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75.47% God succession system / Chapter 439: Warrior Titans VS Oozaru

Kapitel 439: Warrior Titans VS Oozaru

As Alex glared out over the seemingly endless sea of Titan enemies with his glowing red eyes, he once again let out a mighty roar while beating his chest in challenge. As could be expected, a giant swarm of Titans immediately began to descend upon him as they rushed through the sea water.

As the first one reached him though, all Alex had to do was 'lightly' swing his hand and several of them exploded into clouds of steaming gore that flew out into the oncoming hordes as it evaporated.

Watching the display, all of those who hadn't seen Alex's Oozaru form before gaped at him in awe,

"I thought he was supposed to be the 'Dragon' Emperor, why does he look like a giant monkey?" Gippal asked curiously, to which Shia quickly explained,

"Alex IS the Dragon Emperor, but his base race is that of the Saiyans. They're a very powerful race of warriors that make something like Sin or Vegnagun look like little bitches with just a little bit of training." Of course Shia's answer made everyone gape at her in shock, while Nooj quickly asked,

"They can really be more powerful than Vegnagun?" Shia nodded before pausing slightly as something occurred to her, and she quickly amended,

"Well that not too surprising, after all Alex didn't even need to get involved when Kuroka, Grayfia, and Erza destroyed Vegnagun before." While those who didn't know about Vegnagun didn't quite understand how serious what Shia just said was, those who did paled while the group from Bevelle reacted the most dramatically as Baralai demanded,

"You guys attack Vegnagun?!" Shia look at him funny at that and replied,

"Yeah, if we didn't then Vegnagun would start activating thanks to all the hostilities you guys were showing each other while also preparing for war. A lot of people would've died if we hadn't stopped Vegnagun before you guys had a chance to activate it yourselves."

Shia as well as Erza then had to explain just how close Baralai and Nooj came to activating the dangerous Machina, as well as Shuyin's existence, while the battle raged on behind them.


"I didn't know Alex could do that!" Rikku exclaimed even as she blasted a group of Titans with telekinetic power, to which Lucy replied,

"Yeah, Alex has a lot of abilities that he doesn't really get the chance to use that often. It's not surprising that he'd take this chance to use that form to fight the Titans!" As she finished speaking Lucy's whip cracked as it struck the neck of one of the Titans, leaving only a small cut where it hit. A moment later though the neck of the Titan began to swell and enlarge, before its entire head exploded in a gory shower of grey matter.

Thankful for the barrier she set up to prevent the spray from hitting her, Lucy immediately focused on the next target she'd attack from the back of the Humbaba. She, Yuna, Rikku, and Paine were all fighting with their backs to one another to fight on all sides, while a swarm of fiends fought around them to help curb the endless waves of Titans.

As if mimicking Lucy and the other three, the fiends were also working together in a show of teamwork that no Spiran had ever seen in them before, as the smaller fiends worked to knock down the Titans in order to get at the weak spot, or created an opening for the larger fiends to attack. Meanwhile several fiends that she tamed from the Basilisk family left dozens of Titan statues in their wake, while the Adamantoise was creating small earthquakes with every step it took from its weight as it bulldozed any Titan in its path.

The Malboro on the other hand was remaining mostly passive, as it repeatedly used its Bad Breath attacks to inflict any number of status effects onto the Titans. The Gugs were taking the Titans on in hand to hand, Chimeras were alternating between charging attacks with their bull heads or magical attacks to destroy entire sections of their bodies, and the Geminis, living suits of armor inhabited by Pyreflies, were using their six sided swords to reduce any Titan unfortunate to cross their path to mush.

Most terrifying though were the Tonberrys, of which Lucy now had a group of six that were slowly marching through the battlefield, sticking any Titans that crossed their path with their butchers knife. Despite the fact that the Tonberrys couldn't reach the Titans weak point on the back of the neck, each one they stabbed died instantly as the death attribute accompanying their attacks was inflicted upon them.


