By Three O'clock, Mia was done with all her classes for the day so she left school for home.
The day had been hectic. First days of resumption were usually like that; with them trying to fit in with new lecturers and all. Plus with the campaign going on and Jeremy following her about like a fly.
As she waited for the light to change so she could cross with other pedestrians, her phone rang and she quickly connected her earphone to take the call.
"Hey girlfriend!" Mira squealed excitedly into the phone.
"What are you happy about?" Mia asked with her normal uninterested voice.
"Long story short, I have my father's credit card with me. So in a few minutes, I'll come pick you up. Let's go shopping and make James die of jealousy"
Mia could still hear the excitement in her voice.
"Thanks but no thanks." She didn't like leeching off her friends. If not for the circumstances, she wouldn't have agreed to stay at James' place. Now that she was even there, she was fighting a battle that did not really concern her. She knew the crazy guy that lived in the same house with her would have also tried to throw James out. Knowing the type of person James was, she was pretty sure he sould have left to avoid trouble.
"Come on.. I knew you were going to say that. But I won't take no for an answer. I'll come pick you up after classes okay?" As Mira spoke the cars stopped to give pedestrians a chance to walk so she hurriedly began to cross the road.
"So that aside, how's classes going? Sounds like you're in a busy place" Mira added.
"Yea. Just left school and as usual... School was..... school" Mia laughed a bit.
Leo had just finished the registering his new car and was driving home when he saw a familiar figure crossing the road right in front of his car.
Firstly, he was surprised because she was dressed in cooperate and looked nothing like the devil he knew inside. He had not seen her when she left in the morning.
Then, he had seen her laugh as she said something. He could guess she was in a call with the way she spoke while wearing her earphone. He must admit she had a pretty smile. But it had been so short that he barely got to see what her full face looked like when she smiled.
When he realised what he was thinking, he quickly shook the thought out of his head.
"Lion in sheep clothing. Just look at her walking to my house like it belongs to her." Leo tsked as the lights signalled for cars to move and he began to drive.
"Who are you talking about?" Chloe shifted uncomfortably in her seat and asked him. She knew he was talking about Mia. She had also seen Mia cross by and had frozen in her seat. Because of the issue with her brother's house, she had not been able to have fun freely or pester him to tell her all about his time abroad.
Leo had come to pick her up from school earlier, saying that he needed to speak with her.
He didn't know how she was going to do it but he wanted that girl out of his house. She wasn't only a terror but it seemed he had not been able to think straight after that night. The images of her body kept flashing in his mind and he thought he was probably going to go crazy soon.
"What's her name again?" He asked Chloe.
Chloe knew who he was referring to so she answered almost immediately in a nervous tone.
"Mia. Mia Lucas."
"Mia Lucas" He repeated. 'Such a pretty name for a foulmouthed girl.' He thought to himself.
"Do you know anything else about her? Like where her parents live for example?" He asked curiously and shot a quick glance at her.
"Bro... you aren't trying to involve her parents right? Please... It would complicate things"
"Then you should have thought about it first before you played with my house!" He blew up at her as the car braked in front of his house.
Mia had already gotten home and was stripping out of her school attire. Walking was faster from her school than driving because she only had to cross while for those driving, they had to take a turn before getting to the other lane.
"Alright. We'll talk later." Mia said before hanging up.
As she looked at the mirror inside the bathroom, a small smile appeared on her face.
Benjamin had spoken to her today.
Having a crush on someone was a really funny thing because while they do not even know about your existence, you kept thinking about them all the time.
It's been like that with her and Benjamin.
Another funny thing about all this was the fact that you could meet or bump into someone a hundred times and not give a shit about them. But one day, something just happens and you suddenly find yourself attracted to that person.
She was sure he hadn't recognised her. She had began to like him a few months back, just before they wrote their last semester examination.
She hadn't thought it was that serious until she started have day and night dreams about all the silly things couples did that she wanted to try out with him. Quite absurd yea!
She had thought she was still in control until she saw him today. Looking as real as ever, standing before her and talking to her.
"That stupid Jeremy!" She cussed loudly before going to take a shower.
Because she feared Jeremy might say something to Ben when she bumped into him at the cafeteria, she had quickly left the place while signaling to Jeremy to follow her.
Now she was home, but she also hated the presence of the guy next door— literally.
She wondered when all of these was going to end.
Mia was just about to get busy with her laptop to go through some school work when she heard the doorbell ring. Her brows formed a questioning arch as she wondered who it probably was.
Housemate wouldn't ring his own doorbell and as far as she knew, his sister also didn't need to because she came in and went out as she pleased.
Mira! That was the first person that popped inside her head but that would be really fast since it had been only a few minutes their call ended and it didn't sound like she was on the way already.
