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Kapitel 115: Chapter 1861 to Chapter 1868

Chapter 1861: Imperial Prince Huo is Stunned

Jiang Chen's name had reached even the most marginalized factions, let alone a decently powerful one like Rejuvenation Isles. They weren't clueless about the politics of the Ten Divine Nations.

Quite the contrary, they paid a lot of attention as they'd always wanted to become a second rate faction. Thus, they knew the recent developments in the Eternal Sacred Land well.

In truth, the rebellion in Eternal was no secret to people from all parts of Myriad Abyss Island. It'd sparked countless discussions. Tales about the sacred land had also spread like wildfire.

After all, the way the Eternal Sacred Land had turned things around was dramatic and thrilling.

As the star of the story, Jiang Chen had become a household name. It was no wonder that Imperial Prince Huo would be overwhelmed when he heard the young genius was the island lord.

Chief Warden Ding's face turned green. He silently sighed in relief that he'd wisely refrain from speaking up. If he'd clashed with the man and broke into the island in the heat of the moment, there would now be nothing left of him to bury.

Meanwhile, Imperial Prince Huo's face was ashen. He struggled to find the words to make up for his previous remarks.

After a long pause, he took a deep breath and raised a cupped fist salute. "Do you mean the reknowned young master Jiang Chen from the Eternal Sacred Land?"

"What do you think? Is there anyone else who'd dare use his name?" Lu Che snorted gleefully. It was cathartic to see the imperial prince's cautious reaction.

Imperial Prince Huo shuddered. He and his fellow cultivators had marched into Winterdraw Island fiercely and gotten in formation to reclaim the land. However, all will drained out of his body the moment he heard the name Jiang Chen. Them attacking the island? They'd sooner be squashed like a mantis trying to stop a carriage!

Jiang Chen had destroyed Eternal's House Xiahou, which Rejuvenation couldn't even get close enough to please. And yet, the mighty family had easily fallen apart at Jiang Chen's hands. It was impossible for Rejuvenation to reach that level.

Therefore, even someone as proud as Imperial Prince Huo didn't dare provoke Jiang Chen. He knew Winterdraw could no longer have anything to do with Rejuvenation.

He cupped his hands. "I've always admired Sir Jiang Chen. I would gladly let him take over Winterdraw Island. My friend, may I request for a face-to-face meeting with your master? It'd be an honor for me and my lowly subordinates to witness the grace and charm of the young genius from Eternal."

It was a forgone conclusion that Winterdraw was completely out of their hands, but the imperial prince still wanted confirmation. If the island lord was indeed Jiang Chen, who Rejuvenation couldn't afford to offend, it wouldn't be that humiliating for the imperial prince to forfeit.

Lu Che threw Jiang Chen a conflicted glance. Jiang Chen shook his head coolly. Winterdraw Island and Rejuvenation Isles had left him with too many bad memories. He wasn't interested in satisfying the imperial prince's request.

"Imperial Prince Huo, my master isn't in the mood to take visitors," Lu Che said faintly. "You should keep this knowledge to yourself."

The imperial prince hesitated. If Jiang Chen didn't make an appearance, Rejuvenation would be mocked for being scared away by the mere mention of his name. Should he, or should he not leave?

What if the man was playing a trick? What if he'd made up Jiang Chen and everything else?

Imperial Prince Huo would then become a laughingstock for fleeing from an imposter. His reputation would never recover.

Jiang Chen didn't care what the imperial prince wanted. He waved a dismissive hand. "You deal with it. I'm not interested in anyone from Rejuvenation."

Yan Wanjun sighed softly. "Let me take care of it."

Lu Che relaxed when the venerated elder volunteered. The old man could very well represent Jiang Chen. Everyone knew Yan Wanjun was close with Jiang Chen, since the elder's granddaughter was Jiang Chen's dao partner.

"Imperial Prince Huo, my master isn't interested in meeting you, but a widely respected senior can exchange a few words with you. This senior used to be a prominent figure in Eternal Divine Nation. He's the former venerated elder of House Yan, Yan Wanjun!"

Yan Wanjun was highly regarded in the jianghu. His past glory wasn't news to even those from Rejuvenation.

After all, there were less than a hundred first tier factions in the Ten Divine Nations, and House Yan was one of them. Yan Wanjun had been the house's venerated elder for a long time. Not even the patriarch surpassed him in age or experience.

Yan Wanjun's descendents were also a hot topic of Myriad Abyss. Imperial Prince Huo knew a thing or two about him.

Yan Wanjunhad a powerful presence cultivated from his time as the venerated elder of a first tier faction. He hovered in the air and boomed, "All of the formations and restrictions on the island had been destroyed. Sir Jiang Chen put in a great deal of effort to restore them and make them even better. The island has now been branded as his. The division of territories in Myriad Abyss is always changing. Winterdraw used to be yours, but is now Jiang Chen's. This is something no one can change!"

Those from Rejuvenation had given up as soon as Yan Wanjun showed up. They'd wondered if they were tricked by an imposter, but speculation had been proven wrong. Imperial Prince Huo knew about Yan Wanjun and Jiang Chen's relationship. He no longer doubted the island lord's identity.

"Elder Wanjun, my apologies for any offense I may have caused," he immediately became the epitome of courtesy.

Yan Wanjun smiled. "There's no need for pleasantries. Sir Jiang Chen doesn't care for that. This island is his now. Return to your isles and don't ever bother him again. Sir Jiang Chen has mercifully forgiven you for your reckless behavior, but if you do anything foolish again, you'll end up like the rebels in Eternal and Martial Divine Nations."

