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100% Downfall of Kingdom and Country / Chapter 1: Act I: Start of New Beginnings
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Downfall of Kingdom and Country

Autor: OneTypeLoser

© WebNovel

Kapitel 1: Act I: Start of New Beginnings

MMO-RPG, also known as Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game. It is a type of game where you can enjoy an imaginary world as if you were in it.

Imagination: Start of Ragnarok. Was released in 2010, it stood above all MMO-RPGs due to its humongous map and unrealistic top player freedom, making it extremely popular within the countries capable of having their hands on it. Now, ten years later, Imagination: Start of Ragnarok is closing in to its end.


It was fun. It was really fun, while it lasted. So here I am, walking alone in the heavy fogged jungle, staring at the star filled glamour of a sky while mesmerised at the scene atop of me.

"Downfall Kingdom - Jungle Biome - -2nd Floor"


Lv. 100

HP: 150000/150000

MP: 200000/200000

"Hey there, it's been a really long time, Sullivan-san." hearing the tired voice of another guild member, I turned my head around to see a metamorphic red slime avatar. "I didn't think that you'd come tonight, Planuda. Might I say you're looking a bit sluggish." I said smiling and fully facing the smaller avatar now in front of me.

"Haha, it's no good being alone. Join me at the Forbidden Room?" Planuda asked, nodding as response we began walking towards the direction of the Jungle Gates and entering a Gate Portal. "It's been about three years hasn't it?" I asked as we entered the forbidden room, which consisted of thirteen empty thrones all lined up in a pattern, three high thrones, were in a position of triangular phase and the other ten surrounding it.

Taking my seat on the ten thrones, while Planuda took his at one of the higher thrones. "It's already been that long? This is bad, I've been in and out of studying so much that my concept of time is messing up. Haha." Planuda said as he slouched back in his throne while motioning for me to come towards him. Standing up and made my in front of him, and for kicks I bowed my head then knelt.

"Ooh still doing the roleplay, kinky." he laughed and I snickered before looking back at him as he said. "Go on, sit on one of those two. It's weird talking to someone over so far. Don't worry, that's an order from one of the GM." he said motioning to the one just right beside him. As I made my way on one of the higher thrones and sat, immediately there was a change of perception and Planuda was giving me a dirty look, even though his avatar doesn't have a mouth.

"Isn't studying too hard bad for you?" I asked, continuing the prior conversation. "Bad for my body you mean. Look at me, I'm completely worn out!" he said as he lifted his gelatinous arms and started to melt as if stating the obvious. "Well, I'm not here to just complain so let's move on another topic!" he stated as he started to excrete a staff.

"I don't mind it, being in college and all." I replied, then Planuda suddenly pointed the end of the staff at me.

"See! That's the thing I like about you Sullivan. You know the pain! That's why, I'm giving you a gift." he said as he started to open his menu and started typing, then just as he stopped a pop up message with congratulatory sign said. 'Sullivan is promoted to Admin!' Looking back at Planuda with a shocked look, he just laughed before sending me more gifts.

"I have to go soon and I'm way too sleepy. So, before the last minutes of Imagination. Go wild! Haha, I know you always wanted to be an admin or at least a GM so here you go." Planuda said and continued on while he kept sending me gifts and scrolling out. "And when I logged on earlier, I was really surprised that the Downfall Kingdom is still here and unraided, so you must have been maintaining it. Ne Sullivan-san?"

"Well... Even though our guild is almost another map. Downfall Kingdom is the base that we created together, alongside many others." I said, smiling at my own words as I remembered all the times inside Imagination. "That's why Sullivan-san, thank you for all your hard work. I hope we meet again somewhere."

'Planuda has logged out.'


"Sigh... He left before I could even thank him... No, I'm glad that he even came today. 'I hope we meet again somewhere' huh? Just when and where would that be..." Muttering to myself as I looked at my inventory and seeing all gift items from Planuda. I stood up, before summoning the staff that Planuda used.

