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44.68% Fairy Tail: The Prince of Peace / Chapter 21: GMG Day 4: Twin Dragons

Kapitel 21: GMG Day 4: Twin Dragons

"Hey, Strider! Time to wake up!" Wendy shouted, pounding on his door.

"Ugh - yeah, Wendy. I'll be down soon," Strider said groggily, falling out of his bed. He kept the door locked as he slowly got up, a sharp pain in his shoulder. As he heard her footsteps fall away, he let out the agonized sigh he had been holding in.

'Maybe I should've left when I had the chance. Permanent. Just like Lord Elrond said. God damn it!' Strider thought. It took all his strength to keep himself from cutting his arm off; some days, the pain would reach the point where he felt his energy had left him. Biting his tongue so hard that he drew blood, he punched the black spot in anger - regretting the action soon after.


"Feeling alright?" Wendy asked as he came down.

"Well, actually. Looks like we might have the Games in the bag," Strider said, ruffling her hair before joining Cana at the bar. She smiled as he approached, digging a finger into her palm to try and edge out the feeling of bringing up his scars.

"Ready for today?" she asked quietly.

"I am. Just today and tomorrow before the Final Event, right? Should be a hell of a time," Strider said.

"Eager to compete again?" she asked.

"Maybe a little," Strider said, motioning with his fingers.

"Give the others a chance to have some fun," Cana giggled.

"Strider!" Asuka chirped, running at him. Strider laughed as the little girl attempted to climb his pant leg. As she started to pout, Strider picked her up.

"Hello, Asuka," Strider said, tickling her. She laughed happily before getting atop the bar.

"Woops. Not yet, cutie," Cana giggled as she quickly removed the alcohol. Asuka simply shrugged, running along the bar.

"Fan of children?" Strider asked.

"She reminds me of me a bit. I wasn't as outgoing, but definitely just as cute," Cana laughed.

"I don't think I can imagine you not as outgoing," Strider said thoughtfully.

"Oh no? You'd be surprised," Cana sighed. "When I got to Fairy Tail, all I knew was that my dad was a Wizard there. I didn't really talk or hang out with anyone."

"What changed?" Strider asked.

"Mmm… dunno. It was gradual, I guess. When I decided I wanted to get stronger before talking to Gildarts, I started to drink. I suppose that loosened me up a bit more," Cana said.

"How do you feel about being separated from him again?" he wondered.

"He has his life, I guess. Can't really ask him to change that, especially now that I'm all grown up. I think he might come back a bit sooner this time, though," Cana shrugged.

"I'm sure he's proud of you," Strider said.

"I hope so," she sighed.


"Morning, Erza," Strider said, joining her outside. The others were preparing to head out.

"S-Strider! Good morning!" she exclaimed, turning red.

"Are you alright?" he asked with a light smile.

"Ugh. You're teasing me," she grumbled.

"Guilty. Really, though - are you alright?" he asked again, more serious.

"I… yes. More than alright, I think," Erza said. "Although…"

"I understand," Strider sighed. 'Erza. Mira. Jenny. This could go one of several ways.'

"You do?" she asked. Before he could answer, they were joined by the others. Erza decided to hold off on the conversation for the moment.


"So what's the Final Event, again?" Gajeel asked.

"It's a free for all between the participating teams," Mira said.

"Perfect. Can't wait to crush Salamander," Gajeel said with a grin.

"Leave some fun for us," Laxus said, smirking at Strider.

"Don't worry - I intend to. No one man is an army, after all," Strider said lightly.

"Coming from the guy who took on a hundred monsters," Mira teased.

"The point still stands," Strider said modestly.

"No more modesty for you, I'm afraid," Mira giggled.

"Enough, Mirajane!" Juvia suddenly exclaimed.

"What is it, Juvia?" Mira asked, surprised.

"You're getting far to cozy with Strider! It's my turn now!" Juvia said, grabbing his arm and leading him a bit further along.

"You might wanna make your move soon, Mira," Laxus smirked.

"What was that, Laxus?" Mira asked, her sweet voice laced with poison.

"Nothing," the blond chuckled.

"Thought so," Mira said.


"Best of luck in todays event, Juvia. This seems right up your alley," Strider said encouragingly. Chapati had just announced the event of the day: Naval Battle. The rules were simple enough; each team would send in a competitor and they would fight in a water dome. When the contestant was pushed out of the dome, they would be award a commensurate place; the final competitor still inside would receive ten points.

"Indeed, my love. Root for me!" Juvia exclaimed, giving Strider a quick hug before scurrying off.

"Adorable," Mira sighed.

"She's certainly got this," Strider said, clapping. Shelia, Jenny, Risley, Minerva, Lucy, and Rocker made their way down as well. "And one guy in the middle of it all. Now that I think about it, this event is much more suited for someone with telekinesis."

"Oh yeah? I wonder why," Mira joked, punching him lightly. Unfortunately, she hit the black spot; it took all Strider had to not react.


"I am SO sorry for this!" Lucy lamented as she quickly pulled out Aquarius's key. Juvia, knowing full well what Lucy would do - attacked her quickly, startling everyone. No one thought she'd go after her own teammate. Jenny, meanwhile, quickly knocked Rocker out.

"Sorry! No boys ALLOWED!" she said as foot connected hard with his face.

"Wild," Rocker said weakly.


"Way to go, Jenny! Let's go, Juvia!" Come on, Lucy!" Mira said in a moderately loud voice.

"Your cheerleading skills need some work," Gajeel mumbled.

"Sorry, Gajeel. I didn't hear you. What was that?" she asked in the same sweet and poisonous tone.

"You weren't kidding," Gajeel whispered to Laxus.

"Told you. You really don't want to be on her bad side," Laxus said, covering up his indiscretion with a cough.


Meanwhile, Juvia was going toe to toe with Aquarius.

"Looks like you've gotten a bit stronger!" Aquarius grinned as she locked hands with Juvia in a test of strength.

"My beloved has faith in me, so of course I'm going to have to give it my all!" Juvia replied.

"Oh, the new guy? You two are totally made for each other," Aquarius praised her.

"You think so?" Juvia asked excitedly.

"Mhm. He's hot. Can definitely do better than the blonde bimbo," Aquarius said snidely.

"Hey! You're supposed to be my partner!" Lucy whined.

"Ooh! Crap! I'm late for my date. See you, Juvia!" Aquarius suddenly said, leaving as quickly as she arrived.

"AQUARIUS, NO!" Lucy whined louder, ditched again by her most spirited spirit. Juvia gave her no time to recompose herself. Before she could force Lucy out, however, Virgo and Ares appeared to help their Master.


"The crowd seems to be enjoying this match," Levy lamented.

"Can you blame us?" Macao cheered for the beautiful mages that were still going toe to toe. Besides Rocker, everyone was still in the matchup.


Lucy managed to evade the attacks for the most part. Suddenly, however, Juvia went into overdrive. A massive surge of energy began to flow from her. Her attack managed to pick ip increased intensity and power. Most of the contestants were caught unawares; Lucy was protected by her spirits while Minerva managed to repel the attack with moderate difficulty.


"Minerva's not joke," Strider observed in interest.

