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76.68% Total War System / Chapter 146: Meeting the Quarians

Kapitel 146: Meeting the Quarians

Ryjin Litraly left the entire council to stew in their Thoughts but at least 70% of the citadel council wanted answers but Ryjin had already left with Tali in tow and tanwa also as they headed to the Dock's to board The Imperial Spartan Ryjins new command ship here in mass effect it was not anywhere near his Imperii maybe about 20 or 13 % the size but what it lacks in size it makes up for in unadulterated Firepower and Army capacity This ship was also the newest and Most up-to-date ship threw all of Draconis even his Imperii needs to be retrofitted again along with his wives ships.

Ryjin asked where tali would like to bunk while on the Spartan she said she did not mind where But Ryjin knew she loved the sound of the engines So he asked her if she would like to be near the engines ??? This got her head to WHIP round so fast He could of sword Her mask nearly flew off ??? she Told him she would love that He offered her his hand to guide her Tanwa just kept Laughing until she left to Gear her Troops to fight Geth.

as tali were introduced to the ship she was Like a kid in a candy store and toy store all rolled in 1 so excited about all this space fairing tech and all the new systems She was fidgeting and Very nervous if she should ask if she can explore and Study the tech However Ryjin beat her to it.

Ryjin- Tali I just want to say You are very beautiful and I am glad you accepted my offer also if this Offer I give your people is accepted I will also throw in some old ships of are's These ships will be at least 3 leagues above what the citadel races can make.

Tali stood there paused in time for a few seconds Then she Spazed out and became all Girly mode from what Ryjin could make out she was thankful for the compliment to her Looks and she was also Thankful for the offer of ships then she spoke.

Tali- how do you know I am beautiful tho you have not seen my face My people have to live behind mask's -She looks down sad- Many call us Space waste or Space Beggers Why would u help us ????.

Ryjin looks at her seriously then takes her hands which surprises her.

Ryjin- Tali whether u and your people wear masks and suits Bother neither me nor my people what matters to us is if your people are nice Also Tali I am a god So I can see people for who they are and you are very much an amazing woman and have a Very bright soul and I Have 3 wives But I know you may hate me for saying and asking BUT I hope to have the chance to get to know you and maybe Have a relation in the future And before you slap me I don't cheat on my Life partners My wives know of you also You even met one before she left us before.

Surprisingly Tali out of Instinct went to slap him But stopped about an inch from his face before her brain caught up with ALL he said she lowered her hand and gave him a funny look But Nodded her head then saying.

Tali- you mean miss Yotanwa is a wife of yours if so you said she knows you Like me and she does not Mind about that ??? what of the others BUT not only that I am Quarian you are human even if we fell in love even if we married We could never have a family.

-ryjin Held her hands and spoke-

Actually one of my most guarded secrets is that I can actually mate and Impregnate any Race no matter what so we could have a family However that is only if you ever deem me fit to Court you and to get to know you -He smiles as he says the end-.

Tali actually becomes shocked but says -That's something we Both can agree on then But if you ever try and force me into anything Friends allies be Fucked I will shoot you- Ryjin nods ate that and says he would have it no other way after this Ryjin had led her to a nice room by the engines She took to the room like a fish to water Ryjin left telling her she is welcome on the bridge and she can explore anywhere on the ship all he ask's is not to copy any tech Tali agreed and thanked him He also told her to be at the bridge in around 12 hours that's when they shall set off.

Tali was confused What did he mean WE shall set off she spent a few hours exploring and she had to admit she fell in love with the ship and its design and structure she slept for the rest till a Soldier knocked on her door and Informed her they were ready to head off -Again she was confused by the WE- she headed to the Bridge with the soldier and once she arrived she instantly knew why he said WE out before his ship where around 30 HUGE ships easily the size of a Geth Dreadnaught not only that but also around 100 System alliance warships SHE BECAME PANICKED.

Tali- Ryjin WHY WHY why so many ships do you intend to fight my people she was now scared and terrified.

Ryjin- Tali relax Breath do you remember what I said to you and what the offer was ???? well Yes this is also a force that will attack Rannoch and the geth if all is agreed on This is only the Vanguard the system Alliance is sending a further 300 Ships and I have an extra 20 also Joined with them Ready and waiting to warp to Rannoch.

Tali at this became speechless Never had any race offered to help her people Let alone GO TO WAR FOR THEM this was something she never expected.

Tali- won't the council stop you I mean you are both parts of the citadel council ???.

Ryjin- HAHAHAAH no tali they won't and can't you see The Alliance and Draconis do have an Embassy on the citadel but we are not a part of the citadel alliance you see the Human Alliance stated to the council that they shall keep open relations with all citadel races and also none race's BUT shall not join the Citadel Alliance they are happy with the select Alliance they have with Draconis Not only that but I also talked to them about including the Quarians in to are alliance making it a Trinity alliance That's if your people agree and we can get along and like i said I will make sure your people after we retake Rannoch they never need wear a suit or mask again Well unless that want to that is I mean.

