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55.74% The Wish of the Dragon / Chapter 95: Chapter 94

Kapitel 95: Chapter 94

It's been 1 week since Issei fight with Nyarlathotep...

Even though he's still missing, the girls never think for a second that he died or to be more precise, they don't want to believe that he's dead.

So they only thought of him as MIA(Missing In Action)...

Forzelotte declared that if anyone dares to think of him as a dead person then she will kill that individual personally, no matter who they are. Semiramis and the other girls also made the same threat as her.

Most of the girls become absentminded all day long but they still eat on a daily basis since they are carrying their beloved child in their womb now... If it wasn't for the baby inside their belly then they probably wouldn't eat a single bite.

Jalter is the most distraught of them all and she always huddled herself inside Issei's room while curling herself in his bed while touching the beautiful ring that's located in her ring finger.

Sometimes she also smiled thinly while touching her belly even though her eyes are a bit swollen from all the crying she's done.

Da Vinci gave all of them the rings that Issei prepared to make them felt a little better even by a tiny bit... The moment they got their respective rings they immediately hold the ring close to their chest and they all treated those rings like it's the most precious thing in the world.

She's missing Issei every single day and she's not the only one since all of them missed their husband and lord.

The life in the fortress has never been the same without his presence... The whole fortress is shrouded with a gloomy atmosphere and most of its inhabitants rarely talk with each other.

If not for the children in their belly then they might've just joined him in the afterlife even though they don't want to believe that he might be dead already...

Semiramis has already sent almost everyone available to search for him but up till this day, they still can't find him...

Even Azazel's group tried their best to lend their assistance but they still come out with nothing.

Semiramis and the others lost interest in Rias's group completely that they don't even mention anything about the contract they had with their respective guardians/parents.

The day Issei disappeared they all went back immediately while Irene told Azazel and the others briefly to search for him.

Zeoticus is a little relieved that they don't seem to have any more intention on taking things further with Rias's case and even though he doesn't really love Venelana that much, he will lose some reputation if his wife were to be taken under his nose.

But much to his complete shock, Venelana herself decided to come with them along with Grayfia.

All of them are mind blown when Grayfia told the truth behind Sirzechs and her relationship... Those who were present that didn't know about it are completely taken aback.

Even Vali's group were feeling a bit taken aback after knowing the truth... To think that Millicas Gremory is not their son but Zeoticus son instead...

They decided to keep this truth from Millicas himself for now and thankfully this secret is only known to their inner circle and not to the public... Grayfia will come to visit her supposed "son" once in a while because even though he's not her real son she still thought of him as one.

She raised him since he was a baby after all.

Thankfully, they didn't tell the public about Sirzechs ED or it will be extremely embarrassing for him and his family...

His position as the <Maou> might be endangered as well considering he couldn't create an heir and also the fact his own beloved sister almost caused their faction extinction needed to be taken into consideration...

Rias's group also wanted to come since they wanted to pay for their sins with tears flooding their face and they also don't believe that Issei is already dead... But their respective guardians told them to take it low for now since if they were to irk Issei's wives they might just get killed by them outright which is the correct decision because if Jalter were to saw their face during this phase then she will truly burn them all to ashes for daring to step their foot into <Babylon>.

She doesn't have any opinion about Venalana and Grayfia though, more like she doesn't give a damn about it... Semiramis also waved it off telling Rakia to just let them work as the new maids or something since she also doesn't really care about it at this moment.

Eve and QD also searched for him till this very day too. The moment he disappeared, the trio Eve already searched for him and QD also helped them even though she can't stay for long since leaving her world for a prolonged period can lead to a troublesome thing so she can only lend her assistance to search for him now and then.

Ophis and Lilith also work together with Great Red searching for him in the countless dimension. But both Ophis and Lilith are told to return for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and also to take it easy because they are also expecting a baby.

They don't really understand but after further explanation by the other girls, they immediately covered their lower abdomen in a protecting manner. Their usually monotone eyes turned sharp and threatening just like how a beast, nay, a Dragon protecting their hatchlings.

Even Great Red doesn't dare to approach them too closely less she might earn their hostility.

The only ones who could come close to them right now are the ones that share their condition, as in the pregnant girls, but Kunou is an exception.

Not even the other Heroic Spirits or Overlords can come close to them since they are acting in a very defensive manner.

They are at high alert because of Issei lack of presence in their lives. They are truly afraid of being left alone once more so they see the babies in their womb as the second Issei... Their only anchor in life.

Thankfully the girls comforted them saying that they are a family so they won't leave them no matter what happens... The tension Ophis and Lilith had lessened by a fair amount after that...

They rarely used their loli form nowadays and stay in their adult form most of the time while mimicking some of the girls' actions such as gently rubbing their bellies in a caring manner.

They also keep asking questions such as how to make their baby grow up faster so they can see it sooner. Obviously that's not possible so they only told them they just need to wait it out...

*Knock* *Knock*

There's a knock coming from the door outside of Issei's room.

Jeanne - ...Jalter, it's time for breakfast.

Jeanne's voice can be heard from outside the room but her voice is very low spirited.

Jalter - ...Un...

She answered with a small hum.

After hearing her confirmation Jeanne slowly turn around and went ahead to the dining room while looking down the entire time...

