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26.98% Sith Warrior [OLD] | Star Wars: The Old Republic / Chapter 17: POWER IS POWER

Kapitel 17: POWER IS POWER

Leena finished her coffee, after a nice warm breakfast that was prepared for her and her alien companion. The apprentice seemed to be in a blank state of mind, thinking deeply for herself. She said yes to the proposal, but she knew Baras would have something on her sleeves. He wouldn't just let her go, not when he has completed his weapon towards power.

Sith can be dangerous, she knew if she became a threat—she has to become a monster in the eyes of her enemies. It was the only way, that was all she knew.

The more people she loved, the weaker she is. The apprentice knew as much, from the moment she showed weakness in front of Baras when Tremel's decapitated head was presented to her. Eskella kept her distance for years, making sure both of them are safe. Now, the closest thing she had for another sister was Vette.

Arrun was special to her, he was like the light that brought the star up in the skies.

"Hey, Leena?" Vette broke the silence as the apprentice looked up to her with a smile. "I have a question if you don't mind." Hoping that Leena would relax every once in a while. She always seemed so stiff, sometimes even paranoid, especially in the presence of her Master. But she was different around him – the man who seemed to cherish her despite their background.

The apprentice nodded as she placed down the cup. "You have my attention."

"Does it bother you? When people call you: your mother's daughter?"

"Maybe it does." She answered bluntly.

"Can… I ask why?" Leena smiled. Though there was a strong hint of sadness in her eyes, there was also a sense of happiness.

"People say I resemble her too much. They would praise her, tell me stories on how powerful she is, how much she earned the respect of the Empire – I remember my father telling me that her legacy is on my shoulders. I don't want to be Sith, you know that but we also know that I have to be Sith because… that's what expected of me. I've been trained to be Sith all my life, you heard Baras speak of it – he felt that I had this destiny from the moment he laid his eyes on me back on Korriban. Do you want to know the horrible truth in all of that?"

Vette remained quiet, waiting for her friend to continue. She wanted to understand her more, much like any other sister would be towards their kin. "Growing up, I couldn't even remember what she looked like. All I know is that she was the one thing I needed in my life to protect me, raise me, and love me—but all of these achievements and titles? These praises and rewards? They aren't enough to fill the holes she left behind and they will never be enough."

"Even if Arrun is in your life?"

She nodded. "Even if Arrun is in my life."

"Hey, Leena?" Vette called out to her with a smile, placing her hand onto hers. "Just so you know, you saved my life. I'm here for you in the long term. Sure I won't… be enough and be a mother to you but, I'll be here when you need me like a sister. Through apprentices trying to kill you and all the rest of the crazy. I'll be here."

"It is good to have you by my side, Vette." The apprentice returned the kind smile. "It always has been."

Vette cracked out a chuckle. "You too, oh sweetest of Sith Lords. You too."

"Master, pardon the intrusion but, Lord Baras summons you in his chambers in the Citadel," 2V informed her immediately. The apprentice couldn't help but sigh, if this was another small errand, she would probably lose her mind. Then again Batas has yet to even crack the republic scum she delivered to him just yesterday.

"I'll have a quick change of clothes, and then I will go to see the old man," Leena spoke in a different tune, causing Vette to observe her. She didn't sound nervous in comparison to the times when he summoned her before. She seemed different from before, and it took her years to even notice that. "Vette, are you coming?"

"Yeah, sure!" Vette answered in her usual cheerful tone, lightening up the apprentice's mood. There was this change of personality in the apprentice, maybe it was because of the influence of the Sith Lord who she was engaged with.

The two traveled through the citadel using the taxi, the companion decided to observe her human Sith friend. Something always bothered Vette, Leena seemed more confident and no longer inferior to anything besides her Master. But that wasn't the thing that bothered the Twi'lek – but something else and she couldn't put her finger on it.

It crossed her mind that Leena might have been training on her own, performing meditation to channel her anger and passion, so she may be brave. She hoped that was the case, she didn't want her friend to be tortured by her Master even further.

