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55.55% A Family Sandwich / Chapter 5: Chapter 5

Kapitel 5: Chapter 5

Morgan's footsteps were almost inaudible as he approached Fran's bedroom. It was the discreet airline walk, coupled with the subdued and seemingly knowledgeable manner. Yes, Morgan was an expert at certain kinds of deception, and now he prepared some of this skill as he softly turned the handle of his sister-in-law's door. She had been too distraught to think of locking it; indeed, she was incapable of anything at the moment but lying prostrate upon her bed, reduced to low moans and soul-wracking sobs by the horror of what she had seen downstairs in the living room. She had not even begun to fully react to the incestuous scene between her little girl and her husband's brother. There was no precedent in all of her experience that had prepared her for this moment.

Therefore, when the shaken young blonde looked up to find that her brother-in-law had been standing there watching her for God knew how long, she was too stunned to do anything at first but gape at him in astonishment.

Many things ran through Morgan's mind as he made their mutual stare a test of wills. He knew he looked handsome standing there, clean-cut and all the things people felt that a young man ought to be in appearance, and as usual he counted on this to carry some of the brunt of his purpose for being in his brother's wife's room. He also found himself thinking something that was becoming familiar to him by now: What have I got to lose, after all?

He'd already been caught doing the worst imaginable. From here on in it was pure gravy. His gorgeous sister-in-law looked frightened, vulnerable, and more beautiful than ever to his jaded eye; and Morgan decided to take full advantage of her disturbed state.

The brash twenty year old began to walk toward the older woman's bed. He looked around him as he approached. So this was his brother's sacred bedroom. Big deal!

"Get out! Don't come near me, you monster!" Fran cried, suddenly finding her voice. What was he doing here anyway? What did he want from her? How could this be happening now after what she had just discovered in the living room? It didn't make any sense at all, and for an instant it seemed to the disturbed blonde housewife that she might have imagined everything, that her joy and happiness and the enormous amount of champagne she'd consumed with Giuliano at lunch might have clouded her reason. Maybe she hadn't seen anything down there at all! Perhaps her guilt about Giuliano had something to do with it for she did feel guilty now, horribly guilty for the thoughts, yes, and the feelings too. Posing naked with animals ... good God! But the young woman's alcohol-befuddled brain could not really accept the idea that she'd been hallucinating the lewd scene of fornication between her daughter and her brother-in-law. No, she could not really accept that!

Morgan stood directly over her now, and she found herself looking up into his dark, flashing eyes, so much like her husband Brint's ... but God, there was something else in them, something evil, something fascinating. It was that same fascinating "something" that she'd been avoiding during the younger man's stay in her house, the same "something" that made her feel that she hated him, loathed him, in fact. And now, for some reason she could not turn her eyes away. Superimposed upon her vision she seemed to see Morgan's naked buttocks flexing, thrusting, seemed to hear her own little daughter crying out for more!

When the twenty year old spoke, Fran jumped as though she had been struck. For didn't she expect this ... some kind of violence from him, if not from herself?

"What's the matter, honey?" he said with a teasing attitude, and Fran could see his twisted handsome smile looking back at her. "Your pride all shook because it wasn't your little pussy getting a taste of my cock?"

Fran stiffened, her face draining of all color, her mouth opening to speak, but a strangled horrified sound emerging, a sound that she didn't even recognize as belonging to her.

But everything was topsy-turvy, wasn't it? Fran felt a wave of dizziness pass over her at the vile sound of the obscenities her husband's younger brother dared to mouth. But something inside her had been touched, something had been wounded, mortally perhaps, and in spite of herself, the disturbed young blonde could feel tiny butterfly-like sensations flitting suddenly through her stomach. It was much the way she had been feeling there in the restaurant sitting across from her former photographer and lover. God, it was much the same, but stronger, much stronger. She realized how much the effects of the champagne were still with her, and the crazy excited feelings she'd been having then seemed to be carrying over to this hideous moment. It was all wrong, all wrong and she wanted to tell him so, to protest that she had never, ever entertained such lewd thoughts about him. But now, Fran couldn't be sure. What if she had? What if her aversion to her husband's handsome brother all this time had been nothing but an attraction that she could not admit to herself? Tears began to flow from her eyes, and Fran batted her long lashes furiously in an attempt to stop them. Crying seemed an admission of sorts. "You ... you mustn't talk to me like that. You can't say such things! I ... I'll call the police ... I ..."