Jalter slowly gets up from Issei bed and gave her ring a small peck before she went down from the bed and headed outside... She really longs for Issei warm touch and gentleness... Without him in their life, they all felt extremely bitter and cold...

They needed his warmth more than ever after knowing that they are pregnant now... They wanted to share the joy but he's not with them anymore...

Jalter - 'Master... Where are you...'

She thought to herself while a single tear dropped from her eyes... The longing she felt is extremely unbearable... She wanted him to hug her tight like he always does and whispered nothing but how much he loves her... They all do...



The faction leaders gathered in the Underworld to have a meeting regarding the <Netherworld>.

There are also messengers from <Babylon> attending the meeting between them.

It's because they wanted to discuss their allegiance with Issei's faction.

Yasaka also present but she's looking a little distraught from her longing of Issei. Kuroka and Rossweisse are by her side as well...

Rias's group is also present and in this one month they all suffered nightmares during their sleep and some of them can hardly sleep such as Irina who's constantly feeling pain from losing her <Holy> element but she never complain to anyone about it since she thought this is her punishment.

Their family tried to prevent them from attending the meeting but they refuse adamantly saying if they're killed by the girls from Issei side then so be it. They wanted to learn some responsibilities by observing the meeting.

They had enough of their childishness thinking everything will be fine as long as they have their families behind their back.

They truly started repenting for their wrongdoings after all this time. No matter how long it will take Issei just to forgive them they are willing... Even if he never forgive them till the end they are still willing.

They don't care what they needed to do to earn his forgiveness but they will do anything... If Issei told them to kill themselves then they will do it without hesitation since they owe him that much... They won't be here anyway if it weren't for Issei saving their lives again and again in the past.

They discussed their allegiance towards <Netherworld> even though the atmosphere is kind of gloomy the entire time.

Most of them who's from the DxD side is feeling intimidated by the one attending this meeting.

One of them being the infamous Oda Nobunaga herself.

The Demon Lord of the Sixth Heaven, Oda Nobunaga. She could be said to be in possession of a Saint Graph that is the aggregation of every possible Nobunaga from the past, present, and future.

Although she is an exceedingly unique Heroic Spirit whose manifestation was made possible only in a certain peculiar space, right now, she managed to materialize in this world once again thanks to Issei interference.

Just like Issei said back then, all of the Heroic Spirits have indeed become Alive once again in the flesh. They are whole without any repercussion...

But none of them didn't feel a tiny bit of joy from this since their master is nowhere to be found... They already abandoned their past and wholly served themselves as Issei personal servants.

Nobunaga made herself reborn into the true demon king that destroys even god and Buddha alike if they dare to block her master path, the "Demon King of the Three Thousand Great Thousand Heavens". The endpoint of the crimson anti-hero who burns Mystery to ashes, "Demon King Nobunaga".

The crimson part is, needless to say, came from her devotion towards Issei and also her form.

She's a little disgruntled knowing that Issei doesn't have any intention in ruling the multiverse but at least his hegemony is absolute so she doesn't complain that much even though she keeps urging Issei to take control of the multiverse.

Calling herself the Demon King of the Sixth Heaven, her body that has the fear and reverence felt towards Nobunaga throughout the ages seared into it is hollow yet powerful, and she is reborn into an existence that should be called a true Demon King.

Her current appearance is different from back when she's fighting Trihexa army.

Back then she looks more petite, like a middle grade-schooler.

Her clothing that looks like a military uniform is something she prepared herself out of hobby thinking that since she's serving as one of Issei trusted general then she ought to wear a military uniform. She has a flowing black hair that reaches her feet.

She has a cute and comely face with red eyes.

(AN: for those who use phones can google search Nobunaga FGO Avenger).

But the current her is much more mature and taller. Her black hair also turned crimson red but she still retains her red eyes.

Her outfit also became more menacing and intimidating compared to the her from back then.

(AN: Same, Nobunaga FGO Avenger but her 3rd stage one).

If the previous her looks like a childish delinquent then the current her looks like a menacing Empress.

Especially how her glaring red eyes survey the whole room with despise. She's inhaling and exhaling through her smoking pipe while observing them as if they're an insect.

At least it's better compared to how he looks upon Rias's group, she gazes upon them as if they're a dead man walking...

She despises everyone from the DxD faction because of their incompetence and weakness. Incompetence because they can't find any clue about Issei whereabout and weakness for unable to help him during the time he needed it the most.

But even though she gazes upon them like that she also hated herself for being too weak to be of help to her master... Just like how a kid throwing a temper tantrum is... But that's what makes her the Demon King Nobunaga, her unreasonableness knows no bound...

She may look maturer now but she still has her childish side since she's basically the same person with the her from back then after all.

It's not that she grow up, you could say that there are three personas inside one body. The one who fought Trihexa before is the first persona while the current her is the third persona.

Her second persona is a "He", but that's something for later.

Even Vali and Shiva isn't spared by her ridiculing gaze but they don't say anything since they're indeed far too weak compared to Issei and Nyarlathotep.

Shiva truly admits defeat after seeing Issei prowess and he can tell he won't be able to even put a scratch on Issei if they were to have a fight. He and Vali maybe a battle maniac but that doesn't mean that they can't tell which fight is a lost cause or not.

The reason why Vali challenged Irene in the Azazel Cup is because he still hasn't seen her true prowess. But after seeing Issei battle with Nyarlathotep they know that it will produce nothing even if they were to challenge Issei in a fight at their current strength.

