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77.2% Total War System / Chapter 147: sovereign's Counterattack

Kapitel 147: sovereign's Counterattack

so as Ryjin was with the Quarians and the system alliance was clearing the system of remaining Geth Ryjin takes a look around Rannoch and also spends some time with Tali and his wives also get to know her and they all hit it off Greatly Ryjin is also thinking on what Saren and sovereign will do next but that was answered a few days later.

sovereign and Saren had taken all the remaining geth they could gather and have gone to tuchanka they had Hit tuchanka Hard and fast and had taken a good amount of clans they were also claiming to be able to cure the Krogans of there infertile Poison so many clans were gathering under saren and sovereign weeks went by and the galaxy now knew Tuchanka had been invaded by Saren and his master saren finding out from People and all race's that he was labeled a Minion was Livid and tried to Prove he was in control However Failed in the eyes of all races.

as the weeks went by Ryjin had many of Draconis people come to Rannoch to help build a huge city and make farmland and such The city was coming along greatly he also offered the quarians a Citywide shield and also Ground to Space Defence guns Like he offered The system alliance the Trinity alliance as it was now dubbed was The strongest Power in the Known galaxy the Citadel alliance was inferior in every way and what's more All races knew why the Trinity alliance was not arrogant or Prideful like the citadel main 3 where especially the salarian's the asari where on a whole other LVL when it came to pride as they believed they had the best Tech due to there Hidden Protean Beacon That changed when apparently all Citadel race's got anonymous Tips that the asari where not honoring there tech sharing agreement with all citadel races when it came to ancient tech This caused a Huge Diplomatic Shit storm on the asari not only that but tips about the salarian's kidnapping members of all other race's and doing experiments on them was also Leaked The salarian's where then Hit the hardest as many race's ended there alliance's and agreemnets with the citadel alliance and sought out the trinity alliance the Volus the Hanar the Elcor and Drell all left citadel alliance and Joined the Trinity now named United alliance.

as the week's bo by the united alliance had worked on the Lands of the alliance and had worked on strengthening the ground and space defences of all in the alliance however The Batarians had not heeded the alliance warning on piracy and as such the Alliance launched a full-scale war on the Batarians Ryjin had talked to Rex and had offered him and his people a place in his empire and to be free of the Poison the salarian's had forced on them Rex had to spend at least 2 weeks talking to his clan and they all agreed Ryjin then announced that Clad Urdnot was now a clan of the empire and was freed from the genophage This caused a Shock wave threw tuchanka the clans that had joined Saren and sovereign where flocking to the empire yet The empire's response was only tho's of Clan urdnot are welcome and cured Rex Instantly understood what Ryjin was doing He was Uniting the Krogan under 1 leader Rex when rex meet with ryjin and asked why Ryjin's response was.

- Cause I see you as a good Chief and leader yet you need a female to help lead rex and I will have no rebellions EVER I don't forgive traitors rex and I can help your people expand and explore and above all els Give you the fights you crave -

This had given rex much to think on but he agreed to find a Good female to help him lead as his Female chieftain sovereign had resorted to attacking clans that did not join or bow in submission However the united clans turned on saren and sovereign and even managed to get the ancient guns on and started hitting sovereign with everything they could forcing him to leave the world the geth left behind where quickly Destroyed All Except 1 that was brought to Ryjin at the geth's Request Ryjin meet with the geth and to his surprise it was legion Legion had asked to be spared and to preserve what was left of his race he explained the geth Consensus was being controlled by sovereign and pockets still is he is different tho Legion explains when he came in contact with a Draconis Dragonguard on Rannoch he says when his system was invaded by the Defence system in the dragon guards armour and suit his entire Being had been remade and made sentient and yet still connected to the consensushe also went on to explain he wish's to give this Self awarness and sentiance to all his kin to allow them new life and to never be controled again.

Ryjin Rex Tali and his wives and Udina and the leaders of the other races in the United alliance heard his Plea and all where thinking Legion even went as far as to download His direct memories of the ancient Geth quarian wars and showed it was the quarians who started and the geth did not pursue them Tali was amazed and shocked her ancestors could do something so stupid Eventually Ryjin said Legion and his people are welcome in his empire as his people and he will help them get settled on a world rich with metals and such to rebuild and once up will help his empire in there ways Legion Decided then and there and agreed.

sovereign being beaten at ever turn decided to get the collectors and also contact Harbinger and have more reapers come as he told harbinger of the powerful empire that had appeared Harbinger hearing this became Amare and also contacted the Catalys and was told of said empire and such The catalyst ordered all reapers to return now and attack all race's that where unguarded.

