I could not tell what 'they' were from a distance I only knew that there was a lot of 'them'. They were flying objects packed together to form a moving gray cloud.
That's weird, it's not supposed to rain today... I thought.
Hatsu leaped from the ground and began barking as if trying to warn me. Understanding Hatsu, I whip out a pair of binoculars from my storage space and set them to magnify twenty times. My eyes widened. There were monsters but not just any kind. Wyverns!
Wyverns are flying beast from the Central continent which is ruled by demons. They are classified into the bipedal dragon class and are considered highly dangerous with their strong claws and vicious teeth. Since these wyverns are gray, they are low ranking wyverns which can easily be exterminated by B-Rank Adventurers. That is if there was only a small group. Hundreds of Wyverns could destroy the city! Suddenly the city's sirens went off.
"Warning! Warning! A horde of wyverns is approaching. Requesting all civilians to evacuate. Please head to the nearest shelter now! Please head to the nearest shelter now! Requesting all B-Rank or higher Adventurers immediately! Requesting all B-Rank or higher Adventurers immediately!" Blared the sirens.
I stood atop the cliff, speechless and dumbfounded as to what to do next. My binoculars still in hand while my empty was wet with cold sweat. Hatsu hiding behind my leg trembling. Then it began. The city wall's defense system activated. Mana weapons fired causing explosions to ring through the air. Wyverns shooting flames from their mouths destroying a cannon in the process. Some, breaking past the defenses entering civilian areas swooping down with their sharp claws grabbing a harmless civilian in one and a weapon in another. It was a terrifying sight. Soon spires of crimson flames began to erupt from nearby skyscrapers and the proud city wall began to crumble under the wyverns furious attacks.
"What's happening?" I spoke slowly.
Picking up my binoculars, I zoomed on to the scene forty times searching with my eyes for any other anomalies. Suddenly, I spot, in the middle of the group, a Red Wyvern, the highest-ranking wyvern to be noted in history today. On top of the wyvern was a man with flowing long white hair. He was young and pale and had two purple curving horns protruding from his forehead. On his body was a golden broadsword cocking out behind his blood-red cape putting on a display with the pride a Gascon* (Read Cyrano de Bergerac to understand the reference). He was clad in black with a golden pin of honor sitting on his left breast. A demon general! A demon general had launched an invasion on the city!
I have to get back now! I thought.
Because I'm a healer, it is my responsibility to heal those who are wounded especially at critical moments such as this. Picking up Hatsu, I transferred my mana to my legs and took a great leap forward (no pun intended (historical reference)) soaring over the trees at high speed. From where the cliff is to the city is a good three kilometers away. With the one leap I made, I covered two-thirds of that distance. As I went into free fall, I crossed my arms in an X to prepare myself for landing. Tearing through the canopy, I was only a few meters from the ground my brown hair, a complete mess and a small rip on my blue windbreaker. I was centimeters from the ground coming in fast. Coating my feet with mana, I braced for a solid landing. Boom. I landed safely on the ground. Dust flying everywhere and no broken bones.
Since I coated my feet with mana the shock from my landing was reduced drastically. If I did not, I would have been a dead man by now. But what surprised me was Hatsu. Hatsu managed to hold on to my shoulders and not fall off which is quite impressive for a wolf cub. With no time to waste, I made a mad dash to the city's crumbling walls. Arriving at the city's walls momentarily, I pushed a bush out of the way revealing a rotting wooden trapdoor. If one knows the city well enough, there is a hidden passageway on the south side of the walls that are covered by a fake bush. Underneath that bush is the hidden passageway which cuts through the transit system's underground tunnels. By following the tunnels one could arrive at the heart of the city in minutes using mana.
Opening the trapdoor, I slip inside shutting the trapdoor above me. Climbing down the rusted ladder, I fell the humidity of the tunnel seeping into my skin making me sweat. The cool liquid trails down my face while my hands quivered in fear of the possibility that the tunnel will crumble trapping me inside. With the thought in mind, I hastily jumped down to the ground. I take out a flashlight from my storage space and turn it on as well as my wooden staff. I tap Hatsu behind its tiny ears.
Commanding it, I ask, "Hatsu can you point to the shortest route that will take us to the Central Square?"
"Arf!" Hatsu barked and began sniffing the air.
Moments later, Hatsu pointed its paw north.
"Thanks, Hatsu!" I smiled running off in the direction Hatsu pointed in.
The tunnels were dark and damp making it hard to navigate. However, with Hatsu, navigating these tunnels are as easy as pie.
After running a few kilometers, Hatsu barked and pointed up with his paw. Light filtered out of a from a pothole above. As I was about to jump out of the tunnel, the tunnel shook violently as chunks of rubble fell through the hole. However, this was not the time to worry about such trivial things. Using the falling rubble as platforms, I jump nimbly through the pothole that led to the outside.
Grabbing onto the rim of the pothole, I use the remaining of my weak physique's upper body strength to pull myself out. Once my eyes passed the rim, the city I knew was no longer there. In a matter of minutes, the skyscrapers that gleamed in the sunlight towering the city had burned to the ground under the wyverns constant attacks. Carnage scattered the ground while the ashes fell to cover them up like snow. I was devastated. The sky was raining crimson flames of destruction destroying everything in their path. Cars, buildings, parks, everything! Not even showing mercy to a single ant.
Thoughts running through my mind allowed me to forget my surroundings.
I've got to find Savior and the others. They are probably fighting the horde alone! Not even Michael will be enough to heal the whole party.
But it was too late, I arrived at the center of the city where the wyvern horde circled above ready to completely burn the city to ashes. Scattered on the ground are my teammates, barely alive. I spot our Archer buried under a pile of rubble. She was Savior's best friend, Ray Levine.
Character: Andrew Halycon
Age: 17
Race: Human
DOB: April 5
Class: Healer
Characteristics: Has a strong sense of duty. Will do anything, except suicide, as long as paid enough.
*At this point of the story, we don't know Hatsu's gender so we'll be referring to Hatsu as "it".
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