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78.68% The White Wolf of Westeros / Chapter 48: 2/2

Kapitel 48: 2/2

"Close…but not close enough." She chuckled as she gave a sweeping swing at Dany's feet, making her give a short hop to avoid it. "Using the environment is key, but it can be double edged!" She kicked at the crate, making it rock about which made Dany stumble. Taking advantage, she'd then stab out at the Khaleesi's gut, though she'd lean back in her stumble to avoid it. However doing so made her fall off the other end, giving a grunt from hitting the ground. Ciri was quick to run around, worried she had hurt the Khaleesi only to find the girl shifting up onto her knees. "A bit of a clumsy escape but better than being stabbed." Ciri complimented.

"Obviously a real enemy wouldn't be chatting with me right now." Daenerys jested as she stood up now, dusting off her sky-blue outfit. "So how would I get out of that situation then? What would you do if you were knocked down?"

Ciri tapped her wooden sword in her other hand, thinking for a moment. "Fight dirty. Grab a bunch of dirt and gravel to throw in their face then go for a low blow." She grinned a bit. "Works best on men…if they aren't armored down there."

Dany blushed a bit at the answer she got before nodding. "It makes sense. Guess anything is allowed when it comes to my life."

"Exactly. Tooth and nail, always fight back." Past memories of such close encounters filled Ciri's mind, countless cruel foes who had been close to doing all sorts of harm to her. It was strange how when she was younger and being trained by the Witchers, she thought the monsters in all those books were worse then anything. When she had been on the run showed that humans were far worse in the end.

"Ciri?" Dany's voice had her focus back to reality, noticing the Khaleesi's worried look. "You seemed lost for a moment. First time I've seen that."

Shaking her head, she'd give a small sigh. "Just thinking about a lot of things." Pausing, she continued to speak. "We've both faced a lot of hardships in our lives…and no doubt endure plenty more along the way. At the least we got each other to get through it for now." With a soft smile, she'd pat Daenerys on the shoulder.

"That…that means a lot to me." She said softly yet heard hissing off to the side. It was her dragons who had been watching them practicing along with keep an eye the nearby alleyways. The three calmed down though when they saw it was Jorah who hurried forward, who seemed to have spirited to get here.

"Khaleesi…the Blood Riders have spotted something coming from the south. An armed caravan baring a banner from Qarth." He panted out once he had catched his breath.

Both women looked at each other with surprise and curiosity at this news. "How many are there and if they are coming here when will they arrive?" Dany questioned as already the three of them where heading back to the market camp.

"At least a hundred from what the Riders could count, half of which is believed to be guards and the other servants." Jorah answered. "They're about an hour away at least and no doubt heading for the southern gate, though I'm not sure how they even know we're even here. Qarth is about nearly a week away, so they would have had to know about our arrival here before setting out."

"Could we have been spotted out in the Wastes, perhaps by scouts or travelers who informed the city?" Ciri remarked.

"A possibility, but from a distance we wouldn't stand out to anyone who spotted us. Qarth wouldn't send such a group to greet any ragged band of travelers."

"So we have to assume they know about Daenerys." Ciri glanced to the Targaryen who seemed to be thinking over all his new information. "So how do we handle this?"

Dany didn't answer until they reached the market square, the people seeming quite active as news of the Qarth caravan was spreading. A few seemed nervous, others excited at these surprise visitors. The three Blood Riders were gathered, along with a few of the improvised guards that had been organized since finding the smuggler stash. Everyone quickly focused on Daenerys as she walked into the center of the square, her dragons moving to gather around her or climb onto the ruined fountain behind her. Ciri and Jorah moved to stand beside her, both curious to know what she had to say.

"Everyone, you all no doubt know that a group from Qarth is arriving." She spoke out in Dothraki. "We don't know their intentions, but we must present ourselves formal and strong!" Looking to her gathered handmaidens, she'd continue to speak. "Make sure we have clean water and our best clothes cleaned. I want everyone who will greet our guests to look their best."

Doreah, the leader of the handmaidens bowed to her Khaleesi. "It will be done." She simply answered back before gathering the maidens begin their tasks.

