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0.49% Epic of Caterpillar / Chapter 11: The Dark Nation

Kapitel 11: The Dark Nation

After finishing my meals, I packed up some food and called over Wagyu and Rimuru.

"Alright we will go looking for that… Uuh, what was it?"

Suddenly, cocky mind reminded me.

"It's named Scorching Adamantite, idiot!"

"Ah! Yes, Scorching Adamantite! Let's go to the Lava Hot Springs!"

"Alright, master!"


When we passed through the big road that connects the East Rocky Mountains to the Forest and the Lava Hot Springs, we found that at least half the forest was completely burned out, somehow the fire calmed down until it completely dissipated. 

"Aaahh, these Salamanders really messed up this big forest… It's so big I can barely see anything outside of it, I think those are plains… I wonder if there are any human town close by… I still remember that redhead girl in armor, I wonder why she was here? Such a dangerous Forest, well maybe it's safer now without the Emperors"

"Human? Master Kireina, have you seen a Human before?"

"Uh yes… when I was still a tiny caterpillar, I saw a redhead girl walking around alone, she went to the East I think…"

"You must be careful the next time, my grandfather once told me that Humans are incredibly powerful monsters that own half the world…"

"Half the world?! Are they that strong? But… with so many terrifying monster everywhere one would think that Humans are on the weaker side…"

"According to my grandfather, Humans are blessed by countless gods when being born, resulting in incredibly high base stats, every human child is around Emperor Class power… now, imagine an adult"

"Gaah! I hope your grandfather was just spitting nonsense! That's ridiculous!"

"Hahaha! I hope so too!"

"Guuu… Mastaa I will protect you!"

"Oh? Don't worry Rimuru, I am very strong now! I will be the one protecting you all instead!"

"Seeing my Master say such words calms my heart"


After we came through half the road, we found countless big humanoid footsteps.

"These, are human footsteps?"

"No, watch carefully Wagyu, humans usually wear some type of armor on they feet, these must be trolls"

"Trolls…? In this forest?"

"Yeah, you haven't seen them before?"

"I… Actually I have never seen trolls in this forest, this is strange, neither my grandfather or my father ever told me about any humanoid monsters living on this forest aside from the Mountain Monkeys…"

"Are you implying that these guys just came here recently?"

"Perhaps… Something triggered the arriving of Trolls on this forest"

"But… what?"


Even though we found countless trolls footsteps we never came across an actual Troll in the long journey to the Lava Hot Springs, after finally arriving, we didn't wanted to rush things and started to investigate this mysterious place.

"Is it really true that there are actual Hot Springs on this place? I can only see Lava and hot caves everywhere"

"Hmm... Snif Snif Ah! I can smell something strange, Master!"


"Where… Guuu?"

Wagyu slowly walked to a cave section on the east side of the Lava Hot Springs.

"Here! Through this cave!"

We followed Wagyu and after around 20 meters of running we found a big open section inside the cave, were a massive lake was resting inside.

"A lake… inside a cave?"

"TH-THIS! This must be the Hot Springs!"

"There are really Hot Springs, Master?"



Without thinking it twice, I immediately jumped over the lake!

"Gwaaah! It's really hot! However, it's nice, right on the exact temperature! Come inside guys!"

"Master… Alright then…"



My two servants swiftly obeyed my commands and jumped into the lake.

"Aaaahh~! TH-THIS! THIS IS HEAVENLY! This water is so warm, it's easily alleviating my muscles tension!"


"Hahaha! Yes! These are Hot Springs! I never thought they would be in this world of all things!"

Inside my head, my three other minds were celebrating.

"Oooohoho! This~ Aaaaaannnhhh~"

"Hmmm… Feels good, I never thought that I would be ever be inside a Hot Spring after the trip to Japan…"

"Hahaha! This is incredible! It really fills the check-marks on my "Ideal Things in my Epic Isekai Adventure!"

"I cannot believe that there are Hot Springs in here, it's almost feels like a classic Isekai Anime now. I guess that all that's left to happen is a beautiful nude babe join us in the bath!"

"Nude… Babe…? What is that Master…?"

"Guuu! Babe!"

"Ah! Hahaha! Do not mind me! Such heavenly Hot Spring is making me say nonsensical things…! Hahaha! (Aaaahh…)"

After spending around an hour on the Hot Springs we decided to get serious and look up for the Scorching Adamantite.

