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100% Grandpa Universe In Multiverse [COMPLETE] / Chapter 704: 704. Epilogue 2 - The Last Page

Kapitel 704: 704. Epilogue 2 - The Last Page

[A/N: If you liked this fic, do check out my new fic. I cannot guarantee if you are going to like it or not as everyone has different tastes. Though, I am keeping the overall Slice of Life and positive vibes of this fic - HARRY POTTER: BLOOD OF THE DRAGON]


Alexander took them to live with his giant family. Phixheim was now a part of Heaven which was designated as the place where he lived.

"Boss, you got work." Dobby came out of nowhere. He was acting as his assistant for now. Later, he would be replaced by Natasha. Leonidas was now the God of knowledge and she had nothing to do, but she was very good at reading people, so, Alexander hired her as he would be meeting a lot of different souls.

She was currently going through training.

Alexander nodded. He went to the huge chamber where god had received him once. There was a huge golden chair where he was supposed to sit and look big, for intimidation purposes.

[A/N: See the image in comment.]

Alexander enlarged himself and sat down on the chair once God sat. Dobby handed him a book.

"Who is the first chosen reincarnator?" Alexander asked.

Dobby replied, "A 7-year-old boy, named Zen Ishikawa, from northern Japan."

Alexander looked in the book. The boy was here meant he died in his world. So, he saw the life of the boy.


Hokkaido, Japan

Zen was a cute little honest boy. He went to school, did his homework and never fought anybody. But, his parents were very strict with him. Although they would never beat him, they would still punish me enough to make him cry. His family was not poor, but that didn't mean his parents could be called civilised people.

Today, he made a mistake. He mistakenly left the window of their house open and a cat came in. The cat made a big mess in the kitchen.

His mom got very angry at him that night when she returned from her daily gossip session at some neighbour's home.

"ZEN... no dinner today and as a punishment, you will stand outside." She shouted.

He cried and pleaded but he was thrown out. His throat got sore due to all the crying.

That night, Zen's father came home drunk. He had sex with his wife and both of them fell asleep due to exhaustion.

That night it snowed heavily. And little Zen was stuck outside with a simple coat. He cried and sat in a corner with his knees folded and his head supported on his knees and his hands wrapped around him. He fell asleep soon after.

It was a very long night for Zen. He was shivering.

"ZEN..." The next morning the woman finally remembered about her son and ran to him.

She tried to wake him up but his body was frozen. Though he was still not dead and simply lifted his head a little and looked at his mother with colourless eyes.


That was the last word he spoke before his head fell back to its earlier position. His body was so frozen that even after the police and paramedics came to take it, his body stayed in that position.

His mother and father were arrested but later released under the argument that it was an accident.

[Memory Ends]

Alexander closed the book and took a long breath. "I do not need to intimidate this little one. He's probably already scared. Tell one of the potatoes to bring him in."

Soon, a big door appeared and it opened. *Tap Tap*

The sound of footsteps came, this was most likely from Shukaku. Alexander heard the interaction going on.'

"Ummm... Shukaku, is God nice?" Zen asked scaredly.

"Of course, G-Chan is the best. Let me tell you a trick. If you call him Grandpa, he will really become your grandpa." Shukaku advised.

Zen nodded. He followed the little Shukaku in a greek tunic. He looked too cute and it was a good thing when dealing with kids.

Soon, they arrived in the big hall. Alexander was looking at the size of a normal person now.

"Come, little Zen." Alexander's soothing voice came.

"WAAAA... new friend?" Thea, who was his assistant, appeared out of nowhere, actually, she was hiding under his big chair. Alexander knew it.

Alexander made her fly over to his lap, "Yes, Thea. Everyone who comes here is your friend."

"Awesome..." She threw her small arms in the air, releasing pleasing energy around her, making all happy.

Alexander waved his hand and made Zen and Shukaku come to his lap as well. He gave Shukaku a burger and Thea a cotton candy and Zen a tasty pizza as that was his favourite food.

"Little Zen, do you know where you are?" Alexander asked.

"Um... heaven... Grandpa?" Zen asked cutely.

~Ah, my heart...~ Alexander was really affected when someone called him grandpa.

"Yes and no. This is where the best, the kindest souls come to get a choice from me. Zen, there is a need for kind souls like you, so, I send such kind souls on an exciting journey. Where they become a hero and save the world while making it better for all. But, they can still deny and go live in heaven." Alexander explained.

