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77.18% God succession system / Chapter 449: Beerus the Destroyer

Kapitel 449: Beerus the Destroyer

"Nnnnn" Videl groaned as her consciousness slowly stirred.

"Finally awake?" A foreign voice asked her, making Videl jerk awake suddenly as she took in her new surroundings.

Instead of her father's dojo, which was the last place she recalled being in, Videl now found herself laying on a comfy sofa in a cozy room, with a massive fireplace roaring in front of her. Meanwhile sitting on the couch was a woman who just had Videl's head in her lap, and had apparently been watching over her while she slept.

She had charcoal black hair, eyes that seemed to glow like living coals, and despite appearing only a few years older than Videl, possessed stupidly large breasts that didn't fit her smaller figure.

"Who are you and where am I?" Videl immediately demanded as she tried to back away from the mystery woman.

The woman however didn't appear at all concerned about Videl's suspicions, as she simply bowed her head slightly in greeting and introduced herself,

"I am Hestia, goddess of Hearth, Home, and Architecture. You are currently at the Misty Manor, and it's a pleasure to meet you after watching over you for the past day Videl." Rather than appeared get relieved at Hestia's introduction, Videl was put even more on edge as she asked,

"And where is this Misty Manor?" Videl's heart then sank as Hestia answered,

"It's in Asora of course."

Asora, the home of the man who murdered her father. Alexander Morningstar.

Videl's clenched fists trembled in anger as she spat out at Hestia,

"Why am I here?" For a moment Hestia didn't say anything as the two instead stared at each other, Videl through glaring eyes while the goddess appeared to be studying her. Eventually she asked in return,

"Why do you think you're here?" Videl narrowed her eyes at the question before retorting,

"Why would I know? Maybe that jerk just wants to rub it in that he killed my dad!" Hestia sighed when she heard that, as it was obvious Videl was just trying to come up with excuses to make Alex out to be a villain, not that it wasn't to be unexpected of an eleven year old.

That was why the one asked to watch over Videl had been Hestia, as she was definitely the goddess with the most patience along with her divinities related to Home.

So, rather than losing her patience with Videl's attitude, Hestia simply poured the two of them some tea, which Videl completely ignored, before saying,

"Or maybe he wanted to help you." She then took a sip of her tea, while Videl threw hers on the ground so hard the cup shattered.

"If he wants to help me, then he should give me back my dad!"

Naturally that was what Videl asked for, but it was the one thing she couldn't have. Instead, she had been forced to watch as that mysterious group of people who had been there during the fight with Cell somehow brought back everyone else who had been killed by him. Everyone but her dad.

Instead of immediately going into an in depth explanation, Hestia pointed at the cup Videl just broke and said,

"Put it back together." That stumped the angry little girl as she looked at the goddess and uttered, "Huh?"

Hestia however took another sip of her tea before elaborating,

"Put that cup back together, exactly the way it was with no imperfections." Videl only grew more confused as she wondered what the cup had to do with her dad, until she stated,

"I can't do that, it's impossible..." Instead of trying to say otherwise, Hestia nodded and explained,

"Exactly. Even if Alex is able to bring back someone who had died, the requirement is that their soul is intact, or at least in a manageable state. Because of the attack he took though, your father's soul was completely shattered, even worse than that cup.

"Unlike the fragments of that cup though, the fragments of a soul would fade away almost immediately before anyone could even try to collect them and rebuild it. To rebuild it would take a being of ultimate power, a being thousands of times more powerful than even Alex is."

When Hestia trailed off she noticed tears forming at the corners of Videl's eyes, which was understandable after what she just told her. Though cruel, Hestia knew it was necessary for Videl to understand the truth since it would help her accept it and move on...hopefully.

However that didn't mean that she was just going to let Videl suffer by herself.

As tears began streaming down Videl's face, and choking sobs escaped her throat, Hestia grabbed the girl and pulled her face into her bosom. There, Videl tightly clung onto Hestia's clothes as she bawled her eyes out, while the goddess gently stroked the back of her head to comfort her.


While Videl was being comforted by Hestia and adjusting to the sudden changes around her, Alex was hurtling through space at greater speeds than he ever had before.

"THIS IS AMAZING!" He cried out with child-like joy while increasing his speed even further, something that made even Elaine next to him smile in amusement.

She was accompanying Alex to see the undisputed strongest being in this universe, the God of Destruction, Beerus.