After searching for nearly two hours we finally found a big and deep cave that descended into the ground, there we found a myriad of different fire related minerals. I used the earth manipulation related skills to make the cave walls spit the minerals out intact without much effort.

I took a lot in my Item Box until it got completely full.

[Scorching Adamantite: A red colored type of metal shaped like a flame, it has been born from thousands of years of high temperatures concentrated on soil rich on minerals.]

[Fire Crystal: A crystal formed from the concentration of natural fire magic through thousands of years, it glows in a bright red color.]

[Compressed Lava Rock: A special kind of fossilized lava rock, it has been formed through millions of years of hot lava being compressed by this world gravity.]

[Lava Crystal: A crystal with magic properties formed from the combination of natural fire magic and lava for thousands of years, it glows in a bright orange color.]

[Item Box 20/20]

"Hmm, I should eat some to see what they can offer, right?"

All of these minerals had a special spicy flavor added to them, they were very hard to chew even with all my strength buffs stacked together but I managed to eat at least three of each.

Wagyu refused to eat them because he did not think that it was right to waste such valuable resources on his own benefit, and Rimuru does not seem to like spicy things.

[You've obtained a new Title: Mineral Devourer]

[You've Learned the following Skills]

[Scorching Adamantite Strong Shell]

[Fire And Lava Affinity]

[Fire And Lava Master]

"Ah, that's not that many skills, but I guess I almost have the whole set of Fire and Lava skills, at least all the novice ones…"

After wondering around some more in the underground part of the Volcano Hot Springs we found another cave sections way deeper, for some reason, when we got further below, the pressure of the whole place started to become higher.

"Master… This pressure… what is this… Ahh…"

"Geeehhh… Masta…"

"I-I don't know…"

Suddenly, my minds reminded me of my last dream!

"Hey, don't you remember the dream we had? About that voice calling us to go to the underground?"

"Yes… that terrifying pressure… it's the same as this one…"

"No way… What the heck is down here…?"

When we finally arrived to an open space, there was an enormous red colored door, it seemed to be made of a red metal like the Scorching Adamantine, and massive chains sealed it.

"Wh-what? A door?"

"Master… Gulp… Th-this place…"


"What? Do you know something?"

"Yes… this place is… My grandfather once told me, about an old legend… In the old times, there was once a powerful being that managed to become Overlord class in this Forest, and unified the whole Forest, creating the first completely Monster Based Nation…"

Wagyu started to sweat and breathing very heavily.

"Haaah… This Monster… had an incredible power, such a being, was so powerful… that the most powerful champions of the Human Clan came here and sealed him on an underground dungeon…"

"After the Leader of the Forest Nation was sealed, the humans proceeded to kill each Emperor and left the forest, completely destroying the Nation structure and making this Forest just a wild area again…"

"I-I see… well, the door is right ahead of us, so that legend, was not even a legend, its real then…"

"Guuu… Mastaaaa… Scary…"

Even when Wagyu told me all of this I still wanted to destroy the chains sealing the dungeon door, but to no avail, these chains were incredibly sturdy and were reinforced by very strong spells, even throwing an Overpowering Sun wouldn't had helped.

"I wonder if there's another entrance, I also cannot control the cave walls around the Door to enter, they all seem to be reinforced with amazing magic, way more powerful than whatever I have ever crafted" 

Suddenly, a strong pressure filled our hearts and a strong and overpowering voice speak on our heads! 

"Hmmmmm… You have… come…"

"Ah! Master! Th-this!"


"Wh-who are you?!"

"I… am the one… who once unified this Forest… they call me… the Wyvern Overlord…"

"So you are the Wyvern Overlord! I see, were you behind all these Emperors trying to kill me?!"

"Haha… I was not… They… were afraid of you… I never… commanded them to do anything…"

"Now that… all of them have perished… this Forest is unprotected… from outside forces…"

"What? What outside forces?"

"You… Defeated every Emperor… and now holds… the title of the 8 Emperors… You must… unify this Forest… and defend it…"

"H-hey! Wait a second! Why would I do that?"

"You must… This forest… is your home, isn't it?"

"B-but… I…"

"Do not worry… I will compensate you… for the task… greatly…"

"Eeeh? How?!"

"Here… we can start with this…"

Out of nowhere, a System Message popped out of thin air.

[You have been blessed by: The Legendary Wyvern Overlord]

[You've obtained a new Title: Wyvern Overlord Champion]

[You've learned a new Skill: Blessing of the Wyvern Overlord]

"What! Th-these skills! Did you just blessed me?"

