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36.95% The Fastest Man Alive - Marvel / Chapter 34: The Night

Kapitel 34: The Night

The Fastest Man Alive

Chapter 34

The Night

Vega HQ

Getting out of the cold shower made me feel so much better. It had been a while since I last relaxed and enjoyed myself. If I weren't mistaken, it would be before I received my powers and started down this long winding road. With that, I made a note to myself to take a nice long vacation as soon as I could.

Getting out of the shower, I dried off and pulled on one of my dark blue combat pants with another one of Natasha's brand T-shirts. This shirt actually said Brand Natalia on the tag, but the outside said If Lost Return To Ororo. The brand Natalia and the front got a chuckle out of me, but I wore the shirt all the same.

Now that I was dressed, I waited for Felicia to get finished herself, but when she walked out of the locker room, I couldn't help but laugh. Felicia's shirt said Natasha's hands-off, I shook my head at the shirt and its stylized writing on the front. Honestly, I had no clue when Natasha had gotten these done, but she must have put a lot of planning into it because everything was of high quality and seeing Felicia in a shirt I was certain that I wasn't the only one she dressed.

Ignoring that thought of mine for a moment I showed Felicia towards the armory and staging area that we were going to use for the upcoming deal. When we arrived, all twenty of the delta team that I was going to give Felicia control over was here. And dammit they were having what appears to be a party.

"Dammit, Nora, why do you have your pants down with your ass out?" I asked, yelling over the music playing. Everyone paused, and I witnessed Salt placing a twenty in the man's g string. "Damit Salt didn't I just turn down a good time what's going on here. Also Nora, why do you have a fucking thong on?"

"Oh the boys were saying that Salt had the best ass around, so I had to show the goods," Nora replied as he pulled the bill out from around his waist.

"Come on boss-man this, and that's different. You were getting ready to blow her back out, and this is just going to loosen us up before the big party." Salt replied with a shrug.

"And what about the rest of you lot," I asked around the room at the other eighteen people that were chuckling at Nora failing to find his actual underwear.

"Here kid,"

I heard Gunny's gruff voice as he dropped his shroud holograms to place Nora's underwear over his ears. Shaking my head at that, I looked at Gunny then followed him over to the table as he pulled up the plans for the party. When we got to the holo-table Felicia gave me a raised eyebrow, and I tried not to sigh.

"Don't worry about him girlie. Let me introduce myself names Jermery Charles, but people call me Gunny from my army days. That putz over there with his pants finally up is David Nora and the Marine next to him is Samatha Salt. And we will be your team leaders." Gunny said quickly as he waved his arm to each person.

"So one of my team leaders is a stripper, and the other is a cockblocker." Noted replied Felicia with a nod of her head. Everyone laughed at the comment while I shook my head. Nora received a glare from me as he came walking up to the table with his pants finally around his waist.

"Did you at least win the bet?" I asked the big six feet moron with a dopey grin on his face.

"Nope, I lost the bet of who's who's with the finest buns, but I at least made some money out of it," Nora replied smoothly.

"Okay, all that and you still didn't win," Felicia asked as she tilted her head at him. "Who won then?"


The whole room spoke up as one as if they were somehow in sync on the topic. This caused me to snort while Felicia rolled her eyes with the answer she received.

With the jokes and laughs out of the way, we were a lot looser and ready for the briefing and the upcoming action. The plan was simple yet flexible, allowing us to make changes when needed when Fisk brought out the big guns for the party. Nora was going to have Overwatch with his five on the southwest corner overlooking everything. Gunny had the perimeter with his five, and Salt had our backs with the rest.

With the plan laid out before us, it was time to get suited up in gear, and I had a major surprise for Felicia. For Felicia, I had created three different types of suits for her to wear. The first was the recreation of the Black Cat outfit because why not. The second suit was a more armored version, and the third was the heavy armor for taking on tanks because this is Marvel and you never know when something is going to come and fuck up your day.

