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Kapitel 30: Chapter 30: The Talk

The Fastest Man Alive

Chapter 30

The Talk

Vega Headquarters

I stood there looking at the stunning Felicia Hardy, but my vision was soon drawn to Gwen and Jean. It would seem I came home at the perfect time because it looks like they got into something way over their heads.

I wanted to figure out this Felicia Hardy situation, but my women came first. Then after that, I will have to deal with my daughter calling Ororo mother and then set plans in motion to set up Eden and check on the town of Salem.

"Gwen, what happened?" I asked as I ignored Felicia and went right to Gwen's side. Jean and Gwen both shared a look, but then they noticed my stern look.

"We might have gone a little too far," Gwen stated as she came into my arms for a hug.

"Jean, what happened?" I asked as I turned to her; but Jean was looking towards Ororo and Maya on the balcony.

"We got rid of humanity's waste," Felicia spoke up from her location leaning against the wall.

"Ohh yeah, well shit. Gwen come with me. Jean, let's go for a chat shall we?" I spoke as I picked up Gwen as I used my gravity control to pull Jean towards me.

"Benjamin we need to speak once you have finished," Ororo stated as she played with Maya's fingers from her location on the balcony. I looked at them a moment as Natasha also smiled while she pinched Maya on the cheeks; causing my daughter to giggle at her touch.

"What am I? Chopped liver?" Asked Felicia as she huffed out, trying to get some attention.

"Look little miss kitty cat; you're in one of the most advanced buildings on the planet. Enjoy your time and pour yourself a drink, and we will be back shortly." I told her as I brought my two ladies with me into my room. With the door closed behind me, it was time to unwind.

The first thing that I wanted to do was to kiss them when I first arrived, but when Maya flew into Ororo's arms yelling mommy; I was far too stunned to lay a lip lock on them.

Soon as the door closed, my lips were upon Gwen's as I pulled her closer to me: my arms roamed her body. This helped me relearn the feel of her within my arms as this was the first time since she improved herself that I was able to do so.

I felt the soft, supple muscle underneath as her body displayed its strength in my arms: our tongues dueled with the passing moments. Jean's arms wrapped themselves around my neck as she brought herself closer and before I could recognize her presence, Jean had already picked us up with her telepathic grip and brought us over to the bed.

As we touched down onto my bed, my other arm easily wrapped around Jean's waist as she placed herself within reach. Gwen pulled back then turned my face towards Jean's as her lips locked onto mine and I fell deep into my own kiss with her. That was a blatant clue if any that they were both sharing a mental link.

When Jean's tongue rolled over my own, I felt the metaphysical knock on my mental defenses. As I let Jean into my mind, I felt all her thoughts and worry blaze across our connection. There was worry and trepidation but also joy and a mixed hint of satisfaction. One of my hands was wrapped around Gwen's waist as my other hand was firmly on Jean's ass.

I was enjoying myself entirely: but there were things to be taken care of and I couldn't be distracted now. Pulling back from our kiss, I relaxed on my bed; settling in for the conversation that I knew would be next. I was sure Jean was going through my mind; since the door was always kept open for her once she asked for entry.

"So tell me what's bothering you Gwen?" I asked while using my gravitation control to summon my tablet to my hands. Though her silence made me pause with the tablet hovering over the three of us.

"We killed a person today," Jean replied to the silence that Gwen allowed to grow between us. Well, that was one way to feel all kinds of bad about something.

"Was he a bank robber, or was he a mugger?" I asked the open air as I went back to pressing on the tablet to bring up slow, relaxing music.

"No, he was Felicia's friend," Gwen spoke so silently that, if she wasn't right next to me, I might not have heard her at all. Shit, I knew who that was alright and this could only mean we just rescued the original Felicia Hardy from the comics.

That means they killed Ryan whatever his name was. But she wasn't the Black Cat until after he had his way with her. Again, more proof that this world was so much of a diversion from the comics and the MCU movies that I knew.

"What was he doing that lead to his death?" I cautiously asked (because Jean wasn't having hard feelings about this, but Gwen would need the coaching to handle the situation).