"Hmmmmm… yes… This is all I can do for now… You must… help me… defend this Forest… from the outside forces… The Trolls… are only the begging…"

"Trolls? These massive monsters, are only the beginning? What do you mean? And from where are they coming from?" 

"Hmmmm… These monsters are not natural of this place… They come from the Dark Nation… Even as we speak… even more of these monsters are coming here… Goblin… and Undead… are coming…"

"Dark Nation? What is that?"

"The Dark Nation… a faraway place… once named, the Kingdom of Ollathir… But everything was destroyed…"

"What destroyed it?"

"This Kingdom once give birth to a very talented child… this child became mad with his power… Blessed with so many Gods … After becoming an Overclass… it destroyed the kingdom… and summoned dark beings… forming the new Dark Nation…"

"That's… Can't you specify more…?"

"My power… has been drained for too long… I can only speak… very slowly… Explaining everything in detail… would waste too much time… you must hurry…"

"Gaaah! OKAY OKAY! I will only help you because my people are living here, and because you give me a pretty strong buff, that's all!"

"Hmmmm… Very well then… Once legendary… The Wyvern folk are very rare now… But there are some… surviving families… go look for their help… after seeing my blessing… they will surely answer my call…"

"Alright then, but where are they?"

"Hmmm… Look at the North… In the Great Snowy Mountain Wall… that separates this part of the world with the next…"

"The next… What do you mean?! I don't understand anything that you speak of!"

"There's no time… Hurry… The trolls have already given birth to an Emperor… The Goblins and Undead are close… Prepare for the worst…"

"Hey! Why do they even want to conquer this ugly piece of Forest? It barely holds anything special!"

"You are wrong… this Forest… Holds riches that you cannot understand yet… Now, go look for my children… I shall sleep now… I am very tired…"

"H-hey! Wait!"


The strong pressure slowly dissipated.



"Hahaha… Now I am the Lord of the Forest or something. And I need to defend it from a creepy dark army of hell?" 

The minds inside of my head give they own opinions on the subject.

"No way…"

"This is… too much…"

"Aaahh, even for me, the Energetic Mind, this is too much, can we even do it?"

"There's no choice, the other alternative is just running away… and leaving this Forest to that Mad Mage…"

"Guuu… Masta… we must protect our home!!!"


"Hahaha, I am with Senior Rimuru on this, Master. After all we have fought before, we cannot give up, right?"

"Guys… I… okay… Let's just go home for now…"

After such a big information dump, I needed to rest and process what the Wyvern Overlord told me.

In the road to the East Rocky Mountains, we found even more troll footsteps than before.

"This… they are very active aren't they…"

"Yes, but they are aware of our power, Master. This is why they haven't ambushed us."


I looked up at the sky and saw how the sun was slowly moving to the other side of the horizon.

"The Great Snowy Mountain Wall. That separates this part of the world with the next… What did he meant by that… what does it separate this world from?"

The minds of my head started to share their theories.

"Probably was just the old man rambling nonsensical things, did you hear his voice? I can't imagine how many thousands of years that Wyvern has lived…"

"Maybe… There's some kind of separation in this world, perhaps… the mountains are walls, to a next world?"

"A next world? How would that even work? How does two worlds being connected like this makes any sense?"

"Are you really trying to find some sense to this world, full of magic and horrible monsters?"

"I… I guess you are right…"

"I guess there's no point in overthinking this, we will see by ourselves when we go look for those Wyverns… You guys should rest for now…"


"Finally, time to sleep…"

"Good night"

"Pause [Brain Share]"

[Brain Share has been paused]

After getting home, I made a quick reunion with all my named servants, including the weaker monkey Leaders.

"Master Kireina, Kizuato reporting in, what is the meaning of such a rushed meeting between all of us?"

"Well you see…"

I explained them everything that the Wyvern Overlord told me, without saving anything.

After this, everyone was awkwardly in silence.




"Ahem! Master Kireina, no matter what destiny unfold us, I will always stay by your side! I shall protect our home and this Forest with my life!"

The first to talk was the older and most experienced Leader on this party, Kekensha.

Kizuato followed after.

"I… You are right, Senior Kekensha… No matter what, we must persevere! This new power we have obtained shall not be wasted!"

