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81.81% Mob devil's guide to surviving DxD / Chapter 16: 16 Dreamweaver

Kapitel 16: 16 Dreamweaver

--- sometime later---

location - London England.

In the Devil's society, there is approximately three ways to rise up the ranks. The fastest method would probably be the rating games. this is the modern day method of climbing up the ranks. joining a peerage and showing your stuff for the world to see.

The second method would be military honor. Defeating the enemies of the satans, hunting down the bounties on strays, so on and so forth. Aside from being a bounty hunter, there's not much combat lately with angels and fallen angels so this has falling into a relatively slow method nowadays.

The last tried and true method that will always guarantee your promotion as long as you stick to it, the most ancient job of the devil, contracts. Granting human wishes, getting paid with compensation, and racking up points in preparation for a promotion.

That's where I'm at right now, heading towards my 5th contractor today.

-------- 3rd person view point

"Thank you for choosing [Devil May Cry]. Our motto is [Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap]. My name is Linnaeus, How may I be of service today?" Lin says for precisely the two hundredth time and flashes his most rehearsed smile. His current appearances that of a tall blue-haired gentleman in a suit.

Standing in front of him, the summoner. a short-statured man who obviously wasn't a winner in the genetic lottery.

The short-statured man, who seems absolutely shocked that this summoning even worked, stammers as he tries to places his order.

"I.. I saw your information online. You're the one they called the cyber devil right? you're the one that grants wishes for a price. right?"

"The one and only. Now how may I help you? and please make this quick, I'm on a tight schedule"

"yeah, this"

The man holds out a photograph of two people, a 20-something caucasian woman, and a man who could only be described as her husband or boyfriend.

Lin look at the picture intensely, 'This type of wish again? what's with people always wanting to steal other people's girls... well, I'm not about to judge, but still, this is the 26th guy. The ninth one in a row. Damn, i never should have posted my summoning information on that Loveless loser discussion forum'.

"I can already guess what you wants. It's about her right?"

"yes..yes. you're right. It's about her. It's about love. true love"


"You want her to..."

"Yes, I want her to... disappear"

"Got it, you want her to disa... wait, what?" upon hearing that, Lin nearly collapsed on the spot. If he was drinking something, he would undoubtedly spit it out. this type of request was... new, to say the least.

"Disappear, gone, vanished, erased, out of the picture. I want that thieving bitch away from my man"

Seeing the short man rant and rave on and on about true love and all that, Lin thought for a few seconds and said:

"This are my personal guess, but, you not only want to get rid of her, but also want him to love you, yes?"

With a snapping neck turn he responded: "Yes yes yes yes yes. I want his love. I want all of it. please, make him mine."

He was prepared to pay anything. Even his soul.

Although Lin has previously dealt with contracts involving love and lust, this was the first time he's dealt with one so... genuine. this was the first time he's actually seen male yandere eyes.

"This can be done."

"Now, the price. I can tell by the luxury of the furniture and the view outside, that you're not exactly lacking in wealth are you?"

"I may be the owner of a billion-dollar company, I may be a career politician, but money and power cannot buy me true happiness. Money alone cannot bring him to my side"

Lin resisted the urge to smack him upside the head.

"You are truly correct sir, and that has brought you to me"

"Yes, that has brought me to you. So what will the price be, my eternal soul?"

"No no no, what do I look like? a politician? we don't do the soul taking thing anymore"

While handing him the contract, Lin continues "Well. How about 30% of your company stocks?"

"Deal, god knows I have more than enough money for several lifetimes anyway. besides, those other shareholders are no different from devils themselves either"

"you're right about that, some guy even tried to sell me his daughter just to get advantage over his business competitor" Lin lamented.

"luckily, another client wanted a daughter."

" Haha. I've seen worse. I've seen people sell entire families just for meager profit in the percentile. By the way, my name is Thomas. I'll be in your care from now on. if I have another wish, I'll be sure to summon you"

"Likewise we at [Devil May Cry] will always answer. "

With that, the 200th contract was signed. A big fish was caught, and with a little bit of mind control and memory modification, new love would soon be formed.

"Oh, and one more thing. The name of the company. We're changing it. No longer will it be [Thomas computing], it shall now be known as, [Tristram]"


"Yes, Tristram. The company that will dominate the world in the future, both from the magic side and the science."


"3 months, 200 contracts, not bad if I do say so myself. At this rate, I should be able to fill the quota in no time. and Thomas, with his political connections and company as a springboard, I can get into contact with rich and powerful people who would gladly sell their souls to devils for extra profit"

As Lin was celebrating silently, he got a psychic message.

One of the many familiars he had released into the Leviathan territory had finally found its target.

An energy signature that was obviously at Satan class. But has remained in a single spot without any sign of moving. a very remote, small and hidden area in the Leviathan territory. a place rarely visited and with no guards patrolling it.

"Finally, it took me two years, but I finally found you."