While Shin was the Supreme Kai of this universe, the sixth of the twelve universes that existed, his own strength paled significantly compared to that of Beerus, who possessed enough power to destroy the entire universe itself if he felt like it. And even if he was too lazy to regularly train, his strength was still growing constantly.

That was why Elaine of all people went with him. Though she couldn't intervene if Alex's life was at risk, she could still provide him with extra muscle if needed.

And despite being able to open a gate directly to Beerus' planet, the duo were flying through space at hyper speeds so that Alex could enjoy the chance to truly let loose for once. Though, for someone like Elaine it was still a leisurely pace.

Entire solar systems and galaxies flashed by as blurs in the distance as the duo sped forwards, with them having to dodge planets, comets, asteroids, and any stars that happened to be in their paths. They didn't try to avoid all of them however, as Elaine called out to him,

"I'm sensing a large amount of the Frieza army remnants on the planet coming up, are you going to leave them alone?" Alex glanced up to see an insignificant speck on the horizon, and answered,

"Can you remove any of the innocents on the planet so they don't get caught up in it?"

"Of course." Elaine answered as she casually waved her hand, teleporting all of the people on the planet who weren't a willing part of the Frieza army to another planet where they could be free of oppression.

No longer needing to worry about getting innocents caught up, Alex flashed an evil smile as he sped up and aimed directly for the planet.


Shockwaves echoed throughout the solar system they were currently in as the planet was smashed into pieces, instantly killing every single person on it.

"Look at those fireworks!" Alex declared with a smirk as the fragments of the planet began hurtling through space themselves, at a much slower speed than Alex and Elaine of course.

As a group that made a business out of wiping out entire races and selling their planet to the highest bidder, Alex had no problems wiping them out if they were unfortunate enough to cross his path in return. Frieza may not be around to personally lead them anymore, but that didn't mean Alex would tolerate their continued actions.

"I'm pretty sure you gained a LOT of levels from that." Elaine said to him suddenly, to which Alex simply shrugged as he replied,

"Probably, but it's not like I can know unless I make the next purchase." Though Elaine began to nod in agreement, she was soon distracted as Alex veered off course towards the solar system's sun.

There, Alex began to zip across the surface of molten and boiling flame as if the heat meant nothing to him, dodging arcs of solar flare ups and pillars of flame as he went with a joyful expression on his face. He then zipped around the star with such speed that massive waves formed and rippled out to spread over it's entire surface, before slingshotting himself even further into deep space.

The entire time Elaine was rolling her eyes at him due to his childish behavior, but at the same time she also had a wry smile at the edge of her lips as she watched him. If someone questioned her about it or pointed it out to her though, the 'Angel' would adamantly refuse such a thing ever occurred.


After nearly an entire day of flying through space, an incomprehensible pace for anyone outside the gods, Alex and Elaine finally arrived at the small world of Beerus the Destroyer.

The 'planet' was unlike any other that Alex and Elaine passed on the way there, as it was shaped like an upside-down pyramid with a massive, twisted, dead-looking tree at the center. Surrounding the tree was several miles of forests, lakes, and clear plains while numerous moons orbited the planet.

Unsurprisingly, a certain figure walked out to greet them as Alex and Elaine touched down in a cleared area, but what did surprise Alex was when the figure said,

"Welcome. I've been wondering when you would arrive here, oh 'great' Dragon Emperor." Though his tone at first was light and jovial, Alex noticed a slight gleam in the speaker's eyes at the last part. Instead of appearing surprised that the figure had been spying on him though, Alex said in return,

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Whis." The figure, Whis, didn't even try to hide his surprise that Alex already knew who he was, but then his expression transitioned into one of amusement as he said,

"I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that I'm known by someone who already knew such 'interesting' things. Then again, I guess that is to be expected by someone who's not even from this universe." This time Alex did look surprised, which made Whis laugh with an exaggerated face, while his hand covered his mouth in a show of elegance. He then added,

"Ohohohohohoho! Please don't act so surprised, it's only a natural conclusion once I confirmed that you never existed in this universe prior to a week and a half ago. However, you also don't appear to be a Saiyan from Universe Seven." As he trailed off Whis conjured up an image of those very same Saiyans who, while they were almost identical in numerous aspects, showed some distinct differences with the Saiyans of Universe Six.

This time Alex had a wry smile as he said,

"You're right. I'm not from either Universe Six or Seven, but that's irrelevant for the moment. I came to chat with Beerus." Though he already knew why Alex had traveled all the way here, Whis still frowned as his intentions were voiced out loud.