After these two strong and reliable leaders talked, the morale slowly started to rise up on the rest of the leaders and all of them promised their full loyalty (once again).

When everyone was finished speaking I suggested a new training program I had in mind from a long time ago, it included using my Summoning related skills, creating a bunch of easy mobs so the Leaders and they parties can easily level up killing them.

"But to start this I will need a massive amount of MP. So you all will need to learn the skill  [Mp Share] that comes from the Flame Salamander meat, luckily to all of you, I have several leftovers, including the mass creation of MP Potions using [Mp Potion Secretion] that you all already have, we should be able to start the plan"

Everyone seemed to agree with the ultra-speed up training plan, and so I give the Flame Salamander meat to Chokumotsu who happily went to the kitchen and called her cooking monkey team to start cooking the next meal.

"Very well, Master Kireina, we will be on our way to the kitchen then."

"Alright, see you there!"

"Ah! Wait, Kusuri! I got you a lot of materials!"

"Ah, well done Master Kireina, I never thought that you would get so many… This is very convenient! We will be able to make tons of new armor and weapons too. Ah! Your Synthesis accessory too, of course! Hahaha!"

"Did you almost forgot about that…?"

"Uukiii! N-no! Absolutely not, my Master!"

"Sigh… Well, you can go eat first"

"Thanks Master, I will be on my way then, if you'll excuse me"

Arriving at the kitchen I was welcomed by a big feast were all the monkeys were enjoying Flame Salamander meat, and then there, I saw it!

A golden bubbly beverage! That made every monkey that drank it extremely happy and energetic!

"Is that… BEER?!"

The adorable Chokumotsu noticed me and came to me with a happy and bright smile.

"Master Kireina, we did it! Even if it is a little bit bitter, but it is as you wanted! We used a special plant from the forest named Forest Golden Grains!"

"Chokumotsu, you are the best monkey! Give me some!"

Chokumotsu suddenly blushed and went to kitchen for some Beer. 

"H-here, Master Kireina! We called it Forest Golden Grain Beer!"

[Forest Golden Grain Beer: A golden colored and very bitter beer with a hint of sweetness. 

Effect: Grants +5 Strength and Speed for the next 24 hours. Side effect: Drunk status, 2 hours.]

"Aaaaah! TH-THERE IT IS! I can't believe this! I need the other minds to experience this! Activate  [Brain Share]! GLUP GLUP"

[Brain Share has been activated]


Then it came, a delicious bitterness combined with a touch of sugar and the bubbles that filled my entire tiny butterfly mouth!


"This is awesome, I cannot believe that I would be able to taste Beer once again in this world, every night, it was no more than a Dream, but even in such world, Dreams can become true!"

[You have been inflicted with: Drunk Status]

Having such a rush of happiness, I went to see my fellow Monkeys and Wolves.


After seeing such a scene, every monkey, wolf yelled agreeing with me, boosted with a very high morale.

Then, without even expecting this, a System Message popped out of thin air!

[You have accomplished certain conditions]

[Your army is boasting with morale! For the next week, all their stats are boosted and they exp learned doubles!]

"Wh-what? That is insanely convenient, Mysterious Voice, did you add this recently for my own sake or something? Bwahahaha!"

[System Master: ######## is watching you]

"Geeh…! That's kind of creepy… Is my life like, some kind of show for him or something…"

"Main mind, there's no point on thinking about this now, he's probably an existence so far above us that even trying to imagine what he's thinking is futile and useless"

"I agree… no point thinking on the creep…"

"Hahaha! This Beer is good, more! More!"

[You've obtained a new Title: Alcoholic]

[You've learned the following Skills]

[Intoxication Resistance]

[Beer Affinity]

"Wha… B-Beer affinity… so there is affinity for everything in this world… That is ridiculous… So if I raise sheep's do I have "Sheep Affinity"? Buwahaha!"

[Your Minions have learned the following skills][

Flame Salamander Spell Command]

[Flame Body]

[MP Share]

"Ahh…! There it is! Nice… Geehhh"

From my side, Rimuru and Wagyu came to see me. They both seemed to love Beer too.

"Master, this beverage from your world is truly magical! I cannot believe how good it is!"

"Geeeeehhhh… Mastaaaa… I feel… Funny… Guuguguuu…"

After the feast, they found me unconscious in the kitchen hall, so they took to my room.

I had a very good sleep.




In the secret underground hideout of the Trolls.