They would be lucky to make Issei uses at least 10% of his power when fighting them...

Nobunaga - How come all of you are so useless? You can't even find the whereabouts of our Master. It's one thing for you to be a weakling but there's no excuse for your incompetence... Tell me, what's the point of your allegiance if we can't even make use of you?

(AN: She speaks in olden Japanese dialect but I can't write those kinds of things, such as "Thee", "Thy", "Shan't", etc).

Her venomous words rang inside the meeting room along with her menacing aura but not a single one of them dares to question her back.

They can only apologize while Odin and Azazel smiled wryly since they're already informed about her attitude... Unreasonable indeed considering she also can't find and help Issei back then but that's not something they going to say lest they earn her ire even further.

Okita Souji - Cut it out, Nobu.

Okita Souji who's by her side berated her lightly.

Okita Alter - If you're branding them as useless then we are also the same for being unable to find Master whereabout...

Okita Alter chimed in with a sad tone.

Altria - All of us are responsible for Master disappearance... If we're strong enough then we could've helped him...

Altria who's seated nearby them also said her words while clenching her fist feeling powerless.

Nobunaga - Hmph...

She harrumphed but doesn't refute their words.

Nobunaga - Then... Tell me what are these mongrels doing here?

She pointed at Rias's group who's standing behind Sirzechs group with her pipe.

She glared at them with her killing intent out in the open in full throttle. This time Okita and the others didn't stop her because they also wanted to know the answer to this question.

The aura they are emitting is very suffocating that even Sirzechs's group having trouble in breathing properly.

If their answer didn't satisfy them then they will truly reap their lives right here right now disregarding the fact that their respective parents/guardians have a contract with Semiramis herself.

Even if their contract is broken it won't affect Semiramis at all since the contract they had is completely one-sided with Semiramis having the biggest advantage and she will receive no repercussion at all if their contract were to be broken.

While Sirzechs group heart went tight, there's no change could be found on Rias party face even though Asia flinched slightly but she still stands her ground unlike when she always hid behind her friends all the time.

Rias - We want to learn and fix our mistakes. If you find our presence to be too revolting then we can only apologize.

Rias answered calmly in place of her peerage with a polite tone but unafraid that Nobunaga or the others from the latter side will kill them in the next second. If they die then so be it... At least they died in the hands of Issei's loved ones.

They rather died that way instead of killing themselves since they truly believe that their lives don't belong to them anymore rather it belongs to Issei since he had saved their lives again and again.

Nobunaga - Hoo...

She narrowed her eyes at them feeling a little impressed that they still look calm even after being exposed to her aura and killing intent.

If they were to crumble just now begging for forgiveness and all that bullshit then she would've killed them outright for being so pathetic.

What she hates the most above anything else is a coward and a quitter.

She may despise them just as much as the others but that doesn't mean they hate their guts.

Rossweisse doesn't bother to participate in their "standoff" and just calmly read the documents she's given to by Sirzechs and the others.

The same goes for Yasaka.

Kunou is currently at <Babylon>.

Kuroka - Nobunaga, I don't mind you killing Rias Gremory and her peerage but remember that my little sister is amongst them.

Kuroka calmly said towards Nobunaga while she's helping Rossweisse sorting the documents. She doesn't take her eyes off the documents in front of her and her eyes are also a bit red just like Jalter but that doesn't stop her from doing her job... More like she needed something to do to quench her longing...

Rakia who's standing nearby already tried to take their place in sorting the documents saying that they're pregnant so they should take it easy but don't let her do that since they needed something to do to take off their minds from Issei so Rakia can only relent albeit reluctantly.

She's also pregnant so she can't refute much when they throw her words back at her. Shuri, Reynare, and Kalawarner also tried to stop them but the result is the same... They finally can only sigh bitterly thinking this is supposed to be their job and not their mistresses...

Nobunaga doesn't say anything and calmly inhaled through her smoking pipe once again but she reeled in her killing intent even though her eyes are still glaring at Rias's group.

If it were anyone else telling her what to do then she would kill them on the spot but since Kuroka is her Master wife then she needed to show her some respect. And the fact that Kuroka is stronger than her also plays a part in her respect.

Koneko held her tears back when she heard Kuroka's words... She's still protecting her even though they've already stood on a different side.

But along with it, she becomes even more determined to fix her mistakes and also mend the bonds between them. How ironic considering that in the past it's the other way around but this time it's her turn trying to fix their sisterly bond...

Kiba and Gasper are also here but they've never exposed to Nobunaga or the other girls' bloodlust from the start since they all know that both of them are their Master friend.

They are also feeling downcast since Issei is once again missing from their lives...

Baraqiel who's present keep his eyes locked onto Shuri figure from the start of the meeting but the later put all of her attention towards Kuroka's group worried that they might be overworking themselves.

Akeno also gazes upon Shuri from time to time but she's more focused compared to Baraqiel during the whole meeting.

Azazel can only sigh bitterly seeing his friend like this but there's nothing he could do but to comfort him with some words of encouragement.

Irene who's also attending the meeting keeps looking outside the window reminiscing about the past... This place is after all the first time where Issei used his <Balance Breaker>.

Irene - 'Where are you... Partner... All of us misses you... Hurry and return to us...'

Irene sighed to herself... But unlike the other girls, she's not that low spirited since she truly believes that Issei didn't die.

