Cedric willed back into his body hugs Yuki. "I am alright now. Thank you for helping me gain control again. You didn't offer him your blood again, did you?"
Yuki stopped drinking and licked the blood as the wound healed before she could heal it. "I did nothing of the sort. It seems that he has given up on that idea. My blood is not going to help or so he says." She shook her head and hugged him. "I do not mind that you get mad for my sake but you should not put yourself in any danger. I would be terribly upset if you were to destroy yourself. I would need to try and find a way to have another food source." She turned away in a huff.
"Hey, hey now. Let's not be too hasty. I would not do that to you." Cedric pulls her back and starts kissing her deeply. "I can taste the blood on your lips. I really am sorry for freaking you out. Forgive me."
“I smell your cigar. Delicious! Give me one directly.”
― Wilkie Collins, The Haunted Hotel: A Mystery of Modern Venice