In the citadel in a pitch-black room Where 2 pure red eyes as the figure were hooked up to Wires and cables all over it as it spoke to sovereign and HarbingerThis being was the catalyst The main and original of the reapers There God and Creator Who's name was End he was the AI developed by the Leviathan race and his body as many may think was not made of his creator race but of the body's of GODS after searching the entire galaxy he found a few hundred Dead gods he gathered their bodies and Created his own by Melting them down that action took hundreds of years but once successful he created and forged his own Body That was Extremely similar to Xenomorphs but Pure machine and gave of Godly power on even footing with Ryjin and his gods.

Ryjin as he was sat with tali as he had just asked her for permission to court her she agreed and he also meets the quarian leaders and such and informed them of what may Or may not happen if he and tali Mate he told them its a secret and they where amazed Xen was ecstatic and Bombed him with questions which he took time to answer which She was Extremely grateful for Ryjin also had many animals and race's dead bodies from other worlds and dimensions brought for Xen and Tali's farther to Study XEN literally fainted at the sight of a Rancor.

Ryjin also Informed all the quarians of Legion and even spent more weeks Mediating between the two race's and finally both sides had come to an understanding and altho may take a generation they were willing to put the past behind and start anew This was shown Live broadcast galaxy wide at this many races Understood they were wrong about the quarians and the geth as a whole.

BUT Ryjin and the Trinity alliance suddenly got messages from what remained of the citadel race's stating they were under Extreme attack by what looked like Reapers and where requesting Immediate Aid Ryjin dispatched his Fleet of 50 Dragongaurd warships To Palaven To aid the Turians as they had been working on Trying to join the united alliance and even Draconis as a Whole so Ryjin Had his ships aid the turians alongside 2 million Krogan Battle masters who were eager for battle and to show the turians how to really fight the dragon guard numbered around 50 thousand but where effectively 1 man armies Ryjin himself had gone along with his fleet His wives had also split up and each had gone to an Allie world to be defence just in case as the elcor Hanar volus were guarded by the empress's and the system alliance sent ships to help the Drell as Sol system was fortified and could handle any army.

Ryjin was sat in his seat in The spirit of fire as his force dropped from warp over palaven and saw Hundreds if not thousands going in tan's of thousands of reapers of all size's also the collectors were also here Ryjin gave commands to the entire fleet -FIRE AT WILL- at that command,all of the warship's guns Turned and aimed at the reapers as they Spun up and opened fire as there huge barrels spun so quick-firing Fast Heavy-hitting rounds on all reapers it was a battle of few against many but the shields and firepower of Draconis was leagues above the reapers but the reapers had firepower but Huge numbers the warship's shields where getting hammered by Reaper lasers all over as the shields Rapidly where draining The fleet tho had arrived at there position Right over palaven and the second command was given -ALL GROUND FORCE'S TO ASSAULT DROP DARTS NOW- the 2 million Krogan and 50K dragon guard boarded the assault drop darts and from there The darts were fired down to palaven as the turians On the planet heard Huge -BOOMS THEY ALL LOOKED UP AND SAW WHAT LOOKED LIKE A UNGODLY METEOR STORM- The Assault darts Landed and Open'd like a flower as Krogan battle masters Charged out Blasting shotguns and Chargeing the Synthetic Creatures as the darts kept landing more and more Krogan and Draconis troops charged and fought but the fight now turned in the allied force's favor as more and more land was taken back.

However, in space it was a different story The 50 Warships where under heavy fire and the shields had fallen on some ships as they had tears and gash's along there hulls from reaper lasers at least 3 ships where on the verge of Falling they had been ordered to retreat as the rest of the ships Shielded them to cover them while they warp away as the ships got away the system alliance fleet in the sol system saw the 3 ships come out of war and saw how battered they were sending urgent word to the alliance the humans decided to Head to palaven with there Fleet of 8 thousand in sol as a huge warp gate was opened by the Draconis fortress over mars to palaven.

Ryjin Used his power to grab some reapers and Crush them the fight in space had turned in to a full defense fight The turian fleet was over there moon and could not break threw Ryjin knew neither his fleet could break threw on this side BUT that changed as a HUGE warp gate opened and from it, 8 thousand system alliance ships poured out and opened fire on the reapers Ryjin gave orders for his ships To make way to there allies ships and Coordinate with them.

