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25.73% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 1055: LIVING TOGETHER


I was just north of Atmore, Alabama headed north on interstate 65, destination, Sault Ste Marie, MI. A city in the Upper Peninsula who's main industry was the lock and dam system for the upper Great Lakes. I was headed there to move my sister, she and her husband had moved there over thirty years ago, he was part of the maintenance crew and had retired four years ago, unfortunately, like so many others, he died within a year of his retirement. At the time of Rays death my wife was on her death bed, there wasn't any way to make Rays funeral, I sent flowers in our name, but it wasn't the same as being there. When my wife died 4 months later sis was still too distraught to attend my wife's funeral.

Their two children lived halfway across the country, halfway around the world if you listened to Cam, one living in Arizona the other in northern Louisiana. They hated living in the cold and snow, the isolation, the lack of good employment unless you could land a position working on the locks. They bolted as soon as they graduated high school, met and married someone in college and vowed never to live in the UP again. When they learned of their mother moving south to live with me, they were quite excited, both kids would be closer than they had been.

My wife was of Norwegian descent, when we took our twin boys to Norway to meet cousins and other relatives in their freshman year of college little did we know we'd lose them. As fate would have it they met a set of twin Norwegian girls, moved there after college and married those sisters. We would see them every few years, I had grandchildren I'd never seen or held until the boys returned with their families for their mother's funeral. The last time I'd seen my sons or grandchildren was when I went there to spread her ashes in the mountains she loved so much.

Camryn and I had been talking about this move since Christmas, she was already tired of winter, I suggested she come down for a month or more. She loved the idea but was having a knee replaced the second week of January, we talked weekly after her surgery, now that her PT was complete, she was ready to do more than visit, she was ready to move.

I was surprised how busy traffic was for 6am Thursday morning. I was pulling a 6 x 12 foot tandem axle enclosed trailer which slowed me some, but the Tundra was clickin along at 65, still getting 14 miles per gallon. Cars and trucks were whizzing by me as though I were standing still, not that I cared, it was going to be a three day trip whether I went 65 or 70, the difference in gas mileage was significant though, I kept the cruise at 65 and listened to my oldies stations. When they'd fade out, I could usually pick up a classic rock station until I found another oldies station.

Since it was only me to consider I drove until I needed to pee, fueling at the same time if need be. I had snacks along with a cooler full of water and Dr. Pepper, a few sandwiches and two apples. All I had to do was lean back, keep my eyes on the road and let the long miles fade as I went. I drove until Toledo the first day, pushing harder than I should have, resulting in an aching tired body that didn't wake until 8:30 next morning. Following breakfast, fueling and a check of the trailer I pulled back onto I-75 headed north. I felt the long drive of the previous day and stopped more often than normal. I got as far as Grayling before stopping for the night, I called Cam, had a decent supper, showered and hit the sack.

When I called Camryn in the morning, she told me I was a half day away give or take an hour depending on traffic. I enquired how much she had to move, she said she'd had a large yard sale over the past weekend and had gotten rid of most things she no longer wanted, the few remaining items were being picked up by St. Francis Thrift Store that afternoon. She sent me a pic of what was stacked in the garage, there would be plenty of room in the trailer, if there was enough room left over maybe I'd drive across the UP and stop at a saw mill in Mellen, WI for some lumber. I build custom furniture using all northern hardwoods, none of which are available in the deep south.

It had been years since I'd been to her place, and let's face it, most women's directions suck. Thank God for Google maps and the lady down the street who showed me how to use it before I left. As I pulled onto her street, I saw her at the end of the driveway waving, a smile as big as all the earth, jumping up and down as much as a 65 year old woman with a new knee can or wants to. I hadn't seen her since our pa died almost six years prior, she looked more stunning now than she did at his memorial service. Most of her adult life she'd worn her hair short, but now it was long, well over her shoulders as she used to wear it in high school.

I liked the fact that she let it be a natural silver grey, instead of coloring it, my late wife colored hers. Though I preferred it natural, it wasn't worth spending time fussing about. We'd been together 46 years, in that time you figure out what is and isn't important, if you're smart you learn not to major on the minors. Camryn was still what others called petite, as far as she was concerned, she was just small. At 5'6" and about 120 she still had it all together. I doubted her breasts were any longer "perky", a much over used word these days, but they still stood out instead of hanging down, I liked how they jiggled and swung slightly as she bounced around. She had never been one to wear a bra if she could get away without one, I guess she figured she didn't need one to load boxes.

I chose to back into her driveway before getting out, she guided me with precision as she had done for years when we were still at home emptying loads of firewood for the furnace. Sliding off the seat my body groaned, but as soon as she rounded the front and headed toward me with arms open wide, I felt a sudden burst of energy. Jumping up she wrapped her arms around my neck, squeezing me as she had oh so many decades ago, her feet a few inches off the ground as I held her around the waist. Setting her on her feet I was going to let go until she stopped me.

"Nope, not yet. Hold me another minute or so, I haven't seen you in so long."

I whispered the neighbor lady was watching intently with a scowl on her face. She pushed back, patting me on the chest and shot a dirty look in the neighbor's direction.

"Screw her, she's a nosy old bat, can't stand her. Now she'll have some juicy gossip to spread. Who knows Toad, maybe I'll be pregnant by morning, you know how fast things happen in the gossip crowd. Shit, I shoulda kissed you, she'd have peed her pants."

I looked at her with a big grin, "Toad. You're the only one who still calls me that. I think you're the one who gave me that name, but I don't remember why."

"I certainly do. You put a toad down the back of my panties when I was seven, when I told mom she looked at you and said you were a toad. I liked that name, still do."

"Yeah well, so did everyone else Cam, all the way through high school people still called me toad. The only ones who used Brandon were the teachers and mother. Hope you're proud of yourself."

"As a matter of fact, big brother, I am."

Camryn and I were born 13 months apart, me in February and she in March the next year. We were the youngest of five, there being a nine year gap between me and the next older sibling. It was like mom and dad went on a breeding sabbatical for nine years and then tried to make up for it in two. I mention that because she and I were our own best friends, living in the country you find friendship and fun wherever possible. For us, it was she and I, we needed no one else.

Cam and I went in through the garage where I perused what she had to load. I helped her break down the bed moving that into the garage as well. While looking at it I asked if she had any place she needed to be tonight or tomorrow, she replied wherever I was is where she'd be. It was just before noon, I recommended we load up and head out right away. If she didn't mind, we'd go over the top on highway 2, stop in Ashland for the night and in the morning drift down on Hwy 13 to Mellen where I wanted to buy some Curly Maple, Ash and Hickory.

She liked that idea, not wanting to be where she was any longer than necessary. The house was sold, she'd left the lawyer a POA to sign for her and have the title company direct deposit the payment into her account. I was able to get the lions share of her belongings to one side, leaving approximately two feet on the other side. With lumber on the open side the weight would be evenly distributed, I was so glad this was late May and not January when we first started talking about her moving in with me. Ice and snow are enough without a trailer, with one in tow it gets much worse.

We hadn't talked much beyond the occasional comment or question while we loaded, on the way out of town we stopped at the local gas station, filled up at an unreal price, then headed south where we would meet Hwy 2. By the time we made Manistique a potty call was way overdue. We filled up at a Shell and jumped back on the road, reaching Ashland around supper time.