"Perfect timing, as usual, apprentice." Chimed the Dark Lord as he turned around to face his apprentice. With that republic scum strapped on the torture table. He's only been here for a day and she was amazed by how he's still haven't given Baras what he wanted. "I have another important task for you."

The Dark Lord didn't even waste any time in preparing his new weapon, this would be a good time for her to actually get her hands dirty. She has claimed several occasions that she's a loyal servant to his cause, and her role in this service has become more vital than ever. "It involves the renegade Sih Lord named Grathan. A particularly bothersome thorn in my side. Meet my apprentice, Dri'kill Ba'al. He's my covert operative in Grathan's compound. Ba'al claims to have made a key discovery."

"After all those I killed, I thought I was the only apprentice you had left." Spoke the Sern girl. "Seems like you gave me another rival to slaughter."

He smiled behind his mask, assumed by his apprentice's boldness. To test this girl and see what she can do, he decided to put her skills to the test on this mission – and possibly, even work her way to death. She's strong in the Force, he tamed this little girl he saw on Korriban, but it seems that he has yet to break her – that image of Zylas Sern inside of her. "Try to tolerate him long enough to get the details and conclude your business there. Grathan's presence is useful to me, so I don't want him killed, just cropped. Find out what Ba'al has discovered, and do exactly as he instructs."

"Today, I cripple a Sith Lord." She was like a child wanting a reward after this.

"Enjoy it," Baras said in amusement. "One day, it won't seem so special."

Excusing herself along with the slave he gave her, Baras stopped her for a moment. "Sern." Leena stopped from her tracks, but she didn't bother to even turn and face him. "I will speak to you about your engagement with Lord Arrun Zaine… after this task of yours."

Walking away, the Dark Lord just watched her leave his chambers without another word. The older she gets, the more she was resembling Zylas. In politics, Baras knew that Zaine would have something to gain with this marriage of hers. If this keeps up, Baras knew that he would lose control over this one – as he lost control over the mother. As they say, Serns are uncontrollable – that they do not simply bend to anyone but the Emperor himself. The saying can be true with that bloodline if their blood boils, the spoils of war will never end.

The past will always be there to haunt her, as it haunts everyone who fears and regrets.

When they arrived back to the stronghold, the first thing Leena did was to open the intercom in one of the rooms. Having the complete layout of Lord Grathan's estate along with the surroundings of the jungle. Though they only had one building of concern – the main estate which Lord Grathan would be.

Vette would have a fair share of ideas on who they can enter the estate without being noticed, all they needed was to cripple a Sith Lord. She didn't believe that her friend would fail, she has this uncanny knowledge that Leena will succeed.

For the slave, this Sith apprentice was her family.

Naturally, there would be times where she would think about her mother and sister, they would work in the mines of the planet Ryloth before the slavers separated them. She was sold to a Rodian, then a Hutt, then some sort of weird three-eyed thing.

Leena knew all the stories and all the adventures Vette had before she was captured. Leena found them amusing every time they would eat together, she enjoyed the enthusiasm. The young Lord was always eager to learn more, Vette observed that at first – she was always eager for knowledge and would grab every opportunity for it.

She was born into slavery. Just because she had that shock collar off, doesn't mean she's a slave anymore to a new master but – Leena didn't make her feel like a slave. Vette knows that she's moved around too much when a company of a Sith starts to feel like home. Something she hadn't felt in years.

She remembered laughing when Leena said that this is home and even called it their strange little community.

Vette was a pirate and a thief before she was captured back in Korriban. Leena knew that story, the twi'lek would tell it every night during dinner and it amuses her.

"We just need to sneak in, I don't need to slaughter people inside." Leena pointed, as she continued to look at the holo. It wasn't every day Vette would hear something like that from a Sith.

"Wouldn't your Master want you to kill these people?"

