Teilen Sie Ihre Gedanken mit anderen
Schreiben Sie eine Rezensionoverall the story was great and I saw a lot of myself in Mike. I couldn't stop myself from continuing reading it. some parts were a little hard to understand due to spelling errors but all in all I loved it. you did a great job!
francly amazing. spoiler Though i didn't quite like the ending (ascension and how they aren't necessarily aware of their bodies). could use some more in depth explanation about Helia and so forth.
Great world building in my opinion. The characters act believable for what they are. You really feel the conflict of good an bad within Mike at the start. Solid book would recommend
very nice. could use some mild editing and a little spelling and grammar work. highly recommended highly recommended. one of the better stories I have read on this platform.
Read about half the free chapters so far. in the initial 30 chapters story has a very amateur writing style feel this maybe intentionally done as it does make the MC and support characters stand out in their presents development. pacing is really good and is one of the hardest things to do. This book is worth the read if it continues to be updated and the world gets flushed out as more time goes on. having said that it's great if you want to binge read or if you read to unwind and will only cover a few chapters a day. chapters don't overload you with useless information but still provides the feeling of having read a good amount into story with a few chapters at a time. I'll be keeping an eye for more works by this author.
until the current chapter that I am (22) is good. a single complaint is that he keeps showing the knife very easily, and worst of all in chapter 22 he told someone who just met his class and who came from another world. Why get involved and say you came from another world? It doesn't make sense and it's pretty dumb actually. But as I said apart from that the book is good. If something is spelled wrong, I'm sorry, English is not my language.
I hope this is good cause like i have nothing to Read because of the fast pas and i think its Really really dumb cause i like to read al the chapters
Plz make a part two to this is an amazinG read a great gem glad i randomly found this book to read on HeRe i really enjoyed the charctEr development and growth
The Story is a little flat with a too fast progression. Even the MCs character is not detailed enough to be satisfying. the action is good but it lacks depth. it seems to me that the story has no aim.
The best novel ever! 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
I loved Mike's selfreflections and internal comments. There were lots of places I loughed out loud. In a way he reminds me of Dexter (another character I like so much) Overal I've really enjoyed this story. Thank you.
nice story 👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌
Spoiler enthüllenIt's literally a hidden gem at least for me if he changed the front cover he would get more views. This novel makes sense to me and how the levels work there.
Personally, I loved this book, kind of sad that it just ended. If the author is reading this let me just say thank you for the adventure, I can't wait for the next.
(originally a reply to someone review, just decided to repost it) I don't know why either, it's really strange. Everyone seems to like the story because mc is evil and that's it. I can't find a complete and decent review on this place. I'm in chapter 16 now, how far have you gone? I'm worried mainly with the possible lack of explanation to things, and the fact everyone that made a review above 4 stars is brainless and other than some: 'evil mc, gud story' 'story is gud' 'me like it' '(various emojis)' 'this is well thought' and the like, I found no review with a high number(of stars) and that's also saying good and bad things the story has to offer. I myself find the story to be bad just a few chapters in and unless it changes there is no reason to keep here... but I don't want to waste my time when it looks like it won't change. And I don't mean to get a good mc, before anyone says that.
