"So are we agreed we want to take lessons from Chris, Harry and Cedric?" Hermione said.
There was a murmur of general agreement. Zacharias folded his arms and said nothing.
"Mainly Chris," Harry said hastily.
"Agreed," Cedric grinned.
"Right," said Ginny, looking relieved that something had at last been settled. "Well, then, the next question is how often we do it. I really don't think there's any point in meeting less than once a week —"
"Hang on," said Angelina, "we need to make sure this doesn't clash with our Quidditch practice."
"No," said Cho, "nor with ours."
"Nor ours," added Zacharias Smith.
"It will not Smith. As a captain I'm concerned about it too, don't worry," Cedric snapped.
Smith flushed red.
"I'm sure we can find a night that suits everyone," said Hermione, slightly impatiently, "but you know, this is rather important, we're talking about learning to defend ourselves against V-Voldemort's Death Eaters —"
"Well said!" barked Ernie Macmillan. "Personally I think this is really important, possibly more important than anything else we'll do this year, even with our O.W.L.s coming up!"
He looked around impressively, as though waiting for people to cry, "Surely not!" When nobody spoke, he went on, "I, personally, am at a loss to see why the Ministry has foisted such a useless teacher upon us at this critical period. Obviously, they are in denial about the return of You-Know-Who, but to give us a teacher who is trying to actively prevent us from using defensive spells —"
"The reason Umbridge doesn't want us trained in Defense Against the Dark Arts," said Ginny, "is that she's got some mad idea that Dumbledore could use the students in the school as a kind of private army. She thinks he'd mobilize us against the Ministry."
Nearly everybody looked stunned at this news.
"Well, no point dwelling on it," Hermione said briskly.
"Once a week sounds cool," said Lee Jordan.
"As long as —" began Angelina.
"Yes, yes, we know about the Quidditch," said Hermione in a tense voice. "Well, the other thing to decide is where we're going to meet . . ."
This was rather more difficult; the whole group fell silent.
"But first we need to confirm who is committed to this and who is not," said Ginny seriously.
"What do you mean? We all are joining," said Cho.
"She means," Hermione rummaged in her bag and produced parchment and a quill. "We think everybody should write their name down, just so we know who was here. And" she took a deep breath, "to agree not to shout about what we're doing. So if you sign, you're agreeing not to tell Umbridge — or anybody else — what we're up to."
Fred reached out for the parchment and cheerfully put down his signature, but Chris noticed at once that several people looked less than happy at the prospect of putting their names on the list.
"Rest assured that Umbridge is not going to find this list," Chris said. "The whole point of writing your name is to maintain our safety from Umbridge and the Ministry."
"Is it true that you jinxed her room and she tried to expel you and Harry?" Terry Boot asked.
"Yep, we were lucky, but I don't want any of you to get in trouble because of this group and to do that you need to promise that you are not going to risk the others for yourself," Chris explained. "Writing your name here will make you loyal to others here, not us."
"Hear, hear," said Melvin enthusiastically.
Nobody raised any more objections and soon everyone had written their name including Zacharias Smith. Hermione took the parchment back and slipped it carefully into her bag.
"Now where are we going to practice?" Cedric said.
"Well. . ." Chris looked at Ginny, Colin and Luna. "We have a place."
"We have?" said Hermione looking surprised.
Chris was still looking at Ginny, Luna and Colin. Finally, they understood and nodded.
"We have," Colin said excitedly.
"We will inform you the place in school," Chris said getting up from her chair. "It's a secret place discovered by Ginny, Luna, Colin and me. So prepare yourself to be amazed."
After the meeting, Chris excused herself first and went to Three Broomsticks alone. She didn't know herself why she did that but she just wanted to be alone for a little bit.
Three Broomsticks was packed as usual with Hogwarts students when Chris entered. She took a butterbeer from Madam Rosemerta and looked for an empty corner when she saw a surprising scene. In a corner table, Astoria was giggling with none other than Draco Malfoy. By the looks of it, they were on a date. Draco was telling her a fascinating story and she was too engrossed in it to notice anything else. This made Chris smile as she walked by their table.
Chris thought she had spotted an empty table but as she drew near, she realized the table wasn't empty. One person was sitting there drinking butterbeer looking distracted or more frustrated.
Theodore looked startled hearing his name and looked up.
"Hey, Chris." He tried to smile but it looked like a grimace.
"Not trying to bother you but everything else is full." Chris gestured around the place which was actually full.
"You are... alone?" Theodore looked more surprised.
"Yes, why can't I?" Chris laughed.
"No, it's just the first Hogsmead weekend, so I expected you to be with your friends if not Jason," He pointed at the seat beside him. "Well sit down if you want."
Chris had a fleeting thought about Theodore's father, Voldemort and his depressed mood but then a soft side of her reminded her that Theodore was still Jason's friend.
Chris sat down, thinking about Jason. But then decided to focus on Theodore.
"Are you okay?" Theodore and Chris said together and both of them looked surprised at this, then they both chuckled.
"Seems like we both are upset," Chris said still smiling.
"And obviously we can't tell each other why we are upset, can we?" Theodore sighed.
Chris definitely wasn't planning to tell Theodore about their new little defence club. So Chris just shrugged.
"But we still can talk, can't we?" She said.
"Well, that we can." Theodore grinned.
To be continued...
Hey guys..
Here is the next chapter.