"He was in mid-assault when we burst into the room to rescue Felicia," Gwen spoke up as she reached across my chest to curl her fingers with Jean's.

"What kind of assault?" I asked, trying to clear it up even though I already knew who and what he was going to do before they stepped in to save Felicia.

"It was a sexual one in nature, but when Jean showed me the memories of his actions, I took it too far," Gwen replied.

"Well, I think that we did the right thing and shouldn't mourn that bastard," Jean replied as she sat herself up and positioned her head onto my chest.

"It was a living person, Jean. A living, breathing, person. I am a medical professional, killing someone is basically against what I stand for," Gwen replied with a little heat in her voice.

"Gwen, I understand how your feeling, but you also have to understand that some people are just vile and you can't save them all," I replied as I kissed her on the forehead.

"I agree with Ben on this one. I showed you what he was doing and I would have wiped out his mind if you didn't stop me so quickly," Jean spoke up as she looked over at Gwen.

"Yes, I soon noticed how fast you were ready to burn him," Gwen replied with a pop.

"Burn? What do you mean by burn?" I asked, catching that bit. Before I could follow up any more though, Jean held up her hand and it then burst into flames which she then turned into a flower and then a bird of prey.

"Well sugar honey iced tea!" I exclaimed as I felt the power of those flames. That was the power of rebirth and I had no clue that the Phoenix powers would rear its head so soon. Flipping through my visions, I looked to see if there was a connection line going anywhere, but I didn't see any psionic lines going off into space. Although while I was examining Jean, I did notice a sort of inner fire residing within her.

That gave me a clue, but I wasn't certain about the angle or the comic version I was dealing with. My hope was that I was dealing with the phoenix shard or the cosmic rebirth variant, not the crazy killer bird that they like to write about in the comics.

"I discovered this while dealing with the injustice that Felicia was going through." Stated Jean with a very distinct way to her speech pattern.

"That would mean we are all receiving new powers," I stated as I turned my vision to Gwen as I squeezed her to me. When I stated that, I felt Jean's joy through our telepathic bond. It would seem she was also getting a kick out of Gwen's squirming.

"It had to be done: I stand with you both not behind you both," Gwen stated with finality.

"True but did we not have that little issue about safety measures when I messed up my own experiments?" I asked.

Sighing, Gwen couldn't meet my eyes with her next statement, "I thought that enough safety measures were in place, but I was wrong. Thanks again for the rescue Jean."

"No thanks necessary Gwen, but let's talk about the elephant in the room. Felicia and Raven: what are we going to do with them?" Jean asked as a smile played across her face.

"What about them," Asked Gwen as she leaned back over my chest.

"Well, I didn't have to read her mind, but Felicia is into us and now you with your return. Then there is what Ben did with Raven." Jean spoke up, giving away what was in my head.

"Yeah, we really do need to solve our current relationship situation," I stated.

"What did you do with Raven, Ben? Don't slide that under the table." Gwen stated as she perked back up from her spot on my chest.

"We might have almost made it to the two-person boogie," I stated slowly as I let that sink in for them.

"How far?" Gwen asked, but I was glaring at Jean who was laughing next to us.

"I have heard blue nipples are tasty," Jean stated as I gave her a betrayed look.

"Jean would you mind sharing these blue nipple with me please?" Gwen asked as she avoided meeting my eyes. Before I could give any input about Jean sharing my memories as she saw fit, Gwen placed a finger over my lips while she and Jean shared a kiss as they shared my memories.

"That...That was a rush! Ben, how could you pull back after almost going so far. I felt that desire, it was so overpowering!" Gwen gushed as she looked at me. I could smell the lust rolling off her body. She was giving off the same sweet smell that I was always getting from Jean, although I didn't need the smell as a clue because Gwen's nipples were as hard as diamonds.

"My ladies are always first," I stated and that earned me a sensational kiss from both Gwen and Jean. It was Gwen first, then Jean, and Gwen again then myself, Gwen, and Jean wrapped together for a moment.

"Okay, so what are we going to do with them both?" asked Jean.

"You're the telepath," I popped, stating the obvious.

