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4.7% Scarblade Goddess / Chapter 4: CHAPTER 3

Kapitel 4: CHAPTER 3


as Otorine shouted and gripped the cell bars with her desperate plea. In turn, there was a loud clang on the steel bars that turned the other fallens from the other cells to notice the dramatic scandal between Otorine and Nassus. Otorine's scarred eyes were falling out crystal fragments of sadness, since she couldn't believe upon what she had heard from her dear Nassus, turning their passionate trance to fall in dismay. Sadly, Nassus wasn't fazed by her reaction. Sooner or later, Otorine exclaims more and more, while her tears were still leaking,

"I won't let my love for you go! You're the only one who makes me feel alive, Nassus. Even if they see you as a menace, I still see you as a hero, my only hero...".

The palm of her hand was feeling her chest, proving her sweet words were true to tell. Though, he just looked away and avoided eye contact to his persistent Goddess. He closed his frozen eyes and he said with sheer coldness in his heart,

"I'll just tell you this once and for all, You are better off without me...".

Otorine's delicate heart was truly shattered within, as Nassus let out the final anvil of doom from his mouth. Her passionate world with him was no more, leaving her out in the alley. Her inner core felt struck with multiple piercing spears. Her lips felt frozen, as if they were shivering in sorrow. She tried to let out another word but, her burden of sadness had already pulverized her dear set emotions. In turn, she ran away, as fast as she can, while she was letting out a trail of fragments filled with grave sorrow, such as she was a vulnerable heartbroken girlfriend. She was crying but, her silent tears were even more nerve wrecking, as she was swirling in confusion in her thoughts,

"Why Nassus, why have you become like this?! Before you were even glad to see me and share my stories and laughter with you. Even though, you were just isolated in your cell. But now, you're telling me this? What's gotten into you!".

Somehow, Nassus left out a tear, as he felt a swelling guilt inside of him, since he broke his loving Goddess's fragile heart. Though, he also tells to himself with a composed look, as he felt that his worries for his dearly beloved has come to pass,

"This is for the best...and for her sake as well.".

Nassus didn't move an inch from his current posture but, he was holding his hands together and did mannerisms of some sort, since he felt restless after setting the stone in place. The other fallens in their respective cells had rumors about Nassus. Though a certain fallen who was hiding in the shadows told Nassus with an irksome expression,

"Geez, Nassus 'ol pal why'd you have to tell her that. Now our sh*thole is less entertaining without ya two being lovey-dovey to each other...".

Then, the other sophisticated-looking fallen added unto the mix of the starting conversation,

"Honestly, Nassus you should be thankful that she still visits you from time to time. Most of us here, rarely see any of our beloved Goddesses now, you know.".

The air was getting more and more tense as the other Fallens kinda reprimanded him of his pathetic attempt of breaking a Goddess's lovely core. Nassus closed his guilty eyes in order to compose himself. After a while, he opened his eyes full of serious conviction and said,

"It's because, I don't want her to become like them...There is a dark mystery going on in this prison that I wouldn't want her to become a victim of...".

The other fallen that looked-like a pompous jester grinned a haughty smile and he told Nassus,

"Oh you must've mean that...The fallen who had gone insane and started to stab himself endlessly, as he saw his Goddess with a crazy MIND-BROKEN smile on her face, while she was DOING IT with that CERTAIN GUY...And he said that he witnessed that he was being CHEATED right in front of him?".

The other Fallens agreed on what the previous Fallen had said. As the interesting rumor was becoming bigger amongst the Fallens in their cells, the sophisticated Fallen tried to break up the boiling atmosphere by saying,

"Though, we all knew he was already insane when he got here, so noone believed him that much, except for the likes of MR. ALWAYS SERIOUS Nassus here.".

Sooner or later, a sassy female Fallen who was into weird fetishes said her thoughts amongst the crowd, while her eyes were in the lovestruck phase of excitement,

"Woooow! it's just like a FANTASY NETORARE STORY that I'm quite fond of, although it's kinda cliche for me now.".

Nassus, replies to her comment,

"Yes, and I have a feeling Otorine is his next target...whoever he is...".

Then, the other burly Fallen next to Nassus's cell said with immense flattery,

"Well yeah, she's a very beautiful Goddess. And she's a popular Blade Goddess for pete's sake.".

Soon, Otorine reached the exit from whence she came. Senku saw her pass through his side. Thereon, he greets her with his optimistic smile, aided by his wave,

"Hey Ori! How did it go!".

Sadly, Otorine ignored his friendly greeting and just rushed her way to the elevator such as she was a heartbroken maiden. Senku was left dumbstruck, since, he noticed in a glimpse that her face was very much scarred and crying. He just concluded that her beloved lover inside the prison did something to hurt her feelings, in which he wouldn't want to interfere for some reason. He scratched his head and sighed. Then, he noticed that his stomach growled, turning him to express himself,

Oh well time to buy pizza...I hope they have that pepperoni pizza by now...I'm starving.".