"As for my Blood Riders, I need you to split any remaining arms and armor with our most able men. I know most have little in experience, but we should try to present having some defense in numbers."

The Dothraki warriors did mutter a bit before nodding. "They will be ready within the hour." Rakharo answered back. They didn't approve of having the common Dothraki and former slaves being armed, yet even they knew that they needed the support if trouble did break out. "Alright, you heard the Khaleesi! Gather up at the north end!" He ordered out, most of the men hurrying off to follow his command.

Daenerys then looking to the remaining people, mainly to an older woman who was one of the leading elders of the group. "As for everyone else, I ask that you remain here at the square for your safety. Pack any supplies you can in case we must leave hastily."

The elder would step up to speak. "Should we worry of them attacking, my Khaleesi? Even if we had all our supplies readied I doubt we could survive trekking back north through the Wastes."

"I understand your concern but that won't happen. I will do everything I can to protect all you, no matter the cost."

The words of assurance had a warm smile cross the woman's face before nodding. "Thank you Khaleesi. We will wish you good fortune for this day." With that, the last of the Dothraki filed back to their simple homes.

Dany sighed out after that, glad everything was in order. "So many relying on what I do next…"

"Well considering they followed you across the biggest wasteland in the world, I think this shouldn't faze them." Ciri chuckled, nudging Daenerys' side to snap her out of her worried mood. "So what do you need me and Jorah to do?"

"Just get yourselves cleaned up and meet me at the south end of the plaza. Just need to get myself ready." With that said, she'd move to the same house the handmaidens had gone, her dragons following along after her, leaving the two to themselves.

"She's just nervous. A lot depends on what she does today." Jorah explained to Ciri as they'd move towards the buildings that were their personal living spaces.

"You have a fair point. This is going to be her first diplomatic meeting now that I think about it." Reaching the building that she stayed in. "Besides, I'll have my part to play as her long-lost sister…so don't slip up and use my real name now."

"Heh of course. I'm not that careless after all." Jorah chuckled. "Anyway, I best get myself ready. I'll see you soon."

Nodding, Ciri watched Jorah walk away before she entered her own room. Already a handmaiden had left a bowl of water and cleaning rags for her to freshen herself up. "At least they didn't leave a dress for me." She jested to herself as she stripped off her clothes and begin washing herself off for the coming meeting ahead.

Everyone was gathered at the south end of the plaza, muttering to each other or pacing about as they waited for the Khaleesi and the handmaidens. Everyone knew they would take the longest to be prepared, yet time was passing by quickly. Ciri paced back and forth as she looked across the market square constantly. "Gods now I'm the one who's nervous…" Ciri muttered before noticing Jorah approaching her.

For the first time the man was wearing his full set of armor which he had taken from his home. From a sturdy iron cuirass piece, full covering pauldrons and a reinforced waist skirt that protected most of his legs. Compared to the leather armor of even what was gathered from the smuggler stash, he had the best gear out of the whole gathering. "She should be ready any moment. No doubt having the dragons prepared as well." Jorah assured her.

"I suppose." Ciri sighed before glancing at him. "You know you did promise to continue that story of yours."

Jorah nodded, giving a sideward glance. "True…"

"And hopefully this time it won't be a history lesson."

"Heh fair enough." Jorah sighed. "My father handed Lordship to my House early in my life to join the Night's Watch before the Rebellion. I had a wife before then who…died from child birth. For a long-time things felt empty to me, the only things numbing the loss being the battles and tournaments I took part in."

"I'm…sorry for your loss." Ciri sadly remarked.

"Its fine. As I said…it was a long time past." Jorah said with a shrug. "However things changed when I met Lynesse Hightower at a tournament in victory of defeating the Greyjoy Rebellion. When I saw her…heh…I was stunned by her beauty, thought she was the Maiden of the Seven made real."

"Ah the classic love at first sight. I hope it wasn't one sided."

"Not at all. I did approach her before the joust, a short time to chat. She was a regal and witty woman, sly as a fox." A fond smile hinted his lips. "I promised on my honor that I'd crown her the queen of love and beauty that day. She thought I was jesting but when she saw that determined look on my face she was quite stunned."