That was more effective than any threat.

Chapter 1862: Departure

In Myriad Abyss Island, seniority mattered. Though Yan Wanjun had seen better days, Imperial Prince Huo and the Rejuvenation Isles couldn't take him lightly because of that.

Moreover, Jiang Chen's meteoric rise had propelled the old man back to prominence. That kind of side effect was completely unavoidable.

In front of Yan Wanjun, the imperial prince couldn't take a hardline stance.

Chief Warden Ding transmitted, "Your Highness, Winterdraw Island is already lost. We can't change that. This Sir Jiang Chen managed to turn the tide of a war in Eternal Divine Nation, then put on a similarly marvelous performance in Martial Divine Nation. Rejuvenation can't afford to anger someone like that. I think we should give up pursuing this matter. Let us make peace rather than draw trouble for our nation."

Imperial Prince Huo hadn't considered the warden's advice before, but he needed to do so now.

After a long while, he laughed wryly before proclaiming, "If Sir Jiang Chen has taken over this place, Rejuvenation is honored by your presence. We are willing to give up all claims here. Still, I have a small request I would like to make."

"What is it?" As an elder, Yan Wanjun was much more amiable than Jiang Chen. Since Imperial Prince Huo had conceded the point, he found no reason to press the other man.

Whether Rejuvenation had given up Winterdraw or Jiang Chen had taken it, the island had a different owner from now on. The Rejuvenation Isles would no longer have a say in its affairs.

"If Sir Jiang Chen has decided to settle here, we will be neighbors from now on. Rejuvenation would greatly appreciate if the young sir could take care of us if the opportunity arises. We very much enjoy his presence."

What the prince meant wasn't hard to understand. Anyone would want help from a powerful neighbor. This was a request to hug Jiang Chen's thigh.

"Oh, I don't think that'll be any trouble," Yan Wanjun smiled faintly. "Sir Jiang is hardly cold enough to deny reasonable requests. I should mention that unreasonable ones however, will be met with attitude in kind."

Imperial Prince Huo fearfully affirmed this.

"Alright, your excessive activity out here has made Sir Jiang Chen quite displeased already. You may go." Yan Wanjun waved a hand.

The imperial prince nodded incessantly. "Yes, yes. I will leave right away. We've been disturbing Sir Jiang's cultivation."

He signaled to Rejuvenation's men, who all collectively breathed a sigh of relief before fleeing from the scene as quickly as possible. After finding out Jiang Chen's identity, they'd never even imagined resisting him. That was practically impossible!

When it came down to a choice between the easy way and the hard way, the latter was essentially suicide.

Yan Wanjun had mixed feelings as he watched Imperial Prince Huo's retinue depart. He sighed internally. "Here in Myriad Abyss, young Jiang Chen has already become someone unrivaled in his generation. Will little Huang'er really be able to keep up with him?"

However, his thoughts turned for the better. "Thankfully, he is a loyal man. He and Huang'er have known each other since the human domain, and he hasn't abandoned her despite all the ordeals. The amount of care he's shown for Huang'er's parents shows that he truly loves her. One couldn't ask for a better dao partner."

He told Jiang Chen about the happenings outside after returning to the island's interior.

"Rejuvenation has the face to ask me to take care of them?" Jiang Chen sneered. "I faced certain death back then on Winterdraw. These isles are a hive of scum and villainy. I've no intention to retaliate for wrongs so far in the past though, I suppose."

Yan Wanjun roared with laughter. "I knew you're a generous sort! You wouldn't stoop to their petty level."

Jiang Chen's mouth twitched a little. Instead of confirming this, he asked, "Elder Wanjun, when are you planning to make the trip to House Yan?"

"As soon as possible. Each extra day that Huang'er's parents are kept in the Boundless Prison represents a great deal of risk. The more I can minimize that, the better." The mention of his younger son moved Yan Wanjun. He had been furious at his son all those years ago, since his choice of dao partner was the only reason House Xiahou had for its enmity against House Yan.

It was youthful recklessness that had turned the young lady from House Xiahou against his son. The Generation Binding Curse cast upon Huang'er, still in the womb, had been for the same reason.

Though Huang'er's parents were cast into the Boundless Prison, the Xiahou lady's fury still didn't relent against their child. She didn't want the baby girl to grow up with a happy fate.

Now that House Xiahou was no more, Yan Wanjun suddenly felt he owed his younger son far too much.

The betrothal between House Yan and Xiahou had been the result of a joke between seniors, a product of a drunken stupor. His younger son, Yan Qianfan, was naturally extremely displeased at such an incidental decision once he grew up.

He wanted to decide for himself who he would marry.

That was the reason he had fled so desperately from his house. The engagement with the young lady from House Xiahou had been a debt from his elders, ignored with the heady abandon of youth.

Before he left, Yan Wanjun gave Jiang Chen some well-meaning advice.

"Jiang Chen, there is no need to make an enemy of the Rejuvenation Isles–even if you don't want to be their friend. Your goals should be loftier than that. The support of Rejuvenation alone doesn't amount to much, but unified support from many like it would be considerably weighty in its own right. If you can win over the majority, who in Myriad Abyss will be able to deny your greatness?"

Yan Wanjun wanted only the best for his son's friend. Jiang Chen smiled ambiguously; he knew the usefulness of popularity quite well. However, Rejuvenation had made such a terrible impression on him back then that he didn't want to excuse them.