"Cruelty and madness are all necessary for the survival of the Empire. The old ways aren't enough, we can't always inspire fear from those we rule but loyalty by allowing those worthy to join our ranks. The Sith Academy was the first step for it, by allowing other Force-sensitives to enter. At the same time, we must also show compassion and concern, respect them as we are to be respected – not use fear to fuel towards those who are subjects to us."

"And you think that's possible? For the Sith?" Vette asked. Wondering what her friend's answer could be, those words were inspiring even for her. "I believe that the galaxy can be better, the Empire can be better if we build up from the old ways. The survival of the Empire is more important than my pride, which has been the downfall of many Sith Lords who claim they are loyal to the Empire. But the truth is, they're all doing it for personal gain. Which has caused the death of so many Sith Lords."

"And how can you do that?"

"Which is the bigger number, Vette? Five or one?" The apprentice asked. Her grey eyes began to shine as if she were a child that received a new toy to play with.


Leena raised her hand with five fingers out. "Five." She said, then raised the other that was balled up like a fist. "One." The apprentice continued to smile. "One army, a real army, united by one leader with one purpose… and we need to find that purpose."

As awed as she was, she had a question: "What am I to you, Leena?" Was she a slave? Something inferior?

Leena just kept on smiling. "Do you have to ask that? We're family. You're my sister, as I am yours."

"I think I'm gonna cry…" The Twi'lek rushed to hug her.

"Don't cry on me, Vette." The apprentice chuckled as she hugged back. "You'll get my clothes wet."

"Then we buy you more!" Cried out, Vette. "Clothes that aren't black!"

Baras was an impatient man, Leena was well aware of that as she only took three days for her operation to enter the compound without being detected. As expected from a Sith Lord's estate, things were tight and she was able to tell Vette the route towards the vault where the mask was placed. Leena, on the other hand, proceeded to where Ba'al would be waiting for her arrival.

"You must be the operative Lord Baras sent," the other apprentice greeted. "I thought he'd chose a stealthy assassin, not some senseless savage."

The Sern apprentice didn't appreciate being called a savage. "You will do well to watch your words, Ba'al."

"You're not talking to one of Baras's Imperial peons. I'll be working for Lord Baras long after you've worked out of your welcome."

"I don't have time for this nonsense," the girl barked back. "We have a job to do."

Ba'al nodded in agreement. "You're right. We can pick up hating each other once the business here is complete." She swears all apprentices would want to kill her and take her place. "Now listen – Lord Grathan is a rogue Sith who boldly defies the Dark Council. Locked away here, he's been untouchable. Lord Baras wants to let Grathan know he can be reached. And after a year undercover, I've discovered the way—Lord Grathan has a son."

Leena couldn't help but sigh. "Maybe in another year, you can find out his shoe size."

"He wears boots, not shoes! Smartmouth!"

"It's still footwear you idiot."

"I was assigned to find Grathan's weakness. He's kept his son a secret in order to protect him from his enemies. Grathan would be devastated if his only child and heir were dead. That would send a message."

"I'm no baby killer." Leena didn't like the idea of killing children of all things. She can kill her master's enemies but a child? That was no question against her morality.

"We're not talking about a baby here," said Ba'al. "Grathan's kid is nearly twenty, and strong with the Force. He's been trained in the ways of the Sith since birth. You'll have your hands full."

"Well, that changes things… but I highly doubt it."

"Alright," he nodded. "Maybe underestimating your foes works for you. Grathan's away on business. I managed to hack a special spike that will get you inside his private quarters. But first, you're going to have to knock out Grathan's surveillance stations so you aren't seen entering the quarters."

"Already dealt with in advance."

"Don't get your hopes up, the surveillance system is also a sophisticated defense network. If you don't' destroy the system before entering the private chambers, you'll never make it. All you have to do is locate the monitoring stations around the compound and well, stick your lightsaber in them. Think you can handle that, brute?"

Leena rolled her eyes as she opened up a communication channel that was strapped onto her wrists. "Vette – you heard all of that, yes?"

