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96.74% God succession system / Chapter 563: A Feast of Foxes

Kapitel 563: A Feast of Foxes

Three women were all silent as they watched a certain scene unfold before them, something only the three of them could see.

The first was a mature looking blonde that was dressed in black, with a strand of her long blonde hair covering her left eye. The second was a younger woman with a 'firey' appearance due to her red hair being fanned out behind her, while she was dressed in a crop-top and jeans. The third and final girl however had long and straight greenish-black hair that came down to her waist, her expression unreadable as she watched the scene unfold.

What the three of them, Cynthia, Flannery and Sabrina respectively, were watching was a live stream coming through something only they and one other in their world possessed, the Chatroom.

They all watched as a young girl with tanned skin, dressed in blue furs, controlled water and ice to battle against a group of attacking men longside her own pokemon, Lapras.

"Man! I wish I could control fire like that!" Flannery declared as they watched the battle unfold, her eyes glued to the Fire Nation soldiers despite their obviously malicious intentions.

"You can just buy the ability to do so from the shop." Sabrina reminded her in her cold voice.

"I know! It's just so HARD trying to decide which ability I want!"Flannery lamented in despair.

"I mean, theres the ability to create and control fire, which fire bending gives you, but then you could still be burned by it. Or I could get this thing called a Devil Fruit, which would turn me INTO fire, or even MAGMA! But then I would'nt be able to swim anymore! But then theres the one called a Dragon Slayer, which would even let me EAT fire!"

Flannery then went on to list all the different fire related abilities she had found in the Chatroom shop, even as Cynthia and Sabrina continued watching the battle unfold.

Though the Fire Nation soldiers were older, and far more experienced in both combat and using their bending, Katara had the advantage of terrain due to literally being surrounded by seemingly endless water. Plus there was Lapras fighting alongside her, who was naturally resistant of fire while also having significantly more experience than her in battling. Sokka and the others helped a little as well.

Soon the Fire Nation soldiers were on the run as they retreated to their ship, and that seemed to be the end of it. Or not.

To prevent them from returning with reinforcements, Katara and Lapras both gave chase after the Fire Nation warship before bringing down an avalanche of ice and snow from one of the numerous ice-shelves around them.

The stream ended after they all watched the vessel sink beneath the freezing waters, bringing it's entire crew with it into the icy depths.

"How ruthless..." Flannery uttered as she caught the last of the battle, her attitude subdued after her excitment from earlier.

"But necessary." Sabrina stated as if it were inevitable.

"They ARE in a war for survival, and sometimes mercy will only invite destruction and death instead." Cynthia concluded somberly.

As the Champion of the Sinnoh region, Cynthia held the authority to declare war if the need should ever arise, unlike Flannery, Sabrina, or even Nemona all the way in Paldea. So she had a clearer idea of the necessary evils of war despite never having had to participate in one. And she hoped she never would.

"Indeed. And yet we may find ourselves in an even worse struggle for survival in the near future." Sabrina uttered eerily, catching the attention of both Cynthia and Flannery.

"What are you talking about?" Cynthia demanded with an edge in her voice, immediately dreading the worst-case senario of war breaking out between the regions once again. But what Sabrina said next was even worse than that.

"For years since my appointnent as the Leader of Saffron city Gym, I have been using my gifts to peer into the future for any potential disasters. Recently visions of impending disasters the likes of which have not plagued this world for millenia have been appearing before me.

"Originally they started out blurry and unfocused, but as we crawled closer to the disaster itself they began to grow clearer and clearer. Before I could properly identify the actual sources of these threats though, the Chatroom came into our lives. Now the future is dark to me, and for the first time in my life I cannot see the danger that lies ahead."

As Sabrina fell silent all three women began thinking on recent happenings in their own respective regions with a new perspective. And of course, they all thought of recent whispers of criminal syndicates forming within their respective regions.

For Sabrina, Team Rocket was nothing new in either the Kanto or Johto regions, having been around for numerous decades and terrorizing people from the shadows. However their actions seem to be becoming increasingly bold in recent years, and all of her attempts to see into the organizations intentions and secrets have been met with nothing.