After sending Yan Wanjun off, Jiang Chen instructed Lu Che in careful detail. "After I leave, you lot will be responsible for guarding this place. When the formation is active, any non-divine outsiders will be stopped cold. Even gods would find it difficult to break open this restriction in a short period of time."

Lu Che thumped his chest. "Don't worry. We'll take good care of this place."

They were very excited to receive Jiang Chen's trust.

After a few cursory preparations, Jiang Chen prepared to return to the human domain through the transportation formation.

Chapter 1863: Returning to the Human Domain

He could have instantly gone back to Veluriyam Capital's six palaces of heritage through his spacetime seal, but chose not to do so. He wanted to familiarize himself with the transportation formation and check its integrity.

More importantly, the Vermilion Bird and Long Xiaoxuan would've been forced to stay if he used the spacetime seal.

The six palaces of heritage didn't permit non-sealholder lifeforms to enter, unless some secret method was applied to them similar to the primordial golems' one. There was no need to come up with such a convoluted plan simply to travel.

"Young master Chen, when will we return to Myriad Abyss Island after this? Little White is still cultivating in that mountain. We won't leave him there, right?" The usually silent Long Xiaoxuan spoke up.

Though he loved to compete with the absent tiger, the beastly duo appreciated each other as rivals. They wouldn't want anything to happen to each other.

Jiang Chen sighed softly. "The border between the human domain and Myriad Abyss will grow fuzzier in the future. According to my research into Divine Abyss history, the two will slowly become one once again."

"Oh? Why do you say that?" The Vermilion Bird knew how things had been back in ancient times, so it was rather curious why Jiang Chen was making this claim.

"It's the sign of the times. No one can change what destiny has decreed."

At the other end of the formation, Jiang Chen and his friends were back in the human domain once more. His feet landed on the stones of the Celestial Cicada Court once again.

As he strode with confidence upon the earth of his homeland, he felt like he was in another lifetime. It hadn't been even five years since his departure from this place, and yet it felt like centuries or millennia had passed.

His trip to Myriad Abyss seemed like a dream, illusory and indistinct, but like it'd really happened as well.

Over the past few years, things in the human domain had settled down. The scenery he saw in the Celestial Celestial Court's territory as he traveled impressed him. Man and beast alike lived in peaceful flourishing.

Jiang Chen felt a painful tug on his heartstrings.

"Will the human domain remain this serene in two or three decades? Will its people be able to enjoy the same tranquility they are now?"

The demonic invasion was only a matter of time.

Whether the human domain could be spared from it depended entirely on whether Jiang Chen could successfully reactivate the Great Formation of Heavenly Soul Confinement.

If he could, the human domain would probably be spared from calamity.

However, the strength of the demonic invasion was a factor as well. If the demons came from the other connected domains and territories, the human domain wouldn't be able to avoid the invasion.

Obviously, that was the worst possibility.

Jiang Chen would never allow something like that to happen.

The young man decided not to disturb the head of the Celestial Cicada Court, Su Huanzhen. Their familiarity and her friendliness would mean he would be kept here for a while. He didn't want to trouble her with the extra work.

Still, Jiang Chen knew he would be a frequent visitor to the place in the future. The locations of the transportation formations were fixed. As one end of the formation, the Celestial Cicada Court would be an important strategic position in the future.

Before he'd left, he'd already brought calm to the human domain.

The incursion of the Embittered Savage Tribe had been stopped, and the Order of the Wind and Cloud eradicated. The human domain was allowed to rest because Sacred Peafowl Mountain was at its helm.

Though Jiang Chen hadn't appeared personally for several years, that didn't lessen the faction's influence over the rest of the world.

The first thing he did was inform Huang'er, Dan Fei, and his daughter that he was back.

Huang'er and Ling Bi'er had returned to the human domain a step ahead of him. The former was already conducting herself like the young mistress of Sacred Peafowl Mountain.

In this department, Dan Fei was strangely tolerant. In fact, she'd seemingly abdicated her own authority in the matter. After experiencing so many things, the sharp edges in her nature had been largely worn away.

Moreover, she knew that Huang'er and Jiang Chen were the partners that truly shared one love. She loved Jiang Chen dearly, but had only ended up with him through happenstance. His daughter was the bridge that allowed her to connect to him.

Thus, she had always felt somewhat guilty towards Huang'er.

Jiang Chen secretly returned to Sacred Peafowl Mountain without alarming anyone. Only his family greeted him.

He was reunited with the most important people in his life once more. Of course, his closest companions and friends knew of his reappearance as well. The Ling sisters, for example.

Their father Ling Su had been overjoyed at Ling Bi'er's return to the human domain, since he'd felt culpable for her disappearance. He believed that it had been a failure of his responsibility in fatherhood that had taken her away from him.

Thus, Ling Bi'er's sudden emergence back into his life excited him tremendously. Ling Hui was ecstatic to rediscover her sister as well.

The great strides Ling Bi'er had taken in cultivation astonished her father and sister. She was far stronger than Palace Head Dan Chi had once been, back at Regal Pill Palace.

Dan Chi himself had been shocked as well. The Regal Pill Palace was still being rebuilt. Though the building was itself complete and improved, it wanted for talent. Many of its original geniuses had died, and though it had taken in new ones, few were worthy of passing on its heritage.

Mu Gaoqi and Shen Trifire were two, and Ling Hui'er added half to that number. Now that Ling Bi'er was back and stronger than ever, Palace Head Dan Chi was almost tempted to pass on his position onto her immediately.