She knows that he's not dead yet since her beloved partner is a miracle in and of itself.

And she's right, Issei is still alive...


-Somewhere in the other Universe-

Issei is currently unconscious floating in the void after his fight with Nyarlathotep.

The reason why they can't find him is because he's extremely far away from his original universe...

He succeeded in destroying Nyarlathotep attack and even probably killed her at the same time but Nyarlathotep also succeeded on injuring him.

That, coupled with the aftereffect of him using the <True Balance Breaker> has made him very weak but not enough to kill him.

He still hasn't perfectly mastered <True Balance Breaker> yet but the backlash from using it is also not that dire.

At most he will become injured and needed to recover for one month more or less. And his strength is also dropped temporarily along with some of his skill being unusable because of the shock his soul received.

But because of Nyarlathotep attack, he sustained even greater injury towards himself... Without outside assistance then he will probably need at least 10 years or so to fully recover to the way he was before.

And that's already considering his abnormal trait into the calculation.

If Issei didn't stop Nyarlathotep previous attack then DxD world is not the only world that will be destroyed... There will be hundreds upon hundreds of world that will get destroyed in the process until her attack disappears on its own or if she were to take it back but that's highly unlikely because Nyarlathotep is known as the God of Chaos for a reason.

She won't even blink an eye if she were to destroy every single world in existence but that's not something she wanted to happen because if she were to do that she won't be able to have her long-desired fight and it would be extremely boring if she's the only being left in the whole universe.

There's finally a crimson crack opening in front of Issei... There are countless dark entities crowding in front of the crack and most likely they are the one who's responsible for this crack.

Their body size and shape varies from each other... Some have a huge build and some have a small to medium build. But they all seem to be from the same race.

When they saw Issei body floated towards them they are about to attack him but when they sensed his aura they shuddered greatly and back away immediately while still shivering in absolute fear.

Some even knelt flat on the spot not daring to look straight at him as if it's afraid that it is unworthy to even look at him.

While some who's bold enough or perhaps the word stupid is more fitting for them still tried to get their hands on his body but when they get close to his location... There's a giant black mouth of a Dragon opened wide emerging from Issei shadow and devoured those who tried to attack him.

The ones who tried to attack Issei immediately regretted their decision and tried to run away but it's too late... In a single bite, all of them are swallowed by the giant mouth...

*CRUNCH!* *CRUNCH!* *Gulp*

The sound of a crunching sound resounds loudly in the now silent void with some teeth clattering in the background coming from the kneeling dark entities... The ones that are swallowed by it doesn't even have enough time to scream before they die...

The black Dragon finished chewing its food and showed its sharp teeth in a grinning fashion towards them which makes the latter group trembled even fiercer.

??? - #*%@%@*#!

It said something towards the crowd of dark entities and the latter who heard its words nodded profusely as if their lives depend on it.

Then it set its gaze towards Issei. It gazes upon Issei with the same grin before it went back to become his shadow...

The dark entities waited for a while before they resumed their action on trying to make the crack grow bigger.

The crack is far too small for all of them to go all at once but it's big enough for Issei body to passes through. And the "shield" covering this universe also not completely broken yet.

If they forced their way through then they might just turn into dust altogether.

The dimension crack also keeps regenerating itself whenever they tried to pry it open but only when Issei body passes through it that the regeneration stalled itself and allowed him to pass safely.

It's even as if this Universe is welcoming him with open arms...

'What the hell?!' All of them thought at the same time. They became speechless after seeing this phenomenon... But when they thought about that black Dragon from before they thought it's not that weird after all...

It's been more than hundreds of thousands of years ever since they do what they are doing right now and the small crack they have right now is the result of their perseverance.

It should take them another couple hundred more years before they can successfully open a giant hole for all of them to pass through without worry but because of Issei, it is shortened by a decent amount so they all became giddy and afraid at the same time.

They are giddy because they can finally enter this universe even faster now but they are afraid to meet Issei once again... They swore to themselves that they will instantly go as far as they could the moment they saw Issei once again...

They don't care even if all their times spent trying to crack open this dimension wall gone to waste as long as they can survive.

What's the use for it if they were to lose their lives in the process? They may be able to kill and feast on the inhabitants of this world but to lose their lives in the process is the same as committing suicide...

If they're able to enter this universe then they will be the strongest being there but with Issei joining in the fray they immediately reeled in their arrogance and act like a chicken... Such is the fate of weak beings like them compared to that anomaly from before... Haiss...

All of them sighed bitterly at the same time while moving their hands still... Some of them have 4 to 6 hands and some even have 3 heads...

Their sizes might be huge compared to the seemingly small body of Issei but each and every single one of them knows that whether if it's their aura, strength, or even soul are like a tiny speck of dust compared to his...

One particular individual who saw Issei passes through that easily tried to follow after him but it stopped in its track since the crack already started repairing itself.

It can only grit its teeth in frustration.

This individual was away from this location just now and only just returned after sensing Issei presence.

When it got here it only saw Issei body already passes through the small crack opening...

But it got extremely alarmed since the weapon in its hand started trembling fiercely as if it wanted to go to Issei place.

It clutches into the weapon tightly since it can't survive without it in this void. Only after a while that the weapon stopped its act and regained the previous calm.

