These muscular and sturdy clones all floated in the red liquid inside the glass cabin, as though they were soaked in their mother's fetus amniotic fluids. The expressions on their faces were filled with childish innocent and calmness, as though they were still in the womb and had not 'arrived' in this world yet.
However, the number of them which was thousands upon thousands truly caused his blood to run cold as his scalp felt numb.
Only the measuring instruments on top of the glass cabins displayed how extraordinary they were. All of them had vitality stats of 3.0. They were tall, muscular and filled with strength, resembling the incarnations of divinities of the Greek legends.
If it was one or two, it was still fine. But there were over thousands to tens of thousands of clones here, as many people as there would be in an army. If they were revealed to the public, this would simply be a calamity.
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