I teleport from my current location into a small room. lying there in the coffin like bed was a single woman. No, not a woman, she is more a girl in her late teens.

"There you are, sleeping beauty"

This girl is none other than one of the only two remaining descendants of the former satan Leviathan.

Ingvild leviathan.


Ingvild leviathan - The purple haired diva.

Born as a child to both a human and a devil from the Leviathan clan and was living in the human world in the seaside city in Europe. At some point in the past, she ended up with a devil disease that made her enter into a deep sleep and so Ingvild was sent to the underworld in an attempt to cure her of the disease. Because of this, she continued to sleep for hundreds of years. That is until she was then woken up due to her Longinus Nereid Kyrie beginning to take its form.

A kind and friendly person that enjoys singing as is shown when she sings at the fountain and for Issei and his group. She has also shown a deep love of seeing the ocean and going on beaches. likely influenced by her Leviathan bloodline. But unlike her fellow members of the Leviathan clan or any other descendants of the original Satans and akin to Vali, she doesn't have an evil heart and doesn't wish to rule the Underworld. She also appears to be quiet, shy and soft-hearted.

Well, at least that's how little information I had about her.

"Seeing as I never got to read the 4th volume of True, available information is extremely limited"

Staring at the voluptuous purple haired girl who was now sleeping in the bed of a house he had recently acquired in kuoh town, Lin lamented in his heart.

If not for the fact that my body wasn't fully "matured" yet, I definitely would have done something.


Now, to cover up my tracks.

[Authority of Gluttony: Name Eater]


[Authority of Gluttony]


All things may be devoured, material or immaterial.

--Those that have had their names eaten have their existences erased from the world, destroying any proof of their existence.

--Those that have their memories eaten become amnesic and any characteristics they may have had are reset, effectively making them into a different person.

--Those that have both their name and memories eaten simply become a shell, and although they live, they no longer eat, excrete waste, or age, putting them in suspended animation

■ Class: Truth - 10


I placed my hand the top of her head and a magic absolutely above that of normal forbidden class magic is activated. A magic that twisted the very providence of the world.

The target of this magic was her name. at the moment of the magic completion, the girl named Ingvild Leviathan, ceased to exist in the memories of all but the gods.

That is to say, I'm currently the only one in the world who knows of her existence. As not even the gods themselves know of her.

Those who had been taking care of her while she slept no longer know of her existence.

Lastly, even Ingvild herself would not know her name nor be able to recognize it as her name.

This is a heinous magic recreated from the world of re:zero. Even earning the second highest magic rating of [Truth].

In the original novel DxD, there wasn't a rating system for Magic aside from classification such as forbidden and non forbidden.

But reality is different. although the term forbidden still exist, there actually exist a magic ranking system in this world.

Lesser(1 - 2) - intermediate(3 - 5) -- High (6-7) - - Ultimate(7 - 8) - - Truth(9 - 10) - - Law. (11 - 14)

of course, you can't always just tell someone's magic rating by simply looking at it. so magic after a certain level is classified as forbidden

Ultimate, corresponding to the lowest level forbidden magic. But it is also the highest level of magic a human mage can cast.

Truth corresponds to the high-end of forbidden magic. Magic that dips its toes into the territory of the gods.

Finally, Law, corresponding to magic that is fully in the realm of gods and world providence. An absolute miracle as far as humans are concerned.

Also known as Transcendent magic.

The Kankara formula, for example, would fall into this category. But as of now, I still have no law class magic, but I'm getting there.

With that said, the rankings of these magic are not based on something like the amount of magical energy put inside. But rather the complexity within and the greatness of its miracle.

After devouring her name, I lie down next to her in bed and prepare to sleep. of course, I make sure to wrap my arms around her and squeeze her tits to my these are soft.

lying this close to her, I can tell. The amount of aura Ingvild posses is equal to a Satan-class Devil or even higher.

But... seeing as how rosswiesse manage to hypnotize her, having immense powers isn't going to protect her mentally. likely due to the fact that she has zero training in using demonic power. A child with a gun still just a child after all.

"Although I have no idea how to wake you up, I still have a method of reaching your consciousness. Now dear diva, open your heart to me."

I close my eyes and perform the self hypnotic process of entering sleep that I had done thousands of times before.

From my own dream world - a spiraling library of memories, I take a quick glance at the working "librarians" who all share the same face as I did in my previous life, and the sleeping Tiamat in the bed in the corner, then walk towards the "exit" that leads toward the "outside" world.

--like usual, doing this always feels weird.

Lin lamented, no matter how much time passes, he could never get used to the feeling of leaving his body. the feeling of losing your flesh just never felt right. he thought that would be enough time he could get used to it, but that time never came.

--Now, where is that "door"?

By this time, Lin was an expert dreamwalker. Except for those who actively protected their spirits with magic, or those with extremely strong wills or something they had to desperately hide, it wasn't much difficulty entering someone's heart. everyone had a door.