"So two outcomes…you lost in an embarrassing manner or crushed the competition." Ciri questioned in a jesting manner.

Jorah couldn't help but laugh at the joke. "Well I did win, though it wasn't that easy. It was a joyous victory and in the heat of the moment…I asked for her hand in marriage. A week passed being around her family and in the end her father accepted it."

"Sounds like it was a happy ending."

"Aye…it did at the time." Before anything else could be said, some of the men spoke up when they saw their Khaleesi arrive.

Jorah and Ciri turned to watch as Daenerys approached with her handmaidens along side her. Her sky-blue dress and leather clothing were freshly clean, the most notable addition was Sigligon on her right hip. A few of the warriors muttered, having only heard hints about the Targaryen gaining a Valyrian weapon. The handmaidens followed close behind, the ones alongside Dany carrying large baskets which had one of her dragons in them. The exotic beasts had plenty of meat to distract them, seeming quite relaxed in their mobile beds.

"Looking quite dashing there Daenerys. I expected you'd change into something more formal." Ciri chuckled.

Dany couldn't help but smile back at the compliment. "Guess your sense of style is rubbing off on me. Debated on a dress…but it'll just get all dusty by the time we reach the gate."

"A reasonable choice, but perhaps it would be best we chat about fashion another time." Jorah quickly remarked. "We best get to the gates before our guests arrive…don't want to make a bad impression after all."

Daenerys and Ciri nodded in agreement as the two moved to the front of the gathered party, the Blood Riders and recruited warriors standing by alertly. "Then let's greet them properly." Dany calmly stated as she took the lead.

Taking the main road south through the ruined city, having scouted out this route over the week they had moved into the area to ensure it was safe for travel. Much like the northern gate, the southern one was just as ruined with the stone fortification broken down by the ancient invaders and time itself. Beyond the looming white walls was the southern edge of the Red Wastes, which shifted into lusher savanna and hills.

"Seems they're not here yet…" Ciri muttered while Jorah would give directions to the warriors to get into an orderly line while the Blood Riders stood flanking their Khaleesi. The handmaidens with her dragons stood at her left while Ciri stood at her right with Jorah moving to stand beside her.

They did not have to wait long though as beyond the closest hills, a trail of dust could be seen in the air and the nearing sound of movement. Rounding the hillside was a line of quite exotic procession ranging from graceful servants, lavishly armed guards and pack animals carrying bundles of supplies. At the center was a large sturdy carriage surrounded by fifteen soldiers dressed in dull grey armor and full covering helms along with being armed with a strong looking spear and large reinforced round shields. The soldiers all matched as one, always facing forward in such calm professionalism.

"Unsullied." Jorah muttered to the two women. "Elite slave soldiers from Astapor of Slaver's Bay. Trained from childhood to be fearless in battle. Seems whoever is meeting us doesn't want any surprises."

Soon the arrivals would slow to a stop a reasonable distance from the group, the carriage angled to have one door face them. Two servants hurried to get a stepping block from the back of the carriage before one opened the door to let the occupants step out.

The first individual was a bald dark-skinned man dressed in jade colored silken long vest embroiled with leaved branches across it, covering over fine tanned linen desert garb. At his belt he had a scimitar on his left hip and a curved long dagger at his right. The fitting clothing showed off his broad build, though it was obvious he wasn't truly fit to be considered a warrior. He had a mix of gleaming rings on his fingers, yet the most eye-catching piece of jewelry was the silver pendent with an emerald set in the center of it.

The second arrival was quite an oddity being a bald pale man who was quite slim and taller then the nobleman. He wore a high collared burgundy outfit with a similar linin outfit as the noble. What was more striking about the man was how pointed his ears were, the sunken look in those quite large eyes and the blue color his thin lips had.

Lastly was a woman who wore a dark flowing robe that covered nearly her whole body. Along her neck and collar was plain golden jewelry ranging from large necklace, hood clasp and neck bands that further hid her skin. Finally, her face was covered by a dark red lacquered wooden mask, which hid away her eyes from his distance.

