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50.79% Ultor The Legend of the True Hero_DC / Chapter 32: Hunting for the puppeteer. Part 4[END]

Kapitel 32: Hunting for the puppeteer. Part 4[END]

POV third person

Thirty minutes before the roar of the MC.

In the black car that is on its way to "Ichabod". Three people are sitting: Dick Grayson as a driver, next to him sits a slightly taller woman with short blond hair reaching her shoulders and considerable size breasts.(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).And in the backseat sits a "mysterious girl", the current sympathy of Krius. [Author: That everything would be clear, because recently people are asking me.] Which sits leaning and the door and looks at the paintings outside the window and meditates.

Finally the silence is broken by a blond girl known as PowerGirl (Kara Zor-L).

(Kara)-What we know?

[Author: I wanted to start signing their names and not their nicknames, but I would wait for Dick Grayson to become Nightwing. For obvious reasons.]

(Robin)-From what we were able to determine, the only thing common to the victims was that all victims had toys from the Schott's Toys factory.In addition, city monitoring registered that it was in that direction that Dollmaker's minions left.-Robin grabs himself forehead with one hand and rubs it lightly. Recalling images of Dollmaker's minions caught on camera.

(Kara)-All right?

(Robin)-Yes, everything is ok. In twenty minutes we will reach ...

>♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫

Deep down in Louisiana close to New Orleans

Way back up in the woods among the evergreens

There stood a log cabin made of earth and wood

[Autor: For interesting, a fragment of the classic Johnny B. Goode, by Chuck Berry.]

(Robin presses the key on the communicator and answers.)


(Robin)-Understood.-and disconnects the connection

(Kara)-And what did he say.

(Robin)-Apparently, it wasn't just us who discovered locations the Dollmaker hideout-Then he looks at Raven with a merry smile. Which she listens carefully to the conversation.

(Kara)-Who discovered the trail except Bruce, surely Clark did not give up and came across it, though not , maybe Barry?

Garyson refrains from laughing and looks through the mirror at Raven curious and hopeful face.

(Robin)-According to Batman, a few minutes ago cameras registered a winged man flying towards the town of Ichabot. And given that there is only one such man in the city. Raven will have the opportunity to see her "boyfriend".Hahaha...

At Robin's words, Raven turned red and tried to hide from Kara's eyes, who, like Robin, was amused by Raven reaction.

(Kara)-Quiet water, the banks rip. I didn't think our little secretive girl had a boyfriend, how it happened?

(Raven)- He not is "not yet" my boyfriend.-She talk in a low, embarrassed voice

(Robin)-In fact, "YET " are not together, but in my opinion it is a matter of time. And Raven our apartment is not a tower of the Titans and I heard you talk about HIM. And after what he did in the hospital, I could not sleep through it. Hehehe. Women, I don't understand you.

(Kara)-Tell me how it started ...

And the rest of the way to the Factory came down talking about Raven and her new affection.




Several minutes later...

After arriving at the place, the group was informed by Batman about the events that had taken place until their arrival. They learned that Ultor had just entered one of the magazines and that they were to discreetly watch him and inform him of his progress. He told them that he and Batgirl would find the magazine from the opposite side. And keep them ready.

The group then flew to the roof (Raven and Kara flew in, Robin was transported there by Kare) and after a while they located Ultor while he was wandering around a room filled with broken dolls arranged on shelves.

The group followed Ultor, who was pacing the warehouse toward the next room.

(Krius)-I will never watch horror movies again ...-He said softly, but enough for the group to hear. everyone improved their mood, but without losing their vigilance they moved on.

Then Krius goes further towards the door leading to the next room. And of course the group, trying to be as quiet as possible follows him, going further by the roof.