He looked at the opened entrance of the prison and lifted up his arm. Suddenly, the wall glowed with a red runic glyph again and shut itself down, turning it to look like a complete wall from before.

He brought out his smartphone again and tapped his phone's screen that has the huge spherical red icon with the text, SHIFT DONE. The next moment, the icon turned it's color to neon green, depicting his duty was already over. He stood for a while waiting for his substitute to come. A little while later, he was growing frustrated making him to sigh and say to himself,

"I really hope that WOMANIZER Aron would come faster. It's not my shift now geez!".

Though, he was also puzzled in his thoughts,

"And Shiro's been acting strange recently. I wonder what he's doing exactly?".

His stomach's growl was becoming more frequent and louder, so he just left his post and entered the elevator from the other side, even without someone to take his place. For some reason, he forgot to bring his white great sword engraved with golden embelishments with him that was leaning on the wall below. It seemed he was an absent-minded person despite his alarming appearance, since on top of the left side of the prison wall was a flimsy yellow sign, DO NOT LEAVE YOUR BELONGINGS UNATTENDED! ESPECIALLY YOU SENKU LOLZ XD. Then, near it was an orange sign that looked very unproffesional, FINDERS KEEPERS! LOSERS WEEPERS! AND YOU KEEP LOSING SENKU. The Gods and Goddesses in this ever expanding world system seem to have the boosted traits of humanity since they still get hungry, tired and they have a full set of humane behavior and emotions in-tact.

Meanwhile, Otorine was still leaking out her pitiful tears even in the elevator. Thankfully and quite sadly, noone was there to interfere her own personal distress. Soon, she brought out her smartphone. She was looking at her phone's screen that has a live wallpaper of a blue rotating diamond crystal without any scratches aided by some numbers of odd app icons. She had second thoughts if she should call unto Yumine yet instead, she decided on something else,

"Maybe giving our people some divine blessings might make me feel better...".

She rubbed her eyes. Then, she tapped the app icon that has a cute and adorable chibi-anime girl, carrying a blue planet that was fillied with some green patches all over its spherical form. Below it has the text, WORLD VIEWER. Sooner or later, the screen's background turned heavenly white and showed, four spherical icons with various colors of blue, green, sky-blue and pink. Not only that, below the sphere icons there was a golden bar with a text, VIEW PREVIOUS INCIDENT. She tapped the bar that had, VIEW PREVIOUS INCIDENT.

Thereon, a video appeared not just a regular video but, a live video of the villagers from before, in which it was showing a glimpse of the people from their world, Uminoya. It seemed the villagers were fishing and tending to their farmlands near their houses, without any ounce of worry. The other strong and capable men were still repairing their damaged houses from the previous aftermath. More than that, apart from the live video that was being shown on-screen, there were three spherical icons hovering in the lower area that have gel-like transparent colors. Otorine tapped the left-most one that has the text, GIVE BLESSINGS. Afterwards, the people of the Uminoya who were fishing near the coastline, nabbed lots of fresh fishes in a snap, while lots of fishes were jumping out of the waters. The other ones who were tending to their fields had witnessed that their crops were wisping out bluish and pinkinsh energy lights filled with mystical vibes. Then, those had grown in a very rapid pace within just seconds. In turn, the crops were already ready for harvest. Most of their crops had carrots and white turnips. As it was shown, it was all thanks to their light Goddess Otorine's generosity and cooperation by giving them blessings indirectly. Thereupon, Otorine was able to give blessings even though she was a long distance away from her own world. It was also thanks to her smartphone's immense capabilities, in which the other Goddesses also have the said smartphones' primary functions and convenience. These Goddesses and Gods under Celestia heavenly system use modern-world technology in order to take care of their various worlds conveniently, while they also tend to their personal wants and needs accessible at Celestia heavenly mall. Later on, Otorine was wearing a weak smile, as she was now seeing that the people of the village were filled with joyful faces, as they got a lot of resources more than usual. The villagers prayed and praised their Goddess Otorine as they had a bountiful harvest afterwards.

Moreso, the other villages, small towns and various growing kingdoms from the different regions of Uminoya were also grateful somehow, since an information box appeared on her phone's screen, DONE GIVING BLESSINGS TO OTHER REGIONS OF CIVILIZED AREAS. Suddenly, another information box hovered over her screen, GAVE THE USUAL BLESSINGS +100 000 OTORINE'S GODDESS PTS.