Before I went to show Felicia the things I had made for her to wear. It was time to hand out the guns because Marines love guns. With me cracking the code behind the P.Y.M. particles I had taken the time to redo a lot of the weaponry that we use because why the hell not. If someone had access to shrinking tech and didn't use it to pimp out there own people, then they have brain damage. There should be no reason why Hank's Antman suit or his base should look so shitty in those movies I had seen before my death.

Morals or not, shrink down and take what you need to save your wife and loved ones. Toi bad for my enemies I didn't have such moral dilemmas. I steal and blackmail to get my way, and if that doesn't work, quick removal of the opposition always works.

Now for the new addition to our weapons loadout was the smart grenades that I had stolen right from Call Of Duty before my death. This grenade had a few functions by turning the dial on the top. I also had to keep dummy-proof with the pull pin, but the dial on the top allowed you to pick your selection before pulling.

The smart functions where normal frag, the second was flash, the third was a ping system that used echolocation to locate people within one hundred feet of the grenades. The last two functions were an emp and smoke, but I wasn't able to add in a homing function since the system already had too much pack into it.

From there, I placed the containers with the smart grenades and brought out the modified rail gun and its ammo. The rail gun got a barrel shortened down to a sixteen-inch barrel and with the new magnetic railing. It was now firing rounds at upwards of five thousand feet-per-second bringing it way past the standard muzzle velocity of the point fifty caliber rifle. With the barrel upgrade, every round fired was going through anything it hit. Then I also had to change the way the weapon fired.

The automatic fire was removed to keep people from squeezing the trigger and blowing their load. Granted the people who used these were Marines and they knew better, but precaution never hurt in the long run. The rifle now fired in semi-auto and single fire

The grip was now installed with a smart feature that I also took straight from Judge Dred. That almost didn't happen until Peter and I watched it on a double date night with the ladies in the movie room. The moment that the moron took the Judge's gun and couldn't use it gave me heart issues because the weapons that I created was far more deadly than what the Judge's used.

That did give me more ideas about ammunition though, but for now, all I had created was volt rounds and the other standard rounds. There was a sticky round that I had in my labs still going through testing but so were plenty of others. Besides the ammo types, I also wanted to work on a gene that only we had for the weapons access over the gloves.

With the gloves passed out, the Marines looked at Gunny before he waved his hands and they reacted like trained animals all rushing for a rifle. Gunny laughed at this, but I could only shake my head.

"Pay them no attention kid, even though we have been working for you a while it's always Christmas getting new toys that go boom," Gunny told me as I watch him go over the rifle like a pro but since he did help me design it, of course, he would know the ins and out before the rest, and it also helps we kept it as close to the M4 platform as we could.

"Well they are going to love this because I worked out the kinks in the accelerator suits," I said while pressing a few buttons on my holo-tablet.

"What type of accelerator suit?"

Someone asked me from the side, but when I looked, it wasn't Felicia, but it was Salt who asked the question. Not answering I showed her the hologram of the suit which gained me a whistle from the female Marine.

"Boss that looks like robocop took steroids." Salt said as she looked over the hologram.

"Do I keep my promises of what. Besides replacing that arm, you lost, I told you working with me would come with all the best toys in the world." I told her as I walked over to the wall that was turning around to show the suit.

"Look alive folks because I will only say this once," Gunny yelled over the crowd as we stood next to the suit on display. "This here is a delta six accelerator suit."

"What does it accelerate?" Someone asked.

"You obviously that's why its a suit. It makes you run harder and hit faster. With this suit, you're the new Captain America, but that's for later. For now, you're all going to enjoy the nanocarbon weave armor with the new Combat Assistance System that we had installed for the helmets. Impress me tonight, and you could be wearing this suit before the weeks out." Gunny yelled and then pressed the button to turn the display case back around.

"So what am I going to wear to this fancy party?" Felicia asked as she poked a finger into my side.

"Oh, you're going to like this come with me," I told her as I walked towards another section of the armory. On this side of the armory had some of the goodies that I had prepared for this night. "Ta-da!"

With a wave of my hand in front of the wall. Three suits that I had prepared for Felicia came out.