However, Ling Bi'er had no interest in it. She cared only about her family, her sect, and the heritage.

She had kept Jiang Chen's involvement a secret. Not that she had anything bad to say about him, but she believed she had such a duty of secrecy. Even if his exploits were to spread across the land in the future, she wouldn't be the one to do so.

Her return strengthened and invigorated Regal Pill Palace all at once. In the human domain, it was coming close to being a first-rate faction.

Chapter 1864: The Attitude of an Empyrean Cultivator

Of course, everyone knew the rise of the Regal Pill Palace had to do with Sacred Peafowl Mountain. It had risen again entirely by borrowing the greater faction's strength, as well as Jiang Chen's status there as young lord.

Upon Jiang Chen's return to Sacred Peafowl Mountain, he discovered that the human domain was much calmer than he imagined.

His greatest worry back at Myriad Abyss had been the outbreak of the demonic invasion. He wouldn't have been able to do anything about it, given his removed distance.

Thank heavens for the human domain's extraordinary calmness. Even the criticism from the rabble had quieted down. Having dealt with Pillfire City, the Embittered Savage Tribe, and the Order of Wind and Cloud, the main threats to peace had been eliminated.

There were a number of empyrean experts hidden away from the rest of the domain, whom Jiang Chen had visited before his journey. The benefits and presents he had given them had had considerable effect.

He had gifted them the Way to Grand Ascension to convince them of his righteousness and morals. He wanted them to feel more of a sense of duty to the human domain and recognize his worth.

These hermit experts wisely came to Sacred Peafowl Mountain to meet Jiang Chen upon hearing of his return. The young man was completely different from when he'd left. He had only been a great emperor back then. After weathering Myriad Abyss' storms, he was growing into the prime of his strength.

After the countless empyrean experts he'd seen in Myriad Abyss, the handful in the human domain somewhat paled in comparison. That didn't mean they were to be underestimated though.

The Way to Grand Ascension had helped these human domain experts a great deal, and Jiang Chen wanted to unify them under one banner.

Though he wanted to stay a bit longer with his family, he needed to respect the time and greeting cards of these empyreans. He had fought many more far stronger than they in Myriad Abyss, but they nevertheless represented the human domain's peak strength.

Because of Jiang Chen's past gifts and displays of ability, these experts showed immense respect to the young lord of Veluriyam.

"Long time no see, young lord Jiang Chen. You seem to be much, much stronger than you once were." Old Crane was the leading man among these human domain empyrean experts, with a keener eye than most. He instantly noticed the drastic difference in Jiang Chen's aura compared to years prior.

Liu Yuan and Zhu Yun had grown quite close to Old Crane in this time, becoming his dedicated assistants. The old man's words piqued their interests. They scrutinized Jiang Chen carefully.

Instead of boasting about his newfound strength, Jiang Chen smiled faintly in reply. "The peace this world has enjoyed is all thanks to your help, fellow daoists. It looks like you've benefited from studying the Way to Grand Ascension!"

If they hadn't, that would throw into question their ability to do much of anything.

"What else could we do, young lord Jiang Chen? We accepted your request. Now that you've come back, we old-timers can let out a breath of relief."

Jiang Chen wasn't so optimistic. "Old Crane," he smiled wryly, "do you think this an age of peace has arrived for the human domain?"

"Ah, I've been thinking whether I should retire. I've still got a bit of fire left in me, but…"

Jiang Chen chuckled. "It would be a tremendous loss for the human domain if you were to retire back into solitude, Old Crane. Plus, you know so much about empyrean realm and the finer points of cultivation. Don't you think it a shame for you to simply put all that away? In the age of strife that is to come, everyone is champing at the bit to reveal their strength. You have a lot more to lean on than most!"

"Do you mean to ask my old and decrepit bones to labor awhile longer, young lord Jiang Chen?"

Jiang Chen smiled coolly. "There's no need to be so humble, sir. Even if the human domain grits its teeth in the wake of such a huge loss, what if the demons end up seeking you out?"

He wasn't trying to scare the old man. That possibility definitely existed.

If the demonic invasion broke out into full swing, the human domain wouldn't have an inch of ground anywhere spared.

If the demons knew that a hermit empyrean expert like Old Crane existed, he would be their top priority. In fact, they would likely want to consume his body with their spirit. Demons didn't much care for consequences with their reckless behavior. Thus, it would be impossible for Old Crane to live quietly for long.

The old man thought about this for a moment before glancing at Jiang Chen thoughtfully.

The young man shrugged nonchalantly. The look from Old Crane didn't garner much of a response from him. He wasn't the one at a crossroads here. On the contrary, he didn't like forcing people into doing anything.

Suddenly, Old Crane chuckled. "You've inspired and spurred me to understand and care a bit more about mortal life, young lord Jiang Chen. I suppose I can't ignore the common folk's plight. If I did, I would be too ashamed to face my ancestors."

"Indeed. There will be great suffering in the demons' wake. We hermit experts should do something about that, yes?"

"Young lord Jiang Chen has sacrificed so much on the human domain's behalf. How can we drag him down with our actions?"

Old Crane's sentiments were echoed by the other empyrean experts as well. They uniformly realized that it was no longer the right time to live in seclusion. It was high past time to set aside their lofty pride.

Jiang Chen smiled at the old man's budging attitude. "If we look upwards to the sky, there is no limit. That's what my trip to Myriad Abyss taught me. The human domain has fallen behind. If we all close ourselves off out of pride, that will be even more disastrous than the demonic invasion."