"Already dealt with, boss. The whole system is down already so you can just waltz in with your lightsabers." She already destroyed the monitoring stations and has the passcard for the private quarters, just as what Leena needed. Vette assured as Leena looked at Ba'al with a smirk on her lips. "Call me names again and I swear you don't want a Sern angry."

"Is it so easy to get under your skin?" Ba'al continued to test her patience. She wasn't like the little girl Baras described.

"Just spit out the rest of the intel, Ba'al," Leena demanded.

"The son's name is Beelzlit. Find him and end him, I'll meet you back here when you're done. Try not to screw it up."

"I never forget, Ba'al. And I don't screw up."

Leena managed to sneak out from her meeting place with the other apprentice. As much as she dislikes the fact that he thinks so lowly of her, she knew that there was no room for mistakes.

The Sern apprentice managed to enter the compound without a problem, of course with the whole system down – the guards had their weapons out and about as they were on patrol. People thought it was a mere malfunction, while some of the officers suspected an inside job.

Lord Grathan wouldn't be so pleased once he finds out that his system has become flawed. And Leena was just casually strolling down the halls – "You there! You're not supposed to be here!" Called out the guard.

The apprentice sighed and took out one lightsaber. "Let me correct you on that."

Vette did tell her to waltz in with a lightsaber. The Human apprentice isn't one to disappoint fun expectations.

Leena, on the other hand, proceeded towards the private chambers as told. There she did see a young man around her age, heck he was older for a year and a woman who was way older. Probably his mother, the Lady Grathan.

"I am Cellvanta Grathan!" The old woman introduced herself in an aggressive tone. "How dare you enter my son's room uninvited! Who are you?"

"Step aside woman," Leena was straight with it. "I'm here for the boy."

"You'll have to kill me first. All while my son is still an acolyte, I am fully Sith." Lady Grathan didn't waste any time in taking out her lightsaber. "Beelzilt, take cover."

And take cover he did.

From the burning passion, Leena could sense how much Lady Grathan loved her child. Swinging her lightsaber, the girl couldn't help but find herself in a situation that requires brute strength. All she needed was the boy and the mother stepped in for his protection.

The mother was trying to make sure that nothing would ever touch her boy. She managed to stand in well, perform techniques that were even beyond Leena's capabilities. She's only an apprentice after all, but being a Sith Lord doesn't mean that they're bound to the living forever.

As the girl was holding onto her defensive position while Lady Grathan was trying to make her kneel with sheer strength. This reminded Leena of Vemrin when he made the mistake of not remembering she had another blade.

Leena took out the other lightsaber, her mother's lightsaber as she managed to cut the sides of the Lady Grathan. The old lady took her steps back, holding her ground.

"Mother!" Cried out the son. "If I am the target, save yourself. I don't want to see you die!"

"My son, you must not sacrifice yourself for anyone, not even me. You must endure at all costs!" Lady Grathan turned off her lightsaber as she took a good look at her son's assassin. "You, assassin – what is your name?"

"Why does that matter, Lady Grathan?" The girl asked in curiosity. Her name wasn't all that important, not anymore at least.

"You've carved your way into the inner sanctum of Lord Grathan's compound, all to kill a boy?" The mother began to question. However, she was going to give out vital information to the assassin. "You are a breath away from the master himself. Spare us, and I'll help you destroy Lord Grathan instead."

Interesting proposal. "Well aren't you a dutiful wife."

"I married Lord Grathan for power," the mother turned her honesty. "It was a means to an end—now I want out. I'm strong but I cannot touch my husband. How long I've waited for someone to end his oppressive rule."

"You have my attention."

"A wicked plan is taking shape. Long ago, my husband was nearly beheaded – now, he cannot exist without his helmeted mask. Everyone knows that." Lady Grathan was giving out known information, nothing useful to the apprentice at all. "Kill Lord Grathan, my son will wear the mask and assume his mantle. He'll publicly rant that his son was murdered. No one will be the wiser."