The first suit which was the one with comparable least amount of armor was the full Black Cat leather suit. This had a utility belt around her waist that had the Vega Particles built-in for all the gadgets she could ever need. On both of the forearms going from wrist to elbow was the white fur as was the same that went around the neckline. The shoes came in a pair of comfortable action heels as Natasha called them or flats whatever she would like to wear.

The domino mask that she wore also got an upgrade with a computer lense that synced with the utility belt to bring the normal leather suit into the twenty-first century. Felicia whistled when she looked at the upgraded catsuit before her, but I had a smirk on my face because that was only the appetizer.

"That's nothing Cat," I said as I waved my hand to bring out the second suit. "How about more armor?"

The second suit that came out was more of a mix between armor and leather. The normal catsuit was underneath interlocking plates that covered the chest and back. The interlocking plates went over both shoulders and down to the forearms and the outer edges had her white to go with her normal black and white look. This entire suit had an interlocking nano muscle carbon fiber's running beneath the top layer adding in more strength for the wearer.

The forearms had hard casings made out of my adamantium metals with smart computers built-in, but the wrist and arms could lock together to keep the hand from breaking during action moments. The fingertips each had nano sharp nails made of a mixture of diamonds and adamantium. The knees each had coverings with support to keep from damage during fights, and they could also interlock with the covering for the shins and calves.

The stomach part I had also covered with interlocking plates since I didn't leave the front zipper on this one so that Felicia could pull it down as low as she liked. The back had a spinal support system with another advanced computer miniaturized and built-in for the computer system installed into the suit.

"You really went overboard with my costume," Felicia said as she walked up and pressed the button for the suit to spin so that she could see the whole thing.

"I protect those on my side," I replied with a shrug.

"I noticed but how will I be able to get around. I don't notice those web-shooters the others use." Felicia asked as she looked over the suit.

"Grappling hook built into the forearms on this mark two suits and the other is in the utility belt of the mark one suit," I said as I held up the mannequins forearm to show Felicia where the hooks came out from. Then I showed the hip holster of the added items that I also made to go with this suit. A few tracking cats for when she decides to go out and pull off a heist.

"So what will you wear?" Felicia asked me as she turned around to look me up and down with a slow smile going across her face.

"You will see, actually everyone has something to wear," I replied nodding towards the team changing into their combat gear. The modiss of dress was combat pants and boots with a high-tech flack jacket. The flack jacket was something I made using the Vega particles and nanotech.

When someone tapped the red bat over the heart and said the words team red. The Flack jacket would burst into motion to cover the person wearing it in a nanotech suit that covered them from the neck down. Everything I could think of was built right into the flack jacket and its nanotech support systems.

"What the what!" Felicia exclaimed as she watches everyone get dressed like they were the Power Rangers.

"Cool right?" Salt said from next to Felicia as she placed her own flack jacket on and then zipping it up. "Bossman calls it catom tech."

"Nono robotics that creates armor or other things when given the right commands and programming," I replied as I took my flack jacket from Gunny as he held it out for me.

"ANd what I have to go get dressed in a changing room?" Felicia asked as she turned to look at me.

"Nope, press your hand to that had print aperture next to both of your suits, and it will register to you. Then when they changed into the flack jacket say Black Cat." I replied to Felicia as I pointed out where she should place her hand.

The suits pulled back into the wall as a flack jacket in black and white came popping out another hole. Although the flack jacket was made of catom tech, I would have to get Felicia to try out the actual suits I had made for her. Since I had made the suite for display, it would still be nice to see her in leather.

"I make this look good. Wait what's wrong with the zipper?" Felicia asked as the zipper failed to go over her mounds.

"You don't need to zip it all the way up" Salt replied with a shake of her head, but I did notice the glare she gave Felicia's chest before walking away.

"Password is Black Cat now that isn't synced to you." I told Felicia then tapped my own red bat logo "Red Hood."

Out of my flack jacket flowed catoms to cover me from my neck down to my feet. The Natalia brand shirt I was currently wearing was covered with a nano-structure armor with a large bat logo over my chest. Down my arms flowed liquid metal as it covered every inch of my arms plating me in armor over my forearms and the back of my hands. Each of my fingers were covered in a glove made of nano, the change I had made from the last time I was wearing this was located on my forearms.

