"

"This thing with mom hit me hard, I realize that I'm the last of my name. Sis kept her married name, the name you have, I took my maiden name back after Alvin passed, there's no male with my last name. I want you to give me a baby Roy. I want your baby growing inside me, my belly getting bigger with every month, my tits to be full of milk. I want a baby."

My mind was a whirlwind, "But what will you tell people? We don't really talk about it, but they know we're related."

She was quiet a few minutes and spoke while looking at me in the faint moonlight filtering through the windows.

"They know we're related, yes, but they also know I periodically go to conferences and product shows by myself. As soon as I'm pregnant I'll go away for a weekend. Then when I start to show I'll tell everybody that I slept with a guy at the conference. Babies come a month early all the time, they'll never know. I've thought this out Roy, I want a baby, your baby. I've always wanted a family, now I can see that dream come true."

We set out three days later, the drive to our hometown, or should I say what used to be our hometown was quiet. She sat next to me with her arm on the back of the seat, her hand would play in my hair occasionally. A few times she rubbed across my dick until it was hard and whispered.

"I want that tonight. I stopped taking the pill a few weeks back, it may take a few more days before all the residuals are gone, but practice won't hurt anything."

We stopped for the night halfway to our destination, had a leisurely supper, went to the room, relaxed a bit and then made love. Twice. The reading of the will two days later went without issue. Grandma's wishes had been to be cremated which was complete. When the ashes were given to us I heard Drew mutter, "I know exactly where these are going. I'll mix them in with the potting soil and start a new Christmas cactus. We didn't get along, but I'm not going to harbor bitterness. That plant will be a reminder to both of us."

Gram didn't have a lot by today's standards, a $50,000 life insurance policy, approximately $47,000 left from the sale of the store and her house in town and a clause that said her jewelry was to go to Drew. Drew and I drove away with checks totaling $83,000 after legal fees, funeral home fees and settling with the county home. We decided to put that money into a joint account when we returned. On the second day of our return trip she was beside me fondling with my zipper and belt. I finally asked.

"What are you trying to do?"

"I want your cock out, that's what I'm trying to do."

I moved around enough for her to get my pants and underwear below my knees and then asked.

"Okay, now what?"

She grinned, "Now this." As she took half of my cock into her soft, warm mouth. I was having a hard time keeping my eyes open and the truck on the road as I erupted in her mouth. Not a drop escaped her lips, it was all in her belly. What neither of us knew was that there was already something growing inside her, our baby boy. Apparently residue from the pills had worn off faster than anticipated because two weeks later she missed her period. What a night, I thought she would fuck my young ass to death.

That Friday she told Consuelo to make extra food for the weekend because she was going to a conference and I would need meals. At the lunch break she told everyone that Connie would be in charge Saturday morning and that she would see everyone Monday. When her period didn't come the next month we knew for sure. Month by month her belly grew along with her libido. We were fucking daily and at times she was still horny enough that I would eat her.

I was mesmerized by the growth of her tummy, sitting together in the evenings I would have my hand on her tummy. Sometimes the baby would move which made it all the more intriguing. Her voracious appetite for cock slowed down as the new year approached. She had a sexy baby bump and her breasts had increased an entire size, I loved wrapping my hands around them as I sucked. Sex was on her hands and knees or her side most of the time, once in a while she'd be on top with her belly resting on mine as she rocked back and forth. I loved those times, her breasts cupped in my hands, her leaning over to put a nipple in my mouth teasing me. Letting me know that when the baby came they wouldn't be my play things anymore.

As far as the pregnancy was concerned everyone bought the story, including Consuelo. Drew convinced everyone that she had indeed gotten pregnant at the conference. With her due date a week away we made love in the main greenhouse amongst the potted plants and hanging baskets that had been planted just weeks prior. It was the first time we'd screwed in any of the greenhouses. She was bent over holding onto a bedding table while I slowly stroked her to an orgasm. We'd made slow easy love the morning she went into labor, birthing our son at 11:53 PM. She named him Al, not Alvin or Allen, just Al.

Our baby boy was growing like crazy but didn't always empty her breasts completely at the bedtime feeding. She loved those nights. She would straddle my lap, open her top and put a nipple in my mouth cooing the entire time it took me to empty both breasts. When Al was just eight months an interesting thing happened. With the Christmas season upon us Connie's oldest daughter started working at the greenhouses alongside her mother. I had never given a thought to liking a black girl until I saw her. In my mind she was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen.