Admiral Anderson and Hacket- Lord Ryjin can u hear us we are here to aid you in the defense of palaven We have also brought ground forces to help aid palaven we shall also contact Palaven command to inform them of our arrival too.

The commanders talked and were joined by the turian High command as plans where made and executed with precise Precision as the battle over Palaven was now in full-blown battle the reapers and allied fleets wherein a standoff but neither could get the upper hand Ryjin knew he needed his Main Personal fleet here to win this but he did not want to bring threw thousands of Draconis warships and his Capital Titan Exterminatus.

at the same time, the battle over Thessia was also heated up and was in full swing they where battling a Huge reaper Force that was equal to that at palaven the Asari where on the verge of defeat many had given up all hope as the United Alliance had dismissed there call for aid however in space over Thessia a huge warp opened and from its a huge titanic Ship emerged along with around 500 warships This was Yotanwa's force after making sure the elcor homeworld and system was ok and defended they left for Thessia and arrived JUST in time as the warp closed The titan fired all its weapons on the Reaper fleet Hundreds of thousands of guns opened fire along with the warships Yotanwa had her Mountain king settle in a stationary orbit over Thessia and from there Huge drop pods that look like huge boulders where fired down on to Thessia the asari fleet that remained was told by yotanwa's Second in command to Come in to the defence formation of there ships so they can do some repairs and have a breather The asari matriarchs on the fleet had sent word to the ground command that the united alliance had come and where now deploying both in space and on ground at this the entire world of Thessia the whole asari race was shook as aripple started soon all the asari that had given up where suddenly Filled with a Fire a moral unlike anything as they saw this drop pods land and from it more and more troops of Unbelieavable Primative barbarians came forteh and started attacking the synthetic mutated reaper Soldiers.

the asari had gotten there spirit and moral back as they started to charge and fight alongside the mountain people of yatanwa as she herself was on the ground fighting alongside her own people as she always would as her people would roar and shout and cheer The Goddes of death was here sector after sector was purged of reaper force's as the asari now under yotanwa's command had started to heavily push back the reapers However her fleet in orbit even with its size and even with the capital titan and the 500 ships where still being overwhelmed the reapers where adapting fast every time a reaper was on the verge of destruction it would be shielded by other until out of reach than would repair itself also at this time Oichi was in the same situation at the salarian homeworld Padme was heading to Yotanwa to help back her up but was attacked by a new reaper force at the drell homeworld so she was defending the drell alongside there force's they where managing to hold off the reapers from landing which was amazing.

Ryjin had no choice but to summon his Main imperial Fleet The dragon Fleet made up of his personal Fleet numbering 200 thousand and with 10 capital ships and 4 Titans and then his personal Imperial Titan Exterminatushe really did not want to do this but sys and Draco had informed him there was a God behind the reapers and a powerful one at that at least on Ryjins lvl of power and was heading towards Ryjin as we speak so to make sure he had room and time to fight this unknown god he summoned his fleet.

as a Titanic warp opened as Tens of thousands of ships emerged from it as did ships the size of worlds and 1 that eclipsed all others this 1 was at least 20X THE SIZE OF A WORLD His fleet started to attack the reapers but the reapers suddenly disengaged and Left by Relay Ryjin ordered his fleet To Split in 3 and help his wives with a force of around 50k ships remaining over palaven to defend Ryjin then said he was heading off to deal with an unknown Many protested but he was already gone.

Ryjin was flying Dragon ball z Style in space as he was on a collision course with that Unknown god Yet he could feel it was not a true god it was something else something not right as he saw the unknown and the unknown saw him the unknow SHOT a Pure red beam at Ryjin he moved out the way and eventually came face to face with the unknown and was surprised it looked like a fully Machine Xenomorph but the unknown started to speak.

????- I am End the first the original Reaper and you and your kind are in the way so I personally shall deal with you.

As he said that End rushed Ryjin Ryjin moved right and Elbowed end right in the left side of its head but end had At the same time kicked ryjin with his left leg and also gone to swipe him with his tail Ryjin got hit by the kick but dodged the tail as this battle was a Brawl yet both were hitting with enough power that the very space and time around them was Shaking and cracking in some parts Worlds nearby were also shaking each punch each kick was a world-shattering one as both where becoming matched in battle Ryjin was using his powers all over as he used Fire style Divine fire annihilation Jutsu as a Pure Crimson fire shot from his mouth in space Palaven which was near the fight could see everything and it was being broadcast all over for all to see all were tense and Watching with Such intensity and fervour many would not have noticed the galaxy-wide battle going on.