Since I was doing to Red Hood thing alongside my hero work as LightSpeed, I decided to go with more batman and added the ninja arm guards to my suit. Now I was looking more of a cross between a commando and a ninja.

"Ohh mama like's," Felicia said as she looked me up and down. Before I could say anything, she tapped the cat mark on her chest. "Black Cat mark two."

Then I watched as her clothing changed in the second suit variant that was built for the in-between the armor and light armor versions. She looked even better than I thought she would, damn.

The flack jacket Felicia wore changed into liquid metal as she covered her body from head to toe. Felica was looking good enough to eat, but I had to wait for after everything was finished before I could eat this kitty cat.

Felicia took the cat scrunchy out of her hair, fluffed her hair and put it back up in a ponytail. Once Felicia placed her hair up in a ponytail, she turned and gave me a wink.

Before I brought up my helmet, I held out my hand with a little surprise for Felicia.

"Here, this is a neural connector that only my inner circle can get their hands on," I said to Felicia as I held out a small case with a small device shaped like a capital C and the size of a dime.

"What is this for?"

"It's a neural connector that allows you to command all of our devices with your mind, super-advanced and you can't get it on the market anywhere," I replied with a shrug. "It's the key to using the C.A.S. built into your suit without typing up commands. All you have to do it think it and it will do it. Place it behind your ear"

"Thanks," Felicia popped as she took the neural reader out of my hand and placing it behind her ear. "So, will we be expecting underoos tonight to break this party up?"

"Nope," I popped back. "I sent him out on a date with his girlfriend since he has been spending all his time in the labs."

"Ohh that's devious," Felicia replied with a smirk on her face. "So when do you plan to show a girl a good time."

"Aren't I about to do that now?" I asked back with a smile of my own. "I even made you such fancy toys."

Felicia quirked her eyebrows at me then pulled me in for a searing kiss. As our tongues dueled, we heard the team doing the wolf whistle behind us.

"Alright you hormonal teenagers leave them be and load up, and Desantos check that damn weapon."

Felicia released me and followed along behind Salt and the rest of the team heading towards the hidden exit out of the underground area. When we got to the garage, the team got into an armored personnel carrier that had a holo system that made it look like another bread truck on the road, but I had Felicia wait because I had something for us to ride in style.

If I was going to walk around with the Red Hood monicor then I was going to damn well drive in style. With a heavy vroom from the dark shadows, my ride started up, causing everyone to stop and take a look. Slowly out of the shadows drove my baby the batmobile, but no not just any batmobile; this was a recreation of the Arkham Knight batmobile.

Fully armor-plated from front to back with a custom made engine that ran eight slim custom four feet seven-inch tires made of kevlar. Putting out more than twelve hundred horsepower but the weight kept the top speed down to two hundred miles per hour which had me down. Then when I tried it on a private track, the batmobile snapped out a zero to sixty in two point five seconds so that balanced the weight and speed for me. I watched as the sixty-millimeter railgun rifle on top compacted and move to backslide into the frame.

"Is that an anti-material rifle on top. Oh my gosh, boss, you have to let me drive that, please!" Nora exclaimed loudly from where he stood by the door to the A.P.C.

"Nope, this baby is all mine," I said as the canopy opened up to allow three people to get in.

"Alright, folks leave the shiny new toy alone," Gunny yelled over the gaggle of Marine's

"Cat your riding shotgun, and Salt get over here you're our third," I told Felicia then turned to yell for Salt.

Without another word, I hopped right into my driver's seat and began to strap myself in with the four-point harness. Salt to the middle back seat under the cannon while Felicia took the one right next to me.

"Talk to me Overwatch."

"Everything is operational sir,"

I listened to Alfred as I watched the checklist for the systems go across my screen. There was news updates police traffic and so much more. I was even given the feed of Peter going on his date. The other feed was of Fisk leaving his tower with his lackeys following.

"So what can this thing do?" Felicia asked as she buckled herself into her seat.

"Everything," I quipped as I punched it into high gear.