With all the explaining done and set Tali left the bridge but ryjin heard crying from her He wanted to go and apologies for anything he may have done to upset her but I heard Thank you from her Very Very quietly he then knew she was Crying due to happiness.

Ryjin- All force's Enter High Warp to the Quarian fleet also have the Warp gates open for ally too so they may warp with us NOW GO TO THE QUARIAN HOME SYSTEM.

At his command, the ships Warp gates sprung to life as the alliance ships went threw first then Ryjins ships after the last ally ship had gone threw Tali looked on with amazement Ryjin had not told her where they shall be coming out but she knew where the Migrant fleet is so she can direct them once there.

However, that was not needed as for once the Spartan came threw warp Tali saw The migrant fleet In front of her He eyes Widened and she was shocked How did they know where the fleet was BUT she came out of the shock as she saw the entire Migrant fleet take on a defensive formation with the heavy fleet in front aiming weapons at Ryjin's ships and the system alliance ships she quickly ran over the ryjin and asked to be given the coms so she can talk to her people and make sure nothing unexpected happens and such Ryjin nods to her and Guides her to the Holo Coms she was confused where was the coms station however that changed when her View changed and she was now speaking to all the Migrant fleet as a whole.

After around 20 minutes of talking and explaining Tali had finally Convinced the quarians that this fleet meant no harm The quarian High council also accepted to meet and Ryjin and discuss his offer in full with the whole Quarian people also to hear it threw speakers and such.

after 2 hours Ryjin was on a shuttle with Tali he also had Udina with him who was representing the systems alliance in the talks and such Ryjin took no guards and was dressed in His Imperial Cloths no armor no weapons all to show he meant no harm and he came to talk openly.

once docked on the quarian Flotilla the Entire Quarian Admiralty Board where there a few hundred Ryjin walked with Tali who meet her father and spoke to him as Ryjin went to the center of the Room as did Udina as they got to the center Tali Jogged over to them and stood with them -Ryjin smiled at her and she became all fidgety- Thanks for all the help tali He told her Udina also thanked her then the Board spoke.

Admiralty Board- So you are Ryjin the emperor of Draconis and you are Udina Representative of the Humans We greet you and welcome you to the Migrant fleet -Ryjin bows Graciously and gives thanks for the hospitality Udina, not 1 to be left behind also Did the same This caused all the quarians threw the entire Migrant fleet To have a great appreciation for them as they showed them respect and treated them equally instead of Below them.

Ryjin- I am Ryjin De Dragon Lord King-Emperor and a God of Draconis I have come here today to offer you quarians an offer one in which if you agree I will retake your home for you and I will exterminate the geth also you will be welcome in our Alliance with Draconis and The system alliance all I ask is.

1- we request Free open Trade between all 3 of our race's.

2- We also Request A full military alliance between all races in are alliance.

3- we also ask for The trade of culture some tech and also.

4- we also ask for fully open borders with all 3 races in are alliance.

Effectively we shall become Iron-clad allies in everything also my empire shall also make it so you need not wear suits or mask's anymore Well unless you want to wear them we shall completely fix and heal your Immune system's and You shall be able to walk on Rannoch with ya bare feet and Take a deep breath of the air threw your mouth not your Filter.

now there was a Huge silence throughout the WHOLE MIGRANT FLEET for around 20 seconds Before all HELL ERUPTED the quarians were now shouting and such and many where asking if all he said and asked was True This is where Udina stepped in.

Udina- -Cough Cough- I believe I can step in and help here You see are people where the first to come in contact with Draconis at first we where also Like you skeptical and Guarded we also did not believe him to be a god BUT he is but he does not flaunt his power and he does not want worship as many of you know before we met Draconis we had just started our exploration of the stars However with Draconis meeting us and we haveing an Iron-Clad Alliance with them they helped us in every way from infrastructure to agriculture to tech to Ships designs to defences You name it they have helped us Draconis is BY FAR the best Allie and Friend to ever have this is coming from a race that is similar Yet different from Draconis also when they helped us with Tech they did not give us tech to copy they helped us develop are own are own unique Tech we do not relie on Eeezo or the relays they helped us build around 70% of all are current Colonys they also Terraformed all planets in are home system to Gaia worlds habitable for humans they only asked for 1 world so they could grow and build and trade and such I honestly belive if you accept this offer you shall never in your Races life time shall ever regret agreeing to this offer.

Ryjin was impressed by udina Cause of him and his empire Udina does not have that HUGE STICK UP HIS ASS The quarians were now talking debating and such However many of the admirals started voicing There Information such as They had many reports on Draconis helping and aiding the humans In every way This all Backed up Udinas claims.

After about 3 hours of talking and shouting The entire Quarian people had agreed to Ryjin and Udina's Offer and to there shock and surprise They saw Ryjin glowing gold and he waved his arm as he did a Huge sphere of golden energy washed over the entire Migrant fleet and even went threw the entire galaxy.

Admiral Xen- What was that what did you do I have never felt that kind of power.

Ryjin- i am keeping my word to a certain Beautiful Quarian called Tali.

after he said that he started walking to the shuttle as he stated he was starting his plan now Udina nodded and Pressed his communicator and spoke in the quarians hearing listening to see what was happening.