"You sure you mean her and not how she looks?" Mira asked with a smirk.

"Oh? I hadn't noticed," Strider shrugged.

"You have a terrible poker face," Mira sighed.

"So I've been told. That said, she's powerful," Strider said.


Shelia, Risley, and Jenny weren't as lucky. They were quickly knocked out of the sphere.

"Aww, man!" Shelia lamented as she fell on her face.

"Don't worry! You did your best out there!" she heard Wendy cry out to her. She waved at her friend before making a graceful exit.

"So quick…," Jenny lamented.

"You did well!" she heard Mira chirp.

"Thanks, Mira. Enjoy the match, Strider?" she cooed seductively, earning a slight cheer and boo from the crowd. He simply winked in response. Jenny blew him a kiss before sashaying away, exciting the crowd even further.

"Did you see that, my beloved!" Juvia asked dreamily as she looked at Gray. Strider opened his mouth to reply before simply smiling weakly.

"Huh? That wasn't the reaction I was hoping for…," she said, noting the pained smile. Suddenly, she realized why he was looking at her like that. Her attack was so powerful, it forced her out as well.


"You've gotta be kidding me," Gajeel facepalmed.

"Looks like Juvias love was a little to strong," Mira said happily.

"You don't seem to upset by it," Laxus said.

"We're still ahead," Mira shrugged.

"I'm sorry, guys. Sorry, Strider…," she said, downcast.

"You did very well, Juvia. Top three isn't anything to scoff at. Not to mention - regardless of who wins - I doubt either will pull off such a dramatic attack. Congratulations are in order, I think," he said, giving her a hug. Juvia began giggling as he hugged her and returned it tightly. Even as he let go, Juvia held on, nuzzling him here and there.


With Minerva and Lucy the only ones left, the five minute countdown timer had started.

"I suppose I could simply push you out right now. But then, where's the fun in that?" Minerva wondered. "Let's see how long you last."

Suddenly, Lucy was buffeted from side to side by Minervas attack. The attacks went deep, bruising Lucy but taking her out. Lucy attempted to summon her spirits, but to her shock, they weren't there. As she looked at Minerva, she saw that she was holding her keys.

"I can take it," Lucy said through gritted teeth.

"Oh really? You're sure you don't want out of this torment?" Minerva asked deviously.


"Hmm…," Strider hummed.

"What is it?" Mira asked.

"They might have to stop the watch," he said.

"What do you mean?" Mira asked.

"I don't think Minerva's interested in beating Lucy; I think she intends to break her," Strider said.

"How… can you tell?" Juvia asked, still hugging him.

"I know that look," was all he said.


"I see. It appears you still haven't learned your place, have you? Perhaps this will teach you who you're dealing with!" Minerva shouted, increasing the ferocity of her attack. At last, she began to draw blood. The red mixed with he aqua blue of the water, giving it a sinister hue. "We are Sabertooth! The mightiest guild in Fiore! You will SUBMIT!"


Fairy Tail looked on in horror as the fight continued. Lucy was being brutalized. As her clothes began to shred further, more and more blood emanated. Each time Lucy approached the edge of the dome, Minerva reeled her back in like a fish.


"This is just sick!" Cana snarled.

"All she's doing is torturing her," Gajeel added.


"DAMN IT! WILL SOMEONE STOP THE MATCH!?" Natsu roared. His teeth clenched as he looked over at Sabertooth; Sting, Olga, and Rufus were all smiling.

"They're gonna pay for this," Gray snarled as he, Erza, and Natsu stared down the other team.


"Stop the match now! We can't lose the Celestial Wizard! Call it off before it's to late!" Arcadios yelled.


As the match ground to a halt, both Fairy Tail A & B rushed to the field to make sure Lucy was ok. Sabertooth leaped out as, just in case they tried to attack Minerva. Natsu and Sting, however, ripped towards each other. Before either could land a blow, though, they found their bodies completely immobilized.

"What's this, folks!? Natsu and Sting can't move a muscle!" Chapati exclaimed.

"Enough," Strider said, his voice carrying over the arena.

"Hey! What's the big idea?!" Sting snarled at him.

"Release him!" Rogue yelled, jumping at Strider. His body was soon immobilized as well.

"I'll release you three once I'm sure you won't attack," Strider said in a surprisingly cold voice.

"Are you insane?! Look at what she did to Lucy!" Natsu yelled.

"I know. But we'll settle this in the arena, Natsu. It's not what you want to hear, and it's not what I want to say - but that's the way it's going to happen. Does anyone have a problem with that?" he asked, his eyes washing over both Fairy teams as well as Sabertooth. No one challenged his authority. "Good. Now settle down."

Sting and Natsu regarded each other angrily before Sting rejoined his guild. They all faced Strider, shooting him looks of anger. Suddenly, Striders eyes and mouth erupted blue as he looked at them. All three teams looked shocked by the change.

"Do you have a complaint? Because if you really, truly wish to settle this now - that can be arranged. I'm sure the crowd wouldn't mind," he said, his voice carrying on the wind like a biting blizzard.

"We'll leave it for the Games," Minerva said.

"Of course you will," he retorted before going back to normal. "Leave. Now."


Wendy and Shelia were soon hard at work healing Lucy. Medical staff were quickly in the arena, carrying Lucy to infirmary with both teams in tow. As they entered a hallway, Strider braced himself for what was about to happen. A punch connected with him in full force. He stood his ground, letting Natsu get his anger out.

"NATSU!" Mira and Erza yelled in shock.

"Let it all out," Strider said calmly. Natsu did so, hitting him repeatedly with solid punches and kicks - all of which connected, but most of which seemed to do little damage. A few hit the black spot that Natsu didn't know about, but Strider simply bit his tongue. It went on for a minute while everyone looked on, powerless to stop it. They could see tears forming in Natsus eyes as he landed each hit, obviously sad for Lucy. Finally, as he stopped, Strider put a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"I know you're angry. With Minerva; with Sabertooth; with me. But you need to think about everyone. What it took to get this far and how we're so close to the end. I did what I had to do, Natsu - not what I wanted to do. You don't like it and neither do I. But it had to be done. You'll get your chance to cut loose on them soon enough," Strider said gently. Without another award, Natsu simply headed towards the infirmary; the others followed close behind, leaving Mira with Strider.

"You let him hit you," she said.

"I did," Strider said.

"Why?" she asked.

"He needed to get it all out so he can think clearly before the matches begin. He needs to be in top form," Strider said.

"Are you thinking clearly?" Mira asked.

"What do you mean?" Strider asked.

"Aren't you just as angry as Natsu?" Mira asked.

"I'm furious," Strider said.

"You don't show it," Mira said.

"Restraint over the years," Strider said, smiling at Mira. She sighed, gently touching the spot where Natsu hit him.

"Not even a bruise," she said softly.

"I don't bruise easy," Strider shrugged.

"If you fight them, will you…" she trailed off, not sure how to ask it. Strider didn't reply, worrying her a bit. "Just… don't do anything you'll regret."

"It's far to late for that, I'm afraid," he said somberly as he caressed her cheek gently. He took his leave well to check on Lucy, still biting his tongue.