"I'm sorry to say that Lord Beerus is currently asleep, and is not scheduled to wake up for several years yet." He said while shaking his head, as if it couldn't be helped. Alex however shrugged, and replied,

"Then I'll just wake him up since what I need to talk about is fairly important." Whis however smiled once again at that.

"Ohohohoho! I wouldn't recommend that, Lord Beerus can be VERY cranky if his naps are disturbed." This time Alex surprised Whis as he snapped his fingers, and produced a fifty foot long table laden with various types of food that were popular on Earth.

As Whis examined the food in awe, Alex smugly said,

"Then it's a good thing I prepared a peace offering! And by the way, there's a spell on the food to preserve its freshness and keep it from cooling, so take your time enjoying it." Without any hesitation, Whis readily took a seat at the table and began debating what to try first as his nose was assaulted by the symphony of aromas.

"Thank you very much!" He declared before finally making his choice, and eagerly placed an entire pizza onto his plate before trying to figure out how he was supposed to eat it.

Alex meanwhile turned his attention towards the massive tree that was in the center of the world. Within, the God of Destruction slumbered, unaware of the very rude wake up call he was about to receive.

Meanwhile on the outside, though he appeared to be focusing on his pizza, Whis paid attention to every single move Alex and Elaine were making even as the former vanished to go wake up Beerus. Whis then focused his attention onto Elaine, his curiosity regarding her climbing with each passing second.

Though there were many unique and interesting things about Alex and his companions that Whis had observed so far, Elaine was the only one he was completely unable to read. Instead, any time his intent focused on her too much, he was suddenly feel a chill as if a predator was breathing down his neck.

As someone who never even flinched in the face of the Omni King, the being who stood at the pinnacle of all twelve universes and beyond, this made him even more curious about her and what she was.

Before he could probe too much though, both Whis and Elaine suddenly looked over at the tree that housed Beerus as part of it exploded, with a single figure rocketing out of the resulting dust cloud.

Immediately following it was a second figure, dressed only in a long nightgown with a matching cap that was covered in soot. The person himself though had dark purple skin with catlike features, incredibly long pointed ears that stuck straight up, squinty eyes, and appeared completely devoid of any hair on their body.

"INSIGNIFICANT MORTAL! I WILL SKIN YOU FOR DISTURBING MY SLEEP!" The figure, Beerus the Destroyer, shouted in rage as he pursued the other figure, Alex.

Beerus then flashed forward with such speed and power that Alex barely had enough time to cross his arms to defend himself, before he was sent flying back into one of the surrounding moons, and beyond.


The moon then exploded as Alex went flying through it back into the deep recesses of space, before he too faded and reappeared right next to Beerus.

"Miss me?" He taunted, before sending his own powerful punch directly into Beerus' side with enough force that fissures spread out on the ground around them. Contrary to expectations though, Beerus didn't even budge from the powerful punch, instead catching it in his hand.

Though he appeared unfazed by Alex's punch, Beerus' hand was still shaking slightly from the strength behind Alex's punch. The edge of his lips curled upwards ever so slightly in amusement at that as he commented,

"Cheeky mortal, it appears you have a little bit of skill." Despite still being incensed about his nap being disturbed, Beerus began to regard Alex a little bit seriously since he hadn't been completely destroyed by one of his punches.

He then put a small amount of force into his hand to send Alex sliding back across the ground, before snapping his fingers seriously. Hearing this, Whis immediately paused his eating to pick up his staff, and tap it lightly on the ground. Beerus was then enshrouded in a sphere of light, which faded a second later to reveal him fully dressed to do business as the God of Destruction.

Instead of the nightgown and cap he had been wearing earlier, Beerus was now attired in a pair of baggy blue pants with a darker blue sash wrapped around his waist, with another band of decorated cloth hanging downwards between his legs. Adorning his wrists, biceps, ankles, neck, and one of his ears were bands of gold while brown cloth shoes covered his feet. Draped over his shoulders was a black Usekh collar with white edges, blue stripes, and an orange diamond in the middle.

Now formally attired, Beerus tucked one of his hands behind his back while raising the other to point at Alex with his claw-tipped finger, and said,

"Prepare yourself mortal, for I will NOT be holding back!" Rather than seeming concerned about that, Alex smiled widely as he returned,

"That's exactly what I want, but it's not 'mortal' Beerus. My name is Alexander Morningstar, remember it!" This time Beerus' entire mouth curled upwards in a cruel and malicious smile as he replied,

"We shall see if you are worthy of the honor!"

Harry_Dresden Harry_Dresden

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