When they find a good vantage point (another hole in the roof of the warehouse), they see Krius who checks the cages one by one. The girls wanted to step in and check the children. They knew there were children there because Kara, like her cousin, has X-ray vision, Raven has the power of Ultor, which allows her to detect an aura. But unlike Krius, she has more experience and identifying the aura owner is a trivial matter for her.And Robin has binoculars. (; D)

This is not the first time Robin has stopped his companions to avoid unwanted situations. Alert the enemy and the like.

The team looks at Ultor for a moment, waiting for him to move on.




Few minutes later...

The group took a new viewpoint, but after a while, like Ultor, they couldn't even breathe too much for a moment. The sight of the dismembered girl caused them unpleasant feelings. The three stood still, full of regret and sadness. After all, this view is not often seen, and it is better that no one would ever see it.

Melancholic state interrupts, sad, full of pain and guilt, voice coming from the mouth of Ultor. Saying "It's my fault". Everyone saw the red drip from the eyes of Ultor. Raven tried to run away to him and tell him that it was not his fault. (Wanting to comfort him.) But before she did it, her attention was caught by the voice Krius, who at the end of the sentence, became demonic, which caused her a little bit but also something else.

Then the group sees Krius, desperate, sad with the whole event, slowly approaching the girl's body. Everyone gets even more shocked by the view of the changes taking place in Ultor's body. (The hole in the roof from which they look at Ultor is at an angle that prevents them from seeing the left half of his face, they see a bit, but it's still not enough.)

As soon as the influx of aura reaches the Raven, caused by a change in the physical form of Ultor. Because of his strength and power, Raven looks away for a moment, lies down on the roof and tries to catch his breath.

(Robin)-Is everything alright? We you hurt?

(Raven)-No ... No * Inhale * Only this aura. * Inhale * So much pain, regret, longing, but most of all Anger. But strangely, not only on the perpetrator, but also on yourself. I do not know why. * Inhale * And this power, you didn't feel it, but every wizard like me or Zatana or Constantine sensed it. I have never felt such power even from ...

Raven lies thoughtful, reminiscent of the person who once considered the most powerful, and was surpassed. [Author: It is not difficult to guess. Give suggestions in the comments.]


The specific situation is interrupted by a loud roar that would cause fear in everyone. Because the roar of the most powerful demon would cause fear even to the Devil himself.

Kara and Dick see roaring Ultor in all their glory. For when he roared he turned his face to the sky. And the fact that his jaw dropped unnaturally low caused more fear. Which pierced them through, but soon they heard a strong noise from the rest of the warehouse.

And then, with Robin's consent, the three of them went to the rest of the room, jumping into a further hole in the roof.







So that sinner is there. Great, delicious. Don't wait more than one. Wait, he runs away (sharp hearing).

Gently put the girl's body back on the bed. (Earlier the head was based on the body of MC) Kisses the forehead, and I move on deeper into the warehouse. I'll come back later and make sure she's given to her parents. I'll give her to them myself. :(

I pass through part of the warehouse, which has been separated from the rest by a curtain. Which looks similar to the first room I visited. (This magazine with ghostly dolls on the shelves) Only the number of compartments with shelves was much larger. Creating a small maze in this way. But I'm not going to fuck with it. But first let's locate the victims and if sometimes Batman and his helpers don't hide by accident. I activated the skill that allows me to locate living beings, from my perspective it is as if I turned on thermovisions. Whenever I did this and felt less pain this time, but also differences since the last use. When I looked at this less demonic hand (Right), because the left one looks quite scary and not applicable at the moment.

I looked at the right, specifically the gloves (In one of the previous chapters, MC used excess black energy to create gloves, getting rid of excess and restoring balance.) I looked at the flat part of the gloves that allowed me to see my reflection. At first the sight of my face scared me, but from the other side. This demonic form looks awesome, but it's the least important. My eyes which usually using this skill changed to become red (correct me as I am wrong, because I did not remember myself, and I did not want to look for it after the chapters). Now one of the left is all green and the right is all red. It looks cool but smaller.