I'd been to the lumber yard in Mellen several times over the years, I had previously spent a night or two in Ashland and was familiar with the city, for supper we went to a Chinese buffet I'd been to before. I drove to the Americ-Inn, getting a room with double queens. Neither of us was in the mood for TV so we sat talking until our tired bodies dictated sleep. She was in an oversized tee and I assumed underwear, at least panties, I was in my underwear alone. As I skooched under the covers she walked to my bed and sat down.

"Brandon, one of the things I miss most about not having my husband around is a kiss good morning and a kiss goodnight. Can I ask a favor and have you kiss me each morning and again each night?"

I reached up, pulled her toward me and gave her a soft kiss, then uttered, "goodnight dear". She was smiling ear to ear, "goodnight Toad, sleep well."

Continental breakfast at the motel left much to be desired, we made our way toward the edge of town where I knew of a small local dive called *Ed's Eats*, I normally avoid such places, but happened to stumble upon it some years ago. The walls were full of smarmy high school sports memorabilia and I think the older waitress had been there since Christ was a child, but the place was clean, and the food was as good as it had been the first time. Walking to the truck she stopped as I opened her door.

"I think you forgot something Toad." I looked at her wondering what that might be. "I didn't get my good morning kiss."

Damn, she was right, I quickly solved that problem, she told me she was charging me interest and wanted another. We were laughing so damned hard it was more like two pair of lips vibrating against each other than a kiss. We were in Mellen within the half hour, I purchased the lumber I wanted, drove to the loading area in the yard and waited. The forklift came whizzing around the corner, lowered two hundred board feet each of Ash and Hickory onto the ground and went for the Maple as Cam and I loaded. Two hundred board feet is not a lot of lumber, the Hickory being a heavier wood I stacked it on the bottom. When everything was in and strapped down securely, we were back on the highway headed for home.

If we had pushed hard and drove 16 to 18 hours we could have made Paducah, KY, but since we had nothing but time on our hands, why kill ourselves, we stopped in Bloomington, IL for the night. I wanted to go for a decent meal, she agreed, we checked into a Hampton Inn, changed out of our travel clothes into some fresh jeans and a shirt, then took our lives into our own hands trying to cross the street to a Texas Roadhouse. As we walked back to the Hampton she took my hand, as she had done hundreds of times in the past, for us it was as natural as breathing. Walking through the lobby we were still hand in hand, she was smiling, I wasn't sure why, but we felt good together. If I wasn't going to be with my late wife, being with Camryn was the next best thing.

It was already 8:30, the drive tomorrow would be about 12 hours if we were going to make my house by days end. I showered first and was lying in bed when she walked out drying her hair with only the tee on, it was wet around her breasts, her nips were hard and poking against the fabric, her breasts were every bit as lovely as I had remembered from so many years ago, she had worn a 32D back then, I wondered if they were about the same.

Tossing the towel into the bathroom she sidled over to my bed, put her hands on the side of my face, kissed me and turned out the light. We had watched our parents kiss good morning and goodnight all our lives, it was something we carried into our marriages, and now it was something we felt good doing with each other. I was on my side, eyes open, looking toward her bed, I sensed she was looking at mine when through the darkness her voice permeated the night.

"Brandon. Do you ever think about us when we were younger? I mean when we were in our early teens?"

"How could I not, it was one of the most exciting times of my life. I learned more about love and life between the ages of 12 and 15 than the next ten years. Those memories are seared into my mind, they'll never leave. You obviously do as well, or you wouldn't have brought it up."

"I do toad. Like you, nothing will ever steal those memories from me. Goodnight Brandon, love you."

We were up and ready to go by 6:30, after bathroom, teeth brushing and our good morning kiss we hit the road, stopping at Mickey D's for a breakfast sandwich and coffee on the run. It was mid-day when we hit Nashville, what an f-ing mess, took us almost a full hour to get south of there. There's a Loves truck stop about twenty miles south of Nashville with a half way decent rib joint across the road, I dropped her off to get a table while I topped off the tank. I was only getting a bit over 11 mpg with the trailer loaded, which meant we were having to stop for fuel more often. The ribs weren't bad, nothing to write home about, but not bad and the meal filled the void. With six or seven hours left until my place I figured we'd be there between seven and eight.

While we drove, we had plenty of time to talk about everything and nothing. We spent most of our time talking about the specifics of our spouse's deaths, kids of course, and grandkids. What aches and pains we were dealing with, what meds if any each was taking, a lot of silly shit like that. At one point between Birmingham and Montgomery she became very serious.

"Brandon, do you think we can make this work, or are we just pissin into the wind? I really want it to, we have always had a special bond, we didn't see each other as much after we married, but we've always talked and now we text every couple day's or I should say we were. It almost feels like an adult version of our younger years when it was you and me against the world."

"I see no reason it can't work Cam, everything you said is spot on. I've more or less resigned myself to the fact that you're going to take over and rearrange the kitchen, so we won't have that to fuss over. As long as you don't try to be the lone re-arranger of my shop, we'll be okay. We've always gotten along and I love you as much now as I did when we were kids."

I could see the gears turning in her head. "Do you mean little kids, or teenage kids? They were two different worlds."

I had to think on that a moment, I needed to answer it properly. As little kids it was all play and adventure, as teens it was mostly love and experiencing life.

"I think some of both, but given our present ages, I'd lean toward our teen years."

She smiled but said no more about it that day.

I pulled into the driveway at 7:55 just as the sun was beginning to drop completely. I backed the trailer under the carport, we grabbed our overnight bags and went inside. The house was stuffy, the night air was fairly pleasant, I opened the windows allowing the breeze to filter through and freshen the house. Cam went exploring as I was opening windows, exclaiming loudly about this or that, she liked everything she was encountering. At the end of the hall she stopped, looking first left then right, asking if her room was on the right. I nodded as I flipped on the lights.

"Oh Brandon, this is gorgeous. My own bath, a walk-in closet, queen size bed, a sitting area and a vanity. I've always wanted a vanity, Ray said it was frivolous, now thanks to my big brother I have one."

She spun, kissed me, hugged my neck and told me she'd have to bake a cake for me, she wondered if my favorite was still white cake with butter cream frosting. She was right on the money. I suggested we make a run to Sonny's for supper and we could shop in the morning. She shooed me out of the room so she could change, she appeared in a pair of jeans, a cotton blouse and sandals. Hair pulled back and pinned at the sides, just a smattering of makeup.

I whistled, she grinned and told me to knock it off. Neither of us wanted a heavy meal this late at night, we shared a brisket platter with fries, it was just right. A scoop or two of ice cream at home before bed topped off the evening. After our goodnight kiss, she toddled down the hall, I could hear Cam snoring softly as I walked by her room on the way to mine. Since Ray died, she wouldn't sleep with the door closed, I thought it best to leave mine open a few inches her first night in case she woke startled. I woke at my regular time, 6, I had the lumber out of the trailer on drying racks by the time she shuffled out to the shop in her house coat and slippers.

She walked to me, pushed up on tippy toes and kissed me good morning. I scooped her up, carrying her in my arms into the kitchen where I told her to sit her little hinie in the chair while I got her a cup of coffee and cooked breakfast. Big breakfasts were always a thing as we grew up, it had dwindled through the years, our spouses wanting breakfast to be light and less filling. I decided to change back to what we grew up with. I had two leftover baked potatoes in the fridge which I sliced for home fries, diced an onion, carmelized it and put the potatoes in with them while the sausage finished on the griddle next to our two eggs apiece. She buttered the toast, I set her plate, topped off the coffee cup in front of her and stood proudly displaying my skills.

