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Kapitel 4: IQ Test RE:W

After quickly finishing the hero test, Izuku just laid down on his desk and enjoyed the quiet classroom. Kacchan has finished sometime after him and she plopped on her desk as well.

Some time has passed and kids were finishing one by one.

"Alright! Put down your pens. The time has run out."

There were some sighs from the crowd, indicating that some kids weren't able to finish.

"Now, you have a 30-minute break to prepare for an IQ test. The IQ test will be 2 hours long, so you have plenty of time to relax your mind and body. Eat something and have fun until the test starts." their homeroom teacher said as he left the class to get himself some snacks.


Izuku turned around to find the source of the sound and to his surprise, it was Katsuro.

She saw, that Izuku was observing her stomach, so she put her hands on it and tried to hide her hunger, following which she quickly fled the room in embarrassment.

Izuku stood up from his chair and followed after her. They both ended up on the roof of the school.

"What do you want Deku!?" she growled just as loud as her stomach did.

Izuku smiled and replied, "I see that you are hungry."

Katsuro gritted her teeth but didn't say anything in return, indicating that he was right.

Izuku sat beside her and asked, "Why didn't you bring your food?"

Katsuro clicked her tongue, and replied, "It's not like it fucking matters, but I had a fight with old hag again and I forgot to take the food from the fridge. Besides, It's the last fucking day of the school, I expected it to end sooner."



Your heart had sent out a task:

Feed The Poor Girl.

Your PRECIOUS and "THE ONLY" I repeat, "THE ONLY" friend is starving! You can't have that! Proceed to feed her with your food.

LIMIT TIME: 10 seconds

REWARD: Bonus affection from Katsuro, in the form of an annoying nagging?

Affection +1

FAIL PENALTY: Losing the ability to sleep for the next 3 days. You should despair at the amount of pain you will receive.



'While, it's true that she is my only friend, but you don't really have to rub it in so much... Well, even without this quest, I would still give her food.'

Izuku nodded his head and said, "I brought more food than I can eat. Do you want some?"

Kacchan looked at him with a surprised face. She then took a peek at his food and couldn't help but salivate.

There were so many rice balls. Heck, there were even meatballs.

'Why does he have so much food in his bag?! Is it possible he brought it for me? No... There was no way he would know that I wouldn't bring my food today.'

"Want some? Here!" Deku stabbed the meatball with a wooden stick and brought the food to her mouth.

She wanted to curse him, but the smell made her open her mouth instantly.


*Munch* *Munch*

She greedily devoured the food.

Izuku smiled and said, "You must have been hungry. I am sorry. Here, you can eat all of this."

Izuku brought out a second lunch with even more meatballs.

"True, I didn't have a dinner yesterday as I was busy. I also skipped today's breakfast, so this is fucking amazing." Katsuro nodded.

"Why didn't you eat anything?"

"I didn't feel like eating. Anyway. Continue."

Izuku looked confused and asked, "Continue with what?"

"With feeding me. I don't feel like using my hands."

"Hah...sure," Izuku sighed and followed her order.

Together, they enjoyed the morning breeze.



Feed The Poor Girl.

REWARD: Bonus affection from Katsuro +5.


'+5? Wasn't it supposed to be +1?'

On their way back into the classroom, they still talked about the food.

"So, thanks for today and tell auntie I am grateful for those meatballs and stuff."

"Umm... Actually... I was the one who made them... Haha." Izuku nervously laughed.

Katsuro stopped and looked at him while fidgeting.

"Y-You made them!?"

"Well yeah. I usually cook in the house since my mom is busy all the time.

I really enjoy it though. Also, I eat too much, so I don't want to bother my mom with making so many meatballs all by herself haha." Izuku scratched his head in embarrassment.

"I really feel like it's embarrassing for a man to cook, so I didn't tell anyone."

"Yes, it is. But I don't think it matters in this case since you are helping your mother." Kacchan replied.

"Thanks, Kacchan." Izuku smiled, as both of them entered the classroom.

Seeing both of them together, classmates didn't know what to think.

One time they didn't talk to each other at all and now, they were really close.

it really weirded them out.

Izuku sat back in his place while he observed everyone's eyes.

'It seems like people still aren't accustomed to our friendship.

I don't blame them, she completely ignored me for a long time, it was only recently that she started talking to me again. What changed her?'

Out of nowhere, their teacher barged into the class and interrupted his thoughts.

"Hey! Kids! Listen up! I've got your IQ tests. All of you are to stay here and complete them, Midoriya and Bakugo, are to go to the principal's office at once!"

Katsuro and Izuku looked at each other. The confusion was visible in their eyes.

They left the classroom together with their teacher.

"You two, come with me."

Izuku was worried whether something bad happened.

'Did they find out that I am not quirkless? But why would they take Kacchan as well?'

It really made him curious so he couldn't help but ask,

"Teacher, may I ask, why didn't we stay with the rest of the students?"

"Ah, don't worry about that, the principal wants you two to take an IQ test in front of him. You were chosen as the most intelligent duo in school. I am proud that you are my students haha."

Without any delay, all three of them arrived in front of the headmaster's door.

