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Chapter 3 - Dreams and Portkey

It was a rather misty as he entered the alleyway. Cold, hungry and exhausted. He felt as if he ran for ages when really it was only an hour.

"Hoh? Hey, look at what I found here."

Vincent turned around to see four drunk men grinning as they surrounded him. He tried to run, only to be kicked in the stomach, sending him sprawling to the ground, gasping for air.

"What do you want to do with him?"

"Who knows, sell him, beat him, or perhaps..." One of the men knelt on the ground and grabbed a fistful of Vincent's hair, only to see two specks of golden eyes staring back. No fear, just acceptance. "Oh, boys look at this kid's eyes, oh they'll be seeing real gold soon if we—"


The sound of something sinking into flesh resounded. The man's eyes widened in horror as a shard of glass seemingly appeared on his hand, the one that held Vincent.

"ARGHHHHHH!" He let go and clutched his hand in pain as the rest of the group turned to see who did it.

"Now, normally I don't give a damn about what's happening," a blond boy, looking to be in his late teens or early adulthood walked towards the group. He ducked down to scoop up a piece of broken concrete which he smashed against the ground, splitting it into plenty of pieces. "But, this 'king' is really not in a good mood, you better run...cause I'm not showing any mercy."

"As if—?!" One of the men began before his head snapped upwards, his hands clutched his throat as if he was choking on something. A large piece of concrete smashed into his jaw, making him slump to the ground unconscious.

Another screamed as he held his eyes, blood flowing down his hands as he knelt on the ground.

"Why you!" one man yelled as he rushed forward, blocking his face with his arms.

The blond boy merely flicked a piece of concrete forwards. It landed on the ground before being stepped on by the man, making him stumble forwards. He held out his hands, only to see a metal tipped boot coming up towards his chin.


The sounds of a muffled groan, and the breaking of bones echoed throughout the alley as the man slumped to the ground, blood flowing from his mouth. The boy glanced at the remaining man, standing there, trembling with the piece of glass embedded in his hand. He sighed as he pulled out a silver pistol and aimed it at the man who quickly held up one of his 'friends' to block the bullet.

The boy sighed as he aimed above the man and shot.


The man fell to the ground in pain as he held his foot, now bleeding. The boy just sighed as he looked up at the steel railing above the man.

"Great, shots gonna attract some attention," he muttered as he started walking out, only to feel a tug on his pants. He glanced down to see Vincent looking up at him. "The hell do you want kid?"

"Teach me," the boy raised a brow.

The two of them stared at each other for a brief minute before the boy shrugged the Vincent off. "As if..."

Vincent looked at the boys back growing smaller as he got further and further away. He then got up and ran after the older boy's back, trying to not lose sight of it.


Vincent opened his eyes groggily as he held his head. He sat up from his bed and turned his head to the snores of Ron Weasley whom was stationed next to him. He sighed as he started getting changed.

"That was so long ago, why did I have that dream now?" Vincent muttered to himself as someone knocked at the door.

"—still sleeping I suspect..." Hermione's voice trailed off as Vincent opened the door as he put on a shirt.

"Morning Hermione," Vincent said with a yawn. "Heading off are we?"

"Um, yeah," Hermione turned red for some reason, making Vincent raise a brow. "I'll, uh, see you downstairs. Make sure they both wake up, we have to go soon."

Vincent watched in confusion as Hermione dashed off, revealing Arnya behind her who looked Vincent up and down, taking note of how tired he appeared as well as how he was dressed.

"What was that about?" Vincent asked.

"Probably the fact that you still haven't put on any pants," Arnya indicated to Vincent in his boxers. "See you downstairs."

"Oh, sure," Vincent nodded in understanding as they both casually went their separate ways.

Vincent turned around, closing the door behind him, only to see Harry shivering.

"Hey, Harry," Vincent, worried, tried to shake his friend awake. "Harry, do you hear me? Wake up!"

Harry, breathing heavily, snapped eyes wide open as he shakily shot his eyes around the room.

"Whoa, calm down there," Vincent placed a hand on Harry's shoulder. "Your fine, your safe, here at the Burrow."

Harry managed to find his glasses to which he found Vincent in his gaze, sighing in relief, only to stare confused. "Vince? Why are you up so early?"

"We got to go soon," Vincent informed as he pulled his pants on. "and don't change the subject. What on earth were you dreaming about? Your sweating like crazy."

Harry placed a hand on his forehead, feeling the massive amount of sweat on his head. "No-nothing, just a nightmare."