From his vantage point atop the Colossal Titan's shoulder, the man who was controlling the Titans could only grow increasingly infuriated at the way the battle was going.

"How is that happening!?" He demanded angrily to no one in particular, as an army equipped with Omni Directional Movement(ODM) gear cut through his Titans to his right, an army of monsters tore through them in front, and what was apparently a Saiyan singlehandedly smashed through any Titans that got too close to it.

Until this point no one he had attacked knew of the Titans weak point, so they were lucky to take down a mere handful whenever he attacked them. Even world's with large scale magic attacks or modern military advancements, as such magic attacks usually took time to charge up, and in the more modern world's all he had to do was launch one of his Titan serum missiles into a city and he'd more than replenish any lost Titans.

This time however there were people who knew of the weak point, and were eliminating his Titans left and right while getting barely, if any, casualties of their own. Of course what he didn't know was that Rias, Yue, and Grayfia were watching the battle from above, and if anyone was maimed or eaten by the Titans they'd just heal them with Restoration magic before they rejoined the battle. On top of all that, he could also sense rough his link with all the Titans that, despite its massive size, there were barely any people in the city they were marching towards to use to replenish his losses.

"Dammit! If nothing else I should be able to eliminate those ridiculous ODM gear users!" He shouted angrily while opening the duffle bag hanging from his shoulder, only for his anger to swiftly turn to confusion.

"Wha- WHERE ARE THEY!?" He demanded with noticeable anxiety in his voice, as every one of his Titan missiles along with their launcher were gone, replaced instead with some rocks to mimic their weight while a piece of paper sat on top with the image of a hand with it middle finger up.

Intending to replenish his ammo with the stores in his lab, the man was shocked when he looked back to see that the Cart Titan that carried both his lab and his home was nowhere to be found, having seemingly disappeared into thin air.

"How...?" He uttered slowly, as feelings the like of which he'd never felt before filled him, before anger gradually began to well up within him.

"KILL THEM ALL!" He angrily roared while jumping down from the Colossal Titan's shoulder to another one down below, before using his ability as the Founding Titan to make them all follow his will.


As Alex smashed yet another group of Titans to pulp, he began considering using his breath attack to thin their numbers when a sudden change caught his attention. The ground began to shake and shudder even more as something massive and heavy headed his way, drawing Alex's attention to something that made his ape lips curl back to show his teeth in amusement.

All six of the remaining Titan warriors were heading his way, the Colossal Titan, the Jaw Titan, the War Hammer Titan, the Female Titan, the Beast Titan, and then the Armored Titan that was leading them as it charged straight at him through any Titans between them.

'Come on then!' Alex excitedly thought to himself as he got ready for their arrival, which was namely the Armored Titan charging ahead through the water as if it wasn't even there.

Then, with all the force it could muster, the Armored Titan collided with Alex's massive ape body with its shoulder lowered, like a football player trying to tackle someone on the other team. However, with how dense Alex's body was and the Armored Titan barely coming up to his shoulders, he didn't even flinch as the mass of muscle and armor slammed into him.

Instead, Alex quickly spun the Armored Titan around and wrapped his monkeys arms around its waist, before he began lifting him into the air. The spectators watched with bated breath as Alex lifted the Titan until it was straight up above him, before simply falling back with it as he performed a suplex on the massive Titan.

All of Zanarkand shook as a massive wall of water rose up from the maneuver, which stunned the spectators more than a little bit since they never expected to see such a move performed on such a large scale.

"HOO HOO HOO!" Alex hooted and hollered like a wrestler putting on a show for his adoring fans. However he wasn't finished yet, as Alex grabbed hold of the Armored Titan's thigh and shoulder and lifted it above his head once more, except this time he brought it down while bringing his knee up into its back.