"She'll be okay, thanks to the girls," Porlyusica said as they gathered around Lucy's bed. She was out cold, only her breathing evident.

"They're gonna pay," Natsu snarled.

"You can sure as hell bet on that," Laxus agreed.

"Another bit of bad news," Makarov suddenly said as he entered. He sighed as he saw Lucy's prone form, his anger untenable.

"What is it, Master?" Erza asked.

"Because Raven Tail was disqualified, we have an odd number of teams. That won't work for the battle rounds, so they want us to combine Fairy Tail A & B," Makarov said.

"What?! What about the score?!" Gray asked.

"We can only keep the lowest score, unfortunately," Makarov sighed.

"How is that fair?" Cana demanded.

"We have no choice in the matter, it seems. We'll have to abide by their rules," Erza said.

"Let's let Lucy get some rest. We need to decide the new team up," Makarov said. As they began to leave, Natsu held Strider back.

"Strider…," he began uncertainly. "I'm…"

"I understand," Strider said, resting his hand on his shoulder. "Come on. It's time to bring the hammer down on them, I think."


"Day Fours battle round is about begin, folks. But before that, let's find out who made the cut for Team Fairy Tail! You've quite a history with them, right Mr. Yajima? Any predictions not he cut?" Chapati asked.

"No comment," Yajima replied with a devious smile.

"Continuing, folks - we have some special battles for you today! Instead of a boring old one on one, we thought we'd spice things up a bit! today, each team will choose two contestants to fight - and they'll participate in a tag battle! The first round will be Blue Pegasus against Quatro Puppy; and then Mermaid Heel against Lamia Scale; and finally, Sabertooth vs. Fairy Tail in what could very well be the highlight of the day! Now, without further ado, let's see who Fairy Tail has picked to be on their team!" Chapati yelled to a thunderous crowd.

The door slowly opened, revealing the team. They began to walk out one by one - Natsu, Gray, Erza, Gajeel, and Strider.


"Master really did put together an amazing team," Mira said with a smile.

"Think Laxus is alright with sitting on the side, though?" Cana wondered.

"He doesn't mind. I have a feeling I know who Sabertooth is sending out, so Natsu and Gajeel will want to be a part of it. Gray wants to be in if Natsu is, and Lucy is on the same team as them. Besides, if any of them decide to tag out, he'll jump back in," Mavis said with a smile.

We'll definitely win with them," Juvia said, smiling as she loudly cheered Strider on.

"The spirit of our guild is truly a wonderful force. And these five plus Laxus exemplify that spirit perfectly," Makarov said proudly.


"This is quite a team, folks! Natsu Dragneel, Gray Fullbuster, Gajeel Redfox, Erza Scarlet, and Strider!" Chapati yelled. The crowd popped loudly at Striders name; he smiled and waved at them. "That's right, the man who beat Jura! The man who beat 100 monsters in Pandemonium! The man who stopped the fight between Natsu Dragneel and Sting Eucliffe!"

"You're certainly popular," Erza said.

"Jealous?" Strider asked in a mock-haughty tone.

"Decidedly not. More popularity is equal to less privacy," she said with a smile.

"We might need some privacy soon enough," he teased, turning her bright red.

"This is definitely not the time," she said.

"Apologies," he laughed.

The other teams were in the arena as well, staring down Fairy Tail. Each considered their odds and the best way to play them.

"This might be a bit tough," Risley whispered to Kagura.

"Regardless, we'll give it our all," Kagura replied, her eyes flitting between Erza and Strider.

"This is gonna be WILD," Bacchus cried out.

"WILD!" his guild answered in agreement.

"Lyon, do we have a plan of attack?" Sherry wondered.

"We have a plan: attack," Lyon replied. "Hope you're ready, Gray."

"Bring it on, stripper," Gray said, shedding his shirt.

"You two are so weird," Shelia grumbled.

"I look forward to seeing you again, Strider," Jura said.

"Likewise," Strider replied with a smile. The power the two emanated could be felt; it outshone everyone else in the arena.

"Same goes for me. Good luck, Strider," Jenny cooed.

"Ah. Now that battle, I'm much less sure about," Strider said, eliciting a giggle from her. She quickly sidled close to him, looking sideways and winking at Mira.


"Think that was for you," Bisca whispered to her.

"Mhm," Mira said with a happy smile, covering the bubbling rage inside.

'We'll see how it goes, Jenny,' she thought.


"Do you think you have what it takes to beat us?" Rufus inquired.

"Perhaps. Perhaps not. We won't find out until we get in the arena," Strider said.

"Perhaps not?! Come on! Of course we can take them!" Natsu exclaimed.

"Humility is a virtue," Minerva said. "Regardless, you are correct. We won't find out until we fight it out."

"I look forward to it," Strider said.

"As do I," Minerva said with a smirk. Jenny and Erza narrowed their eyes as they saw how she composed herself. Minerva looked at the two before scoffing, taking her leave with her team in tow.


"And with that, folks, please give a round of applause to our first participants of the day. From Quatro Puppy, we have Bacchus and Rocker! And from Blue Pegasus, it's Ichiya and… w-wait… what?!" Chapati said quizzically.

Joining Ichiya was someone in a blue bunny costume.


"… The fuck?" Strider laughed.

"I have no clue," Erza said intensely.


As soon as the match began, Ichiya and the bunny were in front of Bacchus and Rocker. They extended their hands, which their opponents shook unsurely.

"A nice show of sportsmanship!" Chapati chimed in.

"Did… we just shakes hands with a bunny?" Bacchus asked, bewildered.

"You know, that guy actually smells pretty damn good," Rocker said.

"I believe it's time for us to reveal our secret weapon! Bestow upon them your glorious face!" Ichiya exclaimed, pointing dramatically at the bunny.


"You know, I've been wondering who was under that mask," Eve asked, rubbing his side. The fight with Rufus had done a number on him; and despite his recovery, he was aching all over.

"I have as well. You would've thought that he would've shared with us, at least," Jenny said.

"Maybe he did, but your mind was somewhere else," Ren said with a smirk.

"And what is that supposed to mean?!" Jenny demanded. The Trimens laughed at her expense, earning each of them a sharp and painful jab in the sides.


"WHAT THE HELL?!" someone yelled as the mask came off.


"That… that's…," Lily said in shock.


"Isn't that the cat we met in Extalia?" Gajeel asked interestedly.

"Extalia?" Strider wondered.

"It's the Kingdom where all Exceeds are from. It's in Edolas," Gray said.

"Ah. The other dimension?" Strider asked.

"Indeed," he said.

"I think I'd like to visit there some day. Sounds fascinating," Strider said thoughtfully.

"Can… can it be true? I don't feel so good," Erza said, sounding faint. Strider barely caught her in time, laughing to himself.


"WWWWWIIIILLLLLDDDDD!" Bacchus and Rocker exclaimed, stamping in excitement.


"What…?" the Trimens responded. They knew about the Exceed in question - Nichiya - but weren't aware he was competing.