With a whop from Felicia and Salt, we rushed out of the base in high gear. This was a super-powered electric engine running on a power core created from a speed force particle, so there were no fuel issues to worry about. With a drift, we slid around the corner leading up towards the exit, and since we were still in the wide tunnels, I followed the drift up the wall.

"Yeah!" Felicia whooped some more as I did three more circles before settling back down onto the road. Sprinting down the route to the open-air we hit a groove going well over eighty miles per hour. The coming exit was fast approaching, but there was no one on the other side of the false wall leading out.

Though the windshield was polarized and could darken with a thought, it wouldn't be good having this race tank spotted on the streets. So with a thought, I enacted the hologram to make us appear to be driving a normal S.U.V.

With a jump we blasted into the open air; this was such exhilaration. I listened to the two whoops with joy before we felt the wheels touch down. The private parking lot that I bought and used for the exit was empty just the way I like it. I drifted the batmobile in a circle and brought us to a stop as we waited for the team to come topside.

We didn't have to wait for long because soon the A.P.C. with the team came up topside then the hologram slotted into place showing it as a taco truck closed for the day. The original disguise was the wonder bread truck, but then again those trucks aren't normally seen around construction sites.

With a wave to the security guard I had on my payroll, we drove out into the night of New York

It didn't take us long to arrive at the site of the deal going down tonight. It was a construction site owned by the big man Wilson Fisk himself. Our meeting place was on the twentieth floor, and we would all go up at the same time from different elevators where we could see each other. This was set up in a way so that he could watch me.

To bad for big Willy I know he doesn't play the game fair and neither do I; that's why my team had gear that S.H.I.E.L.D. wishes they had access to. We arrived as the big man himself, but when I got out, I kept up my helmet and the hologram hiding my batmobile.

"Mr. Hood, shall we go up?" Fisk asked as he extended a hand for me to shake. Reading it in comics and looking at the portrayal of the characters on tv was one thing but meeting him in real life was so much different.

Fisk stood at a whopping six feet seven inches a solid inch taller than my enhanced self, and he was huge. Fisk was the size of two full-sized fridges taped together with a tiny head on the front with legs attached. Fisk was bald and clean-shaven, and each word he spoke, I felt it in my chest.

Felicia wanted to take him down herself, but one look at this man-made me want to fight for her, but I would respect her wishes for now.

"Mr. Fisk," I said with a handshake in acknowledgment towards the man. Then I waved my hands towards the empty site. "Shall we."

With that prompt, we left the majority of our people behind us as we made our way towards our respective elevators. As I walked into my elevator, I spotted a few sticks of C4 painted over and some covered to stay hidden from sight. With a thought, I had them pinged on the team's battle net, so everyone was aware of the locations that I found. With the first one shown with a ping, it opened the floodgates as the team pinged more and more explosives-rigged around us.

"Well, well, it would seem Fisk has been busy. This whole place is rigged to blow but also built and have the explosive's forgotten." Nora stated over the coms channel.

"Yeah, it's for insurance fraud and a backup in case someone raids the place and a few other things I would wager," I replied back in comms while keeping the outside muted so that the sound didn't leak. I remembered a few comics where Fisk blew up the place from a heli or from his different hideouts. This was how he burned a lot of places that spiderman or DareDevil raided to capture him. This also worked pretty well against the Punisher also.

Stepping out of the elevator, I had my five with Gunny having my back while Philips carried the bag with the NX5 drugs. The bag had more than one hundred kilos in product with more in the truck down below. When I got to the place of the meeting thought it would seem that Fisk just couldn't hold it in his pants.

Standing around us was his lieutenants and muscles, but two stood out to me with massive warning flags. The first was a guy standing off to the side that I noticed and recognized instantly with my metta knowledge. He was wearing all black suit with rings on his forehead in the form of a bullseye. Fucking Lester was here, and right next to him was William fucking Backer the fucking Sandman himself or the criminal name everyone knows him as Flint Marko. Though he was wearing a military get up with guns and ammo strapped to his vest.

Besides those two catching my eye, I noticed that Fisk already had his goons set up for the meeting.

