When the three luxury cars of the Schneider family arrived in the front of the castle, they were welcomed by Kara, Jadeith, and a dozen other staff who looked very happy.
"Hey... welcome..."
Finland and Caspar were rewarded with a huge surprise when they entered the castle living room. Sitting casually in the living room was a a handsome young man with long golden hair who wore a Victorian outfit.
"You?" Caspar had to blink his eyes several times to make sure that the person in front of him was really his younger brother, Aldebar.
"I was only gone for three years and in those three years you managed to give me one niece and one nephew. Gosh... you guys..." the young man exclaimed while laughing.
"Aldebar?" Caspar was shocked but also delighted to see his brother's sudden appearance, "Shouldn't you wake up in 6.5 years? What happened?"
Time to say good bye to our lovely friends as they embark on their lives together with their loved ones. I hope I have tied all lose ends and given them the proper closure they all deserve.
Please head to Volume 0 and check "Chapter 1: Glossary & Discussion of Volume 1" to read more about the characters and share your thoughts, questions, and comments on this novel.
Thank you for reading this novel and stay until the end. If you are not interested in Volume 2, you can stop reading here and I hope you are happy with how the story concluded.
If you're looking forward to Volume 2, welcome onboard! :)