"Hello almighty powerful staff, holding the energy of my companions and capable of up ending any opposing guilds in one swoop. You are now my only friend." I said to the staff, and as soon as I did, it flared up with red flames. "I love you too."

Making my way down on all the other floors and into the 2nd floor where all the NPCs was when I left them... During 'ahem' A debut. Now standing in front of the doors and saying "Hello doors" which was the password. Once the doors slowly opened, the music 'The Gates of Valhalla' filled the room and the 'event' resumed. The moment I entered, all AI occupants stopped and all binary eyes were on me.

When I finally made my way to the thirteen thrones, I was skeptical whether to sit on 'my' chair or in the 'admin's' chair. Well, technically I'm the admin now, so... Sitting on the main throne. All of the NPC continued on their business.

Then as if by rhythm, nine maids and a butler came walking in front of me and kneeled. "And hello... Hmm, that's a lot and that's why we have menus." looking at the butler's information. "Alf Red... Hmm, creative name for a butler, now what about your RP role..." Alf Red was Lv. 99 at least 6'0 ft tall, a white male, a Demon of the seven sins and his place is Pride, and has a white hair.

"Now who are this lovely ladies..." As I read all of their information from Alf to the end. They were all wearing the sane uniform but all differ in height, texture, race and hair color style.

First was Alpha Lv. 95, she was the tallest of them all being a 5'10 in pixel height and the palest of them all. She is a Shifter and has a raven hair.

Second was Beta Lv. 95, she was slightly shorter than Alpha, standing at 5'8 in pixel height, she was heavily tanned. She is a Water Fey, and moving water for a hair.

Third was Gamma Lv. 95, she is an inch taller than Beta but an inch shorter than Alpha, standing at 5'9 in pixel height, she is slightly pale. She is an Air Fey, and an auburn hair.

Fourth was Omega Lv. 95, she is about the same height of Beta, standing at 5'8 in pixel height, she has this milky white color. She is an Fire Fey having golden locks for a hair.

Fifth was Harley Lv. 95, she is standing in 5'5 and has a lighter complexion. Being a Nature Sprite and Half Elf, she has green vines for hair. Sixth was Quinn Lv. 95 and alongside her older sister Harley she stands about 5'5 and has a lighter complexion while being a Half Human and Half Elf. She has lighter green hair.

Seventh was Ein Lv. 95, Eight was Zwei Lv. 95, and Ninth is Drei Lv. 95, they are triplets as they are Homunculi. Standing all at 5'9 and has pale tanned skin, they all had black hair.

That was a lot and that wasn't even me reading their background, feeling as if they have so much to lose. "You can go and have fun, I'll resign to my manor." I said as they stood up and joined the party held. As I stood up, all eyes were on me again, I clapped my hands twice and let them proceed as I teleported out and into the front of my porch.

I looked back to where the Downfall Castle stood, it was quite an odd sight to behold. Well, Downfall Kingdom itself is a odd sight to see in the first place. The castle is primarily build as a Pyramid, and below is another Pyramid only upside down. Their position and structure is much like an hour glass. While the Castle is surrounded by a pond and beyond that is the soil of Downfall and it's riches.


Walking to the entrance of my Manor,  and sitting the password "Hello my door, which is much better than regular doors." and entered to be greeted by a smaller NPC, a Dark Elf.

While the other NPCs were all randomized character are made by me, they were still installed with an AI that represents their role and work while also giving them two to three ability or spell, well the better half are the guardians of the Castle are much more equipped.

How this 7 years old Dark Elf in front of me however his background is much more detailed. Mostly from a family, I truly wished to have. Thanks for the surfing internet, I was able to find a synthetic matrix for children AI. But of course with a price. However, Alfie is still somewhat special. So being a geek of a brother I wish I was, I made him overpowered for his age.

Picking him up with one hand, I continued to walk up the stairs where his bedroom was situated, and laid him there and as if by tucking up a sleeping child. Once I know it was comfortable enough, I made my way towards the other empty room.

