It has been a week since Olivia's hospitalization and she was at her wit's end from being cooped up in Notios Estate.
The same thing happened to Maxen as well. All week, Olivia would be done with her work first thing in the morning. She would sign and send the documents back to her office by noontime, rendering the rest of her day for nothing but dilly-dallying around the Notios Estate.
Most days, she would find something to keep herself busy, for example, visiting her mini-safari in their backyard. It was actually a last-minute idea to bring back the life her mini-safari once had.
Knowing his wife's love of animals, Maxen thought it would be a nice diversion for Olivia to take care of her 'little ones', as she called them. That was why they went back to the animal shelter to borrow the injured animals.
The director happily lent them the animals, noting that the last time they did, the animals came back healthier than he expected.
I'm still alive guys. My prescription took a while to kick in but I'm back in business. Soooooo my birthday week is coming up next week, and if we reach top 50 by the end of this week, I'll be holding a 5 chapter mass release on my birthday lol We're far below the ranks but hey, a girl can always dream and make it into reality.
Thank you for voting OS even in my absence. I appreciate it a lot.