"I already know what your thinking, but it's still best for Gwen to speak her mind and not for me to share it." Jean popped back.

"Aye and what about sharing mine?" I asked.

"You're already very outgoing with your thoughts; this is for Gwen, and we should wait for her to collect her thoughts on the matter," Jean stated openly then switched to her telepathy: We are connected mentally, so I'm always aware of your choices and reasons, but we have to allow Gwen to slowly become comfortable with her sexuality. I am already encouraging that, but we have to allow her choice.

"Okay, we can see where this goes with both of them, but I will start with Felicia, and I will leave Raven to you both," Gwen stated but I could already see plans and ideas revolving around in her head. I watched as Jean rolled her eyes because we both knew that Gwen wanted to try them on both women at least once.

"So what's the situation with Maya?" Jean asked

"She was birthed by this psychically active island I found, but I am thinking you're more asking about the connection to Ororo. I believe the connection comes from Gaia whom Ororo worships as her patron goddess. With Maya being birthed from the earth, I believe she formed a subconscious connection to Ororo," I stated.

"So are we going to be adding Ororo soon?" Gwen asked.

"That will be up to her, but that's a distinct possibility given how she and Maya reacted to each other," Jean stated as her eyes glowed while looking in the direction of the balcony.

"How will that work though? I don't know if you have noticed, but we are very distinct threesome," Because: even if I had decisions on the majestic beauty, my hands were currently full.

"You're a lot closer than you think. Relax and be yourself, Ororo is from Africa and ventured across the Savannah when she was younger. I believe she would like a warrior's approach," Jean told me as she turned herself back towards us.

"I will take that under advisement," I replied, but I had noticed a small quirk of the lips from Gwen's face. Yeah, they had both gone over it, but at least we are on the same field.

"Back to the original topic though, I won't be involved with any killing Ben. I want to be a doctor that saves lives not take them," Gwen stated as she looked me in the eyes.

"That's fine Gwen; neither Ben nor I want you to do anything that's against what you feel is right," Jean spoke up as she pulled Gwen into a hug. That told me more than I needed to know and where Jean stood on the whole hero and non-killing stance. Jean wasn't going to pull any punches when she faced the truly horrible things coming, and I was happy with that.

Now I have to figure out my Ororo and Felicia Hardy situation because I at least know that Raven will stick to whatever angle that she is currently playing. Though I would have to move up one of my plans since Maya was here now. Having the island in my grasp meant it was time to build Alfred a bio-metallic body.

Placing those thoughts aside, I mentally returned to enjoy the ministrations of my ladies.


Walking shirtless out of my room roughly three hours later I noticed various marks all across my body where they tried to place hickeys on my skin. I heard a wolf whistle from the direction of my couch in front of the hardlight tv, but that faded away as I pinned her with my steel grey eyes.

"They didn't tell me that they were sharing a hunky piece of chocolate," Felicia quipped as she gave me a saucy wink.

"And you're the sexy leather-bound kitty cat that's had my lady chase you all over the city," I replied back as I poured myself a tumbler of scotch. Felicia had gotten up and walked over to me as I began to pour myself a drink. So when I turned around she was already standing behind me, well within my personal space.

When I turned around, she trailed her hand up and down my chest, but I wasn't about to play into her hands. I was no comic book Peter Parker, even if the jeans she wore did incredible things to her ass. Pushing her hands away, I pulled up one of the counter seats and motioned for her to join me.

Before Felicia took her seat she took my tumbler right out of my hand, downing the whole thing. With a quirked eyebrow, she slid my tumbler back across the counter towards me.

"Tell me why you are here?"

"I'm here because I want to be," Felicia replied with a smirk.

"Okay so they rescued you, and now you're here," I prompted her trying to not rise to the bait. That did get a twitch out of her though because I noticed the slight crinkle at the corner of her lips and eye even as she tried to keep her face blank.

Felicia replied slowly, "Yes, they did assist me in a way."

"And now your here flirting with me?" I asked as I raised my eyebrow at her.

"Ohh please, Mr. baby daddy. I heard all of that out there on the balcony, and I noticed how you picked up those two," Felicia winked then continued. "Now you're here without a shirt as if this is just another day for you and them."