If he'd said this before the trip, it would have been very disrespectful towards Old Crane. After his baptism by fire, however, he stood at a higher vantage point.

Chapter 1865: Stunning the Group of Elders

Jiang Chen's claims were based solidly in fact.

He'd already found a potential solution to the demonic invasion. Though he couldn't guarantee he would be able to activate the Great Formation of Heavenly Soul Confinement, he at least had a working blueprint.

He only needed enough resources to construct the real thing.

That aside, his trip to Myriad Abyss had illuminated to him the bigger picture in Divine Abyss. He finally understood why the demons had been able to invade long ago.

If the deviation of the heavenly axis wasn't corrected and Divine Abyss' coordinates remained exposed, more and more offworld cultivators would discover this place and thereby endanger it.

Because of this, it was more than likely that the demons were only a beginning.

Offworld invaders, especially the scrappy adventurous sort, saw Divine Abyss as a tasty morsel that deserved to be taken advantage of.

Old Crane was a little surprised at Jiang Chen's somber expression. "Young lord Jiang Chen," he ventured, "did your trip to Myriad Abyss inspire you in some way?"

"To tell you the truth, Old Crane, even a second or third rate faction there far outpaces what the human domain can offer. Hoping to match the might of the Ten Divine Nations is entirely out of the question."

It was true. In Myriad Abyss, factions like Warmspring and Rejuvenation could be considered second rate at most, and that was being generous. If they were allowed to set foot in the human domain, they would sweep it with absolute ease.

Jiang Chen was quite familiar with the capabilities of both.

Rejuvenation's Chief Warden Ding and his Winterdraw elites alone would steamroll anything in the human domain. After all, there were no elites here aside from the hermit experts.

The Rejuvenation Isles, on the other hand, had plenty of empyrean cultivators. They weren't all advanced - many weren't even mid - but a group of initial empyrean realm experts alongside a few advanced ones would very likely rampage through the current human domain.

After all, their resources were superior.

The former head of the Order of Wind and Cloud, Xiahou Jing, had only been a young genius who'd lost a power struggle within his house. Yet, he'd been able to make tremendous waves in the human domain's waters with only a group of average subordinates.

That was the critical point. And wasn't the Rejuvenation Isles much superior to a single abandoned scion of House Xiahou?

This alone showed how ahead Myriad Abyss was compared to the human domain.

"Are even second or third rate factions that powerful?" Old Crane began to lose hope when he heard this. Was Myriad Abyss really so insurmountable?

"Yes, Old Crane. The forces of Myriad Abyss are incomprehensibly strong for the current human domain. Furthermore, the wall between the two realms is thinning out. You will witness their strength for yourself before long."

Jiang Chen paused before kindly offering advice. "I think it would be a good idea to work hard at cultivating. Otherwise, when the divide no longer exists one day, you may be left helpless before Myriad Abyss's overwhelming power."

Old Crane cracked a crooked grin. "I hope that day will never come."

Jiang Chen smiled faintly. "Let's all work hard at making ourselves stronger, eh?"

He was a bit saddened internally. The human domain's dereliction wasn't the result of a single day.

At the conclusion of the demon-sealing war, the various sects and factions' men and resources were spent. That ancient war had wreaked too much destruction on the human domain. Spirit veins and other cultivational necessities had been depleted to the point of exhaustion.

This was one of the many reasons why various factions had felt that the human domain wouldn't be able to recover in a short time in the post-war years.

Under these circumstances, the human domain had gradually declined for two to three hundred thousand years to its current state. Myriad Abyss Island, on the other hand, had carried an aura of mystique from the start.

The Ten Divine Nations' careful maintenance had drawn the plethora of deserters to settle there, eventually flourishing into its current state.

Old Crane and his peers were flabbergasted. They'd noticed a significant difference between the past Jiang Chen and the current young lord. The old Jiang Chen had sufficient poise, but not nearly as latent authority in his words as he did now.

Was the change affected by experience alone?

No, Old Crane realized that couldn't be right. There was something he couldn't put his finger on quite yet.

Suddenly, his eyes moved with astonishment. "Young lord Jiang Chen! Your cultivation has increased a great deal, has it not? If I may ask, what frightening level is your cultivation at now?"

Jiang Chen didn't see a reason to conceal it. "Perhaps I will have the chance to break through to sixth level empyrean soon," he stated matter-of-factly.

The countless fights he'd taken part in back in Myriad Abyss had honed him through trial. In particular, his martial intuition had been enriched significantly.

The mouths of the hermit experts were uniformly agape with shock. After a long period of stunned silence, they traded questioning looks with each other. Had they misheard?

Break through to sixth level empyrean realm?

Aside from Old Crane, none of the others here were at that level. Jiang Chen was incredibly young! How could they remotely compare to his talent?

Old Crane exhaled, then applauded with booming laughter. "Wonderful, wonderful! The birth of such a legendary genius in the human domain marks a new era for us. My friends, we may be witnessing history in the making. Truly, a veritable miracle!"

The other empyrean experts nodded in agreement. Their gazes now radiated a real admiration that hadn't been there before.

Jiang Chen was no mere pill dao legend or ruler of the human domain. If those were his only claims to fame, the empyrean experts would give him courtesy, not deference.

No, they revered him now for being both honorable and talented. Authority was insufficient on its own; crushing strength was much more convincing!