Over the course of the next few weeks I began to be friends with Jackie. We would sit together and talk at lunch, I made it a point to walk through the potting area at least once a day. We closed early for Christmas Eve, as the shift was ending at noon Connie took me aside.

"What are your intentions with my daughter? I see the way you look at each other. I'd like to think you're both old enough to realize this is more than puppy love. So, Roy. What are your intentions?"

"Well ma'am." She stopped me cold.

"Don't call me ma'am. I'm not old lady Jameson who's been at the county clerk's office since Jesus was a child. Call me Connie just like you've always done."

"Okay, Connie. I like her a lot and I want to ask her out but I'm afraid she won't say yes, I chicken out every time I say I'm gonna do it."

She gently took my arm, "Just do it Roy, that girl thinks you're the best thing since sliced bread. A word of warning though. California wasn't good to her, if you break her heart, I will make sure you never have children."

I wanted to laugh and say it was too late but wisely kept my mouth shut. Watching Jackie catch up with her mom she looked back, smiled at me and waved. My heart was pounding so hard I nearly couldn't breathe. Not only did I have my Aunt Drew and our baby boy to love, there would now be someone close to my age who might love me as well. In the house Drew had just put Al down, having weaned him shortly after Thanksgiving he was now on mushed up table food and milk. After hanging my coat she walked over and gave me a peck on the lips.

"You kind of like her don't you? She sure is a cute thing."

I acted ignorant, "Who? Who are you talking about?"

Laughing she slapped my arm, "Jackie. That's who. I see the way you two are with each other, it's sweet and innocent. You should ask her out."

I was mentally treading water wondering what to say or do. "Yeah, we get along good, she's fun to be around."

Drew chuckled, "Cute to. Back to what I said, you should ask her out."

"But what about you and little Al? Won't you be upset if I'm with another girl?"

Motioning toward a kitchen chair she said, "Sit down Roy, we need to talk. You have a birthday coming up in a few months, you'll be 22 and I'm going to be 37 on my next birthday. We both knew this wasn't going to last forever, remember when I told you that you would find someone closer to your age? Maybe Jackie is that someone. If she is I have one favor to ask before you get serious."

I gently shook my head side to side bewildered by what I may have that she wanted.

I shrugged, "What do I have that you would want? You already have everything."

Walking around the table she sat on my lap, "What I want Roy is another baby. I would love to have a little girl. Will you do that Roy, will you put another baby in me? With Al weaned I'm ovulating again, I want us to be trying for a little girl."

I was grinning as I looked into her eyes. Patting my cheek she spoke with a chuckle in her voice, "Smarty pants, you know darned well you want to give me another baby. We need to do this soon, I have a feeling you and Jackie are going to hit it off and when that happens our sex life ends."

With business closed for Christmas week I didn't see Jackie again until two days after the New Year, which Drew and I celebrated at home with steaks and an evening watching TV. At midnight we kissed under the mistletoe, then made our way to the bedroom where we didn't get to sleep until after two AM. Al was sleeping most nights, thankfully that was one of them. When business opened again I was excited to see Jackie, we talked long enough to greet each other and then went to work.

I adored the natural beauty before me, her skin was a very light brown so I thought she may have had a white dad. Her soft curly hair was another indication, whereas Connie's was tight and frizzy, Jackie's was long and naturally wavy. She was a few inches taller than me but it didn't seem to matter, we were both slender, her body was curved in all the right places. At breakfast on Friday morning I told Drew I was thinking about asking Jackie on a date. Her answer settled any doubts in my mind.

"Do it today. Stop wasting time, she thinks you aren't interested in her. Don't look at me like that, women talk, we do more than grunt and fart like men. Today is the day Roy, don't throw away this opportunity."

Pots and flower beds were being prepped to begin planting in a few weeks, so she wasn't where she normally worked. Wandering between the greenhouses I found her in one by herself sorting the different sized pots and hanging baskets. As soon as she saw me she had a bright welcoming smile. We engaged in meaningless conversation for a few minutes, my courage was beginning to wane when she stepped forward.

"There's a new movie in town. Would you like to take me to see it?"

Thank God one of us had the brass to ask. I nearly couldn't speak I was so excited.

"Yes. Yes I would love that. Sorry I didn't ask first."

She smiled, "That's okay, I figured that's why you came looking for me, besides you've been dragging your feet all week long. I was beginning to think I might have to draw you a map."