The three strange travelers approached, their Unsullied guards following along side in a protective formation until they had closed the distance between the Dothraki group. At this point there was a tense moment of silence as everyone stared down each other.

"I am Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, The Unburnt and Mother of Dragons. I welcome you nobles of Qarth to our temporary home, this refuge we've had the fortune of discovering."

"It is good that we have found you Lady Daenerys." The dark skinned noble greeted politely, stepping forward to give a short bow to her. "My name is Xaro Xhoan Daxos, though you may simply call me Xaro. I am a member of the Thirteen, which you no doubt know is the ruling council of Qarth." He then gesture to his two companions. "I would also like to introduce my two allies. Pyat Pree, representative of the order of Warlocks and Quaithe who advises the Thirteen at times."

Pyat gave a wide grin before bowing to the group. "If anything my master and Quaithe were the ones to predict your arrival and advised the Thirteen to offer early aid. Only Xaro was wise enough to follow their advice."

"Predicted…as in scrying or fortune telling?" Dany questioned with sceptic manner.

"In simpler terms…yes." Quaithe at last spoke, her voice smooth and clear despite the mask she wore. "We saw two ladies of silver, one of fire and the other of frost, both leading dragons reborn to a city of the dead."

"The Thirteen found their visions…doubtful. Rumor had spread about you of fleeing into the Red Wastes with baby dragons…" Xaro's gaze drifted to large baskets the reptile creatures rested in. While he kept a calm look, his eyes were wide in wonder seeing creatures that had become little more than tales of the past. "…and it seems that claim is very true. What does has me curious is the lovely woman beside you."

"Indeed. We all know that you had a brother who…tragically died." Pyat remarked, trying to sound respectful despite the known truth of the male Targaryen's death. "Yet none can say the last king of the Targaryen's had any other female children, much less one of your age." The warlock questioned.

Ciri knew this was her big moment, her first introduction beyond Daenerys's group. "And in a way you are right." She calmly stated. "My name is Vaera Waters, bastard daughter of Aerys Targaryen the Second and Shana Goodbrook who was a handmaiden to Rhaella Targaryen."

The declaration drew curious looks from the Xaro and whisper with Pyat while Quaithe remained silent, seeming passive to the declaration. "You'll have to forgive me if the name Goodbrook means little to me. Knowledgeable as I may be, I can't know every House in Westeros." The merchant lord remarked.

"Then I can inform you my lord." Jorah spoke up. "Goodbrook was one of the few Houses that stayed loyal to House Targaryen during the Rebellion that overthrew it. While the usurper Robert pardoned them, they have become far weaker ever since."

Xaro nodded, rubbing one hand across his well shaven chin in thought. "Interesting…" He paused before turning to one of the leading servants. "Let us set up the pavilion for a more comfortable meeting. As visitors here we should tend to our hosts accordingly. Besides I doubt we want to chat out here baking in the sun."

Dany thought over the offer before nodding in agreement. "That would be most welcomed."

"Excellent! My servants will have it ready within the hour. For now I wish to speak privately with my advisors over what we have shared so far."

"I can say the same." Daenerys agreed. "Then we will wait within the walls of the city for your summons."

Xaro gave a short bow before returning to his carriage, the warlock and mystic following after him. Quaithe did linger, staring directly at Ciri which brought a chill through her. There was something not natural about that woman…though she wasn't sure if it was because of her strange behavior or if the woman possibly had magic about her. She would snap back to attention when she realized Dany and the others were returning back through the ruined gate to take shelter in one of the more intact buildings for now.

"So far so good." She sighed once Dany sat down on a large piece of rubble, her dragons climbing out of their baskets to be close to their 'mother', with Drogon crawling onto her lap to get her attention.

"Yes but I just don't believe their claims on how they found us." Jorah remarked. "I don't believe this warlock or mystic claims on 'scrying' us. I've seen a bit of the warlocks 'magic' little more than smoke, mirrors and smug guess work."

Ciri however had a thoughtful loo, unsure what to make of the claims given. Beyond what history and lore she had learned speaking with the others, there wasn't any solid proof that they truly knew magic. "Whatever the case, we should be watchful among them. These warlocks may have long reaching spies and connections…but if they do have magic about them I'll notice it in due time."

