Li Mu Bai walked out of the residence and tilted his head up to look at the sky. A long sigh escaped him and a helpless smile curled on his lips upon recalling the conversation he had with his grandparents not too long ago.
At this time, Li Mu Bai was already in his mid-thirty and his grandparents were urging him to get married. He had to listen to the same speech and nagging from his grandmother every time he visited the residence and now he was somewhat immune to it.
He was the eldest grandchild for both Li Ren Xin and Mu Lingxi. A few of his cousins were married and had a few children, but he had stayed as a bachelor and the elders were worried.
Perhaps because there was no female figure in his house, there was no one to urge him to find a partner and settle down.
As he was getting older, naturally, his grandparents wanted him to have someone beside him, to share and accompany him in his lifetime.
Though I said I was going to write about ZYH and his son...
Anyway, I hope this chapter is enough to let us glimpse at LMB's happy ending XD I always planned to set him with BRX, but could not find the chance to write about them.
What a long chapter!
Thank you for your support~