"[Create Greater Homunculus]" as the ritual started, I slowly started to lose HP and MP. Taking about half of my bars, the ritual finished and a male Homunculus was formed in front of me, with a leather shirt and pants. The randomizer for homunculus is truly... Random.

Deciding on his background, Fini is the perfect bodyguard for Alfie, has great bond with Alfie, a quick witted and quick learner, and loyal to the Downfall Kingdom and its citizens. Many mores that I won't go into details. Commanding him to sleep, I made my way to my own room. My room was almost similar to my own world room, consisting of a small twin bed, a study desk, a wardrobe, a bookshelf, and a drawer... I have the smallest room in the manor, being a 12x12. But this is somewhat comfortable for me...

Removing my clothes and armor, as if to feel at home, I made my way to the bed and lying in a prone position. I watched my HUD as the countdown to the shutdown began.


Ah, still forty seconds left, I quickly opened my menu and turned on administration and imputed to all of the citizen of Downfall. "Loyal to Downfall and it's Ruler." whatever happens. "Downfall is birthright and safe haven to Demihuman and Inhumans."


'In the end, Downfall Kingdom will always be a relic of the past ten years.'


'That's right, it was fun. It was really fun.'


'I have to wake up at 04:00 a.m. tomorrow. I need to sleep after this, or else that's another flunk in college.'


I didn't know what happened next, but what I do know was that, I closed my eyes and fell asleep.




It seems a beautiful day outside, birds are singing, cars aren't honking. Days like this, I feel as though I should just sleep all day.

All day... SCHOOL!

Jumping out of my bed, I quickly went towards my drawer and tried to look at the time, only to find the clock in the wall gone and no clothes to be found... Only fur loin and chainmail. I looked at the desk for my phone but nothing, quickly an strange appearance revealed itself on the small mirror by the edge of the desk.

It was me, but also not me.

I was looking at my reflection, and instead of tired, skinny, and unkept man in college, it was young, healthy and well groomed, wavy curls hair, tanned and naked man with nothing but a white boxer as a cover.


I looked like my avatar in my Imagination account. But why do I look like this. "Did they pushed back the server shutdown?" trying to open my console by clicking my fingers, it didn't appear. "Where is my console... Why does my voice sound different?!"

'What the hell is going on?!'

Did I forget to remove the helmet when I fell to sleep, now I'm living a dream?! That could be the logical reason, so that means if I just stimulate myself or activate an injury of sort I'll wake up.

So, bracing myself and holding the brim edges of the desk table. I lifted my head high and smashed it down the wooden born with all my might. That it caused the heavy refined desk to be dented in the middle and for me to hurt myself in the process.

One thing though, I was awake and it wasn't because I hurt myself in my sleep to wake myself up. It was because I was already awake, something it my vision popped up.


Lv. 100

HP: 150000/150000

MP: 200000/200000

0 Damage

Before slowly fading again, 'Am I stuck in the game. What if I just try to remove the Axon Gear automatically?' Reaching to the back of my neck and trying to grasp the Axon Gear, but to no avail. My consciousness is in the game, making me immobile. I can't bring out the console control, I'm wide awake, I can feel pain, and the movement is much more fluid.

Suddenly the door of the room suddenly barge open as a small boy with long ear, wearing a white linen shirt, a huge sailor collar, a brown vest, and a brown fitted velvet breeches, came inside and ran into me. "Brother Sulli! The royal carriage is here to pick you up! Hehe" Alfie? This is Alfie right? He called me brother... He's real? NPCs doesn't react this way and they don't speak.

'His mouth is moving?!'

"U-uh... Alfie?" I asked kneeling and tapping his shoulder as he just hugged my knee and buried his face in my skin. "Hmm~?" he replied.

'I'm talking with an NPC? Meaning this isn't an event or a glitch...?! No way, is there some kind of error occurring or have I just fell into the despair of wanting?!'

I looked around the room and saw everything was somewhat vibrant, and at the end of the bed was Planuda's wooden staff floating. I held my hand out to it, as if calling it and it floated towards my grasp. 'The staff is functioning just like it does in the game, but I can't use my console and I have no idea how to contact any Game Masters either. What should I do?'