Only a groan escaped my lips as I facepalmed at what she said next. "I want the power and protection that being one of your women comes with," Felicia stated while leaning back in her seat as she kept on eyeing my body.

"Yes, power is a certain thing that I am sure you would like after that event," I replied as I pulled out another one of my tumblers and freshened up her drink for her. Sliding the scotch back over to her, I downed my own as I kept up steady eye contact with her as she did the same. "That power can easily be yours, but it does come with a few rules."

Felicia's face shifted back and forth as I watched her play with the thought of what I just layed down before her. "And my proposition?"

"I don't do prostitution; the girls like you for you, but we will have to spend some time together before I go beyond enjoying your company," I stated with a shrug at her. I was making sure to keep my voice even so that I didn't give away the girls were most definitely already into her.

Felicia scowled a little at me, "You're going to agree just like that?"

Before I answered her I took a look at her from top to bottom. Felicia's long platinum blonde hair hung loosely down her back slightly mussed to one side. She wore a tight fitting pair of jeans over what anyone could easily call gymnast's legs: but, I knew she was a rebel, and those legs came from fighting. My eyes moved up over the loose blouse she wore to look directly into her bright green eyes; those same eyes filled with anger even if she attempted to hide it. Felicia had high cheekbones with her face sculpted by arched brows and sharp features.

It was so easy to give into her, she fell easily in my strike zone of strong independent women that can kick ass, but I couldn't think with my second brain: yet. Though; this kitty has claws. "Is there anyone after you with whom I need to deal?"

"Kingpin" Felicia replied instantly, and that really gave me pause for a moment because I had plans to use his drug empire for my own cause, but I guess he's a dead man now.

"Done, we can move on him within the week," I replied as I thought about plans to kill Willson Fisk while also taking over his empire.

"Just like that, your willing to throw down with the Kingpin because he is my enemy; just like that?" Felicia began incredulously, stunned at my willingness to go to such lengths for her.

The only thing I could give her was a shrug in return, "I had plans to use his empire for my own ends, but if he is your enemy, then this is the end of him. You will find, Felicia, being one of my people comes with my die hard protection no matter the enemy."

She gave me a leery look at that admission, "What did you need his empire for?"

"We created a drug that benefited people and came with none of the downsides the other drugs have. It boosts health with prolonged use, all the aches and pains any old person has are eliminated with the first use and, with prolonged exposure, the benefits go on and on."

"Why aren't you selling this to the world rather than trying to sell it underground?" Felicia asked with furrowed brows

"The big pharmaceutical companies would kill it before it even makes its way to the FDA. So the plan was to use Fisk to sell a drug that makes the world better, not worse. It also falls into the whole philanthropist angle that Fisk likes to use." I told her as one of the hard light projectors popped up to show our research and the people we had on the NX5 chi drug.

"This is a miracle cure, slight intelligence increase, faster healing, improved reflexes, improved immune system. Yeah, this would be dead on arrival to the market." Felicia replied as she went over the research and numbers. "We need to separate Fisk from his empire if we are to distribute this on a large scale. Do you have a plan?"

"The original plan was to work with him, but I have a few others that could separate the man from his empire. The one that will work best is a very hostile takeover and break him publicly in front of all his goons. I will set up a meet and greet later, but for now, let's call it a night." With that, I started one of my back up plans to call together a meeting with Fisk and his crew.

There was an abandoned building project that was going on that we could use as the venue to the meeting. From there, one of my teams needs to set up to kill those that don't fall in line.

"Oh, so you plan to keep me warm tonight?" Felicia purred out at me. I could only smirk at her before turning and calling Natasha to come show her to one of the empty rooms. When I called her; Natasha and Ororo came in with a sleeping Maya on Ororo's shoulder.

"So tell me baby daddy is the kitty cat sticking around?" Natasha quipped at me as she bounded up onto the counter at my side.

"The girls like her and I am going to give her a chance. We will also be making a move on Fisk later this week, so please prepare accordingly."