"About Voldermort?" Vincent asked, noting Harry's jumpy reaction. "Bulls eye, ok, spill it. What was it?"

Vincent thought for a bit and added. "And don't give me nothing. Keeping something that may or may not be important can drive you insane. Take it from the guy that did that most of last year."

Harry took a deep breath. "Well, fine. Just so you know, I've already had this dream before. Told Sirius about it too."

"In it, there were, three people. The third one was in a large chair, I couldn't see him, but it was definitely the sound of Voldemort. The other two I didn't realise, but I feel like one of them sounded familiar. Anyway, they mentioned Wormtail for a period, talking about how much of a failure he was before saying that they have something planned this year, something involving me. But before they could talk about it, some old muggle interrupted them. There was a green light and that's it."

Vincent grimaced as Harry looked concerned. "But I was more worried about how I'm having these, 'Dreams'."

Vincent looked thoughtful. "Maybe you have a connection to him or something."

Harry paled. "Connected to him?"

Vincent nodded. "What you described seems far too detailed to be a dream. I can't be sure about anything, but that seems to be the case..."

Vincent trailed off once he noticed Harry go white. "Well, I don't think you'll have anything to worry about, if anything, at least your prepared—"

Vincent could only see that he was making things worse and wished that something could—


"Huh?" Ron rubbed his eyes as he looked at the two of them. "Oh, morning guys."

Never had Vincent been more thankful for Ron until then.


After a quick breakfast and a quick show of the twins getting scolded by Mrs Weasley for bringing one of their dangerous 'trinkets', the group set off into the nearby town, freezing due to the cold. Only Vincent, Sirius and Arnya were somewhat unaffected or just used to it.

"We're going to walk there?" he asked, making Mr Weasley chuckle.

"Of course not, we're using a Portkey," Mr Weasley grinned.

Vincent nodded in understanding while Harry looked to Sirius in confusion.

"Just objects that transport you to a set location at a set time," Sirius explained. "Although it can be set as soon as one so much as touches it."

"What kind of objects are they?" Harry asked interested.

"Anything really," Sirius ducked under a branch as he walked. "Shoe, coin, chair, it's usually something that Muggles would ignore for the convenience of a Wizard. It's also a whole lot more safer to get to the games this way."

Before Harry could ask why, Mr Weasley jumped in. "How very right you are, it'd be horrid if thousands of Wizards apparate inside each other! No, rather be on the safe side using a Portkey to get to a designated location rather than risk getting splinched."

The group trudged down the hill, past the town before going up another, walking through thick grass and thickets tiring many in the group out. One of the the only uplifting parts about the trip was Sirius joking with the twins, making the group laugh out more often then not. Probably made them lose more breath than needed though.

"Whew," panted Mr. Weasley. "Well, we've made good time. We've got ten minutes left."

Hermione came over the crest of the hill last, clutching a stitch in her side. She nodded in thanks as Vincent handed her a drink of water.

"Now we just need the Portkey," said Mr. Weasley. "It won't be big or anything. Come on you lot, help out here a bit..."

They spread out, searching. They had only been at it for a couple of minutes, however, when a shout rent the still air.

"Over here, Arthur! Over here, son, we've got it!"

On the one side of the hilltop, two tall figures waved at them.

"Amos!" said Mr Weasley, smiling as he strode over to the man who had shouted. The rest of them followed.

Mr Weasley was shaking hands with a ruddy-faced wizard with a scrubby brown beard, who was holding a moldy-looking old boot in his other hand.

"This is Amos Diggory, everyone," said Mr. Weasley. "He works for the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. And I think you know his son, Cedric?"

"We know," the twins replied, still a bit stiff over Hufflepuffs win over them last year.

"Hey Cedric, how have you been?" Vincent grinned, ignoring the twins glares.

"Not to bad, yourself Vince, Harry?" Cedric greeted Harry as well.

"Bit busy, but all's good." answered Vincent.

"These are Ron's friends, Hermione, Arnya, Harry and—" Mr Weasley was cut off from introducing them as Amos Diggory zeroed in on Harry.

"Melin's beard! Harry Potter! THE Harry Potter?"

Er — yeah," said Harry.

Harry was used to people looking curiously at him when they met him, used to the way their eyes moved at once to the lightning scar on his forehead, but it always made him feel uncomfortable.

"Ced's talked about you, of course," said Amos Diggory. "Told us all about playing against you last year.... I said to him, I said — Ced, that'll be something to tell your grandchildren, that will.... You beat Harry Potter!"