"It was indeed a fateful meeting," Ichiya said dramatically, flourishing around. "I was lost in the forest, my throat parches and my senses faltering. I was sinking into that black abyss forevermore until suddenly, as though a gift was sent to me upon high, I came across a clearing where the Exceeds frolicked without a care in the world. Nichiya saw me and it was friendship at first sight. He doused me with water from an ever clear lake, the taste of which I shan't not forget. Man, it was as though a bright star extinguished the night and in its rousing flames, a true friendship was born!"

"True, all true. Kindly enough, Ichiya offered me a place in Blue Pegasus and since then, I have partaken in the guilds events! And now, we companions forevermore shall trounce thee! Ready?" Nichiya asked.

"Ready! Double Stud-Muffin Attack!" they exclaimed sensually, posing for the crowd.


"Indeed! BEHOLD!" Ichiya yelled dramatically, pointing at Nichiyas back and guild mark.

As he finished off, Bacchus seemingly had had enough. He leaped at Nichiya, who put up a hand to stop him. The hand did precisely nothing; with a single chop, Nichiya was eliminated. He flew through the air, yelling "MAAAAAAAAAN!"


"What happened?! can the cat even fight?!" Res asked desperately.

"Ouch. Hope the little guys ok," Hibiki cringed.


"Of course he can fight! the feline and I are one and the same!" Ichiya said, sweating bullets.

"Time to eat dirt!" Rocker shouted as he rushed Ichiya with Bacchus. Their flurry of attacks connected, sending Ichiya falling.

"My… apologies! I should've known you were a lover, not a fighter. But you were brave! You put your handsome face in harms way - and I let you fall! I promise you that I shall not let your struggle be in vain!" Ichiya said, slowly getting back to his feat. Bacchus and Rocker were on edge; they thought he'd go down just as easily.

"You got chops, that's for sure," Bacchus said, taking a swig.

"BEHOLD! THE HANDSOME FACE OF JUSTICE!" Ichiya roared, drinking one of his parfums. His shirt tore off as his muscles became more and more pronounced. His bulked up considerably, towering over his contestants. Save for his face, he was like a whole new person. He pointed at Nichiya dramatically, declaring, "To you, dear friend, I dedicate the parfrum of victory!"

Bacchus and Rocker prepared as Ichiya rushed them. But as he came close, he stopped.

"Now… smile," he said pleasantly, smiling toothily at them. It was enough to pause the two and give Ichiya the opening he needed. "AND SMASH!"

He hit the two with such a powerful blow, they were eliminated quickly. As he flexed for the crowd, they cheered him on.


"I guess he's not a complete idiot," Gray mumbled.

"HOLY CRAP THAT GUYS AWESOME!" Natsu exclaimed happily.


"Talk about a stud muffin," Ren said, smiling coolly.

"Ichiyas the man for sure," Hibiki agreed, striking a pose.

"What a hunk," Jenny said happily, cheering for her teams leader.

"I want to be just like him!" Eve said.


"What an… interesting performance! Now, ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together for our second match of the day: Lyon and Yuka of Lamia Scale vs. Millianna and Kagura from Mermaid Heel!" Chapati exclaimed.

"Come on, you can cheer louder than that!" Millianna exclaimed, pumping them up.


"Lyon and Yuka are formidable foes! Stay on your toes, Millianna!" Erza cheered her on. Millianna grinned and waved happily at her.

"Not going to cheer Lyon on?" Strider asked Gray.

"SCREW YOU, LYON!" Gray shouted at his rival/friend. Lyon shouted something back that Strider couldn't quite make out.

"What do you think, Strider?" Natsu wondered.

"Hmm… well, they're all certainly impressive. But if I were a betting man, I would say that Mermaid Heel would win," Strider said.

"Oh yeah? Whys that?" Gajeel asked, intrigued.

"Kagura. She's an extremely adept swordswoman. Certainly a lot faster than I am," Strider said.

"You think so?" Natsu asked, surprised.

"Definitely. How she beat Yukino without even drawing her sword? Not many could pull that off. I think Erza would definitely give her a run for her money, though," Strider said, smiling at the redhead.

"I certainly hope to find out," Erza said, smirking competitively.


"Let's go Millianna!" Happy exclaimed.

"You're going to root for Mermaid Heel, Happy?" Levy asked.

"Yeah. I've got some history with Millianna. She's pretty tough!" Happy replied.

"Mmkay. I think I'll root for Lamia Scale. They were so helpful when we were gone," Levy said.

"You do that, Levy. Meanwhile, we'll root for Mermaid Heel because their hotties," Wakaba said creepily as Levy sweatdropped.

"And… let me guess, you're going to be rooting for Lyon, Juvia? I saw him talking to you when we came back," Levy asked the bluenette.

"Did he confess his undying love for you?" Cana asked, sidling up to her.

"Aww, come on! You can tell us. Inquiring minds want to know," Mira chirped happily, knowing full well the answer.

"Well, yes. Kind of. I suppose he did. But, I've only eyes for my one true love. If only I was still on the team. What I wouldn't give to fight alongside him! GO STRIDER!" Juvia cheered, despite him not being in the battle.

"You feel that way too, don't you Mira?" Cana asked slyly.

"As if you don't," Mira replied. The two smiled competitively at each other, knowing the others mind.

"We're getting quite close. One more match left until we fight Sabertooth," Makarov said.

"Well, I'm not to worried. I'm sure we'll pull off a victory. Now, let's just enjoy th-oh!" Master Mavis squeaked as she fell down while trying to sit on the balcony.

"First Master?! Are you alright?!" Makarov exclaimed.

"Hard to believe she's over a hundred, huh?" Cana asked Mira, who giggled at her antics.


Millianna looked around the crowd with a sigh.

'I wonder if he's around here?' she thought angrily. 'Jellal. If I ever see you-,'.

"Millianna, you have to focus," Kagura said, snapping her out of her funk.

"I will," Millianna nodded.

"Tell you what - I'm going to let you take a shot at them first. I'll stand by if you need me," Kagura said, turning away.

"Hey, wait! All alone?" Millianna asked, a bit frightful.

"You need to gain more experience. This will be beneficial for you," Kagura said as she walked away.

"I won't let you down," Millianna said.

"We can't get lazy just because they're girls. We'll need to give it all we got," Yuka said.

"Especially considering Kagura is our foe. This is it - if we win, perhaps Juvia will fall in love with me!" Lyon declared, looking longingly at her.

"Isn't she with Strider?" Yuka asked, exasperated.

"A minor road block on the the highway of our love," Lyon said.

"Pretty sure he's more than a 'minor' roadblock. But, whatever," Yuka sighed.

As the match began, Millianna was quick to attack. She sent a powerful tube towards the two, which they dodged effortlessly. Before they even had a chance to recover, Millianna was quickly on the offense, refusing to give them a break. The crowd cheered; her attacks were quick and ferocious; any slip up would leave a nasty scratch.


"Man, it'd be really embarrassing if she beat both of them," Sherry sighed.

"No kidding. COME ON LYON! LET'S GO YUKA!" Shelia cheered.


"Why the hell is Kagura just standing there?" Yuka asked as they got a seconds reprieve.

"Not sure. Bet I can get her to fight, though! Ice Make: Eagle!" Lyon shouted. Ice eagles started to fly towards Kagura at a breakneck speed, but Millianna's tubes made quick work of them.