"Thought this was only one on one party," I said as I pulled my .45 Sig Sauer from the holster on my back. When I went for my handgun, my guys pulled up their own rifles as Fisk guys also brought up his own.

"Easy, easy they are only here to bring you into the fold. Those that are going to replace their own product with yours will need to sample the merchandise." Fisk said as he held up a hand to ease the tension. Placing my gun away, I had my eye on that asshole Bullseye as he smirked at us. The jokes on him though because we were covered in nanotech armor and this wasn't a Saturday morning cartoon where we would remove the helmets for a face to face deal.

Felicia listened to the deal go down from the batmobile. She didn't want to be here at all; what Felicia wanted to do was be up there and sink her claws into the face of that lard of a man. This was the night that she had been waiting for years to achieve.

Felicia could feel it in the air the adrenaline. The thirst for battle lingering at her fingertips as if she was walking across a tightrope suspended forty stories in the air.

Felicia could feel the heightened sense prickle as if to tell her about the upcoming battle. Turning away from the deal that's being hashed out for a moment, Felicia turned her attention to her minder Salt.

"So why are you guys so loyal to Ben?" Felicia asked as she listened over the comms as Ben pointed out a few hitters that Fisk snuck into the meeting.

"You noticed the cyborg's arm. I lost it to an I.E.D. military put me out on medical, Ben said he could give me another one that wasn't those fuck ugly clamps. He took me home and made me human." Salt replied with a shrug. "Plenty of people can't get what they need once they become less than human. Ben is filling that gap, and we repay with our loyalty. It also helps that what we do isn't half as messed up as what we did in the service."

"He does that a lot?"

"What find damaged people and tie them to himself through deeds that creates moral and economic debts?" Salt asked back with a raised eyebrow. "I doubt he even cares at the end of the day. I've seen those drones that run around the building. Ben could easily use them to man the jobs he wants doing."

"So why doesn't he?"

"That's for you to find out, you're his lady." Salt replied with a shrug. "Look alive."

Felicia looked at the display for the batmobile as Ben called it a few times and she noticed the count down. Again she felt that small flutter of excitement as she watched the countdown reach zero. Before Felicia could do anything, the canopy slid back as her seat and Salts was propelled skyward by electromagnetic rails.

Her aim was the twentieth floor, and the seats propelled her right to the ledge as she heard the rest take out the guys down below with suppressed shots. Nora and his team on the sniper overwatch took out the four guys standing facing outwards of the building. A few of the goons fell out while a few fell back with nothing but goop replacing their heads on their shoulders.

As she touched down lightly on the floor, Felicia watched as a body flies from his location into Ben's outstretched hand. Ignoring the sharp snap, Felicia flexed her fingers extending the diamond adamantium claws.

"Fisk." Felicia snarled as she pounced towards the man. He was big, but she was fast, and now that she was enhanced she was far faster and stronger than she used to be.


Felicia didn't even wait for him to finish what he was saying as she racked her clawed hand across the back of Fisk achilles tending to slice it apart. Felicia was so focused that she completely ignored the sounds of weapons fire around her. Fisk would not escape her grasp after so many years of waiting to get into an advantageous situation against the man.

Her sense screamed for her to dodge as her body automatically bent at an angle to dodge the incoming blow. Felicia watched in slow motion while a large hand the size of her waist flew past her face. Righting herself back up Felicia took the kick from Fisk as she brought around her left hand to slice into the tendons behind the kneecap on the leg Fisk used.

"Aarggh!" Fisk yell as he felt the muscles behind his knee gets sliced open.

"This isn't a fight," Felicia stated then ponced towards Fisk clawing out his left eye. "This is me getting my pound of flesh."

"Bitch I'm the KINGPIN!" Fisk roars charging at Felicia as his eye bleeds down along the side of his face. Felicia jumped dodging out of the way, but Fisk was able to grab onto one of her legs.

Before Fisk had a chance to slam her onto the ground, Felicia flexed herself back over her legs slashing at the hand that was holding on to her leg. Unfortunately, she was still stuck with Fisk's other hand hurtling her back over the edge of the open building.

