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39.97% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 1639: 11

Kapitel 1639: 11

Jeanie? You good to be nutted in?" she asked the girl below.

"Yuh-huh!" panted the brunette, her body churning in need.

Alexa smiled evilly and nodded to me, the permission granted. I held nothing back and began slamming down into Jeanie, pounding my hips into hers. She screamed into Alexa's pussy, shaking violently as I skewered her. Unable to wait any longer, I arched my back and pressed as hard as I could, my cock battering her womb. Liquid pleasure surged through my body as I spurted rope after rope of hot cum deep inside her spasming pussy. Freja ground down onto her, her mushy netherlips mingling with Jeanie's and my pulsing rod. I was groaning and I heard Alexa keen as Jeanie made her cum as well.

My arms gave out and I toppled, rolling onto my back to avoid squashing Jeanie and Freja beneath me. Jeanie yelped as my cock was wrenched from her confines- it sounded like I'd pulled her inside out. Alexa pulled away from Jeanie's wicked mouth, settling down on top of me and kissing me deeply and lovingly. I held her closed and caressed her, shivering slightly as she took my still-hard cock into her pussy. Beside us, Jeanie and Freja were melded together, kissing and moaning contentedly.

I couldn't believe how sated I felt- we'd just had the most incredible four-way sex and now Alexa was on top of me, with me deep inside her as we gazed lovingly into one another's eyes. Right here, this very moment, was just about the most gratifying thing I could imagine. I felt bad for anyone who wasn't me right then.

"I am so in love with you..." she whispered before she kissed me again. I caressed her gently, just content to be bonded with her this way. We finally looked over at Freja and Jeanie, who seemed to be finishing their liplock and were reduced to cuddling. Jeanie sighed as she looked at the ceiling.

"Wow..." she said finally. "I need a good quote about sex right now."

Alexa giggled. "It is a foolish dimwit who doesn't realize it a waste of time unless a thing concerns fucking."

"Pietro Aretino, circa 1525." Freja added. "Smart, smart man."

We were all silent for some time, catching our breath after our frenzied carnal activities. Alexa lay on top of me, my cock buried inside her, while Freja was nuzzled to my side, facing into Jeanie and cuddling her. They kissed quietly, caressing one another's faces.

"I'm rich, you know." Jeanie said finally.

"You are?" Freja queried.

"Well, mom and dad are," the brunette corrected. "But I'm an only child, and I get a cubic shit-ton of money when I turn twenty-one. Now I just need someone to share it with."

"You need to find a responsible man?"

"No, it doesn't have to be a man," Jeanie said. "Daddy'd be perfectly happy if I found a girl who was good with money."

Freja pursed her lips. "I'm good with money."

Jeanie raised her head. "You are?"

"It's true," Alexa added, smiling. "You've never seen a hooker who's better with money than Freja."

"You're a hooker?" Jeanie exclaimed, sitting up. "Good with money and a career? Daddy'll be thrilled!"

I raised an eyebrow at her statement.

"Oh, no, shit, wait," Jeanie said suddenly, frowning at the ground as she thought about what she'd just said. "Hooker, no, daddy wouldn't approve of that career. Shit, ummm..."

She looked at Freja again. "Do you... are you going to university at all?"

The Danish girl nodded. "Civil engineering major with a minor in Scandinavian traditional music."

"Oh my God," Jeanie said in excitement, taking Freja's hands in hers. "I don't know what those are, but they sound like great covers for being a hooker! This is awesome!"

She pulled Freja into a kneeling position so they were looking into one another's eyes, faces inches apart and their nipples lightly kissing. She kept hold of her hands. "If... if you wanted to, you could transfer any credits you have here for equivalency, and we'd get to be together. You could very well be the girl my parents are waiting for."

Freja bit her lip while Alexa and I looked on in wonder.

"Think about it," she said eagerly. "You'd be right here near your bestie and her guy, we'd all get to fuck all the time, and you'd be with me. I..."

There was a pause before Freja spoke. "You want to be in love? To marry me?"

Jeanie could barely nod, looking like she was fit to burst.

Freja turned her head and looked back at Alexa, who rolled her eyes.

"Well, duh..." my aunt said.

She looked back at Jeanie and after a moment nodded. The brunette cried out in delight and crushed herself to her newly betrothed, kissing her feverishly. Freja returned the kiss whole-heartedly and they began rolling around on the mat together, laughing, kissing and crying, all the while feeling one another up.

"Wow, that was even quicker than you and I." Alexa mused as she watched the two of them.

"Oh, please," Jeanie almost sneered, taking a moment to look at the two of us. "Like love at first sight is the exclusive domain of you two, or the profs."

"Well, she got me there." Alexa chuckled. "Congratulations, you two."

"Oh, right! Congratulations!" Jeanie said, sitting bolt-upright suddenly, leaving a very confused Freja lying on the mat. "We need rings!"

She stood up quickly, pulling Freja to her feet. "We gotta go shopping! There's a People's I like not far from here!"

Jeanie darted out of the equipment room, dragging Freja by the hand. The Danish girl waved hurriedly to us before disappearing with her new fiancée. We heard the gymnasium doors clank shut.

We waited several seconds in confused silence. Then the heavy doors groaned open and we heard the hurried patter of feet. Jeanie and Freja rushed back in and gathered up the clothes they had inadvertently left behind, along with their cellphones.

"Might need these!" Jeanie remarked before dashing off again, followed by Freja.

When they were well and truly gone, I looked up at my aunt, beyond confused. "Did that really just happen?"

"Yyyyyyyyyyup," she said, nodding. "Not gonna lie, even I didn't anticipate that."

"So, what, they're gonna get married?"

"Seems to be the plan." Alexa confirmed.

"And Freja's gonna move here and live with Jeanie in ditzy splendour?"

Alexa nodded.

"Well, they both seem happy and you must be thrilled to have Freja around now." I suggested.

"Yeah, but..."

"But what?"

"I'm not sure any single location on the planet can handle that much concentrated slut," Alexa mused. "I mean, okay, yes, I've done the total slut thing, like having two dicks in my pussy at once, and I've been with more lovers than all four of our family members have fingers and toes, but my sluttery tends to be selective these days."

"I should be thankful." I replied, grinning and squeezing her butt cheeks. She smirked and wiggled on top of me.

"I'm just saying that they might fuck too hard and merge into some sort of relentless slut black hole, sucking everything into its vortex," she sighed. "Not how I planned on dying."

"I guess we've got another wedding to go to." I mused. "Should we tell mom and dad before they find out the crazy way?"

"Probably," Alexa agreed. "But first, it'd be really nice if you'd fuck me and make me cum, o nephew-mine."

"Nothing'd make me happier," I said cheerfully, keeping hold of her ass cheeks and beginning to pump my cock back and forth inside her warm, wet pussy. "Because I am so desperately in love with you."

"I love you too, Alex..." she whispered as she bent down to kiss me.


We were sitting around the dinner table that night, eating Lebanese food we'd ordered in. It was just past sunset and Lionel Hampton was playing on the radio sitting nearby.

"So," Alexa said as she ate. "Freja met Jeanie today and now they're engaged."

Mom kept eating, but dad paused and then sighed, setting down the fork he was using. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet, handing a fifty-dollar bill over to my mother, who took it without ceremony and slipped it into her cleavage.

Alexa seemed stunned and I silently despaired of ever being as clever as my progenitors.


I suppose one benefit to Jeanie and Freja now getting set to be hitched was that Alexa stayed home that night while the newly-betrothed couple went to the hotel. Alexa and I sat on my bed and watched on our laptops, side-by-side, as Jeanie and Freja fucked each other into a frenzy. We were both naked while we watched, Alexa reaching over and stroking my cock while I fingered her pussy. Mom and dad were gone for the evening, so we felt safe to be together like this.

