"Heyy! Hey hey hey!" Lin Kexin yelled, "V.O.I.C.E!" She yelled so loud that even the Hanluo Stage spiritual beasts were startled
Y a w n
"Oh god, I thought you were asleep forever! Anyways, whats that in the distance?" Kexin questioned Voice, she thought it would know
\/\/|-|@-|-3\/3|~ @|~3 ¥0|_| -|-@||<!|\|& @|ß0|_|-|-¿
W h a t e v e r a r e y o u t a l k i n g a b o u t ?
Voice answered, "Y'now.. that little fox in the distance? Do you know what it is? It looks injured.."
Lin Kexin looked at the fox with pitying eyes,
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D o y o u w a n t a c o m p l i c a t e d e x p l a n a t i o n ?
Voice seemed to be wary and cautious, like there was ferocious beast looking at Kexin like she was its prey "No thank you.."
'That would probably take a couple of days with your automatically-information-filled bot brain(s)' She thought to herself, "AND PLEASE! Talk in a normal voice, like, a human voice."
[Okay, I will.]
"Yayayay! I could barely understand you before.," Lin Kexin thought about something for a second and said, "Can you turn into a hot male? Clothed, i'm not that desperate."
[If you become a Jinzhen stage cultivator.]
"Oh, nonononono," Lin Kexin looked worried, "Say that to them, not me" she points at you.
[Okay. Look in the author's notes at the bottom when you are done reading it won't help very much though.]
"Good." She walks towards the fox and inspects it for any diseases or injuries, as her eyes run across the fox she notices a big injury when she flips it over
"Oh my! Oh my oh my oh my.." She further inspects the injury and because of her anxious actions she notices an animal about 4 - 3 times bigger than the fox
[That is a Creeping Awarewolf.]
"Yeah. Thanks." Lin Kexin rolled her eyes and said, "You focus on the wolf, I focus on the fox."
She looked at the fox and started in her mind, how to treat it without complicated ingredients.
Just as she was thinking, she noticed that the 'Creeping Awarewolf' had took a move', "Hmm... cross cage or.. thats too brutal.. lets go for.."
"소환하라! Hellbound Hellhound!"
Suddenly an array formed around the two and soon after that, a big dog around 9 - 10 meters was spawned, bound by flaming hot chains and 2 big saber tooth teeth stuck out,
Tail unkept, claws untrimmed, scars all over and everything, in short- really bada**
The wolf slowly backed away as it ran into the forest and to never come back, she put the fox to the side telling Voice to take care of it and walked towards the big dog and said,
"WHO'S A GOOD BOY!?! YOU!?! IS IT YOU!?! YESSS OF COURSE!!! YOUR THE BESTEST BOY IN THE WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD!!!!" Lin Kexin said with a big smile that even females would attract to
The Hellbound Hellhound looked smug and happy with his tongue sticking out, wagging his tail and everything that looked happy,
Soon after though, she recalled the puppy and started to find the ingredients to the foxes medication.
Earth : Red - Dantian Destroyed
Mountain : ??? - ??? (Jinzhen)
Clouds : ??? - ???
Sky : ??? - ???
Galaxy : ??? - ???
Universal : Ancestral Being - Unholy Devilian
(At least everybody knows this.)
"Blood replenishing herb.. Ice-cold kingsrock," Lin Kexin was in a daze and collected other useful stuff that she had seen in her previous life "Wet moss.. tenacious herb.. aiyo!"
"Tenacious herb? Give it." A deep.. sexy.. voice startled her and she got into a fighting stance on the ground, a ninja idle people say.
"No." She said, gesturing for him to leave, "Woman I will give you anything you want in return for this herb." He replied, taking a step forward, he was tall but.. Lin Kexin was a centimeter taller.
'Shit..' he thought, never once had he been looked down on and now? He had become shorter than a girl, "I said, NO." Lin Kexin was right up in his face and looked about ready to kill him
"I said. GIVE IT." He replied and then thought 'What if I seduce her into giving it to me?!' 'How dumb am I?' He winked at her but still she was unmoved
"My brother looks better, even if he didn't look at me I would melt, and if you did it? I would be an ice cube at negative 100 degrees." She said coldly side-eyeing him
"GUH!" It was a critical hit, all of his PP and self-esteem was drained! "Master! How dare you defy our young maAaAaster...." a needle was pointed at his neck,
Shaking and wriggling into and under his skin, as the needle moved a lot of the soldiers blood cells and flesh were torn, and even some bones were scratched
"AhHhHhH!" Soon his insides were eaten and only a pile of skin and armor was left "Ah! Such fine and delicate skin, he really took care of it." She complimented it
"Uhm.." the man grunted "What is your name? Woman." "First of all don't call me 'Woman.' Second of all my name is Kexin." She had abandoned her family name and started to go surname-less
"No family name? What business do you have with the tenacious herb then? K-kexin.." The soldiers were already surprised and startled at the fact that their member had been eaten inside-out
But now their master was actually calling a girl by her name? Maybe then hadn't had enough sleep lately, yeah, that's probably it there is no other reason why
"None of yo beeswax." She said walking towards where the fox was "Halt!" She kept on walking, "Halt!!!" She stopped and yelled, "What is your name!?"
The man said, "Longxian Shenzhen!" Remember it Kexin!" "Oh I will, and P.S, THAT'S MY BROTHERS NAME!"
[KU HAHA HAH! I saw EVERYTHING and the expression on Shenzhen was excellent when you said that was your brothers name!]
"Hmph! It's true! That is my brothers name!" She walked to the fox and started her surgery, it took quite a while, about half an hour to finish, and restore the lost blood of the fox
[You need a break, and plus, the fox is going to be fine!]
Kexin stared at the sky like she was watching a bird crash into a tree, "What are my benefits of taking a break?" She asked Voice
[I can, for 60 minutes only, turn into a humanoid male.]
"Oh, okay i'll take a break." Her voice sounded like a robots as she got up and laid down on a comfy grass bed and drifted to sleep..
[I will protect you...]
Was the last she heard from Voice before she went to sleep.
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