i just want start that i have no idea about stability of updates(i just idk) and the writing quality is ok so {three star} for both of them, also i am just at chapter 33 so idk what happens at ex:page 114 or something happens idk what it is,i am just at page 33. let's start with world background,as far chapter 33, world building is just second coming of gluttony but watered down,it fantasy world with levels, that it really it and the levels do not made a difference,MC just one to two shot everything so why? have it at all? to be honest with you. i thought the world would be like idk a woods with fog and it night time all around at the start, and when the MC show to a town it just reveals to generic fantasy,what if? instead of fantasy it dark fantasy with horror, like the town is silent hill but in a fantasy setting and everyone is off, for word background {two star} for being second coming of gluttony but less interesting thing in the world far as story goes,MC get op almost at the start,then kill everything and get all the women in 30 feet radius of him,that it, very early on the MC get out as a demon two times but nothing happens,MC just run out town,no one comes get him,no wanted posters,nothing happens with it, might as well not have happened in the first,which is a problem that comes up over and over again,the MC can do the worst thing possible and nothing bad will ever come to him at all.{one star} character are just a mess,every one but MC and his women he simp to are just forgettable and bland,so to is the MC, but the MC is well the MC so you can some what remember him a little bit( i say that but i forgot his name lol )if you cut 60 to 70% of the character,the story well mostly stay the same,most character are just there to die,that it. for the MC idk what his deal is, he just kill anything, that not personality, that a hobby,he and female lead hate each other very much but for no reason at all?!?! that do 180 and love each other?!?!?!(one star) WQ:3 SOU:3 SD:1 CD:1 WB:2 the total score is 2.0 but maybe a 2.3 or2.4
Spoiler enthüllenSo far I’m liking the novel although I the pace is awfully slow and to be honest using 2 time skips like that feels just like lazy writing. While most the characters are fine (except the mc) their interactions feel dull after a while. And i’ll be honest, although I like reading long novels and chapters I hate it when it’s done without a good reason and has me skipping entire sections because most of it feels liKe filler. My recommendation would be to avoid using lazy time skips, some character growth (For someone who supposedly is always calm the mc’s decisions are all rushed and affer everything that has happened he should have learned from it), and finally just avoid over explaining everything as it just makes all the chapters feel shorter than they are, I don’t a 100 description about something the doesnt really matter... Oh and watch your grammar.
so... this story is about some psycho who gets sacrificed to an evil demon and becomes one who just goes on killing stuff for barely any reason... the writing feels like the mc is tripping as he goes from one thing to the next with zero suspense and very calm attitude, and I'm worried for every other character or civilization our mc meets... did I say every 'other' character? yes, well, I mean each and every character our mc meets. except for his girlfriend lucy, he either kills or enslaves everyone. or the people who get along with him try to do it to him. which kinda tells you what kinda guy he is. (I think). even though he doesn't feel any emotion... he doesn't even have a sense of... well... *loss*? he kinda revels in destruction in some way. what makes it so ridiculous is that other mcs at least have some reason. he just... kinda... does it to make himself stronger. without caring about any damage or consequences whatsoever... I guess that's kinda tells you what it's about. anyways, if you like it then give it a read.
not so good but it is ok. the mc is narrow minded................................................................................................................................
After all the things ive read normally drawing a conclusion to which is the best book was extremely difficult, however now that ive read this i can certainly place this in the top two if not first place.
The MC is cool and all acting like a real demon i like It very ruthless and trains and does normal stuff buUuuuuut WTF JULIE!! This women stronger then him sees him for the first time and just beat him up and step on his face and called him worm she just humiliate him like crazy then later she does it again and she forCes mc to do stuff for her or else she beat him up then when the mc was trying to escape he saw her and felt pain in his heart for leaving her ? Wtf how he fall in love with his bully? Heavy disgusting masochist mc fuk its so sad the novel is so good but i cant handle stockholm syndrome shit when the mc is suppoSed to be badass demon which he is except for women
I am wordless. Author has great ideas ti build the environment, and some dialogues I love the principal character and his twisted mind a lot ~
Is it just me or are people overly positive about this novel . The mc is just going along with how the story is taking him .He is making any about how he wants to live his life in this new world . And also he literally only kills people because his weapon needs blood and that is why he became a blood demon, he didn't choose this path at all and he never questioned it .
Read 15 chapters or so Story somewhat lacking with mc who is some what boring and who often doesn't try to use his brain but rather bulldoze through yet survives, dang that plot armour. Everything, the weapon and the levelling, its all just too easy for the mc which just makes it predictable.
goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood
Nice story and writing . Enjoying it so far ! ......................................................................................................
I love this book. I have lost count of how many times I have reread it. The writing quality isn’t the best, the characters (other than the main) are slightly 2-dimensional, and the overall plot is a bit cliche. HOWEVER, the character development is great, and the dialogue is natural. Mike definitely feels like an edgy, and neglected, kid just entering his rebellious phase, which most of you can relate too, I’m sure. This novel may be very rough around the edges, yet it keeps drawing me back due to how natural the characters feel, and how natural their decisions seem. Mike makes decisions that feel completely realistic for the angsty youngster he is. This is completely different from most novels on this platform where most characters are so forced it becomes painful to continue reading, or are so obviously written with minimal thought that I want to take away the author’s keyboard and beat them with it. Certainly, there are times reading this novel where I want to bonk the author on the head and ask, “What were you thinking???” Even still, I have come to thoroughly enjoy the experience of reading this novel. I am likely to continue rereading this novel many times to come.
overall the story was great and I saw a lot of myself in Mike. I couldn't stop myself from continuing reading it. some parts were a little hard to understand due to spelling errors but all in all I loved it. you did a great job!
francly amazing. spoiler Though i didn't quite like the ending (ascension and how they aren't necessarily aware of their bodies). could use some more in depth explanation about Helia and so forth.