"Come in"

A loud voice echoed from the other side.

They walked inside and a giant person greeted them.

"Woah, I've never seen the principal. To think he was such a giant." Izuku muttered.

"I welcome you, I am sorry if I inconvenienced you somehow, but I personally wanted to witness your skills. Student Midoriya and student Bakugo."

The principal was a tall and plump middle aged man with a kind smile on his face.

"Now now kids, don't be scared. He looks intimidating, however, he is gentle and a caring person." our teacher said.

Katsuro immediately exploded. "Who the hell is scared?! He looks like the big juicy meatball I just ate! Who would be scared of that?!"

"Now now Kacchan, that was really impolite. I am sorry for my friend dear principal. Please don't take it to heart." Izuku apologized on her behalf.

"Sure haha, no problem! I've been called by many names, from fatty to hamburger, but juicy meatball is the first" the principal laughed.

The teacher looked at the principal and smiled, he looked like he was having fun.

"Now, for the serious business. Here are your tests, you have exactly an hour to complete as many tasks as you can!"



You were given a task by the principal:

Ace everything.

Your principal is trying to find out how intelligent you are, show him your dedication by finishing every single question.

LIMIT TIME: 1 hour

REWARD: A recommendation for U.A. Intelligence gathering department or

???Unknown??? Depending on how you score at the test.

FAIL PENALTY: Disappointed Principal



As their homeroom teacher was giving them the IQ test, Izuku couldn't help but frown at the quest.

'What is the intelligence gathering department? I've never heard of it. I want to be a hero, not a boring inventor or something. Also, there is this unknown thing. I need to find out what it is.'

He looked at the test paper in his hands and smiled.

'Let's see whether it's hard or not.'

¤Can you solve this?¤


A. 0 C. 6

B. 3 D. 2

Starting with an easy trick. The correct answer is C.

¤If a hen and a half, lay an egg and a half, in a day and a half, how many eggs will half a dozen hens lay in half a dozen days?¤

'I don't usually swear, but what the fuck is this question?!

Let me think... Half a ... Dozen days...'

Izuku knew he saw this mathematic problem somewhere, he just wasn't sure what the result was.

'I think it's 24.''

Satisfied with himself, Izuku wrote his answer.

He looked over his shoulder, just to see Katsuro struggling with the questions.

'It looks like she is doing her best as well. Let's continue.'

¤A small number of cards has been lost from a complete pack. If I deal among four people, three cards remain. If I deal among three people, two remain and if I deal among five people, two cards remain. How many cards are there?¤

An easy 47, I've heard this before.


Fifty five minutes had passed, and Izuku was on the last question.

This one is probably the hardest.

¤ You have a calculator that can display ten digits. How many different ten-digit numbers can you type using just the 0-9 keys once each, and moving from one keypress to the next using the knight's move in chess?¤

'This is too difficult without the calculator. Luckily I've used to play some chess with my mom, but honestly, these don't seem like IQ test questions.'


"The time has run out!" the principal announced.

"Shit!" Katsuro cursed. She looked at Izuku and asked,

"How did you do Deku?! I am fucking tired from this IQ bullshit. I've been stuck on so many questions. There is no way I am getting a good score. Heck, why were we given only an hour? From what I've heard, it was supposed to be a 2-hour test."

"Haha, I did pretty well," Izuku replied.

"What does that fucking mean?!" Kacchan was getting angrier by every second.

"I finished. I finished them all." Izuku laughed.

The room turned silent. "Wh-What did you just say? Did you just say you that finished the entire test? Every single question?! Those were 200 most difficult questions we could put on there and you finished it?" the principal couldn't believe his ears. How was that possible?

"Eh, I know that you are a really exceptional kid Midoriya, but not even the headmaster of the U.A. could finish them all in under an hour. He spent exactly an hour and thirty-eight minutes on this test and he is supposedly the most intelligent being on this planet. His quirk is even called high specs intelligence."

"Deku. I know you like your fucking jokes, but I am not in the mood right now." Kacchan growled.

"No, I am serious, check the paper." Izuku stood up and placed his test on Kacchan's desk.

All 3 heads looked into the paper. They read and read, their expressions slowly turned from scorn to disbelief.

After they finished with reading, they all turned silent and no one spoke.

"Deku.." finally, he heard a voice of his best friend.


"I managed to finish about 90 questions, out of which who knows how many are wrong, probably most of them, but you managed to finish all of them and from the looks of it, the principal didn't say anything bad. I am.. Speechless..."

Izuku looked at her and he never saw an expression like that from Katsuro. That's the first. She looked lost.

"But that doesn't mean you beat me! Do you hear me?!! I will be the strongest! Intelligence doesn't matter! I am intelligent enough to be a rank one hero anyway! Do you hear me!?"

Katsuro grabbed onto his collar and shouted.

'And she is back to normal.'

While they were quarreling, their homeroom teacher saw that something was wrong with the principal.


"Hahaha. This is unheard of! I've got to make a call! Wait here!" saying that, he left the room.



Ace everything.

REWARD: a special visit.


'Why is my reward different every single time I finish my quest?'

Izuku couldn't help but sigh.

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