"I'm your opponent right now, not her!" she cried at them.

Yuka joined his teammate, sending waves of energy at her. Millianna was seemingly bored as she dodged them with ease. She sent another long tube at Yuka, this time hanging on. Yuka was surprised as she wrapped her legs around his neck.

"KITTEN CLAWS, KITTEN CLAWS, KITTEN CLAWS!" she said gleefully as she tore into his face. Yuka cried in pain; the scratches were potent.


"That's gonna leave a mark," Gray cringed.

"She's certainly not holding back," Erza said with a smile.

"I can't decide if he's lucky or not," Strider chuckled.


Giving Yuka a vicious hurricanrana, she leveraged herself into an attack against Lyon. He was to slow to dodge; her claws bore deep into his face, leaving a crosshatch pattern.

"What's the matter? I give you a boo-boo?" she asked with a smirk. Lyon and Yuka both looked angry, yet embarrassed; they severely underestimated her.

"Crap, that hurts!" Yuka groaned, touching his face. Millianna quickly attacked him with another tube, but this time it was blocked.

"I can block that, at the very least," he said. Millianna just smirked; suddenly, countless more tubes lunged out.

"Try blocking this!" she exclaimed.

"You can use more than one at a time?!" he asked, surprised. He attempted to expand the wave barrier to deflect the attacks, but one tube got around it, wrapping around his arm and distracting him enough that the barrier dissolved. Lyon quickly cute the tube with an eagle, but was soon ensnared by several more. They began to tie around their limbs, hardly allowing them a semblance of movement.

"I must win… for Juvia!" Lyon declared.

"Get a grip, man!" Yuka shouted.

"She may be faster… but I'm much smarter!" Lyon said. He created a mouse in front of Millianna.

"Meow? MEOW!" she exclaimed, chasing it around in a fit of giggles. It wasn't long until she remembered what she was supposed to be doing. "THAT WAS A DIRTY TRICK, JERKFACE!"

Lyon smirked, creating a blizzard that enveloped Millianna.

"Brrr— cat's hate being stuck in the cold!" she said. Suddenly, and out of nowhere, she saw a nice and warm table. She jumped under it, cuddling herself in the warmth. Again, she quickly came to her senses and erupted from under it. "CUT IT OUT, ICE FREAK, OR I'M GONNA CLAW YOUR EYEBALLS OUT!"

"Did you see that, Juvia my dear?! Were you impressed?!" Lyon asked, stretching his arm towards her. Juvia simply recoiled in disgust.

'That wasn't the reaction I was hoping for!' he thought, horrified by her horror of him.


"WIN THIS OR I'LL SPIN YOU!" Ooba shouted at him.

"What's it like to be spun?" Shelia asked Sherry.

"One of the worst feelings in the world," Sherry replied lamely; she'd been on the receiving end a fair number of times.


"The old hags right. We've been at this for a while. Time's running out," Yuka said..

"You're right. I was hoping to save this for Kagura, but it seems as though we'll need it now. Ice Make: Snow Tiger!" he exclaimed. A massive snow tiger appeared and began to chase a frightened Millianna around.

"I like kitty cats, but tigers?! Not so much!" she yelped. Suddenly, she came to an unscheduled stop. Her face connected with the wall of the arena - hard. So much so, the force knocked her out.

"I'm… sorry," she mumbled to Kagura, who was standing close by.

"Looks like I'll have to fight after all," Kagura sighed, taking the field.

"About time. Wave!" Yuka shouted, attacking Kagura who easily evaded.

"An attack that can nullify the opponents magic, hmm? Impressive," Kagura said as she leapt into attack. Yuka sent another wave at her; she easily cut it with a sword. A second later, she was behind him. She struck Yuka in the back, knocking him out with surprising ease. "But against me, it's no use."


"Not drawing her sword again, it seems," Erza noted.


"I've heard quite a bit about you. Once upon a time, you called yourself the Cold Emperor. You tried to reawaken the demon, Deliora, in hopes of fighting it, no?" Kagura asked.


"He tried to reawaken a demon?" Strider asked, his voice unusually sharp.

"He did. His and Gray's master, Ur, sealed it away. But Lyon tried to break it free to fight it," Erza said.

"Goddamn fool," Strider snarled. Erza was surprised by the reaction.

"Something wrong?" she asked.

"Some things are better left undisturbed," Strider said darkly, feeling a prickling sensation across the deep scars on his back.


"That was a long time ago. I am Lyon Vastia, a wizard of Lamia Scale. No more. No less," Lyon said. "You know, you remind me a lot of myself. But don't take that asa complement. I was consumed by bitterness and hatred back then."

Lyon and Kagura simply regarded each other for a fraction of a moment before he sent more ice eagles at her. Kagura dodged them before attacking, rocketing him back.



"Ultear? What do you think?" Meredy asked.

"Hmm… I haven't had a chance to talk to him. I think I'd like to, though. If only to beat him senseless for trying to resurrect Deliora," Ultear said, smiling evilly. Meredy chuckled wistfully while Jellal smiled.


"Are we going to talk or fight?! Because I'm losing my patience!" Kagura yelled at Lyon.

"Ice Make: Snow Tiger! Ice Make: Snow Ape! Ice Make: Snow Dragon!" he yelled, summoning three monsters to the field. It didn't take long afterward for Kagura to activate her Gravity Magic. A purple Magic Circle enveloped the arena, shifting the gravity within its area of effect.


"Huh. Lyon must really be powerful for her to use her Gravity Magic," Beth said.

"Well, he is considered the Ace of Lamia Scale. He ought to be strong enough to get Kagura to use her Magic," Arana said.


Lyon and his creations were lifted, hardly able to move. Kagura easily struck his creations down.

"You're done for!" she yelled, rushing Lyon. She was inches from reaching him when the bell ended and she stopped immediately.

"You know what that means! Times up!" Mato said. The battle had ended in a tie. Kagura sighed, deactivating her power and landing gracefully.

"Man, Kagura's tough," Yuka said, finally getting to his feet.

Yes, but something tells me she restraining herself. Again," Lyon said.

"Every year, it's the same story. She never goes all out," Yuka said.

"Sorry I let you down, Kagura," Millianna said, disappointed in herself.

"There's no need to apologize. Lyon is a formidable opponent. But had this been an actual fight instead of a regulated match, you would've been dead," Kagura said. "We'll continue your training when the Games end."


"Looks like it's our turn now!" Mavis exclaimed.

"TIME TO KICK SOME ASS!" Cana cheered.

"Don't get hurt, Natsu and Gajeel! The last thing I want is for you two getting injured, even if it means I would get to fight alongside my beloved!" Juvia shouted.

"You're the reserve, Juvia," Levy reminded her lamely.

"Oh, my! Strider!" Juvia called out. She saw him turn her head, looking inquisitive. "Make sure you don't get hurt! But if you do, I will nurse you back to full health, my love!"

She saw him smile and bow to her, sending her heart soaring.


"Hope you're ready for this, Salamander," Gajeel said with a grin.

"This is overkill. I could take them out," Natsu exclaimed.