"I will go, grandpa." Zen immediately answered.

Alexander caressed his hair, "I am proud of you. After you are done with your task, you will still have a place in heaven. But, you will forget about me when you go there."

"Hmm... will I get a superpower?" He asked with his eyes shining. He loved superheroes after all.

"Haha, yes, you will, my child," Alexander replied and tabbed his finger on Zen's heart. It glowed in white and purple light for a second.

"Zen, you will face little hardships at the start, but soon, all will be clear to you. You will meet a very kind man on your journey so do not worry. Also, do not forget to enjoy your time." Alexander advised him.

"Un... thank you, Grandpa." Zen smiled.

Alexander talked with him some more and let him finish his pizza. Then, he sent him to the Avatar world.

Once he was gone, Shukaku went back to his post and Thea followed him to play.

"Boss, what do you want to do to his parents?" Dobby asked.

"Hmm, I can not take away their right to live a life. Karma will punish them for their deeds, but, ban these two from the soul transfer department. They shall never have kids again, also, never allow them to adopt one." Alexander decided.

This was his main duty for now. He was doing this to correct the Omniverse. Also, many universes destroyed by Zulrak were now being remade. They were basically reset versions.

After this, Alexander saw some more souls. Some took long interviews and some were very short.

He was reading the book and his eyebrows shot up, "Hmm, so Ultron from Marvel somehow turned into a great kind being and ended up here? This is interesting. Send him to the Star Wars universe and, as usual, wipe out his past world memory. But keep all his emotional settings. Also, make sure he has the basic knowledge that he is in a different universe. I don't want him to be shocked and confused."


Ragnarok appeared. "How's your day going, Alex? Olivia asked you to come for dinner with family."

Alexander got up, "Let's go then."

"Hey, Alex, tell me, your devotees sometimes pay money, even though you don't give them anything in return. But they still keep on doing it. Doesn't that make your devotees your Simps?" Ragnarok asked.


"Let's not talk about such things, Raggy." Alexander shrugged off his question.

They went to Phixheim and had a good family dinner. Ajax was now officially dating Harley but no hanky panky was allowed until he turns 18. Hats and Selina were in love, Ragnarok and Diana were also in love and they were probably going to marry soon. Douglas and Poison Ivy were the strangest, both liked each other but neither confessed.

Gali and Rina were official couples. Hela was looking for a strong man to fall in love with. Saitama and Azula were soon going to get married. Amy was busy being the mom of little Erika. She loved her daughter.

Leonidas and Natasha were planning their second child. Dobby and Ciri were soon going to get married too. Iroh was still in a relationship with his tea. Edward and Hermione were focusing on raising their kids. Ravenflam aka Tyson was also living there in peace for now.

All of them shared their stories at the dinner table.

"WAAAAA... GRANDPAAAA..." Suddenly, Truck-chan came out of nowhere.

"What happened?" Alexander asked.

"I-I hit the wrong person." She cried.

"Oh, don't worry. We will fix that later. Come, drink some fuel."

After the dinner, Alexander remembered a very important task. "Oli, I'm going to bring him here. Keep the room ready for him to stay."

After that, Alexander disappeared.


"Little one, let's go. Your devotion has been rewarded. The Tome of the Universe you wrote will be kept in heaven. You can live in heaven too." Alexander warmly said.

Mister Immortal, the gorilla, was shocked by this visit. He was tired beyond anything by writing this long-ass book.

He didn't think twice and left everything behind and went to heaven with George the giant gorilla. As soon as he arrived in heaven, he was shown a big cosy room.

"This is your home from now on. Welcome to the family." Alexander welcomed him.

Immortal looked around the room. It was very nice. But then his eyes turned to the study table.

"Don't tell me you still want me to write for you?" He asked with frustration.

"Haha, yes, I only know you as a good enough writer. I want you to continue writing about these adventures but focused on other reincarnators that I send. I will pay you this time." Alexander offered him.


The gorilla took a long breath and nodded, "Okay, at least it's a step up from unpaid slave labour. I'll work for you."

"Magnificent, come with me, I will show you around to the family." Alexander cheerfully showed him around.

"GORILLAAAAAA..." Thea saw Immortal and ran towards him with a stick. She was very excited to see him.

"Grandpa, be careful, I read Gorilla have very strong arms." She advised.

Immortal chuckled and playfully made a small roar. "THIS GORILLA IS HUNGRY... HAAAA..."