Cynthia meanwhile was thinking on a group that had been recently gaining traction in Sinnoh. Originally she hadn't given them much thought due to their seemingly harmless and idiotic appearances, like weird spacemen. But then she had heard they were stealing pokemon from people while also simultaniously conducting research into the ancient pokemon, which had the power to destroy the entire world if they felt like it.

Flannery meanwhile had the clearest picture of at least one of the two groups forming in Hoenn, Team Magma. Due to her affinity with fire type pokemon they had actually reached out to her with offers to join them in making the world a better place for both people and pokemon. But Flannery hadn't trusted them, and had been acively keeping them away from Lavaridge town and Mt. Chimney ever since.

Needless to say all three women were worried for the future ahead.

On the other hand, Nemona was busy in Paldea catching and raising up pokemon to send to other members of the Chatroom, while also preparing for the day she could battle her team against Alex's Chimchar. It had long since been confirmed that pokemon could grow differently depending on their environment, so she was looking forward to seeing how different and powerful the pokemon sent to Alex and his wives would become.

(A.N. If it isn't already obvious this is a completely different pokemon world than my other fic, Pokemon: Arceus' Champion. One key difference is how Sabrina isn't a part of Team Rocket like she is in the other one.

Also, if anyone has any ideas/requests for different pokemon evolutions due to being in completely different environments/worlds, then please let me know and I'll try to incorporate them.)


In another world, an increasingly tense situation was developing as a petite green-haired figure glared at what could only be described as a pretty boy, who similarly refused to back down before her.

"Could you repeat that once more Sweet Mask? I didn't quite catch what you said before." Tatsumaki stated in forced tone.

"I told you to slaughter those filthy monsters already, and to stop playing nice with them. We all know monsters need to be destroyed, and I fail to see why YOU of all people can't see that, brat." Sweet Mask sneered contemptuously back at her, not at all cowed by the petite girl.


"Brat...?" Tatsumaki uttered slowly, repeating what Sweet Mask had called her.

Her entire body was covered in a soft green glow that began to shine brighter with each passing second, which then began to affect their surroundings as anything not tied down or connected to the wall/floor began to shake and rattle.

"Ahhh! Please Sweet Mask, don't antagonize her!" Exclaimed a large man with incredibly dark colored skin, who was wearing nothing but a speedo.

"That's rich that I'm getting preached at by a worthless pretty-boy that is more worried about chipping a nail than fighting monsters!" Tatsumaki sneered back at him venomously.

"Wahh! Tatsumaki, you shouldn't try and pick a fight with Sweet Mask!" The same man from before tried to dissuade her, lest the entire Hero Association Headquarters be reduced to rubble in the ensuing slaughter.

The tension bacame palpable as the two threatened to attack the other at any second, and several employees of the association quickly fled the room to avoid being caught in the crossfire. The only person not to flee, despite his trying to defuse the situation, was the speedo-wearing man. Otherwise known as the rank nine S-Class hero, Superalloy Darkshine.

While doing his best to prevent the destruction of the Hero Association Headquarters, the three of them were suddenly distracted by an alarm going off.


As the alarm sounded, all three of the heroes turned towards the large monitor as it lit up to reveal a monster that was actively destroying entire cities.

It looked almost like a man, except with bluish skin with a pair of antenna. But, despite it's humanoid appearance, it's strength was the real deal as it blasted entire sections of cities to smithereens.

How many were already dead or injured?

How much damage had been caused by it?

Tatasumaki didn't even bother worrying about either of those questions as she readily blasted an opening in the side of the association headquarters. And despite the pwerful opponent she was going to face, a look of exhilaration was on her face.

"Finally! something I can kill!" She exclaimed out loud with glee, having found a way to vent her anger at Sweet Mask.

She didn't even think of using the three pokemon that had been sent to her to fight, since she herself wanted something to do right now.

The petite psychic flew towards the city that the monster had appeared in, City A, as fast as she could to vent her frustration, soon finding numerous traces of mass destruction that had been left in it's wake.

With her excitment growing at potentially finding a decent opponent, Tatsumaki descended into the city to locate the monster as quickly as possible, keeping her ears peeled for any sounds of destruction and mayhem.

But she heard nothing.

Slowly, Tatsumaki grew confused since there was no sign of the monster anywhere, aside from it's path of destruction. But she found out why soon enough when she finally found it. Or at least, she thought she found it.