From what I observed, when moving deeper into the magazine, that three people above me are heading in the same direction, they must be Batman people. But they won't stop me.

Behind them, in front of me, I located six individuals rushing from the left and right along the side walls of the warehouse. Three individuals on each side. Beyond them, I see a larger source of heat running in the opposite direction. And apparently Batman has already arrived there because I can see a source of warm in the sky. And I can hear the sound of his vehicle from here. So there is nothing to screw off, because I will have to chase the fucker all the way to Arkham Asylum. And I have something else in the plans.

Since they are on the sides, and those from above have already joined Batman in front of the warehouse. I can make my way and not play with them.

I concentrated the "Devil's flame" skill in my right hand and let out a gigantic blast of black flames that burned and melted everything in front of me, up to the exit door from the warehouse. (The door too, but flames were bursting into them) [Author: Atak it looked similar to how Dabi (Boku no Hero Academa) used his powers.)

As soon as everything in front of me was leveled, a large group of heroes appeared fighting with Dollmaker and his dolls. Although when they saw me and what I did, everyone stopped in shock, especially Batman looked at me somehow strangely. (Maybe he liked my new hairstyle.)

After a moment of silence. I just walked slowly,and they stood quiet and tense. Dollmaker realizing who he is dealing with, he thinks, points his finger at me and speaks to his "dolls".

(Dollmaker)-"Devil of Gotham" - (then makes a strange move, as if a shiver went through his body) -You are my little friends, protect me from this monster.

As soon as a group of six "dolls" (not counting those who were at Dollmaker) said it, they jumped behind my back. And they started at me at the same time, but their actions were pointless. Because as soon as they landed behind me, I turned and sent them a small beam of electricity (it looked as if lightning fired at them), which in a second made all six fall to the ground unconscious, but alive.

(Kara) - You killed them? They are just kids.

A girl dressed in a white costume, with large breasts, told me. Of course, I tried not to look at the blonde's breasts, which is why I noticed, fighting with one doll, Rachel. Fortunately, she was busy fighting the doll, like Robin whose I saw it too, which calmed me down a little, he wants to invite her to dinner after all. Because as the proverb says: "Whoever does not risk, does not move." I am not shallow, I just thought this proverb, what I feel for her is more romantic than superficial. But back to what is currently happening. The only non-fighters were me, Batman and the Blond girl, and Dollmaker lay unconscious, leaning on a trash can.

As for the Blond girl, I think I associate her. Recently, something struck my ears, another alien from Krypton. Another hero in Metropolis. When she made her debut in the newspapers, I was still in college (Mc dropped out of studies for obvious reasons, but did not finish them), me and my friends were excited about her appearance and in general. (He meant that she had the biggest breasts of all superheroes .) Overall, superheroes in college were a Topic topic, conversations. But I, as a result of my different views on the characters' behavior, did not participate in too many conversations on this subject. If I have already talked about the superpowers and the appearance of individual superheroes.Her name is probably "Powergirl", if I remember that boobs correctly, I mean the name.

I first looked briefly at the fallen "dolls" then at her and with a demonic voice. Which is still active and deepens with every thought that reminds me of that girl's body. And to make it happen, just look at one of the "dolls" or their creator himself. I looked at her and said:

(When I started speaking I was already a few meters from Powergirl and the rest of his the team.)

(Krius)-They are unconscious, but in relation to him I will not be so gentle. "I pointed to the unconscious Dollmaker behind them. (With a demonic voice.)

(Kara)-You don't think I will let you do that.

(Krius)-You don't think you can stop me. (I tilted my head, for a better effect, I'm mean I know.) This monster murdered an innocent child, and from what I see he hurt even more. So kindly stand back and let me punish him.

The demonic voice does not give me charisma. And from what I see, I doubt that my request will bring the desired result. I bet he'll pop up with a slogan like "You think I'll let you hurt this man" or "You're kidding me, I'll let you take him." Something like that, I'm not good at this type of lyrics. And I hope I won't have to use such passwords.