The mention of the police made Morgan snarl, and Fran instantly regretted having brought up the subject. "Oh, come off it, Fran! All the police in the world won't help you now. Because I'm going to do something I bet you've wanted me to do for a long while! I'm gonna fuck you silly. Fuck you like that brother of mine probably never has! My cock's bigger than his, anyway. You'll dig that!"

"Oh, please, please ..." Fran began to crawl to the other side of the bed. "Dear God, you can't force me to do anything. No, I'm your own sister-in-law! No! You can't!"

Morgan made a move to the other side of the bed, between his sister-in-law and the door, and stood

defiantly looking down at her tear-stained face. She heard him chuckle and as a dreadful apprehension overcame her, she realized that if he had been intimate with his niece, a ten year old, certainly nothing would stop him from doing the same with his sister-in-law!

The disheveled blonde cowered back into the pillows of the bed, whimpering with fright, and it was then that Morgan knelt upon the bed, causing it to slant downward alarmingly.

"Dear God, no ... no!", she begged, holding out one hand at arm's length as if to ward off the handsome dark-haired youth. But to her alarm, he reached out and took her extended hand in his.

"Calm down," he said in a softly insidious voice. "No reason to get all upset. You know you want it as bad as I do. And if you don't, you will once I get started."

"No! Please stop talking like that. I've never been unfaithful to Brint. I simply can't. You can't make me do it! You just can't!

"Sure I can, love!" he said, moving closer, his arms encircling his older sister-in-law to draw her to him. Morgan ignored her futile attempts to fight him off. "You can ask Jeanie, she likes it well enough. But then you saw that much, didn't you?"

Wild thoughts of killing him, of finding some weapon in one of the drawers next to the bed ran through Fran's mind. But what if she should actually commit murder, kill her own husband's brother? The thoughts came to nothing as the older woman was drawn up tight to the twenty year old's chest. He was disregarding her hands against his chest, his powerful young arms crushing her to him as his hot mouth came down in search of hers, finding it and pressing his lips wetly to hers in a tight grinding manner.

Fran groaned and struggled feebly for a sudden panicky moment, feeling her brother-in-law's hand pressed hard in the softness of her breasts beneath the silky material of her suit.

Futilely, the terrified housewife and mother let herself go limp, surprised at the softness of her brother-in-law's lips against her own, and once more the little fluttering sensations running through her trembling belly plagued her.

"There," he whispered, "that wasn't so bad, was it?" Morgan's hand was continuing to stroke her breast outside her suit. "Just let yourself go, beautiful. You're missing a lot being faithful to old Brint all the time ... missing a hell of a lot!"

The words disturbingly echoed Fran's own thoughts, and the trapped blonde moaned in desperation. She realized with sudden accuracy that she couldn't fight her brother-in-law. He was too strong for her, and now her own body was beginning to betray her. The effects of the champagne had caused her to turn into a bundle of loose raw nerve endings, and she could feel her mind rapidly losing what little control over it she'd had before. To plead anymore, she knew, was useless, and now the former model made no effort to stop her husband's brother as he slipped his hand inside the deep "vee" of her suit front, moving beneath the brassiere she wore underneath to cup one and then the other of her nakedly trembling breasts with groping fingers that sent tiny licking flames of passion over Fran's satiny flesh. Small pinpricks of delicious feeling were racing through the tip of her pliant breast as he rolled the hardening softness of one nipple back and forth maddeningly between his thumb and forefinger.