But the individual who's holding it started sweating profusely feeling a little bit afraid that it almost lost its life just now.

It is not afraid of death but there's something it needed to fulfill first.

It then wonderingly gazes at the previous location where Issei just disappeared... But before long it disappears from this place since it can't let those dark entities to find it or there will be a dire consequence...


Few moments after Issei passes through from the crack opening there's a group of people coming to inspect this abnormality since they sensed there's a crack on the Wall.

It was an incredibly deep red light that was redder than blood and sharper than sunlight. The red crack on the Wall is so bizarre. To think that a single line could be seen millions of kilometers away. That red crack is gradually expanding as time goes by...

The group of people shivered in complete fear just nearing this crack and it took them quite a while to regain their bearings before they started discussing what to do with this crack...

These group of people is among the strongest within this universe but they still felt fear...

They can't see what's on the other side but if they could then they might be overcome by despair and descend to madness altogether...

Although it can't be said for sure, if the situation continues as it is, it is likely that that the Wall will collapse. If it were to happen in such an unusual manner, it's quite possible that it wouldn't be able to repair itself any longer.

According to the ancient records, the world outside their universe is one with endless calamities. If the Wall were to collapse, and a gap appears in it, the energy of those calamities will gush into this world.

As a result, the star realms that are comparatively nearer to it will definitely be hit by the calamities, and if it continues for a longer period, the balance of climates and elements would likely be broken, which would lead to extremely ghastly, unthinkable consequences.

After all, that energy of calamities has annihilated even mighty existences like True Gods.

But unknown to them the entities waiting behind the crack is afraid of a single individual that not long ago passes through this very same crack... While that very same energy acts very subservient and even tried to heal him at the same time...


Issei unconscious body is still floating around for a while before he encountered a huge white dome of barrier made from pure light.

That was a gigantic barrier which had completely encased a vast and quiet land. The white light that radiated from it was completely flawless and without blemish, and within that pure white light lay a purity that permeated one's heart and soul.

It was as if a cluster of warm and gentle light had started shining, placating and comforting anyone thoughts and mind that stepped their foot in here. This barrier also acts as an alarm to the guardians who are guarding this place.

But those thing doesn't happen when Issei body penetrated the barrier soundlessly... It's more like his body passes through it as if it wasn't there in the first place.

So nobody felt his arrival inside the barrier...

The further forward he went, the cleaner and denser the aura of nature became. All of the elements in this place were incredibly mild and gentle. There were slight gusts of wind, the slow and relaxing sound of flowing water, and the even the earth smelled so nice that one could become intoxicated by it.

There are also many changes in the surroundings. With a single glance, one could actually see cloud and mist shrouding the area, making it seem as if they had strolled into a celestial abode.

The clear and melodious sounds of birds chirping and butterflies flitting through the air rang in the air, and when the flowers and plants also the animals sensed Issei presence, one could even faintly hear the joyous whispering of the plants and flowers all around this vast land...

The birds immediately chirping more joyfully and they all floated around his body along with the butterflies. The flowers and plants swayed along with the wind as if to welcome his presence with utmost joy.

Small animals such as rabbit and deer also starting to make a joyful sound.

Some flowers that still haven't bloom in full season also bloomed as if to pay respect for his presence alone. The withering trees also immediately turn vibrant with greeneries and swayed their branches to pay their respect.

The wind acts like as if it's alive and carried his body with the utmost gentleness they could muster and guided his body further deeper.

The birds who saw his body which riddled with scars and dust immediately went to the nearby river stream to scoop up some water with a leaf they get from the nearby trees and carefully washes away the dirt and blood that's containing his face and body by sprinkling the water on him.

The water spirits that are residing in the river beds also helped the bird to clean his body with the utmost care. The other spirits also lend their assistance.

In no time at all Issei body already cleaned perfectly. His scars also started regenerating on its own after being bathed with the river water but it's still not completely healed... It probably has some healing properties within it or it may be just the spirits at work.

When they finished their job in cleaning Issei they immediately started acting even more joyful. Some of the spirits also danced around feeling proud of their work.

It truly seemed as if he had stepped into an illusory fairytale world, a place that was not stained by the mortal world's noise or foulness, a place that seemed not to contain even a trace of dispute or evil.

With the amount of karma Issei currently posses... Not even the Goddess of Light from this world dares to compare. If she's still alive then she would've acted like a maidservant just for him.

She would be more than glad to be his disciple if he allows it just from the fact he posses a stronger <Light> element than her and that's not including the amount of good karma he has.

After Issei stopped Nyarlathotep final attack the amount of Karma he gained is nigh unlimited... He unknowingly saved hundreds of thousands of worlds and the amount of karma he gained from that could be imagined just how huge it is.

If his good karma could take shape then it will be the largest and brightest sun in the whole multiverse. If Issei is second in place for a good karma holder then no one will dare to say that they are first, nobody... Perhaps the "Heaven" itself would smite that person to oblivion immediately for daring to claim that he's first in the list.

The funny thing is he doesn't really care about this kind of stuff while very few people would be able to earn even just 1% of his karma... They would do anything just to earn that "measly" amount of karma.

If even he is still not worthy to even enter this place while taking all of that into consideration then no one else is...

Issei current appearance after being bathed with the water and energy from this land is extremely devastating... Beyond devilish even...

He already reverted back to his human form after exhausting all energy within his body so he's currently in "Recharging" mode at the moment.

