***WARNING: STEAM AHEAD 😏 ***And remember this is a Fanfic and Not canon, just read for fun 😘**
{…This is it…I am done…}
I got up and angrily stormed my way to the Empress dowager's palace with Xiao Ruo running behind me trying to stop me, But this time no one can stop me after that.
{…How dare they? They killed my….my (。ŏ﹏ŏ) my hot pot …Poisoned it, before I could eat it ·´¯`(>▂<)´¯´…}
Just as I turned into the hallway to her reception hall. I heard a male voice and a female voice arguing.
{…Hmmm…Is she is on a killing spree again?...}
We looked around and saw that there were no place maids or guards so I stuck my ear to the door and listened.
"'Why her? There are so many girls in this country, why did you choose her? I am okay with anyone else just not her!"
So...How was it? Fun, I hope LOL (∩ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)⊃ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)...And we're back to the CANON LX and Emperor in Doctor's Lou's room next chap...
**Wanna chat? DiscordID: MiraiSaesang#7132 or Discord server link: https://discord.gg/Mbwxn5P
THANK YOU for reading!
♡PLEASE COMMENT♡ 彡゚◉ω◉ )つ It makes for an INSANELY HAPPY and MOTIVATED me, it really does so PLEASE....if you can...maybe...Pwease lol ( っ´ω`c )....and VOTE too!...Thank you!! ( 人・ ㉨・)♡