An obscene horrid thought flickered through Fran's mind as she felt herself succumbing to the coursing desire within her system. Had it been like this for her daughter? Had ten year old Jeanie felt something like this with her Uncle Morgan? The thought sent an odd shiver of something akin to jealousy rather than concern for her daughter through the older woman, and sadly, with a sense of great loss, the beautiful blonde wondered briefly if she had ever felt like a mother toward her child since the precocious

little girl had begun to show signs of being more adult than Fran herself!

Fran could feel the heat of her husband's brother's breath rushing against her ear. She thought suddenly that she was nine years older than he ... he was little more than a child himself. Yet this "child" was moving his head, bringing his lips down to lock wetly against hers, and with a shudder Fran found herself thrusting her own tongue forward sharply in lewd reply. Morgan sucked his sister-in-law's tongue deep into the wetness of his mouth, and feeling that she was melting and quivering against him, he slowly eased his head away and whispered, "Let's get naked."

The crude words were like a sudden gust of fresh air, and Fran realized just exactly what she was letting happen. She thought of breaking away from her husband's brother, of breaking this awful bond of intimacy between them, of running, running. But where? She doubted now if her legs would carry her even if there were someplace for her to go. Horribly, the distressed blonde realized that she couldn't even go to Giuliano. No, she would have to be perfect for him. Never would she let him see her upset or disturbed. And with this realization, she knew that he was not really her friend. No, if he were then she could go to him anytime at all. Giuliano was just a surface relationship, as surface and two-dimensional as the photographs he would take of her.

She began to cry again as Morgan let her free to sit up and begin removing his clothes. Weakly, Fran rolled her head back and forth in limp protest. But she was thinking, was anyone really her friend? Certainly her husband Brint wasn't. Was there no one, then? Nothing but this conflict of bodies, this desire that she felt inside her which was more than desire really. It was a request for love, for understanding. But would anyone ever know that and take it as such? And then he was naked to the waist and she saw her husband's brother moving toward her again, his arm embracing her as her hand went flat against his warm muscular chest, the soft patch of silk-like hair upon it tickling her palm, and then his mouth was closing over hers once more, his tongue sliding between her lips, past the barrier of her small perfect teeth. Fran found herself sucking at it with all her might, as though it might give her some solace. Unconsciously, the older woman let her hand slide against the twenty year old's chest, her fingertips raking at the tiny male nipples, then squeezing and rolling them as he had done to her.

Brint Cooper's wife could feel Morgan's hand tracing up the soft hot flesh of her inner thighs, above her stockings, pushing her skirt back with it and letting the cool air of the room caress them. Momentarily, Fran's breath caught in her throat as her husband's brother's fingers slid gently inside the elastic leg band of her panties, moving and worming slowly upward until he could part the sensitive lips of her hair-fringed vagina. Then they slipped into its heated wetness and found the soft inner lips that enshrined her quivering clitoris.

It was then that visions of Brint loomed up in her brain, as if her surly husband were somehow standing there staring down at them, a contemptuous sneer of hatred contorting his thin handsome face. Fran froze, then again came to life to squirm and struggle with renewed strength as she tried to get away from her husband's brother. She wanted to get away from them all, to cease having her life ruled by men in one way or another. At that moment she could not say that it was love for her husband that made her want to get away from his brother. Far from it. This proximity to Morgan was making her detest her husband all the more as if he were responsible for this. And in a way he was, for allowing the unemployed young man to come into the house when he knew that Fran was against it from the start!

"Damn you! Damn you! Get away from me! Don't touch me! You filthy animal, coming into my house, raping my daughter and now me!"

"RAPE MY FOOT!" Morgan spat down. "That little cunt of your daughter's is insatiable. A real nympho if I ever saw one. She raped me, Mom! And don't you ever forget it!" Angrily he reached out to catch Fran's wrists and hold them fast, throwing his weight on top of her and almost crushing his sobbing

sister-in-law with his powerful body until she could not move a muscle.