His body structure already started to reform itself to adapt to this new universe. The energy in this world is very pure but this world law is weaker than the <Netherworld>.

At best, the strongest tier in this world is only at <Tier 7> and their number can be counted with two hands.

But this universe contains energy that is very suitable as if custom made just for him because they contain <Chaos> element within them.

Whilst in the <Netherworld> there are no <Chaos> element at all and the same goes for the rest of the universe he ever visited.

His hair which was blood red from using the <True Balance Breaker> previously turned silver-white but there is some crimson glow on each strand of his hair still. It only serves as an indescribable charm to his already perfect countenance.

His hair also grows longer and become even silkier... If his previous hair reachest past his shoulder then his current hair reaches his lower back.

His feature became even more prominent and delicate but imposing at the same time. His skin also becomes fairer that if his current wives were to see it then they might just become jealous and demand Issei to tell them how to be like him.

And if he were to open his eyes now then he will find out that his eyes still retain the previous wine red and dragon eyes but much more glistening and it looks like as if it is glowing with golden light that instills warmth and imposing manner at the same time.

This is the Karma he accumulated doing their job... They shaped his entire body and soul to be the most perfect and absolute existence in the whole multiverse. If he claimed to be "GOD" in any world then they will unhesitantly accept his words just based on his looks alone...

With just a snap of his finger, there will be countless women lining up willing to give their body and soul just for him. But that will never happen since he will never do that kind of thing...


The mark on his forehead also glowing brightly with crimson light before it went dim.

But every single of his girls back in his universe become frozen stiff in their place with their pupil shrinking at the same time because they felt his heartbeat even though it's just for a brief moment.

Issei may have severed their connection with each other but they still possess some part of his Divinity. Especially the pregnant girls with their unborn children being his direct descendant... You could say it's their children telling them not to worry since father is still alive...

Even though they can't pinpoint his exact location, at least they know that he's still alive and that is enough for now...

Sadly the connection they share with each other is still nullified since they will need to re-initiate their contract once again.

Whether it's Jalter's group who's currently having breakfast or Irene's group who's currently attending the meeting, they all felt it.

They all jerked up not long after and tears of relief and happiness started pouring out from their eyes.

Azazel and the others are confused just what happened with them but then they heard Nobunaga laughing in a crazy fit.

Nobunaga - Fufufu... Fuhahahahahahaha! You all felt that too right!?

She laughed out loud in a joyful manner.

All of them nodded at the same time while smiling through tears.

Nobunaga - As expected... As expected of him! As expected from the Master of this Oda Nobunaga! Only him alone can make me laugh this much! Fuhahahahahaha!

A single droplet of tears also dropped from her eyes.

They are still confused just what's happening right now but there's suddenly a portal appearing nearby them.

From it comes out Semiramis, Scathach, Forzelotte, Jalter, Jeanne, etc with a happy smile through tears.

Semiramis - He is still alive.

This time they all screamed in joy and some started weeping on the spot feeling glad that he's still alive.

Azazel at first froze up before he grinned while wiping the tears that dropped from the corner of his eye.

Le Fay's group started hugging each other while smiling through tears feeling glad that their crush is still alive... Even Sona felt the same way as them...

Vali's group grinned to themselves thinking there's no way he would die.

The world regained its color for all of them...


Issei's body went further and further deeper into the land until finally, his body landed in a giant field of a variety of beautiful flowers.

The flowers below him started blooming even more beautiful than ever and they started swaying as if they're alive just to welcome his presence.

In front of these flower beds, there's a bamboo hut that couldn't be more ordinary.

But the one who's staying in there is anything but ordinary...

There were no other decorations, and there was no luster of jewels or pearls, and she was wearing nothing more than a simple and ordinary pure-white long robe. Her long hair reached her waist, it had not been combed or tied up in any way, it merely splayed out over her shoulders and across her back, releasing a soft and gentle luster.

The only thing that was left was that celestial countenance that was even more illusory than a dream. There was no other light, and there was nothing he could think of saying either. It was as if all of the beautiful colors and words, and even the most beautiful illusions were mere pale shadows in front of that celestial mien.

Her eyes seemed to hold an entire limpid blue lake, yet at the same time, they seemed to be bottomless holes which would swallow up anything or anyone. But these were abysses that anyone would step into gladly, even if they had to stay there forever.

Any normal man wouldn't even dare to look upon her form...

She's completely taken aback seeing Issei body floated right in front of her doorstep and became further amazed after sensing his aura and seeing his out of this world countenance.

Perhaps other than the select few such as Semiramis, Irene, Scathach, Forzelotte, and Nyarlathotep human form, there's no one could contend with her otherworldly visage. But even though Issei is clearly a man, his appearance surpasses even hers...

She unconsciously walked over to his location and started inspecting him even more closely...

The Dragon blood inside her trembled in a submissive manner and she immediately went to her knee in front of Issei while the <Light> element inside her doesn't fare any better and forced her to submit entirely to him.

If anyone saw her kneeling in front of this stranger then all of them might become completely dumbstruck with disbelief since her status in this realm is very well known. Not even her "husband" is worthy of this treatment.

Her eyes turned blurry and glazed as if she's being enthralled by his sight alone and she slowly extended her right hand towards his face.