"What will I get if I kill the father?" Leena wouldn't just allow people to tell her what to do, convincingly interesting, the mother's proposal was but – what is there for the apprentice to gain.

"Ah," The mother smiled in amusement. "There it is… that's the look. The look I haven't seen in years You're Lord Sern's daughter."

"So, what if I am?" Lady Grathan was amused to see those grey eyes again. She has her mother's eyes, that, the Lady Grathan cannot deny. The resemblance is uncanny, even though the girl has white hair that she wouldn't question.

"I have something of your mother if that interests you."

"Depends, what is it?"

"A holoprojector." Leena's attention was fully grabbed as Lady Grathan smirked. "Kill my husband and it is yours."

"I kill your husband, I get the holoprojector and you will answer my questions."

"You have a deal." Smiled, Lady Grathan did as she extended her hand towards the Sern apprentice. Leena shook her hand, sealing the deal. The mother took something out of her pocket and handed over to Sern with a pleased smile. "With his pass card, you may enter Lord Grathan's secret chamber. You will find him there. After you've ended Lord Grathan's miserable existence, bring his masked helmet to me."

"Don't worry, this won't take long," Leena assured.

"Be wary of Lord Grathan," she warned. "There are few as attuned to the dark side as he."

"I'll keep that in mind." Excusing herself, the girl went back to the hallways to find Vette with the mask in her hand.

Leena gave her a small smile and told her to stay put, Vette asked why but she didn't say anything – the apprentice just went on to a different direction to do as she was asked to. Slaying the guards on the way to Lord Grathan's secret chambers was as easy as cutting a cake with a single lightsaber.

When she entered the chambers, Lord Grathan seemed eager to meet her. "My uninvited guest finally arrives. Your feelings betrayed you, youngster. I sense your murderous intentions the moment you entered my sanctum. What's more, your unshielded mind has revealed your accomplice – my loving wife."

"She sends her love." Leena answered.

"Cellvanta is a user, child. She's obsessed with power. It's one of the things that attracted me to her – but it's outgrown its amusements. I am death itself, child. Come embrace your darkness!"

Leena immediately took out one lightsaber as she could feel Lord Grathan's power around the room. When he drew his lightsaber, Leena could only go for the defensive on a small scale. She knew that the offensive was the only way to put off this fire that burns in his very soul.

Lord Grathan jumped towards the Sern apprentice with full power, Leena lifted her lightsaber and blocked his attack. She could feel the power of the dark side on this Sith Lord, freeing herself, the girl had her defense up as well as her mind in the clear.

She needed to focus.

To overcome this power, she needed to know where to strike, where his weaknesses are in combat – if the opponent is of choleric temper, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant. She kept on dodging, as fast as a rat while the dark Lord kept on trying to slice her in half.

Blocking his swings every chance she got, she knew that this won't last long – she was an apprentice and he's a full-blown Sith Lord.

Lord Grathan lifted his hand as the girl couldn't move or even flinch, he was using the Force to lift her up and smack her down right on the ground. Having her mother's lightsaber fly from her belt and the lightsaber on her hand gone.

She felt the pain gradually shook her through her body, looking up, the girl was looking for her lightsaber. Grathan jumped towards her, knowing that he would put his lightsaber through her heart – but she was quick to think and rolled away.

Placing pressure on the floor, allowing the force to knock him off his feet and fall on the ground. She managed to get one of her lightsabers and scanned the floor to where the other one is. He felt it, the power of the Force through her – and she still had untapped potential.

No use in staying in the defensive, she knew. When she spotted the lightsaber from the opposite side where Grathan slowly stood, she reached out her hand and allowed the Force to bring it to her. When she caught it, she turned it on – the sight of a Sith apprentice holding two lightsabers, the look in her eyes, he knew what those eyes meant and who those eyes belong to.

"Sern," Grathan grumbled in misery as those eyes haunted him for the rest of his life. To think he would have the liberty of cutting down her daughter, it was destiny – or so he thought.