"LIKE HELL YOU COULD!" Gajeel yelled at him.


"That didn't take long to devolve," Strider laughed.

"Idiots," Erza sighed.


"Our main event, folks - Natsu Dragneel and Gajeel Redfox of Fairy Tail against Sting Eucliffe and Rogue Cheney of Sabertooth! A battle between FOUR Dragon Slayers? Let's see who the top dogs really are!" Chapati exclaimed to a thunderous and ground shattering applause.

As the match began, Sting and Rogue rushed forward. Quicker than them, however, were Natsu and Gajeel - who were on them so fast, that a blink would've made it seem like teleportation. The ferocity of the attack sent the two Dragon Slayers careening back.

As they regained their footing, Sting grinned.

"White Dragon ROAR!" he yelled.

"A laser?" Natsu asked as he bent back, surprised. Sting grinned before changing the direction of the attack towards Gajeel, who dodged it. Rogue soon jumped into the fray, targeting Gajeel.

"Shadow Dragon Slash!" he yelled. Gajeel was able to deflect the attack with an Iron Sword. He threw Rogue down, crashing into the dirt.

"Rogue!" Sting yelled. Out of the dust cloud that Rogue whipped up on impact, Natsu erupted, holding the Shadow Dragon Slayer by his face. He thrust Rogues head into Stings - hard.

"Fire Dragon Wing Attack!" Natsu roared, pressing his advantage. He and Gajeel soon regrouped, waiting for their foes to get back on their feet.

"Guess this might be fun after all," Sting said with a smirk before he and Rogue shifted their stances.

"White Drive."

"Shadow Drive."

A white and black aura encompassed Sting and Rogue before they erupted into another attack. Natsu and Gajeel were surprised by their sudden increase in strength and speed. Rogue melded with the shadows, making it difficult for Gajeel to land an attack; while Sting continued to pound on Natsu.

"You know, I always looked up to you! And look at me now! I'm better that you!" he yelled, making a movement with his fingers. Natsu found himself unable to move.

"Hey, I can't move!" he exclaimed.

"It's a stigmata. Now you're my punching bag!" Sting shouted, pummeling Natsu.


"Those two have certain gotten more powerful," Makarov observed.

"They've used spells to amplify their Magic. It's quite impressive," Mavis mused.


"The Shadow Dragon always finds its prey!" Rogue shouted as he appeared behind Gajeel, ready to strike. To his shock, however, Gajeel intercepted his attack.

"You say something, kid?" Gajeel asked, throwing him into the dirt again.


"Like a boss!" Jet cried happily.

"So cool!" Levy said excitedly, holding Lily close.

"Rogue has skill, but he can't come close to Gajeel when it comes to adapting," Lily said.

"Yeah, well Natsu is good at stuff too!" Happy said hotly.


Sting closed in on Natsu. The Fire Dragon Slayer just smiled in response, though; as Sting was only a few inches away, Natsu struck him viciously.

"You shouldn't be able to move!" Sting said angrily, visibly staggered and shocked.

'He burned off the stigmata?!' he thought.

The tide turned again; Natsu and Gajeel regained the advantage and began laying into Sting and Rogue. They soon eased off, letting them regain their footing; they didn't want it to end so quickly.

Suddenly, Sting started emanating a bright light.

"You're not bad! Looks like we'll have to give you everything we got. When we decide to go all out, there's no way fire and steel can stop us!" Sting shouted. "Dragon Slayer Secret Art: Holy Nova!"

Sting leaped at Natsu, his hand ensconced in a bright white light. Natsu calmly stood in the middle - as though bored. As Sting connected with Natsu, he sent up a massive dust cloud. As it dissolved, his smile turned into shock. Natsu had blocked his attack with a single attack.


"Woah, that's crazy," Lector said, shocked.

"No way!" Olga said, just as surprised.

"Hmm… I don't recall anyone stopping that move before," Rufus frowned.

"I can see why he had the courage to attack us. If his teammate or I had not interfered, who knows what may have happened?" Minerva wondered.


The four contestants were staring intensely at each other. Rogue and Sting changed their stance yet again; and suddenly, their power levels rose. They began to give off more magical energy as they entered their respective Dragon Force. They were each covered with scale and shadow, an emblem of their power.


"They can activate their Dragon Force at well?" Jellal observed in surprise.

"That's pretty impressive. If I had to guess, it's because of the Dragon Lacrima's inside of them," Ultear said.

"Can Natsu and Gajeel pull it off?" Meredy asked nervously.

"We'll see," Ultear sighed.


"Leave them to me, Rogue," Sting said, smirked as he moved forward. Rogue shrugged, agreeing.

Sting leaped to attack, taking on both Natsu and Gajeel. The crowd was surprise by the turn of events. Sting laid into both of them; and they seemed to be unable to fight back. His speed and power were dramatically increased. Natsu attempted to attack with a Fire Fist, but Sting intercepted him. He kick Natsu hard, sending him flying.

Allowing Natsu and Gajeel regrouped on the ground, Sting soon took to the air.

"White Dragon Holy Breath!" he roared. The attack was so powerful, it began to shatter the floor of the arena. The crowd looked on, stunned, Natsu and Gajeel fell several levels.


Midfall, Sting pressed his advantage; he continued to pummel Natsu and Gajeel all the way down. With another powerful attack, both of them were on the ground, unmoving. Sting finally settled down on the ground, observing their prone forms.


"My word…," Makarov said, surprised.

"Come on, guys! Get up!" Levy yelled.


"Heh. Good fight. I mean it. It's the toughest I've had in years," Sting said softly.

"First Generation Dragon Slayers… Their era was grand, but they're nothing compared to us," Rogue said, landing alongside his friend. "Sting."

"I know. Gajeel wasn't mine to take down. Sorry. But I did it, didn't I? I finally did what I set out to do," Sting said, grinning at Rogue.

"Is this it for Natsu and Gajeel?! Are they done?!" Chapati asked, on the edge of his seat.


"What're you doing?! You can't lose like this!" Lily yelled.

"Come on, Natsu!" Happy cried out, tears streaming down his cheeks.


As Sting and Rogue turned to leave, they heard a stirring.

"Man… I'm gonna feel that one for a week," Natsu said, slowly getting up. Gajeel was right alongside him, looking mildly discomforted.

The crowd applauded madly, happy to see that the match was still on.



"See, Levy?! Nothing to worry about!" Droy said.


"Excellent," Erza said proudly. If there was one thing she knew about Gajeel and Natsu, it's that they wouldn't stay down for long.


"My head…," Natsu grumbled, rubbing his head.

"It's as if Stings attacks didn't faze them at all!" Chapati exclaimed.

"Not bad, but now we've seen all your little quirks," Natsu said, grinning.

"What?!" Sting yelled, shocked.

"No!" Rogue shouted, surprised.


"No way. How'd they get up? I'm dreaming, right?" Lector asked, astonished.

"I don't… think so…," Frosche said, frowning.


"That was good, I'll give you that. But now I know everything. The timing of your attacks; the way you stand when you defend; even the rhythm of your breathing," Natsu said.