"Oh no. No. I'm interested, very interested. It's just, well, um."

I got no further when she interrupted, "You've never had a date before. Right?" I nodded. "Well I have so don't be scared, I don't bite."

We set up a time for the next day, I would pick her up at one for the one forty-five show. Afterward we would go to the bowling alley and have a pizza. As I was getting ready to leave home Drew stopped me at the door.

"Keep in mind that you're taking a colored girl on a date. Not everybody is going to be okay with that, make sure to watch out for her. Oh, and be a gentleman, open doors for her, make sure you walk on the streetside of the sidewalk. Stuff like that."

I was impressed by Jackie's neighborhood, it was far nicer than the one I'd lived in with my grandparents. She lived in a moderate size home with a well-kept yard and Christmas lights still on the shrubbery along the front of the house. Walking to the front door with a small bouquet in hand, flowers that had been left over from the holidays, I noticed the bay window curtain flutter. I was about to knock when the door opened, looking me dead in the eye Connie spoke.

"Hello Roy. Jackie is almost ready. Come in, sit for a minute."

Connie rummaged around in the kitchen for a minute and was suddenly sitting next to me.

"What time do you think you'll have her home? The two of you are old enough to do what you wish, I'm just being a nosy mom."

"Um, not sure Connie. We're going to the movie and then to the bowling alley for a pizza. Maybe eight or nine."

She bristled and touched my arm, "If there are a bunch of rednecks at the bowling alley go somewhere else to eat. Some of them are racist bastards and will make your time there an absolute hell. Bruno's BBQ is open, he has good prices and the two of you will be accepted there."

Just then Jackie walked into the room. My heart skipped more than one beat, then it began to race. Jackie was wearing a dress that was nicely filled out on top and had a flowing skirt beneath her very narrow waist. The hem was three to four inches above the knee, I could see she was wearing nylons, on her feet were low wide heels. She looked like a walking, talking dream. As I stood I handed her the flowers, which she in turn handed to Connie asking her to put them in a vase. At the front door she handed me her coat and turned for me to help put it on.

In the car she giggled, "I can't wait to see John Wayne, he's one of my favorite actors."

Though the movie 'In Harms Way' had been released months earlier it always took a while for new releases to reach our small city. It had been showing for a week already which left us hoping it wouldn't be crowded. Wishful thinking, the place was packed. We received a few stares as we walked in but not much more. Thankfully we found a row with an open aisle seat and three next to it. Those two didn't fill along with a dozen others throughout the theater. With a popcorn in hand we ate, oo'd and ahh'd at the movie and had a fun time.

I took Connie's words to heart as we walked into the bowling alley. Every head in the place turned, and none of them looked very friendly. I gently took Jackie's elbow and escorted her to the car. In the car we looked at each other and said almost simultaneously, "That was weird. Let's go to Bruno's."

Laughing we made our way across town. Bruno's was a run of the mill BBQ joint with pit roasted pork, beef short ribs and chicken. It was nothing fancy, at the same time it wasn't a dump. The floors weren't sticky, the bathrooms clean and the food great. Bruno himself was a sight to behold, at least six foot five, three hundred pounds or better, a scruffy beard and one of the most pleasant personalities I'd ever encountered. Given that most of his staff were colored and he took no guff from anyone everyone felt welcome at Bruno's. White, dark, Spanish, oriental, it didn't matter.

Over dinner we got to know each other better. I was stunned when she told me she was 24 and had been a model in California for almost three years before returning home. When I asked why she left she hung her head a minute before answering.

"It got to be so racial. I was well received in some agencies and not at others. Then there were the protests started in Berkely which had a ripple effect all along the coast. It just wasn't fun anymore and to be quite honest, my heyday was over. The pressure to have sex with agents, male or female, was prevalent, it was time to leave and try to start a life without the glitz and glammer. It was time to come home to mom. And you Roy? What's your story?"

"Hey, you've never mentioned your dad. Does he work in town?"

Using a napkin she dabbed her eyes, "Daddy died four years ago. He'd gone back to Mexico to bury his mom and never made it back. He had a massive stroke while there and died. We have his ashes in an urn. Enough about me, what about you?"

I rattled on about how I never knew my dad with him dying in world war two, then my mom died, after that my gramps, grandma went into the old age home and I ending up at my Aunt Drews. There was concern on her face when she asked.

"Aren't you afraid of the draft? What if they send you to Vietnam?"