We did the dishes and began the process of unloading her things from the trailer, they weren't all going to fit into her room, we moved most of her belongings into the storage room, she could go through boxes at her leisure. I backed the trailer under its shelter, uncoupled and we set out for the grocery store. She'd quickly gone through the cupboards as I unhooked the trailer and had a list ready when we jumped in the truck. We were holding hands again as we walked across the parking lot, it felt so good being in close contact with a woman, maybe more so considering it was my sister, the first romantic love of my life. I grabbed a cart which she immediately took over, telling me men didn't know how to operate grocery carts, I quipped someone who looked a hell of a lot like me had been doing it for a few years. Thank you very much.

Sliding her arm through mine she pulled me close, looking in my eyes she stated softly,

"Gosh I've missed you, why did we ever move so far apart?"

We had a blast shopping, both of us screwing off all through the store. Her Ray and my Karin were both all business when it came to shopping, Cam and I were the exact opposite. Karin would get so pissed when I'd grab the bread, fade back and sink a two pointer in the cart from five feet away. When grocery shopping became a chore instead of fun, I let her go on her own, she could never understand why I wouldn't go along. Apparently, Ray had been similar, without our spouses fussing at us we had a rip roaring good time. Our conduct remained the same as we went through the self-serve check out and then taking our purchases to the truck. I hadn't laughed that much in years.She'd noticed a little Chinese place named Mr. Chens further down the strip mall and asked if it was any good. I told her it was the only one I went to anymore. She suggested we go there for lunch, I looked at her bewildered.

"We just spent a hundred and fifty bucks on groceries, and you want to go out for lunch?"

"Yeah, why not? What the hell are we worried about? It isn't like it's gonna break us. Come on, let's take the stuff to the house so we can put away the milk and perishables then come back here."

She was right, why was I being such a pissant? We dropped off the groceries and went back to Mr. Chens. Most of their business is takeout so they only have a half dozen tables, since I generally eat in house instead of takeout the two gals who work the counter have gotten to know me. In their broken English they greeted us.

"Oh hi Mr. Brandon, this your wife?" Before I could speak Cam said *girlfriend*. "Oh, she very pretty. Regular lunch for you, yes. What for pretty lady? Cashew Shrimp, okay, we bring to table."

Cam looked at me. "Just how often do you eat here that they know your first name? You told me WHEN you have Chinese, sounds like that's pretty darned often, and your regular for lunch?"

"Oh, once a week, maybe. Sometimes two, depends on how tired or lazy I feel. I hate cooking for one, it was easier to eat out."

She reached across, took my hand, squeezed it and whispered, "No more cooking for one for either us. We're back together again BOYFRIEND."

We chuckled about the boy/girlfriend comment all the way home. I let her put groceries where she wanted, it would be easier to learn her system than her learning my helter skelter hodge podge mess. After putting things away she wanted to take a short nap, I went to the shop to apply a coat of poly on a piece of furniture I'd stained before I'd left for her place. She stepped into the shop just after three.

"Holy shit Toad, you weren't kidding when you said you had a wood shop. Tell me, what don't you have? Seems like you have nearly everything."

I chuckled and told her I'd really like a 24" belt table sander for large glued up panels but I was too cheap to drop the $2600 to buy one. I'd seen one at a cabinet shop auction a year prior but it was so beat up it was worth nothing more than scrap metal. I told her I'd also like a spray booth for finishes, but that was just a pipe dream. She wanted to see the yard, as we walked the perimeter she held my hand the entire time, not letting go or relaxing her grip, as if she was saying "you're mine" and nothing was going to take me from her.

Walking from the mailbox I looked down at her.

"That's quite a grip you have on me sis, afraid I'll run away"

She stopped in stride, not letting me go. I spun to look at her. She put her hand on my chest, looked into my eyes and stated.

"I lost you once, I'm never losing you again."

I hugged her and held her tight a minute, patted her bottom and suggested I make omelettes for supper. She was all for that. Our evening was relaxed and stress free, I asked if she minded me getting into evening clothes, she responded as long as I didn't mind her doing the same. I jumped into my sweat pants along with my tee, she had on her long night shirt, grabbed a blanket off the back of the couch and plunked her butt tight against mine. As she snuggled into my side, she tossed the blanket over her legs and feet.

Looking down I could clearly see her nipples straining against the fabric. She looked up as I was looking down, her eyes met mine, she grinned, shook her shoulders enough to make her breasts wiggle and then spoke.

"Kind of fun isn't it, just like old times. I like to let them loose as much as possible. Do you remember how mad mom would get when she found us together and I wouldn't have a bra on? I didn't have a lot, but you sure liked what I had, thank God she never caught us kissing."

After two hours of Blue Bloods on Netflix we decided we needed to stop yawning and get some shut eye. I was locking up and checking windows while she headed for her room, as I walked down the hall I noticed her standing in the doorway of her room, hands behind her butt as she leaned against the jamb. As I neared, she stood straight, put her arms around my neck and kissed me.

"Good night Toad, I had lots of fun with you today. Tomorrow I'll cook supper if you'll do breakfast again. Oh, and I plan to make that cake also."

Though my body was tired as much from the trip as anything else, my mind was in overdrive. Could she really be remembering our early teen years, it was not only a long time ago, it would have been devastating had we ever been caught. She'd mentioned not wearing a bra in those days, actually mom insisted she wear a bra since she had started to fill out when she was eleven. They started as swollen puffy nipples which she would show me every few days to see if I thought they were growing, in a matter of a few months they were no longer swollen nipples. They had become little blobs of flesh with a puckered nipple in the middle.

How I loved to look at them wishing I could touch, she told me they were too sensitive to play with and I left it at that. By the time she was twelve she was sporting a 30B bra and had a tuft of pubic hair growing above her little pink slit. Between the ages of her being eleven and me being fifteen we grew in ways only she and I ever talked about. As young and frisky as we were, we never consummated our torrid brother/sister relationship, at least not when we were in our teens.

I wondered, could this be what she meant earlier? Was she openly flaunting and teasing me with her breasts? She knows what a tit man I am, I hope I'm not reading signals that don't actually exist, I don't want to screw this up. I lay awake a good portion of the night, not waking until I felt the bed move as she slid beneath my covers pushing her back into my chest. It was 7:30, I hadn't slept that late in months.

"Did you sleep okay Toad? You seemed to toss and turn a lot. You doing alright?"

"I'm okay, took me a long time to get to sleep, then it was fitful once I did. I don't normally get up to pee more than once but last night it was three times. Had a lot on my mind I guess."

"Me to, I laid awake for a long time, when I didn't hear you snore at all I figured you were awake. Were you thinking about the same thing I was?"

I didn't have to ask, she and I had always seemed to know what the other was thinking. I mumbled, "I reckon so."

At my age the term *morning wood* doesn't apply like it once did. As a younger man it was a raging hardon every morning, at 66 it was a semi hardon ..... sometimes. It didn't take much to get it hard, but it wasn't something that just happened any longer. She flipped, asked for her kiss and sprang from bed headed for a shower. As she jumped from bed her nightshirt stayed above her hips momentarily, I was treated to the bare rump of my 65 year old sister, which in my opinion looked awfully inviting.