"You wanna do it the hard way, then that's the way we'll do it! BUT WE ARE GONNA DO IT! That little pussy downstairs kept me going and then you came in and I'm gonna get my rocks off today on one of you for sure!" he added lewdly.

"Oh God, no ... I'm sorry. Please don't do it to me! Just let me go!" Fran pleaded, hot tears streaming down her cheeks as Morgan grabbed her roughly, pulling down on her skirt so that it eventually exposed the full ripeness of her voluptuous thighs, the soft flesh above the top of her bikini panties and the garter belt. He pulled down upon the white panties and the frilly white garter belt, exposing the soft golden pubic hair covering his sister-in-law's trembling cunt. Then Fran felt him fumbling with his own pants and saw them slide away down his lean hips, and she caught a glimpse of his thick hard cock in his hand as he returned to her whimpering, cowering form. Finally, he was forcing his way between her long lithe legs, spreading her soft defenseless thighs unmercifully as he guided his lust-hardened member forward. Shoving her legs behind her knees roughly as though she were not a real woman but a doll, he raised them high as he used the thick rubbery head of his pounding cock to part the full hair-lined lips of his sister-in-law's unwillingly spread pussy.

Fran tossed her golden blonde hair wildly, closing her eyes with a shudder of horror as she felt the soft electrical contact of her brother-in-law's throbbing cock-head against her involuntarily pulsating pussy-flesh. The captive sister-in-law held her breath for what seemed to be an eternity, petrified in utter subjugation under her husband's twenty year old brother.

"Ooooooo dear God!" she gasped as she felt the first hard pressure against the tight elastic opening of her blonde-fringed vaginal lips.

Morgan pushed, his lips tight as he grunted with the effort. Fran cried out as the hard round tip slipped through, stretching the curl-covered flesh surrounding her tight resilient passage until she felt that her brother-in-law was splitting her thighs apart from the almost unbearable pressure.

It was true. Morgan was bigger than her husband Brint!

"Oh God, no, please, you're hurting me!" she squealed as she jerked her eyes open to see her husband's brother's evil sadistic grin above her, his teeth even and slightly pointed like a young animal's! Then, even as the horrified housewife watched, the younger man's grin gave way to a contorted grimace of sheer lust, as if he could barely stand it any longer, this debauched sight of his brother's wife helpless beneath him, her sleek thighs outspread as he penetrated the hair-surrounded slit of her tightly resisting pussy.


NOW!" Morgan came down heavily upon his helplessly conquered sister-in-law, his weight crushing her still-clothed breasts back hard against her chest. The younger man's hips thrust forward with the same brusque motion, sending his lust-hardened cock sliding into her defenselessly quivering pussy with a roaring fury, pushing the soft moist flesh of Fran's vaginal walls in tiny pressured waves of intimate flesh before it. There was no stopping him, it seemed, until with a loud groan his heavy testicles smacked with a slapping noise up into the crevice of her upturned ass-cheeks.

"OH, OH, OH!" she cried out beneath her husband's brother. Her impossibly filled passage throbbed against the hard chunky knob of flesh that had entered it. Morgan's deeply pulsing cock lay within her belly and there wasn't one tiny ridge of its flesh that the older woman could not feel as the invading penis pressed tight and snug against the soft tender walls of her fearfully tensed cunt.

Above her, the lust-inspired brother-in-law lay unmoving for a moment, his handsome face directly

above hers. Fran too remained immobile, afraid to stir for the emotion, good or bad, that it might cause. Silence except for the in-laws' heavy breathing hung between them for a long interval and then suddenly Fran felt a throb from deep inside. The breadth and length of Morgan's virile young cock was jerking up

into her another half-inch as he flexed it within the dark shelter of her vagina.

"Aaaaauuuh!" Fran grunted breathlessly, her face twisting with the shooting pain she felt.