Harry looked slightly downcast while Fred and George scowled. Cedric looked apologetic and slightly embarrassed about his father's bragging.

*SNORT* "If Harry didn't fall off his broom, he very well could have beaten your son," Sirius snorted as he stepped forward, holding his hand out. "Sirius Black."

Amos Diggory frowned as he shook Sirius' hand. "Ah, Mr Black, so you really are free now. How's that going for you?"

"Better than Azkaban mind you, a rather depressing place don't you think? Must be the cells there," Sirius grinned wildly. "The guards there aren't really that great company either. See, Harry scared off a horde of them by himself. Wonder if your son could do the same?"

The two of them glared at each other for a long time as they continued to shake hands. Cedric broke the silence.

"Dad, this here is Vincent," Vincent raised a brow at Cedric's choice for a change in subject. "You know, the one that helped me in potions and Muggle studies."

Amos let go of Sirius' hand and regained his former smile.

"Ah...Yes, the Muggle," Mr Diggory's smile lessened slightly as he shook Vincent's hand. He wasn't unfriendly or anything of the sort, but it did have little to no respect about it. "The first to attend Hogwarts I hear, not to mention you did catch Pettigrew, setting Mr Black here free. Tell me, how did that happen? What did you do to make Dumbledore accept you into a school meant for Wizards?"

"No idea sir, must've been luck," Vincent responded politely. "I'll have you know your son is a great man, despite me being a muggle, he did manage to help me in other subjects. Smart, fit, you must be proud of him."

Mr Diggory smiled immensely at the praise and puffed his chest out in pride. "Indeed I am. I can see that you are indeed a bright young boy—"

"Amos, the Portkey?" Mr Weasley interrupted.

"Oh how could I have forgotten!" Mr Diggory pulled out a mangy old boot and placed it on the ground. "Come on now, everybody gather around!"

Vincent was next to Harry and Cedric as they gathered around the mangy old boot.

"Thanks for playing along," Cedric whispered gratefully. "My fathers not a bad man, he just tends to brag a bit."

"No problem," Vincent replied. "Also, was it just me, or is he uncomfortable around muggles?"

"Don't tell me that's the first time you received that sort of response?" Cedric said amazed. "Many Wizards hold some form of superiority complex over muggles. Makes it rather hard to talk to them."

"It's not like I go around telling people I'm a muggle all the time," Vincent rolled his eyes.

Although he said that, Vincent did ponder about his time in Hogwarts and why he wasn't harassed there too much.

"Must be my charm," Vincent joked in his mind as he shrugged the thought off.

"We waiting for anyone else Amos?"

"No, the Lovegoods have been there for a week already and the Fawcetts couldn't get tickets," answered Mr Diggory. "There aren't any more of us in this area, are there?"

"Luna lives around here?" Vincent thought surprised.

"Not that I know of," Mr Weasley, looking at his watch. "Yes, it's a minute off.... We'd better get ready...."

He glanced at Vincent, Harry and Hermione. "Just need to touch it, even a finger would do."

They all gathered in a ridiculous looking circle, touching the boot. It was perhaps, one of the silliest sights that Vincent had seen. Arnya luckily had a small spot to herself due to the size of her chair.

"Three, two, one..." Mr Weasley counted down.

Vincent felt a pull from the boot as it lifted him of the ground. The whole world spun around him as he bumped shoulders with Harry and Cedric. A loud howl of wind was heard as Vincent felt himself grow closer and closer to the boot before—


Vincent felt his feet slam on the floor as he managed to avoid falling over. Harry and Ron weren't so lucky as they collapsed on top of each other as the Portkey fell with a thud next to them.

"Far better than Flu travel," Vincent muttered as he held out a hand to both of them which they gratefully accepted.

"Seven past five from Stoatshead Hill," said a voice.



Hey guys, BrotherBook here.

I'd like to thank all who has read this book up to this point.

Theres a lot of stuff that's been going on recently so I haven't been able to write so much. As you guys may already know, I'm a slow writer, being sick and busy doesn't help with the quality so a single chapter may even take up to a month to complete for me.

I am in no way giving up on this novel, I write because I enjoy it, even if it's bad. It's just that I won't be able to constantly update (not like I have in the first place lol, I know some of you are mad about that). Maybe you'll see one every month or two, maybe even a week or days, it'll depend on my time and state of health.

So once again, I would like to thank you all for reading this book. Any who come are welcome, and any who leave I hope you enjoyed something from here. Thank you all for reading, and I hope to see you guys soon, seeya!

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