So ..... she doesn't wear panties to bed, nice to know, maybe I'll get a glimpse of the front some time. I was sure she'd be natural, I could only imagine that once dark brown love nest now being a fluffy and inviting grey love nest. Why was I having these thoughts about my sister? We weren't inexperienced hormone driven teens any longer, we'd lived long lives with our respective spouses and now we were living out the remainder of our lives together. The next thought struck me like a brick.

Could it possibly be that we were unknowingly going back to the physical love we'd once dreamed of but never experienced? Were we so lonely that we saw the other as a possible lover? I had so many questions rolling around in my head. I dressed quickly and headed to the shop, the wood and machines were my comfort zone, I needed to be in my comfort zone, not torn with turmoil thinking of sis romantically. What if she found out? She'd be furious with me, but then what was all that hand holding, climbing into my bed and telling me she'd never lose me again stuff all about? I was confused, working with wood is where I needed to be.

I didn't see hide nor hair of Camryn until about 11. It suddenly dawned on me when she stepped into the shop that I hadn't made her breakfast, for which I immediately apologized.

"Not to worry Toad, this is all new to both of us. I was a little concerned when I didn't see you after my shower. I got everything dusted and cleaned the pantry, I know it wasn't a mess, but there were little bits of this and that on the floor. I found the vacuum and took care of it. Is everything alright, are you having health issues?"

I keep two old office chairs in the shop, I plopped into one then pointed to the other where she did the same.

"I'm okay, no health issues, I had a lot on my mind and needed to get back to my comfort zone, which is here in the shop. I didn't mean to ignore you, I'm sorry, I'll do better, promise."

"I did the same, my comfort zone is cleaning, straightening, cooking. I needed some alone time as well, by the way, I love the water heater, the temp never varied one bit."

The old chairs are the kind with wheels, she rolled up to me knee to knee, leaned forward taking my face in her hands and spoke softly. "I have a surprise for you, it's warm and tasty, you'll enjoy it for dessert."

OH BOY, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy. Things are moving much too fast for me, how do I put the brakes on without hurting her feelings?

"Would you rather have butter cream frosting or chocolate, I can do either. It'll be cooled off by lunch, I can frost the cake just before you come in."

I'm thinking to myself, *you fucking pervert, she's trying to be sweet and your damned mind is in the gutter*, shame on you. She stood, gave me a kiss, told me lunch would be ready by twelve thirty and I was to have my ass in the house to wash up at 12:20. Aye, aye, Cap'n. Been here less than 48 hours and she's already running the place.

Camryn on her way to the house:

Hmmm, maybe that didn't come out right. I could have phrased it differently, I didn't see his pants get tight, but I would have liked to. Why am I feeling like a teen aged girl again just because I'm with him 24/7? How I loved those days when we lay in the tall grass by the pond after a skinny dip, the warm sun flowing over our naked bodies, clothes folded under our heads. My little breasts pointed straight at the sky just like his peter while we sun-bathed on those hot summer days, our little tufts of pubic hair drying. Come to think of it neither of us ever had much hair to begin with, must have been genetics.

Why do I allow my mind to go back to our weddings, him coming to my rescue from the pervert male stripper at my bachelorette party, taking me to his apartment and making love to me a week before I married. Then me showing up at his apartment four months later, to do the same with him a week before his wedding. It was the first and last time we made love, we never talked about it, we never cheated on our spouses afterward, it was something we knew we needed to do and then went our merry ways.

Maybe I'm pushing him too hard, yet again, it felt so good to be in bed snuggled up against him. I wonder if he saw my bare butt. I took my panties off specifically for that reason, I knew my shirt was around my waist in the back, wonder if it made him hard? Do I still have what it takes to arouse him as I did those many years ago? I'll need to be careful, at the same time I do enjoy showing him affection and teasing a little. We'll have to see where things lead.

Brandon a few days later:

Deciding I needed to help more I offered to do laundry with her, she told me absolutely not, she was the woman of the house and that was her territory, besides she didn't need me destroying her delicate underwear. I never paid attention to her underwear before, what was the big deal? I knew she dried them on the rack instead of the dryer, but I'd never really looked at them. I made it a point to stop and look at them the next time the drying rack was up, they were indeed soft and delicate, the tag on the bra said 32DD, I was touching the crotch of a pair of panties when she spoke.

With a smile as big as the Grand Canyon, "You dirty little boy, are you feeling my panties?"

"To start with I'm not little, second, I am feeling your panties, third I was curious why you would tell me you didn't want me doing laundry. Now that I've felt these, I understand, they're so soft and delicate."

She was at my side by now, slid her arm around my waist, told me my penalty for playing with her panties was another kiss. After the kiss she looked in my eyes, "They're just like me Toad, soft, delicate and waiting to be touched."

And she was, soft, delicate, cute, lovely to look at and desirous as hell. Keeping my mind focused, my hands to myself and my dick soft was fast becoming a task. She'd been with me shy of two months and I was already a basket case in some ways. We'd worked out our own unique routine as any husband and wife would, except ours was without sex. (for the time being) Unfortunately. I had no problem seeing myself being intimate with her, we'd been intimate many years ago, from what I could tell those same fires had more than an ember of existence. It wasn't a blaze as it had been before our weddings, but it was surely on the way to becoming one.

Our morning and evening kisses had morphed into several throughout the day, it seemed any little accomplishment or compliment was deserving of a kiss. The other part being that our morning kiss was quick and no real passion, our goodnight kiss however was always slow, soft, and sensual. I don't think either of us gave it a second thought, it was something we'd grown accustomed to, that and our snuggle time on the couch. By the third month we were holding hands anytime we went out, or she'd have my arm, but we were always touching in some manner. She continued introducing herself as my girlfriend and I never protested, I felt kind of cocky having a seductive looking older gal on my arm.

Neither of us have any outstanding features, I'm 5'10", about 175 give or take a few pounds, not overly muscular but not flimsy and weak either, my gut doesn't hang over my belt, I still have my hair, my teeth, and a dick that works. When I was younger, I always wore my hair in a ponytail, until I saw all these old geezers with their little chunk of hair from the sides in a pseudo ponytail and a bald head, I had it cut within a week. I still wear it long, but only a little below my ears. The only excess of hair on my head is my beard, I haven't shaved since 1981 and I don't plan to start anytime soon, I keep it neatly trimmed an inch or two long all the time. My hair is as white as my beard, I love it when little ones will ask if I'm Santa Claus, I smile, tell them yes and be sure to obey mommy and daddy.

Camryn is 5'6", average shaped body, tiny ass with slender legs, breasts are 32DD, as I mentioned earlier, she doesn't always wear a bra, something I don't complain about, her breasts are still firm even at 65. In spite of her age she has relatively little excess weight or girth, she wears those jeans with the really low waist but there's never a muffin top or roll over no matter what she wears for a top. I should be so fortunate, I've been attempting to lose the same seven pounds for three months. No, I haven't given up desserts, that would be a tragedy.

I had completed an order for a bedroom set made of Cherry and agreed to meet the people who ordered it in Nashville which was the halfway point for both. That's generally a seven to eight hour trip depending on traffic, I had no intention of doing a turn around in one day. Cam didn't want to stay home alone, I had her book us a room in Franklin, that would put us far enough south of the city we wouldn't be affected by early morning traffic when we headed home the next day. We located the rendezvous point, moved the furniture from my trailer to theirs, finalized payment and pointed the truck south on 65.