"A-alfie?" I asked again to Alfie who was now opening my drawers. "Yes?"

'Is it okay for me to ask him? Ugh just do it!'

"Alfie. Step outside of my room for a moment, and step back in. Tell me who's inside the house." I asked with determination to know what in the world his happening. Alfie... Is it right for my to call him that? Looks at me confused, but walks outside while closing the door and opening and entering it again and closing it once more.

"Fini is reading some parchments in the living room, and Alf Red is outside the manor though." Alfie did what he was asked and replied with a clear look of a kid just doing what he was asked.

I was beginning to get weak on the knees and started feeling nauseated. I started stepping back into my bed and sitting at the edge and holding my head into my hands. 'The NPC recognized orders that aren't in the specified commands, just what in the world is going on? I have to contact any other administrator, or at the very least a Game Master. But I don't know how to contact them... But what if I use a skill to message them, will magic be even be enough to contact them? Will I even be able to use magic?'

"Sulli?" I looked back at Alfie, who has a concerned look in his face. "Are you alright?" he asked as he steps closer towards me. "Come here for a sec." I said, opening my arms to hold him. As soon as he saw me opening my hands he quickly jumped in for a hug, and I hugged back. He feels soft but firm and has a beating heart, I can smell fruits in his hair.

Two things. One, there isn't a function of feeling and smelling in Imagination. Sure, they relieve you from the motor mobility function in real life, but that's too ensure that you don't hurt yourself when playing Imagination. Two, a lone NPC. No, Alfie reacted unlike any other AI would in a situational scenario, let alone to do an order and show response. So why does he looks so alive.

Let me asses the situation. The fact that I can order Alfie without any specified command on the dictionary for AIs and works fluently, let alone speak and move so smooth means this isn't a new Imagination game and the chance of this is a completely different MMO-RPG is also low. There is that possibility that this imaginary world became real... No what. But... Conversing with the NPCs and their natural reaction and expression, their scent.

These are things that couldn't be programmed within any types of game. Until now or can I even call it a game still? But, why do I feel that this is so real... With Alfie here, does that mean that his background also meant... He called me brother. Is this a chance? Did I die and had a chance here, only one way to confirm that.

"Sulli? Are you alright? Should I call Fini? You're eyes are leaking?" Alfie asked as he looked up in front of me, I didn't even noticed that I started crying and a few drops made it into Alfie's Face. "Ah. Sorry Alfie, I didn't meant that to happen." I replied wiping the tears on his cheeks and in mine and collected myself.

"You've mention about Alf Red with transport here?" I asked and he nodded as he started smiling again, an innocent and pure smile. "Mm~ He asked Fini who asked me to ask you if you're going to the Castle today!"

"Hm, would you like to come with me to the Castle?" I asked him and he beamed, he pushed away before giving me star filled look. " Can I really?!" he questioned and I nodded, he did a mini jump and started to run out of my room and quick to go downstairs.

I looked back at my new self, and evaluated my new physical form. To begin with, I have abs! Granted its four packs, but its a big boost in my confidence (ego). My body is somewhat chiseled and firm muscles from shoulder to legs.

So this is what a Half Werebeast and Half Dark Elf is. Quite agile, flexible and strong. Looking back into my armor, I never did change the starter pack armor that was on sale during those years... Then again, I just upgraded them with converted money to something high ranking.

Looking at my wardrobe, the head armor is a Dire Beast's head, which when I put it on, looks like my head is getting swallowed... So no for the helmet. The chest armor is consisted of refined cold iron chainmail under that goes up to the chest down to the lower abdomen and is covered by the thick Direwolf Hide, that goes up from the chest and down to the navel. As for the pants, I have a long pants that's made up of Direwolf Hide. Which leaves my feet defenseless, mostly on where I would on.

