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49.22% Total War System / Chapter 93: Entering Harry potter world

Kapitel 93: Entering Harry potter world

Ryjin thinks and thinks for days as he is with Oichi these days as Yotanwa is Dealing with her people's descendants and such its all going well but she wants to make sure there all under control Ryjin then ask's Sys if he was to go to Harry's world would he gain more magic and would he be able to learn and even make new spells of his own then ??? She responds Yes and tells him once entering he will under go his first Magic maturity but because he has such Huge amounts of Magic all magic Folks of that world will feel a Huge Pressure once you mature the first time so you will have to Make a shield'd place to do it.

Ryjin is sat down and ask's Oichi if she would like to go with him she Sits with him and says she shall go where ever he does since she is now Immortal she is with Ryjin 24/7 as her attachment to him Is strong she truly love's him deeply he also ask'd Nobunaga of he would like to go and explore a new world at which he jumped at and said yes Without even thinking haha Ribuko also asked to go as did Houmai.

With this done Ryjin told them once they go They shall attain The ability to use and wield Magic and would need to Train in using it and such This caused a stir as they where now Giddy like kids in a candy store So Ryjin has set it up that Nobu Ribuko and Houmai are brothers and they took in Ryjin and Oichi when there elder brother Died this way they can Have a back story once there Identity's are set up which should be easy as Gold can buy anything in that World Ryjin Placed his Hands round Oichi as he and she reverted to 10 years of age But could turn back at will This made the 3 stare in amazement as they would be able to do such a Thing soon as Ryjin Placed his right arm forward as he said World Gate Open as a Shimmering Crystal like gate appeared This was in Dragon citadel mind you so was Guarded The gate expanded to around 30 foot High and around 60 foot wide entrance.

Many where excited as they had Cloth's on and Bags with some Gold and gems and Such they plann'd to sell and make money so they can Buy a mansion for Ryjin and for them all to live in as Ryjin walks threw Oichi Follows as does Nobu Ribuko Houmai and around 100 other people and as they appear on the other side they all feel Strange as a warmth enters them and wash's over them Accidental magic starts happening Left right and Bloody centre as Ryjin Quickly tells them to Calm there emotions as they make there way away from said area to avoid Magic folk coming to investigate They all head to a Pawn show that deals in gold jewels and gems and such as Ryjin and his people walk in they walk out about 10 minutes later with around 1 million in cash and still loads of Gold and gems left so He made a Deal with this Pawn shop owner that as they get money he shall sell the rest to them this is a win win for both Ryjin then had to Find Digone alley and enter as Gringots was the best way to get Identity's for Magic and None magic world.

after about Half a day of searching he found The leaky couldren and entered as he did Many people stared at them as Ryjin had about 100 people with him He went to the back and said I want digone ally open Please as a Man came and open the passage Ryjin gave him a Ruby the size of a fist as a thanks This left all in the PUB SHOCK'D and jealous Why did they not get up and help FFS.

He made his way to Gringots with a Wide smile as he saw the Goblins all the others where Excited and where looking round as if they think if they blink it will disappear The goblin's had been paying attention to this Huge group of People as they entered due to they had Gold PURE gold bars and also Gems cut and uncut of size the goblins started Drooling there eyes Lit up like Fireworks Ryjin Approached the Main goblin and Stated he wanted to talk in Private The goblin Looked at him Inquisitively and Said fine as he called a Goblin that took Ryjin and his entire group to a Huge room where after 10 Minutes atleast 20 Goblins Came in as 1 look'd old and On his last Legs the others Look'd Young as the elder sat down he ask'd for what has Ryjin ask'd for them of.

Ryjin: Great Elder Goblin I present you this -He place's a Huge Bag filled with Pure 100% Gold bars and Gems and Uncut gems- This is a Gift from me To u for agreeing to this now I would like to have identity's made in the magic and None magic for me and my Friends and Not just Ordinary Identity's But Ancient Identity's this may cost alot but i can Give you Elder something that no other can And i am willing to Give Every Goblin in this Bank here 100 Gold bars 50 Cut Gems and 20 Uncut gems as a Gift from Me to the Goblin folk who shall deal and take care of are Vault I will also Be depositing over 100 billion Gold bars in The vault as soon as We have attained all this also the faster you get this done The greater the Reward you shall get Elder.

-As ryjin near'd the elder to whisper something The Goblins face Lit up His eye's widen his face drops Shock evident all over him as he screams IS THIS TRUE IF SO IT SHALL BE Done-

Ryjin Nods and says it is as he see's the other Goblins in the room Perk up knowing they get something as a gift they where happy The Elder goblin Shouted his ass off telling them to get all of it done in the next hour as the hour went by more and more forms came in for all of us to Sign as it did The elder was staring at Ryjin as if he was a Piece of Meat.