We pulled into the lot of the LaQuinta just after 4, noticing a Denny's on our way to the motel we decided we'd eat there. I went in, confirmed the reservation, grabbed the keys and found a spot big enough to park the truck and trailer where we wouldn't get boxed in. I gave her the key cards while I grabbed our overnight bags, she'd left the door open on the security bar, I walked in and instantly stopped. The bathroom door was closed, I was staring at a single king size bed. What the hell? Did she goof up the reservation?

As she came out of the bathroom, I told her I'd go see if I could straighten out the bed situation with a double room. She gave me the oddest look of unbelief.

"Why would you change the room? This is what I booked."

"It only has one bed Cam, and neither of us is sleeping in a chair."

"I know it has one bed, that's what I wanted. What's the matter, are you afraid to sleep with me? I don't fart or hog the covers, what's going on with you Toad? I thought we'd gotten past all this juvenile crap and were on track to being as comfortable with each other as we were years ago."

I was at a loss for words as I set the bags down and sat in the stuffed chair. Cam was in my lap instantly, hugging my neck. Petting my hair and playing in my beard.

"Toad, we've been living together almost six months now. We kiss, we cuddle, you treat me like a queen, you always show me favoritism and respect in public, you never embarrass me or make a fool of yourself. There's no doubt I'm first in your eyes, why don't you want to sleep in the same bed with me?"

"That's the thing Cam, I do want to, I don't want to ruin what we have though. I find myself thinking back to those two nights we spent together before our marriages and it scares me, what if I don't control my thoughts and desires? It will drive you from me."

I had tears in my eyes and didn't want her to see me crying, she took my chin and drew my lips to hers. Promising me that showing her affection wasn't going to ruin what we had become.

"Let's do this Toad, let's stop pussy footin around and admit we have as much desire to be with each other now as we did way back then. We don't have to jump off the cliff right away, we can take our time and ease ourselves back to what we once were. You had forty plus years knowing Karin and I had an equal amount of time with Ray. I knew what he liked, he knew what I liked, I'm sure you two were the same."

"So how about this Brandon. Let's allow nature to take its course, at the same time let's stop denying we love each other emotionally and want it to be physical as well. It's been years since a man has touched my body intimately, and I miss it. Ray couldn't do anything the last five years or so, his blood pressure meds rendered him basically impotent. He used to do oral on me once in a while, but it's not a substitute for making love. Are you taking the blue pills?"

As gobsmacked as I felt, I knew I needed to answer her questions.

"Nope, no pills yet, won't hesitate to use them if I need to in the future. Yes, I miss the intimacy, yes your body excites me, yes I want to sleep next to you, no I'm not afraid of any part of this. I like the idea of not jumping off the bridge right away, at the same time I hate the idea, I'm ready to take the plunge."

"Okay then, go take a pee, I'll call a cab so the truck can stay put and let's see what Denny's has to offer. Right now, I need a kiss, and not a brotherly kiss."

Our lips melted together as we softly pressed into the other, gently allowing our tongues to mingle, she backed away, kissed me again and whispered.

"Let's go, I'm hungry, we have all evening to make out. I love you Toad, never stopped through all these years. I loved Ray, but not the way I love you."

I found that statement interesting, for the same was true with me. I loved Karin and we had a good life together, but it never quite equaled what Cam and I had. We had willingly put our feelings and desires on hold for all those years, it seemed odd to be opening that door again. As I waited for my bladder to empty, I noticed Cam standing in the doorway looking at me smiling.

"I see you still have an ample supply of flesh between your legs, I trust you're still as good with that tool as you were back then."

Supper was good, not over filling, but didn't leave us hungry either. We sat on the same side of the booth, her hand on my thigh except when we ate, sneaking little kisses, acting like high school kids. The waitress commented about how we were so lovey dovey after so many years together, even though she had no way of knowing we hadn't been. We smiled and thanked her, Cam squeezing my thigh a few inches higher than her hand had been. I left our waitress a very gracious tip, we caught a cab back to the motel and settled in for the night.

I had computer work to do, emails to answer, orders to verify and she wanted to watch some chick flick, all in all it worked out well. Her movie was over a few minutes before I was, Cam stepped into the bathroom to pee, then sat next to me on the bed as I closed down my laptop. She was in her long night shirt, I was still in my sweat pants, she told me to empty my bladder, lose the sweats, turn out the lights and get under the covers with her.

She reached for me the instant I was in bed, kissing, holding me tight to her body, sliding her leg between mine high enough that I felt her pubic bone make contact with my thigh. She let out a soft groan, pushed into me momentarily and then pulled away an inch or two. I reached behind pulling her shirt up taking hold of her taught ass cheek, as I was going to move it to the front she stopped me with her hand.

"You can feel, but I want to save the rest for our bed at home. Hold and love me tonight, pet me, feel me, learn my body again, I need to feel loved and wanted. It's been a very long time, and if you're wondering, there have only been two men inside me in my entire life, my husband and you."

We spooned and snuggled, twice she rubbed her hand up and down my dick making a soft purring kind of noise each time. I felt her breast through the shirt, then slipped the shirt off leaving her in panties and my hands on her breasts once more. I lowered my head and sucked each nipple. She lifted my head, slipped her tongue in my mouth, pulled back and whispered she liked that.

"Do you remember when you first touched them? It feels as wonderful now as it did then. Can I sleep with my back against your tummy?"

She turned and scooted in tight to me. I draped my arm over her tummy, rubbing across the front of her panties, feeling her small bush push out against the fabric, she lifted my hand and put it on her breast saying, "There, now it feels right."

I accidentally woke her as I got up to pee about 3, she said she didn't mind, her bladder was raging as well. Back in bed lying face to face she asked if I was okay with what we were doing. I nodded I was and asked her the same.

"I've waited a life time for this Toad, I'm not going to waste this opportunity to show how much I love you. I'm not ready to make love tonight, but we're going to very soon, in our bed, I want to be yours and yours alone."

Stirring from our sleep about seven we got ready for the day, I watched as she dressed in front of me, taking her sweet time pulling up her blue and white striped panties, adjusting the leg openings with her fingers, teasing the hell out of me. After checking out we stopped at IHOP for breakfast. Traffic was unusually heavy until we reached Birmingham, it seemed like the lanes simply cleared and the freeway was wide open. That was nice for me, I could sit in the right lane going 65 and not be in anyone's way. We pulled into a Zaxby's for lunch, each having a salad and then back on the road.

It was just after five when we pulled in the driveway, I dropped Cam at the mailbox, she was cramped up and wanted to walk to the house. I had backed under the trailer shelter and was unhooking the trailer by the time she unlocked the entryway door. I put the truck under the carport and thanked God we were home for a while. No more trips scheduled anytime soon.

We'd been home long enough to start supper when my phone rang, I was concerned, typically nobody called this late in the day. Our youngest sister was calling to say mother had fallen, cracked her pelvis and was in the hospital. Neither of us were all that surprised, she was 94 living on her own and doing well, but at times had trouble with her balance. Donna gave me the particulars, I told her we'd call right away.