"That's impossible! I used my Dragon Force! You shouldn't be standing!" Sting said, refusing to believe it.

"Yeah, you're definitely strong! I feel like a train ran over me!" Natsu said, stretching his arms.

"don't let him get to you. He's bluffing," Rogue said through clenched teeth.

"Ha! Does Salamander look like he's smart enough to bluff?" Gajeel asked.

"Hey, I'm smart! Watch! When he attacks, he pivots his right foot to 11 o'clock!" Natsu said.

"No, it's 10 o'clock, dummy!" Gajeel retorted.

"It's totally 11!" Natsu said hotly, getting in Gajeels face.

"Are you blind?! It was 10:30 at most! Were you even watching him?!" Gajeel yelled.

"I told you, it's 23 o'clock!" Natsu shouted.

"That's the same thing, moron!" Gajeel retorted.

"What'd you call me?!" Natsu demanded. He and Gajeel soon began to fight as everyone looked on, unsure of what to make of the situation.


"Are those idiots trying to embarrass us?" Makarov asked, facepalming.

"They certainly have a lot of energy," Mavis said, giggling.


"Man, it's gotta be embarrassing, fighting like a bunch of little kids," Gray said smugly.

"You're one to talk, Gray. How often have you and Natsu fought just like that?" Erza asked, smiling fondly.

"Yeah, but not in front of the whole world," Gray said sheepishly.


"Whoopsie-daisy!" Natsu chirped as he pushed Gajeel into a mine cart and sent it into a tunnel.

"HEY! WHAT THE CRAP?!" Gajeel exclaimed before covering his mouth; his motion sickness was back.

Natsu soon turned to Sting and Rogue who were befuddled by the action.

"What, did you think I forgot about what you did before? Come on - I can take you both on," Natsu said, grinning and egging them on.

"What, did you think I forgot about that insult from before? Come on, I can take you both on," Natsu said, grinning and egging them on.

"Big mistake!" Sting shouted. "Did you forget we have control over Dragon Force? There's nothing in the world stronger than a dragon! And both of us have that power!"

"I don't think you're there just yet pal," Natsu said smiling.


A blonde woman in the crowd shuddered as she watched the screen, a single tear escaping her eyes.


"That power!" Jellal suddenly said.

"It's not Zeref… but it's similar," Meredy said.

"Whatever it is, Jellal, you can't let them escape," Ultear exclaimed.

"I know! As much as I'd like to stay and watch the match…" Jellal replied.


"Looks like the crowds really excited. I hope Natsu and Gajeel are doing ok," Lucy said worriedly.

"Don't worry, I'm sure they're fine," Wendy chirped.

"Indeed. In fact, if you look up the word 'tough' in the dictionary, you'll probably find a picture of them right next to it!" Carla said.

"Yeah, you're right!" Lucy smiled. She had faith in her friends.

"Of course she is," Evergreen said, sitting on the edge of the still resting Elfman's bed.

"Good one, Carla. You're the man," Elfman said.

"As a proud woman, I highly resent that!" Carla said as everyone laughed.

'Oh, these kids,' Porlyusica thought, smiling.


"This is the power of a true Dragon Slayer! I should know! It's how I killed Weisslogia!" Sting roared.

"Oh? Maybe I should use the same power… to fight for my friends you laughed at," Natsu said, his voice betraying a slight hint of anger. A massive fire erupted behind him as he easily held Sting off. Natsu viciously punched Sting away as Rogue sneaked up behind him.

"Shadow Dragon Roar!" Rogue roared.

"Fire Dragon Roar!" Natsu roared in reply. His own jetstream of fire cut the Shadow Dragon Roar apart before colliding with Rogue.

"I'm not done with you!" Sting yelled, jumping towards Natsu.

"Frosche… don't worry. I'm not giving up!" Rogue declared as he attacked as well.

The two attacked Natsu, who easily dodged and deflected as he continued his own attacks.


"I think he's having fun. He's just grinning away like an idiot," Gray said with a grin of his own.

"Natsu is certainly one of a kind," Erza observed. "He can increase his own power in response to his opponents. He draws from it like an unending reservoir. The stronger his opponents are, the better he performs."


Our boy may be winning, but the tenacity of the other two is remarkable," Makarov said, impressed with the entire bout.

"You're right. It's very impressive," Mavis agreed.


"What an amazing battle," Jura said with a smile.

"He seems so empty headed - yet when he fights, his mind moves at lighting speed," Lyon observed.


"The Fire Wizards giving off a potent parfum," Ichiya observed.

"You're right. I've never seen anyone like him before," Ren agreed.


"They're getting their asses handed to them by one guy!" Olga said, shocked.

"Strange. I've no recollection of the Dragon Force overpowered in such a way," Rogue said.

"Nor do I. Tch," Minerva snarled.

'And here I thought only Strider would be the troublesome one,' Minerva thought.


Sting and Rogue got up slowly and gingerly. Absolutely all of their attacks were being stopped; and Natsu looked at them as though they were hardly worth the trouble.

"NOW STING!" Rogue yelled as a black shadow erupted behind him.

"YEAH!" Sting replied as a white light erupted behind him.

Light and Shadow began to connect with each other, revolving and resonating around and with the other.


"They're attempting a Unison Raid!" Makarov said in surprise. The ball shrunk smaller and smaller until they finally sent it at Natsu.

"He's not moving! Does he think he can block it?" Lily questioned.

"Come on Natsu…," Happy said, tears flowing for his friend.


"Hey, Natsu?" Happy said as Natsu and Gajeel headed into the ring; the match was about to begin.

"Yeah? Is the something the matter, buddy?" Natsu wondered.

"I'll let you two have your little moment. I'll be in the arena" Gajeel said.

"What's up?" Natsu asked again, curious.

"Nothings wrong," Happy said.

"Oh, cool. Well, it's showtime. Time to kick ass, little buddy," Natsu grinned as he turned away.

"Hold on a second," Happy said, stopping him. "I'm not gonna say anything. Do you know what I mean by that?

"I'm not gonna say anything," Happy said, pausing. "Do you know what I mean by that?" Happy finished.

Natsu smiled.

"I hear you, partner. Loud and clear," Natsu said, smiling again at his companion before heading in.

Crying, Happy put up the Fairy Tail sigh in the air; Natsu returned it proudly


As the attack connected with Natsu, the titantron blanked out; all the people could see was the aftermath of the attack - a massive explosion.


"It's gotten really quiet up there," Evergreen said.

"Yeah. Seems pretty tense," Elfman gulped.

"Can you sense it child?" Carla asked Wendy.

"Yeah," she replied.

Lucy simply smiled as she remembered the conversation she had with Natsu before he began the match.


"Natsu?" Lucy said.

"Huh? What's up, Lucy?" Natsu wondered.

"I believe in you, you know. I always have, since the moment I joined the guild," she said, smiling.

"Thanks," Natsu grinned, giving her a thumbs up. "That means a lot to me! Don't worry, Luce! I'm gonna bring us back the win!"


The entirety of the Fairy Tail guild had the symbol raised to the sky in solidarity with they dear Dragon Slayer.


"HOLY SHADOW DRAGON FLASH FANG!" Sting and Rogue roared as they sent their attack at Natsu.

