The best way to test something's limit is to use it. John now determined to get a better understanding of his bloodlines decides to do the first thing that came to mind. Hunt.
John had never actually tried to hunt before. During the trek through the forest if he wasn't walking in silence he was either talking to Liz or trying to get used to his new abilities by either practicing his elemental control or fighting a ghoul when it showed up to improve his techniques. After they took care of the battlefield no more ghouls had appeared so he hadn't had any chance to practice his techniques for the last few days. As for food that he and Liz had been eating, besides some greens and berries it had only been the food bricks from the dungeon store. They decided it would be better to not use any points if necessary so they just toughed it out.
Things had changed with Eva's inclusion however. She could barely stomach the food blocks due to how little they tasted and he young age. With this as further motivation John put it as his job to hunt for some meat.
"Liz I'm going to try using my bloodline and hunt for meat. I'll come back in a few hours."
"Ah! Before that let me fix your clothing!"
The legs of John's pants had been burnt crispy by the lightening and thus were in need of repairs. Liz ran over to a nearby bush and took some large dark leaves before coming back under the gazes of John and Eva.
"Take your pants off."
"..."X2 After a moment of hesitation John spoke first.
"Eva can you look the other way?"
"Yes!" She was blushing as she turned and for extra measure covered her eyes with her hands.
"Thank you."
While the atmosphere around John and Eva had become awkward due to Liz she had already started to make preparations and turned to John while holding her claw out to him. He turned his back to Eva and took his pants off and then handed them to her. She placed the ruined pants at the center of the rune formation and drew a few more runes and finally placed the new leaves in small piles at the four points of the formation. John could feel the formation radiate with energy and after a flash of light a pair of dark green shorts with light green lining replaced his ruined pants.
Liz picked them up in her claws and passed them over to him prompting him to quickly wear them. He tapped Eva on the shoulder to tell her he was decent now. After she turned back, still blushing slightly, she asked John why he wanted to try hunting all of the sudden.
"Well I want to get more familiar with my bloodline and the best method I can think of is to hunt since my bloodline is related to hunting. There is also the fact that I'll need to get more food for the three of us as those food bricks are really bad tasting even if they are highly nutritious."
"So that's why you suddenly wanted to go hunting? Well I won't try to stop you just be careful to not blow yourself up again. I'll help Eva with some meditations training while your out. See you in a few hours!"
With that Liz took Eva back to the cave while giving him a few more warning to be careful of things like poison plants and loose rocks. Eva casted him a few worried glances but seeing how he could move his legs fine she went back with Liz quietly.
Now alone John began to think of where it would be easy to find some small game. After thinking on it he distanced himself from the river and began to walk up stream while keeping it in sight. This river was one of the few in the area so many animals would need to get water from it making it one of the best places to find prey.
He walked an hour up the river and didn't find any animals but chocked it up to him making an explosion earlier scaring them away. He continued for another twenty minutes before he heard a rustling in the bushes nearby. He hid behind a tree and closely watched the bushes.
A minute latter a rabbit like animal came out of the bush. Rabbit like because rabbits weren't supposed to have three heads and six arms. Each of the six arms coming out of the rabbits back held large thorns in it's hands and it used them to move the foliage out of the way.
( I really hope that's a monster and not whats considered a normal animal in this world. )
Regardless of it's appearance John decided to hunt it any way because it was the first living thing he came across since beginning his hunt and he wanted to at least have something to show for it when he went back to the cave.
It was as he placed his hand on his mace he realized a problem. A mace is a horrible weapon to hunt with. Maces are blunt weapons so if he hit the rabbit(?) he would more then likely have what looked closer to rode kill then a meal in the making.
( Well better something then nothing.)
While he was thinking the rabbit had been sniffing the ground in search for food and then using its arms to dig for food. It had gotten close to the tree John was behind. John slowed his breathing and tried to will himself to be as invisible as possible.
The light around John twisted around him. His figure became almost indiscernible from the trees around him. Only a slight wavy motion in the air told of his presence.
He stepped from behind the tree approaching the rabbit(?). He got within a single step of the animal and raised his mace and brought it down towards its heads. As it moved the rabbit(?) suddenly looked right at the maces head with its six eyes and brought its arms forward to block the hit from landing. It was a useless endeavor though as the mace smashed through the long thorns and arms and crushed the animals head.
John ,now with some blood on his new shorts, looked towards his first hunts results.
As he expected. It looked like its head got ran over.