Her spirits were high, she was more upset with herself for moving a small table that had been in the same spot for over fifteen years, she'd forgotten she'd moved it and tripped. She didn't want us to come home, she'd be in the hospital about a week and then rehab for another three or less, she'd keep us informed. Cam had been calling her every Sunday about 11am, she told her she'd call every day until she was released. That incident changed our thinking immediately. As we were brushing teeth etcetera getting ready for bed Cam pulled me tight looking into my eyes.

"We need to stop waiting Toad, what's happened to mom made me realize life is too short. If there were any doubts after last night there aren't now, we're going to make love tonight. I want you inside me, no more waiting."

I sat on the bed watching my 65 year old sister stand in the bathroom doorway naked, looking as voluptuous now as she did decades ago. There was a slight sag to her breasts, but they didn't hang, her nipples still pointed outward instead of down, and then there was her relatively small bush. Still fluffy, only it was entirely grey now, there wasn't much to keep trimmed. It was thick and silky, but not wide and heavy between her legs as some are.

I had been semi-erect, that changed quickly as she took hold of my dick, stroking it softly, humming, making little purring noises, seeming satisfied with what was in her hands. She leaned down and sucked my erect cock as far into her mouth as possible, after two deep sucks she had about two thirds in her mouth. She stood up, smiled, kissed me and told me her turn. I reached behind grabbing a butt cheek with each hand pulling her forward until her pubic hair was tickling my nose, she squatted ever so slightly, widening the gap, allowing me greater access.

I pushed her legs apart further and stuck my tongue against her vulva, her hand went to the back of my head and pulled me tighter. Not wanting to waste time, I concentrated on her clit bringing her to a quick climax. I gave her ass a loving smack, stood and kissed her, running my tongue deep into her mouth just as I had her pussy. We stood holding each other tight as we kissed, neither wanting this moment to end. I laid her in the middle of the bed salivating over her lovely desirous body.

As I looked at her my mind wouldn't stop, there lay the answer to my life long dreams, my sister, the one I shared my first kiss with, shared my first feel with, and so many more things. My dick was standing upright like a flag pole pointed at my chin, six inches of thick throbbing meat waiting to be milked by the velvety interior of her vagina. As I knelt on the bed she could see my throbbing pole and smiled, licking her lips. I leaned forward and kissed her mound, the soft delicate hair tickling.

We kissed and sucked face a few minutes before I latched onto the side of her left breast and gave her a huge hickie, proclaiming she was mine as I went for the right one. With a love bite on each breast she smiled and told me to take her. I hovered between her knees, slowly lowering my face to her mound, she pushed up to meet my mouth as I came in contact with her labia. She had begun dry, but I would soon remedy that as I lavished a long slow flat tongue lick from vagina to clit, stopping there to pull the hood away from it. She began to giggle, when I ask her why she said my beard was tickling her thighs.

She drew her legs up hooking her hands behind her knees opening treasure island for my enjoyment. Her clit stood out about the size of a marble, dark pink, it seemed to be throbbing, being that close without my glasses I wished I could see more. I circled her love button with my lips, licked her clit and sucked softly, her hips went up and she moaned loudly as her hips moved up and down. I continued to lick and titillate with the tip of my tongue until her breaths stopped, her body tensed with no more than a soft UH as she creamed onto my face and mouth, I could feel cum dripping off my beard, it was all around my mouth, I lapped up what I could as she came but it was just too much.

I pulled back and sat on my haunches smiling as she opened her eyes. "Damn you Toad, what the hell did you do? I've never cum that hard. Oh shit, it's dripping off your beard."

I dashed into the bathroom, rinsed my face quickly and lay next to her, pulling her close. She began to reminisce.

"Do you remember the first time you put your finger into my slit, that was the night a week before my wedding. That was heavenly for me, I was so wet and slippery, you kept taking your finger out and sucking it. I thought it was gross, until you put your finger in my mouth, I liked the way I tasted. Remember when mom wouldn't let me have bikini panties, so I'd roll the waist until they were like bikini's, then lift my dress to tease you. I remember we talked about being married and moving away, but we never knew how we'd do it, so we settled for second best and got married to our late spouses."

I remembered the color of her panties the night we made love, a light blue satin with a matching bra. We talked about all the things we'd done before marrying, ironically everything was done with each other, we'd never had any other person in our lives romantically until we met the one's we married. All the talking had allowed my dick to deflate partially, she told me to lay back so she could suck me hard, telling me she'd give me a nice blow job the next day. Once hard I told her I needed pussy, did she have a preference as to position.

"I want it from behind, it'll be tight at first and you might need a little KY, but once I'm loosened up I want it hard and deep Brandon, don't hold back, I enjoy it soft and gentle, but not tonight. I need it a little rough, just don't hurt me, I don't like that, but I do like having my pussy hammered."

I had dreamed of this since the day I packed her belongings into the trailer and we headed south. No, I didn't obsess about it, but in the back of my mind I certainly wondered if we would ever be intimate again. Here I was, naked in bed with my sister positioning myself behind to fuck her as hard as I could, or I suppose I should say, as hard as we could manage in our middle sixties. My hands were on her hips as she leaned down enough to slide her arm between our bodies and guide my dick to her vagina opening.

My dick hadn't felt the inviting warmness of a pussy for some time, so soft, so inviting, it was as though I could feel the outer labia slowly open, stretching around the head of my dick and sealing my entrance so the inner lips could suck me the rest of the way inside. In four strokes my pubic hair touched her soft ass cheeks, causing a gasp from both of us. I asked if she needed Ky, she said she was wet enough and felt fine.

I pulled back to the head and then sunk back inside, we rocked back and forth in an easy rhythm for a few minutes when she whispered, "harder now Toad, make my pussy yours like it once was."

We had made love from behind the night of her bachelorette party, finishing in missionary so we could look into the other's eyes as we climaxed. I smiled as I reminisced, pumping into her hungry beaver, enjoying the sensations of her vagina walls hugging my dick, sending wonderful feelings throughout my body. I had picked up speed but wasn't going at it with any fury until she began thrusting her ass back, I knew she was ready and it was time to bang.

We carried on like animals in heat, fucking hard, making grunting noises, oohing and aahhing every few breaths, my hands clasping her hips so hard I feared I might hurt her. She suddenly blurted, "Here it comes Toad, oh my God, Oh MY, AAHHH." It was not a silent climax this time, she wasn't screaming, but she wasn't quiet as her body thrashed about, her hips jerking up and down. I kept pumping as my orgasm built, I was trying to hold back and possibly give her another orgasm.

Not a chance. I could feel my nuts tighten and draw into my body ready to unleash a torrent of cum inside my sister. She felt it as well and coaxed me on.

"Mmmm you're getting bigger Toad, you're gonna cum for me aren't you baby, I can feel you getting thicker. Give it to me baby, I need you to unload inside me."

I rammed my cock into her as hard as my body could, my cock erupted spitting and spewing semen throughout Camryn's vagina, coating the uterus with my essence. I was making more noise than I thought I would, damn it felt so good to ejaculate inside her.

"Brandon, I can feel it. I love that feeling."

As I let go of her hips she fell forward onto the mattress, face turned sideways, breathing deeply, chest still heaving, smile across her lips. Turning on her side she reached up and grabbed a handful of chest hair, I followed instantly. Lying inches from the other we softly caressed the adjoining body. At our ages it was more from appreciation than it was wantonness, happy you still have what it takes to make each other happy in bed. Leaning toward me she kissed me, then said softly.