"I agree. While I am curious about how they discovered us, we need their help above all else." Dany remarked.

Jorah sighed, seeming to understand their choices though having his own doubts. "As you wish…"

Everyone was silent as they waited, though the Blood Riders on watch would quickly point out an approaching servant exactly at half an hour's time. "Xaro wasn't joking about the time." Ciri couldn't help but chuckle as the servant quickly bowed to them.

"Honored ones. Master Xaro and the others are ready."

With that formal greeting given, everyone would followed the regal servant back to the city gate, where a large pavilion tent had been set up. Entering the colorful tent, they'd find the Qarthians sitting on large pillows, with others set around for the rest of them. Standing at to the sides were the Unsullied warriors, standing so still that they'd seem like statues were it not for the faint breaths they took. Set in the middle was a collection fine wines, exotic fruits and sliced spiced meats. Overall it was the most lavish food Ciri had seen yet on this world.

Xaro gave a big smile to everyone as they approached. "Thank you for your patience. I'm sure though this is much more favorable despite the wait."

Dany nodded as she'd sit down on a pillow across from the merchant noble, while the handmaidens holding the baskets her dragons rested in sitting close behind her. Ciri took a seat to the right of her 'sister', while Jorah took the spot to the left. The Blood Riders and few guards who followed in would stand behind their Khaleesi, giving mindful looks to the Unsullied who didn't even react to their presence.

"It is kind of you to set all of this up for us, however I'm sure you have many questions for us, just as we have for you."

"Heh…that is very true." The man's gaze drifted to the baskets the handmaidens help, the dragons heads resting on the edges and curiously looking about. "I thought they were simply large lizards, but they truly are dragons. Is it true they were reborn on the dawn of your husband's funeral when the red comet arrived? I have only heard rumors of their…rebirth."

Daenerys was silent at first as he picked out some of the spiced meat for her 'children', the creatures gobbling up the food when offered to them. "That tale would be true. I still wonder what caused their eggs to hatch that night, be it the witch who burned for betraying me or the red comet that has been crossing the sky."

"Indeed it is curious." Pyat muttered, his sharp gaze set on the dragons with studious interest. "Perhaps a combination of both? Sadly if my order had been there to bear witness we would have a clear answer."

At this point Ciri spoke up. "That makes me curious Pyat. Just what are the warlocks capable of? I've heard plenty of rumors about your group, some claiming your simply illusionists and others as frauds."

Despite the rude claim, the pale skinned man kept that formal smile. "It is true that the Warlocks image has…waned over the years. Only the wisdom and great leadership of the Grand Warlock has kept our order intact. Perhaps you two may seek his knowledge about dragon-kind if you are allowed to stay in Qarth."

The mention of the Grand Warlock did draw curious looks from the two women, since they didn't even know the Warlocks had any singular leadership. Even Jorah seemed a bit surprise with that detail. "We will take that into consideration Pyat. Perhaps it would be best we ask Master Xaro about such an arrangement." Dany's gaze would settle on the regal merchant lord.

With attention shifted back to him, the dark-skinned man grinned softly. "Yes, it is best we focus on that matter since it will determine the future of both you and your people." He formally stated. "When I spoke to the Thirteen of letting you into the city they had a quite…negative reaction if I put it in polite terms."

"Let me guess, they didn't want a beggar queen and dirty Dothraki to stay within their lavish city?" Ciri remarked in a jesting manner.

"That would be correct. However unlike the rest of the council I see you as a potential ally in the near future, especially now that I see your situation isn't as bleak. Between dragons being real and the reveal of your sister Vaera, it shows you have surprising strengths about you." He paused for a moment, his calculating gaze set on Ciri now. "I am curious to know your full story Vaera. Afterall you carry yourself more as a sellsword than a more traditional woman. It would be best that I know your history before I explain the terms of my hospitality."