Jeanie was lying on her back, moaning loudly and writhing while Freja had her thumb inside her fiancée's pussy and her middle finger in her ass. She was smiling evilly as she did something to the brunette.

"Wow, look at Jeanie go," I mused, watching in fascination. "She looks high. Are Freja's fingers laced with crack?"

"No," Alexa said simply. "Right now, the pads of her thumb and finger are touching one another through that thin membrane that separates Jeanie's pussy and ass. She's rubbing gently and tapping them together."

"Damn," I muttered. "Not sure how that could be pleasant."

"Oh, it is, trust me," she replied. "At least when it's done right, and Freja is a Jedi at this."

Jeanie began shivering and gasping suddenly as Freja did something else to her.

"Now, believe it or not, she's snapping her fingers inside Jeanie," my aunt continued. "It'll either make her cum like no tomorrow or kill her."

"Insert dead whore in hotel joke here." I sighed, making Alexa snicker.

Fortunately, it seemed to make Jeanie cum, rather than expire. She shook and moaned loudly, writhing beneath her lover's expert touch. He body shone in the dim light with sweat and her back arched. She finally collapsed, panting heavily, her curly brown hair plastered to her forehead. Freja withdrew her fingers and laid down on top of her, kissing her deeply while Jeanie wrapped her arms and legs around her lover. They hummed contentedly through the kiss.

Alexa stiffened and sighed as she began to cum on my fingers. Seconds later, I grunted and my cock spurted, Alexa leaning in quickly and taking the creamy shots on her lovely tits. Sated for now, we both settled in and watched our friends make out, not a care in the world.

They finally broke the kiss and turned their faces to the webcam, smiling at us. "So? Was that worth the price of admission?" Freja asked.

"Since when has there ever been a cover-charge to watch you fuck?" Alexa laughed.

"Well, not for you, maybe," Freja sniffed. "But I have made decent money some nights, charging students and faculty members to watch me."

"Oh, is that what I am? A charity case?" Alexa teased, winking at them.

"More like royalty I do not dare charge," replied the Danish girl. She leaned up now, sighing in pleasure as she caressed Jeanie's breasts with her own. Her hips pressed down, their pussies now squashed together. "We're always as your beck and call."

"Good to know," Alexa said easily. "Got a date in mind yet?"

"Not just yet," Freja replied, shaking her head while Jeanie leaned in and sucked on one of her breasts. "It is not as simple as marrying, your nation is not part of the EU, after all."

"I'm aware of this," Alexa said dryly. "You might want to get on that."

"She's on the one thing that counts at the moment," Jeanie said in a muffled voice, her mouth full of tit. "Besides, she still has to meet daddy and mommy."

"What about far and mor?" Alexa asked, cleaning her own breasts off, which were slathered in my cum. "Pretty sure they'd want to know their lille tøs is getting married."

Freja giggled, her tawny eyes dancing. "They were always certain it would be you. They were surprised but happy for you when I told them about Alex. And yes, they understand that Michael and Karen can never know."

"True enough," Alexa sighed. "I told them about you two."

"Oh?" Jeanie queried, pausing in sucking on Freja's breast to look at us. "What did the profs have to say about that?"

I shrugged. "Guess they had a bet on it, because my dad just sighed and handed my mom fifty bucks."

Jeanie sighed. "Would've been nice to generate a little more surprise, but at least someone got the better of that oversized braniac for a change. No flies on the Mrs Prof, is there? In any event, yeah, I've still gotta show her off to my parents, but I think they'll be ecstatic."

"They should be," Alexa said easily. "Freja's the most amazing person I've ever known and I love her to death. Agreeing to fuck was the smartest decision you ever made, Jeanie."

"Thanks," the brunette said in delight, pleased with herself. "We should celebrate."

"My folks think so too," I replied, nodding. "They want to take us all out to karaoke tomorrow night."

"I love karaoke!" Freja and Jeanie both exclaimed at the same moment.

"Wow, slut consent in stereo," Alexa laughed. "It's a date, we're gonna to to the place they first met at and we'll have a blast."

"Aw, shit..." I muttered.

"Make sure you wear something Seventies-looking," Alexa said, holding up a finger. "Jeanie, you can look online if you don't know what that is."

Jeanie shrugged. "I actually have a few disco slut outfits I could wear. I'll take Freja shopping."

"God, I love you!" Freja said as she pressed her mouth to Jeanie's and kissed her hungrily. Their limbs began tangling and the laptop they were using got knocked out of position, leaving us staring at a hotel room ceiling, punctuated by the sounds of lesbian sluts making out.

"Well, that's all we're getting out of them for this evening," Alexa announced, closing her laptop and turning to look at me, smiling lovingly. "I guess the only thing that bothers me about all this is that it'll be so easy for those two to get hitched, even if Freja's from another country, but you and I..."

I sighed and pulled her to me, hugging her gently. It didn't matter that her soft skin caressed mine, or that her magnificent breasts were pressed inot my side, I just needed to hold her. I kissed the top of her head and she nuzzled her cheek against my shoulder.

"We... we could just bite the bullet and tell them, you know." I suggested as I caressed my fingers through her lush, golden hair.

"No," she answered quietly. "We both know that won't work, Alex. It's way too much to ask of them. Even if they did approve on a moral standpoint, we've no right to jeopardize their careers like that. And we both know that'd happen. It's selfish of us."

I didn't say anything, because I knew she was right. What sort of amoral, sociopathic bastard would I be if I couldn't understand or didn't care about how this might affect the most amazing parents the universe had ever given anyone?

I just held her, now feeling the same twinge of jealousy she did toward Jeanie and Freja. I couldn't help it. This all seemed so unfair. I kept hoping things would work out, but I still didn't see how without causing people a lot of undeserved hurt.

I held my aunt silently, until she fell asleep in my arms.


We were all laughing and enjoying ourselves immensely, gathered around a table which was burgeoning with pub food and beer. The bar was packed with people, most of whom were cheering for the people up on the spacious stage, singing terrible renditions of their favourite songs. Right now, some drunk redhead was sitting unsteadily on the stool, alternating between singing sharp and flat while butchering a Tina Turner classic.

Mom and dad had told me before that this was the very bar they'd met in while attending the university. Apparently mom saw dad up onstage, singing a Bay City Rollers song. To my amazement, she hadn't run away at that very moment. Love is weird and clearly can forgive the unforgivable.

I took another swig of my beer and looked around the table- we'd gone totally Seventies for this event, for sure. Dad was wearing his tartan pants and a black Zeppelin shirt. Mom was wearing hip-hugging jeans that had bell-bottoms and a t-shirt that had that cherry red mouth with the tongue on it, while ridiculous platform pumps anchored her look. Jeanie, as promised, had found a disco bodysuit, a white one that hugged her curves like it was painted on and with a v-neck front that literally went down to just above her navel and exposed the inner half of her breasts. She had John Lennon shades on and the same type of elevated shoes as mom. Freja was wearing gaudy floral-print pants, hippie-sandals and a garland of flowers on her forehead. Her shirt was covered in a little cannabis plants.

Alexa looked stunning to me and I was careful not to stare. She wore a thin hemp headband around her head, her glorious golden locks spilling in waves over her shoulders and down her back. Her white t-shirt was noticeably tight against her and in big black letters asked 'DOES THIS SHIRT MAKE MY TITS LOOK BIG?'. She wore hip-hugger bell-bottoms like mom, except hers were a cherry red colour. No idea where she'd found them, but she was wearing a pair of Roots sneakers with that weird inverted heel to complete her ensemble.

Me, I'd been lazy- faded jeans and a t-shirt with a little cartoon character on it that said 'Keep On Truckin'. It was good enough for this soiree.