Wearing them on, which feels somewhat pleasant from what I would thought of warm. I stop to think about how could I equip, or call inventory. As I was thinking of the ideas on how to summon the inventory slots, a black pocket appeared around my right hand and as soon as I entered it a screen popped up with the word, 'Spatial Inventory' in it. There laid all the 13 gifts that Planuda gave me, a few potions, money, my weapon and three spell scrolls and as soon as I took out one of the scrolls the inventory closed.

I wonder... I tried thinking about my Status, and comme si comme sa! It appeared! Hahaha! I'm getting the gist of it. 'Okay let's see...'


Lv. 100

HP: 150000/150000

MP: 200000/200000

Race: Half Werebeast, Half Dark Elf

Job: Ruler

Title: Prince of Downfall

Age: 23

Passive Skill: Crown of Madness


-Total Physical Attack Resistance

-Total Projectile Attack Resistance

-Total Mental Anomaly Resistance

-Total Magic Attack Resistance

-Hand-to-Hand Combat

-Non Detection

-Danger Detection



-Guardian of Nature

-Armament Barrage

-Hellfire Mantle

"Its been so long since I've seen NY status bar. Knowing me as a physical fighter, there should have been much more spells... But 'Guardian of Nature' it summons an ancient elemental beast that corresponds in the environment it is casted, I remember the fastings I had to do just to buy that spell scroll." sighing at the memory, I stared at the mirror reflecting my gaze. 'How did it come to this.'

Equipped, only missing now is a sword that can be find in the treasury back at the castle. So I started to make my way down the stairs, to be greeted by the Homunculus that I've made yesterday night for Alfie, Fini. "My Prince Sullivan" Fini said bowing, waving my hand off and dismissing it.

"Your prince is Alfie, just Sullivan is fine." I said as I started walking towards the entry way where Alfie is hiding behind the door. "Alfie, what's wrong?" I asked as I was behind him, watching him... 'I should really change his stature and age... Maybe'

"N-nothing, just waiting for you... I never actually set foot outside the manor before... So." he said fidgeting whilst I nodded at that, shuffling his hair, I lifted him up to my right shoulder and let him sat there.

The morning sun rays blinded us by a few seconds before the vibrant life if the outside world exploded into view, a royal roofless carriage awaited us by the gates with Alf Red standing straight by it's door. "Sorry for making you wait under the heat if the sun Alf Red." I said as we left the manor grounds.

"Such words I do not deserve, Lord Prince Sullivan." Alf Red said as he bowed and before he opened the door I stopped him by lifting a palm at him. "Again forgive for making you wait, but. Alfie and I would like to walk ourselves towards the Castle if you don't mind Alf Red." I said as I motioned Fini to follow us, Alf Red looked surprise at what I've intended to do, but conceded to bow.

"Then, we shall be right behind you Lord Prince." Alf Red said as he sat by the carriage helm and handled the slow march for the horses to move.

As we started to walk, it was at least a good kilometer away from the Castle, Alfie started to admire the outside world and its scenery. Asking in about questions as I tried to answer most of them to the best I can. A good ten minutes or so, we could properly see the border of the Castle.

Nearing the pond that surrounds the Castle itself, a drawbridge was lifted down and a red mat was placed in set for the path and Canine Beastmen occupied the edges of the path and crossed their swords against each other as the sounds if horns revive the whole Castle.

Amazed at the happenings that transpired, I took Alfie of my shoulder and placed him by my side as he clutched the fur of my trousers tightly, immediately Fini took a place behind Alfie guarding him. Nodding at the settlement, we started walking inside the caste and made our way towards the Great Hall.

It is where the Audience Room resides, a place where the one true throne is placed. "Hello bigger door, much better than regular doors." I said as skeletal soldiers opened the door. Making our way towards the throne, there was quite a few NPC or People kneeling.

As I sat in front of the throne room, Alfie and Fini among the people of Downfall Castle, knelt down as Alf Red spoke. "Now everyone, to our one supreme lord prince, the ritual of our loyalty."

"Head of the Research Facility, Grandmaster of Weaponry and Caretaker of the Underground Jungle Biome, Desert Biome, Glacial Biome. Ariscoles Disciplico, I bow before the one supreme one." One of the seven deadly sins. Sin of List, bowed before turning face to reveal his features.