"You're pretty tight! But I've had tighter!" Morgan declared, thinking of this woman's daughter whose child's pussy he had forever deflowered.

Morgan throbbed deeper and deeper, suddenly ripping at the light material of her suit top which was of the kind worn without a blouse. Underneath, the filmy brassiere pulled away from Fran's large trembling breasts, exposing their white satiny mounds and the large pink nipples to his roughly kneading fingers.

"Oooooo dear God!" Fran sobbed, her resistance fleeing from her in face of the helplessness of her position. She doubted if she would ever be able to look at herself in the mirror again. Her husband's brother had stripped her self-respect completely this day, more than her husband himself had ever done. What was left of her life, her family, her shattered image of herself as an intelligent and independent woman? Nothing! There was nothing but her brother-in-law and his throbbing fleshy cock buried deep inside her inflamed vagina.

Fran knew that Morgan sensed the loss of her last remaining ounce of resistance, and clamping his wet open mouth over hers, he began a slow rocking motion between the captive housewife's wide-held thighs. Fran could feel sensations like tiny explosions of gunpowder inside her plundered loins, searing the soft sensitive flesh within her as the younger man's motion widened and forced her narrow passage to respond with each short smooth stroke. Finally there was nothing more but to groan in helpless defeat beneath the monster that she had allowed into her home.

And then suddenly her body, as though it were severed from her resisting mind, commenced an involuntary reaction. Lewd flames of desire were coursing through her veins, and she no longer had the will or the strength to fight it. She had lost the battle and now she knew that in spite of her repugnance and horror, she was on the verge of surrendering totally to this boy lying between her long, widely spread legs. The mere thought sent chills running along Fran's spine as she felt the slow rhythm of Morgan Cooper's upthrusting cock skewering wetly into her highly stimulated loins.

Faint mewls of animalistic, servile acceptance raised from the adulterous wife's chest, her lovely face becoming distorted with passion as, her mouth toiling, her neck straining and her delicate nostrils flaring, the now disheveled blonde pressed her semi-nakedness up against her ruthless captor.

Odd bits of her clothing still clung to her, but the firm taut mounds of her breasts pushed up naked against the younger man's dark-haired chest and the fully exposed surfaces of her ravaged pussy ground and rubbed lasciviously against her thoroughly aroused brother-in-law's wiry-haired loins. The cords in Fran's neck as well as those of her pale thighs stood out hard and tense as she writhed underneath the younger man, becoming carried away with the fervency of her feeling. There was no doubt now that she was enjoying this ... wanting this mindless fucking. No longer could she deny that she craved this delicious sensation of lying beneath her husband's brother like this, giving back to him what he was giving to her.

Above the excited blonde mother Morgan slaved, his forehead and back covered with sweat as he shifted his rhythm to longer, smoother strokes that drew his glistening, lust-swollen cock nearly all the way out of his beautiful sister-in-law's clasping pussy on the backstroke and then plunging forward into

her willingly uplifted loins again until Fran felt the harsh slap of his naked testicles against the open crevice of her anus. The younger man smiled his cocky grin of triumph into Fran's face and dropped his lips again to hers. She was hopelessly impaled, he thought, his to do with what he wanted! This was the way he'd always wanted to see his uppity sister-in-law, he realized. This was the way she looked best. Absolutely!

Now the woman who had refused even to meet his gaze for the past few days was beginning to mewl and moan, twisting and squealing wantonly under his ravishing, punishing cock.

It was good! Better than she could have imagined, Fran was forced to admit to herself. And then the twenty year old's hand was moving beneath her to where his lust-driven cock was sliding smoothly in and out of her blonde clasping cunt. And the frenzied wife began to keen with shameless delight as she felt him fondle the soft hair-lined lips milking at his rampaging cock. He continued to play there until softer groans of unrestraint formed in Fran's throat and her widening vaginal passage seemed to gape with greedy desire, swallowing the whole of his thrusting cock as it plunged mercilessly to her very core.

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