Great world building in my opinion. The characters act believable for what they are. You really feel the conflict of good an bad within Mike at the start. Solid book would recommend
very nice. could use some mild editing and a little spelling and grammar work. highly recommended highly recommended. one of the better stories I have read on this platform.
Read about half the free chapters so far. in the initial 30 chapters story has a very amateur writing style feel this maybe intentionally done as it does make the MC and support characters stand out in their presents development. pacing is really good and is one of the hardest things to do. This book is worth the read if it continues to be updated and the world gets flushed out as more time goes on. having said that it's great if you want to binge read or if you read to unwind and will only cover a few chapters a day. chapters don't overload you with useless information but still provides the feeling of having read a good amount into story with a few chapters at a time. I'll be keeping an eye for more works by this author.
until the current chapter that I am (22) is good. a single complaint is that he keeps showing the knife very easily, and worst of all in chapter 22 he told someone who just met his class and who came from another world. Why get involved and say you came from another world? It doesn't make sense and it's pretty dumb actually. But as I said apart from that the book is good. If something is spelled wrong, I'm sorry, English is not my language.
I hope this is good cause like i have nothing to Read because of the fast pas and i think its Really really dumb cause i like to read al the chapters
Plz make a part two to this is an amazinG read a great gem glad i randomly found this book to read on HeRe i really enjoyed the charctEr development and growth
The Story is a little flat with a too fast progression. Even the MCs character is not detailed enough to be satisfying. the action is good but it lacks depth. it seems to me that the story has no aim.
The best novel ever! 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
I loved Mike's selfreflections and internal comments. There were lots of places I loughed out loud. In a way he reminds me of Dexter (another character I like so much) Overal I've really enjoyed this story. Thank you.
nice story 👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌
Spoiler enthüllenIt's literally a hidden gem at least for me if he changed the front cover he would get more views. This novel makes sense to me and how the levels work there.
Personally, I loved this book, kind of sad that it just ended. If the author is reading this let me just say thank you for the adventure, I can't wait for the next.
(originally a reply to someone review, just decided to repost it) I don't know why either, it's really strange. Everyone seems to like the story because mc is evil and that's it. I can't find a complete and decent review on this place. I'm in chapter 16 now, how far have you gone? I'm worried mainly with the possible lack of explanation to things, and the fact everyone that made a review above 4 stars is brainless and other than some: 'evil mc, gud story' 'story is gud' 'me like it' '(various emojis)' 'this is well thought' and the like, I found no review with a high number(of stars) and that's also saying good and bad things the story has to offer. I myself find the story to be bad just a few chapters in and unless it changes there is no reason to keep here... but I don't want to waste my time when it looks like it won't change. And I don't mean to get a good mc, before anyone says that.
i just want start that i have no idea about stability of updates(i just idk) and the writing quality is ok so {three star} for both of them, also i am just at chapter 33 so idk what happens at ex:page 114 or something happens idk what it is,i am just at page 33. let's start with world background,as far chapter 33, world building is just second coming of gluttony but watered down,it fantasy world with levels, that it really it and the levels do not made a difference,MC just one to two shot everything so why? have it at all? to be honest with you. i thought the world would be like idk a woods with fog and it night time all around at the start, and when the MC show to a town it just reveals to generic fantasy,what if? instead of fantasy it dark fantasy with horror, like the town is silent hill but in a fantasy setting and everyone is off, for word background {two star} for being second coming of gluttony but less interesting thing in the world far as story goes,MC get op almost at the start,then kill everything and get all the women in 30 feet radius of him,that it, very early on the MC get out as a demon two times but nothing happens,MC just run out town,no one comes get him,no wanted posters,nothing happens with it, might as well not have happened in the first,which is a problem that comes up over and over again,the MC can do the worst thing possible and nothing bad will ever come to him at all.{one star} character are just a mess,every one but MC and his women he simp to are just forgettable and bland,so to is the MC, but the MC is well the MC so you can some what remember him a little bit( i say that but i forgot his name lol )if you cut 60 to 70% of the character,the story well mostly stay the same,most character are just there to die,that it. for the MC idk what his deal is, he just kill anything, that not personality, that a hobby,he and female lead hate each other very much but for no reason at all?!?! that do 180 and love each other?!?!?!(one star) WQ:3 SOU:3 SD:1 CD:1 WB:2 the total score is 2.0 but maybe a 2.3 or2.4
Spoiler enthüllenSo far I’m liking the novel although I the pace is awfully slow and to be honest using 2 time skips like that feels just like lazy writing. While most the characters are fine (except the mc) their interactions feel dull after a while. And i’ll be honest, although I like reading long novels and chapters I hate it when it’s done without a good reason and has me skipping entire sections because most of it feels liKe filler. My recommendation would be to avoid using lazy time skips, some character growth (For someone who supposedly is always calm the mc’s decisions are all rushed and affer everything that has happened he should have learned from it), and finally just avoid over explaining everything as it just makes all the chapters feel shorter than they are, I don’t a 100 description about something the doesnt really matter... Oh and watch your grammar.