Chapter 1866: Summoning the Heroes

Before Jiang Chen had gone to Myriad Abyss, he'd been on equal footing with the empyrean experts in the human domain. Now, especially after this meeting, he'd assumed the leading role.

The hermit experts could all tell that Jiang Chen was no longer the young genius they could dominate. To put it bluntly, all of them combined wouldn't rival the young man.

They'd also heard about the formidable vermilion bird and true dragon accompanying Jiang Chen. There was also a white tiger whose whereabouts was unknown.

None of them were entities the recluse experts could challenge.

Moreover, they owed Jiang Chen a debt for gifting them The Way to Grand Ascension. It'd boosted their cultivation and helped them overcome long-suffering bottlenecks.

That alone was enough to stop them from turning on him, or they'd be repaying kindness with malice. Not everyone in the martial dao world walked the righteous path, but most of the time people didn't actively stray from it.

Once the empyrean experts had left, Jiang Chen sent for Cloudsoar Monarch, who'd been defending Sacred Peafowl Mountain.

Cloudsoar Monarch had ascended to great emperor.

Before Jiang Chen left Myriad Abyss, he'd made the necessary arrangements, including leaving behind many Emperor Ascension and Emperor Supremacy Pills.

In the martial dao world, resources were the key to success. With enough resources, making progress was a guarantee.

As a result, Veluriyam Capital had remained orderly and even grown significantly stronger after Jiang Chen's long absence, surpassing its past self during Emperor Peafowl's rule. No one dared stir up any trouble.

The reason was simple. Jiang Chen had ruled with both kindness and an iron grip from Sacred Peafowl Mountain. No one was capable of or willing to start anything.

"Pass down my summons, Cloudsoar," Jiang Chen commanded. "Summon every cultivator above great emperor in the capital."

There were now a good number of great emperors in Veluriyam's territory, unlike its previous past of being ruled by just a few. In fact, there were even more than a scattering of empyrean cultivators in Sacred Peafowl Mountain now.

Emperors Peerless and Wellspring had both reached to empyrean realm before Jiang Chen departed for Myriad Abyss. They'd made good progress since then and ascended to second level empyrean.

The others were at half-step empyrean and needed a push to ascend, Emperor Sabledeep being an example.

He'd once been turned to the dark side by the Order of Wind and Cloud. Then Emperor Peerless and the others had persuaded him to join Sacred Peafowl Mountain, earning Jiang Chen's forgiveness.

However, there wasn't any cultivators blessed by the heaven in the human domain. It was next to impossible for them to ascend to empyrean on their own, which was why Emperor Sabledeep was stuck at half-step empyrean.

There were many others stuck at the same stage as him, including the sect heads of the Eight Upper Regions.

Upon receiving Jiang Chen's order, they made their way to Scared Peafowl Mountain as quickly as they could. Forefather Embittered Bamboo of the Embittered Savage Tribe came as well.

After surrendering to Jiang Chen, he'd been wallowing in a life of despair in Veluriyam Capital. Only after Jiang Chen gave him the first half of Grand Ascension did he recover his spirits.

He'd been keeping a very low profile over the years. Although losing to the human still left a bitter taste in his mouth, the feeling slowly faded as he cultivated with the Grand Ascension.

He was surprised when he heard about Jiang Chen's return to the human domain, even more so by the fact that the young lord had sent for him. He was rather conflicted.

He'd been brought to Veluriyam Capital as a captive and had never entered the core region of Sacred Peafowl Mountain due to Jiang Chen's lingering distrust. But now, there was a direct summons for him!

What did that mean? Had Jiang Chen's test for him come to an end? Had he earned the young man's trust? Or had the young lord grown to the point that he didn't need to be wary of the forefather? Had Jiang Chen reached such heights that he could overlook the forefather as a threat?

No matter what the truth was, it made Forefather Embittered Bamboo nervous and conflicted. Would the young lord be willing to give him the other half of the Grand Ascension?

Jiang Chen had sent for Forefather Embittered Bamboo on purpose. He'd decided to talk to the forefather before everyone else.

As the head of the Embittered Savage Tribe, the forefather possessed a strength and qualities that were rare to the human domain.

Previously, Old Crane had been the strongest in the domain, but he'd led a nomad life and didn't care much about the happenings in the world.

On the contrary, Forefather Embittered Bamboo cared greatly about the fate of his tribe.

Jiang Chen appreciated characters like the forefather more. The latter was competent and willing to toil for his people.

The alien forefather entered the secret realm of the mountain with his heart pounding.

"There you are, Embittered Bamboo." Jiang Chen walked out from the woods with a faint and quiet smile. There was an inherent grace and presence of superiority about him. Even the forefather was transfixed for a brief moment.

"Three days can change a scholar. During the years of your absence, you've become a different person, young master Jiang Chen. You've evolved and are destined for greatness!" The forefather's tone was conflicted. He was both resigned to his own fate and shocked by Jiang Chen's transformation.

He was a hair more observant and powerful than Elder He, so he could tell the changes in Jiang Chen with his first glance. The young lord could now defeat him head-on.

Forefather Embittered Bamboo was at the peak of sixth level empyrean. He'd been continuously trying and failing to push through to advanced empyrean realm.

Jiang Chen had reached fifth level, and wouldn't stop there. He also possessed qualities the forefather didn't. Given his ability and presence, he could absolutely beat the forefather in a duel. After all, he'd fought even gods before.

Chapter 1867: The Reason for Mercy

"Have a seat, Embittered Bamboo." Jiang Chen smiled faintly. "It seems that you've made good progress in understanding the Way to Grand Ascension. You're half a step from reaching advanced empyrean realm, aren't you? Do you know why you're having trouble making the breakthrough to seventh level?"