--There you are.

--What a majestic gate, truly descendant of satan royalty.

What stood before me right now was a majestic blue gate. Engraved with a serpent-like dragon as it swam through the sea.

I pushed the gate open and then turn the first fitting I came to my ears was....beautiful singing.

--Singing? she sings in her sleep too?

what came immediately after that thought was a flood water. Lin was submerged under water.

Although shocked at first, he soon calmed down. This was a dream. he had learned a long time ago that if he denies the surrounding world, it will not affect him. like a bystander watching a movie. It does not touch him.

-- there seems to be a surface.

I expanded my wings and flew straight to the top and quickly left the endless sea. What I was greeted with was a beach island. at the far end, you can see a medieval castle with what was obviously the Leviathan insignia on it and sitting at the banks singing, the purple haired girl.

As I approached her, she soon stops and looks at me in interest.

--Who are you?

She asks with a hint of apprehension in her eyes. this was normal. this is not the place for others to being. The depth of the heart is normally exclusive to one's own true spirit. No one else.

--Me? I'm ■■■, this islands guardian

--■■■? Guardian? Oh, im sorry. forgive me for my rudeness. Did you come from the nameless castle over there?

--Castle? Yeah.. Yes, I come from that castle. My name is Lord Li■■■■■■ Ch■nd■■■■■, and that is.... Castle Leviathan.

--Castle Leviathan? I never knew that had such a name.

--Yes, that's it's name. and I am the Lord Guardian of that dreamlike castle. and by extension, I am the Lord of this island, all that are on it and beyond.

As if to confirm my statement, the wind blew, the skies parted, and the sea was stilled. of course, only I knew that this was a the application of Tristram within the world of Dreams via the usage of a high-level virtual reality program called [imaginary room]. as she seems to have no control of anything in here, I was quickly able to take control, and analyze everything. From the beach to the castle. So it's not an exaggeration to say that I'm currently the master of this place. The lord of this dream.

--I happened to be on a stroll today, and I heard your beautiful singing. I liked your singing so much that I would like to invite you to my castle and become my maid.

--In addition to that, I was actually contacted by your parents. they transferred you to me, and you've been in my care for a long time.

--My.... Parents?

--Yeah, your parents. in fact, you've been sick for a long time and your parents sent you to me to get healed. the healing process is taking a longer than initially anticipated so you've actually been sleeping for a very long time. such a long time that your parents... are no longer a part of the world of the living.

--But before they died, they asked me to take care of you. In fact, this entire place is a dream deep within your heart. I created it just so we can talk to each other like this while you're still sleeping on the outside.

What came out of my mouth was a bold-faced lie. but a lie that wasn't easily verifiable by her, and in the grand scheme wouldn't hurt anyone. In the first place, she can't even remember her parents.

As her name was devoured, so too were the connections to that name.

Meaning, her parents.

In her case, they're not fully gone. she just can't exactly remember their faces. But she knew that "maybe" something similar to the concept of the parents existed in her life. she just can't quite put a finger on the identity.

--My parents... ? I..see. If you've been taking care of me then, I apologize for any inconvenience I may have caused you

She she accepts it easily. the reason is that this is all a dream. Because while in the dream, It is easier to imprint ideas into someone's head. especially since they usually don't remember most of the dream itself when they wake up. more wiser and intelligent people can resist if the logic doesn't add up or if it goes against their worldview.

Ingvild on the other hand is a simple girl and she doesn't think too deeply into things.

From the memories I can access, she seems to have been a commoner living in late medieval - early renaissance England. She's been sleeping for almost 500 years. her body has grown, but she's only about 15 or 16 in her memories. She hasn't had much experience with anything and only lived with her parents in a small house by the beach. She didn't even have much interaction with other children as apparently her (now nonexistent) parents were shunned by the surroundings for reasons she had no idea why.

Well... let's see if we can give her a proper "education" while we still have time. Her sacred gear hasn't fully awakened yet so she still got a few more years to go.

--come, let's go to my castle. by the way, I'm just checking but, do you remember your name?

--I... I don't know. I don't think I ever had one.

--No name? What the peculiar situation.

-- I'm sorry.

-- no need to apologize. If you don't have the name, then I shall grant you one myself.

--A great name of a great bloodline. The bloodline in which you so happen to hail from

--The lineage of Leviathan. the Great Serpent of the sea.

--One of the four former satan's of hell.

-- Your name will be ingvild Leviathan.

Arnold_11 Arnold_11

I decided to add a magic grading system to this world. the original ranking systems was too vague.

Also, I know I've said multiple times that I'll go back and change some things but I've never actually gotten around to do it. But I'm finally going to get off my ass and do it too. I'll update you later on what has been changed.

in regards to Ingvild, it's still the same as the previous version. With added memory wipe of everyone's who knew her. also, going to use more re zero Magic later.

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