No! Felicia thought to herself as she looked at the open ground, twenty stories below her. Twisting reflexively Felicia fired off her grappling hook backward where she was thrown out over the side.

As Felicia reeled herself back in, she noticed that the grappling hook went right through one of Fisk's shoulders. With a savage yank, Felicia pulled herself towards Fisk slamming her knee guards into his face.

"I want to know where he is!" Felicia yelled as she drove her knee again into the face of Wilson Fisk. With a roar, Fisk brought his hands around to grab hold of Felicia while her knee was still connected to his face, but Felicia told herself to not fall for such an easy move.

With a twist, Felicia pounced onto the ceiling above them and then pushed herself off going down the back of Wilson Fisk. Before he could turn around, Felicia went for the other exposed heel. With a savage yank across Fisk's heels, Felicia tore open his other achilles tendon.

"You bitch!" Wilson Fisk roared as he teetered at the location he stood. Felicia deemed it was beneath her to answer, with steps and a quick dash Felicia wrapped the grappling cord around Fisk's legs then tug yanking him down to the ground.

"You will tell me where my father is," Felicia spoke softly as she stalked forward towards Fisk as he laid on his front on the ground. He looked so pitiful in his clean white custom made suit in Felicia's eye. Yet, his pitiful state will not save him from her wrath today. "You're going to tell me what I want to know piggy."

Felicia pulled her leg back and was about to kick Fisk in the face before an arm came across, blocking her moment of advancement. Angry and about to lash out at the person stopping her from getting answers, Felicia paused because in the outstretched hand was a dagger.

Behind that outstretched dagger was Ben still in his helmet. When Felicia looked around, some of Fisk lieutenants were rounded up while a few were on the ground dead from the battle.

"Gut him if you have to," Ben stated as he held out the dagger for her to take.

"Thanks, Red," Felicia said as she stalked towards her prey. "I'm in charge now, and you're going to speak and tell me what I want to know. Or I'll cut strips from your hide."

"I'll tell you nothing bitch, so do your worse," Fisk yelled as she spat at Felicia's face. With a swift movement to the side, Felicia was able to dodge the wad of saliva. Unfortunately for Wilson Fisk that was the worse thing to do. Felicia watched as Ben stalked forward as the eyes of his helmet glowed red.

"You should have kept that spet to yourself fat man." Ben said above Fisk and without warning yanked him up on the ground and brought his back down across his knee. "Muscles heal, bones heal, but the human spine was never made to withstand any force over four thousand newtons. You're going to answer the pretty kitties questions, or I break your back in more places."

Felicia could have winced at the sound of Wilson's Fisk back breaking like the rest of the people watching, but she was far too focused on allowing such thing s to push her off her balance.

"AAARRRGGGGHHH!" Fisk screamed as Ben tossed him back onto the ground before Felicia, but she had no remorse for him tonight. With a swift kick, Felicia rolled Fisk onto his back.

"Where is my father?" Felicia asked as she leaned over Fisk menacingly with her dagger.

"Fuck you!"

Without batting an eye, Felicia jammed the dagger under the clavicle bone. Felicia watched as he squirmed under her knife, but he wouldn't give up a word. With a push-up and yank, Felicia severed the connection muscles.

"I'll tell you nothing no matter what you do, bitch!" Fisk gasped out.

"Then I will have to keep cutting strips off your fat hide." Felicia returned as she raised the dagger up.


"What?" Felicia asked, but before she could ask for more elaboration, she noticed the slight twitch that Fisk had hearing that name. "Who is this Venessa?"

"The only women that Wilson Fisk cares about, and we have her under surveillance," Ben said as he brought up the hologram to show on his wrist-mounted computer. Felicia watched as the image showed a lady in an art exhibit under the scope of a sniper. She was tall and fair with nice flowing black hair.

"I'll kill you bastard you hear me. I'll crush your skull and drink my wine from it." Fisk began to roar and thrash when Ben showed him the image.

"Ohh so there is something that little Willy wants." Felicia cooed at the man as she touched her comms unit. "Sniper actual this is Black Cat actual do you read."

"Sniper actual read you, ma'am."