"Thank you, that was wonderful. It was as good today as I remembered it decades ago."

I looked at her with a love and longing I hadn't felt in a very long time.

"No ... thank you Cam, and you're right, it was wonderful. We'd better get cleaned up."

"I don't want to yet Toad. I want to lay here with our cream mixed together in my old pussy, which by the way is still pulsating. Ray was always a good lover, but this, oh my Toad, I could grow to love this quickly. You fill me nicely, not only with what you shove in, but what you leave behind. I like the feel of your thick cream inside me."

I only grinned, what could you possibly say to equal or top that statement? After cuddling fifteen minutes or so we moved our carcasses out of bed, stripped the sheets and jumped in the shower together. As we washed I was surprised that I'd gotten hard again while she washed me, soaping and stroking my dick clean.

"You know Toad, a hardon is a terrible things to waste. I wouldn't mind holding on to these grab bars while you sunk that meat pole inside me again. Whadaya think sailor, you up for another piece of tail before we go to bed?

My answer was to lean her forward while she squealed and giggled. With the water beating mostly on her so she'd stay warm I bent slightly, found the hole and pushed forward, the vaginal walls were hugging me tightly as I went balls deep in two strokes. The head of my dick was so sensitive it almost hurt, her slow back and forth onto my dick removed that thought immediately, it wasn't a hard screw like we'd had in bed, it was slow and methodical, a nice relaxing grind until the last three or four minutes when she told me *harder, harder, I need it harder* just before her arms tightened.

She was squeezing so hard on the grab bars her knuckles were white, with a final push back into me we managed to explode within seconds of each other. It was cute watching her ass wiggle and gyrate against my body as she came, that vision was quickly obscured with blind passion as I arched my body and drove my cock into her tiny body. As I would back off an inch and jab forward with each spurt her ass would push back trying to fully impale herself on me. I nearly felt guilty as the thought of how she was a much better lover than Karin had ever been flitted through my mind.

Was I somehow betraying my late wife, or was I simply enjoying the love of my sister whom I'd desired for decades. As I slowly pulled out a stream of cum dripped from her vulva. I told her to stay put as I took the removeable shower head and cleaned her nether region. Drying her she hugged my neck tight, sort of giggling and making soft bubbly sounds.

"What's up Cam, you sound like a teenage girl."

"When you were cleaning me it felt so good on my clit I almost came again. I feel embarrassed. A woman my age getting off on the shower spray."

We laughed softly. She asked if I would put lotion on her body. With her lying on the bed I started at the top of her thigh working the lotion into her legs as I moved toward her feet. When I reached each foot, I kissed it lightly on the bottom, she giggled saying it tickled, but she loved it. I put lotion on the rest of her front, spending lots of time on the breasts and tummy areas, I flipped her over, did the back part of her body, found a pair of panties I liked in her dresser and offered to help put them on.

Smiling up at me she called me a pervert and then lifted her legs so I could slide on the panties. Once they were in place I made sure I adjusted the leg openings as I moved my fingers across her intimate parts, then kissed the mons through her panties and stood with a grin along the lines of, *aren't I a good boy*?

Slithering into my arms as she stood, we kissed passionately for minutes, not wanting to let go. Our evening romp had caught up with us, the moment her back was tight against my chest she moved my hand to her bare breast, sighed and fell asleep instantly. I on the other hand lay awake a short time, contemplating what we'd done and where we were in this relationship. After bantering it about in my mind I reached the conclusion this was something we'd wanted for decades, but never acted on it because of the commitment to our spouses.

As I drifted off to sleep I was thankful we had a second chance. No one else would ever understand, but if we minded our P's and Q's we'd be okay. We needed to be diligent and not get lazy in public, small gestures of love would be readily accepted, but we'd have to hold onto our times of passion until we were behind closed doors. I had never loved a girl as I do Camryn, I was not about to lose her again. With fall and the holidays fast approaching we started getting messages from the kids about Thanksgiving and Christmas. Hers wanted to come for turkey day and both mine wanted to come for Christmas.

All of them had smaller kids that could easily bunk on the floor and think they were having a great time, like camping. We figured we'd tell our adult children Cam would give up her room to sleep in my room so each couple could have a room to themselves and their kids. If that didn't work for the kids sleeping on the floor we had some blow up mattresses and lots of space in the living room. Her son was all for it, her daughter thought it was weird. Cam and her daughter usually talked every other week.

Cam had just called mother who told her she was going back home, our youngest sister was only six miles from her and she'd look in on her daily. She no more than emptied her bladder and sat with a fresh cup of coffee than her phone rang. Her daughter wanting to discuss the sleeping arrangements.

"Mom, we'll get a motel room while we're there. I'm not going to run you out of your room forcing you to sleep with Uncle Brandon. It's just not right, I'd never sleep in the same bed with my brother."

"No you are not getting a room young lady, you're staying with us, I want all the time with my grandbabies as possible. By the way, no one is forcing me to sleep with your uncle, we talked about it and it's our choice. Not yours. Just because you wouldn't sleep in the same bed with Seth doesn't mean I don't mind sleeping with Brandon. So drop this right now."After a short bit of squabbling Cam won her over and that was the end of it.

"What she doesn't know Toad is there was no way I'm sleeping anywhere but in bed with you. We may not make love, but I need your body next to mine and your hands on my body. She'd crap her pants if she knew we were not only in bed together already, but that you were inside me several times a week as well. We're going to do the same thing when your boys come, aren't we?"

I nodded a solid yes we are, smiling as she spread her legs enough for me to see my treat as she turned to put her cup on the side table. She knew exactly what she'd done and grinned her evil stare.

"When I'm done with this coffee you're going to take me down the hall and ravage my body. Right?"

My answer was to walk into the bedroom, shed my clothes, walk back standing in front of her naked with my underwear hanging off my cock as I twitched it up and down. She was laughing so hard she grabbed her crotch as she peed a little bit. Snatching the underwear off my erect phallus she sat back.

"How could a girl possibly turn down an invitation like that? Change of plans, I want your face between my legs right here, then I want you to lay on the floor so I can ride you into the sunset."

I looked at her and said, "I aint licking you until you go pee and wash."

Walking back into the family room she was naked from the waist down, sitting in her recliner she draped one leg over the arm and hooked around behind me with the other pulling me into her body. I wasted no time attacking her vulva and clit, creating little ooh's and aaahh's along with praise on how good my tongue felt. I knew she was going to cum hard, whenever her clit was as pronounced as it was today she would always cum hard. I say that because at times it seemed like it was being lazy, coming out of hiding but not ready to play. On days like this when it was completely engorged and nearly as big as a marble there was no doubt, she'd be bucking her hips, grinding her pussy in my face and girl cum dripping off my beard.

She didn't disappoint, throwing her head back, using both hands to pull my face into her, a long low aahhhh emitting from her lips followed by my flowing prize. As she gushed I attempted to lap it all, unsuccessfully, she creamed the entire lower half of my face. As I sat back looking at her, she lifted the leg that had been behind me, put her foot on my chest and pushed so I was on my back. I was too close to the chair, as I pushed back she turned away from me, squatted onto my cock and began to ride reverse cowgirl.

"I've always wanted to try this position Toad, let's see how we do."

After three or four minutes being on her haunches going up and down she spun and crashed down on my dick straddled over me.