A tiny and cute troll girl with a suit of armor, smooth skin and black hair was training some Troll younglings on the arts of pillage and killing.

"Very well… This young generation seems to be not so bad, but we still need some more troops for the total conquest of the Forest, just as Master commands"

The Bald Troll younglings were swinging their swords and knives to big training dummies made of Forest Dark Wood.

"Miss Celica, how is my knife swinging?"

"Aaah! You are good little brat, but you gotta handle it like this… Here!"

The Troll girl changed the position of the knife on the troll youngling hand putting the sharp end upside down.

"If you handle it like this and hide it inside your robes, your enemies won't be able to tell that you have a knife, awesome isn't it?"

"Aaaah! You are right Miss Celica!"

"Very well, try to get used to using your knife in this position from now on"

Knock Knock

A gigantic and manly Troll Warrior of King Class with bulging muscles and sharp fangs came inside the cave section knocking the stone door.

"Celica, the Emperor is calling for you"

"Ah…! Y-yes…"

As the Troll Warrior King escorted the Troll Girl through the cave passages, more strong Trolls and Troll girls could be seen training and eating.

After passing through five different rooms, the Trolls arrived to a big and wide hall, being guarded by two Troll Warrior Kings, in the center there was a Troll of massive size, with greenish skin and long black hair, sitting on a throne made of different monster bones, it was no one else other than the Troll Emperor.

"Ah… Celica, is it? I have seen how you train our younglings, according to our Master orders, I shall promote you to Team Leader. Also, take this… It will let you unleash unprecedented strength"

The Troll Emperor handled the Troll girl with a weird looking ring, it was decorated with a big purple colored gem with an eye painted over it using blood.

"Is this… A Shadow Awakening Ring? Is it really fine, Emperor?"

"Yes, it is as Master commands. I am very busy right now. You can leave"

"Very well, I shall take my leave then"

After the door hall was closed, the Troll Emperor relaxed a little and started to talk with his guards.

"Sigh, so the Demon has already talked with the Wyvern Overlord, he probably already knows everything about us and the Goblin and Undead army, and even our Master…"

"What should we do, Emperor?"

"We still need more capable troops, we cannot rush things, this is the Lord of the Forest after all, and the one who defeated every Emperor"

"We will strike in 4 days, for now make training more intensive, and send more hunt teams to stock up on food, that is all"

"Very well, it is done as you command, Emperor"




[Day 16]

When I woke up I didn't feel the usual hangover that I used to get on Earth, probably because of the skill [Intoxication Resistance].

"Ah! Is this…"

Just before me, on my night table was a red colored bracelet.

[Novice Alchemist Bracelet: Grants +5 to every stat and grants the skill [Synthesis]]

"Yes! Synthesis! At last!"

I quickly devoured the bracelet as if it my life depended on it. It had a bitter-sweet flavor with some spiciness on it.

[You've learned a new Skill: Novice Alchemist Bracelet]

"Hmm, do I get Synthesis by default?"

[Novice Alchemist Bracelet: After activation, grants the permanent usage of the skill: [Synthesis]

Cost: 80 MP and 70 Stamina]

"Ah! It's pretty costly to cast, but well, it will be permanently encrusted on my body like the other accessory skills… Activate skill: Novice Alchemist Bracelet!"


Just as I commanded the activation of the skill, a little bracelet formed around my fourth tiny leg, it's incrusted on my skin and could not be taken away.

"Very well, now let's check… Synthesis…"

[Synthesis: The basic and most powerful skill of any Alchemist. 

Effect: User is able to fuse any object of weaker existence than he is. Extra Effect: User can fuse skills, only five fusions are allowed per day. Cost for each fusion: 50 MP Fusions: 0/5]

"This is it! Yes! Finally! I can fuse skills! Now I can finally get rid of such huge skill window! This is a glorious day!"

I immediately opened my skill window and activated [Synthesis], then a small synthesis window popped up, asking for the desired item or skill, it seems that I can only fuse three skills at the same time.

I decided that today I would fuse my most used physical attack moves and buffs.