"Who is going to run his empire afterward, it wouldn't due to leave a vacuum after his disappearance," Ororo stated as she came to stand in front of me with Maya on her shoulder. Taking a moment, I looked at her regal continence and my breath almost caught in my throat. For a moment I thought there was a divine glow surrounding her but before I could answer her question, Natasha picked my jaw up for me.

"She is correct: we are already saving all the kids we rescue, and we are also running the Vega industries company. We are running out of space, and we will have to make more moves to solidify meta-human rights. Since you've been gone, that president we bribed backtracked and is now plying the neutral grounds," Natasha spoke up, directing my attention to her.

"The island I just discovered will be our new main base of operations, but it won't be ready without the Solar Reactor project I am working on. But I can create mini-arc reactors if we are pinched for space now." I stated as I brought up more holograms showing the designs I had for the island.

"We will need to build a school for all ages and medical facilities first," Ororo interjected.

"I can take over the Kingpin's Empire," Felicia interjected. Ororo and the group all turned to look at her. Felicia didn't back down from our skeptical looks though. "I already have the connections; all I need is for someone to watch my back and I can be the person to handle the Empire and NX5."

Natasha smirked at her while Ororo raised one elegant eyebrow at Felicia. I was silent though, weighing the pro's and con's of such a thing. For one: it would put her in the line of site of the Hand, but a secondary benefit would be the creation of another avenue of revenue for me and my plans for the future.

I was certain that Ororo was going to put her all into the island because it would be filled with kids and close to nature. Natasha was doing my errands and acquisitions, Gwen was on my medical staff, and Jean was the only free one at the moment.

"You understand what that entails right? Hostile takeovers can get bloody."

"I can pull my own weight as one of your partners," Felicia spoke up, and we noticed the steel in her voice.

"Slow your roll kitty cat," Stated Natasha as she held up a hand.

"Yes, we are not saying you're unable to perform your duties," Ororo started, "We would like to clear out the unsavory types first."

"I'm fine with getting rid of the scum of the earth," Felicia said with a shrug.

"You know, if we make this move were going to have New York more under our thumbs," Natasha spoke as she cocked her head to the side as she thought about what this would mean for our future activities. "You also need to talk to the people we rescued from Freedom Plaza."

"Let's put her in charge of this plan, and I can talk to them now if they are still in the labs,"

"Not tonight speedy you have some explaining to do," Natasha stated as she hopped off the counter. Before I could follow up, she flicked me on the chest as she went and pulled Felicia towards the extra rooms.

I watched them leave but once again had my breath taken away from the Nubian goddess in front of me. Ororo had hooked her finger under my chin and then redirected my sight towards her as they left the room.

"Let's talk about this child between us, my dear," Ororo stated while also tapping me on my chest. That act in itself sent a shiver down my spine: what a tangled web I have weaved, and yet there were no complaints here.

We placed Maya in my room between Gwen and Jean who were already fast asleep. With Maya placed in bed, we retired to the living room where I was able to get a glimpse of her sinfully delicious hips swaying side to side.

Ororo took a seat at one of the two pairs of seating chairs I kept beside the couch while motioning for me to take the one across from her. I shook my head with a grin, but I did notice a glimmer of mirth in her eyes as she motioned for me to take a seat.

"So let's talk about this unspoken thing between us," Ororo said with her eyes glimmering and a smile on her face. "How did Maya come to be? Why were you avoiding me before this and what is this island that you will be using to build a nation?"

"Honestly, I didn't think things would happen the way they did, but I can't say that I'm not happy that it did." I began.

"Yes, but what does that have to do with the connection between us?" Ororo prompted me to continue.

"Maya was birthed by a psionically active island connected to the mother goddess Gaia who is your patron goddess. Seeing as your her chosen, I suspect Gaia had a hand in things" I replied as I commanded my glass from the counter to float over to my hands while also summoning one for Ororo.

A tumbler of scotch was poured for Ororo then myself. It was smooth and enjoyable even if I could no longer get a buzz from such a beverage.

"I can understand that might be why I have such an intrinsic connection with the child, but you failed to answer why you have been avoiding me." Stated Ororo as she thought about the implications of her patron goddess forming a connection between us.