I guess the girls had all decided that any calories they ate tonight didn't count, because they were eating almost as much as dad and I. Not that I minded, I just wasn't used to seeing it. Jeanie was something of a lightweight when it came to drinking, soon reduced to a giggling mess. Alexa had to eventually sit between her and Freja because they were starting to get a little too liberal in feeling one another up and making out in a public setting. Mostly that just led to the two of them kissing her as a proxy, which had my parents snickering while Alexa blushed with an embarrassment I doubted she was actually feeling.

"I approve of this place," Freja announced, looking around and smiling. She had enough beer in her that her Danish accent was really beginning to show through. "Good food, fun with the music and they serve a Danish beer that isn't Carlsberg or Tuborg. What's not to like?"

"How do you like the city?" mom asked her from across the table, almost having to yell to be heard over the noise.

"Ja, I love the city!" replied Freja, beaming. "So much bigger than Rosklide or Copenhagen. Much newer, too! It is not stodgy to me."

"Over here, people love to see old architecture and so on, because we have none of it," dad mentioned, downing yet another beer in one gulp. He could drink an entire Viking village under the table single-handedly. "Some of the oldest ones are a hundred and fifty or two hundred years old, but those are few and far between. Old cities are romantic to us."

Freja nodded. "I can understand this. But when you are surrounded by it all your life, maybe it loses some of its charm. Even Alexa grew tired of Paris."

"Not really," my aunt corrected. "I could've stayed there, under the right circumstances, but mom's career took us elsewhere. If I'd been older and had my own money, I might've stayed."

"Number Forty-Four!" called out the karaoke host for the evening.

"Alright, that's me," dad announced as he got up from the table. "Ladies I need backup."

Mom and Freja stood and followed him. Jeanie blinked as she swayed slightly. "Iono, I might be a li'l too drunk for this."

"Move your ass, slut!" dad said in a commanding voice and Jeanie practically hopped to her feet.

"Ooh, yes, daddy!" she giggled as she swished after them and scampered up to the platform. I stayed at the table and watched, wondering what the heck was going to happen. This was our first time up, since the docket seemed quite full. The crowd got a little quieter as the five of them got onstage, probably because dad took up most of it and the four women accompanying him were really hot."I need two more mics!" dad called out to the emcee, who nodded and got two more standing mics put up on the stage. Dad sat in the middle while mom and Alexa stood with of one mic, Jeanie and Freja with the other.

"What're we singing?" Alexa asked, not seeming to care that people could hear her through the mic.

"You'll find out..." dad said easily, before nodding to the emcee.

The song began and everyone in the bar began cheering loudly. Alexa and mom laughed and hugged one another while Freja bounced up and down giddily. I grinned broadly. I couldn't wait to see this. The intro over, dad began singing.

"It was a hot summer night

and the beach was burning.

There was fog crawling over the sand.

When I listen to your heart

I hear the whole world turning.

I see the shooting stars falling

through your trembling hands."

People were cheering as he sang and I was rapt watching as my family, including my newly-extended family, entertained everyone from the stage. As the next stanza began, the four girls began their backup vocal part, leaning into their microphones and crooning.

"You were licking your lips

and your lipstick's shining.

I was dying just to ask for a taste.

We were lying together in a silver lining

by the light of the moon.

You know there's not another moment

Not another moment

Not another moment to waste!

Well, you hold me so close that my knees grow weak.

But my soul is flying high above the ground.

I'm trying to speak but no matter what I do

I just can't seem to make any sound..."

The entire pub was silent, listening to the music and excited for the next part of the song. I could feel my heart thumping in my chest. I tried not to stare at Alexa, watching them all intently.

"And then you took the words right out of my mouth.

Oh it must have been while you were kissing me.

You took the words right out of my mouth.

And I swear it's true,

I was just about to say I love you!"

"LOVE YOU!" the girls chorused into their mics, looking at one another.

"And then you took the words right out of my mouth.

Oh it must have been while you were kissing me.

You took the words right out of my mouth.

And I swear it's true,

I was just about to say I love you!"


"Now my body is shaking like a wave on the water

And I guess that I'm beginning to grin.

Oh we're finally alone and we can do what we want to. And the night is young

Ain't no-one gonna know where

No-one gonna know where

No-one's gonna know where you've been.

"Well you were licking your lips

and your lipstick's shining.

I was dying just to ask for a taste.

We were lying together in a silver lining

by the light of the moon.

You know there's not another moment

Not another moment

Not another moment to waste."

I just stared at the scene, rapt. In spite of my secret with my aunt, in spite of the hopelessness of our cause... at that very moment, I felt like the luckiest son of a bitch on the planet. This was my family, and they were killing it. I never wanted this moment to end.

"And then you took the words right out of my mouth.

Oh it must have been while you were kissing me.

You took the words right out of my mouth.

And I swear it's true,

I was just about to say I love you."


"And then you took the words right out of my mouth!

Oh it must have been while you were kissing me.

You took the words right out of my mouth.

And I swear it's true,

I was just about to say I love you."

Dad stood as he began the crescendo repeat of 'you took the words right out of my mouth' while the girls echoed him and the crowd was now singing along joyously. The girls were gyrating while singing and dad was doing this absurd pelvic thrust that made me laugh. Then they put their arms over their heads and clapped for the final lines and the audience did the same. They finished and there was thunderous applause and cheering while they all bowed.

Dad allowed the girls to exit the stage first and then lumbered down after them, back to our table. Drinks kept arriving, bought for us by other patrons until the table was almost overflowing. Dad and I had our work cut out for us. Mom snuggled up to dad, thanking him for such an amazing experience.

Pretty soon, my back teeth were floating and I excused myself to go drain the lizard. After what seemed like an interminably long time draining a bladder that apparently had the capacity of the Hoover Dam, the door to the tiny bathroom muffling the strident and often ear-punishing karaoke beyond, I was zipping up when I thought I heard talking. Women talking. Two very familiar voices.

I looked around in confusion, wondering where the Hell the sound of mom and Alexa talking was coming from. I spied a vent over one of the stalls behind me. I looked around and went in, locking the door behind me. The music outside ended and I could hear them a little more clearly, but it was still difficult. I stood on the toilet carefully, getting as close to the vent as I could and cupped my ear, hoping to understand.

"You're sure you're okay, darling?"

"Really, Kar, I'm fine. I'm happy for them."

"I just want to be sure, Alli. I mean, she came to see you, after all."

"I know."

"And you've told me what you meant to one another, that you thought maybe you'd been in love in times past."

"Maybe we were, and I think maybe we're soul-mates, after a fashion. But this is really okay with me. Her being in love with Jeanie doesn't affect my relationship with her at all."

"They'll probably just include you in their depravity."

"If that's our dynamic, great. You know me, I love sex. And yes, she came to visit me, but she wouldn't have stayed if she hadn't met Jeanie. Now she's going to stay, Kar. My best friend is going to move here and I'll see her as much as I like. I'm thrilled."

"That's a wonderful view to have, Alli. I'm proud of you. But every once in a while, it may cause you a pang to see them together, and that's natural. There's nothing wrong with it, unless you act on it to hurt them. If you ever need to talk, you can always come to me, or to Michael. I'm pretty sure even Alex would be a good ear for you and a shoulder to cry on."


I climbed down from my perch, washed my hands and made my way back out to the table, where I plunked down into my seat. Mom and Alexa weren't back yet, so I just resumed eating nachos and wings.

"Your mom and Alli went to the ladies' room," dad mentioned. "They'll be back soon."

"Yeah, except your mom said Freja and I can't go to the bathroom together." Jeanie pouted.

"That's because we want to end our evening without public indecency charges." dad replied.

"You and the Lady Prof are a lot less adventurous since Alli showed up," Jeanie sighed. "It's like you've developed a terminal case of the respectabilities. I should know."