[Strong Bite] + [River King Strong Bite] + [Crimson Wolf Emperor Strong Tackle And Bite] = [Dark Moon Illusion Tackle And Bite: Level 1]

[Hairy Spider King Poisonous Fangs] + [Swamp Alligator Strong Jaw] + [Dark Squirrels Strong Bite: Level 3] = [Dark Illusion Poisonous Jaw: Level 1]

[Dark Moon Illusion Tackle And Bite] + [Dark Illusion Poisonous Jaw] + [Mountain Monkey Emperor Strong Blow] = [Overpowering Demonic Poisonous Bite: Level 1]

"Ah! That skill sounds amazing… Alright last two…"

[River King Strong Body] + [River Emperor Iron Body] + [Crimson Wolf Emperor Silver Body] = [Dark Moon Demonic Body]

[Mountain Monkey Emperor Sturdy Body] + [Swamp Alligator King Rocky Scales] + [Flame Salamander Empress Overpowering Iron Body] = [Overpowering Dark Iron Body]

"That should be it, I wish I could fuse some more but it's already better than nothing…"

After some testing, I found out that the new skills were a little bit stronger than all of the previous ones used at the same time, and it also saved me some MP and Stamina.

When I used both [Dark Moon Demonic Body] and [Overpowering Dark Iron Body] my appearance changed a little bit, becoming more demon-like, I grew two black horns on my forehead and my wings became sharp looking with red and dark colors instead of purple.

"I wonder if I will be able to fuse more of these buffs, until I acquire my own form change skill, similar to the Crimson Wolf Berserk Mode…"

After finally getting out of my room I found out the Squad Leaders talking, it seems that they were waiting for me.

"Master, you are finally awake, we have been waiting for the training to start"

"Ah! Right! Alright guys, You all have [MP Share], right?"

After confirming that each named servant had [MP Share] we went to a training ground outside the cave over some barren space, there I made them all activate [MP Share] and to connect all their MP to me.

[You are sharing your MP with 11 Servants]

"Alright, call the rest of your squad members, even the Squads that don't even fight, we must train everyone no matter what!"

After every monkey and wolf were gathered I started activating [Summon Dark Elemental Being] consecutively without thinking over how much MP I wasted. As I activated this skill multiple times I noticed that it quickly leveled up to the max level after around 20 times using it so I immediately evolved the skill right on the spot.

[Summon Dark Elemental Being: Level 10 > Summon High Elemental Beings: Level 1]

Surprisingly the cost of the skill didn't become higher and I was able to summon two beings at the same time.

"Hmm I wonder if I could use these guys as cannon fodder, they are too weak to be actual soldiers… and would require a lot of training like Rimuru did"

After 247 Dark Beings were born, I commanded them to stay still and be killed on the spot, which they all agreed without question… Except for a particular one.

"Master! Why do you want us all to die! That's awful!"

This Dark Being was way different than all the previous ones, it had little pink horns on his watery body and a small demonic tail, its body pigment was pink and purple, and it was able to speak way more fluently than Rimuru!

"Could it be that there's a small chance of an evolved being to be born when summoning so much?"

I quickly manipulated him using [Puppet Master] and made it stay on place, then I checked his race.

"I was right. It is a different evolved variant… "Pink Illusion Elemental Being"… It might have some potential. Very well, your life is spared then!"

"Eeep! Y-yes Master… Please don't control my body like that again…"

I quickly named it Milim and added it to my main minions.

"Hmm, this is your lucky day, Milim, now beat the crap out of these Dark Beings, they will give you juicy EXP! Do not forget to eat their bodies for the skills too! This goes for all of you monkeys and wolves, but if you are not named there is no point in eating the bodies…"

"Kill and… eat my brothers…? But Master…"

"Do you want me to use [Puppet Master] on you again?"

"Eeeep! Please no! I will! I will train very hard!"

"Good girl!"

Rimuru came to my side and asked me about the new member.

"Mastaa… Who's the Pink one…?"

"Ah! She's Milim, I happened to summon a rare variant so I decided to keep her, she will be your little sister form now on"

"Ah! Little sister? Guuu!"

Leaving the monkeys, wolves and Milim training for the rest of the day, I decided to go to look for those Wyverns with Rimuru and Wagyu.





Author's Note: If you're enjoying this Novel make sure to check some of my other works, such as Epic of Summoner: Supreme Summoner System in the Apocalypse! 

It's a Novel about an Interdimensional Apocalypse where the main character is thrown into it! Using his amazing Summoning System, he crawls his way to the top and survives the turbulent and chaotic era!

I am sure that you won't be disappointed at all if you like Action and LitRPG elements! Check it out if you can! 

PancakesWitch PancakesWitch

Here it is! Hope you all like it! Thanks for reading!

Edit: Added Kireina stats, just skills changed.

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