On the other hand, the opportunity to face the Kryptonian does not happen hard. I just have to be careful not to touch (unfortunately; () her breasts or look at them. So it can be difficult, not fight, but avoid unwanted area. Because in front of the girl you want to date, it's not right doing such things. (Though so tempting ;D.)

(Kara)-There is no option that I will let you kill this villain. That is not justice.

(Krius is located one or two meters from Kara. Due to the fact that they have almost the same eyesight, they look into each other's eyes. And Kara, despite the appearance of Ultor remains calm.)

(Krius)-This is not Justice. - I look deeper into her eyes and speak in a half demonic voice - Do not speak to me if you do not know the meaning of the word. Since you think that killing this "MONSTER" is not justice for those who have been hurt by him then you are not worth calling yourself a "defender of justice". Because you say so about yourself, you even have a club from what I heard ...

Punishment is ready to fight, but it stops and continues. (She is aware of the angelic side of MC (hospital) and wants to give him a chance. In her reasoning.)

(Kara)-Killing is never a good option.

Amused at her behavior and how firmly she said it. I smiled gently and looked around the people around me. Batman stood a few meters behind Powergirl and held the batarang in his hand. Ready to start the fight. And on the sides I see Robin who is surprisingly not at all hostile to me (Has something got to him!), But still holds his weapon in his hand, I do not know what it is. Some metal stick. Raven, on the other hand, is worried, but from what I read from the aura it gives off. This is in addition to a nice pink aura that flies to me, although I do not know what pink means. But it's nice, so I'm of good cheer. It emanates a pale yellow aura towards the blonde. Apparently worried about a friend. Which I also like about her.

I look at the blonde again and talk:

(Krius)-Let me ask him something right. Let me at least allow it.

Of course, I don't plan to spare Dollmaker's life. Powergirl, like Superman, thinks she has an advantage. After all, the Kryptonians have a nice power set, but there is no chance for me. I guess. I will use the fact that she thinks she has an advantage over me to explain her differences over a real hero and this hero for show.

Powergirl looks at Batman, who nods, gives her a signal that he agrees. So she turns to me and says:

(Kara)-Okay, but don't kill him, or I will have to use force.

Calm down, we'll fight again, but first I will try to show you the reality in the fight against the villains.

Slowly, I approach the lying Dollmaker leaning against the metal trash bin. Seeing that he is still unconscious, I hit him with a doge in the face. Causing that the mask he wore broke in half (the face of the doll was cut out). When Dollmaker wakes up as a result of an impact, he first spits out a few teeth and looks for me with face terrified

Kara, seeing how he treated the "prisoner", attacked me. However, Robin, curious about what I intend to do, stops her, talking to her and the rest "calmly."

(Dollmaker)-Leave me . Leave me . I wanted to help them. That they would not be defenseless ...


Dollmaker once again got in the face, and lost more teeth. So I had to wait a moment until he spits out all the blood and teeth.

And I will have to thank Robin for stopping the team from atacking at me. One day I will buy him a beer for giving me the opportunity to enlighten a few heroes.

As soon as Dollmaker directs his nasty face in my direction, he continues. [Author: I have no idea how to describe Dollmaker's appearance, so I will put a link to the photo in the comment.]

(Krius)-Answer a few questions and I will consider to kill you quickly and painlessly.

(Dollamker)-Ask! Ask! Ask! -He said in a mad, stuttering tone

(Krius)-Okay, first question. How many people did you kill, say how many children and how many adults.

(Dollmaker)-Fif-teenn chil-dddren did not survive the surgery, many adults do not know how much, but ma-nyyy. (The (-) marker means a moment in each smug spat blood)

I know I've used this argument before, but I want them to hear it.

(Krius)-Good.How many times have you escaped from prison?

(Dollmaker)-Thrree...*spitting blood*

I hit him hard. And good, as long as he can answer my questions.