Forefather Embittered Bamboo sighed dejectedly. "I don't know. Perhaps that's just written in my destiny."

"Wrong!" Jiang Chen shook his head with a smile. "There's a tradition of changing one's fate in the martial dao world. While some are more fortunate than others, all cultivators who are truly on track to greatness possess the courage to forge their own path despite what their fate entails. You, Embittered Bamboo, are not the unlucky sort. Otherwise, I wouldn't have spared you in our fight. Wouldn't it have been less risky for me to eliminate you then and there?"

The forefather paused. "Didn't you spare me so that you can enslave me?"

Jiang Chen snorted. "Enslave you?"

He shook his head and, in lieu of an explanation, waved his hand in the air. A good number of items shining with strange glow emerged out of the blue, covering the table before him.

"Are… are these empyrean decrees?" The forefather widened his eyes. "So many of them. You..."

"These are merely part of what I've gained. I have many more decrees. Do you still think I need to keep you around as a slave?"

Embittered Bamboo stared at the table owlishly, unable to utter a word. He felt lightheaded. He'd thought Jiang Chen only spared him to serve, but that didn't seem to be the case anymore.

"Jiang Chen… young lord Jiang Chen, I've been blinded by my own biases," he said hesitantly. "It seems more blood has been shed during your time in Myriad Abyss than I expected."

"I've fought and killed a good number of empyrean cultivators, many of whom were ahead of you in cultivation. Do you know why I killed them without hesitation, but spared you at the time?"

"I don't." Embittered Bamboo pulled a long face. He truly had no clue. The young man was too enigmatic for him to understand.

"It's simple." Jiang Chen smiled faintly. "I encountered more than a hundred cultivators who are more powerful than you are in Myriad Abyss, and there are many more than that there. However, a lot of them can't rival you in inherent presence due to the circumstances under which they cultivate.

"They're more powerful simply by virtue of being in Myriad Abyss, which is conducive to their cultivation. If they'd been cultivating in your tribe or the human domain, they wouldn't have reached your height. Moreover, they live to leech off their sects and other experts. They don't have their agency like you do. If I kill you, I'll be eliminating the hope for the Embittered Savage Tribe for the next thousands of years. I couldn't find it in myself to do that."

"You couldn't?" Embittered Bamboo couldn't believe his ears. "My tribe has always been the biggest threat to the human race. It defies logic that you would opt not to exterminate all of us."

Jiang Chen smiled lazily. He wasn't as short-sighted as the other seniors of the human race.

Other heavyweights in the human domain might believe that the Embittered Savage Tribe had to be rooted out while they were at their most vulnerable, but Jiang Chen disagreed.

The human race wasn't his only consideration. His perspective was broader.

On a smaller scale, the tribe could keep the human race on its guard, preventing them from growing complacent. On a larger scale, the tribe would be part of the resistance against demons when they struck.

The conflict between the human race and the Embittered Bamboo Tribe existed within the Divine Abyss Continent. However, once the demons rose, they'd threaten all existence on the continent. If they were left unchecked, all races would become their slaves with no hope of liberation.

Of course, Jiang Chen wasn't going to spell everything out for the forefather.

He smiled slightly. "Your tribe is merely a small, harmless ailment for the human race. The real fatal threat comes from the demonic race. They are a plague that will make the entire continent a living hell once it spreads. You don't need me to tell you that, do you?"

Embittered Bamboo was silent for a long moment. He sighed, hit by a faint sense of loss.

"Young Master Jiang Chen is far more forward thinking than I could imagine. We old ones have learned nothing during our long years of existence." He sounded ashamed.

"Embittered Bamboo, I plan to let you go after some time and send you to make a round through the territories around the human domain, finding out what exactly is happening in the different domains on the continent. It's said that the continent is occupied by different races, their territories divided by boundary steles. I want you to know the exact scale of the continent."

Embittered Bamboo smiled wryly. "The boundary steles have divided the continent since the beginning of time. I don't know how big it is, either. However, the steles have been growing unstable in recent years. Perhaps it is true that the continent is going to face an important turning point."

The growing instability of the steles signified an upcoming war.

Jiang Chen sighed softly and stared at the forefather. "I just want to know if I can trust you."

"Why bother asking?" Embittered Bamboo laughed ruefully. "My life is in your hands. Don't you already know the answer?"

"That only means I can threaten you with death. You may not be truly loyal to me, and you may not do your best when I assign you a task."

"So what?" the forefather asked coolly.

"Again, if you make the smart decision, I'll give you more than you expected. If you decide to be my enemy, I can easily destroy you."

"I can't afford to be your enemy anymore," Embittered Bamboo responded in a wry tone. "I'm willing to work with you on one condition. You mustn't humiliate me out of malice and use me as a pawn."

"I don't need a pawn. I need a hot-blooded man who's willing to fight for his kind. Embittered Bamboo, are you willing to fight for your tribe? Do you have the conviction and courage to risk your life fighting the demons and refuse to be their slaves?"

"Demons?" Embittered Bamboo cracked a feral grin. "Demons may be formidable, but the one thing the Embittered Savage Tribe doesn't lack is the will to fight! As long as I live, the demons will never enslave my people!"

Chapter 1868: Obvious Improvement

There was steely resolution in Forefather Embittered Bamboo's tone. Through it, Jiang Chen heard his sincerity.