Ryjin had launched his jutsu as he then used Magic to cause a solar Wind and buffed the fire as End Clapped his hands with such force the very fire split and Ryjin rushed him He hit end right in the gut but end countered with a headbutt and Hit ryjin in the face repeatedly and the last hit sent Ryjin flying Threw a nearby moon as Ryjin shot back at End as He went Boxer style as he launched Left left left right uppercut dodge dodge right right Gut punch X10 and finally he Leveled a Direct Hit to ends right temple area as End was shocked and also flung back and impacted a world Causing a Huge impact that Destroyed one side of the world Completely as one could even see the center of the said world, as End flew from it he was damaged a bit leaking what looked like Liquid diamond same as Ryjin and godsat seeing this Ryjin knew he could beat End and kill him So ryjin started the fight again but End had addapted to boxing so Ryjin changed to Muay Thai which compleatly threw End off from all the Punch kicks and elbows End was getting Hammerd hard as he was leaking more and more God blood but in a fit of rage End released all his power and charged Ryjin as he started battering Ryjin with such speed that ryjin could only dodge 1 out of ever 4 hits The fight was Intensifying and the sheer power both where releaseing was cause the space around them to start to crack and shatter End was Hit so hard by ryjin he flew clear out this system and Hit a planet 6 systems away as said planet imploded End ina fit Grabed the star nearby as he drained it of all energy and condensed it in to his punch as he flew right for Ryjin as Ryjin gatherd all his power as he also went for a hit Both hit each other and the power released was so intense it shatterd and Erased the Whole system they where in, as both where standing there in such beaten forms as they battled Ryjin was bleeding profusly and was tierd End was also in same situation Both determined this was there last attack fail they die succed they live and there enemy dies as they each charged an attack End was gathering all his godly energy in to his Great beam weapon fro 1 final fireing Ryjin Did somthing unexpected He opened his hands and made the symbol of Yin and yang as he stood like a Hyuga would but His arms where coverd in what looked like Green eastern dragons Ryjin looked on at end and could not belive End forced Ryjin to Try this Techqniec It was still developing but was his only chanceAs End fired his Attack Ryjin closed his eyes and Spoke and the very Galexy trembled as he did.

-Twin Dragons of Yin and Yang- as he gathered unimaginable power and fired at End as both attacks hit the resulting Blast wiped out the 5 systems round them Ryjin was flung so fast and hard that he shattered 20 dimension walls and was flung into an unknown dimension as he was shot down towards a world that looked like earth but very young as he Landed on an island in the Bermuda triangle the impact shook the earth a Tribe on that land had found him and saw he bleed Clear blood when an elder touched the blood Her age went back till she was about 16 the elders Then had Ryjin placed in a secret and hidden Vault Prison 1000 feet underground as he was chained and Sealed and only brought out when they wanted some blood to keep their youth and there Immortal life this was the Secret of the elders of the tribe who would rule for Millenia untill he awaoke from his Injury induced slumber Ryjins power had been diminished and he was wounded so it would take time to recover but at the same tiem back in masseffect End was caught in the full brunt of Ryjins attack that compleatly Erased End and Caused even the very fabric of Reality to shatter and only after around 1 year did the tear repair.

The Emperess's gathered the Entire Draconis fleet to engage the reapers that had been gathered and now where being led By harbinger the United Alliance along with the rest of the Galaxy had banded together to battle the reapers The Wives and Tali where worried about Ryjin but there anger was greater even his kids had gotten word on what had happened the gods had told all he was alive but seemed to be in deep slumber but he is in another dimension and time there is different so 1 thousand years there is like 1 year here so they where happy about that they focused on the reapers as the reapers where now fleeing back to dark space but DRACONIS would never allow that These things harmed there emperor They would never stand for that as the United race's attacked the reapers in a great battled that lasted for around 40 days Untill Finaly the reapers where defeated around 40 thousand reapers Retreated in to deep Dark space but all others numbering in the hundreds of thousands where destroyed Draconis told all race's the remains of the reapers are theres to study and from there draconis returned to peace awaiting there emperors awakening Tali had told the 3 wives that she liked Ryjin and wanted to ask him if he would accept her The 3 where of course Happy and welcomed her as the Fourth Emperess.

Nathan_Hinds Nathan_Hinds

Damn my fingers HAHAH ok i did another big chapter cause 1 I hate cliff hangers so wanted to do the whole battle sceen and such so no one screams at the cliff hanger god HAHAH i know i do also Mass effect is not fully over so no worries

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