The scene Tatsumaki stumbled upon was that of an area soaked in blood and gore, and with only two people present. One of them was an unconscious girl that looked to be in her early teens at the most, while the other was a guy that made Tatsumaki's lip curl. Of course, it was 'him'.

"WHAT, are YOU doing here?" She demanded haughtily while crossing her arms over her chest.

"Oh! Miss Tatsumaki!" Answered the man with noticeable relief in both his voice and expression.

"I'm well aware of who I am, thank you! I asked what YOU are doing here." She repeated with less patience. Of course, the man was he who was considered the strongest man on earth, King.

When the other heroes and association members arrived, they would undoubtedly give the credit for killing this monster to King due to it looking like that was exactly what happened. But Tatsumaki knew better.

She knew King was a fraud after obtaining the ability to read minds from the Chatroom, not that he himself lied about his so-called achievments.

King was technically a victim of wrong place, wrong time, and people creating narratives for him without giving him the chance to explain himself. And somehow, King would NEVER see what actually happened to be able to provide any useful information.

It was, predictably, the same this time as well as Tatsumaki read his mind.

King had miraculously escaped the destruction caused by the monster, and had been right by it when it exploded, but he had not seen who or what did it. When he opened his eyes the culprit had already gone, leaving King alone in the aftermath with the unconscious girl.

"When I find the bastard who killed this monster, I'm gonna wring his neck!" Tatsumaki growled angrily from having her prey snatched from her, and leaving King confused at why she was so angry.



A powerful blast of wind blew through the debris of the ruined city, courtesy of a young man dressed in a yellow jumpsuit with red gloves and boots, and a white cape. But most eye-catching about him was the fact that he was so bald the sun shimmered off of his head.

"Is someone talking about me?" He asked no one in particular with a monotone voice, and empty eyes.


"Ahhhhhh..." Alex sighed in contentment as he enjoyed the tight sensation squeezing his nether regions, courtesy of the young Kitsune bouncing up and down in his lap.

"Are you enjoying this, your majesty?" Purred a particularly more mature kitsune as she ran her smooth fongers over his upper body, smooshing her massive breasts into his back as she did so.

"Immensely." Alex sighed back as he felt like he was drowning in softness.

Currently Alex enjoying a particular type of service, namely a Feast of Foxes as Kunou put it when they started.

Not only did he have the mother-daughter duo servicing him, but Haruhime was also present along with the dozen or so Vulpera that had been 'gifted' to him when the Horde joined Asora.

As Alex requested of them, all races of Azeroth had gifted him their most beautiful women as an 'offering', which he had only requested to keep them from fighting amongst themselves to earn his approval. With the women from the more animalistic tribes, like the Tauren, Pandarian, Vulpera and so on though, Alex had used Alteration magic to make them similar to Therianthropes.

They were still a part of their respective races, they were just able to take on a more human form with characteristics of their race whenever they wished. So instead of a bunch of foxes that could stand upright like people, they looked like humans with fox features at the moment.

And so Alex was engulfed in a world of fluffy and soft tails as all of the fox women catered to him with their bodies, patiently waiting their turn to service him directly once Kunou was done.

"Hm?" Alex hummed while looking up curiously due to something catching his attention.

"Whats wrong dear?" Yasaka asked as she continued massaging his muscles lovingly.

"We have company." Alex said, having sensed a group of people entering the space-time orb.

Without another word, Alex waved his hand and brought the very group he was referring to to them. They were four women that were fairly beautiful, one human, two cat-girls, and an elf, all dressed for combat even as they looked around curiously, before focusing their attention on Alex. Of the group though, there was only one person that Alex recognized.

"Ryuu! This is certainly a surprise!" Alex exclaimed as he opened his arms welcomingly, despite the Kitsune still bouncing up and down his lap, and the numerous naked bodies around him.

"You-!" Ryuu sputtered, not quite knowing what to say.

Yes, she had known and even seen Alex in his endless debauchery through the Chatroom more times than she cared to count. The same could be said of her companions due to the numerous rumors circulating Orario about him, and from what Ryuu had told them. But knowing and seeing it firsthand were two VERY different things.

Steeling herself, destpite her embarrassment, Ryuu pointed the shortswords she had at Alex and demanded,

"Where is Syr?"

Alex cocked his head to the side at Ryuu's demand, and asked with evident confusion, "You couldn't find her? Thats strange..."

