Since each flight of stairs had 10 steps, and since each step was 50 cm tall, and since each floor had two flights of stairs to climb, and since the doggy girl was around 100 floors underground, she had to climb approximately 1000 m to get to the ground floor.
1000 m was a few hundred metres higher than the world's tallest building.
The average person, when not rushed, would take around 85-105 minutes to climb such a height.
With extra weights proportional to around two thirds of their body weight added to them, they'd take around 150-170 minutes to climb without pushing themselves.
If they pushed themselves, and if they were trained, they could complete the same climbs with the weights in around 60 minutes; they would lack energy to perform daily activities for 3 days after completing the climb.
If untrained people tried it under the same conditions and pushed themselves, they'd take around 90-110 minutes; they would run the risk of permanently injuring their muscles without the aid of medicine and they would have to be confined to be bed for around a month to recuperate.
The dog girl, being untrained, would also take around 90-110 minutes if she pushed herself to climb these 1000 m. But, this was only if she were to climb like a human. Now, climbing like a dog, she would take much longer to climb all these steps, perhaps as much as double time, which was around 2 hours more than the time she was allotted.
In addition, each step she climbed was twice as high as normal steps. Hence, she would take more energy to climb up them.
Furthermore, these stairs she was climbing were the stairs used by all the workers of the 100 something underground floors.
Each floor had around 100 workers, while the bigger floors operated with several hundreds. The total number of workers in the lower floors would be around 25,000 at peak hour.
Even the it was not peak hour, and in fact a couple hours before dawn, there were still around 5,000 workers working in the building; the rest were probably asleep as they were off-duty at this time.
Because of this, she would eventually run into some workers traversing through floors, and they might block her way, causing her to slow down.
Even though the stairs were relatively wide at 5 m, if more than 7 people walked side by side, she'd be hard-pressed to cross them.
Moreover, some of these workers had been living underground for years, and there were many bachelors amongst them. Just imagine how they'd react if they saw a naked girl climbing up the steps while baring the most intimate parts of her body for all to see.
They'd definitely make a move on her and do more than just slapping her ass. So, the girl had to avoid the workers at all costs.
The Young Master and the Young Mistress had anticipated all of this; they knew that the girl would definitely not be able to climb these steps in under 2 hours. They thought she would at least take double that time. That's why they asked her to start her journey early.
Even still, the reason why they only gave her 2 hours was to punish her a bit, because if they did, they'd be able to make her grow at an astounding pace.
In a few days, she'd even be able to put genuine race dogs to shame.
Of course, this was just what the two told their children.
The Young Mistress just wanted to find excuses to torture the girl, while the Young Master just wanted to see what her ass looked like when she climbed stairs like a dog.
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