As the Hour was up and all identity's where done and sorted Ryjin got up and said before all.

You all shall swear here and Now to never reveal in any way shape or form what is about to take Place The Goblins are Now getting weary The Elder however takes his wand and States a Magic oath Then he turns and says For them to do the same any who don't will be killed They became scared and did the Oath after that Ryjin Placed his hand above the Elder Goblin's Head as Ryjin started to Glow Golden his Hair was like Gold but shined like Diamond All people who where with Ryjin had Kneel'd and this shock'd and terrified the Goblins the Very power and magic Radiating from him was Astronomical No living being had ever had that kind of power EVER But it was his Words and Actions that Truly sent them off the deep end.

-I uphold my end Elder goblin I shall make you 18 years of age again and also extend your Life by 1000 years-

As the Elder Goblin started to Age but in reverse as he became Young and he regained his Vitality He took in Deep breath's He had not breathed like this in many a years He Thank'd Ryjin profusely and was astonish'd Ryjin told the elder That this is not a dream and even Cut the elders hand To prove it Ryjin wanted the elder to Know this is real and not some Illusion as the elder Knew why he did that He was ecstatic Ryjin Bow'd and Thank'd the Elder as he ask'd the elder if he could be His Clans treasurer and Money Manager This the Elder agreed as Ryjin was talking to all He Summoned the Gate Right there In-front of 20 Goblins who Became Shock'd Yet again as the people walked Threw and as they came back they where Carrying Chests and such FILL'D WITH GOLD AND GEMS Ryjin had many Chests Hundreds infact Brought threw and Placed in the Huge hall room where all could see The many People and Goblins who saw this Became astonish'd and some Even left to report to certain Family's and even the Ministry.

as the Chests Pilled up More and More the People who had seen this where Now truly Amazed the goblins where confused why had the Great Elder allow'd a Rukas To take place But then the Goblins Literally fell of there Chairs as they saw a EXTREMELY YOUNG GREAT ELDER as the elder was so excited and such he was in such a Great mood He then Proceeded To Have all Goblins in the Entire Bank summon'd to the Great hall where even People outside and inside can see and hear.

Great elder: I am Great Elder Gib Yes i am and Yes i am YOUNG AGAIN HAHAHAH this Here is Ryjin Sole Heir to the Dragon Clan Along with his Family who remain and He has Given EVERY GOBLIN HERE a chest Filled with 100 pure Gold bars 50 Cut gems and 20 uncut gems as a Gift from His clan to are Race in this bank who shall be dealing with his Clan from this day forth He also Gave me a Elixir that Gives life back to the drinker and also extends there Life by 1000 years I am grateful for his act and that he chose this Bank -He bows and so do all the goblins-

Ryjin: ??? Goblins I have just a Few words Which i am sure you are all Dieing to HEAR -They listen Intently- GO GET YOUR NEW STUFF hahahaha and enjoy

At them words the Goblins Like a flood Stormed the Huge mountain of Chests as it slowly Vanish'd as the Goblins took there new stuff and placed it in there magic bags each one laughing and smiling They all thanks Ryjin and his men Ryjin just stated he was glad to be friends with the Goblins and he would relie on them to look after his wealth that shall be Locked away here and that they shall have chance's to earn even more in future With this Ryjin went to his vault which was Number 3 It was Huge and he had stated that He shall have Monsters guard this Vault and will bring them him self as he had 100 Griffons and also 20 Dragons brought from Dragon citadel and griffon citadel stationed as Guards this Shock'd the Goblins and also Earned there respect Elder Gib was now watching Ryjin Litraly open what looked like huge portal as Thousands and thousands of People came threw and Placed Gold jewels Gems and such in the Vault after about 30 minutes The Vault which was the size of atleast 16 Football fields was FILLED to the brim GIB literally could not stop Drooling.

Ryjin handed Gib a Small magic bag and said This Is your Yearly salary for watching and Guarding an managing my clans Vault Gib Placed magic in the bag and Fainted there on the spot with a HUGE smile on his face Ryjin just said Goblins are such an Honest Race with there Feelings for wealth HAHAHAH.