Freja snickered while dad just ignored the statement and killed a plate of wings. Mom and Alexa returned shortly after, both in good spirits. We laughed and ate and drank until dad got called up again. We joined the other patrons in whooping and cheering as he broke into singing 'Saturday Night!' by the Bay City Rollers.

"This was the song your dad sang the night I met him," mom leaned over and said to me. "Come to think of it, he was wearing plaid pants that night, too."

"Why am I not surprised?" I sighed, making her laugh.

"I'm just surprised there's enough plaid material outside of Scotland to make pants for that behemoth." Alexa muttered.

Mom pointed to a far corner. "I was sitting back in that corner with three of my girlfriends when the big lummox got up and began bellowing that ridiculous song. Nearly blew us out the back wall, I tell you."

"It's still weird to me that he can hit those higher notes," Alexa mused, watching dad and clapping. "He's a baritone when he talks, he's a heldentenor when he sings."

"He does an amazing 'Old Man River' too," mom mentioned, looking around. "This place hasn't changed all that much in the past few decades since we met."

"You'll have to tell me about it some time." Alexa stated, nodding to mom. "I'd love to know how you and Gigantor met."

Dad finally returned and within minutes, a song Alexa had called for was up. Everyone watched at the gorgeous blonde got on stage, sitting in front of the microphone and nodding, closing her eyes as she sang an Edith Piaf anthem.

"Non, rien de rien, non, je ne regrette rien

Ni le bien qu`on m`a fait, ni le mal

Tout ça m`est bien égal

Non, rien de rien, non, je ne regrette rien

C`est paye, balaye, oublie, je me fous do passe

Avec mes souvenirs j`ai allume le feu

Mes chagrins, mes plaisirs,

Je n`ai plus besoin d`eux

Balaye les amours avec leurs trémolos

Balaye pour toujours

Je réparas a zéro

Non, rien de rien, non, je ne regrette rien

Ni le bien qu`on m`a fait, ni le mal

Tout ça m`est bien égal

Non, rien de rien, non, je ne regrette rien

Car ma vie, car me joies

Aujourd'hui ça commence avec toi!"

I was spellbound watching her, but I glanced over subtly and could see tears in Freja's eyes. It's perfectly true, everyone who understood those soulful words would assume it was about the Danish girl, but I couldn't help but believe that they were truly meant for me.

When all was said and done, she regretted nothing.

It was so hard to keep the tears out of my eyes.


"Well, I'm sure those three are in for a raucous and debauched night," mom mused as we sat around the kitchen island, drinking Turkish coffee. It was late, but we all needed caffeine to sober up and none of us were ready for bed in any event. "This day has just been a whirlwind."

"No argument there," I sighed, shaking my head. "This whole Jeanie-Freja thing still has me knocked for a loop. How you two figured it out is beyond me. Even Alexa hadn't been expecting it."

"You just develop a sense for people when you get older, Alex," dad said, filling mom's cup again. "You'll develop that intuition soon enough."

"Yup, a true romance for the ages, that one..." mom said, smirking.

"You don't think they'll make it?" I asked.

"Oh, I'm pretty sure they will," she replied, considering. "Freja may be promiscuous, but deep down she's got a loving and monogamous heart, Alex. It's amazing she was ever able to let go of Alexa. And Jeanie, well... she seems all fun and games, but that is a very lonely girl. And I think she was truly afraid of being alone her whole life, drifting from marriage to marriage, searching for that one person who would see the worth in her beyond her sexual prowess and her family's money."

"Then it's a good thing they found one another," I said. "Put it in those terms and they're pretty perfect for one another."

Mom nodded. "They'll still be promiscuous together, but their hearts will belong to one another, and that is exactly what they both crave. Alexa knows she's young and beautiful, she knows there's time to find the right person. Freja and Jeanie both have drawbacks that count against them and need to be overlooked. Alexa doesn't. "

"If you say so." I agreed in a neutral tone.

"Oh, c'mon now," mom chided. "Alex, even you have to be able to put aside the fact that she's your aunt to see exactly what's going on there- she's absolutely stunning to look at, she's every bit as smart as we are, and she's got a passion for life that very few people can match. Not to get all Mary Poppins, but she's practically perfect in every way."

"She'll make a great find for someone, no doubt." I allowed. "Sorry, if I'm not objective about it."

Mom patted my hand. "No worries, you get along very well with her, and that's all I can ask for."

We talked for another hour or so, with me promising that we would start going to karaoke at least once a month, since mom and dad had rediscovered how much they enjoyed it. Eventually I said I was calling it a night and heading to bed. Mom gave me a hug and a kiss while dad ruffled my hair and sent me off. Apparently they had more Slovenian Pee Fairy documentaries to watch. I shook my head in despair, mumbling a disdain I did not actually feel, of course.

Downstairs and on my bed, I casually opened my laptop and initiated a Skype call. A few seconds later, Alexa appeared, totally naked and smiling at me lovingly. "Hello, my love."

"Well, hello, beautiful," I said in my best imitation of Ozzy. "I more than half-expected to not get a response, I thought you might be occupied."

"Was until recently," she sighed, picking up the laptop and panning it over toward the bed, where Freja and Jeanie were both passed out in a sweaty tangle. "It's been quite the evening."

"I've no doubt," I chuckled. "Highlights?"

"Well, I thought I was going to have to surgically remove Freja's right arm just below the elbow when she got it stuck in Jeanie's ass," she began, shaking her head as she remembered the incident. "Then Freja tried to drown Jeanie again when she squirted into her open mouth and it went down the wrong pipe. I'll be amazed if these two survive up until their wedding next week."

"Oh, they picked a date, did they?" I noted.

Alexa nodded. "Just a quick civil court thing, one that'll allow Freja to stay. Jeanie can support her, so there's no worries there, and her marks back at the uni in Copenhagen were surprisingly good, so getting her admitted here shouldn't be an issue."

"A quick civil ceremony sounds ideal." I agreed.

"They were initially whining about finding a beautiful spot like our glade that had emotional significance," she added. "Neither of them were amused when I suggested the gym equipment room we all fucked in."

"Can't imagine why," I laughed. "Do we think Jeanie's parents will approve?" I asked.

My aunt shrugged. "We Skype-called them."


She took a deep breath. "It probably would have gone better if the two of them had remembered to put some clothes on before they made the call."

I started chuckling and Alexa waited politely until I managed to control myself. "Hey, at least it was a waists-up conversation, with only their tits visible," she added, trying to emphasize the positive. "Given that Freja still had her end of a massive purple double-dildo shoved inside her."

"The mind doth boggle," I sighed cheerfully. "In spite of that, the conversation somehow managed to go well?"

She nodded again. "Once they accepted the fact that their daughter found someone as depraved as her, they began asking questions and are perfectly happy with Freja's university choices and aspirations. They approved the marriage and I thought Jeanie was gonna faint on the spot. The call ended when she tackled Freja in excitement to kiss her and knocked the laptop off the bed."

"Sounds familiar." I laughed. "You managed to steer clear of the minefield?"

"Oh, yes," she said seriously. "No way I was jumping into that potential dumpster fire, unless they completely blew it and needed an intermediary. Then I probably would have called your dad to just scare Jeanie's parents into saying yes."

"Helluva night." I concluded.

"That wasn't the end of it," she sighed wearily. "Then we went online to look at rings, since they apparently didn't make it to People's Jewellers earlier, so that took the best part of an hour."


"But even while we were surfing, they couldn't keep their hands off each other, or me, and we ended up in another sweaty Sapphic tangle. We spent half an hour trying to pussy-fuck one another all at the same time, with no success, so we just made one another cum until they passed out and I was the only one left conscious. I just got out of the shower a few minutes before you called."

"I'm a little annoyed that they just started looking for wedding rings like that while you were around," I muttered. "Wasn't very sensitive."