An ungodly crunch echoed throughout Zanarkand as Alex's brutal attack not only shattered the Titan's armored exterior, but also its spine. The Armored Titan opened its jaws and let loose a deep and guttural roar as if in pain from the damage that had been inflicted upon it, before Alex simply tossed it aside as if he were throwing away a broken toy.

'First one's ready.' He messaged Kuroka, who immediately transferred the Titan to one of their underground testing facilities to be held while they ran some tests on it. With their facilities being built with those who had the power to rival gods in mind, Alex had no doubt that they'd be able to restrain and hold the Titans.

As the transfer took place though, someone else noticed what happened as he watched the battle through the eyes of the other Warrior Titans.

'They're stealing my Titans!' The mad man realized, before a profound fury began to fill him. The Titans were HIS property!

Not only did he possess the Founding Titan, but he had also spent every one of his shop purchases on the different Titan serums to acquire the seven Warrior Titans to serve him. They quite literally wouldn't exist outside of their original world if not for him, making them completely his property.

The fact that someone DARED to try and steal his things from him infuriated him to no end, as the mad man clenched his fists hard enough that blood began dripping from his nails cutting into the flesh of his palm. If it weren't for him having perfect control over his transformations, he would have turned into a Titan right there and then.

"ALL OF YOU, KILL HIM!" He roared out, sending hundreds of thousands of Titans to descend upon Alex along with the remaining five Warrior Titans. He would have sent them away to keep him from stealing them as well, but the mad man knew that they'd have no chance of winning against Alex without them.

Alex however disregarded them as he focused his attention on the three Titans that were surrounding him, while the Beast titan stayed back to attack from afar as the Jaw Titan swam around its feet. Surrounding him though were the Colossal Titan, the War Hammer Titan, and the Female Titan, all Titans specializing in close quarters combat.

As they squared up the War Hammer Titan held out its hand as the hardened flesh covering its body, similarly to the Armored Titan, began to move as it formed a massive hammer. The Female Titan meanwhile clenched her hands into fists, upon which numerous hardened spikes formed on her knuckles in an ability similar to the War Hammer Titan, just not as drastic. All the while the Colossal Titan, which Alex only came up to the waist of, made a fist itself and reached back to set itself up to punch him, but due to its massive size the Titan's movements were really sluggish.

Ignoring the Colossal Titan for the moment, Alex grabbed the Female Titan's arm as she tried to lunge at him with her spiked knuckles, and tossed her directly at the War Hammer Titan as it tried to attack. With the two disabled at the moment, as the War Hammer Titan accidentally smacked the Female with its hammer, Alex raised his giant monkey hand as the Colossal Titan tried to smash him into the ground with its open palm.


Instead of the massive explosion of power everyone watching was expecting, there was absolutely no sign of any impact whatsoever despite the impact between the two being plain for all to see.

'Man, I do love this Energy Absorption ability!' Alex thought to himself as he channeled the same energy he just absorbed from the Colossal Titan's attack back into its hand, completely blowing apart its entire arm in the process.

Chunks of burning hot blood, muscle, and massive shards of bone rained down upon Alex and the other two Titans as the Colossal Titan reeled back from the damage it had just taken.

'And another one bites the dust.' Alex mentally communicated with Kuroka, after which the entirety of the Colossal Titan vanished within a massive cloud of mist before it could hit the ground. Seeing this happen once again right in front of them, the other Titans became angered as they renewed their assault on Alex.

Immediately a hailstorm of massive boulders began to rain down on Alex along with any remaining gore and bone, before being immediately followed by the flying Jaw Titan after the Beast Titan threw it too. Rolling his eyes at the spectacle, Alex's own jaws opened to produce a raging inferno that turned all the falling boulders into molten slag that harmlessly rolled off his thick fur.

Unfortunately for the Jaw Titan, it too was headed straight for the raging inferno and had no way to halt its course in midair as the flames soon enveloped it. Titan bodies may run at an extremely high heat, to the point where they could burn anyone around them with just the steam they put off, but not even they could withstand being burned alive with fire.