I shrugged, "To date I've not heard from anyone. Besides, with me being in an agriculture job I'm not sure if I would be eligible for a 4-F exemption or not. Also, I'm not sure about the minimum height requirement. If they say I have to go, I will. In the meantime I'm going to stay focused on my job and Aunt Drew."

She straightened up, "Yeah what about her? Having a baby and no dad. That's gotta be weird living there."

"Actually it's not, and of course Al has a dad, she just isn't married to him. She always talked about having a baby after her late husband died. I guess she found a sperm donor at one of the conferences. With Al weaned and her getting older I wouldn't put it past her to do it again. She keeps talking about how her clock is ticking. Whatever that means."

She smiled, "That means she's nearing the point in her life that she won't be able to have kids anymore. Once a woman goes through the change that's it."

I gave her a confused look, "The change?"

Laughing she said, "Another time. We should go so others can eat."

She asked me to take the long way home, which meant drive around talking and listening to the newest songs before taking her home. When 'My Girl' by the Temptations came on she had her hand on the volume before I did, we were smiling and singing along with the radio. I dreamily wondered if that song would be true of me and Jackie, would she one day be my girl. It seemed so. Later while in her driveway we listened to a few more songs and made plans for the next Friday night. I had no idea what to do, I wanted to kiss her in the worst way but was afraid to make a move.

Scooting across the seat she leaned and kissed my cheek. When I turned my head she made sure our lips met. The kiss was soft and tender, instinctively I knew to close my eyes. It felt right. She leaned back and said.

"Well, aren't you going to get my door?"

I flew around the car, opened her door and extended my hand to help her out. Standing on the front stoop to her house she moved closer.

"I had a good time Roy. Don't be shocked that I kissed you first, this is the 60's you know. I like that you're chivalrous and a gentleman, but if I waited for you, we'd still be staring at each other and nothing more. Goodnight, I'll see you at work."

Drew was in bed when I got home, making my way to the stairs she called out.

"Come lay with me Roy."

I quickly got naked and slid in next to her. She snuggled tight and asked.

"How was it? Did you guys have fun? Is she as pretty on the inside as she is on the outside, or is she snooty away from work? You know she used to be a model don't you?"

"Yes, we had fun. We went to the movie, then Bruno's. Afterward we drove around town a while and I took her home."

"Did you kiss her goodnight?" She asked.

"Umm, sort of. She kissed me first. I wanted to but was too chicken. She's a good kisser, like you."

"Are you gonna ask her out again?"

I chuckled at her question, "Already did. We're going out next Friday. I just don't know where yet. She's gonna let me know."

Drew turned my head so I was looking in her eyes. "Don't make any plans for two weeks from now. Friday through Sunday."

I wasn't sure why so I asked. Her answer floored me.

"Because that will be my most fertile time and you're going to screw me all weekend long. I want a baby in me by Sunday night, and if not, it won't be because we didn't try."

I pulled her tight kissing those warm luscious lips, softly stroking her hair, gently fondling her breasts. Breaking the kisses she sighed.

"I know you're worked up and I want you in me, desperately, but I'm really tired. Al was a stinker and fought going to sleep. If you're horny I can give you a hand job."

I wasn't sure what to do so I held her close. "Not tonight Drew. Maybe tomorrow. I don't need anything tonight."

"Will you hold me Roy? I just want to be held."

That's how we slept, entwined in one another's arms. The week went by without incident. Drew was spending more time inside with Al not wanting to miss a moment of him growing up. Connie was basically running the operation and at the same time grooming me for the position. Her desire was to retire in another three years, and it was Drew's dream that I take over the operation as I aged. I was all for the idea and scared shitless at the same time. I kept thinking to myself, 'what if I screw this up and make a mess of her business?'

Drew apparently sensed my down attitude and asked at breakfast one morning. After telling her my concerns she handed little Al to me and helped Consuelo clear the table. Motioning for me to get up and follow we walked to what we called the TV room, most people would have referred to it as a den. With little Al playing on the floor in front of the couch she turned to me.

"You won't fail Roy. I won't let you. There's no way I'll turn the business over to you until I know you're ready. I'm not out there as much as I used to be for two reasons. One, I refuse to miss Al growing up when I have competent people who can take care of business. Two, Connie makes sure I have a report every night before she goes home and if there's a question during the day she simply comes to the house. Watch her, learn from her, absorb the knowledge she so willingly provides."

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