The whole group shuddered at the answer because they guessed what I would ask later.

(Krius)-You probably think I will ask how many people he killed between escapes. It wouldn't be too easy. I will ask how many people you killed until Batman thrown you into prison for the first time.

Behind him I answer, I look into his eyes and activate the skill "Sight of emptiness". Because first of all they look scarier and with my left demonic side of the face, they look a hundred times more terrible. And to see or lie.

(Dollmaker)-* Swallow saliva * two children and five adults. And two dolls.

(Krius)-So a total of nine people. Calculate away for yourself how much would have survived if he were done with him.. How I used to do it.

At my words, Batman can't stand it and starts charging at me, pushing Powergirl slightly.

He approaches me and begins to punch me. I let him take a few blows, but they still don't work. When I got bored of receiving ineffective blows, I got tired of the batarangs, which hit me from time to time. I send Batman a blow to the stomach, not too strong, but enough that he could not stand up for fifteen minutes.


Kara, seeing him knock out Batman, falls into anger and heals, rushing us. Come back she told Bruce.

>The sound of the body hitting.

As a result of a blow Powergirl, which ironically got in the stomach. For the first time I felt pain, not counting the pain associated with powers. Robin and Raven do not step in, they just watch. Robin understands that he has no chance of fighting, but now he is thoughtful and absent. Raven, on the other hand, bites internally whether to fight or not.

Fighting Kara is a whole new level. Because unlike previous fights, which looked like I was on the hundredth level, he was killing the noob on the first level. Zero pleasure from the fight, only the pleasure of punishing and saving the innocent, gave sense to all this. Fighting with her, I only hit her arms using my arms and legs using my arms. Apart from the fact that I defend myself against her blows, which is new to me. Powergirl tried thermal imaging on me, but it was all about either pushing me or breaking some of my pants. Cheating on where she looked. (You know where.; D) But in time I dodged, and only cut off a piece of my pants, creating half shorts. The sight of angry Raven, who showed her anger in a really charming way, caused me to drop my guard and Powegirl hit my chest. I was a bit carried away and accidentally used my left hand. (He used to attack only with my right hand.) And I gave her too hard and she flew, near Dollmaekra crawling from here. Know me, before someone contributed, I created a portal under it and alive it to hell. And that was worse than death, but more on that later.

When Kara hit a nearby wall, a nearby building. Something happened that shocked me in the place where I hit. Which, ironically, was a bruise on her chest. How do I know this, and because because my demonic hand has sharp, almost everything, and the material was ripped apart. Ashamed, I covered my eyes with my hands and said.

(Krius)-Sorry, I didn't mean it so hard. I didn't see anything.

After my words, Robin and Raven run to Powergirl and check her condition. Then Robin turns to me and says:

(Robin)-Real monster.

I don't feel disgust from him. So he meant my excessive strength. Because to date, Superman and she , have been synonymous with the strongest in terms of strength. But now it was me, for him.

Raven turned away, full of anger. It hurt at me, mainly the expression on her face, caused a forging in my heart. Raven walking towards me, and said:

(Raven)-Same as me.

Then I saw it going towards me, this black energy begins to entwine. Which usually appears when she attacks. He goes in my direction and after a moment shows me his new face. It transforms into its demonic form. And I will tell you one thing, "my little friend" never stood so very. Just WOW, I thought she was beautiful before, but now she is a real goddess of sex.

When she stood a few steps in front of me, I said something that came to my lips.

I looked her deep in the eye, sent the best smile I had etched up and said.

(Krius)-I love you!


Kriuswer Kriuswer

On the occasion of half a million views, you have a chapter of 4100 words. Write your opinion in the comments and I ask everyone willing to send Link with a photo of Raven in a demonic form. I have a small dilemma, so the description will appear in the next chapter.

And remember, you want chapters more often, I invite you to comment. Nothing encourages writing like a positive comment, although I do not despise constructive criticism.

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