Despite Alex trying to cancel out the flames so as to not completely destroy the Jaw Titan, when they did die out the Titan was little more than a large lump of charred flesh. It didn't even hit the ground before being enveloped in mist to join the other three Titans in captivity.

With yet another of their brethren going down, the remaining three Warrior Titans all roared at Alex with fury as they charged him without waiting for the standard Titans to catch up.

The first to attack Alex was the swift and nimble Female type, who tried a different approach as she ducked under his arm and tried to attack him from behind. Unfortunately for her though, Alex had a tail back there that was just as dexterous as his hands.

If only he could talk in his Oozaru form, then Alex would be able to tell her a joke about having two tails...

Since he was unable to though, Alex just settled on grabbing her wrist as she tried to punch him, and slamming her into the water over and over again until her body became battered and ruined.

This freed up Alex's front side to meet the War Hammer Titan head on while the Female type also became enshrouded in mist. To open its attacks, the war Hammer Titan used it hardening ability to make as rises of spikes come up out of the water from directly underneath Alex himself.

'HEY HEY HEY!' Alex inwardly shouted as he gripped the spikes with his monkey toes, just barely preventing one of them from piercing the area between his legs.

'Maybe it was a good thing I couldn't make that 'two tails' joke after all...' He thought to himself as a cold sweat ran down his back under the fur, or maybe that was just seawater... Whatever the case, Alex summoned his dragon wings to gently lift himself into the air away from the spikes.

The War Hammer Titan had other ideas though, as it repeatedly formed spikes in any place that Alex was about to land on, while also sending some shooting into the air to try and shoot him down while the Beast Titan continued trying to snipe him with giant boulders. Ignoring the boulders though as they bounced off his tough body, Alex swooped down suddenly at the War Hammer Titan.

Even as it tried to defend itself by covering its body in hardened spikes, Alex's giant hands had no problems gripping the Titan before rising up into the air once more. Then, flipping the Titan over so it's head was stuck between his legs while its legs were in the air, Alex's wings disappeared as he began to plummet back down to the sea below.

"PILE DRIVER!" Shia screamed enthusiastically as she bounced up and down in excitement, while everyone else behind her had varied expressions on their faces.

" he doing?" Nooj asked as he watched Alex's very.....unique way of fighting the Titans. Moka just shrugged as she replied,

"I think he's just having fun." The rest of the girls around her nodded slowly at Moka's observation, right as Shia shouted out,


As she was shouting at him, Alex was charging at the Beast Titan like a massive runaway locomotive through the churning sea. Behind him the War Hammer Titan disappeared just like all of its earlier comrades, after Alex nearly destroyed its head from the pile driver. The only reason it managed to survive was due to the Titan covering its entire upper body in armor that was several tens of feet thick.

Despite putting up both of its own furry arms to defend itself, Alex's own thick, musclebound arm shattered both as he clothes-lined the Beast Titan and slammed it into the ground beneath the sea. Then, before it could even begin to try and get up, Alex summoned a massive foldable aluminum chair with a magic circle.

Gripping it by the legs, Alex then slammed the folded chair down onto the Beast Titan's body to damage it even further. Unable to get back up, it too was enveloped in mist as it joined its comrades in captivity.

With all of the Warrior Titan defeated, Alex turned his attention towards the only enemy left that was even worth noticing, the greasy little man who obviously possessed the Founding Titan.

"How dare you..." The little man growled with immeasurable fury from watching his Warriors being defeated and captured one by one.

"They are mine..." He mumbled while withdrawing a knife, before he sliced his own hand open and shouted,


Immediately after his declaration there was an explosion of lightning as burning hot steam filled the air, before the ground beneath everyone began to tremble violently. Then, from within the cloud of steam that was large enough to even encompass the Colossal Titan, an ear shattering roar echoed.


Harry_Dresden Harry_Dresden

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