Below me, they were getting decimated despite there training to work as a unit once enough pressure was applied upon them by the ocean races they broke off into there old ways.
They were charging in abandoning their units not caring for allies caught in there crossfire. Only a few units managed to stay together and they were putting more effort into protecting them from there own allies attacks.
What to do.
What to do.
What to do.
I just have to end this battle as quickly as possible.
Quickly scanning the enemy backlines for any type of commander I noticed there was a small group charging through our lines wielding whips and barbed short spears they were using to remove their opponents from a fight without killing them. The leader of this group was giving off a semi holy aura to say. then in the backline, there was a merman with a golden sceptre commanding others.
Putting off the one with the holy aura as they are not killing anyone for after I deal with the commander in the back.
Stretching my Wongs to full span. I pushed my self forward as fast as I could quickly gaining speed shuffling through cards in one of my hands till. Soon My body burst into a giant ball of fire.
Crashing into the Merman with the sceptre in a fiery explosion leaving a flattened and barbequed fish at my feet twitching barely with signs of life. Shoving my heel into the stomach of the merman I turned t the soldiers that have managed to react and started circling me whispering among themselves while pointing towards me.
I guess he wasn't an important person. Maybe a messenger or mouthpiece for the commander.
Cracking my neck. I smiled at the forming defence line.
Pulling my foot out of the merman at my feet I bolted into the front line. Accepting the impalement of dozens of tridents as I got into arms reach of the defenders I grabbed my new fleshy flail Swinging into the defenders sending them flying.
Smiling at the scene playing out before me. Holding onto the body of a merman holding itself together barely by its tendons as his allies falter to stab there barely alive ally that is smashing into them.
Feeling a new sharp pain in my shoulder my hand was flying from my body into the defenders as a blue flash zipped by me. Looking into the back there were a group of manta men in robes open at the sides allowing for the flesh connecting their arms to there bodies to spread open freely showing off their glowing shaman tattoos as water blades danced around them.
Looking to my arm there were a couple of mermen through my hand into a deep blue flame a Mantaman was maintaining behind them, Engulfing my entire hand in a blaze of fire.
"Fuckin hell." Grabbing a nearby Merman I launched him at the Mantaman sending them tumbling leaving on the ground a handless Forearm. "FUCK." There goes my spells.
Pov Merman Infantry. A bit into the past
The Priests Of Zendikar that were with us has abandoned us to charge into the enemy lines leaving us alone to enact their plan to deal with this rouge god of there. It was going so well until we burnt the spell cards he was using ever since then he has been rampaging through our lines like a swim through the Feilds. Leaving behind him the bloody paste of my comrades I pushed my way to the back slowly trying to get away from my mindless allies who are charging headfirst into this beast. Watching Him rip a Whaleman in half along with other bests started coming out of thin air around him joining into the fray.
Turning around I ran with all my might to the sea. My safe haven. I knew us venturing onto land was a death sentence. Running with all my might I head a savage panting behind me. Turning to look behind me I was greeted by a beast Maw ripping into my shoulder tackling me to the ground giving me a full view of all the other who tried to make it to the sea only to be chased down and dragged away from the sea.
Soon from the beast bite in my shoulder, my skin started to burn, irritated it started to peel my eyesight went blurry. I had to scratch at the bite I felt entrapped in something, IT felt wrong. Clawing at the bite mark the beast released me onto the sand nudging me with its deformed mouth into the water. I don't know why but I wouldn't let this opportunity go. dragging myself into the water. I disappeared into the depts of the sea. Soon I stopped swinging into the depths and turned back towards the beach I don't know why it just felt right. Everything was still extremely blurry. Eventually, a noticed a body swimming there way over to me a small bright object getting closer. it was a manta man in his shaman clothing swimming away I started making my way closer. Soon his body started releasing a pleasant smell and the dim white light become a Beacon of red. I felt a frenzy a hunger, A anger, A dull sensation. Swiming over to the Manta man at full speed I sunk my teeth into his flesh ripping away at his arm. Swallowing down all I could before ripping away at more of his flesh. Before I knew it nothing was left except for a pool of blood and I need more. a sweet scent made its way upon me bringing me over to several bright blue lights attacking a retreating a whaleman. Swiming up to its back I burrowed my teeth into his back signalling the others to swarm in after. after that, I don't remember much except for swimming towards our home town with hundreds of blue signals not far from me.
I don't know why but I feel excited, a hunt Shall Commence.
I am working on slowly rewriting the older chapters. The idea of the chapter and the ending will be the same. Some chapters will only have some chapter changes while others I will rewrite paragraph to paragraph like the first chapter. Hope ya like it. This will replace the first chapter.
Feeling a disturbance near one of my Factory worlds, I knew the time has come. A little early but close enough to spare my universe.
Just off to the edge of one of the Factory worlds, Light distorted as two large clawed Hands wiggled there way out of the distortion. Ripping it bigger. Until two beings walked there way through. One As big as a two-story house wearing nothing more than a simple loincloth while the other was wearing a skin-tight black suit with a vibrant blue tie.
I guess I better greet them.
{Welcome to my universe undefined ones}
I should have just said the immortal ones. Damn, I didn't think I would have to worry about nervousness since I became a Universe entity.
"Hey, Ker do you know who that voice belongs to." The giant being said as it looked down.
"No, Jorgan. Tho it is most likely this universes Supreme God or the universe entity. This wouldn't be the first time we have come across one that has noticed us entering."
{ I am no god, I am the original system. A universe entity.}
"So, what you're a giant phone."
{I could be a simple phone, But Why would I, I am so much more.}
"Well, I don't really care what you are. Jorgan is here to conquer your universe. Well, see if you truly are greater then a phone."
{I have no chance of victory, But I do have something that could help alleviate your races boredom.}
"You know what we would do to you if that accusation is false correct."
{I know what you would do to me. But I have a way to allow your race to experience death, to experience mortal life.}
The two looked towards each other Excitement visible within there eyes. Sharing a thousand words with just that look alone. They turned to where my voice was coming from before saying in unison. "WE ACCEPT"
100,000 years later
"Do you know when Eden is coming out?"
"It should be coming out in a year or 2 from what I heard. Also, you remember my brother."
"Of course. He's a lucky one able to work JAG, correct."
"Ya that's him. He told me that the faction war is back again."
"Wait you serious. We have to hurry home if this is true. We have to secure what we can before the large guilds get wind of this."
Earth Year 2020
Light Distorted above earth one weekend afternoon as Giant chains as thick as a city block buried themselves into the earth. Then It was heard.
{Denizens of this universe you have been deemed ready for harvesting. Today your planet along with every other planet in your universe shall be merged into one. After this merging, you shall be given a year to adapt to the changes before becoming one with the rest.
Good luck.}
The last thing humans will remember is their wonders of the world disappearing as they all blacked out. As they were swept off to complete their tutorial.
Sorry for the disappearance some stuff happened in life and I was feeling down. It will take a little for me to get used to writing again at whatever pace chaotic counts as.
Also in 2 days, I have had 90k Views of my story that's just under half of its current before then. Like what happened in the two days?
But all have a great day.
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