That hand was extremely beautiful, it was more flawless than first snow, more lustrous than divine jade. It was as if a celestial maiden had stretched out her supple hand from a dream. Furthermore, the hazy white light radiating from that hand also increased the feeling that this was an illusion by several degrees.

But, even her own stretched out hand seemed to freeze in midair as if it was actually a bit reluctant to draw near to his face as if she was afraid that she would profane him.

Because she knows that the person in front of her is far more nobler than any living being that she ever witnessed, not even her own father or the late Goddess of Light could match him in terms of aura and soul strength much less her "Husband".

After a few moments, she finally steeled herself to touch his face and started caressing it gently as if she's treating the most delicate and priceless artwares in existence.

The more she caresses his face the more enthralled she became... A tinge of red appeared on her flawless face while her eyes turned misty...

This never happened before in her entire life... For her to be this... Lost in the reverie just from a simple touch...

She felt a sudden tremble coming from the nearby "Well". And she can feel the seal that's chaining her to this place started to weakening in a slow manner and she only came in contact with Issei for a brief moment.

She snapped back from her enthrallment but she still doesn't take her hands off from Issei face.

??? - ...Who are you?

She mumbled in a dreamy voice.

??? - ...Are you my fated nemesis in this life? It's been more than five hundred thousand of years and you are the only one who can make me feel this way...

(AN: "Nemesis" in this case, is not enemy, rather the destined person).

She felt her entire fiber of being screaming and telling her to become one with the person in front of her.

Whether it be her Dragon bloodline or the <Light> element within her or even her very own soul...

Her hand froze for a little and the look on her face is as if she's struggling with something but she finally heaved a sigh of resignment and a bit apologetic even...

She tried using her soul energy to inspect Issei body even further only to find out she's unable to do so and she almost got the backlash just from attempting to do it.

She hastily takes back her energy but to her utter amazement, she's unable to do so because that energy already blends itself with Issei.

Her face went a little bit pale from the loss of energy she expended.

But she manages to find out that Issei still has his "Vital Yang" aka a virgin but that's just her misunderstanding since usually when a man loses their virginity their "Vital Yang" disappeared but Issei is a special case.

Not only that his "Vital Yang" doesn't disappear it also become stronger and stronger the more he had sex with his wives.

That's because his Yang essence absorbed their Yin essence to further enhance itself but that doesn't mean it's a bad thing because the girls gain more benefits from him such as becoming even more beautiful and also stronger little by little.

This is also one of the reasons why no one will be able to "defeat" him in bed.

You could say that it's a perfect dual cultivation technique where both sides gained benefits without any repercussion.

??? - ...

She went silent a little more before she finally uttered a word of apologies thinking about what she's about to do in the next few seconds but she has no choice because it's been far too long for her to be trapped in this place and she doesn't want to stay here forever even though she like the serenity of this place.

And the fact that her heart started thumping loudly when she's in his presence is more than enough to tell her that this person in front of her is her destined one... Not only that he posses stronger Dragon bloodline/aura than her. He also posses a stronger <Light> element within him... Far nobler and purer than anyone else she has come across...

She can't sense his strength but she thought that it's only normal since he's clearly stronger than her.

But she could tell that he's currently injured and she thought that she's taking advantage of him.

??? - ...Forgive me for what I'm about to do... But know that from now on I will belong to you and only you... Husband...

This is the first time she uttered the word "Husband" from the bottom of her heart and willingly because even though she's "Married" she never called her supposed "Husband" with this nickname before.

She only thought of "Him" as her junior brother...

She doesn't have much time left because even though he's stronger than her but he's currently injured after all.

She doesn't know what her junior brother would do if he saw Issei at this moment because she's afraid that he will become muddle-headed since she finally found her destined person while her junior brother has some obsession towards her.

She realizes her junior brother feelings for her but they are just not meant to be.

And that "Thing" already started acting oddly ever since Issei arrived here so she can't let him stay here for a prolonged time...

She slowly stands up from her kneeling position before she untied her sash and started to take off her clothing one by one until her flawless body out in the open.

It seemed as if her entire body was being bathed in a gentle moonlight as soft and supple light, that resembled a halo made out of pure light, spread across her fragrant shoulders. It flowed along her snowy skin and traced the outline of her collarbone and the two incredibly smooth and sleek half-globes that hung right below it. Two proudly towering and perfectly-rounded snow-white mountains hung in the air as flowing light, that glowed like white jade, traced the perfect arc formed by those towering peaks… that light flowed down the curves of her enchanting and bewitching waist until it reached her powdery white and lustrous jade thighs...

She looked as sacred and otherworldly as a goddess, yet if the current her were to suddenly turn seductive and alluring, a simple look from her would be enough to overturn whatever will and rationality any man had.

There's no change that could be found on her face even though she just stripped naked in front of a stranger she never met before but after she undressed Issei her face became flushed.

It's because his body is even more perfect than she expected... It's as if his body is carefully sculpted by God himself with the utmost attention and care that will eclipse any living being in this world.

Her dreamy eyes gaze upon his beyond devilish handsome face that could charm any woman without any difficulty and moved it from his face to his chiseled chest until her gazes laid upon his towering Dragon rod that's already fully erect down there, probably because of his body natural reaction since he's still unconscious.

Even though his current body is still riddled with some scar after his fight with Nyarlathotep it doesn't stop her from marveling at his perfect body and it even adds more masculinity to his already beyond perfect body.