She smiled lightly and shrugged. "It's okay, Alex, Freja's my friend and needs me. It's not in any way, shape, or form her fault, or Jeanie's, that you and I are in the quandary we're in."

"True," I admitted. "Besides, have they got sweet wedding rings like these?" I asked slyly, holding up my hand to show her the Ring-Pop base I wore on my ring finger.

She giggled and held up her own hand, showing that she was wearing hers. "They'll never find anything as epic as these, you're right."

She then looked at the floor for a moment and then back at me. "You're... you're not mad at me about that song I sang tonight, are you?"

I shook my head. "I know everyone will assume it's meant for Freja, but I was pretty damned certain it was directed at me, even if you were looking almost exclusively at her."

"I couldn't look at you while I sang it," she said sadly. "First, because Karen and Mike couldn't know, but also it would have just hurt too much. I might have started crying. Hell, I almost did anyway."

"I know," I said heavily. "I saw. And it was a sad song, but I loved that you did it, Alexa. Because you're right. No regrets. Even if we can't be together, our time with one another will always be the high-point of my life."

She smiled at me and there were crystalline tears in her eyes.

Yet another wedding. And once again, not Alexa's and mine. Okay, granted, we live in a country where avunculate marriage is illegal, but after a while, going to other people's weddings can be frustrating, even if they're people you care about very much.

Freja was marrying Jeanie and it had turned into quite the whirlwind of activity. Jeanie was rushing around, not accomplishing much, but to her credit still finding plenty of time for spontaneous sex and orgies. Alexa usually got sucked into the vortex of depravity, and they included me when they could, but they had to be a little more careful about that for obvious reasons. Mom and dad expected my aunt to be apart of that maenadic frenzy, they couldn't know about my involvement.

A lot of times, I was chauffeuring Alexa to the hotel where Freja was staying while I supposedly headed out to the university to continue with our summer internship for the Languages department. When I did make it to the university, I worked like a madman, to make up for the time I was spending with Alexa, Jeanie and Freja. No one seemed to have caught on, thankfully.

This afternoon I'd been playing hooky from my duties and found myself in a sweaty, slippery tangle of female flesh as we all churned, writhed and moaned on the hotel bed. Freja was lying on her back with her legs spread wide while I knelt between them, pumping my cock in and out of her strongly. She was moaning loudly into Alexa's pussy, who was grinding on her friend's face while kissing Jeanie greedily. Jeanie's body was suspended over Freja's, her arms wrapped around Alexa's shoulders while I held her by her hips, supporting her weight and lapped at her gooey slit.

Alexa's and Jeanie's tongues tangled and they moaned into one another's mouths. Alexa and I were more than strong enough to support Jeanie comfortably in what would otherwise be an awkward position. Freja was the slenderest of the three girls, while Jeanie was in the middle and Alexa was the tallest and most athletic. This isn't to say she was big, of course, because my aunt couldn't even be called husky, but she had the largest tits and her body was exquisitely toned all over.

Jeanie shuddered and wailed into Alexa's mouth, cumming on my tongue. This seemed to set off Freja, who squirmed on my cock and clenched it fiercely, bathing my hips in her essence. Seconds later, Freja's tongue sent Alexa into orbit, her face glistening with my aunt's cum. Now that all the women had climaxed, I surrendered to the overwhelming urge to orgasm, pumping my creamy offering into Freja's wanton pussy.

Heaving and panting, we all basked in the afterglow of our shared climax. We gently set Jeanie down onto Freja and they wrapped their arms around one another and began kissing and cuddling. I laid Alexa on her back and sank my cock deep inside her, both of us sighing in pleasure and relief. I felt truly contented and at home now. We kissed lovingly and she wrapped her legs around me to keep me deep inside her.

As couples in love, we laid side-by-side, enjoying our moments of bliss. Jeanie and Freja were pressed into us, but we didn't mind. After making out for several minutes, Freja sighed. "It is a pity we must relinquish Alex to the university, because I could really stand to be fucked some more."

"Sorry, darling, you'll just have to make due with Jeanie and I using strap-on's on you while he's gone," Alexa said soothingly, reaching over and caressing her best friend's cheek. "How ever will you survive without cock?"

Jeanie giggled. "I kinda like doing the ol' bump'n'grind when there's no guy around. It's something only we girls can do, sorta like a secret club thing."

"True, I do love to scissor," Alexa agreed. "But it's a two-girls-only sport and that means one of us is always only watching, or at best getting eaten out."

"Huh?" I asked somewhat obtusely.

"Well, I wouldn't expect a guy to understand, since you can't do it or even simulate it," Alexa replied. "But it just occurs to me that there's three of us and tribbing only has room for two. There's no way for us all to get in on the action."

I frowned. "Bull."

My aunt raised an eyebrow at me. "Alex, it's been that way for thousands of years, trust me."

I knelt up now, my cock still inside her, but thinking. Alexa almost frowned at me, taking exception to interrupting our tender moment to disagree about the logistics of tribadism.

"Alex, we've thought about this before."

"Well, yes, but thinking is for the gloopy ones," I replied, channeling my inner Anthony Burgess. "While the oomny use, like, inspiration, and what Bog sends."

Freja gave Alexa a sour look. "Is he using A Clockwork Orange against us?"

"Well, his name is Alex..." my aunt sighed.

"Ooh, I've seen that movie," Jeanie said, trying to contribute. "I cosplayed as the main guy one year. I think I fucked a girl as him, too. Didn't kick her in the stomach, though. Drank a lot, felt like barfing."

"Jeanie, darling, hush," Alexa said gently, touching her fingers to her friend's lips. "Continue, Brainiac."

To my regret, I pulled out of my aunt and studied the three of them, as well as the bed. Alexa propped herself up on her elbows, clearly considering this a waste of good cuddling and fucking time. However, she allowed me to ruminate, so props to her. Jeanie was absently humming 'Singing In The Rain' to herself.

I began pointing. "Freja, lie on your side in the middle of the bed." The Danish girl complied and then I motioned to her fiancée. "Jeanie, do the same and press yourself into her as hard as you can."

Jeanie scuttled down, lying on her side and pressing herself as hard as she could into Freja, their breasts and pussies squashing together.

"Now can you two girl-fuck one another like that?" I asked.

In response, they looked into one another's eyes while Jeanie slung a leg over Freja's waist and began squirming and grinding their hips, their wet slits mushing together. They both nodded in the affirmative.

I looked at my aunt. "Alexa, since you're the tallest and have the longest legs, just kneel between them and push in, holding on to their upper legs if need be. Go on, try it."

Alexa made a wry face, but did as I asked. While Freja and Jeanie kept their pussies squished together, she told hold of their legs as she knelt over them. Her longer limbs allowed her to scissor herself in, her wet womanhood pressing into theirs. The shuddered as she began to squirm in rhythm with them.

"Fuck," she grunted, her eyes squeezed shut. "You motherfucker, you were right! This can work if you try!"

"Maybe, but I wanna try something else," I replied, smiling evilly. "Freja, Jeanie, lie in opposite directions from one another on your backs, but keep girl-fucking."

The two of them pulled away from one another while Alexa disengaged and watched. They laid on their backs and scissored their legs past one another until their pussies squashed again. Holding one another's wrists, they began squirming, moaning in pleasure and clearly enjoying the experiment, whether it failed or not.

"Can you arrange yourself on top of them and sorta nestle in there?" I asked. Alexa snaked herself over the other two and pressed down onto them, her pussy squirming into theirs. Her long legs allowed her to steady herself while writhing. She closed her eyes and sighed.

"Gnnnn, you bastard," she sighed. "I oughta be so mad at you about this. You proved three-way fucking for girls exists."