so... this story is about some psycho who gets sacrificed to an evil demon and becomes one who just goes on killing stuff for barely any reason... the writing feels like the mc is tripping as he goes from one thing to the next with zero suspense and very calm attitude, and I'm worried for every other character or civilization our mc meets... did I say every 'other' character? yes, well, I mean each and every character our mc meets. except for his girlfriend lucy, he either kills or enslaves everyone. or the people who get along with him try to do it to him. which kinda tells you what kinda guy he is. (I think). even though he doesn't feel any emotion... he doesn't even have a sense of... well... *loss*? he kinda revels in destruction in some way. what makes it so ridiculous is that other mcs at least have some reason. he just... kinda... does it to make himself stronger. without caring about any damage or consequences whatsoever... I guess that's kinda tells you what it's about. anyways, if you like it then give it a read.
not so good but it is ok. the mc is narrow minded................................................................................................................................
After all the things ive read normally drawing a conclusion to which is the best book was extremely difficult, however now that ive read this i can certainly place this in the top two if not first place.
The MC is cool and all acting like a real demon i like It very ruthless and trains and does normal stuff buUuuuuut WTF JULIE!! This women stronger then him sees him for the first time and just beat him up and step on his face and called him worm she just humiliate him like crazy then later she does it again and she forCes mc to do stuff for her or else she beat him up then when the mc was trying to escape he saw her and felt pain in his heart for leaving her ? Wtf how he fall in love with his bully? Heavy disgusting masochist mc fuk its so sad the novel is so good but i cant handle stockholm syndrome shit when the mc is suppoSed to be badass demon which he is except for women
I am wordless. Author has great ideas ti build the environment, and some dialogues I love the principal character and his twisted mind a lot ~
Is it just me or are people overly positive about this novel . The mc is just going along with how the story is taking him .He is making any about how he wants to live his life in this new world . And also he literally only kills people because his weapon needs blood and that is why he became a blood demon, he didn't choose this path at all and he never questioned it .
Read 15 chapters or so Story somewhat lacking with mc who is some what boring and who often doesn't try to use his brain but rather bulldoze through yet survives, dang that plot armour. Everything, the weapon and the levelling, its all just too easy for the mc which just makes it predictable.
goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood
Nice story and writing . Enjoying it so far ! ......................................................................................................
I love this book. I have lost count of how many times I have reread it. The writing quality isn’t the best, the characters (other than the main) are slightly 2-dimensional, and the overall plot is a bit cliche. HOWEVER, the character development is great, and the dialogue is natural. Mike definitely feels like an edgy, and neglected, kid just entering his rebellious phase, which most of you can relate too, I’m sure. This novel may be very rough around the edges, yet it keeps drawing me back due to how natural the characters feel, and how natural their decisions seem. Mike makes decisions that feel completely realistic for the angsty youngster he is. This is completely different from most novels on this platform where most characters are so forced it becomes painful to continue reading, or are so obviously written with minimal thought that I want to take away the author’s keyboard and beat them with it. Certainly, there are times reading this novel where I want to bonk the author on the head and ask, “What were you thinking???” Even still, I have come to thoroughly enjoy the experience of reading this novel. I am likely to continue rereading this novel many times to come.