Ariscoles is devoid of any flames of life, and instead has blue eyes, platinum short hair and is wearing a toga and tunic. Looking at his info, Ariscoles is a Vedalken that strive to look and create for the perfect being and creation, he is the second to the strongest of the sins.

"Army General, Head of Downfall Kingdom's Security, and Warden of the Underground Prison: Limbo. Art Hur. I bow before the one true Ruler." Second of the sins. Sin of Wrath, bowed as heat radiates of his body armour.

Art Hur is the embodiment of Discipline and Strength. Being the sole tactician and protector of Downfall, Art Hur is the strongest NPC Citizen of Downfall. With his sturdy body, along with an Adamantite Armor, it is almost impossible to pierce the heavy 8ft giant.

"Head of the caretakers of Downfall Castle and Kingdom and Caretaker of Upper floor Great Hall and Audience Room, Ballroom, and Dining Hall. Alf Red, I bow before the one true creator." Third of the sins. Sin of Pride, bowed as well as the other nine maids from earlier evening.

Alf Red, the sole caretaker of everything and acts as the overseer of all citizen inside and outside the castle. An assistant to the ruler, being third inline causes him to be with great power, but sets in third of the spot.

"Keeper of Gold, Collector of Artifacts and Caretaker of the Treasury. Fallen Ash, I bow before the maker of riches." Fourth of the sins. Sin of Greed, bowed before smiling back at me.

Fallen Ash, being an elemental fury. Who holds backs to no one, she can be in par with Ariscoles's ability. With high Mana Pool, she can easily bend fortress and turn slaughter into Massacre, she is the most feared keeper of treasure in all of Downfall.

"Overseer of the Citizens of Downfall and Caretaker of the Coliseum. Lucifia Greyhart. I bow before the one who cares for all." Fifth of the sins. Sin of Envy, bowed as he stared with care and occasionally fidgeting.

Lucifia Greyhart, whilst being in the fifth ranking of the sins she is somewhat the weakest of them all, but still stronger than any greater beast. Being a Werebeast, he is obligated to care for the citizens as his own, he is the most looked up sin in all of Downfall second to him is Art Hur.

"Head of the Records of all Details and Caretaker of Upper floor Library and Doorkeeper of the Forbidden Room. Damat Ciendo. I bow before the maker of history." Sixth of the sins. Sin of Sloth, he bowed before yawning and trying to hide it.

Damat Ciendo, given with his lazy and lethargic appearance, none of the Citizen of the Castle takes Damat seriously, but interrupting his reading and free time. All hell would brake lose. Even with his appearance, Damat still takes his role as caretaker seriously.

"Sustenance of the Downfall Kingdom and Citizens. Head of the Agriculture and supplies department. Wakat Ciendo. I bow before the one who bless us all." Seventh of the sins. Sin of Gluttony. She bowed herself in submission while jabbing his brother awake.

Wakat Ciendo, an older sister to Damat Ciendo. Takes her jobs too seriously, letting no citizen feel starve or feel left out. She is the backbone of the Citizens in need. Downside, she swallows all praises and drown herself in if.

"Successor in Training, Blood Relation to the Supreme Being, and Champion of the Citizen of Downfall Kingdom and Castle. Alfie Navi. I bow before the one who is true." Alfie said bowing before flashing a smile.

Looking back at all of them, I recognized something and it is something that I want, its not loyalty or submission its something else... Well I don't really know anything about this new world, but it seems the NPCs are loyal to me. Meaning I have to act like a proper leader in front of them.

I also have to collect information about this new world. I might know the background... But you'll never know. I know back at Imagination that I was already at max level... But how strong do I compare here?

And if there is a way back him, should I return to my old one? I have no family or friends back there. Just working, studying and owning a home to sleep everyday, what worth us a life like that?

Before long after the silence, Fini broke it by continuing a speech. "All of the guardians gave gathered to bow before you. Please bestow your orders upon us. Supreme one. As we offer our complete being into you."

"Well then."

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