Udina- This is Ambassador Udina To all System alliance force's The offer has been agreed and are new allies and Brothers and sisters Need there home back Operation Rannoch Retrieval is a go all forces converge on Draconis force's and Warp to Rannoch The vanguard whall be there engaging the geth when you arrive I REPEAT OPERATION IS A GO.

at this, the quarians are now shaking and surprised and Truelt shocked another 2 races are helping them retake there homeworld they would go to such lengths for allies they called them Brothers sisters Many cried at being treated so Nicely and kindly.

Udina had caught up to Ryjin and told him all forces shall arrive at Rannoch in around 2 hours around 3 thousand Alliance warships with your 20 warping them in We will leave all geth heavy's to you and your ships we can deal with the others Ryjin nodded as they were about to leave they were stopped as a shout came.

Tali- wait I am coming with you.

as udina turned round he was something that made his EYES BULGE AND HIS HEARTBEAT SO FAST THERE RUNNING towards them was Tali however she had no mask on no hood and she was stunningly beautiful.

Ryjin- I told you you where beautiful and I was right I am glad you are free Now tali no longer locked behind a mask your people are free now Now on to Rannoch time to launch this attack.

Tali was amazed he did it he helped them all and he was going to take there home back for them about 10 minutes later Ryjin was in the bridge of the Imperii Spartan and had just given the orders fro all ships to warp as his and all allied ships left the migrant fleet to head to Rannoch Upon warping out at Rannoch Ryjin Gave orders to Open fire on all get Dreadnaughts and all geth ships Larger than Allied warships as from warp Hundreds of alliance warships warped threw and instantly started Firing on the geth The Draconis warships Started hammering the geth Dreadnaughts destroying them 1 after another Draconis warships would maneuver them selfs in front of heavily damaged allies to give them time to retreat they would also Enlarge their shields to help Guard ships who's shields had gone down.

hours went by as the Reinforcements arrived a few thousand more alliance ships along with 20 more Draconis Warships the battle intensified as around 4 geth fleets arrived at Rannoch and the Whole system was engulfed in all-out war as ships were fighting many alliance ships had left to repair the fight was at least 70% on geths side BUT Draconis warships evened it all out after about 6 hours The alliance ships retreated to get repaired as the Draconis ships stayed and kept fighting Some had taken light damage 1 had taken heavy damage but all were still standing strong.

BOOM x a few thousand

from the relay came Thousands upon thousands of Quarian ships as they came from the relay they opened fire on all geth insight The Draconis ships Manuverd them selfs in front of the Quarians ships to help cover them from Heavy shots due to the quarians smaller ships and better speed they were able to move around Draconis warships with ease as they outmaneuvered the geth fighters and such The battle went from a 70% geth side down to an 80% Alliance side and if that was not enough at least 2 more geth fleets arrived BUT so did the now Re-armed and Repaired Alliance ships This battle had also gotten the attention of the entire Citadel race's as they were all watching said battle by live cast by a Ship in that System watching and casting it threw the whole galaxy to watch.

the system had become a full-on moshpit as fighting all around However That changed when a HUGE WARP OPENED and from it came a Ship of such size and power None believed it true or possible The ship had Tribale designs on it and Had a certain Thing written on it.

The Mountain King of Draconis

Ryjin knew his wife Yotanwa had come with her Capital titan and what looks around 500 Draconis warships however that was not all as at the same time 2 more Giant warps opened as 2 more ships came threw each with there own Design 1 looked like a huge Arrowhead ??? Padme sat on the bridge there and the others Looked like a Floating Samurai Castle ??? each surrounded by around 500 Draconis warships as these fleets entered the system Became a full fucking Kill zone as all geth ships where being Battered and hammered by the rapid-fire guns of Draconis Elite warships Not only that many geth ships had been captured by yotanwa's Mountian soldiers The descendants of her ancient army they had boarded the geth ships using the Boarding Darts of Draconis as the galaxy saw this and the sheer might of the Draconis empire All now knew They were a true Force not just in words but in Might also.

after the arrival of the 3 Empress fleets, the geth where Litraly mowed down to extinction as the Huge allied fleet moved on Rannoch Ryjin had his Dragonguard land and start attacking geth on the nd However No bombing was allowed he wanted the world in pristine condition Yotanwa also had her force's land as they fight with Melee weapons and such Padme had her Troops land and clear all geth and Oichi had her samurai land alongside yotanwa's troops and being taking back there allies world.

The Quarians also Now no longer Chained by suits and masks Took to Rannoch with a fury and vengeance as every geth was Destroyed many quarians Cried after the battle they were on there homeworld They were breathing the Fresh air They no longer needed to be locked in airtight suits.

After the battle Ryjin had the 3 empress fleets head to mars and he asked the alliance fleet to clear the entire system of all Remaining geth he then turned to the quarians and said words they Craved for most of all.


Nathan_Hinds Nathan_Hinds

SUPRISE ANOTHER BIG CHAP also there will be a link in the comments to what tali will look like in this Univers :3

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