As expected, as a Goddess like Otorine did something beneficial to her world, she gains points in which she can use them, as monetary value at Celestia heavenly mall. Though there is a hidden story that lies within on why she's so desperate and cooperative to her people, as she told herself in her thoughts,

"I want to keep our world peaceful at all times and be grateful for having us their Goddesses since, I don't want to ever experience on what happened to my previous world before we became Goddesses.".

The next moment, Otorine had a sudden flashback with vivid imagery. She was now inside a room at a nearly destroyed imperial palace that had tarnished enshrined oriental embelishments all-around. The floor was wooden, but it looked-like it was about to collapse due to the raging fires visible. Though, she wasn't afraid instead, she was already convinced of her closed fate. She was at the very center and her posture was in a sitting sacred form of a calm seiza. Otorine could hear the groans and screams of fighting men. Their blades were clashing. There were the subtle sounds of punctured flesh, as more and more die upon the grueling chaos outside the isolated walls she was in. Otorine looked-like she was waiting for her deathbed, as her eyes were devoid of any emotion nor sadness or happiness. Soon, the sliding paper door opened and a warrior emerged, wearing a rugged samurai armor that was similar from the shogunate era of Japan. The samurai proved to be coursing with anger from his mask as he saw the elegant Otorine. The samurai asked her,

"Are you the princess of our wretched nation?".

Otorine replies with utmost composure,

"Yes, yes I am.".

The samurai gritted his raging teeth as he heard her answer. He unsheathed his very long katana and readied himself to assault her with hateful violence in his eyes. Otorine just closed her eyes determined for death's door. Before the samurai would struck her, he expresses his deep anger,

"Our Goddess doesn't even hear our prayers, nor does the imperial family care for our well-being now. SO DIE FOR THE BETTER OF OUR PEOPLE!".

Afterwards, he went towards Otorine and slashed her body straight in a blink of an eye. Silence was in the air as Otorine felt the lights were flashing before her eyes. Her body fell unto the wooden ground and left a puddle of crimson blood across the ashen floor. Her eyes closed and the only thing she had seen was the brilliance of divine light. Later on, she was now in a white palace that was clear of any stains. Suddenly, a warm illuminating light appeared in front of her. Then, the light said to her like it was a voice of a divine maiden from the heavens above,

"As you may know, you are already dead from your current world.".

Otorine looked disheartened, as she heard those dire words. Then, the light continued to tell her,

But, fret not for the heavenly divine council wishes to give a better second chance in your next life. Though, you were also given another choice, due to your innermost regrets. Thereby, you may become a Goddess in another world as well, who would manage and take care of her people and her world.".

Thereon, the divine light asked her,

"So what do you say, lady Otorine? Will you live on in a better world? Or will you become a Goddess who will create a better world?".

There was a huge silence in the air, as Otorine was given two choices for her next life. She closed her eyes and decided in her thoughts. A little while later, she had made her decision. She bloomed her eyes that was filled with immense determination. Then, she said,

"I'll become a Goddess who will create a better world where there shall be no unnecessary chaos and suffering".

She had stopped diving from her earliest sea of memories and continued with her business. As Otorine closed the app, a text message appeared that came from Yumine, Heya Ori! So how did it go?.

Otorine looked-like she doesn't want to discuss on the previous incident that had happened between her and Nassus, so she just ignored the message, offed her phone and placed it back on her obi sash for now. Though in her thoughts were quite deeper,

"Sorry Yumi...I don't want to talk about it for now.".

As a longtime passed, Otorine's tears had dried out and she was already treading along at the vast hallways of the Celestia heavenly mall. Though, her blooming and dazzling looks were shrouded by her negative vibe and sorrowful aura, turning her godly radiance to fall down in the gutter. The huge area wasn't filled with lots of amazing looking Gods, Goddesses, heroes and heroines anymore. It seemed it was night time at the mall even though the view above was still the same from ever before. The whole ambiance was very silent and Otorine was just moving along slowly with her lifeless eyes carrying the burden of a crushed lover. Soon, she stopped upon walking and took notice of a social bar on the left side that has the mystical sign, BAR LE RUZEN. She rubbed her eyes, she decided on her thoughts and said to herself,

"I guess I'll eat that chocolate milk shrimp parfait with cheese then...".

There after, she entered the social bar that has a sliding door. The bar's exterior was very classy to see with its dimmed and huge tinted windows and violet brick walls, such as it was a high class bar that was filled with lots of mysterious surprises inside. Though, it seemed there was someone wearing a black hood who was hidden in the shadows that was observing Otorine from a mere distance.

"So that's the BLADE GODDESS Otorine that MASTER was talking about. This'll be something else.",

as the hooded woman said, while she was masking a demonic smile. It was truly menacing to see, as it would turn the looks of the lesser evil beings from the infernal hell to shame.

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