But she started having second thoughts after seeing his Dragon rod down there because it's so big and she's not sure if it will fit inside her...

She finally bit her lower lips slightly and decided to do it regardless because she doesn't have that much time left.

After a few seconds, there's a faint moan of pain from an ethereal voice resounding in this tranquil and peaceful land but that moan soon changed to rapid breathing and ecstasy filled sound.

She never felt this kind of feeling before and she could swear that she will become addicted to it if things go on like this but even though her mind telling her to stop her body movement never cease its act and still moving up and down on this majestic rod that brings her so much otherworldly pleasure.

Her movement is very clumsy which is not surprising at all considering this is her first time after all but that doesn't stop her at all from exploring this otherworldly pleasure she's currently experiencing.

She never felt so... Lustful towards anyone before this... This is her first... But at least it's also his "first"...

During their copulation, Issei body instinctively moved on its own and that caused her almost turn mad from the heavenly pleasure she's experiencing right now. She couldn't tell which is up and down and her mind turned blank and can only let him have his way with her body during the whole process.

If she couldn't tell any better then she will think that Issei is just faking his sleep but she knows that's not the case... It's like he's very natural at this and he already found her sweet spot and keep attacking that very same spot over and over again which make her usually calm temperament out of the window and act without restraint as if she's just a lustful woman lusting over their lover...

Which is not wrong since they are basically husband and wife now, at least in her mind.

They both finally reach their climax at the same time... But the truth is she lost count just how many time she reaches climax already before he finally ejaculated in the deepest part of her womb.

Her body shivered fiercely feeling disbelief that there could be such pleasure in this life... This kind of thing shouldn't exist she thought to herself before her body plopped down on top of his chest feeling exhausted from their lovemaking while Issei is still raring to go but sadly they don't have much time left so she can only apologize once more inside her mind for being unable to fully satisfy his desire...

Unknown to her, even if she spent a whole month trying to quench his libido then she will never able to accomplish that since that's an impossible task even harder than ascending to the heaven itself.

She will have long become a putty before that time even come close... After all, he's not called the Sex God by the Kalars for nothing. Not even their whole race combined can take him on...

At some point, they even started thinking to just call Issei the True Dragon God of Sex but they earned a knock to each of their head by him because of that.

They all went "Te-hee~❤" when he's started scolding them much to his helplessness...

??? - ...I truly belong to you now... Husband...

Her misty eyes gaze upon Issei face closely while hugging him tightly. Her cheeks are flushed with contentment and satisfaction she never felt before.

Her eyes are now filled with devotion and love towards him and only him alone from this moment on... She thought that she can resist his charm with her willpower but it seems that she's mistaken...

Her body and heart have been completely captured by him...

And just like she expected, after having intercourse with him her "Seal" lessened by a huge amount and her strength also grew by a small margin.

It should've taken her at least a couple hundred thousands more years before she could truly free herself from this place but because of Issei help, it's now down to a whopping 5 years at most...

Amidst the peace and quiet, she raised her hand and looked at the pure white light that flashed from her palm. She quietly stared at it for a long period of time before she finally whispered,

??? - As expected...

She set her gazes back to Issei and gaze upon him longingly before she opened a spatial opening for him to passes through...

??? - ...I will find you when I'm free from this place, husband... Wait for me...

She carefully put on the clothes Issei was wearing before like a gentle housewife and even though she struggled a bit since she never saw this kind of clothing design before she still managed to do it in the end.

Issei clothes are the one he's wearing before he uses his <Balance Breaker> after all.

She kisses Issei gently on the lips and started savoring his intoxicating aura before she let his body float to the spatial opening she just created albeit reluctantly...

And with that, Issei body disappeared from this place and the land regained its peace and tranquility once more but one could faintly hear the sad sound coming from the trees and flowers and even animals from this place with his lack of presence...

The trembling in the "Well" also finally turned calm once again along with that "Thing"...

It took her a good amount of time before she could regain her calmness from before but the longing inside her eyes are still present...

But she doesn't realize that Issei still retains his "Vital Yang" even after they had intercourse.

At least because of her "Vital Yin" Issei recovered by a tiny bit but it's very minuscule since the one who gained benefit the most from their intercourse is her and not him.

White light flashing across her body. After that, all the white things that soiled her body were immediately removed and she once again wore a plain white robe that was simple and elegant in the extreme.

And not long after there's someone entered this place once again and she knows just who it is.

She veiled herself with her <Light> element like she always has done from before so nobody can see her true appearance.

The newcomer is her junior brother or her supposed "Husband" at least to the public...

The light breeze that circulated within the serene land stopped, not a single bird or insect could be seen flying in the sky and even the colorful butterflies which rested amongst the flowers had stopped flapping their wings.

It's a complete opposite compared to when Issei is here just now... If Issei presence made them feel happy and joyful then this newcomer made them all feel nervous...

He looked in the veiled woman direction, his calm gaze immediately colored by a gentleness that was not there on any other occasion.

Even though this man is very handsome as well but he's still very lacking if compared to Issei. She, who thought that this junior brother of his very handsome before now thought that his looks are just slightly above average at most compared to Issei...

Yes, she doesn't love him but that doesn't mean she can't judge people appearance, no?

??? - You should have found out something new from this journey. Share it with me.

She said straight to the point before they had their conversation with each other...

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