"SAVE MEEEE..." Thea ran back the way she came, behind her Immortal ran. In reality, Thea and the gorilla were both laughing. Soon, their small game turned into a full game of tag with all the animals, tailed beasts and kids of Phixheim joining in.

Alexander with a wide smile went to sit with God, Buddha and Jesus, who were playing cards while enjoying the view.

"Must be fun not having any responsibilities and being able to enjoy life," Alexander said.

"You bet, and no, I'm not going to come out of retirement," God replied.

"DAMMIT ME..." Alexander cursed.

"Fine, make a place for me then. I will beat you all old foggies." Alexander resolutely said and took a seat to play cards.

"Haha, look at your face first, I still have black hair, " Jesus ridiculed him back.

Alexander then looked at Buddha, "Huh, my friendship is over with you Jesus, now my best friend is Buddha now."

"Huh, sure, but don't expect him to give you good cards," Jesus laughingly replied.

"Okay okay, stop fighting like those demonic hags, start the game," God grunted. They happily played for a few hours and then returned to work.

In the coming trillions of years, Alexander was able to keep the universe's purity in the majority. He was able to keep his promise of breaking the cycle and stopped the evil like Zulrak from ever growing again.

His days were spent playing around with his family, talking with his old parents or his sons. When not with family, he worked hard to keep the Omniverse running.

That was the life of Alexander Maxim Universe, everyone's favourite Grandpa, a mortal who rose to become the God of Omniverse.

--------The End---------


"F*CK... DON'T END IT THERE... I STILL NEED DEATH BY SNU SNU FROM MY SEXY OLD MAN..." A wild Deadpool appeared and held the innocent and tired gorilla hostage.

"WHERE IS THAT BASTARD?" Ragnarok entered the room all of a sudden and burned Deadpool to ashes.

"Haha, this time I will seal you in eternal fire. You will never regenerate," Ragnarok left with the ashes of Deadpool. But unknown to him, now there were millions of Deadpools craving for the hottest Grandpa in the Omniverse.

Finally, the Gorilla wrote another last line on the last page of the Heavenly Universe Tome, Grandpa Universe In Multiverse.

------THE END(Maybe... most likely... I don't know... I'm scared... HELP)------


[A/N: I would like to thank you all for being with me on this whole journey. Can't believe I've been writing this for a whole year now.

Without you all continuing to read it, I'm sure this novel would have seen a premature ending, an ending that would have not been satisfying to anybody.

It was fun writing this from day one. I went through many highs and lows during the whole of 2020, but in the end, it all worked out. I feel very attached to Alexander now, he's the ideal grandpa for all after all. This will not be the last of him though. We will get to see him in the future from time to time because all my new fics will take place in the Omniverse of Alexander.

For the most part of this fic's life, it stayed in the top 10. I am very grateful for that. For those who have been reading since day one. Thank you to TenSamurai, BapuBengat, FraulCruz(1st Patron but still voted here), EndlessParadox, henrique195 and many more I don't remember.

A special thanks to H_Alex, for para-commenting on my mistakes so I could correct them from as early in the fic as I could remember.

Then there is my bro Kul, he helped me set up the Discord Server, although he has disappeared nowadays, but still, thanks, dude. Without you, I couldn't have dreamt of having a community of 1700 Lurkers.

Also, a big thanks to Liliact(READ IT) and Unchi for maintaining the server.

BTW, shoutout to my favourite author, CORNBRINGER. Finally, someone snatched the 1st spot from Einlion. XD

I will not quit writing and I hope you all will keep on liking my future works. I will write more Multiverse fics in the future, but not anytime soon. I'm exhausted from writing this long fic.

1.1 Million words... HAHAAA, I have beaten JK Rowling now, only in word count though.

Thank you for reading.]



Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely*

Thank you for your support!


[If you want to stay connected, then join Discord -]

MisterImmortal MisterImmortal

No stones needed today.

Grandpa Universe loves everyone equally and blesses everyone to have peace, good luck and good health.

Grandma Olivia hopes everyone eats well and exercises regularly.

Grandpa Iroh wishes all to go with the flow and enjoy a cup of tea with a stranger. It can lead to many surprises and self-reflection.

Chomei and Thea wish for everyone to have tasty Cake, Ice-cream and Cotton candy without getting fat.

And finally, Gorilla thanks all people for reading this holy scripture.

Take care and kill Corona-Chan.




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