Eisen sat there for a while, just looking at the items that he had just prepared. Dried up, rusted... rotting and falling apart. The fact that he had made these things just to let them fall into decay was both uncomfortable and unusual for him. Of course, he was the one that had made this choice in the first place, but now that he was looking at the irreversible state of his items, he was having some rather complicated feelings.
But of course, that was the reason why he had made it. These five giant floors were going to be riddled with things that made Eisen feel like crap. Come-down ruins, traces of battles lost, and the things that the people had left behind. Particularly the last of the five floors; the ruins of an old giant city, infested with giant monsters that were feeding on the decay of what had once been. The destruction that would have ravaged that place was a force of nature that was impossible to fight against.
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