Before she got to the door, the bell rang twice more and she quickly opened it without taking a peek outside.
It was a woman yea, but it was not Mira. This one looked a bit older, grown, matured, and really pretty. She was even wearing a classy short black chiffon gown and low white strappy sandals while holding a small red purse.
Mia noticed the odd look in the lady's eyes as she looked at her.
"Who are you?" The lady asked in a sharp and irritated voice.
"I live here. Who are you?" Mia asked back. She would have shut the door in her face if she hadn't remembered that she had a roommate and this was probably one of his 'flings'. She definitely looked like his type.
"Isn't this Leo's apartment?" She asked again as she tried to force her way inside but Mia held the door firmly in place.
"You are being rude madam!" Mia said in a harsh voice that startled her.
"Ma.. Madam?" She asked in utter shock. She couldn't believe Mia had just called her 'Madam' when she was just in her mid twenties!
"First your name, then who you are looking for" oh! She remembered the lady had said Leo. Was Leo his name? She hadn't bothered to know what name he was called.
"I am Cherry. Cherry Anderson. Leo's girlfriend. And who are you?" She asked coldly as she stared at what Mia was wearing. She wore a big black polo that looked like a guy's own and only a little short that exposed her thighs and legs. Her hair was in a messy ponytail, making her look rather 'cute'. She could vaguely guess that Mia was probably in her early twenties even though she looked like a high schooler.
She probably wasn't Leo's new girlfriend was she?
"Your Leo is not here. Call him and come back when he returns." As Mia was about to shut the door, she heard a familiar masculine voice behind Cherry.
"What are you doing here?" Leo asked with dark eyes.
Chloe stood beside him and said nothing. But she obviously looked surprised to see Cherry there.
Mia thought her time there was over so she closed the door and returned to her room.
"Why are you here?" Leo asked again in a harsher voice.
"Hello!" Cherry greeted Chloe with a forced smile before turning to Leo.
"I came to talk. But who is that girl inside? She is not your girlfriend is she?"
"So what if she is?" Leo shot back in annoyance. He didn't mind that he hated Mia, but he could at least use her to get away from this demonness.
A deep frown formed in Cherry's face. She turned to Chloe and said with a pleading voice. "Can you please excuse us? I want to speak to your brother for a few minutes."
"Hell no! The only one who should be leaving here is the stranger and that is you! Don't try to annoy me Miss Cherry Anderson. I've been encountering too many unfortunate incidents ever since I met you at the park. So please leave here with your bad luck.. I beg you."
"Ouch!" Chloe exclaimed. "I... I guess I'll just have to go inside and wait for you." She said to Leo before whisked past the both of them and opened the door.
"Leo I am sorry–"
Leo shot her a dark glare before following his sister inside. He didn't think twice before shutting the door in her face.
"Call Mia out." He ordered Chloe angrily while scratching his head. He needed to set his life in order but first, he had to get rid of Cherry and Mia!
Chloe nervously approached Mia's door and knocked twice.
Mia opened the door and shot an angry look at Chloe.
"Can there ever be a peaceful day in here?"
Leo noticed the way she was dressed and frowned. Didn't she have a little bit of decency? Why was she always dressed like that when she knew she was staying with a man?
No wonder... It did make sense she was not attracted to men. That was probably the reason she didn't care about how she dressed around him.
"Please Mia. That's your name right? Just come sit here. We need to discuss amicably." Leo said in a persuasive tone as he moved closer to the couch and gestured for her to sit.
Mia walked to the couch with pursed lips and hands folded in front of her chest.
"Sit!" He said to her through gritted teeth and with a forced smile.
"I don't think I like this...." Mia said as she looked suspiciously between Leo and Chloe who was fidgeting.
"This isn't about what you like now little girl. Because my sister is involved in this and I do not want to seem inconsiderate or insensitive, I've considered getting you a place of your choice where you could live comfortably for at least a few months. All I need are your details and—"
"You got me..... a place to stay?" She asked with a small insincere smile.
"We haven't found a place yet but we want to know the kind of place you like." Chloe chipped in. "I mentioned to him that you wanted to stay somewhere closer to the school–"
"Are you uncomfortable living with me?" Mia turned to ask Leo.
"Of course!" He answered almost immediately her questions landed.
"Why? Because you've seen me naked and couldn't stop having perverted thoughts just like you're having right now?"
"Wh....what? Are you insane?" He scoffed in disbelief.
"Well, you tell me... you always look for the slightest reason to blow up at me and always get angry. I do not see why we can't live peacefully, this place is big enough for that. And to be frank.... I kind of like this place."
"Wh–at!?" Leo could not believe all she was saying to him right now.
Chloe was stunned as she listened to Mia.
*Ding Dong* And the door bell rang....
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