The goblin attendant Had placed Gib in the cart and had taken Ryjin and the Fainted Gib back top side Ryjin gave the Goblin Attendant a small bag of Gold he was happy and said thanks and went back to work Ryjin had Turned about 100 Billion golds worth in to Galleon's So he was Now the Rich'st Person in the world as he had gone to the Real estate area and had bought a Huge mansion that was located in Central England in Muggel world It was Huge could House up to around 200 People Yet Ryjin had his main 100 with a rotating 100 who would come to Explore and such With this he was set for the world as Now the Many Noble house's had Now found out about the appearance of this Ancient and Noble clan coming out of Hiding The Ministry wanted to evaluate this Clan yet could not even get near there Mansion it was Guarded so well No spy could get in at all As the year went By Ryjin and Oichi where Enjoying them self's then a year later There magic Matured and The entire World felt a Huge Tremor The magic world felt PURE POWER Radiating from England and many sent men and women to find the reason for such power.

The Britannia Ministry of magic Knew where that power came from it was From the Dragon Clan Mansion They sent auror's there with Order's to get answers of what that was and for the Ministry to Take it and Guard it However the answer the auror's got was a door in there face and a message for the Ministry -You dare to try and do anything to are Young Lord and Mistress You die- No one knew what they meant None had Threaten'd them children then a Wizard Shouted the power was Magic power it was a Magic maturity At this Thought many Now wanted more answers and kept Sending messengers and such But got no answer However a week later Ryjin and Oichi had gotten a Letter From Hogwarts and with it came a Knock at there Mansions door as Miss mcgonagall was there She was Greeted and Allow'd entry This surprised all Auror's and even dark side spy's As mcgonagall was guided threw the mansion she saw stuff She never even dreamed of This mansion was a Literal House of Magic all over where Magic Item's That today would be Known as Ancient artefacts but here in this House they where Treated as everyday items.

as she entered a Great Big room there was What looked like Throne a Chair made of What looked like A strange Metal a shiny Blue Yet she could feel Magic Radiate off it and beside that Throne style Chair was another a Feminine style 1 with a Young girl sat there she Stared Long and hard at the Girl this girl had Such Strong and Potent magic and the sheer amount she was Radiating was Unbelievable That's just whats being Radiated unconsciously How much does she have if to control it Then She felt it a Power so string her Entire Body was Shaking uncontrollably she was Having a Very hard time Just standing as Oichi saw this she Turn'd to Ryjin and said -Hunny can you Pull in your power its Killing the Guest- at this mcgonagall now saw a Young boy In the Throne Looking at her and the Magic coming from him was Endless and soo Potent and Powerful it was like Space never ending.

Ryjin: Sorry I am still getting used to My power so i am trying to control it I apologise Please have a seat mcgonagall was now Alot better as his Power was now being suppressed by his Conscious will Ryjin Introduced himself -I am Ryjin De Dragon Head and Leader of the Imperial Dragon Clan a pleasure to meet you Mam-

mcgonagall at this was stunned He was a Lord and such a young 1 the Ministry would never allow this But it did not matter to her as she Brought out 2 Contracts and placed them on the table infront of her and Ryjin as he read them He noticed There where some parts He did not like So he said it - Miss mcgonagall i am sorry to say but in this contract its written in Magic here-Points to the section- That The headmaster shall be are magical Guardian and have access to are Vaults and such and shall have full control over any decisions related to us I am sorry but these cant be agreed on at all-

mcgonagall was looking at the Contract and was puzzled Young sir what do you mean its written I don't see that -This cought Ryjin by surprise Did mcgonagall not know of this- Ryjin took the contract and Placed a Huge amount of magic in it and the Magic Written words Lit up and mcgonagall read it and became Furious She Literally Writ another contract right there in front of Ryjin and said this is the real contract she apologised for this as she did not know -ryjin could feel her feelings and she was telling the truth she did not know- Ryjin accepted the new contract and Shook hands with miss mcgonagall and gave her a Potion that would Revers her age and give her about 50 years extra to live on top of her now Youthful body so she would live for about 220 years or so now.

miss mcgonagall tried to reject the Gift but Ryjin was not taking No for an answer and she took it and drank it as she did She reverted to 20 years of age and Looked amazing she Thanked Ryjin and Ryjin gave his thanks and said they look forward to meeting her in Hogwarts miss mcgonagall took her Leave with a Very Stern face Ryjin knew she was guna Kick up a damn Storm at hogwarts cause of the Hidden stuff in the contract No wonder alot of Orphan magi turned evil on leaving Hogwarts.