Grathan charged towards the girl who held on two lightsabers, the way they managed to exchange blows and block each other's attacks seemed like a dance to the death. He admits the spawn of Zylas Sern was skilled and quick to think. She handled her offenses well and her defenses were brilliantly executed with her swift moves and unrestrained power.

The daughter of the Sith who almost beheaded him, even when she was proclaimed dead – Grathan couldn't wait to kill this one. The more skilled she showed, the more he grew irritated and used his irritation to fuel his anger and strengthen his bond with the Force.

Through passion, I gain strength. A statement in the Sith code that every warrior within the order that has been used so often, and executed poorly.

The girl can give a thousand swift swings to the Sith Lord and a thousand times he won't hold back into blocking them, looking for a way to decapitate her.

Having an opening when Leena held in the defensive, Grathon spoke in anger: "You are making a mistake by crossing me, Sern."

"Perhaps I am," she said as she struck the other lightsaber through his armor and right in the heart.

Turning off her lightsaber, Leena took a few steps back as she watched him fall. It was a different feeling in comparison to her first kill on Korriban. True, they were both Sith but each was different from the other. The first kill was a loyal Sith who did everything as he was told and was disposed of, because of his usefulness.

But this one, a Sith Lord no less, she didn't feel anything. There was no guilt, there was no regret, there was no anger – it was just the usual Sith, killing another.

When she came back, Vette was surprised that her companion had a different mask on her hands. But when she asked, Leena didn't answer and just entered the chambers once more. The Twi'lek followed inside to find the son and the Lady Grathan welcoming her companion back with a smile on their faces. "Yes, I sensed my husband's death. Lord Grathon is no more. What a pleasure to think he suffered." And to think that a mere apprentice killed him.

"I took no pleasure in killing him," she said as she handed over the helmet mask towards the wife. Vette looked at Leena for some time. Leena didn't exactly lie – she didn't take pleasure not she even felt disgrace.

"Mother, what does this mean? Am I truly to become the master of this House?" The son asked his mother.

"You will wear his mask and assume his identity." Lady Grathan seemed so pleased with what the apprentice has achieved. "But you are not yet ready to rule, my dear. The voice will be yours, but the words will be mine."

"I have longed for my father's death and the chance to claim his power."

"Yes, this is a great day. You have served us well, my new friend."

Leena looked at Lady Grathan, "I didn't do it for you. We had a deal, remember?"

"Ah yes, of course." She smiled as she gestured her new friend out of her son's room. "Let us talk in my quarters… you can bring your Twi'lek slave with you."

"She's not a slave." Leena defended as they entered the Lady Grathan's room. She was offered a seat, as well as her friend. Lady Grathan went towards her belongings and took out a holoprojector. Granting it to the daughter, Leena didn't hesitate to take it.

"Now girl," Lady Grathan spoke as she sat down across the apprentice, pouring some wine onto the cups. Assuming that Leena was at the right age to drink since she's close to her son's age. "You told me you have questions along with the holoprojector?"

"How did you get it?" Leena asked in a quiet tone, as she just looked at the holoprojector which caused concern from Vette. "Baras has her lightsaber, you have her holoprojector – why aren't these things in the possession of my father?"

"Your father is an Imperial soldier," answered Lady Grathan. "It would be a waste to place Sith items under his care, who knows what might happen to them. He won't understand. He will never learn. For the lightsaber, I don't know how it went to his possession but the holoprojector… I was with her when she was in the final stage of making it. I asked her why she was making a holoprojector and she told me, it was for her darling boys. For a moment, despite our rough relationship – I understood her. Because I have a boy of my own as you can see. Ve—I mean, Darth Occlus, on the other hand, was far too busy in making a Holocron."

"What was she like?" For a girl who doesn't remember a thing about her mother, Vette couldn't really blame her for wanting to know. Unlike Vette, Leena only knows her name.

"Zylas always expressed her love for her children, she was always fierce when it comes to you all. She would do anything to protect her babies, murder someone – start a war even, burn planets to the ground if it meant keeping you safe. If it wasn't for the four of you, she would have killed herself with a lightsaber."

