Somewhere out in the darkness, a phoenix was singing in a way Chris had never heard before: a stricken lament of terrible beauty. And Chris felt, as she had felt about phoenix song before, that the music was inside her, not without: It was her own grief turned magically to a song that echoed across the grounds and through the castle windows. Chris listened and suddenly she felt as though the song was getting closer. It was like Fawkes knew that she was in pain.
Chris opened her eyes and found herself in the hospital wing. She was lying on her stomach, wearing a backless strapless gown and something was reducing her physical pain.
Chris sat up as the burning pain on her shoulder and back lessened. The curtains were closed around her bed and inside there was Aurelia and — Fawkes, Dumbledore's Phoenix.
Chris stared at the Phoenix as it sat on her arm, she realised that Fawkes had fixed her wounds. She tried to smile at the bird but then everything came back to her.
The fight. Jason. Dumbledore. Snape. The murders.
She felt more exhausted than ever and closed her eyes again.
As if she had felt Chris' pain, Aurelia lightly touched Chris' head and caressed her hair. Chris leaned at the touch. It was a motherly thing she hadn't experienced in years. Chris stayed like that for a long time. She was feeling awfully exhausted. But she knew she had to ask the question, she had to know. . .
"Did everyone else make it alive?" She mumbled.
"Yes," without breaking the rhythm of her hand moving through Chris' hair, Aurelia spoke, "Other than a few minor injuries, everyone is okay. Only, Bill — there's nothing for his face —"
"I saw Greyback attacking him," said Chris. "Madam Pomfrey can't fix his face?"
"No, they are cursed wounds much like yours," sighed Aurelia. "We were looking for something to heal your wounds for hours if it hadn't been for Fawkes. . ."
"Then Fawkes can also heal Bill's face," said Chris automatically. "Will you Fawkes?"
As Chris touched Fawkes' feathers, he flew over the curtains.
"It's almost dawn," said Aurelia. "Ginny, Luna, Hermione, Colin, all of them went to bed a few hours ago. I forced them to go unless they wanted to stay with you. The others left with McGonagall some time ago. They had to rearrange the Order as now Dumbledore —"
Aurelia wrapped Chris in a warm hug and kissed the top of her head.
"We will get revenge Chris, I promise," Aurelia whispered.
But Chris wasn't feeling vengeful anymore. In fact, she wasn't feeling anything except cold and empty.
"Harry is still waiting outside," said Aurelia opening the curtains. "Oh, he is asleep. Should I call him?"
Chris saw Harry sleeping on the bed beside her. Judging by the position, he was sitting when he just fell asleep.
"No, it's okay," Chris shook her head.
"Alright, have some rest," said Aurelia before getting up. "You will need it."
After Aurelia left, Chris lay down on her bed and stared at the ceiling for hours. Aurelia was like a friend and a mother-figure to her. She wondered what she would have done if something had happened to her? Dumbledore's death, Snape's betrayal and Jason's wrong concerns had got Chris thinking about lots of things. Last night, she had completely lost control. She didn't even remember how many people she killed or what spells did she use. It felt like someone close to her was doing those things. Though, this time she didn't regret killing those people, she regretted losing her consciousness, which shouldn't happen again.
And to prevent it from happening again she had to make a tough decision. Because she had to stop Malgino, who will get super strong after getting the Keys and he will attack Hogwarts anytime. She needed to stop him and get those Keys back.
When Chris woke up again, she was still in the hospital wing and judging by the lights coming through the windows, it was almost noon; Harry was sitting on the chair beside her bed while holding her hand.
He looked just like Chris had expected, worried and vulnerable but something else was in his eyes. Determination?
"Chris!" He leaned forward as soon as he noticed her eyes open. "You okay? Your wounds are healed but Madam Pomfrey said you need rest."
Chris' heart ached at Harry's concerned voice but she ignored it. After last night, she understood that Harry also had feelings for her and maybe he still liked her but she was not ready to feel anything else than pain, yet. She didn't want to feel anything. She didn't want to be happy, angry, curious, or loved or anything. . . She felt if she let herself feel again then everything will fall apart again. . . Hadn't she learned enough? She had to be strong if she wanted her magic to be in her control. And feeling these things will just get in the way.
But why God, why did he have to be so nice?
"She is right," she said and was relieved to hear her voice steady. "I feel very tired."
"Yeah, that's normal," said Harry. "After the side effects hit, it's normal to feel tired. Also, don't use heavy magic for a few days."
Chris didn't ask how did he know these things. Dumbledore must have been told him.
At that moment, the door of the hospital wing opened and Ginny, Luna, Colin, Ron and Hermione walked in.
"Chris, you are awake," Ginny said, hurrying forward and hugging her tightly.
Then, Hermione, Luna and Colin wrapped her in bear hugs one by one. As they sat around her bed, everyone felt silent. No one knew what to say. Finally, glancing at Bill's bed in a corner, Ginny spoke,
"Thanks for Bill. Aurelia told me about the Phoenix. His face healed."
If Ginny had said this before twenty-four hours, then Chris would have said, "Don't mention it. Bill is my brother too." But now, she wanted to distance herself from these things and feelings, so she just nodded at Ginny.
They fell silent again.
"So anyone knows how is the Order going to prepare itself, now that Malgino has the Keys?" asked Chris.
Luna and Hermione exchanged a look Chris didn't understand.
"Chris, Malgino doesn't have the Keys," said Luna.
"What?" Chris and Harry said together.
"But I saw Stormy taking them," said Harry. "I tried to stop her but Jason got in the way — sorry," he added looking apologetic.
"He really did get in the way," Chris said flatly then turned to Luna. "What do you mean they didn't get the Keys?"
But it was Hermione, who answered,
"After you informed Ginny about the Dark Mark, she called me. As soon as we went out, Ron, Neville, Colin and Ginny got stuck in the fight, so I went to call Snape, on the way I met Luna and the Grey Lady, who saw a few Malgino's people talking about the Keys."
"Helena was so furious," said Luna. "She doesn't like Malgino and thought it would be good revenge if she tricks him with the Keys. So she taught us a spell to duplicate the Keys and replace it with the original ones, without getting noticed."
"It was the hardest and most complex spell I have ever learned. But we learned it and swap the Keys when Stormy was leaving the castle through the battle," said Hermione holding up a box. "Here."
Chris took the box and opened it. Yes, the golden Keys were there and safe but that didn't make Chris happy. It was just a work she had to do but now she didn't have to. That's all.
"Thanks," Chris said to Hermione and Luna. Then changed the topic. "So what else is going on?"
"All class are suspended. The O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s are postponed. Students are going home," said Colin sadly. "The first, second and third years are gone, so is half of the fourth, fifth and sixth year. Dad wanted to take me and Dennis too but Dennis refused to go without me."
"Padma and Parvati were gone before breakfast," said Ginny. "So is Danielle, Lauren, Melvin and Irena."
"Seamus had a shouting match with his mom this morning," said Ron. "He didn't want to go before — the funeral."
"When is it?" asked Chris. Of course, there will be a funeral for Dumbledore.
"Tomorrow," said Harry, squeezing Chris' hand. "He will be buried in Hogwarts grounds."
To be continued. . .
Hey guys,
Another chapter is here.
Enjoy. . .