The Witcheress shifted to sit up straight on the large pillow she sat on, knowing it was time for her to put her cover story to the test. "You can say my upbringing was different than most, even with my unique heritage." She calmly explained. "It be best I start at the beginning with my mother Shana Goodbrook, who was a handmaiden to my father's wife Rhaella. While House Goodbrook was a minor family, their close ties with the Targaryens ensured wealth and stability…at least until what happened to my mother."

"Considering how King Aerys seemed…troubled in those years, I can imagine a few possible outcomes." Xaro commented.

"Mother only told me on her deathbed on what happened, about how Aerys encountered her in the hall just as she was finished preparing the queen's room. He…thought she was her and pressed himself onto her, which in fear she yielded." Ciri glanced away, acting in discomfort on the subject. "The queen did stumble onto them and despite knowing how her husband wasn't of sound mind, threatened my mother to leave King's Landing that night."

"Quite the dire situation."

Ciri nodded before continuing. "At first mother hoped she wouldn't bare a child, yet the signs showed. Her father, Lord Lymond, had conflicting thoughts about this yet he had her bare me in the end. That was at least two years before the Rebellion. When the conflict was leaning towards Robert's favor, he used what ties he had in Essos to get a small home for her in Pentos with her pretending to be the wife of a merchant friend of his."

"It is a strange twist of fate isn't it?" Dany remarked with a small smile. "Both of us being forced into exile to protect ourselves. It shows how small differences can lead to different outcomes."

"Fate and destiny works in mysterious ways." Quaithe calmly stated, the masked woman's unblinking gaze locked on Ciri which made her shift a bit in discomfort.

"So what happened after the Targaryen's were overthrown? Obviously you and your mother couldn't return."

"You are correct. With the defeat of the royal family we were also cut us off from the rest of House Goodbrook. My mother struggled to keep our home since her father couldn't pay for us anymore. She picked up skills in trading and street-smarts, more unusual skills considering her upbringing. She taught me as much as she could when I was quite young, knowing I would have to rely on myself before anything else." She gave a sigh, acting as if remembering those days. "When she got sick, nothing seemed to work, making me think poison was involved. I must have only been eleven at the time when she told me everything about who I was and my father. With her gone, our merchant caretaker was ready to take whatever was left for himself…even planned to sell me off to Robert for a possible reward. He thought I was naïve and helpless, but that changed when he had a knife between his ribs."

The cold manner she spoke about this 'killing' had Xaro pale slightly, even more with the sharp gleam in her eyes. "Then you ran off on your own?"

Ciri nodded. "I cut my hair back and took whatever money and supplies I could carry. Decided to roam the Free Cities posing as a boy and learning whatever I could to survive, from thievery to fighting. By the time I was sixteen I was running with a few minor mercenary companies, though when I reached eighteen it was hard to keep my gender hidden. Did get accepted by the Ragged Standard and worked with them until I heard about half a year ago about Daenerys being married off to Khal Drogo." She glanced at Dany, a small smile on her face. "I was off in Braavos at the time, dropped everything I was doing and rushed off to track her down. When I learned she had disappeared into the Red Wastes I spent all my coin just to be supplied enough to help both her and her people survive."

"We would have lost so many if it wasn't for her. That act alone gave me so much faith towards her, along with the fact she knew things only another Targaryen would know." Dany added, placing one hand on top of Ciri's in a kind gesture.

"It sounds almost like a tale from legends, two sisters of the same family, separated and raised so differently only to come together in a time of crisis." Xaro mused. "With someone of your skills and experience, the Khaleesi will have someone she can fully trust in her endeavors." The merchant lord seemed to believe that grand tale, showing that the two women's act had paid off.

"So with that tale finished, may we at last learn what are the terms of being let into Qarth?" Ciri at last questioned.

Xaro nodded, guessing the matter had been delayed long enough. "Because the Thirteen couldn't vote in favor of allowing you into the city, I decided to take a personal rite to taking you in." He raised his left hand, undoing a bandaged wrap around his wide palm to reveal a healing scar across the dark skin. "I involved Soumai, a blood oath on my honor to take you into my home and care…that is if you accepted it."

The name of the rite had both Ciri and Dany looking to Jorah who seemed to recognize it's name. "It is a serious matter to involve Soumai. To take it puts one's honor on the line."