Trailing off, and seemingly forgetting Ryuu with her hostility towards him, Alex began wondering what was wrong with the compass he had sent her to find her friend.

"Don't play dumb! You tricked me with that stupid trinket! All it did was show me you and Lady Freya together!" Ryuu snarled with an expression of anger on her face, surprising even her own companions due to her never usually showing ANY emotions.

But this time was understandable since Syr was the one who literally saved Ryuu's life, finding her when she had collapsed in an alley from numerous injuries, and bringing her to the Hostess of Fertility to be treated by Mama Mia. Syr was the first person Ryuu had befriended after her friends had all been killed in the past.

In the face of Ryuu's anger though, Alex just ignored her for the moment as he pulled out his own magic compass to check something.

"Syr." Alex commanded it loud enough for even Ryuu and the others to hear him, confusing them this time. Once the compass showed him his target though, Alex grew even more confused since it was just Freya like Ryuu had said.

With another wave of his hand, Alex summoned the goddess there to join them and answer some questions.

"My Odr!" Freya exclaimed in surprise from being transferred suddenly, before focusing her attention on Alex instantly.

"Hey Freya, I think everyone has some questions for you." He told her bluntly, before indicating the four women who's wind was effectively taken from their sails.

"Oh..." Freya uttered, realizing what it was Alex was referring to.

Originally Freya would just scoff and ignore the mortal women, especially since she didn't 'need' them anymore. But it was her Odr requesting her to answer their obvious questions, so she did just that.

"Syr doesn't actually exist." She immediately stated, surprising even Alex at the sudden bombshell.

"...What...?" Ryuu uttered in disbelief.

"You heard what I said. Though there is a woman who used to go by the name of Syr, she is not the woman you are looking for." As she said that Freya's appearance changed until she looked like the very girl the others were looking for, complete with the maid uniform and everything, before she continued,

"Years ago she and I came to an agreement, and she became Horn while I would take on her appearance and former name, Syr. The reason was that I just wanted to experience what life was like as a mortal for a bit, so I created the Hostess of Fertility and did just that. But I don't need the Hostess of Fertility or Syr anymore, so thats that."

Saying so, Freya returned to her original form without another word, before putting all of her attention onto Alex.

"So thats it...?" Ryuu asked the goddess in disbelief.

"Huh? You're still here?" Freya shot with a brief glance back, before ignoring the group yet again.

"Be nicer." Alex said while 'lightly' flicking the goddess on the forehead, making her pout at the abuse as she covered it with her hand.

Unfazed by her cutesy act, Alex then returned her to where she was without another thought to give her a taste of her own medicine. he then turned back to the girls and said, "So as you saw, I didn't do anything to 'Syr'. Sorry the compass didn't work out for you though."

Ryuu didn't answer as she just stared blankly ahead, seemingly at a loss of what to do.

"Ryuu?" The black-haired cat-girl uttered as she tried to comfort her friend.

"If you need, feel free to relax here while you come to terms with things. A day out there is an entire month in here, so you can get plenty of rest without having to worry." Alex told the group of women, though that just earned him numerous weird looks as the human girl said,

"Thanks, but I think we'll have to pass."

"Why's that?" Alex asked in confusion, as if he had completely forgotten that Kunou was still riding him in front of them all.

"We need to help Mama Mia run the restaurant." The other cat-girl answered for them.

"If that's all..." Alex began, before snapping his fingers to summon another maid.

"My lord." Grayfia said in greeting as she bowed her head towards Alex.

"Hey Grayfia. Can you have someone go to the Hostess of Fertility in Orario to talk with Mama Mia about closing shop for a few days? We can reimburse her for the lost profits as well if she wants." Alex requested his head maid.

"Of course. I'll send Venri right away." Grayfia answered with another bow of her head, before she vanished through a magic circle.

"Well that's that." Alex said while turning his attention back to the group of women, who were all utterly unsure of how they were supposed to react.

Alex however gave his full atttention to the Feast of Foxes he had been partaking in before, and Kunou responded in kind as she began bouncing on his hips with a greater intensity than before.


When morning came to Asora, Alex emerged from the space-time orb feeling nice and refreshed after spending time with his wives and children. He had even taken some time to visit Sylvanas and their daughters, after taking the proper precautions for his ears of course.