Mothers would do anything to keep their sons from the grave, even though they seemed to yearn for it. "And the Holocron is… supposedly for who?"

"For your oldest brother," Lady Grathan nodded as she took a sip from her glass. "What's his name again?"

"Tyrral," Leena answered weakly as her sight was still on the holoprojector. The Holocron is in her possession back in the stronghold, but it sometimes made her wonder if the legacy that was entrusted to her was because of pity or was it the will of the Force.

Grathan observed the girl with a small smile. "You'll never love anything in the world, the way you will love your firstborn. And yet, there's you… the oldest surviving child of Lord Zylas Sern – you were never the first choice and here you are, continuing your mother's legacy. Why?"

Leena looked up and made eye contact with the Lady Grathan. "Excuse me?"

"Why would you continue the legacy of a woman you don't even remember was a part of your life?

"It is my birthright." Leena gave a simple answer.

Lady Grathan will remember that answer of hers. "Is that all, Sern?"

Leena nodded as the Lady Grathan continued. "For appearance sake, you'll be unwelcome here. But today, my son and I have become your secret allies."

Leena stood up and Vette followed, the apprentice bowed in the presence of Lady Grathan. "Thank you, Lady Grathan. It's been a pleasure."

"It has been a pleasure. You fulfilled my wildest dream, young apprentice. Now leave me. I have much to do now that I control House Grathan." Leena proceeded and left the Lady Grathan to whatever she would do in the estate.

She didn't want to go back to Ba'al but, she has to and when she did, his tone hasn't even changed a bit. "I'm surprised you survived. So, it has been done?" He asked of the apprentice. "Is Grathon's son dead?"

"You're a condescending windbag, Ba'al." The Sern apprentice had the energy to insult him when she had the chance, and she wouldn't dream of wasting it.

"It's pretty easy to push your buttons, brute." He confessed. "Doesn't say much for Grathon's security forces it a clumsy clod like you was able to bang into his private chamber and of his son."

"Well, I find your empty chatter amusing." Leena shrugged and Vette found it amusing.

"Don't worry," he said as he took his lightsaber out. "You'll find my lightsaber a bit sobering."

"Uhhh, Leena?" Vette turned to her in the sudden change of events. And Ba'al continued to talk. "Killing the murderer of Grathon's son will solidify my cover here. Baras can replace you easily."

"Aren't you the scoundrel?"

"You don't know the half of it." Even when they were going to fight, the bickering proceeded. "Though I'm more than capable of facing you alone, a smart man uses every advantage – and I am a smart man." With that, he sounded the alarm. Alerting the guards near his post as he had his lightsaber ready for the Sern apprentice and her friend. "The intruder! The intruder is here! Everyone, to me! Attack!"

Leena sighed, "Pretend to be weak so that he will grow arrogant." She mumbled as a couple of men came into the room with their blasters pointed at her and her companion. Vette took out both of her blasters as she was ready to shoot but, Leena didn't want any more combat.

She was tired and she has to survive this.

Leena didn't draw out her lightsabers, instead, she raised her hands as the Force did the work for her. Lifting the men, each and every one of them. Tightening the grip onto their necks as they slowly choked, she had no time to deal with ambition as she cracked their necks and dropped them all dead on the floor.

And then she turned to Ba'al, who had the balls to even try and kill her. He was struggling to breathe, waving her hand, the lightsaber was no longer in his reached – it was floating along with him. The red saber turned and pointed towards him. "Power is power, Ba'al and clearly, you don't have it."

Stabbing him with his own lightsaber, Leena walked out of the compound as Vette followed without any question of what happened. She shouldn't be surprised even though the Twi'lek knew of the good side her Sith friend has. But Vette didn't forget, Leena is still Sith. It is their way of life.

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  • Welthintergrund

Die Gesamtpunktzahl 0.0

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Stone -- Power-Stein
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