"As for the terms of your stay, I simply wish to have a part in your ambitions in retaking the Iron Throne. You need allies after all and I can offer much." Xaro stated.

"You'd go that far for a chance to simply serve in my court?" Dany questioned.

"No…what I desire is something greater." A small sly smile hinted his lips. "I would seek your hand in marriage."

The bold claim took Dany by surprise, though Ciri had suspected as much from the man. It made sense to make such a demand since anyone of his standing could gain much in marrying Daenerys, the chance of co-ruling the Seven Kingdoms and access to the last dragons in the known world. She wanted to advise Dany from hastily accepting this, even Jorah seemed on edge to speak out. However both knew that the young Targaryen needed to be in the leading role and not hanging on the word of her advisors.

"That…is quite the request Lord Xaro." She muttered after a long moment of thought. "My heart is still heavy with the loss of my beloved Drogo, someone who will forever carry my affection." Taking a sigh, she continued to speak. "I will not rush into marriage, but I will give you a chance to prove yourself of earning that honor.

The response was quite the powerful one, showing her independence and sense of values to the merchant noble. Xaro stared at her, both hands clasped together over his mouth as he was in deep thought. "I have misjudged you Khaleesi, you are far stronger then I thought." He complimented with a small smile. "If I am to win the honor of marrying you I will earn it. Spend a month and a day within my household. Let me show you that my character, wealth and influence will be worthy to you." Shifting forward, he offered a hand for her to shake in agreement to this deal.

Dany stared at the offered handing, thinking over the man's confident words. In the end she'd reach out and grasp his large hand as best as she could to shake it. "We will see Xaro, yet no matter what I thank you deeply for your kindness on this day."

"Excellent Khaleesi." Letting go of her hand, Xaro relaxed back in his seat. "When will your people be ready to leave then? It be best we return to Qarth as soon as possible."

"Two days be enough to organize our supplies. With the pack animals and storage you have, it will be easy for us to gather everything we need." Jorah answered, having the best knowledge on the matter.

"Then my party will remained camped here in that time." The merchant lord replied. "Still I'd welcome you to visit for dinner or perhaps lunch tomorrow. At the least we best begin working on knowing each other and share the unique traditions you will have to deal with in my city."

"I will think on that offer Xaro and send a messenger if I have the time." Dany would then stand up, making everyone follow suit. "Again I thank you for your time." Formal bows were shared as everyone began to file out of the tent. By now the sun was setting low across the arid landscape, casting a lush orange light across the dusty hills and vast desert.

As both groups began to split between the heading to the city gates and to the forming caravan camp, Ciri would pause as he noticed how Quaithe had lingered behind. "A moment of your time Vaera." She calmly spoke.

Glancing to her departing group, she'd slowly approached the masked mystic. "I can spare a moment. I must admit, I thought you'd be more involved in this meeting."

"I speak only when it is needed and see myself more as an observer. For me I'm simply an audience to fate itself. You however…are not truly part of its plan."

The statement drew a confused look from Ciri. "I don't understand." She questioned with a small chuckle.

"The path this world follow can not be simply changed by those who live in it Vaera. It takes the hand of someone beyond it to bend it's threads." There was a pause, though despite the mask the woman wore Ciri felt a faint smile was hidden under it. "A daughter of destiny is both bound and unbound by fate. I wonder what the outcome will be."

Being called a 'daughter of destiny' brought a short show of surprise from Ciri, one she quickly hid away. Despite that reaction the woman didn't react or show a change in emotion. "Forgive me if…I don't believe in such claims Quaithe." She muttered. "Now if you excuse me I must reunite with my sister. We have much to discuss." Quickly she'd turn away and hurry to rejoin the others, doing her best not to look back at the mystic who continued to stare at her.

"In time Cirilla." The woman whispered, as she'd turn to follow her own companions to their camp. "In time you will understand…"

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  • Veröffentlichungsstabilität
  • Geschichtenentwicklung
  • Charakter-Design
  • Welthintergrund

Die Gesamtpunktzahl 0.0

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Stone -- Power-Stein
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