"I know," I said, pleased with myself. "Before my dad did, possibly. It's like finding the theory for infinite energy. An engine powered by a lesbian flywheel."

"Klamt," moaned Freja, shivering as their three pussies mingled against all odds. "Is he always this insufferable?"

"Only when he's right," Alexa panted, leaning down and reaching for their breasts, which she groped eagerly while fucking them. "Guess he takes after my sister that way."

"I got one more," I said, beckoning to them. "C'mon over to the chesterfield."

The three girls disentangled themselves and followed me to the indicated furniture. I then took Alexa by the hand and began positioning her. She allowed me to do whatever the Hell I was doing, because she trusted me implicitly, no matter how crazy it seemed. I made her lie on her shoulders and upper back at the foot of the chesterfield, resting against it with her legs in the air. I then pulled her legs apart gently until she was almost doing a perfect split upside down.

"Freja, Jeanie, stand over her and you can grind against her and each other now." I said to them, pointing at my aunt's splayed legs and available privates. They both eagerly clambered over her, one of their feet near her head while the other leg knelt on the cushions above. The two now pressed their pussies down onto hers and into one another's. It worked because Alexa's hips were the widest and she was the most flexible. Freja and Jeanie grappled onto one another and began kissing hungrily while squirming their slits together and down onto Alexa's. All three moaned in pleasure. My aunt sighed and fondled her breasts while the two above fucked shamelessly.

I just watched smugly, using my phone to get some up-close and personal recordings of the action, especially when all three of them strained and groaned loudly, cumming on one another before Freja and Jeanie collapsed on the chesterfield, exhausted. They pulled Alexa up to join them in the slick, warm tangle of female flesh and cuddled into her. I nodded in satisfaction and stopped recording.

"Well, my work here is done," I said simply, but my tone of voice had the quality of a grand bow. "I suppose I should get dressed and head off now, gotta keep up appearances at the university, after all."

"Yeah, that's right, you'd better run..." Alexa murmured rather feebly, flopping a hand in my direction. Y'know what's good for you... smug bastard."

"Thanks, by the way!" Jeanie called out as I gathered up my clothes and headed into the bathroom to change.

"Jeanie, no!" Alexa hissed. "If you compliment him, then he's won! Never let the male think they've won!"

"Oh, shit, I've been doing it wrong my whole life, then." I heard the air-headed brunette say in distress.


Several weeks had passed since my dad had been stabbed and he was working out again regularly, with mom watching carefully to make sure he didn't overdo it. I made the mistake of pointing out that he would probably only overdo if it he was trying to impress her, so her presence might be counter-productive.

The look she gave me made it abundantly clear that she wasn't too old to have more children. If she killed me, she'd just make another, and tell them what an idiot the last kid was. I stopped talking.

So, there we were, in the campus gym, watching my dad use the curl bar to help peak his already ridiculously peaked biceps. Mom was sitting nearby, drinking water and reading a treatise on dark matter. Dad invited me to work out alongside him, but I wasn't feeling it at the moment, having done some exercise that morning, and just spotted for him instead.

Alexa showed up after a while and my mom got up and hugged her before bringing her to sit.

"Where are Flopsy and Mopsy?" mom asked.

Alexa smirked. "I'm sure they'll be here soon, I told them Mike was working out and Freja hasn't really seen your husband's shredded bod yet. They can't be far off."

"Which one's Flopsy and which one's Mospy?" I asked my mother.

She shrugged. "Well, which one is likely to end up on her back first? That'd be Flopsy. The one you'd use to sponge up all the fluids after would be Mospy."

Alexa shivered and made a grossed-out face. "There's some imagery I didn't need. Even worse, I still can't decide which is which."

We all laughed, including dad from his place nearby. Alexa gave him a wry look as she observed the amount he was curling. "I'm pretty sure that's more than Jeanie and Freja weigh combined, bro. You're scary."

"You think I convinced them to give me the department head post in Astrophysics when I retire with my intellect alone?" he replied cheerfully, doing his eight-zillionth rep.

"Probably," Alexa said. "I'm just surprised you didn't pull a Milton Berle and flop your johnson out on the table to intimidate them all."

"Oh, you didn't actually do that, did you?" mom asked in distaste, giving him a wry look.

"Not without you being there," dad answered. "Can you imagine how that would've gone?"

Can we please stop talking about my dad's weenie?" I pleaded. "First it's my aunt's jugs wiggling in my face, then mom's nude in my hotel room, guilty of streaking, and now dad owes his senior position in the university hierarchy to the size of his shmoo? Why can't this be made up?"

They were all laughing at me when Flopsy and Mopsy arrived. Jeanie was giving mom and Alexa squishy hugs (the only kind she knew) while Freja had simply walked up to dad and was staring at his muscles in fascination.

"You're too big," she muttered, poking his abdomen. Dad had been exercising without a shirt, so his muscles were quite visible beneath his gleaming skin. "What would have been so wrong with being a normal size?"

"More me means less biomass available to cultures who inflict Aqua on the species," he answered, smirking. "Consider it a world-wide service, hopefully worthy of a Nobel Prize."

"Here we go..." mom muttered under her breath.

"Don't make me come up there." Freja said in what she hoped was a dire tone.

"Or what?" dad asked carelessly, continuing to work with his curl bar.

"I'll teach you," she shot back. "I have taken ju-jutsu, I will have you know."

"Huh," he grunted with mild disinterest. "What school?"


"Oh, I'm sorry," he said, his voice oozing sympathy. "How many participation trophies did you get at local martial arts tournaments?"

"The bigger they are, the harder they fall!" Freja said hotly, her body stiffening. Her little fists were bunched up at her sides. "Would you care for a demonstration, Grendl?"

Dad considered for a moment and shrugged. "Why not," he said finally, putting down the curl bar. "I've got a few minutes before I start my next set."

He gestured toward the area where the wrestling mats were set up, allowing Freja to stride purposefully toward them, leading the way. I looked at mom warily and she shrugged and stood up, putting down the treatise.

"You can always find a new bestie, right, Alli?" mom asked her sister.

"I dunno," Alexa replied. "Freja's pretty good, she actually got her Second-Dan black belt in ju-jutsu."

"Uh-huh," mom said somewhat disinterestedly, leading us over to the mat. "Alex, you know where the squeegee mops are in the supply cabinet, right?"

"Yup." I said grimly.

We stood at the edge of the mats while Freja stared up at my dad in the middle of them. The height disparity between them was nothing short of amusing, since she barely reached dad's sternum. To her credit, she didn't budge as he towered over her.

"So, how do you want to do this?" dad asked, looking down at her.

"It's your funeral, why don't you choose?" she said in a challenging tone.

Dad shrugged and laid down on his back. "How about this? At least you can reach me from here."

Freja cheeks coloured quickly and she bolted in and grappled onto one of dad's arms, locking it up and wrapping her legs around it, like she was going to wrench it out of the socket. Dad just waited patiently. Freja grunted and strained with the effort. Almost a minute passed and nothing seemed to be happening.

"How's it going over there, Reepicheep?" Alexa called to her friend.

"Gnnnnn, he... will submit..." Freja growled.

"He will?" dad asked, looking up over his shoulder, pretty much directly at Freja's booty shorts-encased butt. "Why is he always the last to know?"

"I... am... your... God!" she gasped as she strained, pulling for all she was worth.

And then dad lifted his arm- not quite ninety degrees, but right off the mat, with Freja still grappled onto it. She squeaked in surprise as she realized she was no longer in contact with the floor.

Then he dropped his arm. Not hard, he just let gravity do the work for him. Master of physics and all that.


Jeanie and Alexa both winced while mom watched impassively. Now back on the mat, Freja didn't move at all for several seconds. She just stared at the ceiling blankly, her limbs still locked around dad's arm. Then her arms and legs slowly uncurled and she lay very still, gazing off into space. Dad stood up and walked away.