"Dragon Slayer Secret Art: Flame Lotus: Exploding Flame Blade!" Natsu roared. His attack exploded viciously and cut through the Unison Raid like a hot knife through butter. It encompassed Rogue and Sting, both of whom were overwhelmed by the fury and ferocity of the attack. As the explosion died down, Natsu stood atop a rocky outcrop, looming over Sting and Rogue.

"Natsu Dragneel. Your power… knows no bounds," Rogue said as he fell, unconscious.

"Sorry Lector… he's just to strong," Sting said, also falling, stunned by his defeat.

"I don't believe it, folks! Natsu Dragneel has done it! He's beaten the Twin Dragons by himself!" Chapati roared as the crowd applauded thunderously. "We've one more day before the Final Match begins! Rest and recuperate, fighters - we'll you see here tomorrow!"


Fairy Tail threw their wildest party yet that night. Gray and Natsu were up to their usual antics as Gajeel finally returned.

"Where've you been?" Lily asked.

"Yeah, jerk. You left me in the middle of the match!" Natsu exclaimed.

"For real?! I spent the entire day trying to get out of those caverns because some lava brained tool pushed me down there!" Gajeel said.

"Oh… that true, Gray?" Natsu asked.

"I worry about your lack of brain cells," Gray sighed.

"Anyways, come with me. Need to talk to you about something. You too, shrimp," Gajeel ordered Wendy.


"So, what'd you think of the matches today?" Mira asked Strider.

"Amazing in a word. Kagura is something else, as is Ichiya. But Natsu and Gajeel certainly stole the show," he said, curious about what the three Dragon Slayers were speaking about.

"Bet you were bored just standing around, though," Mira smirked.

"Perhaps a bit," he said. "At least I had good company."

"Would've been better with me," she said in a mock-smug tone.

"I'm certain I kept him well enough company, Mirajane," Erza said, taking his other side.

"You were probably bored as well," Mira sighed.

"More than you might know," Erza sighed in agreement.

"Perhaps I'm not as good a company as I like to think," Strider reflected.

"You're fine. Mostly," Mira giggled. "Anyways, I'm going to get some sleep. Sweet dreams."

"You as well," Strider said, giving her a hug goodnight.

"Adorable," Lisanna cooed from the side.

"So - hungry?" Erza wondered.

"A bit. Would you like to grab a bite?" he wondered.

"Certainly," she said.


"Strider," Erza suddenly said as they walked through the streets.

"Hmm?" he wondered.

"Your scars - there's Magic that can cover them. Have you tried?" she wondered.

"Most of them were caused by cursed weapons, so I'll likely have them forever," Strider said with a wry smile. He felt Erza bring a hand to his back, gently caressing.

"The three big ones - on your back…," she trailed off.

"A real monster. Carefully inscribed," Strider sighed.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"It was a long time ago. I happened upon a beast that had retreated into exile for a long time. It barely even hunted anymore. But, in my never-ending genius, I awoke him. We fought a bit and he was impressed at how I held myself; after that, he turned it up. He whipped me around. It's how I got this one," he sighed, tracing his torso. "After that, he began cutting my back with his claws. They act up from time to time, but nothing to bad - unless I'm near him."

"It's still alive?" Erza asked, surprised.

"And kicking," Strider sighed.

"I didn't think there was anything you couldn't beat. After all, you slew a dragon," she said.

"Oh, I think you'd be surprised. It's a wide world. There's always something stronger," Strider said as they encountered a crowd.

"Erza," they suddenly heard a whisper from behind.

"Jellal!? What're you doing here?! What if you're seen!" Erza hissed, noting the mop of blue hair.

"I'll be fine. I wanted to inform you that I encountered a presence earlier today, but lost track of it. It appears as though we're close, however," he whispered.

"Did it feel like Zeref?" Erza whispered.

"It felt similar, but not exact. I believe they're correlated, however," Jellal said.

"How so?" she asked.

"The power structure was mostly the same. I can pinpoint that something was off, but I can't be exact," he sighed.

"Very well. Keep us updated," Erza said.

"Do you have a moment?" Jellal asked her.

"I suppose so," she said, looking at Strider.

"Go ahead. I'll wait," he said.


"Ah, Kagura. It's a surprise to see you," Strider said as he encountered the Mermaid Heel team.

"Strider. Hello," she said, acknowledging him.

"You did a wonderful job during the Games today," he said.

"You don't wanna bring that up, sweety. Unless it's a win, Kagura isn't happy," Risley laughed.

"I suppose I can understand that. You did an exemplary job as well, Millianna. Yuka and Lyon were certainly on the ropes," he said.

"Meow! Thanks!" she grinned, giving him a thumbs up before sniffing him. "Is Erzy here?"

"She had to take care of something really quick. Should be back any moment," Strider said. "You two are friends, no?"

"Oh yeah! Erzy and I go wayyyyy back! I wonder what she thinks of me now?" Millianna wondered.

"She was very praiseworthy of you and your performance, if that means anything. I think she's quite proud of you," Strider said with a smile.

"You must've wanted to get in on the fight today, huh?" Risley wondered.

"I was more than happy to stand on the sideline, honestly. Natsu and Gajeel both did a wonderful job, no?" he asked rhetorically.

"They are quite impressive," Arana said.

"Ah - Erza. Welcome back," Strider said.

"Millianna! What're you doing here?" Erza asked, surprised and happy that she had left Jellal behind.

"We just ran into him!" Millianna said. "Hey, you guys wanna g-,"

"Millianna," Kagura said cuttingly.

"Right. Yeah," Millianna grumbled.

"We'll be taking our leave. Good night," Kagura said.

"To you as well," Strider said.

"She seems intense," Erza said. As she heard her, Kagura looked back slightly.

'Erza Scarlet,' she thought.


"So, what did he want?" Strider wondered.

"Seemly to apprise and be appraised of the situation. I told him we hadn't noticed anything yet," Erza said.

"I was surprised that you forgave him so readily," Strider said.

"I'm not sure if I ever really blamed him for anything," Erza sighed. "It's a difficult situation. But - would you have done the same if you were in my shoes?"

"Probably not. Some things can be forgiven, others can't. What he's done - it won't be easy, if it's even possible," Strider said. He had thought on the conversation with Ultear, Meredy, and Jellal - wondering if they could be forgiven. His mind went back and forth, becoming unsure with each passing.

"I think he deserves it," Erza said. "He's trying to at-,"

"Right. He's trying to atone. You can't atone for killing innocent people, though," Strider said, his voice ice.

"But he was under control. It wa-," Erza began before Strider cut her off again.

"Saying it wasn't his fault does a disservice to the families he tore apart," Strider said, narrowing his eyes. Erza was surprised; she couldn't recall him speaking or looking at her in such a way before.

"They deserve a chance, don't they?" she asked quietly.

"And the dead deserve justice, don't they?" Strider retorted. He and Erza looked at each other impassively before she finally sighed, shaking her head.

"I'm going to get some rest. Good night, Strider," she said, brushing past him.

"Sweet dreams, Erza," he said, continuing his lonesome walk.

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