"Let's be honest. I overstepped my bounds with the T'challa situation. Yes, on the one hand I stopped whatever plot he had for that day, but on the other, your a grown woman that can make her own choices. Once I realized what I did, I thought it would behoove me to no longer interfere with your life." I replied with a shrug towards Ororo.

"And what about the designs you have towards me? Have you given up your courtship for my hand?" Ororo asked with one of her elegant eyebrows arched at me.

"You're an extraordinary woman Ororo and, yes I have designs on you. But that's because I'm an alpha that has a thing for strong-willed women," I replied as my grey eyes met her blue orbs.

With a smile on her face, Ororo smirked at me in a way that sent all the right signals to my brain. "I've seen lions with their prides when traveling the Serengeti when I was younger, so I will not spurn your affections. Living among the tribal people in Africa made me aware of sister-wive's as a young girl, but I do have my standards to maintain."

Oh, that was a new one: she didn't tell me no, but she also didn't outright tell me yes at the same time. "Please do tell me what are these standards are my lady?" I asked, trying to hide the mirth within my voice.

"We shall test your knife skills in the morning. Hand-eye coordination is key, you know," Ororo replied with a saucy wink.


The hard-light projectors came alive, displaying the latest news around the world. The reporters went on to say how his escape was a testament to Tony's drive and that he was on a flight back to America. Well, hot damn! The playboy was back, and that also reminded me of the looming stocks freefall that his company was about to go through.

"Alfred, make sure our accounts are prepared to buy up the stock that are about to be dumped with Tony's coming announcements. Also, make sure to buy up the subsidiaries that he will be selling that are connected to the weapons apparatus of Stark Industries." I replied to the air as I started to type away at my phone.

"How are you so certain that Tony will be making those moves?" Ororo asked, trying to place the parts of my plan together.

"It's something a man with PTSD and a penchant for the dramatic will do. And that's Tony in a nutshell, would you like to make a bet on it?" I asked with a raised eyebrow at Ororo.

"Yes, I would; there is a traditional garb that I would like to see you wear," Ororo replied to me with a devious smile on her face while looking at my frame in a way that would have made me blush if I could.

"I would have worn that for you without the bet Ororo," I replied to her as we both watched the news for any more updates. I was already typing away on my tablet to make my moves for when Tony makes it back and begins to shut down the weapons R&D division of his company.

There was also the fact that I had to make a follow up with Klaue since he was spotted in Johannesburg by one of Alfred's drones. With Klaue's head, I will be open to making my move on Wakanda, but I will have to find the abandoned prince first. I will also need to get myself a full-time secretary because to free up Natasha and allow her to be a SHIELD agent planted in Tony's inner circle for next year's mess.

So much to do and so little time to get it all done. With those thoughts aside, I brought up the current team I'm working on. Right now there was Colossus, Ice-Man, Storm, Wolverine, Black Widow and myself.

"Is that the current team formation outside of the zero squad?" Ororo asked as she looked over to see what I was working on.

"It's what I currently have in mind, but I need more thinkers, and I also need to build our own version of Cerebro. I believe that the version that Charles uses isn't catching all the new activation of powers or people that were born with theirs already active." I replied as I flicked my wrist, allowing the hard-light projectors to bring out the current schematics upon which I was working for her to see.

"I believe I can get the Professor to give me a copy of his current blueprint and then we can go from there instead of you having to build it from scratch," Ororo stated as she perused her way through my current projects. "Also if you already have the means to make this arc reactor why haven't you built it already? This will be a great way to keep the island free of oils and such, allowing us to keep the natural ecosystem.

"Things have been busy Ororo, and I don't allow anyone into my black server except for Natasha, and now you," I replied as I watched her eyebrow rise at the amount of trust I was currently giving her.

"I would like to see this island tomorrow," Ororo replied with a smile.

BigToFu BigToFu

I will be honest the comment section is stating to look toxic and I'm not happy with that at all.

Keep it civil please and thanks because this story is written by a person that is doing it for fun.

Once it stops being fun I will stop uploading on this site.

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