As the days went by the time for departing to Hogwarts came Ryjin and Oichi where now standing

at the Piller for Platform 9 3/4 at 10:30 a.m. on 1 September, They arrived 30 minuets Early'r as they got a Good Cabin and Ryjin was sat inside Cuddling up with Oichi as the time Pass'd The Kids started to enter the Train Ryjin Scared all away who tried to enter there compartment and about 2 minuets from setting of A Brown Bushy hair'd Girl walked in and ask'd if she would Share the room Ryjin noticed this was Hermine Ryjin Nodded and said Sure as he then Closed the door again as he just sat there with Oichi cuddling him as Hermine ask'd where they where from Ryjin answered Dragon Isle's This confused Hermine as she said she has never herd of that place Ryjin stated its a Magic only place Very Hidden Hermine then ask'd what Pets do they have Ryjin looked at Oichi and said We have special ones They don.t fit in the Train so they cant be here but they are Following the Train you will see them when we land This Got hermine's attention she started doing her Bookworm thing as she was going on and on about Magic Oichi found it Cute how Hermine did that Ryjin was Listening and was also Thinking of different ways magic can be used and Such Then Hermine Noticed and ask'd Where are your Wand's did you forget them Ryjin smiled As did Oichi and they both said We dont use wands Ryjin brought forth a Fire ball then Cancelled it Oichi called forth a Ball of Light and also Cancelled It Oichi was found to have extreme Light and healing Affinity in magic This fact made Hermine Face plant the floor.

she started Ranting about how they must have a wand and such and how they might be expelled But ryjin just dismissed it and said They wont do that Trust me as the Train stopped and all the first years where on boats Ryjin had His and Oichi's Boat Drift away from the others as Ryjin treated her to a small Date on the Lake this Was Noticed by hagrid Who was Smirking but then started To shout and Ball for them to run away To jump in the water and swim to them as all the students saw 2 Huge flying Creatures Heading for Ryjin and Oichi 1 was Deathclaw The other a Smaller Deathwing as Deathclaw had taken to Oichi and deathwing he was Ryjins Partner threw and threw Hagrid Became scared as he saw these 2 Giant creatures being all friendly with the 2 Kids as Ryjin got on Deathwing and oichi got on Deathclaw as they flew to the Main door of Hogwarts before Jumping off them 2 Giant Mythical Creatures Ryjin found it funny at there Panic as Draco malfoy had actualy Jumped in the Lake to hide from the 2 Beasts.

as the rest got to the Door Draco did his Thing with Harry but then Draco turned to Ryjin and said such that his farther will hear of what he di and them Beasts will be Killed Ryjin smiled at Draco and just said -Try it Little Whimp- This got laugh's from all as Draco rushed in Hogwarts Fuming Ryjin was now Hopeing Draco the Got does not Kill that Pipsqeak out of anger for Messing with his Name.

as they all entered the Great hall Oichi was with Ryjin at all times as they sat down Many looked at the 2 miss mcgonagall Approached Ryjin and Greeted him as Ryjin had stood and Greeted Her She Thanked him for the Potion and for being so understandable about all Ryjin just said no need miss its all sorted and i am glad you are ok she returned to Her seat But Snape Had herd Potion from her Voice and Knew this Boy must be the 1 who gave her such a Thing he wanted the Knowledge Dumbledore wanted the Potion Ryjin ask'd miss mcgonagall if what he requested was accepted She smiled and Said yes This made Oichi Happy as well as Ryjin.

Dumbledore had done the Whole singing thin then the Hat came out Ryjin was a bit On guard with the Hat as he would never allow a damn Hat in his Mind as the Names where Called Ryjin and Oichi where last Ryjin was Called First as he walked up and Sat down The hat was Placed on his Head and as it was Then The HAT Took off like a rocket and landed on the teachers table shouting and screaming it wont do it again it wont do it again Dumbledore was now Confused but a voice was heard.

-That's good mister hat I don't want to have to Destroy you so please no Going in my head-

the Voice was From Ryjin as all heard it the hat shouted Griffondor Oichi got up and ask'd Mister hat to place her with her Hubby the Hat was really Liking Oichi as she shouted Griffondor Many where Shock'd and Confused but the Night ended and as all where going to there Dorms The griffon Members where all talking and such but as they entered the Dorm The griffon members Noticed 2 Griffondor's walking to a bedroom together The prefects Tried to say something only to be Stopped by miss mcgonagall as she stated them 2 shall have a room for themselves This caused a lot of Anger But did not matter as Hogwarts was getting something Major in return for it All the magic that Radiates from Ryjin and Oichi was being absorbed By the wards of Hogwarts and was Repairing them and also Making the Magic density So much stronger as The next day came Ryjin woke up as Oichi was already awake Today was the start of there Magic journey together He was actualy excited and so was she as they Headed to there First class where they where being Told to make a feather float ??????

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