And despite already eating breakfast, twice, Alex began his usual morning stroll through the streets of Asora to visit with the people. This time he went to a mountainous region that had been claimed by the Bretons from Tamriel, which they had dubbed Royal Rock in honor of their original nation, High Rock.

Thanks to the rapid building capabilities of the Devils, there was already a capital city large enough to house the majority of the Bretons that called the region home, while thousands of them had ventured out into the surrounding wilds to create more settlements for farmland and resources, like wood, stone, and various metals.

And while he walked Alex was gifted numerous items that the local bakers had freshly made, which he tried and gave his honest opinions about. Alex had to admit, the items made by the artisans that dedicated their life to their craft tasted quite a bit better than those just working a job or profession.

Of course, while he was gifted the items, Alex made sure there was a decent amount of money in their coffers before he left.

Alex then paid a visit to two more regions to check on the people living there.

His next stop was the Blood Elf capitol of Selssera, which was quickly becoming a hub for studying the art of magic outside of the Academy and Apocrypha. Alex even recalled Sona mentioning how the Blood Elves worked out a deal with her regarding a partnership with the Academy, in that those who were interested in the pursuit of the arcane arts outside of what the Academy taught would be welcomed there as well.

Just like at Royal Rock, Alex wandered the streets for a little bit, enjoying the morning air and greeting the elves he passed as he did so.

Though typically a proud people, every single Blood Elf Alex passed quickly paid great respect to him due to him(technically) being a sun god. On the other hand, the Night Elves had become fairly devout followers of both Yue(Arifureta) and Artemis, both because of their relationship with the moon, while the former was also gifted in magic and the latter was also the goddess of the wilds and hunt.

After leaving Selssera, Alex then paid a visit to the Draenei capitol of Lennos.

While the Draenei were a race that placed value on light and magic, making them some of the strongest paladins and priests in Asora, they all still greeted Alex with respect and reverence due to his(reluctant) role as chief diety of Asora.

It was only when he finished his rounds that Alex returned to the world of One Piece, or more specifically where he had left Whitebeard and his men after duking it out with the old man the night before.

What had been awaiting Alex though was an entire fleet of ships as every single member of Whitebeard's crew, as well as his allies, had gathered there. And the second Alex arrived they all turned to face him.

"There you are br- er..." Whitebeard began, almost calling Alex a 'brat' like he usually would, but catching himself before he could do so.

"Just Alex is fine. And good morning to you too." Alex called up in greeting, noticing his flag flying above Whitebeard's as he did so.

"Decided to accept my 'offer', huh?"

"Well you didn't leave me much of a choice." Whitebeard replied snarkily, though Alex just smiled at his acceptance.

"Excellent! I'll have some of my people come by and settle the details regarding the pay and responsibilities of you and your men. For now though, lets just drink to the future and all that it may bring!"

Though it was still early in the morning, Alex conjured a couple hundred barrels of alcohol to do just that, allowing the entirety of the crew and their allies to join in.

"So what now?" Whitebeard asked as he drained his barrel, and wiped the drink that was running down his chin away.

"Now I have other places to be, but I want you and your men to start heading for the Red Line. I intend to make good on my promise to destroy the World Government, and this is a good chance to see what my new Navy is capable of. My people can still find you as you're sailing, so they can catch up later."

Though Alex calling them HIS Navy earned him a few looks, Whitebeard nodded as he said, "Very well. PREPARE TO SET SAIL!"

There was a flurry of activity at his command, as hundreds of men began prepping dozens of ships to set sail. And after sharing one last drink with the old man, Alex began turning himself into a Wereshark before leaping off the side of the ship, and heading in a certain direction.

Though he was curious about all of the ruins that Anne was telling him about on Wano, there was another stop Alex needed to make first, both for Bonney, and because of Lala being there at the moment as well. Egghead.

(A.N. Sorry for the shitty release rates recently, but after I got a new tablet I can't save any content to Webnovel through my other devices anymore. So while I would usually try to write a little on my way to work, during my lunches and such, I can't anymore. This has obviously cut the amount of time I can write down a lot, and I have also been fairly busy recently anyways. So when I do have time to write, I've kinda just been crashing hard.)

Harry_Dresden Harry_Dresden

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