"That is no position for an old broad like me, holy shit, my leg muscles are on fire. I like looking at you when we screw anyway, the look you give me when your cock is buried inside my pussy is priceless. Come on, help me out big boy."

She rocked several minutes before I grabbed her hips holding them still and pounded into her from beneath. She was crying out, hips moving a hundred miles an hour, hands on my chest with her fingers interlaced through the hair. I was hoping she didn't cum real hard or she'd rip half my chest off. I felt her hands tighten then watched as her head went back, mouth open with no sounds, I couldn't tell if she was in pain or ecstasy until she threw herself forward and ground her clit against my pelvis bone.

"Oh shit, oh fuck, oh shit. Soooo fucking good Toad, so fucking good."

Looking in my eyes I could see determination on hers, she was going to make me cum no matter what. I held her hips tight stopping her, pulled her down, as she wrapped her arms around my neck we kissed. I pulled my head to the side and spoke softly.

"Arms and legs around me tight and roll with me."

With me on top she could enjoy it without as much work, she pulled her legs up next to her body where I straightened them and placed her ankles on my shoulders. As I slid into her cavern of lust she let out a deep guttural moan such as I hadn't heard prior. I had never fucked her in this position before, and I was determined to give her all the pleasure she could handle. At one point she was literally bent in half holding my body against her as I plowed in and out. Like all good things, they must come to an end as she bellered her leg was cramping, I moved upright so her legs could drop and kept pumping.

Twenty seconds later her feet were flat on the carpet, knees bent and pushing her pussy up into me with all the strength she had. I didn't last five minutes and was dumping my load inside the girl of my dream's hungry little cunt. I was trying to cram my entire body inside her vagina and she was trying to accommodate the effort. We lay with our pelvis held tightly together a minute or more as we slowly descended our mountainous high, my body shaking and lurching every few seconds. Her hips stabbing into me, rocking up and down milking my cock for every ounce of cum it may have not yet delivered.

"Oh my God Toad, can you believe this only gets better and better? I have never cum this hard or fucked as often as we do, I think I'm becoming addicted to your cock. I thought maybe you'd tire of this old body with its age spots, but we just keep stroking don't we."

When I commented hers wasn't the only body with age spots we chuckled in each other's arms.

Turkey day was a success, they were only with us a total of three days and two nights. We slept in our sweats so there would be no suspicions, especially when the littlest wanted to come wake up grandma in the morning. We kept our kisses to a good morning and goodnight in the bedroom, no affectionate touches or feels during the day. I wanted to eat her the second night but we decided that wouldn't be smart, what if it was one of her noisy orgasms. When they left Friday after lunch she wasted no time.

As I was cleaning off the table, I heard her call my name from the bedroom area. As I walked into our room she was on her tummy, pillows under hips wiggling her ass.

"Get over here and nail me, I'm so horny I can't see anymore."

I obliged, with fervor and diligence. The next few weeks were spent getting things ready for Christmas, neither of the wives had ever been to the states for Christmas, Cam went all out. It took me two days to put up all the decorations ... outside, then another three to get things as she wanted them inside. The week before their arrival we baked cookies and made candies four out of five days, sampling too many and feeling sick to our stomachs the second day. We left a few dozen to be decorated by the children. The kids were due to arrive on the 22nd, leaving the 27th, we'd basically have four days with them.

Cam had never met the girls, Anna-Ellen and Aasta, along with the four kids between the two families. They took to whom they called grandma immediately, especially after she showed them the cookie jar. Our visit was enjoyable in every way, Christmas morning was so much fun with little ones once more. I've come to realize Christmas Day is for kids, they're so full of joy and wonder. I baked a prime rib for our holiday meal which was a smashing success. Our hearts yearned and our eyes leaked as we watched them walk through security waving to us one last time. We made plans to be with them in Norway the following summer.

We were barely out of the airport parking facility and she wanted me to find a motel. I told she could wait to get her hungry little beaver reamed we were only twenty minutes from home. She sulked, reaching over grabbing my hand and putting it on her mound outside the dress.

"You feel how hot that is, step on it mister I need cock after five days, and not just once tonight either. You'd better be ready to coat the inside of my pussy twice at a minimum."

Of course, there was always a pile of trash talk before getting started, then reality would hit and she'd realize once was enough to render us useless until the next day. Sex in your mid-sixties is not like sex in your twenties or thirties, sex twice in a row at this stage in your life is like running two back to back marathons. It'll flat wear your ass out.

We began to notice more and more that mother wasn't as sharp and attentive as she had been. In April she went to sleep and never woke up, Cam and I commented that's how we'd like to go. Go to sleep and never wake up, no aches or pains, no bodily torment, just close your eyes and exit. We decided to fly and rent a vehicle, since she and I were the executors of the estate we stayed at moms for two weeks while we got things far enough along that we could leave the rest to her lawyer. Our sister was going to oversee the selling of her house, mother had wisely listed who she wanted everything of value to go to. No arguing, no fussing, it was cut and dried. We interred her ashes alongside Pa's at Oak Lawn Cemetery, not sure why, it was what mother wanted and we obliged her wishes.

While at mom's we made love a few times, it somehow wasn't the same in her house as it was in ours. Upon returning we made up for lost time. We've been living together for over two years now, our trip to Norway was fun, Cam had never been out of the country prior, it was very exciting for her. We abstained the two weeks we were with the kids but spent two days in Amsterdam not leaving our room on the way home. We looked bedraggled and worn out as we boarded, an older stewardess patted Cam's shoulder as she served us and said, "I've been there honey, sit back and rest, I'll get a blanket."

We huddled under that blanket almost the entire flight, only moving to use the restroom. No hanky panky, no fooling around or soft feels, we were too damned worn out to think about, much less do anything of the sort. Cam helps in the wood shop nearly every day I'm working, and always goes with me on deliveries, says she loves hotel sex. With me at 68 a few months from 69 and her just behind me we've slowed some.

I had to have my heart restarted in the fall to correct an afib situation, which of course meant I would be taking a blood thinner at a minimum, a thief of your libido. My cardiologist happily wrote me a prescription for Sildenafil, handed it to me with a smile and told me to have fun. I take two an hour or more before we make love and Cam is never dissatisfied, so I guess it's still working okay. The immediate spontaneity is gone, but we don't mind, we simply make plans to play around near a given time a few days a week and then let it happen. When she asks if I've taken my pills, I know she's horny.

A few weeks back we were invited to a neighborhood cook out, we met folks who lived nearby that we'd only known through a friendly wave driving by. The food was good, the conversation adequate and the people graciously accommodating. Cam and I were sitting next to each other on a wicker love seat the entire time, while there was flirting and such not going on around us, we made it perfectly clear we weren't interested. After a few hours Cam put her hand on my thigh, rubbed up and down a little bit and said, "Well". I patted her hand and said, "I suppose." With that we stood, thanked our hosts and made our way toward home.

When we were about fifty feet from the driveway Cam laughed and said, "Oh my gosh, we've become mom and dad."

We don't know how long we'll live and don't care, as long as we have our time together now we're happy. We live far enough away that anyone who visits has to think twice and then let us know. We've learned to hide our affection when all of us are together, with the knowledge that once we're home, we can be in each other's arms enjoying each other's body.

Living together can be a challenge, for us it's more about being together and having fun. No matter how old we are.

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