Before Orion interrogated Maverick, he washed his eyes out. He came to a conclusion to understand that it was an illusion. Orion looked into the bathtub and saw huge chunks of bell peppers. Orion kicked open the door and walked in front of Maverick, who was eating his cabbage soup. " You son of a bitch?" Maverick was acted like he didn't know anything. " Is there a problem? You did something to my proportion of cabbage soup." Maverick removed the stained steel spoon from his mouth and gritted his teeth. " I brought you into my house and made your food and this is how you repay me?!" Nothing is wrong with my cabbage soup!" Maybe you ate something bad!" Orion started laughing. He quickly lunged towards Maverick punched him in his deformed face. Maverick was sent crashing through the sheetrock walls. All the ruckus made Roger rowdy. His owner was in danger and he wanted to do something about it. Roger started growling and barking at Orion. Orion sighed. " This doesn't concern you, Roger. It will be best for you to leave." I'm not in a good mood." Roger totally blocked out Orion's voice. He lunged towards Orion. Orion extended out his index finger and shoved it into Roger's skull going through his brain.
A violent shock erupted through Roger's body. Suddnely Roger exploded into chunks of blood. Orion didn't want to kill Roger. He loved dogs. Orion kneeled down and rubbed his hand across Roger's blood that stained the ground. He rubbed some blood on his forehead and bowed hoping roger would have a better life as a dog somewhere else without a nasty disgusting owner who barely feeds him. Orion wanted to break Maverick piece by piece. As he went to confront Maverick, he was nowhere to be found. " I excepted more from you Orion." Orion started scratching his head. " Who are you really?" How do you know my name?" Fine I will tell you my real name." My name isn't Maverick." It's Duncan. Also known as The Bastard Son." Show yourself." There is no reason to hide." I will only rip you limb from limb!!" Duncan started laughing. " You are quite the comedian Orion. You make laugh!" Duncan suddenly popped out of thin air and grabbed Orion off his feet, strangling him with intense power. Even though he weighed only at least 110 pounds, he still had super strength. He body-slammed Orion on the ground, beginning to repeatly stomp on his chest. How do you like this Orion?!!" Orion grabbed Duncan's foot and bit his Achilles Tendon. Duncan let out his loud scream.
His foot came off Orion's chest like butter sliding off a pancake. Duncan stumbled towards a crackling wall. Orion crunched his hand into a fist and drove his fist into Duncan's stomach. Duncan vomited blood into Orion's face. Duncan collapsed on his knees. " Well, Duncan." This is it." Duncan wiped the blood from his mouth beginning to laugh. Suddnely cyan aura circled Duncan's body. The entire house started shaking. Orion noticed Duncan's face was melting off his skull like cheese. He was going to show his true selves. His true selves like an albino elf. He was at least 5'10. He wore yellow encrusted diamond earrings. Duncan was an undercover Royal Elven empire elf officer who was also Queen Ariel's second cousin. He came to observe and destroy battle plans and destroy the heavy weaponry. He was known for his master of illusion, disc weapons, and mind control abilities. Ah, you didn't think I was deformed didn't you?" I can tell by that look on your face that you did." Now here's are thinks are going to go." From now on you will be my personal errand boy." Duncan's eyes suddenly flashed gold. Orion had absolutely no control over his body. He would use Orion to help him with his tasks given to him by Queen Ariel. The elve teen watched from the roof. He warned Orion. However, in the teen's eyes, Orion didn't look like a bad person. He would try to help him at least.
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