"Puny god..." he rumbled, heading back to his curl bar.

We all stared at Freja for several seconds before Jeanie went over and knelt down next to her, concern playing over her features.

"She's not dead, is she?" the brunette asked. "Because getting another fiancée on such short notice would be a real pain in the ass."

"Seriously, girl, what were you thinking?" mom inquired as she went and knelt next to Jeanie and helped the Danish girl sit up. "I didn't know being uppity was a national trait for you people."

"It's not," Alexa sighed. "It just is for her. I'll be honest, though, I thought she'd last a little longer than that."

"Oh, now you're just being dumb, Alli," mom chided. "You remember the fight in the bar. He's at least as good at breaking things as he is at weird physics."

"My cunt can attest to that." Jeanie said, earning her a look and a swat from my mother.

"Why didn't you warn me?" Freja groused as she let my mom and Jeanie help her stand.

"Why bother?" Alexa replied, shrugging. "Not like you would've listened. Having him shatter every bone in your body is as close as you'll ever get to having sex with him, so you just went for it. How the Hell could anyone stop that?"

"Fine, fine," Freja grumbled. "You got me. Worth it, though."

"I'll never understand women." I muttered, making the four of them giggle.


Two days before the wedding, Freja's family arrived at the airport. Alexa had explained to me about who everyone would be and any details I should readily know. The first thing that made my head spin was the sheer number of them who were showing up. It was beginning to sound like half of Denmark was going to be at the wedding.

Freja's parents, three grandparents, a younger sister and brother, six cousins, three aunts, two uncles, two step-cousins, twelve cousins-once-removed or something... there were well over thirty people arriving, and chaos ensued.

There were endless cries and screams of delight when everyone saw Freja and equally as much noise when they saw Alexa, who was apparently one of the family. Freja's parents hugged her tight and there were tears shed.

"I swear, Alexandra," said Freja's mother in heavily-accented English. "I thought for years it would be you that she married. Your mother never agreed, but she knew how close you were. I guess Miranda was right."

"It's okay, Anna," Alexa said, with tears in her eyes. "You know I love Freja, but Jeanie is going to make her very happy, I promise you."

"And now let us meet your family." Anna announced.

Introductions were made, and it was sort of surreal, to be honest- everyone was clamouring to know Alexa's older sister, whom they had never met, even though they knew my grandmother, Miranda. Add to this the complication of mom's maiden surname being Gordon and Alexa's being Blackwell and you had a recipe for confusion.

And then everyone gawked at my dad, who was, once again, far taller than everyone. One little girl about age three hid behind a cousin and cried, at least until dad gave her a treat; then he was her boyfriend and couldn't get rid of her. She rode around on his shoulders, lording it over everyone else.Several members of Freja's family expressed an interest in Alexa as a mate, now that she was back on the market, and when she made it abundantly clear that she was not available, many of the women began inquiring about me.

"You should consider it, Alex," Freja teased. "Danish families can be fun!"

The mingling was likely to continue, but we were taking up a great deal of the room inside the terminal, so mom announced that we should head out to meet Jeanie's family. Vehicles had been rented, hotel rooms reserved, and they followed us out. Dad and I led the way, since mom, Alexa and Freja were the center of attention.

"That was strange." I mused as I walked with him at the head of the pack.

"Get used to it where Gordons and Blackwells are concerned, boyo," he said cheerfully. "They attract a weird crowd."

"So, all of Denmark is weird, then?" I posited.


"Right, right," I muttered. "They sure like mom and Alexa."

"They're happy to see Alli again, rightfully, and your mom represents a missing piece of a puzzle for them. Your aunt told us one night exactly how close they were to Freja's family when they lived in Denmark. I guess we'll be treating them like an extension of our clan now."

"D'you think they'll like Jeanie?" I asked.

"She's a likeable girl, Alex," dad replied. "Good-hearted and well-meaning like few people are. To be honest, it was kind of a curse for her to be born wealthy, because she can't just be a normal girl. It's gotten in the way of her happiness. Yes, she's dumber than a bag of hammers, but Freja doesn't care. I don't think Freja really cares about the money, either."

"So you think they're a good match."

He considered. "I think they'll beat the odds, yes. And I'm happy for them. They're luckier in that sense that you'll be."

I tilted my head as I looked at him.

"Something I realized a long time ago, when I fell in love with your mother," he explained. "And the same will apply to you. If you ever take any piece of advice I ever give you concerning marriage, Alex, it's this- marry someone who is your intellectual equal."

"Like you and mom."

He nodded. "Your mother is every bit my equal, no question, she's just not as overtly bombastic. I may have hoped to marry her, but she decided to marry me. And it was the best thing that ever happened to me. Except possibly you, of course."

"That's me, everyone's favourite afterthought." I laughed.


I'll give her credit, Jeanie was a big hit with the Kjaer clan. She was genial and courteous, even if it was obvious that she didn't have a lot going on upstairs. She was constantly getting names wrong or mixed up, but no one was offended and the laughter wasn't derisive. It was good to see her getting along with people who weren't after her for sex or money.

Her parents, who I was now meeting for the first time as well, were stand-offish initially. The Kjaers seemed to not notice the derisive tone Jeanie's parents were taking with them, almost as if their disdain for peasants could be barely be contained.

But then mom took them aside. They weren't gone more than ten minutes, and when they returned, their attitudes had changed entirely. They were every bit as genial and welcoming and pleasant as their daughter, almost feverishly so.

"Okay, how the Hell did you manage that?" Alexa asked as we stood nearby with my mom and dad, watching the new dynamic.

"Simple," mom said somewhat sternly. "I spoke in the language they understand, money. I let them know that you and I were Blackwells, a family that could buy theirs about ten times over, and that if they didn't start treating Freja's family with respect, we would buy them. And I'd adopt their daughter and make sure she couldn't even remember their names two weeks from now."

Alexa giggled. "Nice bluff, seeing as how you and I aren't heirs to the Gordon or Blackwell fortunes."

"No, but we could be if we wanted to be," mom pointed out. "Don't forget, darling, at the end of the day, you and I are the crowning achievements of both those families. What we say would be law, if we chose to assert ourselves, just like mom could have."

"Never really considered it, because I've never really dealt with them." Alexa admitted. "I guess you guys are getting to know my Kjaer family and I've got to learn about the Blackwells and Gordons. And the De Bournes, of course."

"Of course." dad said, nodding.

"I don't need to become a business magnate or anything now, do I?" Alexa asked, making a wry face. "I mean, I like drinking whiskey and I like using software, but I don't want to focus on them."

"No, it won't come to that," mom said dismissively. "You're perfect the way you are."

We'd actually nabbed some facilities at the university for this big get-together, courtesy of mom and dad, so that Jeanie's parents didn't feel put-upon for having to rent a hall. The university had even agreed to let the reception be held on the grounds, while the wedding would be held in the nearby botanical gardens. Dad arranged all of this, as long as everyone promised no Aqua would be played at any point during the reception. You take victories where you can get them, I guess.

Catered food arrived, much to my surprise, but when it turned out that Jeanie's parents had ordered it on the fly and I remembered mom's threat, it all made sense to me. Dad and I corralled the Kjaer men into helping us set up tables and chairs for everyone, which they did readily. I kept working steadily while dad had to stop on a regular basis to hear stories about Danish men of impressive size and strength. Pretty sure I got the better end of the deal.

Mom, dad, Alexa and I mostly sat and watched while Jeanie's family and Freja's began getting to know one another and make arrangements. The Kjaers promised they weren't moving here en masse, while Jeanie promised to continue her education, in whatever field would have her. Mom and dad, as the power brokers for this whole thing, simply made sure that everything kept on track. A Lutheran minister was found to do the ceremony through the university's faculty of religious studies.

