Everyone sensed the movement and turned to an extremely beautiful and repulsive figure.
There is a fear in everyone's eyes, that came from so deep within, that even the otherworldly charm of the figure couldn't make that disappear.
The figure got up from the throne and looked at us; at least this is what, I think it is doing.
"There is no need to be scared," it said in, a pleasantly feminine voice.
The voice is gentle and soothing. Filled with power, that it had calmed everyone down immediately. Made them relaxed, like they were in their own home.
I would have been too. If not for my clones, which immediately made me rational.
The clones aren't affected by the powerful compulsion despite being me.
The only reason, I could think of is the being. The voice was too powerful, it would have affected even Primes, much less of us.
"How may us be at your service my lady?" asked the stone-skin man.
Creation is hard, cheer me up!