"Tell me what I want to know, or she dies," Felicia said with grim finality as she stalked up to the man. Felicia watched as what was left of his pride leave Fisk as she watched. This had to have been the first and only time that he was ever caught in such a situation.

"I tell you, and you still kill me. I know how this ends." Fisk returned.

"You keep stalling, and we kill her and have you watch, and then we keep on torturing you." Felicia returned with a cold shrug.

Everyone watched as Fisk gritted his teeth before deflating into himself before they all heard a slight whisper.

"Speak up; we can't hear you." Felicia barked as she kicked him across the face.

"Vault, the fucking vault I had a deal with a Rumlow," Fisk shouted


Felicia instantly turned around to watch as Ben began to pace at his location.

"Are you sure," Ben asked aggressively as he hauled Fisk clear off the ground with one hand.

"Who is he?" Felicia asked knowing not many things could ruffle Bens feathers.

"Fucking trouble and we are going to have to either tread carefully or leave a trail of bodies," Ben replied to her as he began to type away at his wrist computer.

Well fuck Felicia thought to herself, but if Ben knew where and what this vault was, then that was all that mattered. She was now a step closer to reuniting her family. Turning around back towards Wilson Fisk, she pressed and activated her comms unit.

Looking Fisk directly in the face she spoke into her comms, "Sniper actual explosive round center mass paint the walls."

"YOU BITCH!" Fisk roared as he tried to force his body back up off the ground with the sheer force of will.

"Leave no enemies to suffer at my back." Felicia was as she took one of Ben's pistols from his back holster. Taking aim, Felicia placed a round in the heart and two in Wilson Fisk's head for safe measure. Then as she stood there watching him, Felicia felt that that wasn't enough and finished the entire magazine.

It had been ten long years of toiling and searching for information only to be led to this man before here. Now she finally had her answers and gotten revenge on the man that put her family through such an ordeal.

"We aren't finished here Cat no checking out now," Ben spoke into her comms as he rubbed her on the back. Taking a deep breath, Felicia turned towards what was left of Fisk men cowering before her.

"You're all in my territory now," Felicia said as she stalked up towards the group of nodding men. "We don't deal with kids, and we don't deal on school grounds."

"Ma'am yes, ma'am." They all replied in unison.

Now let's get down to brass taxes and how we will break up what's going to be left of the Kingpin's Empire. Before Felicia could begin, she heard a beep then a curse word. The next moment the whole building began to shake, and when she turned around, Felicia found Ben shaking in his location as heat radiating off of his being.

Everyone took a step back seeing this sight; within a blink Ben flew off into the night. The ground Ben was standing on cracked and concrete flew out from the force of his exit.

"Shit Red Hoods about to smack someone." Salt said, and Felicia turn towards the female Marine for more answers, but Overwatch beat her to it.

"Emergency," the wrist-mounted computer on Felicia said popping up with red warning tags.

"Gunny handle them Salt you're with me." Felicia barked out orders, and she jumped from the twentieth floor aiming for the batmobile. In one smooth motion, the canopy of the vehicle slid back and allowed her to enter.


"Sir, our target has left the confines of his city."

"Do we have any teams in the area?"

"Yes, sir,"

"Then bring me the child."

"Yes, sir,"


"My lord, he has left his city."

"Send him in to play hero we need him to bring back the D.N.A. of Jean Grey."

"Yes, sir,"


"Mr. Osborn I don't believe it would be safe taking this serum."

"I ran the number myself and redid it from what my father had. Just load up the chamber and watch as the Oscorp brings the supersoldier program to the American people."

Authors Notes - Removes the - for the internet links

You can come and find me here chatting with the server so come join us.

www - DISCORD - GG - p2QJNck

On the Pat - reon you will find artwork for The Fastest Man Alive.

www - Pat - reon - com - TheToFu

BigToFu BigToFu

Authors Notes - Removes the - for the internet links

You can come and find me here chatting with the server so come join us.

www - DISCORD - GG - p2QJNck

On the Pat - reon you will find artwork for The Fastest Man Alive.

www - Pat - reon - com - TheToFu

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