"I can't decide if this is gonna be a big thing or a small thing." I mused as I watched the proceedings. "Yeah, there's thirty weird Danish people here, but only Jeanie and her parents on the other side."

"Jeanie's whole family will be there," mom said, nodding. "And I've invited the Blackwells and Gordons, at least the ones nearby. It's a great way for them to meet Alexa, but more to the point, it'll really make this a dream-come-true wedding for Jeanie."

"You really have a soft spot for her, don't you?" Alexa said, putting her hand on mom's forearm and giving it a squeeze. Her eyes were shining.

"It's hard not to," mom replied. "She's a sweet girl, genuinely nice and well-meaning. She spent most of her life terrified that she'd be alone, emotionally if not physically, that people would only ever want her for money or sex. Making sure this happens for her is the least you can do for someone who's so nice."

"As long as you don't have to talk to her," Alexa giggled, looking at my dad. "What was it you said once about conversing with her?"

Dad shrugged. "Talking to Jeanie is like masturbating with a cheese grater- slightly amusing, but mostly just painful."

"The things that come out of your mouth, mister..." mom sighed, shaking her head.

"Freja's rather smart, so this should be interesting," Alexa added. "But you can't choose where the heart leads you."

"No argument there." mom muttered.

"I'm glad Jeanie said she'll continue her education," I said, diverting the conversation. "But do we even have graduate programs to become a paperweight or a speedbump?"

Their laughter was drowned out by the general merriment of the festivities around us.


Jeanie's parents had gone home for the night, leaving their daughter in our care. We ended up at the hotel room of Freja's parents, which just happened to be in the same one their daughter was staying at. Freja told them quite bluntly she had no intention of being quiet at night just because her parents were nearby, to which her dad replied that some things never changed.

People seemed to have divided up into little groups to talk at this point- dad, mom and Freja were sitting with her parents, mostly getting to know one another. Mom's eyes were often glistening with tears as she listened to them talk about Miranda, my grandmother, and how much she and Alexa meant to them.

Alexa had been stolen by the young children, who had apparently missed her horribly. Alexa, inhumanly flexible creature that she is, had her feet hooked behind and over her shoulders, and was walking around the room on her hands, making growling noises as she chased them. The kids were squealing in delight and they stampeded around, ignored by everyone else. That left me sitting in a corner with Jeanie, occupying two comfy chairs.

"D'you really think it's gonna be okay?" she asked in a quiet voice as she watched. "I mean... I'm getting married. I'm scared, Alex."

"I would be worried if you weren't," I said easily, looking at her. "It's only natural to be scared, Jeanie. But I'll be honest, you got really lucky. I don't mean that you're lucky because you're marrying up, what I mean is that you're lucky someone like Freja literally just dropped into your life. And she's lucky too."

"I guess," she murmured, looking at everyone. "I could've fallen in love with Alexa, because, well, who wouldn't, right? And Freja wrestled with her feelings over Alexa for years, knowing that they couldn't ever truly be together. She may've wanted it, but she knew she wasn't the right person for Alexa."

"They're best friends, no doubt, but that doesn't mean they're in love," I agreed. "I'll tell you what my mom and dad said about you and Freja, and I'll be honest- true love comes around probably only once, if you're lucky. Maybe Freja's smarter than you, Jeanie, but she also doesn't care. You've got a whole world of love to offer her, so don't squander it. I'm pretty sure Alexa will tell her them same thing."

"Sorta seems unfair, Fre and me getting married just like that, while you and Alexa can't even be found out," she said, a note of regret in your voice. "You're a perfect couple, just like the profs. I wish I knew how to help you, but there I days I don't even get your name right. I only remember Alexa's because she spelled it out in my cunt about two hundred times with her tongue."

"I don't need you to remember my name that badly," I chuckled. "But for what it's worth, we're all in your corner, and we're all very happy for you."

"Thanks," she said, smiling at me warmly. "That means more to me than you'll ever know."

She went back to looking at the proceedings around the room. I couldn't tell if she was actually paying attention or had just spaced out. Probably two minutes had passed before she blinked and looked back at me. "This may be a strange question, but, um... after Fre and I tie the knot, d'you think that... y'know, you, Alexa and us can still, well, have fun?"

I ignored her grammar and nodded. "You are absolutely welcome to with Alexa if she's okay with it."

"What about you?"

"If Alexa's involved, then yes," I said. "I would be happy to, you girls are the best sex I've ever had."

"That makes me happy," she said, beaming. "Life's changing so much, I don't want all the little joys in life to suddenly go away."

"I somehow doubt that marrying Freja means spontaneous sex is no longer an option for you." I pointed out.

"Oh, I know that," Jeanie agreed. "We've talked about a committed marriage that is still open, we decided that we'll simply share anyone we're going to fuck."

"Sounds perfect for you both." I said, grinning. "I'm happy to be a part of it."

"Well, you're kinda the go-to dick now, with your dad out of the picture," she admitted, making my skin almost crawl. "Not that I'm complaining, you're really good at what you do."

"Just don't let it get around," I said somewhat uneasily, with my mom and dad sitting not too far away, even though they were deeply engaged in conversation. "They know you two fuck Alexa, trying to explain how I fit in would ruin everything."

"Oh, that's true," she said, as if that hadn't been apparent already. "My lips are sealed. You sure the secret's safe with Fre's family? She said they know."

"I sure hope it is..." I sighed, watching my aunt waddle around the room on her hands, chasing the children.


We'd returned home. It had been a long day, so my parents had gone up to bed, with Alexa yawning and doing the same. She waited until after my parents had drifted off and then came down to the basement to see me. She melted into my arms and we kissed deeply, moaning in relief at finally being together. Our naked bodies pressed and she caressed me lovingly as I ran my fingers through her hair.

"I've wanted you all day," she whispered through the kiss. "All day, I've been wet for you, Alex. Desperate for you. Even while I was having fun with Freja's family, who I've missed so damn much, there was always this deep yearning to just be with you, to have you inside me, to make love to you."

I rolled her onto her back and undulated my hips against her. She squirmed her gooey pussy against me until my cock was throbbing and hard, at which point I slid it deep inside her. She sighed in pleasure, her eyes shining with love as she looked up into my face.

"And welcome to my happy place," she cooed, her hands caressing up and down my back now as she pumped against me slowly. "I love you so much, Alex."

"I love you too," I whispered, meaning it with all my heart and soul. "I've been wanting you all day as well."

We stopped talking and continued to make love, words becoming unnecessary. She held me close as I slid my cock back and forth inside her and we kissed deeply and lovingly. She squeezed her pussy around me, making me shudder in pleasure. We kept the lovemaking slow and sensual, not at all eager to cum any time soon, but simply to be lost in one another. These moments between us were far too few, and we were desperately in love.

She sighed loudly, crushing herself against me as she came, her womanhood clenching and fluttering around me. I made her cum two more times before she smirked at me and poked my nose.

"You take such good care of me," she purred. "How about you take good care of my ass now?"

I nodded and pulled out of her. She felt no need to switch positions and simply tilted her hips up, exposing her puckered knot to me. Still slippery with her cum, my cockhead pressed against the little ring and popped through, making us both shiver. She moaned softly as I pushed myself deep inside her, finally bottoming out and holding myself there.

"Mmmmmmmm," she sighed, her eyes closed while she reveled in the feel of me. "I'll never get tired of this..."

I rocked back and forth on top of her, rolling her hips slightly while she churned and squeezed me with her ass. Her arms were hooked around my neck and she clamped her legs around my waist, pulling me in even deeper. We kissed feverishly, one of my arms propping me over her while the other squeezed and groped her breasts. The feel of her incredible body beneath me, the unreal delight of making lover to her... how could I ever give this up?

Why must I?

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