"Now, you understand why I didn't kill you," the young man laughed in applause. Saying this, he placed a jade slip and a pill bottle upon the table.

"The jade slip contains the latter half of the Way to Grand Ascension. The pill within the bottle is the Crowning Ascension Pill. It will grant you a free level within empyrean realm. I see that you're not far from seventh level empyrean, so you don't necessarily have to use it right away. You can wait until after your breakthrough to advanced empyrean."

There was no need to elaborate on the Crowning Empyrean Pill's benefits.

Forefather Embittered Bamboo had no conceivable response to Jiang Chen's gifts. He hadn't imagined such incredible generosity in his wildest dreams.

The young man found the savage's helpless attitude mildly amusing. No one could remain calm before such attractive prizes.

"Don't get complacent, Embittered Bamboo. I'm giving you these things, but I have many methods of taking them back with interest. I told you already that I'm not after your enslavement. I hope that one day, when the demons invade, there will be another group willing to declare war against them. Have you that courage?"

The forefather immediately turned incredibly resolute. "The demons, young lord Jiang Chen? I can't promise anything else, but I will spearhead an attack against them without fail!"

"Is that so? Well, that's not quite necessary yet. Your job is to return and unify the Embittered Savage Tribe, then get a better understanding of things from the surrounding territories. How are the other tribes around you faring? Knowledge is the first step of victory, and we have precious little of it," Jiang Chen sighed.

Under ordinary circumstances, he wouldn't have given Forefather Embittered Bamboo these things. But extraordinary times called for drastic measures. As long as his goals were advanced, Jiang Chen didn't care about the price.

He could've kept Embittered Bamboo down, but he wanted the old expert to wholeheartedly work for him. The forefather was definitely more capable than someone like Old Crane.

Embittered Bamboo lacked Old Crane and his comrades' craftiness. People who were too calculating were destined to waver. There was no decisiveness to be found in their actions.

"Stay at Veluriyam for now, Embittered Bamboo. I need you to put on a show. Though Sacred Peafowl Mountain currently reigns supreme in the human domain, there may be factions in the Upper Eight Regions who don't understand the trend of the times. I would like to make use of your show of support to keep them in line. They should put away their selfish inclinations in light of the human domain's difficult situation. Otherwise, they have more than enough ability to be a detriment when the outbreak happens."

Jiang Chen had never believed the Upper Eight Regions capable of resisting the demons. Demons were extremely powerful beings, and the factions had nothing that could stand against them.

In fact, he was much more worried about potential betrayal due to weak wills. They might very well join up with the demons and become willing puppets – or worse, take the demon bloodline. In any case, he didn't want to see race traitors.

Embittered Bamboo became thoughtful. "Don't worry," he nodded, "I know what to do."

"Alright. You may go for now. Wait for my summons."

The savage forefather was thoroughly won over by Jiang Chen's mixture of compulsion and volition. Though he knew this was also part of the young man's manipulation, what could he do?

There was no conspiracy. Jiang Chen's intentions were bare for all to see!

Could he refuse the Way to Grand Ascension or the Crowning Empyrean Pill?

Clearly not!

The empyrean decrees the young man was able to produce offhandedly also made his heart race. The meaning behind them was too scary to contemplate.

How many empyrean experts had he slain to obtain this many?

Mo Wushuang arrived as soon as Embittered Bamboo left. Booming laughter rushed in from a distance. "Brother, you're finally back. I've missed you!"

The man was in a good mood after breaking through to second level empyrean realm. He had cultivated with great fervor these past few years, far more diligent than he had ever been in the past.

Wellspring was with him. A great emperor no more, but a second level empyrean expert as well.

The Jiao brothers were close behind.

They weren't as high as Mo Wushuang and Jingzhong Hui – first level empyrean, to be precise. They hadn't obtained drops of kunpeng blood, but empyrean decrees instead.

Refining said decrees had been enough to allow them to break through to empyrean realm, though with significant limitations. However, the Jiao brothers' former talents and positions made them quite pleased to be where they were today.

They knew they couldn't possibly compare to Peerless and Wellspring. Among the six wandering cultivator giants of yesteryear, even Sabledeep was only half-step empyrean realm.

That comparison alone satisfied the brothers to no end. Regardless of what Sabledeep's future prospects were, at least they were much better off right now. More importantly, their status in the world was a cut above the other wandering great emperors as well.

Jiang Chen felt a surge of familiarity when he saw all the old faces around him.

"Old Brother Mo, Old Brother Jingzhong, Jiao Yun, Jiao Feng! Looks like none of you slacked off during the years we've been apart! Well done, well done!" He was pleased with their progress.

The four men sensed the drastic change that had taken place in their young lord as soon as they came in. Mo Wushuang had always been the closest to Jiang Chen, and was consequently the most comfortable with speaking to him.

"Brother." His eyes studied Jiang Chen rapidly. "Your sister-in-law's been telling me all about how different you would be when you came back. We've been trying to guess at what level your cultivation has reached. It looks like her eyes are keener than my own."

"Oh? What did she say?" Jiang Chen recalled that Mo Wushuang's dao partner was Madam Yun.

"Well, she said that perhaps your cultivation will have surpassed mine." Mo Wushuang sighed with some embarrassment. "Some people say that women tend to be foolish, but it seems that I am the foolish one today."

Jiang Chen smiled wryly. "What was your guess, then, Old Brother Mo?"

"I guessed you would've reached empyrean realm, but she said you might've gotten to mid empyrean already. She's right, isn't she?"

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